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Tina McCubbins
I'm a Christian mother of 2 and a grandmother to 3. I would say “I grown up on a Gray hound Bus and daddy truck” see Granny would pick me up on the bus we usually went to say with aunts and uncles if dad came through he would pick me up and take me home for a bit. Born in Kansas raised in Abilene, Texas. We moved around a lot when us kids was small, dad was in the Military then he went on to driving a truck cross country, he drove all the way up to just a few month before he passed on to be with Lord. In the early 70’s Mom meet up with her Best friend Pasty and her family, they decided to move to California so mom sold everything including the food in the ice box pack us 5 kids up rented a U-Haul she was ready to pull out by the time dad got off the road. We didn’t stay long before she was ready to come back home. In the 80’s the oil busted out west so most of the young men folks had to leave Abilene to find work so being I was married we move to Dallas/Fort Forth started our life up there that whe