Veranda Tile Quilt

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Vrand Tile q u i l t 


t i n a g i v e n s

Veranda Tile Quilt

TG91 Violet for binding

Tina’s fabrics used in this quilt:

TG84 Celery

TG89 Lavender

TG90 Stone

TG84 Violet

TG89 Ivory

TG90 Yellow

If  6 ocs  sed 108”x96” If 4 ocs  sed 75”x96” Finished sizes:

Fabric’s designed by Tina Givens for Westminster Fibers’ Free Spirit Fabrics are from Tina’s HAVEN’S EDGE fabric collection Quilt design by Tina Givens Instructions by Tina Givens Construction by Aimee LaPlace Quilting by Donna Sontag

TG85 Violet

TG88 Pink

TG92 Stone

TG85 Lime

TG87 Lavender

TG92 Yellow

TG86 Pink

TG86 Lilac

TG91 Pink

All seam allowances are 1/4” unless otherwise stated. Before you start this scrumptious project read the instructions, preshrink your fabric before sewing by washing, drying and pressing it... This is optional of course. Tip: Make a small diagonal clip in the corners of each of the fabrics prior to washing to prevent fraying and tangling.

Materials List

W sed 44” id ic, n ac oc ses 3 ics. If ou’ purasin iffnt i  e he quiements fo ac oc   foos: TG89 ivory, TG85 violet & TG91 Pink for backing

Fabric 1: 1/3 yard Fabric 2: 1 yard Fabric 3: 3/4 yard


Marias List

For the large Quilt use 16 unique fabrics, 3 for each of the 6 blocks, backing and binding fabrics.

Fom 44” id ight  id-eight i

A TG84 Celery 3/4 yard B TG84 Violet 1 1/8 yard C TG85 Violet 1/3 yard + 3 yards for backing D TG85 Lime 1/3 yard E TG86 Pink 1 yard F TG86 Lilac 1/3 yard G TG87 Lavender 1 yard H TG88 Pink 3/4 yard I TG89 Ivory 1 1/8 yard + 3 yards for backing J TG89 Lavender1 yard K TG90 Stone 1 yard L TG90 Yellow 1 1/3 yellow M TG92 Stone 3/4 yard N TG92 Yellow 1 yard O TG91 Pink 3/4 yard + 3 yards for backing P TG91 Violet 1 1/2 yards for binding

F maer ein:

Make 4 blocks. I suggest these fabrics: a TG84 Violet 1 1/8 yard b TG85 Lime 1/3 yard c TG86 Pink 1 yard d TG86 Lilac 1/3 yard e TG88 Pink 3/4 yard f TG89 Ivory 3/4 yard + 2.75 yards for backing g TG89 Lavender1 yard h TG90 Stone 1 yard i TG90 Yellow 1 1/3 yellow j TG91 Pink 3/4 yard + 2.75 yards for backing k TG91 Violet 1 1/4 yards for binding Cotton Batting according to your quilt size, 1 large spool of coordinating all-purpose thread/cotton. Pins, scissors, hand sewing needle, rotary cutter and mat, tape measure, safety pins large, iron and board, sewing machine.

Tips  utting

Fabric 1: Simply cut a strip the width of the fabric, 10” (25.5cm) wide then cut the piece A and squares B and J as noted. Fabric 2: Cut 7 strips the width of the fabric 4” (10cm) wide, then cut the pieces you need as noted, C, D, F, K and E Fabric 3: Cut 3 strips the width of the fabric 8” (20cm) wide then cut the pieces needed as noted above, H and G.

The Blocks

e  6 Bocs  his uilt, o o  eft  1, 2 n 3; econ o s 4, 5 n 6. Boc 1 Fabric 1 TG84 Violet If ou an  ae Fabric 2 TG90 Stone he Fabric 3 TG88 Pink maer uilt mit e ast 2 ocs Boc 2 Fabric 1 TG85 Lime Fabric 2 TG90 Yellow Boc 5 Fabric 3 TG84 Violet Boc 3

Fabric 1 TG85 Violet Fabric 2 TG92 Yellow Fabric 3 TG92 Stone

Boc 4

Fabric 1 TG89 Ivory Fabric 2 TG87 Lavender Fabric 3 TG84 Celery

Fabric 1 TG90 Yellow Fabric 2 TG86 Pink Fabric 3 TG91 Pink

Boc 6

Fabric 1 TG84 Violet Fabric 2 TG86 Pink Fabric 3 TG91 Pink

F ac oc ut e 3 ics  foos: Fabric 1 Fabric 2 Fabric 3

CUT 1A, 2B, & 4J CUT 4C, 2D, 2F, 2K, & 2E CUT 2H & 4G Pieces to cut:


16X10” 4X4” 4X3.5” 22X4” 4X16” 8X4” 7X8” 42X8” 4X30” 4X4” 42X4

Wdth x Height

40.5x25.5cm 10x10cm 10x9cm 60x10cm 10x40.5cm 20x10cm 18x20cm 106.5x20cm 10x76cm 10x10cm 106.5x10cm



























Refence ap  ac ock.


© All designs Tina Givens Tina Givens Design, LLC.

t i n a

g i v e n s


Sewing the Blocks

Mae p ac ock, he e e o o, ocs 1,2 n 3; he e econ o, 4,5 n 6; n he e e w os oeer.

S E W I N G Use 1/4” ac 1/2 m ea oance, ea s ou . e

Gather all the fabric pieces you cut for your first block. Lay them on a flat surface and using the ‘map’ on the previous page lay out your block. • Stitch pieces C, B and C together as shown. • Add these two combined pieces onto the large rectangle piece A, on left and right sides. • Add pieces D onto top and bottom of this combined piece. • Stitch pieces E onto the left and right of the combined piece.

• Stitch pieces G,F and G together as shown. • Stitch these onto the left and right sides of the combined piece. • Add pieces H onto the top and bottom of the combined piece. • Add pieces K onto top and bottom of the combined piece. • Stitch pieces J,I and J together as shown. • Add these combined piece onto the large combined piece on left and right sides. • Repeat for 2nd to 6th blocks. • Stitch the blocks together, by adding the blocks in the top row together, and then the bottom row. • Stitch both rows together.


The backing is simply made from 3 fabrics as noted. Simply stitch all three together side by side to form one large backing piece. Press all seams.


Place the Quilt back on a large flat surface with the WRONG side upward. Smooth out any wrinkles. • Place the batting on top of the backing on it’s wrong side. Smoothing out any wrinkles. • Center the quilt top on top of the batting with the RIGHT side facing upward, creating 3 layers with the quilt back, batting and quilt top. Smooth wrinkles. • Using the large safety pins, pin all three layers together, or hand baste the layers using long basting stitches. • Machine or hand quilt as desired. • Using a ruler and scissors or rotary cutter, trim the quilt back and batting even with the quilt top. • Hand or machine baste very close to the raw edges to secure the layers together before binding the quilt.


Cut 10 strips of the fabric 4” (10cm) wide. Attach the strips to make one long strip. • Fold the long strip in half lengthwise with raw edges together, and wrong sides facing. Press a crease along the folded edge. • With the RIGHT side of the quilt top facing upward, and starting at the center of one side edge, match the raw edges of the binding and quilt edge, and pin in place. Leave the first 5” unstitched, and stitch using 1/4” seam allowance stopping 1/4” from the first corner, backstitch. Clip the threads. • To form a mitered corner, fold the binding away from the corner forming a 45 degree angle. Then fold it backward, even with the raw edge to be sewn, pin. Leave the folded edge on the binding even with the first edge that was sewn. • Begin stitching again, continue to pin and sew to the next corner. Repeat until you return to the starting point. Leave 5” from the starting point unsewn, measure and trim the binding. Join the binding and finish sewing the binding in place. • Fold the binding over to the backside of the quilt, line up the folded edge to the binding stitches so they are covered, pin. Pin mitered corners in place. Handstitch the binding in place or machine stitch close to the folded edge.


FaturinHaven’s 


i oectin




t i n a g i v e n s TM

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