Outgoing Global Volunteer Program - AIESEC in NMDC

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Outgoing Global Volunteer Program By AIESEC in NMDC

in National Management Degree College

in National Management Degree College

A Message from AIESEC in NMDC Dear our Exchanged Participant, This booklet is designed for you to have all the information and answers you are seeking. we hope it helps you becoming a global volunteer and explore the world with

C ontents • What is aiesec? • How it started • About aiesec in nmdc • Global volunteer program • Why volunteer abroad • The matching process • Setting expectations • Testimonials globally

in National Management Degree College

What is aiesec? AI ESEC as a Global Platform for y outh A I E S E C i s a g l o b a l p l a t f o r m f o r y o u n g p e o p l e t o ex p l o r e a n d d e v e l o p t h e i r l e a d e r s h i p potenti al . We are a non-pol i ti cal , i ndependent, not -for-profi t organi zati on run by students and recent graduates of i nsti tuti ons of hi gher educati on. Me mbe rs with c ommon purpose and v alue Our members are i nterested i n worl d i ssues, l eadershi p and management. AI ES EC does n o t d i s c r i m i n a t e o n t h e b a s i s o f e t h n i c i t y, g e n d e r, s ex u a l o r i e n t a t i o n , r e l i g i o n o r nati onal / soci al ori gi n. AI ESEC with I mpac tful H istory S i nce we were founded, we have engaged and devel oped over 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 y oung p e o p l e w h o h a v e b e e n t h r o u g h a n A I E S E C ex p e r i e n c e . T h e i m p a c t o f o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n can be seen through our al umni who represent busi ness, N GO and worl d l eaders, i ncl udi ng one Nobel Peace Priz e laureate, M artti Ati saari of Fi nl and.

How it started

Then our vision become

About aiesec in NMDC Background: AIESEC in NMDC is a local chapter from AIESC in Myanmar and it was founded in late 2016. the first official operation of AIESEC in NMDC was launched in February 2017 with outgoing global volunteer programs and incoming global volunteer programs aiming to build a bridge between NMDC students and AIESEC globally for voluntary and international internship programs.

Vision: To synergize the commitments of students from NMDC to create impactful youth leadership movement

Our Impact Globally 5,000+ Partner Organizations

126 Countries and Territories



Universities represented Active Members

1,000,000+ AIESEC Alumni

Global volunteer program T hi s bookl et wi l l be pri mari l y focusi ng on the Gl obal Vo l u n t e e r P r o g r a m .

Ab ou t Gl ob al Vol u n t eer Program

• A I E S E C ’ s G l o b a l Vo l u n t e e r P r o g r a m i s a vol unteeri ng program that you j oi n to vol unteer abroad to chal l enge yoursel f to do somethi ng outsi de of your comfort zone. • Yo u w i l l ex p e r i e n c e l i v i n g a n d w o r k i n g a b r o a d w i t h cros s -cul t ural t eam s and envi ronm ent w here i t w i ll g i v e y o u r e f l e c t i o n o n g e t t i n g a w a r e o f y o u r s e l f. • T h e ex p e r i e n c e r a n g e f r o m 4 t o 6 w e e k s . W h i l e they are general l y unpai d opportuni ti es, you often r e c e i v e s t i p e n d a n d b a s i c s u p p o r t s e r v i c e s l i ke food and accommodati on. • Yo u g e t t o v o l u n t e e r i n p r o j e c t s t h a t a i m f o r soci ety devel opment. T here are many types of proj ects you coul d j oi n al i gned wi th UN ’s 17 S ustai nabl e D evel opment Goal s.

Why volunteer abroad

D E V E LO P YOU R S ELF Grow and develop by going through practical experience and learning-bydoing. An intense crosscultural environment allows you to increase your selfawareness and solution orientation, improve communication skills and develop a global mindset. Become the best version of yourself! Grab your backpack and it’s time to explore the world!

VOLU N T EER EXPERIENCE Volunteer abroad in NGOs or on projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals by UN tackle pressing global issues to create positive impact in local societies. Don’t just travel. Develop the world!

C R O S S - C U LT U R A L EN VIORN MEN T Be a local in an unknown environment and experience new culture by working in a diverse and crosscultural team. Step out of your box and broaden your horizon, becoming a citizen of the World!

The matching process The following ste ps will show y ou how to apply and ge t matc he d at a proje c t.

1 First, you need to sign up on EXPA

2 Contact the OGV team HERE

3 Log In to Opportunity Portal EXPA , click Global Volunteer, start filtering and search the project

The matching process The following ste ps will show y ou how to apply and ge t matc he d at a proje c t.

4 Your Exchanged Participant Manager will be contacting you in 3-4 days after you sign up, he or she will guide you through the process and will help you contact other Local Committees for Project detailed information abroad with our International Relations

6 5 After you apply to a project, the process will take 1 to 2 weeks in order for you to get accepted including interviewing and after you are accepted, you can sign the exchange contract.

Then after you sign the contract, you can work on the visa, air ticketing and join our outgoing preparation seminar regarding traveling issues and travel safety.

Expectation Setting Estimate d Budget •

Ac c ommodation

An estimated budget from $500 to $1000. However this is an • estimated budget which means that the cost can more or less depending on the country and the amount you spend throughout • your exchange. Contract Fees: $100. As you know, we are a non-profit organization, so actually $100 goes to accommodation that we • provide for interns coming from abroad, logistical needs, operation needs and our legal process and team trainings as an local chapter

U t i l i t i e s Fe e s

Airport Pickup • •

Airport pickup: Most of the time, an AIESEC Buddy will pick you up in other countries If no one picks you up, you will be given a transportation arrangement which will take you to your accommodation.

The accommodation will be either by a host family or a hostel or an interns apartment Accommodation is often available and covered; however some projects may not provide accommodation where you will be helped to find the suitable one with less cost. Estimated range: $100 to $200 but this is an estimated range which means it would be $0 as well as more or less depending on the project you choose.

• •

Most of the project will charge you with utilities or Program Fees, they range from $50 to $150. Most TN Fees cover SIM card, transport, Food, Incoming Preparation Seminar (a conference), airport pickup or even accommodation sometimes.

Testimonial globally

I remember one day, at school, a kid raised his hand and asked me “What can I do to change the world?”. I didn’t know what to answer. My first thought was: “How can a 12-year old kid, who lives in a poor country in need of help, think he can change the world alone?”. But then I remembered why I was there. I went on exchange because I wanted to share my experiences, my cultures and my ideas. So I told him that the world won’t ever be changed by one person. But starting a movement is how we can do it together.

Testimonial globally

"The kids I teach to are amazing and it is funny how we switch from speaking Bahasa to English and also French!" Manon is on the One SEA - Enlighten The Future project! She's in Malang, Indonesia, teaching underprivileged children and contributing to SDG 4 - Quality Education.

Testimonial globally

"During the project, I think I mostly benefited from the part of the project about self-awareness. I always doubted if individuals can be a real part of the change, but I learned that, yes they can and we all did during the project. We really can be a huge part of the change and affect others to do so too. We showed all those people, no matter what our origin, religion, gender are, we are humans trying to make the best out of our lives, just like them. Especially in these days when people start forgetting about the important things, like being human, I think it was the best thing we could give."

Contact Us

Ei Myat Myat Thwe LCVP OGX +95(9)428193181 eimyat.thwe@aiesec.net

Thet Hnin Naing OGV Manager +95(9)794725701 thethnin.naing@aiesec.net

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