2016-2018 Design for Interaction Portfolio

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Industrial Design Portfolio

From. LI Chengtian 2016-2018

This por�olio presents my design perspec�ve and passion through each project. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for your a�en�on.

I’m Li Chengtian, you can call me Azure.

I’m a girl who grew up in Harbin with a straigh�orward personality. I’m keen to come up with new ideas to help people solve problems, and also love all beau�ful things. During my college years, I worked hard to achieve great scores in professional courses, and also gained the opportunity for exchanges in Taiwan, where I found the explana�on of ‘DESIGN’-- an inclusive, diversified thing which can live with us. In this por�olio, you will find a sensual girl with an interes�ng mind.


ENGLISH Chengtian LI lichengtian1998@163.com +86 13654568576

CET6: 546




Harbin Engineering University, Industrial Design

2017,07 Major

MaxyPro Company, Internship

MingChuan University, Product Design 09/2017, Exchange Students GPA -90

2018,09 Major

Tongji University, Workshop



09/2015-06/2019 GPA -92 Rank -1/40





Industrial Design

Service Design








Creo Proe




Stoker help smokers quit smoking.

Echo design for long distance parent-child relationships.

AR Shadow combine old shadow play with AR technology.

Menstru relive menstrual pain, use BRAUN’s language.

04 / 2018 service design

12 / 2017 interactive product design

06 / 2017 interaction design

10 / 2017 product design


Designer — Chengtian Li

CATEGORY Service Design [ interac�on desgin; product design] compe��on


2017/12 - 2018/04

01/ STOKER “Are you ready to commit to quit smoking? That's half the battle.” ROLE Researcher UX/Visual designer

Service designer Product designer

BRIEF Even though 80% of smokers would like to quit smoking, less than five percent are able to quit on their own due to the highly addic�ve proper�es of nico�ne. This project is about building an online community to gather users who decide to quit smoking but feel lonely or feel hard to s�ck to it. They can use this App to share their experience, their advice, and also make some somkefree friends. And I also designed a device using Arduino to detect whether they smoke or not to complete a daily check in this App.


Design Process INSIDE OUT


Discover • literature review • user research • market research



• research analysis

• service system • offering map • product performannce

• develop app • product design • service blueprint

Finance • business model • benefits

basic features, func�onality

Real problem on quit smoking

Existed methods and process to quit smoking


what does it benefit the stakeholders use person, journey map, market evalua�on to define a new stragety

how to service the users

create an integrated experience for users a new online community for users

how the new service makes money

Background Most smokers know they should quit but they also know it's going to be hard. Because their work, their friends, their living environment, and the withdrawal responses they have had a�er qui�ng have all hindered their success. Behavioral strategies can help, medicines can also help, but the problem is that even if they successfully quit smoking, they s�ll face the problem of relapse.

Quit smoking is a long-term and unremitting efforts.

How hard is it to Quit Smoking ?



6-11 times

one-�me sucessfully quit smoking

quit smoking at all without help

quit before actually succeed

Target Group The product is aimed at people who have tried smoking cessa�on but have no success, and who successfully quit smoking but relapse.

Preliminary inves�ga�on


Literature Review Quit Smoking Process 1 weeks

3 days

nico�ne withdrawal symptoms reach their peak

3 months

most people start to feel be�er

the symptoms are usually gone

It takes a lifetime to resist the temptation of smoking.

Key Points of the Process You need to consult doctors to an�cipate your high-risk situa�ons and plan for them.

Stock up on oral subs�tutes and make a quit day.

The first two weeks are cri�cal. If you cannot get though, that turns into an obstacle and you may smoke more than before.

Tell people your plan and try to remove all smoking reminders.

Most of the time you persist in smoking cessation alone.

User Research

1 \ Interview

I interviewed four smokers who have smoked for yeaes . I try to analyze why it is so hard for them to quit smoking, so I organize the note of the interview.

Key Issues: why they smoke?

what causes relapse?

·most of their friends smoke.

·nico�ne makes them feel pleasure and calm.

·help them with the stress of daily life.

·withdrawal symptoms lessen.

·smoking looks cool and mysterious.

·tobacco dependence requires repeated treatments.

what do they worry about the most? ·closely linked with daily ac�vi�es.

·be afraid to ask for support.

·lack courage from families.

·behavioral and social aspects of cigare�e use are highly rewarding for them.

2 \ Journey Map Stage

Prepare to quit smoking positive

Doing Feeling

couples quarrel cause smoking



Why did she always critise me? Fine, i will make another try.

have withdrawal reac�on

refuse the cigare�e from colleges


If i take it, i will fail again!

Going to the hospital is too much trouble.

Endure to the end! It seems that i am the wierd one. I am afraid of losing face.

He lacks of confidence. It is hard to resist the tempta�on. He is concerned about face saving. He is afraid of feeling like a fish out of water.

Does this allergy caused by quitting smoking?

He is lack of understanding He is living far from the hos The unsuitable environmen Many failures make smokin

3 \ Persona Opportunities: 15

● raise his confidence. ● give him a sense of belonging.

Smoking cessa�on �m

● easy to get a medical consulta�on. ● smoke free environment. ● provide mo�va�ons to quit smoking.

Smoke age: 1

Smokefree or smokefriends, that is a question.


These two weeks wer me in a weird way wh laughed at me. But f

Give it up

The tenth day

unable to resist the tempta�on, take a cigare�e

Just for once!

smoking with his colleges

they quarrel again a�er found him smoke again

Bad luck!

Failed again....

Fortunately, i am still healthy.

She will never how hard it is !

So awkward...

Ok, i will have another cigarette.

g about how to cope with withdrawal symptoms. spital. nt make him easy to give up. ng cessa�on more diffcult,and he lacks of self control.

He lose the sense of accomplishment. Smokers know nothing about the danger of smoking.

35% Frie

5% insensible



ne y




inconsistent unsocial


re hard, boring, but with a li�le bit happy. My colleagues looked at hen I said ‘ i am quitting smoking!’, and some of them even fortunately, my wife seems satisfied, and my body is getting better.


alt h




i Fam


take a hospital medical examina�on, find the result is ok



What he concerned Most about smoking?


Design Analysis 1 \ User Study They need to know more benefits to a�ract them, not just physical health.

ng lo

t en




m co c A

g in

smokers who want to quit smoking



target consumer

They are afraid to be isolated once they quit smoking, and they dont want to fight alone.

2 \ Market Evaluation Analyze exis�ng smoking cessa�on methods from three aspects: effec�veness, side effects, and whether they are common.

side effects

more effective

Medical treatement

nicotine replacement therapy non-nicotine medication

less common

Stop-smoking group

Psychological therapy



more common


behavioral therapy

offline community

less effective

Most Common, Effec�ve and Less Side Effects. The coverage of these exis�ng methods is not comprehensive. Even if there are some useful medicine, people sitll need to prepare for the poten�al side effects, and whether users succeed or not is s�ll rely on their self-discipline.

3 \ Design Insights

• Smokers know the harms of smoking. However, it is hard to persisit by their own, especially when most of their friends also smoke. • They want to get access to useful informa�on easily when they start a quit smoking plan, and they dont want to be wierd due to the smoking cessa�on. • They need visible mo�va�on.


RECORD develop smoking cessa�on plans and write a qui�ng diary




use smart hardware to judge smoking community punch card


App: Design an online community for those who want to quit smoking. Product: Just using smoking cessa�on so�ware is no way to truly detect whether a person has quit smoking, so join the nico�ne detec�on hardware.

REWARD based on smoking cessa�on dura�on and success rate

ASSISTANT weaken withdrawal response reduce relapse rate

Concept: Mobile App 1 \ Information Architecture


Page element


Frequent user:

First �me user:

enter passcode/ scan finger

enter personal informa�on/ skip


Community add friends search contacts nearby

onlookers oversight like comment


�me smokefree cigare�es not smoked people helped

money saved

life regained



se�ngs profile set punch �me change data reset all data about this app


user health �ps



my gold coins purchase history nearby stores coupon total gold coins

awards sta�s�cs achievements

Stoker App is a pla�orm for people who want to quit smoking to exchange ideas, make smokefree friends, collect points and consult doctors. It will set up a community to connect users.

2 \ User Testing

“Why I clicked the profile is not the first to see my personal information?”

“Can the device that detects nicotine be a Bluetooth connection?”

“I don’t know how to use this motivation function to handle my cigarette addiction.”

“If i can quit smoking together with other smokers”

Proof of Concept Main func�on of the concept were tested by a low fidelity prototype. Findings were used to detail interac�ons .

Logic & Evalua�ion

3 \ Wireframe 1. Landing Page

2.1 Log in

3.1 Delivery info









The �me for smoking cessa�on and the effect of smoking cessa�on on users in terms of money and health are clearly demonstrated.

4.1 Personal info



7.1 Community





5.1 Editting

8.1 Motivation


6. Settings




Users can use the online community to supervise each other. 8 The app can analyze the cause of tobacco addic�on and provide users with corresponding solu�ons for common types.


4 \ Prototyping Community

Set Goals

• share the qui�ng date in the community • like, supervise and comment others • exchange experience and make friends

• set goals on what you will do with the money you saved from quit smoking. • record the progress, like 80% is done.

Check in

Help Quit Smoking

• click the check in bu�on and the product will judge the nico�ne in your saliva, and then complete the punch. • show the quit smoking date, the benefits for your health and the points you get.

• record the withdrawal reac�on • consult doctors online • scien�fic advice on withdrawal reac�ons







Combining the meaning of the prohibi�on sign with smoking cessa�on.


The use of dark gray as the main color, light gray and white as the detail color, making the overall higher-end business APP simple. The bright orange color used as a small area is not only conspicuous, but also highlights the main func�on keys.

Concept: Nicotine Detection Product 1 \ Digital Prototype

• Detec�ng the amount of nico�ne in the user's saliva to determine whether he smokes on this day, as its concentra�on will not be affected by diet or environment within 19 hours. • The color sensor converts the color change of the nico�ne test strip to color informa�on and sends it to the Arduino. When the Arduino detects the color value change, it sends this informa�on to the mobile applica�on via Bluetooth.

3 \ Modeling


Bluetooth bu�on

Feedback light Tip lights

Nico�ne detec�on port

Arduino & Product Design

2 \ Sketches

I draw some sketches for the nico�ne detec�on product, which can hold tes�ng paper, color sensor and an Arduino .

Prototype Test

I used clay to make the orginal prototype to confirm the size, form and the structure on how to resemble the different parts. Then a�er the test, I use 3D Prin�ng to make the final model .

Detailed Service Design 1 \ Product Service System Map

main stakeholders Succeed

Trying to quit exchange experience on how to quit smoking make friends

Online Community

joi ces n smo sa� kin want to quit on g

Propaganda Ac�vi�es

ee t efr men k o n sm viro en

nico�ne replacement or drugs

points/ money

Stoke Offline shop


al a raw dat thd n wi ac�o re

Online Community

nico�ne replacement or drugs

how to handle withdrawal reac�on

hospital Doctors material flow informa�on flow financial flow

2\ Offering Map what service does this system offer ?

succeed in qui�ng smoking • pla�orm sharing their ideas • pla�orm helping people • making friends

nonsmoker • more smoke free environment

try to quit smoking • quickly medical consulta�ons • making friends • different methods of qui�ng smoking • record smokefree day • online community • award for his insistence

want to quit smoking Offline shop • who dont buy cigre�es but buy insteads and tools for qui�ng smoking.

• more successful cases on quit smoking • online community

doctors • online consultation pla�orm

Service Blueprint Step

Front Stage


deliver the test paper

reminder for daily click

visualize bonu point

line of interaction

Physical Evidence

User Actions

line of visibility

Back Stage

Supporting Processes

make a plan of smoking cessa�on

set up the device,place the test paper

finfish the nico�ne test, make a daily click

get bonus points

prepare the ads in the stores

make test paper and run logis�cs aompanies

- users registra�on and targets se�ng, binding server and machine, distribut test paper

make a point data analysis system

- users complete tes�ng, we collect data, estab users’ data files.

- tes�ng users' daily click, we maintain points s ing system.

- maintain test paper purchase, distribu�on, an



visualize the analyzed data

e the us ts provide related goods

enjoy points in stores

blish and maintain

system and monitor-

nd logis�cs services.

reminder for like, follow, supervise users

follow; like and supervise other users,

support chat

exchange smoking cessa�on experience

give advice of smoking cessa�on

share APP and product

consult a doctor about the drugs needed for withdrawal reac�on

prepare the ads in the stores

get and process like, follow, supervise users’ data

- monitor the withdrawal reac�on data - doctors study different cases

- users follow and like others, we establish and maintain user social files. - maintain the withdrawal reac�on monitoring system, expert advice system.

- serving relevant ads to ensure the opera�on of the O2O model.

Business Model Canva Key Resources

Key Ac�vi�es:

Value p

- IoT model of products and online pla�orms - experienced doctors

- Using online pla�orm to communicate with other users.

- Focus on

Key Partners

- Using smart hardware to complete daily click and earn bonus points and honors.

- Scien�fic

- Health care companies - Hospital

- Consult the doctor about the specific medicine through the online pla�orm.

- Increase - Provide

- Promote


Customer Segments

- Encourage the clients of our community to share the app to others. - Distribu�ng the IoT device in the hospital, health care companies. - Website and TV adver�sements to demonstrate our project.

- Smokers who want to quit the smoking - People who care the smokers and desire to help them quit the smoke.

Revenue Streams - Related companies, such as health care company or insurance company, put their adver�se on the APP, part of the adver�se fee turned to be the bonus offering for the customers. - The cost of the test paper during the first-week is on our bill, then the customer need to pay for the test paper

Cost Structure

Less concerned with cost, our work focuses on creating value for products and services. - The cost of the IOT device, the marke�ng and the bonus go down as the number of goods are ordered or produced and the incorpora�ng of the other businesses which have a direct rela�on to the original product - The cost of the sever and network of Online service go up as the pla�orm develop. Variable Cost: • Online and offline marke�ng to build the channel to reach our customers • Providing shopping coupons and other bonus to encourage the smoking cessa�on

Fixed Costs : • The produce of the IoT device • The development APP • The sever of Online service


n the method of smoking cessa�on based on social founda�on

e users' confidence in smoking cessa�on and sense of belonging

c smoking cessa�on methods and prac�cal cases visible smoking cessa�on benefits

e a smoke-free lifestyle



Designer — Chengtian Li

CATEGORY Product design; Interac�on design intership


2017/07 - 2017/12

02/ Echo “Parents act so strong for us, but keep the LDR with them is also important. ”

ROLE User Research Interac�on Design

Insight Mapping Product designer

BRIEF As the be�er development of our genera�on, more and more people have the ability and funds to choose to work in more developed ci�es. This trend greatly reduces our contact with parents. This project aimed using sophis�cated and �me-saving feedback to deliever the message of parents’ and children’s mood in a �mely and humane way. Based on this, I designed an interac�ve product.


Design Process 1 Discover 2 weeks

Market research Literature Review Face to Face & Telephone interview

Find out requirement

LDR Product

1990 Telephone / Snail mail

2 Define

3 Develop

1 weeks

SWOT analysis Experience Map POG Key Findings

Define the key problem

4 Deliver

2 weeks

1 weeks

Interac�on design Moodboard Idea�on Modeling

Implement User Tes�ng Storyboard Future Vision

Concept Design

Explore futher

Anything that makes us feel closer to our partners is a definite win.

2000 Mobile phone / SMS / E-mail 2016 Smart phone / Apps



Interaction Vision feeling of love


It will happen in the instant moment in the work place. The interac�on should be effortless for users, and easy to convey their feelings.

e m il y m

e nc

b e rs ? ? ? ? nm

r fa

w rama sho



have ma ey

ways to ny

So, in this project, I find what they need in this rela�onship, and design a product which they can express their emotions more effciently in the free time.

t But wha

Long distance rela�onship with parents is totally different from with couples. Even if today’s technology can bring us together voice-to-voice on the phone, virtually through video conferencing, this kind of strong connec�ons spend many energies in parent-child rela�onship.


Design Goal

Market Rsearch

find out the “blue ocean”

there are already some gadgets to help us keep our long-distance rela�onship. so i make a research to find out if there is any vancancy.

Most ldr products are designed for couples, while those for parents and childrren are just tips, advice and quotes. Function & Medium

Wearable Device; physcal feeling like squeezes, vibrations,etc. show the existence and company of our parnters.

SWOT Analysis

Lamp, Gloves, Hug Shirt..; using signals or physical touch to deliver simpele messages or create truly realis�c experience.

Apps; digital touch, video, messages, make real �me convesa�ons easier, tell the detailed infoma�on of our parnters.

based on the existing LDP gadgets in the market



• different varie�es, such as par�cipatory experience, immersion experience. • combines ux and technology well.

• the target group is all of couples. • the interac�on mode is monotonous.


THREATS • find the difference from mobile App. • the needs of parents ,children is more complicated.

• China has implemented one-child per family policy for many years, so the LDR between parent and teenager is also important. • Their needs are different form couples, i try to design a new product for this special group.

Design Intent




The most important long-distance rela�onship we have is with our parents. However, there are only ldr gadgets for couples. As a majority of college sudents a�end school or kids go to work away from home, how to keep the rela�onship alive is also a problem worth solving.

User Rsearch 1 \ Literature Review Average Size of Households in China popula�on

the reduc�on of family size means the phenomenon of young people living independently is more and more common.





empty-nest family


25 18



2 years

The couple will enter the "Spa�al Nest Time" for nearly 15 years in advance.

take Mid-Autumn Fes�val as an example 2.91






Most kids who study or work outside the home can't go home o�en, and they can't even spend �me with their parents on holidays.

cannot go home


The Advantages and Disadvantages for Long Distance Parent-Child Relationships. Advantages:


• be�er for personal development • become independent • build new rela�onship • realize what parents do for us, understand their love

• when we meet some obstacles, we cannot talk parents to seek comfort. Disadvantages: • there’s nobody to throw our clothes in the dryer before class on a cold winter’s morning. • we are out of the loop on everything about parents.


• always worry about kids’health ,safety, etc. Disadvantages: • afraid of misunderstanding kids’ issues and having disconnect with them. • no ma�er what, children are and will always be the source of strength and happiness for their parents.


• have more free �me to do what they like

Even if it seems that LDR do more benefits for kids, both of them

Conclude: care about each other much.

2 \ User Interview I interviewed different groups of users (parents and kids), trying to find how they connect with each other, what they want from a long distance rela�onship, what they confused most. Who: Undergraduate



How: on the wechat


summer and winter vaca�on



want my parents ask me everything about my study and life “ Iordon't always leave a message under the moments I post on the wechat . It makes me feel like a child again, and inevitable it leads to annoyances and fights.

Hazel Liu Who:

How: video chat

Civil servant

How O�en:

three �mes

Why: care about her current life situa�on

seems bored with this long-distant connec�ons. A�er the “ She ini�al “Hi, how you doing” she always doesn’t have too much to

say. I want to show care for her when I think she is sad, but most of the �me she was mad with me.

Who: Employee



How: phone call


Hazel’s Mother

only when celebra�ng the new year


parents’ health

parents always want to FaceTime me at the most inconvenient “ My time. I am really busy at work, but if I refuse them they get mad when I don’t have �me to talk but s�ll get mad when I call them when its inconvenient for them.

Ruonan Who:


How O�en:

How: social media; phone call

each week

Why: care about her physical and mental health

always say most of the ques�ons she doesn’t want to or can’t “ She tell me. Some�mes, she texts me too late, which made me worry about her security. But I am afraid of interrupting her job, so what I can do is just wait, wait and wait.

Ruonan’s Father

1st Product Opportunity Gap • their busy work and study costs too much �me, it is hard for them to share feelings wholeheartedly. • They want to par�cipate in each others life, but they are shy or �red to talk about the trivial round. • Kids don’t want their parents to interfere their life.

Analysis & Findings 1 \ Experience Map According to the research, i find that the main point is the contradic�on between their needs and free �me. So I draw a experience map to analysis this problem.


get up




get up

study+rest 8:30



lunch break

lunch break




stud 13:30 work

even if both of them need some chats in the day�me, the different rest period and the busy work make their needs hard to be realized. It leads them to hope that they can spend more �me cha�ng a�er they go home.

2 \ Key Findings ● HOW TO create strong bonds

Communica�ng care and sharing love & shared memories create a posi�ve interac�ng cycle.If we heard a joke or heard a new song then share those things. This makes them feel included even though they may be very far.

● Painpoints

• busy • misunderstanding

BUT • over interference • concern too much

● Challenges

Both par�es have to contribute equally. The painpoints are easy to break the balance, so it is �me to design something to let them work to maintain this rela�onship and recevie the same love in return.

● Defects in the Exis�ng interac�o

They always use mob to keep in touch.

• waste �me • consume ennergy • have many limits • distract one’s a�en • some�mes is ineffi

bridging user research result to design. when they have �me when they need/want to













knock off




on model

bile phone

n�on fficient

sleep 23:30


different schedule; low communica�on effciency; mad

● Final Product Opportunity Gap - It can express feelings, make small memories more humanized instead of a gree�ng message or conversa�on. - It allows users to ‘talk’ to others at any �me. - It can use fragmented �me making a connec�on between parents and kids. - Improve the efficiency of informa�on transfer.

● A NEW interac�on An interac�ve product which can bridge the gap between parents and kids and share their feelings more naturally.

EA SY gesture-based

express emo�on

no app

easy to learn

Design Element Analysis 1 \ Which kind of emotions do we want to express? Friends


Different kinds of emo�ons we share with different people


• According to the research, happiness and sadness are the most common emo�ons that we always share with our parents. • And it is in these two kinds of emo�ons that we would like to talk with others to get more happiness or get some comfort.

2 \ How to express it? As I want the way we interact with parents using this product can be totally different from the way we use mobile phone like text or voice chat, it need to deliver the emo�on messages more like a human. So I find out the general responses when we feel happy or sad.

Conclusion when people feel

happy, they will be

more energe�c. they like dance, jump, rock and roll...

• Interaction Gesture

when people feel sad, they will be more depressed. they may cry and need comforts.

When people feel happy, they will act delighted, gentle; But when they feel sad, they will act indecisively, fragilely.

make an example with the ball

• Product Interaction













Detail Concept Design


1 \ Moodboard It will be used most in the office and classrooms, so I want this product to be simple, easy to match many styles, compact and dynamic, while at the same �me giving users a warm feeling. So I find products which always be put on the table, make the moodboard and decide the color pale�e.

Detail Concept Design 2 \ Ideation

There are various ways to respresent their emo�ons, and a�er I combined the results from interac�on design and moodboards, I figured out several ideas and chose the most appropriate way.

Finally, I chose this concept. It will swing or rotate to express your sadness or happiness both to you and your partner.

It will swing le� and right or swing up and down with the light flashing when you feel sad or happy. and this message will be deliverd to your pertner as well.

this product will act like a cat, it will sound sa�sfy and deliver it to your long distance partner if you feel happy and touch its belly. When you feel sad, touch its feet and it will deliver a sad message to your partner who will comfort you

I used foam boards to make the ďŹ rst 1:1 model of my design. I hade to divide the product into 2 parts,polish the surface.

4 \ Prototype

four color schemes.

I bonded them together with glue and used sand paper machine to polish them, ďŹ nally painted them with yellow and white sprayer.

User Scenario

This product is for two people. When you triggers the product using a specific gesture to express your eno�on, the e specific feedback to you. It can express two kinds of emo�ons , happiness and sadness.

when you are happy, touch it.

when you are sad, push it.

Future Vision:

Just use the interaction product to express parents’ and kids’emotions and feelings effec In the future, I want to design some LDR communities which have many LDR interaction

emo�on message showed by this product will pass to your partner’s product, and then he will touch it which makes

it will rotate.

it will shake from sad to sad.

ciently in their free time is the ďŹ rst step to keep this long distance relationship alive. n devices to allow them do something relaxable together, like watch a movie, go for a shopping and so on. 34


Designers — Chengtian Li Zhibin Zhou Chang Xu

CATEGORY Interac�on Design gradua�on design


2017/02 - 2017/06

03/ AR Shadow “Turn the tradition into a new fashion! Interact with shadow.” CONTRIBUTION User Research & Tes�ng Concept Development

Insight Mapping Mapping UI Flow On-screen Prototyping

BRIEF Many tradi�onal cultures disappeared while the technology develops.There is even no pla�orm for people to know them, so we decided to save shadow play as one of the tradi�onal cultures. The AR Shadow is a new form of entertainment for children to play shadow puppets at home with AR technology. Children can use this app to design their own puppet, play with their friends or parents in the real world and par�cipate in related ac�vi�es with them.


Design Process Discover

~week 1


~week 2

desk research ques�onnaire field research interview case research


~week 3 persona painpoints new stragety

~week 4


~week 5

informa�on architecture UI flow AR technology Prototype

~week 6 programming mock up user tes�ng video

What’s chinese shadow play? Chinese shadow puppetry is a form of theatre acted by colourful silhoue�e figures made from leather or paper, accompanied by music and singing.

Why we want to save Shadow Play ?

Performance Venues Number

Hu 1500 He 900 Nan 200 Bei 8 0 This situa�ons in other ci�es are similar.

almost LOST L A C K of YOUNG puppeteers

puppeteers age over


among them



Learning traditional culture from an early age Knowledge & Values cultural history, social beliefs, oral tradi�ons and local customs

Design Goal




ONLY 20% youngest others are all age over about 50

L A C K of teenager audience Market Shrink

Why are Children to save it ?

let the tradition be a new fashion!

We want to add some game and new technology elements in the old shadow puppetry to a�ract more children. Meanwhile, we will find the needs of children as well. We hope that it will be an interes�ng way to relax for children like other video games.

Design Research 1 \ Desk Research & Field Observation what’s wrong with the old shadow puppetry? Hard to Make

The produc�on of a puppet includes more than ten processes. There are dozens of tradi�onal plays, each play need a set of puppets.

High Cost of Learning

Puppeteers need to master special techniques such as the ability to play various musical instruments. However, they earn very li�le. The skills are handed down in families. But many young people tend to choose more promising job.

Lack of Venues

The show were primarily for weddings, funerals and other special occasions. It doesn’t have fixed performance venues.

2 \ Case Studies

hippop sing

how about some contemporary forms?




All of these new forms have some disvatanges: • Totally change the unique feature of the shadow play .

• Just improve the learning problem.

• High cost, low quan�ty and not as funny as movies.

• Hard to let kids a�ach to shadow play everyday to raise notability.

Conclude: The old shadow play cannot fit this modern society which rich in entertainments. So we want to start from the three aspects, avoid the disvatanges of the contemporary forms to design an interes�ng shadow play.

Design Research we did user research to find out what users need, including poten�al users.

what do children like now?

3 \ Quantitative Research

I inves�gated students in the third and fourth grades of Xinhua Primary School, I chose two classes in each grade, and finally I got a total of 207 ques�onnaires. 194 of them are useful.

92% never


watch shadow play online

8% yes Have You Seen a Shadow Play?

75% 70% 23%

Phone Computer Ipad TV

15% a�er the First You Use the Mobile Phone?


30% 28% 10%

AR Games Stragety Ac�on Puzzle

4 \ Quality Research


prefer to play video games

87% 67% 60% 43%

79% 70% 23%

33% 30% 28% 10%

What do you do in your leisure �me ? Video games 74% Physical games 13% 8% Books 5% Hobbies

What do you do with these devices? Video games 87% Homework 67% 60% Video Listen to music 43%


What the types of games do you like?


Children like to use their mobile phone to play game the most in their free �me, and most of the informa�on they get is from the Internet.

Online 67% Books 23% Performance venues 10%

Web device they use?



before they enter school

Where did you see it?

49% 22% 17% 13%

How long does it take to play games? 1~2 hours 0~1 hours 3~4 hours 0 hours

49% 22% 17% 13%

what do parents expect?

Parents, as an important poten�al user, I also need to ask what they wants and needs. I inves�gated some parents at the Xinhua Primary School gate. Which kind of personal quali�es do you want your kid have except study hard? Why?

Which kind of a�er-school educa�on products do you prefer to inves�gate? Why?

Maybe good communica�on skills, team working spirit and prac�cal ability. But a good grade is the main task for him right now, and then what a pity is that it seems less �me for her to cul�vate these abili�es.

Acturally, I would like to buy some extracurricular books, but he only wants to play Apple. Therefore, I buy some study apps for him to try to reduce the frequency of playing games. When he was a li�le boy, I buy more toys.



Save tradi�onal culture or not?

Opinions on tradi�onal culture and shadow play 91% 2% 33%

Pay for saving it or not?

Cost less, see shadow play or not?

Which kind of video games do you think is ok for him to play for a while? Why?

54% 72% 8%

It best is a teamwork game with an interes�ng content. Because, in my view, I hope he can get more interac�ons with some real friends in the real world, and also communicate with me or his dad.

Analysis & Findings 1 \ Persona

conclude the demands of different users




• i hope he can play with his friends in the real world. • i hope the product can enhance his general quality in the leisure �me to replace the video game.

• learning tradi�onal culture is boring, i would rather play more games. • i just watch during a shadow play, when i join a workshop, i’m always afraid of tearing the puppet.

• the interac�on between us and the audience is weak. • i pay many efforts on shadow playing, but work as a puppeteer cannot afford my life.

2 \ Painpoints ● Kids

● Puppeteer

the old shadow playing is boring, children cannot play with friends.

studying puppet skills doesn’t cost effec�ve, nobody wants to study them as a career.

● Parents

● Old Shadow Play

pay for tradi�onal culture class is meaningless for children’s future.

it lacks interac�on and cannot catch up with the fashion.

3 \ New Stragety Interac�ve

AR technology


DIY; Imagina�on

Historical knowledge

Shadow Play


Crea�vity Tradi�onal culture

Interes�ng Literature

Liogical Thinking

Hobby class

Traditional Child Education

Toys Study for Child’s Lesiure fun Time Movies




Teamwork Abili�es

Ask Teachers for Help


Talk with Classmates


Video games

Made by Themeself

Offline Ac�vi�es


Final Design Direction 1 \ Design Position


Puppet model

Interac�ve chinese culture game

design an app to combine online game and offline ac�vity.

materiar is wood or paper, you can buy one or make one and then assenble it.

connect ar with the shadow playing, play with your friends.


write the puppet sto you like, draw the puppet you want.

3 \ Journey Map

purchase model

paste the targe�mage on the model

assemble the model

write the puppe share your game paint a character

print a new targe�mage paste it on the model


start the game

Develop : Mobile App 1 \ Information Architecture Offcial Theme Game Page Register

Skeleton2 DIY Skeleton



Shadow PLay Offline Ac�vity

DIY character


DIY Theme

Share Log In


Choose character Download Imagetarget Skeleton1

DIY characte


Choose char

Like Date Loca�on Price Puppet Thearter


Puppet Lessons Follow



Date Loca�on Price Download Online

Book Online

Get Points


2 \ Function For users

ory e t.

• Users can check the story of a theme when they play the game. Then, they will learn the tradii�onal culture in an unconscious way. • It needs at least two users to play the ar game, which can cul�vate their teamwork spirit. • the puppet needs to be assembled to play, and users can diy their own characters in the app.

For shadow playing • Collect related shows’ and workshops’ informa�on and recommend them on the APP which allows users to book the �cket in advance. Raise the penetra�on rate by these offline ac�vi�es.

et story; e points

me Guide

Start the Game With your Friends

DIY character


Uplode Theme



Book Online Informa�on



Share Grades

Like and Download

4 \ ‘Interact with Shadow’ Model

2 \ Main Wireframe

2 \ Interface Design • Game page


Start a game: 1\ official them

Locked Theme

themes made by developer, pay for use

hold • this is the main page of official theme, hold the middle image to see and change the details of this puppet theme. We can slide this page to see more interes�ng themes.


DIY Character

it changes when we click different models.

Draw page • this page allows us draw the characters we like.




click and let your favorite to the top.

• this is the main page of sharing theme. users can upload their DIY theme for others to collect or play, and this list is ranked by the number of how Share many people like. sharing the theme we made by ourself with others.


• we can follow the users we like, exchange the theme we made to them.

me; 2\ sharing theme; 3\ recommend theme; 4\ DIY theme the imagetarget turns into a new QR code.

View page

• there are two rows in this page. the models in the first row are used to generate new imagetarget according to the puppet’s body parts we draw in the second row.

Download QR Code

• the pop-up model is designed for us to download and paint new QRcode.

• we can draw six different pictures for one body part.

3 Download





• this is the main page of app recommended theme. click the image to download what we want to play.

Generate QR Code this app generate QR code as the imagetarget for different themes we made, once we click the theme model, it will pop up and wait for our confirm.

• this is the main page of DIY theme. we can not only design our own puppets, but also choose different skeleton of the puppet.


2 \ Interface Design • Offline Activity page

Time Button

it will filter recently released shows in this month.

the second page of performance. in this page, you can see the detailed informa�on and book �ckets

Transfer Button It allows you to transfer to the game page

themes made by developer, pay for use

This is the main page to show the informa�on of the performance

This is the main page to show the informa�on of online lessons and offline workshops

the second page of online lessons. in this page, you can download, like, comment, share...this video


Five pupils test with puppet models and app demos and there are some ques�ons about how to paint their own puppet and how to assemble the wood model. Based on the crea�on of the first design concept, various aspects of it need to be improved.


Designer — Chengtian Li

CATEGORY Product Design new product development coursework


2017/09 - 2017/10

04/ MENSTRU “Design for what matters. Care about women’s period.”

ROLE Brand Research Ergonomic Research

Product design

BRIEF A project creates be�er solu�ons and user experiences to improve the quality of life . The objec�ve of this project was to design a product that relieve the bad feeling in the painful periods for female. Morever, I try to use the design language of BRAUN to make this personal object warm and humane.


Product Design 1 \ Sketches

Considering the interac�on between this product and women’s hand, the form of it should be more in line with the ergonomics of the hand.


2 \ Ergonomic Testing [ CLAY ] The work con�nued by studying musculoskeletal ergonomics to find the natural and most relaxed posi�on of hands.

Strength of Pure

Brand Research 1 \ Brand Language

Interface Elements Designed as either a circle or an elongated circle


Visual elements Emphasis on the product’s usability and func�onality

highlight product func�on opera�ng controls

Appearance Stand alone products are based on clear, architectural shapes Handheld products are characterized by fluid geometry Brand Research

2 \ Brand Analysis Product Mix

find a new product line! Core Values

Current User Profiling

· male power grooming

· long-las�ng quality

· Smart and open-minded

· female hair removal

· enduring func�on

· enjoy low-key products

· hair care appliances

· ergonomic design

· the young genera�on

· household appliance

· innova�on

Most products of BRAUN cares about males’ and females’daily life. Why is there no products care for women’s period? ‘severe pain is limiting women’s daily activities’ Most women have some pain during periods. The pain is o�en mild but it is severe enough to affect day-to-day ac�vi�es. In many cases, the symptoms are so typical that it can be ignored by most of us.

3 \ Market Research on Products Relieve the Pain no side effects

severe side effects


least effective

dietary changes Vitamin B1

vaginal ring

birth control pills

herbal products

hea�ng pag



non-steroidal painkillers

most effective

There are many solu�ons to help relieve the pain. Comparing the most common treatments and considering thoese side effects: Using hea�ng pag to reduce pain is a more acceptable way.

4 \ Design Insights

• Use the characteric of BRAUN’S products to inprove the hea�ng bag. • Change the hea�ng principle from the hot water into Infrared self-hea�ng. • Make the appliance handle be�er, perform be�er, look be�er.

Anthropometric measurements 2

[ asian women palms ] mm 1.

hand length


hand breadth


grip breath inside width diameter


167.9 75.2


32.2 grip breath inside length diameter 25.7

A hand cross-sec�on with the width-to-length diameter for gripping is 15.3-19.2% for females of the hand length.



Function Control bu�on -- control the temperature intensity, next three lights show the strength of the temperature

Power bu�on -- press twice to lock the temperature

Hea�ng part

It is small enough to carry around and fasten on your body. It can be used as a temporary hea�ng in your hand, or it can be a�ached to your waist for a long �me.

Final Form

Industrial Design Portfolio

From. LI Chengtian 2016-2018

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