frankie modular sofas FINALLY‌.a beautiful, stylish AND functional couch for kids. Frankie is a practical, durable and neat solution to read and play with in any childrens space.
about frankie... Frankie sofas are practical. The 100% cotton covers zip off easily for washing. Frankie is durable. These frameless sofas are made from high quality Dunlop Enduro Foam making them light and portable and extremely safe for kids. They’ll take all the rough and tumble kids can dish out!
Frankie is versatile. Spare covers are available so you can change the look of your setting whenever the mood takes you! Frankie is stylish. The removeable covers come in 21 different fabrics that are all bang on trend making it easy to fit into your decor style.
Frankie is for everyone! At a size specially designed to accomodate kids and adults alike, Frankie is big enough for an adult to comfortably interact with children in their own space.
Frankie is functional. There are three sofa pieces to choose from: (i) the Frankie Corner, 60cm x 60cm x 55cm (ii) the Frankie Sofa, 60cm x 60cm x 55cm and (iii) the Frankie Ottoman, 60cm x 60cm x 25cm. Prices start at $159
looking good isn’t everything... Frankie Sofas are made from high quality Australian foam and are super durable & comfortable – for kids and grown-ups! Plus, Frankie is more than just a sofa. Its lightweight, modular design feeds the imagination – you’ll find your children will want to stack, climb, build tunnels and cubby houses with Frankie.
For more information... Visit our website or contact us at info@noosh.com.au