Toberua Island
48,000美元 (30人)
无论是寻求家庭的乐趣还是和你爱人一起浪漫,世界上没有任何地方会比斐济更适 合了。15栋别致的传统木草屋给您舒适的居住环境,让您尽情放纵,享受岛屿的 乐趣。 For family fun and romantic escapes alike, there’s no place quite like Fiji. Home to fifteen oh-so-chic traditional wooden bures, the sun-soaked Toberua Island Resort can be rented on an exclusive basis for those extra-special occasions or enjoyed as an ultimate island indulgence.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Coco Island
380,000美金 (12人)
栖息在世界上最纯净的水域之上, 犹如水下山脉的北马累环礁是那么美丽动人。可 可岛就静静在这个印度洋深处,像一个梦,是在马尔代夫一个完整的私人岛屿,犹 如镶嵌在王冠上的宝石。在奢华与宁静的世界交融的世界里,与您的爱人手拉手漫 步沙滩。这就是您的私人时间和地方。 Perched within some of the world’s most pristine waters, atop a vast underwater mountain range, the North Malé Atoll is truly a thing of beauty. Emerging from the depths of the Indian Ocean like a dream, Coco Privé Kuda Hithi Island is the jewel in the crown of the Maldives– an entire private island dedicated to you. Discover a world where luxury and serenity walk hand in hand; your home away from home. This is your time and your place.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Banyan Island 每周仅
550,000美金 (12人)
在马尔代夫最美丽的岛屿之一上享受泳池别墅的乐趣,体验一种别样的鲁滨逊漂流 式的生活---与大自然亲近,而同时保留了完整的隐私和奢华。马尔代夫就是这个星 球绝无仅有的地方---一个真正的人间天堂。 These tented pool villas on one of the most beautiful islands in the Maldives ensure a Robinson Crusoe experience of a different kind – being close to nature while at the same time retaining complete privacy and luxury. The Maldives are one of those rare locations one only ever reads about - a true paradise on earth.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Royal Davui
115,000美金 (30人)
如果您正在寻找浪漫和优雅的热带岛屿度假的话,那么皇家达夫伊岛是不二的选择。 这里有着天堂般的纯净,灿烂的白色沙滩和一望无际的蓝。该岛连续两年被泰康纳 什评为“最浪漫的世外桃源岛”岛上错落的私密别墅一定不会让您失望。 If you’re looking for a romantic, remote island escape which combines elegant tropical design with a casual castaway lifestyle, Fiji’s Royal Davui is the perfect island resort for you. A heavenly cocktail of lush greenery, brilliant white sands and endless blue skies, it should come as no surprise that the island was voted ‘Most Romantic Island Hideaway’ two years running by Conde Nast. Home to some of the most private villas in Fiji, this extra special resort certainly won’t disappoint.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Cousine Island
52,000美元 (8人)
独有的漂亮白色长滩把宝石般的印度洋的海水一分为二,岛上的自然风景使得成 为塞舌尔鸟的天堂,在这里生存着5种独有的鸟群。其中塞舌尔鹊鸲已经非常稀少。 全球70种涉危保护的鸟中有12种栖居在该岛。生态环境绝佳,该岛所有的收入还 将捐献公益。在这里绝没有城市的夜生活和喧哗,只有彻底的放松和十分的私密。 The exclusive Cousine Island has a long, unspoiled beach separating the warm, turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean from the lush tropical vegetation. The generated money will be donated to nature conservation. The island is a private nature reserve and home to five of the Seychelles' endemic bird species. One of these was the Seychelles' magpie robin, which had become virtually extinct – down to the last 70 birds left in the world, 12 being on this island – before it was rescued by a change of habitat.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
North Island
420,000美元 (22人)
北岛被比喻成诺亚方舟,她是自然栖息恢复地,给塞舌尔涉临灭绝的动植物一个 避难所。在这个美丽的岛上,私密的奢华别墅正恭候着挑剔的您。整个岛屿的真 谛在于用材的可以恢复性。英国威廉王子也曾经在这里度过蜜月。 North Island follows the Noah’s Ark principle – it is a sanctuary where natural habitats are rehabilitated and critically endangered Seychelles fauna and flora are reintroduced and given a place to regenerate. On this beautiful island an exclusive luxury lodge awaits discerning guests. Where possible, materials reaped from the rehabilitation process were utilized to capture the true essence of North Island, a rare experience in harmony with the environment.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Bonefish Cay
79,000美元 (14人)
渔古岛在过去5年中经岛主的精心设计,已经成为加勒比地区一流的度假岛。岛上 建有5栋总计1500平米的欧式和美式别墅,在沉浸在加勒比美景的同时,岛上的 主厨已经为您呈现世界各地的美食。在岛上的日子将是您独一无二的巴哈马之旅。 绝对的私密! Over the past 5 years the owners have spared no expense or energy in turning a deserted island into a first-class getaway. Five buildings totalling 15,000 square feet were constructed of the finest European and United States materials. A gourmet chef pampers guests with all their personal favourites and requests of the finest international cuisine. This island vacation will become a very exclusive trip to the Bahamas – total privacy guaranteed.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Ariara Island
60,000美金 (18人)
坐落在菲律宾最好的热带水域,阿乐岛绝对会让您一见钟情。在这个私有的天堂, 没有任何理由与人分享,全岛5千多平的面积和30个服务人员都由您来安排。这里 您就是主人,无论是与爱人还是家人,梦想岛的一切都可以在这里发现。 Nestled in amongst natural beauty and tropical waters in the heart of the Philippines, upon arrival at this island getaway, we’re certain it will be a case of love at first sight. In this private paradise, there’s no need to share. 505,857 m² of untouched island magic is all yours. You will receive exclusive let of the whole island, shared with no other human being except for the discrete and professional 30 member staff. Attention has been paid to every last detail on this dream island resort, allowing you to enjoy your island getaway concentrating on the things you love, whether that is friends, family or Mother Nature.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
398,000美金 (10人)
托马岛是为数不多在地中海的私人岛屿。无论是家庭度假还是商务派对,这个岛肯 定非常适合您,在这里您可以找到宁静,放松和自然。98英亩的岛屿被碧绿般的海 水环绕,这里绝对是欧洲最具田园般味道的私密和奢华地之一。 Tagomago is one of the very few private islands in the Mediterranean which can be rented either as a family holiday resort or as a venue for business events. Above all, the island represents peace, relaxation and nature, and the guests can decide how much of the hustle and bustle of Ibiza they want. This 98 acre private paradise is surrounded by turquoise waters and unique nature. It is the perfect place for discerning customers who are looking for absolute privacy and luxury at one of the most idyllic and privileged places in Europe. On the west coast is a bay with a private mooring.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Île de Chantemesle
11,000美元 (12人)
你一定会被漫索岛独有的印象派景观所吸引,25英亩大的岛上有2栋欧式别墅。画 家莫奈就曾住在附近的Vetheuil村,并在不远处的Givernu创作了几幅巨著。同 时在不远的处还有被评为法国20个最美的村庄的La Roche Guyon,这里有类人 猿的最早的定居点,12世纪的教堂和城堡。 The island of Chantemesle is a small paradise of approximately 25 acres and contains two charming villas built in the local style. The Impressionists were attracted by the landscape and the quality of the light. Claude Monet lived in nearby Vétheuil and completed several important paintings there - of the banks of the Seine as well as the water lilies in his garden at Giverny, a few miles away. Other marvels around Chantemesle are the troglodyte settlements of Haute-Isle, the 12th century church of Vétheuil or the chateau at La Roche-Guyon, which has been classified as one of the 20 most beautiful villages of France.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn
Dark Island
3,600美元 (6人)
千岛湖是北美著名的风景区。达克岛就在景区内的圣劳伦斯河中。小岛已经有超 过百年的历史了。在20世纪初,前胜家缝纫机公司董事准将菲德克伯恩受命在岛 上建造用于狩猎的房子。他任命知名建筑师欧内斯特·弗拉格,英国城堡的灵感来 自沃尔特斯科特爵士的伍德斯托克。城堡现已全面复原,堡内有趣的密道和文化, 是您不能错过的。 The Thousand Islands region has to be one of the most beautiful places in North America. Dark Island, just one of those islands, is situated on the St. Lawrence River. It is an island with more than 100 years of history. At the turn of the 20th century, Commodore Frederick G. Bourne, former director of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., commissioned the construction of a hunting lodge on the island. He appointed well-known architect Ernest Flagg, who took inspiration from the English castle described in Sir Walter Scott's Woodstock.
私⼈人岛屿度假专案联系: Tim Wang ⺩王磊 / 139 1818 5539 / tim.wang@vladi.cn