Timur Sayfulin Selected works 2012-2014
Timur Sayfulin 34 Brighton 1st Path Brooklyn, NY 11235 (347) 283 9432 email: tsayful00@citymail.cuny.edu OBJECTIVE:
To gain valuable skills and apply my background in architectural studies and past work experience.
City College of the City University of New York. Bachelor of Architecture Candidate, May 2017 Major: BArch. GPA 3.7
Two final studio projects were accepted into the school’s archive. One project was chosen by the dean to feature in the permanent display of School’s work.
Conducted a feasibility and design research for repurposing abandoned LIRR Rockaway Branch into the subway line integrated with open public space.
Yukos Heating and Air Conditioning. New City, NY 06/10 – 09/13: Service Technician Assistant • Installed and serviced air conditioning units, heat pumps and boilers. • Installed ventilation equipment in accordance with provided architectural and mechanical plans.
Advanced photography •
Experience with various camera systems, including all manual operation. Efficient in field and studio workflow, proficient in post-processing.
Design Software: AutoCAD, Illustrator, Rhinoceros, Vray. Applications: Word, Excel and Adobe suit. Languages: Fluent in Russian.
Spring 2014
Fall 2013
Own Study / A. Hayes
AES 23000 / A. Haritos
Park + Subway
Project: Mural
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
AES 11000 / S. Wines
AES 23000 / A. Haritos
Project: Path
Project: Artist Residence
Spring 2013
Spring 2014
AES 12000 / S. Wines
AES 24000 / A. Hayes
Project: Precedent Study
Project: Terminal Noise
Spring 2013
Spring 2014
AES 12000 / S. Wines
AES 24000 / A. Hayes
Project: Weather Station
Project: Human Pkwy
Spring 2014 AES 24000 / A. Hayes Project: Human Pkwy
The city is increasingly becoming a habitat suitable to the machines, not humans. To counteract the degrading existing conditions along 42nd Street corridor, I’ve introduced a system of interconnected paths. Current intervention removes all but public transit from 42nd street to decrease the amounts of sound pollution. Along the avenues encloves protect people from the noise of the avenue, as well provide rare views of up and down the avenues. Elevated path oscillate up and down to connect back to the street. As the network of paths grows, and more destiantions are added, the system potentially can remove all but vital pedestrian traffic from the ground level.
Collage of 42nd Street, signifying existing conditions and aspi-
Plan of intervention in context
View of Intervention above Park Avenue South
View of a tourist posing before magnificent Grand Central Terminal. The view made possible by the intervention. Theoreticaly this space can become a tool for the people to rediscover existing environment, not just as a shortcut to the destination.
Spring 2014 AES 24000 / A. Hayes Project: Terminal Noise
To gain better understanding of the existing conditions outside of the Grand Central Terminal, I’ve decided to measure sound intensity in the vicinity of the terminal. Although knowing existing conditions is half a task, another important aspect is how to apply said data to become something meaningful. To be more precise, I’ve focused on the 42nd Street corridor. It was chosen as a major artery, connecting important destinations, such as Times Square, Bryant Park and Grand Central Terminal. Concluding the study, I’ve come up with various proposals that alleviate noise pollution due to traffic and improve conditions for the pedestrians.
Raw data of measured noise levels along the 42nd
Street.Darker colors represent lower noise levels, with white being the loudest sound recording
Rushing fire truck Vehicle lacking muffler
Heavy accelerating traffic - East and West
Heavy Accelerating traffic - South and North NYCT Express buses Traffic cause by double parking Noise from subway grates NYCT local buses Moderate passenger car traffic Heavy pedestrian traffic Low pedestrian and vehicle traffic No traffic recorded - day time No traffic recorded - night time New All-Electric buses w/o traffic
Using Rhinoceros I’ve 3D visualized noise levels along 42nd Street between Times Square and Lexington Avenue.
Bi-level traffic configuration
Inspired by multilevel streets in Chicago, I’ve placed all heavy traffic (>75dB) on the lower level while keeping light and pedestrian traffic on the upper level. High price and disturbance caused by construction makes this plan extremely difficult to execute.
Current noise levels along 42nd Street
Noise levels along 42nd Street with heavy traffic hidden underground
Rendering of the new 42nd Street
To counter expansive and costly multilevel construction, I’ve decided to remove all but two bus lines from 42nd street, the rest of the space was converted for continious passageway for pedestrians. To avoid congestion at the crossings, the pedestrian walkway raises 15 feet above the avenues.
Current noise levels along 42nd Street
Noise levels along 42nd Street without traffic, except for avenue crossings
Fall 2013 AES 23000 / A. Haritos Project: Artist Residence
The program involved design of the living quarters for the visiting artists, separate studio spaces and performance area to show artists’ work. The combination of the long and narrow site with proximity to the existing buildings lead to the use of low rise structure. Since the long end of the park wasn’t much used, it was decided to use it as living quarters to allow for more privacy for the artists. The studios were placed on the outer side of the park to create a courtyard for the artists. In the site of the building, I’ve placed two story performance area for visitors to enjoy art from above.
Rendering of performance area
Plans of the intervention. From top to bottom; Roof, Mezzanine and Ground level plans. Roof Plan
Scale 1/8” = 1’
Mezzanine Plan
Floor Plan
Scale 1/8” = 1’
Scale 1/8” = 1’
Long and short sections of the intervention
Southern Elevation
Scale 1/8” = 1’
Fall 2013 AES 23000 / A. Haritos Project: Mural
The abstract composite mural
Composite mural
The site of the First Park Greene features a temporary wall comprised of eight foot tall sheets of plywood. To make conditions better, these temporary walls are painted with street art periodically. Our task at first was a short video, using video material we created a mural that would reflect local conditions and be relatively easy to paint. After visiting the site multiple times we realized that the site is very neglected and we focused on our artwork with the goal to attract people to the park.
We wanted to incorporate three elements into Our mural: People, Light and Greenery.
Spring 2013 AES 12000 / S. Wines Project: Weather Station
Following a research aimed at understanding the Novoya Zemlya Effect phenomenon, I concluded that it takes place in the atmosphere of the polar regions and causes visual distortions due to presense of air of different temperatures in the atmosphere. To recreate the effect of visual distortion, I decided to use water of different temperatures enclosed with clear glass.Extensive sun study was conducted to harness all of the available light on the site. Performance area provides seating for visitors to enjoy the refracted views of the city, deeper, in the pool area visitors can enjoy the play of refractions and reflections in close proximity.
Initial sketch of the weather phenomenon taking place in the atmosphere.
Perspective towards the east 135th Street, different glass properties on the two sides affect the final perception of the street.
Plans, Elevations and Sections
Empirical sun study was conducted throughout the day to gain better understanding of sun-s
Model in Perspective
site relationship
Spring 2013 AES 12000 / S. Wines Project: Precedent Study
In this project we closely studied Rietveld - Schröder House, built in 1924 in Utrecht, Netherlands. For the first part of the study, we focused on reproduction of drawings. The challenge was the conversion between Metric and Imperial systems of measurement. For the second part of the study we focused on the model of the house, because of the miniature size of the house we chose to make our model at 1/2” = 1’ scale. On the second floor, the walls were made movable, just like in the actual house. The house was a reaction towards the old way of thinking, it is devoid of ornamentation, which is replaced by color. The many balconies and large windows express the desire for connection to the outside. Moving walls represent functionality and rationality of new architecture.
Elevation and Section
Second level main living space plan
Interior photograph of the model showing main living area and sliding partitions in context of the site
Fall 2012 AES 11000 / S. Wines Project: Path
My formulation for the “path” was the desire for the sucess. I’ve associated three words to work with; desire, success and prudence. Desire is a driving force behind the journey, which lead to the second word, success. Success is the reason behind desire, a motivation in a way. In another way it is a reward for taking a path journey which isn’t an easy task. On this cautious note I introduce my final word; prudence. Because the path is no easy task, it is riddled with various obstacles, not just physical, they can also be emotional. The person who will follow the path will have to exercise caution to achieve success. Composite model of students’ work.
Perspective drawing of the portion of th
he path.
Two photographs of the model combined to show both sides symultaneously.
Spring 2014 Own Study / A. Hayes Park + Subway Repurposing of the abandoned LIRR right of way for subway service that is immediately engaged with open green public space. My interest in the project was sparked when the Queensway, a movement that supports repurposing of the ROW in favor of the park, began gaining momentum. Although a desire for public green space can be understood, the group misses an important aspect, the ROW can be easily converted for the subway service. Because Queens has such sparse subway service, every chance to improve it should be welcomed with open arms. Yet having the subway service is half a battle, to make it more attractive to the residents and to provide bicycle access, I’ve elevated the green walkway above the subway tracks. The same walkway also features two bike lines, with various entry/exit ramps throughout the line. My second goal is to showcase the modern track technologies which deal with noise and vibrations. It is no secret that current elevated lines are not just an eyesores, but also decrease the quality of life due to high levels of noise and vibrations. Those obstacles lead to opposition for new elevated subway construction. By having a real life precedent in New York, I hope to change people’s opinion and lead them to change their mind about new, necessary elevated subway lines.
Intervention allows two distinctive w a choice, for example, you can take
ways of utilization of space, meaning tha a user has e the subway, or ride a bike to get to the destination
Section of the line under Lefferts Blvd. elevated subway spur.
Route of the line, signifying improved borough accessability.
Fleet St [G]
Metropolitan Ave [G]
Church Ave, Brooklyn Manhattan
Section of the line at 103rd Avenue
Also better service resiliency for residents of Far Rockaway, Eastern Queens and Brooklyn.
To JFK and Rockaway Park
Myrtle Ave [G]
Jamaica Ave [G]
Atlantic Ave [G]
101 - 103 Ave [G]