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re-branding campaign project book


“ ef i vr se tr ya na r at ims ta tweausr . 2

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

project introduction This journey has taught me so much about media design, marketing and branding. On top of all that, I’ve grown t o l o v e t h e U r b a n S m a r t s p r o g r a m . I t ’s incredible because it not only serves at-risk youth but it teaches them creative skills and delivers a positive outlet for the students. This program supports those in the San Antonio, TX area, but I saw that it had much more potential. My vision in this re-branding e f f o r t w a s t o e v o k e t h e p r o g r a m ’s s t r e n g t h ’s a n d s h o w t h e w o r l d e x a c t l y how remarkable Urban Smarts really is. - T.





St rat egy 09 client brief 11 swot analysis 13 creative brief 15 target audience 17 abstract


P ro ces s


00 design goals 00 mood boards 00 logo development 00 preliminary designs

St andards 00 color 00 typography 00 imagery + tone 00 logo 00 print 00 electronic 00 video


So lutio ns 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

connections logo electronic print video green graffiti campaign summary


03 S t an d ard s


00 color 00 typography 00 imagery + tone 00 logo 00 print 00 electronic 00 video

Design Standards The importance of design standards goes beyond defining t h e b r a n d ’s n e w i m a g e . T h e s e specifications act as guidelines for those involved in future design and branding efforts. Maintaining the brand image is dependent on using design e l e m e n t s i n a s p e c i f i c m a n n e r. Everything from imagery to the tone in textual facets reflects what the Urban Smarts brand is a n d w h a t i t s t a n d s f o r.

- T.




l ogo

Logo standards include the logo anatomy and format variations. Also included are clear space requirements and minimum size specifications. Acceptable and unacceptable variations are included to demonstrate methods of adjustment that continue to maintain the defined brand image.

- T.

new brand logo Logo Ana tomy Logo Gr ap hic

Logo Typ e C o lo r

Tran s p aren cy Sh o wn

Ac cep tab l e B l ack an d W h i te

Horizontal F o r m at


logo specifications & acceptable variations Minima l Sc a le : Picas - 9p 1.25 x 9p1.25 Inches - 1.5174 x 1.5174 C entim eter s - 3.8 541 x 3.8541 Pixels - 109.25 x 109.25 Ma ximum Sc a le : N o Lim it Cle a r Spa c e Defined b y size of “r � relative to sca lin g. C le a r sp ace m ay exceed shown b ound ar ie s bu t neighb or ing gr ap hics are not to cros s in to th e clear sp ace. Ap p lys to hor izontal form a t

A c c ep tab l e Variat io n s G r aph i c O n l y Ty p e O n l y ( c a n be u s ed in all w h it e & all white low op acity ) G r aph i c P a r ti a l in clu din g s mile ( if logo is p resent elsewhere) G r aph i c P a r ti a l in clu din g s mile low op acity (if logo is p resent elsewhere) 1 o r 2 Co l o r i n c lu s io n fo r Ho lidays and Events (m ain ty p e rem aining b lack)


unacceptable logo variations U n a ccep tab l e Variat io n s G l o w, i n n e r o r ou t er D ro p S h a d o w o n log o t ype o r lo g o gr ap hic Lo g o i n w i th Grey co lorat io n O ut l i n e St re tc h i n g o u t o f pro port io n 3 + Co l o r A d a pt ion Bri g h t Ba c k g ro u n d No n u n i fo r m Scalin g Ske w i n g / S h e a rin g




c lie n t br ie f

The client brief provides details about the Urban Smarts program regarding company background, goals and vision. - T.

about urban smarts Ba c k g ro u n d : In 1993 Urban Smarts was put together to “divert elementary and middle school students in urban risk areas away from gangs, drugs, and contact with the Juvenile Justice system”(Urban Smarts). Funded by the Department of Community Initiates, Urban Smarts offers a tuition-free program where students can learn from actual professional artists and work alongside interns to gain inspiration in the fields of art and creativity. This is important because “youths [are] able to gain a sense of selfefficacy through the acquisition of new skills and the accomplishment of multiple goals” (Stinson, A., 2009). “Urban Smarts is an artscentered prevention program designed to divert elementary and middle school students in urban risk areas away from gangs, drugs, and contact with the Juvenile Justice system (‘Urban smarts’). C u r re n t M a rket Sect o r: At-risk youth, according to ‘At Risk Youth’, are “children/youth who are more likely to drop out of school due to a variety of demographic, socioeconomic, and institutional characteristics.” Various programs are designed to assist these children with developing better decision making skills and lower the risk of dropping out of school, joining gangs or making other choices that threaten their livelihood. The specific sector

included in the action plan above is At-Risk youth programs that use artistic expression as a learning module. The biggest issue these programs are facing right now is a lack of understanding for the demographic and target audience. The programs need to push forward in a way that conveys the potential of the participants instead of conveying the mistakes they’ve made in the past or the idea outsiders may have of them. Diff e re ntia ting Fa c tor: Urban Smarts is the only non-profit at risk youth program that not only encourages creativity, but associates it with intelligence. W hy Re de sign? The current brand image is lacking entirely. The logo and website as outdated. In order to increase interest in the program and instill trust in the guardians of those participating, the program needs a redesign that evokes fun while maintaining a level of sophistication.


what have you

c re ate d



De signe r: T ina Nie mynski For: Urb a n Sma rts nie mtl90@fullsa il.e d u

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