2012春季毕业/结业典礼 Spring 2012 Graduation Friday, January 9th, 2012 at 9:30am 2012年1月9日上午9:30分
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
院长致辞 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for interna onal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president. In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学). The department of oriental language and literature was founded in April, 1951 and languages as Burmese, Vietnamese, Indonesian had respec vely been introduced to teaching. A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for interna onal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president.
Dr. John Smith Dean
校长致辞 LETTER FROM DEAN OF ICES A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中 共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for internaonal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president. In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学). The department of oriental language and literature was founded in April, 1951 and languages as Burmese, Vietnamese, Indonesian had respec vely been introduced to teaching. A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中 共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for internaonal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president.
Dr. John Smith Dean
A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for interna onal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president. In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学). The department of oriental language and literature was founded in April, 1951 and languages as Burmese, Vietnamese, Indonesian had respec vely been introduced to teaching. A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for interna onal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president.
Dr. John Smith Dean
A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中 共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for internaonal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president. In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学). The department of oriental language and literature was founded in April, 1951 and languages as Burmese, Vietnamese, Indonesian had respec vely been introduced to teaching. A er the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East China office of the Central Commi ee of the Communist Party of China (中 共中央华东局) and the government of the Shanghai Municipality decided to establish an ins tute for higher educa on in Russian studies to cul vate qualified diplomats and translators for internaonal affairs. With the support of Chen Yi (陈毅), the mayor of Shanghai, the Shanghai Russian School (上海俄文学校) was officially established on December 1949. Jiang Chunfang (姜椿芳), one of the most famous Russian translators in China and the first chief editor of the Encyclopedia of China (《中国大百科全书》), was appointed as the school's first president.
Dr. John Smith Dean
典礼流程 Programme
2008 - 2012
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
2008 - 2012
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
2008 - 2012
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
2008 - 2012
C O O P E R AT I O N 团结
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
2008 - 2012
THE CLASS OF 2012 2012届毕业/结业生
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
2008 - 2012
THE CLASS OF 2012 2012届毕业/结业生
2008 - 2012
THE CLASS OF 2012 2012届毕业/结业生
2008 - 2012
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
2008 - 2012
W O R D S O F E N C O U R AG E M E N T 老师寄语
In 1950, the department of English was established and the college was incorporated as the foreign language school affiliated to the East China People's Revolu on University (华东人民革命大学).
Clarence C. Albury
The ISA Congratulates the Graduating Class of 2012 国际学生联谊会热烈祝贺2012年春季毕业/结业生顺利完成学业