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WiitErli,Grrâ‚Źft in Lite*,etule
ldentify: Writing A Strong Lead A lead is the first sentence or paragraph of a piece of writing. A strong lead sparks readers'attention and makes them want to continue reading. Descriptive
make' words, sensory details, quotations, and interrogative sentences all can help a strong lead.
with ten-year-old musician Evren ozan. Notice how descriptive words to make the reader want to read further'
Read this strong lead from an interview
the writer rlses
=% tend to'describe'.'E*ea ai,ilie'rNative Ameriean Fl,rt" P*digy,"'An Old Soul Returned to the People," and thi "Future of Native fonrldhim to be an exceptional ten-year-o1d,*hoiii *i.t'talented'
qhe music circle
d*;..*;;.'';:* "t : :::: ' ':':':'+'rii"':::,:,::,::j:,.:.i: qfid$'ing;indonthewhole'awesome' creat t:::,l'i"
Euten Ozan, Musieian
Find words that catch readers' intâ‚Źrest. 1. Underline the words the writer uses in the lead to catch the reader's attention. 2. The writer uses quotations to show the reader what others think about Evren. Put a box
around the quotaiions that are used to spark readers'attention.
G. What other words would you choose to them on the lines below.
Writer's ComPanion ' UNIT 'l Lesson 3 Writing a Strong Lead
use to spark readers' interest
in Evren
Ozan? Write