Dickens Brochure

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Hours of Operation

The Dickens LMC Mission

Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The mission of the Dickens Elementary School Library Media Center is to: • provide adequate access to information;

Circulation Policy Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

1 book 1 -2 books 2-3 books 3-4 books 4-5 books 5 books

• provide a warm, kind, inviting, and comfortable environment for all students and teachers to learn, grow, and ultimately love reading;

*All materials must be returned prior to future check-outs. *Materials must be present for renewal. *A parent may check out materials under his or her child’s name. Technology Goals

• foster the integration and use of 21st century literacies within the classroom and media center; and to • build the foundation for increased student achievement within the school.

1. Foster lifelong learning by providing resources and assistance for individuals seeking and evaluating information. 2. Provide dependable information.

• actively teach students by partnering with classroom teachers for regular and consistent collaboration;



“The extent to which books are borrowed from school libraries shows a strong relationshi relationship with reading achievement.” -Impact Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement

adequate training 3. Provide opportunities for staff and volunteers. 4. Align library technology services with community needs and interests. 5. Use appropriate technology to further develop a 21st-century-literate staff and student body.

Dusty Dickens Elementary School Library Media Center 5550 Milan Peak Street North Las Vegas, NV 89081 Phone – 702.799.3878 Fax – 702.799.3871 http://www.MrsBentheim.com

Dickens Elementary School Library Media Center

Discoverin Discovering and Charting a Path to Success Christina A. Bentheim, M.Ed. Library Media Specialist Barbara Reininger, Ed. D. Principal

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