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Traits Checklist Questions like these can help you improve your skills. Every time you answer "yes" to one of these questions, you recognize the strength of your writing. . ' ,,t'..-'\: l: *1. *t;:'"T.:'"'ll-.;' "i1;" '1 a':;:.-.."1'ai:.' *,': ;'^. "j* j* .,'o .:,*"; *,i*.."* .;; r:t*;;*.;l*. i; c-4'q6"6*u-%.$"b::s-@"&.L"

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ls my writing clear and focused? Do I keep my, pa rpose anC,aud !e n ce i n mi n-d?

suBBo*iA' mry ideas wit h ahd rgasons?, ,

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lnterest .


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,Do :my,ideas,havera,,!,ogicail flow?. ts,my,..,

beginning effective? What about my ending? Does each paragraph focus on one idea? Do I use transition words to tie ideas together?

the *riting sound,like,I wrote, it? l{ave l added personal touches? Have I rho*n that i cjre,about what I am saying? . :




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Do,l .use enefgetit r,yor'di,fliif:6pg51g'

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interest? Have I used itrong verbs, precise noufis, and,vivid adjâ‚Źctives?

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Do i'ruse, diferenr kin


t', sif ientenceii.bol', " ,


I use the best sentence structure for my ideas?


Are m,y spelling,Igramma,r, and puhttuation correct?

Writer's Companion lntroduction

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