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Tim Van Horn

Red Deer, Canada

Hi and welcome to Canadian Mosaic, my name is Tim Van Horn and I am the photographer and creator of the Canadian Mosaic. For me, and many of us, our sense of Canadian identity is grounded in symbols that reflect our heart felt, one-of-a-kind values and ideals that make us Canadian. Since October 1st, 2008, I have traversed 67,000 kms, over land and in air, to every province and territory in Canada and met and photographed 13,000 Canadians. By using the Canadian flag, the most universal symbol that all Canadians identify with and have an inherent relationship with. I hope to combine the collective history and energy of 30,000 of Canadians from across the land, into the Canadian flag, weaving together a colourful, diverse, true life look at the Canadian cultural tapestry. Each of us is an important and integral piece of life, whether we realize it or not and we all play an important role on the stage of life and have a story that needs to be lived, celebrated, shared and recognized.
