If you have been injured in a car accident

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If You Have Been Injured in a Car Accident

If you were involved in a seemingly minor car accident, you may not think you need to consult with an attorney. Wrong! Even if you don't think you have been significantly injured, it is of vital importance to realize that you may not actually realize the true situation. You may have injuries which are not immediately evident. You may have ongoing long term problems which are the result of the auto accident. Know what to do ahead of time, and you will be able to receive the help you need.

First off and most important, get medical attention. Even if it is not as an emergency, get checked out by a proper medical examination. The next thing you should do, is to record the names, addresses and phone numbers of anyone involved or any witnesses to the Newport Beach auto accident. Be sure to also get the other driver's insurance info: company name, address, policy #, etc.

In the aftermath of what may appear to be a simple noninjury car accident, you may not even think of contacting an accident attorney. The situation appears simple, all you really need to do is to file a claim with the other driver's insurance company. Then your car will be fixed, and everything will be OK. Wrong again! what about the injury you didn't realize you had suffered until a few days went by? what about the physical therapy you are going to need?

How about the 4 days you lost from work because you were so sore you couldn't get out of bed? Sure the insurance company wants to settle quickly. One reason they are so nice and helpful is because they want a quick settlement. Why is that? Why does a quick settlement help them and possibly hurt you?

Use caution when talking with the other insurance company. It's the adjuster's job to settle quickly, and for as small an amount as possible. Remember, once you settle, that is it, you can't ask for any more, even if you have more medical expenses than you first thought. This is one of the main reasons to have legal counsel as soon as possible. The right accident attorney will be able to discuss your case and the particulars with the insurance adjuster and discuss the right settlement amount for your case. If the insurance company isn't realistic or being fair, your personal injury lawyer will begin the process of filing a lawsuit on your behalf.

Resources: http://robertdodsonlaw.com/ http://ezinearticles.com/?If-You-HaveBeen-Injured-in-a-CarAccident&id=8680548

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