Written by: Ece
Table of Contents
Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………p3-‐12 Dedication……………………………………………………………………………………p-‐13 Historical Narrative………………..……………………………………………………………p14-‐16 Authors Note………………………………………………………………………..p-‐17 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………p-‐18 About the Author…………………………………………………………………………………...p-‐19
I dedicate this to my mom, which were my interviewee and my English teacher Ms.Bui.
am sure we are all
next to his bed and
he started flexing his
familiar with that
checked his fever.
small hands. It took me a
midnight wake-‐up,
Reading 38.2 on the
few times to make him do
whether it is to go to the
screen, I thought to
it, but eventually he
airport or just an
myself that, it’s still high,
opened his little mouth
ordinary miserable
and I slowly put the
sleepless night. Well yes,
spoon of medicine. I
that is what I did earlier
could understand he
this morning. My son,
hated the bitter taste
Emre, had high fever,
by his crossed
therefore I had set an
eyebrows. He was too
alarm on my phone to
tired to cry and give
2:55 a.m. because I had to wake up and give my son medicine because the medicine has timing that it had to be given, then went back to sleep. ”Beep beep beep” the alarm went off. Sighing,
1It happened but now it is over, the next step is for us to fix it.
so I decided to give him some medicine. Gently supporting him from the back of his neck, I slowly sat him up right. Still holding his back so he doesn’t fall back down, I
me a hard time, so I gently placed him back down and stood by him until he fell asleep – which was almost instantly. I slowly got off Emre’s bed and started walking
I quickly got out of bed
to my room, already
and started walking
thinking about the
towards Emre’s room,
comfortable feeling of
squinting to the open
closing my eyes under
lights in the living
the warm sheets. I was
room. I got to his room
suddenly disturbed by a
and walked towards his
It was hard to find a new home but we had no other choice.
strange, unusual noise. I
little bed and sat on it. I
whispered, “Emrecim,
looked to the windows
first kissed him, then
Emrecim, open your
and saw that the blinds
grabbed the thermometer
mouth”. After hearing me,
were shaking. Instantly I
realized it was an
The earthquake got more
earthquake, but certainly
intense each second. I
not yet aware of how big
could see the wall moving
it was going to be in the
back and forth. The living
upcoming seconds. I
room suddenly turned
yelled to my husband,
pitch black because the
“BURAAAAAK”. I quickly
electricity cut off. “We
turned my head towards
have nothing to do but to
our bedroom to see if he
stay together” I yelled.
was coming. As soon as I
turned my head he was
I feel the earthquake
gathered all our clothing
already out of bed and
getting smaller and
together with Filiz and
running towards me.
smaller I thought to
rushed out of the house
Burak was now with me.
myself, now the
to my mother-‐in-‐law’s
He asked in his trembling
earthquake was
voice “ Where is Emre
completely done.
and Filiz”, (nanny) I
“Maybe we shouldn’t stay
I still often think back to
slowly lifted my head up
home and go to my moms
this moment and
to his face and from his
house to have more
unfortunately remind
facial expression saw that
company and be more
myself of this frightening
Seeing news about earthquakes makes me feel bad for the people who are experiencing it.
he was worried. I saw
moment. This day has
Filiz with her sleepy eyes
scared me so much that
and Emre in her hands
now, when the kids run
running towards us with
around in the house, the
panic. “Whaaaaa” Emre
shaking ground reminds
was crying very loudly. I
me of that terrifying
saw Burak getting Emre
safe”, Burak said.
night. Now, when I even
from Filiz’s hands and
“I agree”, I replied.
see news about
doing his best to calm
Burak and I started
earthquakes, I feel very
Emre down.
running towards our
bad for the people that
bedroom with Emre still
had to experience them. I
in Burak’s hands, quickly
unfortunately can relate
to these incidents and
they can be. I would
such a moment in my life
remind myself of how bad
never want to experience
ever again.
Author’s Note This earthquake, which struck with a magnitude of 6.7, is said to be the worst one in Turkey’s history. Killing more than 1000 people, the earthquake happened in Izmit, Western Turkey. Many people in this populated town were asleep in bed and had no chance to escape. Buildings were also destroyed in Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, about 50 miles North West of Izmit. Within two hours of the earthquake there were more aftershocks causing more damage.
BBC News. BBC, 17 Aug. 1999. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. <http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/august/17/newsid_2534000/2534245.stm>. "GSA Today - 1999 Izmit, Turkey Earthquake Was No Surprise." GSA Today - 1999 Izmit, Turkey Earthquake Was No Surprise. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. <http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/10/1/article/i1052-5173-10-1-1.htm>. "Interview with Esra." Personal interview. 12 Oct. 2015. Interviewed three times "1999+earthquake+turkey+ - Google'da Ara." 1999+earthquake+turkey+ - Google'da Ara. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. <https://www.google.com.tr/search?&biw=1382&bih=678&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=1999%2Bearthquake%2Bturk ey%2B&oq=1999%2Bearthquake%2Bturkey%2B&gs_l=img.3... 64.img..0.0.0.m2KHGEJ7KW4&bav=on.2%2Cor.r_cp.&bvm=bv.107406026%2Cd.bGQ&dpr=1&ech=1&psi= 8WlEVsT2K6HmyQOX25SwDg.1447324587482.7&ei=SWxEVr2HEYKdsAGJ26HQAw&emsg=NCSR&noj =1>. "People+from+the+1999+earthquake - Google'da Ara." People+from+the+1999+earthquake - Google'da Ara. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. <https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=people%2Bfrom%2Bthe%2B1999%2Bearthquake&espv=2&biw=1382 &bih=674&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CB8QsARqFQoTCMGf6ZXSkskCFQeXcgodeZUO sA#q=people+from+the+1999+earthquake&tbs=itp:photo&tbm=isch&imgrc=4pY8p503WPUa8M%3A>. N.p., n.d. Web. <https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=map+of+1999+izmit+earthquake&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=673&sourc e=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIhI7Fi4uTyQIVI4FyCh1piwvt#imgrc=jizCrUD0kRbYM%3A>. N.p., n.d. Web. <https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=izmit+earthquake+1999&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=673&source=lnms&t bm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI-Ki94uTyQIVSHxyCh0JEwZJ#imgrc=hR95aiemnttECM%3A>.
About the Author:
Ece Yakupoglu was born in 2003, Virignia, USA. Ece wouldn’t write often but when she did, she would give her best effort to the writing. Ece really likes doing sports, she mostly does football and Cross-‐country but loves all types of other sports as well. Ece also enjoys listening to music. Ece is an energetic person, loves making people laugh and enjoys spending time with her friends and family.