St Brigid Parish Bulletin for August 27, 2023

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The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa. St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

-mail: Facebook: St Brigid Parish

Deacon Ronald D. Maida

Deacon Paul J. Brojack

(St. Brigid’s Cross)


Saturday, September 2—4:30PM—St. Francis:

Sunday, September 3 8:00AM St. Francis: Lector Christina Long; Ministers Mary Shaughnessy & Larry Purtell; Servers—Jacob & Carson Oleniacz; Rosary—Debbie Purtell

Sunday, September 3—10:30AM—St. Augustine: Lector Bob Allen; Ministers Sr. Bette Brown & Tanya Dearborn


Please pray for the deceased, especially our Parishioner, Jack Kelly of Apalachin. We also pray for Priscilla Swetland, Montrose, who was known to many in our Community. May they rest in peace. Amen.


Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish & Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers, especially all suffering from cancer, Lyme disease, or Covid-19. Kaitlyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., Ruth King, Kyle Stoddard, Sam Miner, Sophie Padula, Tom Wenman, Toni Colardino, Madigan Gow, Amanda Branning, Daniel Gavin, Tommy Williams, Kathy Holt, Linda Hollenback, Don Zaleski, MaryLou Fahs, Elton Carr, Jim Raftis, Bub Davis, Tyler Fletcher, William Chaney, Joe Grindel, Chelsea Judson, Trisha, Mary Guido, Hallie Brooks, Mark Kovach, Brooke Arnold, Robyn Lawson, Ned Offner, Butch Rosencranz, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, Emily D., Marie Donahue, Barbara Mahoney, Rusty Carmen, Adam Price, Greg Lasgowka, Terry, Cameron & Levi White, Natalie Dawn Abell, Tom Ellison, the Reed Family, Don Higgins, Raub Family, Todd Legg, Ryan Hayes, Sean McMahon, Thomas McWilliams, Marty Mosher, Chad Grindel, Cathy Ballogg, Mary Ann Casterline, Janice Jacobs, Patricia Charpinsky, Diane Holleran, Ethel Reid, Kineer Worgen, James Dughi, Peg Broadwater, Christopher Dauber, Jay Gurn, “D”, Frances Murphy, Adrian Stephens, Mike Wilcox, Sophia ILichishin, Alice Walsh, Josh Zaleski, Caleb Scepaniak, Dana Marsh, Lori Rawlins, Mary Joan, Brendan Merritt, R.M., Mark Pasteka, Reilly, Millie, Tim Fruehan, Caesar & Edith Siedlecki, John, Lori Hammerly Coleman, Brendan Kelly, Pat Walsh, Angelo Scarfalloto, Emily Graves, Cathy Albert, Robert Nemcek, Wayne Hibbard, Laura Nelson, Garrett Farr, Mary Keenan, Everly Hausmann, Dr. Silversti, Gloria, George Coleman, Sally Saunders, Dennis Byerly, Linda, Marie Cavalarro, Sully & Patty Cavallaro, Evelyn Ferro, Briana Grisdale, Gregory Diorio, Mike Coleman, Nicholas, Joyce Danielewicz, Alex, Alice, Mike & Pat Stelacio, Jessica Lawrence, Joseph Santora, Carol Garcia, Sophie Holgash, Nellie Manarchuck, Fr. John Victoria, Monica Gibson, Diane Coffee, John Waldron, Millie Chamberlain, Bill Noldy, Jr., Cathy Edsell, Patricia Hutchinson, Chris Mortensen, Clyde & Mary Tims, Louise Darrow, Aaron Fredendall, Louise Eastman, Diane, Kathy Du Duv, Michelle Weiss, Niki Rogers, Shirley Conboy, Joseph Olszewski, Wade Leach, Curtis Edwards, Matthew Gatto, Marge Murphy, Mark, Robert Pratt, Ellen Bieleski, Kylie Keenan, Becky Jenner, Sara Kelly Price, Tucker White, Liam Little, Terri Grindel, Kris Kiesly, Jerry Wells, Fred Brown, Rosa Prieto, Theo Goodrich, Madigan, Genevieve Coleman, Ed Snee, Anita James, Shirley McWilliams, Mary (Jones) Edsell, Carl Whitehead, Peter Strojny, Anthony Siedlecki, Eileen Maruschok, Shirley Rockefeller, Tony McHugh, Val Mosier, Hunter Allen Sapp, A.J. Pass, Beckett & Gavin Shy, Leonard Howell, Sue L., Bryce Histand, Ken Warner, Jay S., George Thrasher, Jay C., Norma Volk, Kathy Conklin, Gary Fisher, Joan Middendorf, Marie Mirabelli, Mike, Clint Wise, Carol Jarnigan, Ben LaRue, Nathan, Kevin Pierson, Gary Davis, Deacon Tom Hartley, and Anne. Please pray for all the needs in our Parish and Community. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.


Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our , Ryan Gormley, Christopher Reichlen, Mike Griffith, Matthew Kramer, Ryan Neville, Shane Kalpokas, Dustin Ryder, Steven Shelp, Ricky Trowbridge, A. Jay Tewksbury, Lukas Crisman, Ryan Newberry, Mark W. Gregg, Andrew Muscarelle, Lisa Phillips, Adam Barziloski, Quinn Gurn, Marty Conboy, Wayne M. Bennett, Joseph Elliott, Bradley J. Bryant, John Baltsley, Mara Redding, Michael Redding, James Hemmerly, Amberlynn Villanella, Jacob Balchikonis, Rip VanWinkle, Jonathan Green, Cameron, Garrett Kiehle, and all who serve with them. May they be protected & safe from harm & return home safely and soon. Amen.

Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away. Please also call us when those in the Armed Forces are no longer serving so their name can be removed.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 27th, 2023

Save the servant who trust in You, Lord!


Sat. Aug. 26 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

JEROME RYAN by Kay Keenan

Sun. Aug. 27 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

10:30AM St. Augustine Church - Anniv. Blessings—BOB & SUSIE REICHLEN by Bill & Barb Pichette

Mon. Aug. 28 12:00NN St. Francis Church - NO MASS

Tue. Aug. 29 St. Augustine Church - NO MASS

Wed. Aug. 30 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - NO MASS

Thur. Aug. 31 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - NO MASS

Fri. Sept. 1 12:00NN St. Francis Church - NO MASS

Sat. Sept. 2 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Sun. Sept. 3 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

Birthday Blessings GENEVIEVE COLEMAN by Fr. Kevin Miller 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - JACK HUMPHREY by June & Ron Burton


Saturday—St. Francis Xavier—before 4:30PM Mass—3:30 to 4:15PM

Sunday St. Francis Xavier following 8:00AM Mass 9:00 to 9:30AM

Sunday St. Augustine following 10:30AM Mass 11:30 to 12Noon


Thank you for your generosity in the Holy Day Collection ($ 781.01) and the weekly collection ($ 5,383.00). Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


“No sin or crime is greater than God’s mercy. The sacrifice of the Cross reveals that Christ’s greatest desire is to forgive those with a repentant heart.”

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, “Death Penalty: Catholic Q&A”


Please continue to pray for many vocations to the Priesthood in the Diocese of Scranton.


Thank you to everyone for their generosity in the Mission Cooperative Appeal Collection last weekend. Your contributions will be a huge blessing to the Diocese of Sunyani! Our collection total was $ 1,709.00. If you missed this collection last weekend but would like to donate, please put your offering in a marked envelope in the collection basket or mail it to St. Brigid Rectory. There are 8 priests from Ghana serving as Pastors / Assistant Pastors in the Scranton Diocese. The Diocese of Sunyani, Ghana, West Africa, was established in 1973 and covers an area of 19,500 Square km, situated in poor rural areas, where most of the people are peasant farmers. These areas lag behind the rest of the country in education, basic infrastructure, and healthcare.


CCD Classes will begin on Sunday, September 17th, and are held from 9:15 to 10:15AM at Neumann Hall in Choconut. This allows families to attend either the 8:00AM Mass at St. Francis or the 10:30AM Mass at St. Augustine. Registration forms have been emailed to families who have been attending classes in past years and are also available in the back of the Churches for new families who would like to register.


The families of the St. Brigid Parish Youth Group invite you to attend on Saturday, September 30th, at Neumann Hall in Choconut. Doors open at 5PM and Bingo starts at 6PM. Tickets are $ 50.00 each. There will be 20 regular games, 50/50, special buy-in games, and food for sale. All winners must be 18 years old for long guns and 21 for hand guns and pass the PA background check and pick up prizes at Montrose Sporting Good within 30 days. (New York state residents must have hand guns shipped to NY dealer.) You must have a ticket for admittance to the event. You must be present to win all prizes. Any “No Shows” are considered a donation to the Youth Group. Pre-sale tickets & info are available at Montrose Sporting Goods (570-278-3154); St. Brigid Office (570-553-2288); from Kay at Mass and Renee Coy (570-396-6797).

Helpers are needed for the Gun Bingo as well as donations of food or for food. If you can help or donate, please call or text Renee Coy (570-396-6797).


Our second collection next weekend is for the Care & Education of Priests.


As the Hawaii Island of Maui begins to recover from the devastation caused by the deadliest wildfire in the United States in more than a century, Bishop Bambera invites all parishes in the Diocese of Scranton to take up an emergency special collection to address the immediate needs of the affected communities while also planning for long-term recovery efforts. All funds from this emergency collection will be transmitted to the USCCB’s Emergency Disaster Fund and will go directly to help the people of Maui rebuild.

In addressing the Catholic faithful in Hawaii and beyond, Honolulu Bishop Larry Silva recently stated, “As a community of faith, we are called to come together and provide unwavering support to those who are suffering. It is in times like these that our collective love, faith, and compassion can make a tremendous difference.”

May we continue to hold in prayer all those affected by these devastating fires.

St. Brigid Parish will take this collection up as the second collection on the weekend of September 9th and 10th. Please be as generous as you are able.


Ruth Murphy’s 96th birthday is September 27th. She is lonely in the nursing home. Let’s cheer her up with some cards on her very special day. Vestal Park Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 105 W Sheedy Rd, Vestal, NY13850.

Deacon’s NOTE

Peter's faith, like ours, is a gi . His belief in Jesus has been revealed from above. Faith in God is the rock on which the rest of Jesus' community will stand, and this rock is what our faith stands on. Peter, and now the church, opens the door of the revela!on of God to God's people and to the world. During our lives, our faith can grow, develop or get stuck.

Many people seem to try to live from a faith that has not grown since their schooldays. Some con!nue to pray in a way that is too simple for the complexi!es of life, or live with an image of a fearful and punishing God. Instead of growing in faith, there are many who have given up faith in a false God, false ways of prayer, and simplis!c answers to big ques!ons. Faith is a gi that needs nourishing. The God of Jesus Christ is the living God and the God who loves all that lives, the One we meet in prayer. Amen. God Bless.


On Saturday, September 2nd, we observe the Fatima First Saturday Devotions in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary as our Lord and Lady requested of Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three shepherd visionaries of Fatima. Please consider participating as we seek to fulfill our Savior's & Blessed Mother's request for prayer and penance in reparation to her most Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart. All are invited.

Devotions are held at Saint Augustine Church with the following UPDATED schedule:

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 9:00am

Recitation of Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:15am

Adoration and Meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:45am-10:00am

Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 10:00am-10:10am

Communion Service: 10:15am


Please consider spending an hour with Our Lord. New volunteers (fill-ins & permanent) are needed. Many hours are available. Call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) to volunteer. Adoration is being held in the Church.


If you would like to respond to prayer requests, or if you have a prayer request, please contact Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) or Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618). Many prayers will be offered for your intentions. Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away.


~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention offered by Joe Purr.

~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for peace in Ukraine.

~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention.


To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, call the Rectory (570-553-2288); for St. Augustine Church, call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459). For both Churches, please call the Rectory with the “Intention” so it can be in the bulletin. Dates are available thru November.

~ St. Francis Flowers are in memory of Jerome Ryan offered by Kay Keenan.


St. Augustine: August 28 to September 3 volunteers needed; September 4 to 10 Cott DeMaree; September 11 to 17 Cott DeMaree; September 18 to 24 Mary Homan; September 25 to October 1 Mary Homan

(Please remember Adoration is being held in the Church for the summer. Please clean on Saturday.) St. Francis cleaner for the month of September is Donna Fizzano.


Our Parishioner Kylie Keenan is recovering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a rare condition where the immune system attacks the peripheral nerves. The Kevin Class Memorial Golf Tournament, which this year benefits Kylie, will be held at Tall Pines on September 10th. There are Hole sponsorships available for $ 100.00 each and Baskets are being accepted for the Basket Raffle. If you can donate a basket, would like to sponsor a hole, or for more information, please contact Sue Blaisure (570-250-4520); Carrie Allen (570-396-1621) or Bill Blaisure (570-677-4839). Presale 50/50 Tickets are being sold for $ 20.00 each or 3 for $ 50.00. Both the Basket Raffles and 50/50 are open to the public. If you can’t donate a basket, perhaps you can stop at Tall Pines on September 10th and take some chances on the 50/50 or Basket Raffles.


For anyone who would like to send Fr. Kevin sympathy cards or Mass cards, his mailing address is: Annunciation Parish, 122 South Wyoming St., Hazleton, Pa. 18201.

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