WELCOME SPRED is a product of our desire to create and motivate others to do the same. Whenever we have a free moment, early in the morning, late at night or even on lunch breaks. Feeding our instinctive need to express our unique experience of life and make our mark on this world. Setting these creations free, in order to create a dialogue with anyone who may be interested. Spreading creativity, inspiration, ideas and fun is our mission. Seeking out creators from all different walks of life, encouraging those who don’t consider themselves ‘artists’ to create. We bring you a diverse spread of artworks, revolving around the word spread, ready to be devoured by your feasting eyes, feeding your need to experience art and motivating you to create, submit to our next issue, and come back for another helping.
THANK YOU Alicia Qureshi · Anne Marie Drolet · Athena Tasiopoulos · Autumn Wallace · Christopher Black · Cory Espinosa · Crystal Stokowski · Davidson Thomas · Eunice Yu · Hannah Schmitz · Hannah Shimabukuro · Jeremiah Jordon · Jiayin Yu · Juliannah Harrison · Kacie Manzo · Kaitlin O’Donnell · Kelsey Niziolek · Kevin Kyper · Laurie Nelson · Leah Macdonald · Lia Kantrowitz · Maria Lacoponi · Mark Romero · Megan Kelly · Melanie VanReymersdal · Miguel Co · Mike Perrotti · Monique Peterson · MsWritten Art · Olivia Motley · Rachel Passman · Rebecca Tennenbaum · Rechelle Payne · Ryan Dare · Siobhan Gallagher Thank you to all of our contributors, we could not have done this without you, we appreciate your time spent creating, coordinating and that you were brave enough to share your artwork with us and the world!
“Maybe I have been spreading myself too thin,” Alexander said suddenly. Natasha squuezed his hand. Alexander woke an hour after sunset.
“You're immortal, not invulerable, love.
He stretched out an arm hoping to
Over a hundred hours in a week is a lot,
reach his wife Natasha, only to find her
even for you,” said Natasha. “Thankfully
usual place in bed already cold. After
it's your night off. Finish your drink and
a moment, he forced himelf to sit up
take a shower because I can smell
and swing his feet out onto the cold
human on you from across the room.”
floorboards. He stood and stretched his
“Yes ma'am.” Alexander drained his
sore muscles, grabbing his housecoat
cup, and pulled his hand from his wife's.
from the hook on the bedpost. He
When he stood, his joints cracked so
pushed through the heavy wooden
loudly Natasha almost had to cover her
doors of the master suite, and went
ears. “If I was any stiffer, I'd have rigor
into the hall.
mortis, “ he said.
He heard noise coming from the kitchen and his wife Natasha, exclaiming
“Thank God you don't,” said Natasha. “Now go shower, I'll take care of this,”
that breakfast was ready. He trudged
she slipped the mug from his hands
down the hall and into the kitchen
while Alexander walked back to the
where he was welcomed with a warm
bedroom to shower in the en suite.
mug of blood. His fangs elongated at
Once he closed the bathroom door,
the smell of O postive as he took his first
he hung his housecoat on a nearby
sip. He heard Natasha say something
hook and pulled a clean towel from the
cupboard under the sinks. He turned
the refrigerator, but he was still too
on the shower behind him and listened
lethargic to understand her. He took a
to the water heater come to life with a
large gulp in an effort to wake up and
groan. After the water heated, he stepped
nicked his lip on one of his fangs.
in and scrubbed off the filth from the past
“Fuck,” he muttered, gaining Natasha's
week. He stood under the hot spray and
attention. “I'm fine, Just nicked myself,”
let his muscles loosen until the water
he told her.
began to run cold before stepping out.
“Again?”she asked while walking
Alexander quickly grabbed the towel
over, “Maybe you should cut back on
from the counter and rubbed it over every
your hours at the hospital. You look like
inch of skin he could reach before finally
you've aged a century in the past week.”
rubbing his hair dry and tying it about his
The wound had already healed, but she
waist. He reached for the can of shaving
bent over and kissed the corner of his
gel next to the sink and rubbed a small
lips anyway. She sat in the chair next to
amount between his fingers to get the
him and took his free hand. They sat in
lather going before putting it on his face.
a comfortable silence as he drank. 18
With his razor in hand, he gazed at the mirror and found nothing. He momentarily forgot about his lack of reflection. He walked back into the kitchen and found Natasha reading a book while enjoying her own mug of blood. Alexander
“Brush your teeth,”she told him before
realized her red hair was up in a bun and
he started to climb under the duvet.
she still wore her nightgown. His shadow
Alexander padded into the bathroom
blocked her reading light, and she looked
and quickly brushed his teeth before
up at the interruption. She fought back
returning to climb under the duvet.
her laugher at the sight of her husband
Natasha tucked him in like a child and
looming over her with shaving foam on
kissed his forehead. Alexander wrapped
his face. She put her hand on his chest
his fingers around her wrist before she
and pushed him into the chair beside
could turn to leave.
her. He put the razor in her hand, and
“Stay with me, Nat?” he asked. Natasha
she proceeded to shave his face in slow,
smiled softly and rubbed the back of
methodical strokes. Natasha tilted his
his hand.
chin up with a long, thin finger and did the same to his neck. “All done,”she said while reaching for her
“Okay, Alex. I'll stay. Let me get my book from the kitchen.” He slowly released her wrist and reached for the book instead.
mug and draining the last of its contents.
While she was gone, he flipped the book
After she stood from her seat, she pulled
open at the last dog-eared page and
Alexander out of his. He couldn't help but
resumed reading. Alexander felt Natasha
follow her down the hall and into their
climb into bed next to him. His head
bedroom. “Now sit and let your wife take
automatically drifted onto her stomach,
care of you,” said Natasha. Alexander
and he propped his book on her thigh. She
plopped onto the edge of the bed while
did the same on part of his head while she
Natasha rifled through his side of their
worried bits of his hair with her fingers. Her
wardrobe. She pulled out a clean set
hand traveled down and started working
of pyjamas and underwear, throwing
the kinks out of his neck. Soon she heard
each at him from over her shoulder.
the small whistle of breath between his
While Alexander got dressed, Natasha
fangs that meant he was asleep. Natasha
straightened the sheets, and pulled his
put her book aside and made sure his was
book out of the nightstand.
marked in the proper spot before putting it away. She looked down at her husband. His cheeks were slightly sunken and there were black circles under his eyes. He wasn't eating enough, and worried about keeping their blood supply consistent. She
spent the rest of the night holding him as he slept until she too, fell asleep.
When your at your favorite bands concert and mid show the tallest man on earth (not the band) comes in and blocks everything.
Cover, Ryan Dare, 'Pattern 1', ryandare.com
p6, Rebecca Tennenbaum, 'Satellite/Submarine #6', rebeccatennenbaum.com p7, Anne Marie Drolet, 'Jobless', drolet.annemarie@ gmail.com
Inside Cover, Naima Merella, 'Ice Skate', naimamerella.com
p8, Melanie VanReymersdal, 'Grow up and Blow away', melanievanreymersdal.weebly.com p9, Juliannah Francina, 'Dancing Fool', juliannahandart.com
p3, Crystal Stokowski, 'Spread the Aloha', crystalstokowski.com
p10 – 11, Kevin Kypers, 'Tiffany's Legs Are Too Long 2', dreamdoodlestickynotes.tumblr. com
p4, Laurie Nelson,'Lebanese Cypress', laurienelson.com p5, Eunice Yu, 'Autumn Stars', euniceyu90@gmail. com
p12, Davidson Thomas, 'Treeage', maukaphl.com p13,Ms Amethyst Jewelry, 'Let's take a ride on a Dragonfly', etsy.com/shop/ MSAMETHYST
For individual details see below spread thumbnails. (continued to the next page)
p14 – 15, Miguel Co,'Artificial Habitat', miguel-co.com
p22 – 23, Jiayin Yu, 'Spread your wings and fly', jyudesign.net
p30, Lia Kantrowitz, 'My Body', liakantrowitz.com p31, Mike Perrotti,' The Big Bang', mperrotti.com
p16, Hannah Shimabukuro, 'Rapaätno', hannah.shimabukuro@gmail.com p17, Rachel Passman, 'We can all fly'
p24, Megan Kelly,'Untitled (Chest)', artbymegankelly.com p25, Naima Merella,'Curtsy', naimamerella.com
p32, Kacie Manzo,'Zombie Stroll', KacieManzo.com p33, Siobhan Gallagher, 'Start Spreading The News', siobhan-gallagher.com
p18 – 19, Christopher Black,'The Mysterious Domestic Habits of Vampires', christopher. black42@gmail.com
p26, Maria Lacoponi, 'Where's my pony', miacoponi@uarts.edu p27, Athena Petra Tasiopoulos,'Watchful', athenapetra.com
p34 – 35, Rechelle Payne, 'Spread the Word', w.seventh@gmail.com
p20 – 21, Cory Espinosa, 'Annunciation of Consciousness', coryespinosa.com
p28, Kelsey Niziolek, 'Gone Viral', kelseyniz.com p29, Autumn Wallace, 'Licensed to Smother', veggiemon.com
p36 – 37, Hannah Schmitz, 'Everyday is a One Way', behance.com/hannahschmitz
p38, Leah Macdonald, 'Pandora', leah-macdonald.com p39, Monique Peterson, 'p0is0ned', axis-jewels.com
p40, Kaitlin O'Donnell, 'Two Heads are Better than One', ktoillustration.com p41, Jeremiah Jordan, 'Sus Scrofa', jeremizzzle.daportfolio.com
p46, Hannah Shimabukuro, 'Midpoint', hannah.shimabukuro@ gmail.com p47, Tina Mukherjee, 'Godzilla', tinamdesigns.com
p48 – 49, Olivia Motley, 'Top Heavy', 'Glitter and Dirt','Snake Charmer', oliviamotley.wix.com/ olivias-portfolio
HEY YOU!... p42 – 43, Mark Romero, 'Evil Works In Your Favor', markromeroart.com
p44, Ryan Dare, 'Pattern 2', ryandare.com p45, MsWritten Art, 'Spaced Men', mswrittenart.com
Yeah you, reading this right now. We invite you to submit to our next issue of Spred, check out our facebook for details or shoot us an email at spredzine@gmail.com.
THANK YOU Alicia Qureshi · Blaire Monroe · Britney Warakomski · Clare Connors · Danny Chau · Eileen Merella · Elliot Lamborn · Fabiola Garcia · Gounranga & Rina Mukherjee · Hannah Shimabukuro · Julianna Foster · Kacie Manzo · Kate Greener · Katie Scott · Lauren Poole · Lia Kantrowitz · Mark & Beverly Merella · Michael Piechocinski · Rebecca Tennenbaum · Theodore Leung Thank you to all our donators! You helped this zine become a reality and a tangible item that we can hold, flip, smell, squeeze and love! We are infinitely grateful for your desire to support the arts and support our zine! You truly helped make this world a better place!
Design, art direction, editing, copy, printing and binding by Naima Merella (naimamerella.com) and Tina Mukherjee (tinamdesigns.com). All content is ©2015 SPRED and all participating artists.