The Korean War started in 1950, June 25th. The war lasted for 3 years causing south and North Korea havoc
About 2.5 million people died during the war and during the Battle of Inchon, 1600 were killed, 800 were injured and 100 went missing
During the Korean War, even the people who weren’t involved with the military were either killed or treated as prisoners because both sides thought they were helping the other side
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon
“When I was six, the Korean War broke out, and all the classrooms were destroyed by war. We studied under the trees or in whatever buildings were left” -Ban Ki Moon
“Hey wait! Tag! You’re the tagger now!” I shouted, “I’m coming to get you!” my friend shouted back. As if nothing like war had happened, I was laughing and enjoying tag with my friends in the village that day. Three days ago, I heard from adults that North Korean soldiers who we called palNext to me, my friends around me also
chi-san were hiding in the mountain across the lake, so we
looked like they were startled and looked like
were already being very careful
they were paralyzed at the start too but after the
not to go near there. Then, I heard
first shot, I wasn’t shaking nor was my head
a loud BOOM in the sky and at
spinning, my friends were like that too. “How are
that moment I knew a cannon had
you guys so fine when a cannon shot has fired?”
fired. My head was spinning and I
I asked “Well you know when you listen to this
was shaking thinking that the
noise every so often, it wouldn’t be so scary as
cannon bullet would land on me.
the first time you hear it, plus you aren’t as
“Ahhhh!” I shrieked, but soon, I
scared as the first time are you?” they replied to
realized how the cannon shot
didn’t really frighten me too much anymore.
The twisted feeling I had when the cannon didn’t freak me out was as if I had gotten used to the sound of cannons. Weird, cannons are something that you can never get used to but I still got used to it. This reminded me of when I first heard the sound of guns and cannons and how I cried and couldn’t calm myself down, and
“This is the one thing I
when my friends and I were shivering because we thought that we would die. That's when I noticed how scary war was. It was as if war had become our daily life ‘If I don’t get scared by a cannon, what will?’ I shivered as I thought, but I eventually forgot about the cannon and just kept on playing with my friends but that thought was still left in my mind.
This was shortly after the Battle of Inchon
remember the best in my whole life because of its terrible events”
Page 1
Family Tree
Page 2
What I know and what I don’t
Page 3
Google vs Grandma
Page 4 Story Mountain
I’m Currently in 7th Grade and I’m attending at the Istanbul International Community School
I like to watch anime, play the piano (although I’m not good at it), play games, and do Cross-‐Country. The piano songs I’m planning to learn are all anime opening or ending songs since I learned that anime music was really good when I heard it from the piano.