Apalachin LionsAnnual Easter Egg Hunt - March 23

The Apalachin Lions 69th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place at 1:00 pm, Saturday, March 23, at BOCES West School, 471 Pennsylvania Avenue in Apalachin. Photos from 20 years ago!

Spring Fling & Easter Egg Hunt, March 24
A Spring Fling / Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Sunday, March 24, from 12 Noon to 2:00 pm (rain or shine) at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church, 843 Pennsylvania Ave., Little Meadows, PA.
You are invited to come and enjoy some fun activities. There will be Easter
Egg Hunts (by age group), Egg Decorating, Crafts, and snacks & drinks.
The event is free to all ages - come, join the fun and invite your family, friends, and neighbors.
The event is supported by the Little Meadows United Methodist Church and the Little Meadows Volunteer Fire Co.
Ribbon Cutting for Owego Donut & Beer Co.

of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for the Owego Donut & Beer Co. on North Ave in Owego. New York State Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado assisted in the cutting of the ribbon. Donuts & Beer is open Wednesday - Friday, 7am to 8pm, and Sautrday & Sunday, 8am to 5pm (closed Monday & Tuesday).

Aldi Looking to Build in Owego

Aldi has submitted plans to the Town of Owego to build a grocery store on Rt 17c at the current location of the Quality Inn, the former Owego Treadway Inn. The Quality Inn Conference Center will be demolished to make way for the new Aldi. They must comply with floodplain regulations, and will ask for two parking variances. The property is located in a Highway Interchange Zone “HIC” and a floodplain and special permits are required from the Town of Owego.
Tioga State Bank Celebrates 160 Years

In 2024, Tioga State Bank (TSB) is marking its 160th year in business. Beginning in March, TSB offices will be celebrating the anniversary throughout the year.
In Candor (1864) and Spencer (1884), local business owners joined together to form independent community banks to provide banking services to their respective communities. In 1961, the two banks combined forces to form Tioga State Bank, creating a strong, independent community bank committed exclusively to the financial needs of families and businesses in the region
TSB is built on trusted relationships, personalized professional service, convenient locations, the full range of financial products and services, fast local decision making, and exceptional safety and soundness. For 127 consecutive quarters, it has been awarded the Superior, 5-Star Rating by Bauer Financial, Inc. This rating recognizes TSB as being one
of the strongest and safest banks in the nation. With offices in Broome, Chemung, Tioga, and Tompkins counties, TSB has increased its reach and services each year. Most recently, the bank added Interactive Teller Machines (ITM). A member of the Broome County community for more than 20 years, TSB is building a brand new office in 2024, on Harry L. Drive in Johnson City, across from the Oakdale Commons.
Tioga State Bank (TSB), with 100 employees and $547 million in assets, provides financial services to the Southern Tier of New York State and Northern Pennsylvania with eleven conveniently located community offices in Broome, Chemung, Tioga, and Tompkins counties. The bank’s website address is www.tiogabank.com and phone number is 1-888-303-4872. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.

Alternators, Starters, Generators, Motors - Rebuilt


Mondays, 2pm - 4pm
Don’t know how to play this tilebased game yet? Don’t worry, we’ll teach you! No registration is necessary, and all are welcome.
10:30am, Tuesdays & Thursdays
Join Miss Wendy for read alouds, singing, playing, dancing, and crafts. Tuesday and Thursday each week are the same theme. Note: if the Owego-Apalachin Central School District declares a 2-hour delay for weather, Storytime will begin at 11am.
Tech Tuesdays with Tina
Tuesdays, 11:30am-1:30pm
Drop by for some one-on-one help on the computer and other devices.
Zen before Zzzzs
Tuesdays, 6:30pm
Grab your yoga mat and join instructor Sheehan Shotwell for an inspiring yoga practice each week. No registration is necessary, and all are welcome.
Local Author Talk - Richard Leise
Thursday, March 7, 6:00 pm
Richard writes and teaches high school English for the Bradford Central School District. A Perry Morgan Fellow from Old Dominion University’s MFA program, his fiction and poetry are featured in numerous publications. “Being Dead” is his debut novel. No registration is necessary.
Evening Book Club
Thursday, March 14, 6:30pm
The book is A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham. Place a hold for this book in the catalog or find it on Libby and Hoopla. Next month’s book will be Things We Leave Unfinished by Rebecca Yarros. Everyone is welcome, you do not need to register.
The Ollie and Nola Show
Saturday, March 16, 10:30am-12pm
Certified therapy dogs Ollie and Nola are back for another Saturday storytime. There will be dog-related stories, a craft, yummy snacks, and opportunities to read to the dogs after the program. No RSVP is necessary, and all are welcome.
Afternoon Book Club
Thursday, March 21, 1:00pm
The book is A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle. Place a hold for this book in the catalog or find it on Libby and Hoopla. The April book will be The Breakdown by B. A. Paris. No registration is necessary, all are welcome.
1st Annual Seed Swap
Saturday, March 23, 10:30am12:00pm
Lisa Bloodnick, owner of Bloodnick Farms, will present two programs: Seed Starting for Beginners and Seed Saving Techniques. This is a great way for the community to try their hand growing their own vegetables and flowers or for more experienced gardeners to share their knowledge and their seed collections. For more information, contact Mel at 607-625-4767.
Easter Celebration at Park Terrace United Methodist Church
The Park Terrace United Methodist Church invites you to join them for Worship and Fellowhip on Easter Sunday, March 24, at 11:00 am.
There will be many activities including visiting with the Easter Bunny, hunting for Easter eggs and candy, games and prizes, arts and crafts,

and drawings for an Easter basket and gas card giveaway.
There will also be plenty of refreshment and goodies.
Park Terrace Community United Methodist Church is at 30 Glann Road in Apalachin.

Doug’s Fish Fry To Go will take place on Thursday, March 7, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm at The Comfort Inn, Rt. 434 in Apalachin.
Walk-Up Mobile Food Pantry March 27 inApalachin
The Foodbank Of the Southern Tier and the Apalachin Lions will hold a Walk-Up Mobile Food Pantry on Wednesday, March 27, from 10:00 to 11:00 am at St. Margaret Mary’s Church, 1110 Pennsylvania Avenue in Apalachin.
Pre-registration is required: Reg-
ister on Tuesday, March 26, 8:30 am until full (there is a limit of 125 registrations). If you register, please attend. To register, phone 2-1-1 or go to www.foodbankst.org/cfd Bring a cart or bags to carry the food.
Tioga County - Opioid Settlement Funds
To: Tioga County Residents and Non-Profits
From: Lori Morgan, Director of Community Services
Date: February 7, 2024
Re: Opioid Settlement Funds
As you may be aware Tioga County has joined several class action suits against several Opioid pharmaceutical companies. Currently the county has received approximately $440,000 and expects to receive additional dollars for the next several years.
The funding has restrictions and can be used for education, prevention. and treatment of opioid use disorders. Many systems of care have been impacted and may also be eligi-
ble. At the current time we are requesting feedback from the community and non-profit organizations on what you feel the predominant needs are in our county. We would like to use this information to determine the best use of these funds to combat and remediate this crisis.
If you are interested, please submit feedback by 3/31/2024 to:
Tioga County, New York Government - Mental Hygiene (tiogacountyny.com) and click on Opiate Settlement Funding Response or send correspondence to: Tioga County Mental Hygiene 1062 State Rte. 38 PO Box 177 Owego, NY 13827
Tioga County Land BankAnnounces Release of 2023Annual Report and Election of 2024 Officers
The Tioga County Property Development Corporation, a New York Land Bank, fosters economic and community development by acquiring, holding, managing, developing and marketing distressed, vacant, abandoned, tax foreclosed and under -utilized residential and commercial properties. This work is accomplished in large part through the efforts of our Board of Director Members – all volunteers who give their time and expertise to plan, develop and execute Land Bank initiatives to improve our communities.
At the January 2024 Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors made the following appointments to the Executive Committee:
Ralph Kelsey – Chair. Mr. Kelsey is a Board Member for Tioga State Bank. He also currently serves on the following Boards: Tioga County Senior Citizens Foundation, Tioga County Farm Bureau and the Broome Cooperative Insurance Agency.
Hannah Murray - Vice Chair. Ms. Murray is a Senior Landscape Architect with Rodgers Consulting, Inc. She also serves on the Candor Central School Board of Education.
Michael Baratta – Treasurer. Mr.
Baratta is a mechanical designer with Lockheed Martin, Owego, NY. He also serves as Mayor of the Village of Owego, NY.
Lesley Pelotte – Secretary. Ms. Pelotte is retired from Region 9 NYS DOT where she was a Transportation Health and Safety Representative. She is also the current Mayor of the Village of Nichols, NY.
Ralph Kelsey stated, “I look forward to serving another year as Chairman of the Tioga County Property Development Corporation Board of Directors. It is my pleasure to serve alongside dedicated volunteers and Brittany Woodburn, Land Bank Director, as we work toward improving our communities for all residents.”
The Tioga County Property Development Corporation’s public Board Meetings are the last Wednesday of every other month at 4:00 pm, in the Economic Development Conference Room #109, located at 56 Main Street, Owego, NY.
For more information and to view the TCPDC 2023 Annual Report, please visit: Tioga County, New York Government - Property Development Corporation (tiogacountyny.gov)

Artfully Squared at Tioga Arts Council

The Tioga Arts Council’s (TAC) 12th annual artfully SQUARED exhibition opened March 1 and is on display in TAC’s Main Gallery now through March 30, Wednesday through Saturday, 12:00 Noon to 4:00 pm.
Artists and creatives – of all mediums and all ages – have created and donated small square artworks to TAC. All artworks will be exhibited in TAC’s Main Gallery during the entire month of March and, as an experiment, each piece will be available for one of three values: a $20, $40, or $80 donation. There were no fees to enter and all proceeds will benefit the programs at Tioga Arts Council.
This year, TAC wants to raise $2,750. You can buy one for yourself, a loved one, or donate a square to TAC’s partner, RiverView Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, and their residents.
The Tioga Arts Council is at 179 Front Street in Owego. For more information, call 607-687-0785 or go www.tiogaartscouncil.org.
Ham Raffle at Owego Elks Lodge - March 15
The Owego Elks Lodge will host a Ham Raffle on Friday, March 15. Doors open at 5:00 pm for participants to come in, settle down, and get ready for some raffle fun starting at 6:00 pm.
Early registration is $5 by calling 607-761-9196. Admission at the door will be $7 per person. Your admission includes a light buffet that will be served throughout the evening. Beverages will be available for purchase.
The evening will consist of raffling 30 hams. Tickets are $1 chance to win one of three flights. The first flight will raffle off the ham. The second flight will raffle off a side dish, and the third flight will raffle off a dessert. Each ‘ham’ raffle will be accompanied by a second and
third raffle of a side dish and dessert. There will also be basket raffles and a 50/50 drawing.
Net proceeds from this event are for the Owego Elks #1039 Roof Fund. The Elks’ roof is in the process of being replaced. They have completed the mansion and ballroom roof. The final leg of the roof project will replace the roof over the Emporium.
The Owego Elks is committed to offering an affordable place to gather for events, banquets, weddings and meetings. The Owego Elks Lodge #1039 is located at 223 Front Street in the Village of Owego.
For more information about the Elks or the Roof Fund Project, call 607-687-1039.
Vestal CSD’s Project Golden Bear Presents: “Understanding Apps & Parental Controls” Safeguarding your child in the age of Digital Technology”

Project Golden Bear to present free community presentation “Understanding Apps and Parental Controls”
The Vestal Central School District’s Project Golden Bear committee continues its role in providing parents and guardians timely information on digital safety for children. Another free presentation “Understanding Apps and Parental Controls: Safeguarding your child in the age of Digital Technology” is scheduled for 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. This event will take place in the African Road Auditorium, 600 South Benita Boulevard, Vestal.
The presentation will feature Internet Safety Keynote Speaker Katie Greer, who will offer parents and community members insight on Internet safety protocols. In addition to learning about phonesecurity features that can help them protect their children, after the presentation they will be able to talk to local organizations and receive firsthand assistance in
enabling these features.
This presentation is appropriate for parents and guardians with students in any grade. It’s never too early to start practicing safe, intentional digital habits.
No RSVPs are necessary to attend. However, complimentary childcare will be offered, courtesy of Champions.
Parents and guardians who plan to utilize the childcare are asked to complete this form:
Project Golden Bear is dedicated to understanding and mitigating the effects of the digital era on children’s socialemotional growth, mental health, and academic success, and aims to identify strategies that foster student learning and engagement. From community screenings of documentaries about the impact of social media, mental health, and anxiety to other presentations from experts, Project Golden Bear is committed to helping you find the tools you need to navigate a digital world.

Spencer Family, Newark Valley, and Owego Community Garden Apartments
Non-Smoking Facility
One and two bedroom units available for rent
Available for qualifying low-income families, elderly and disabled persons of any age.
Rent is based on income.
Heat, hot water and garbage included.
Laundry room on-site.

19 Orchard Street, Spencer, N. Y. 14883
Office: 607-589-4630

DEC Reminds New Yorkers: Annual Residential Brush Burning Prohibition Starts March 16
Earlier Than Usual Spring Conditions Leading to More Fires
Spring Burn Ban Reduces Wildfire Risks, Protects Lives and Property
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced the annual statewide ban prohibiting residential brush burning begins March 16 and runs through May 14. Since 2009, DEC has enforced the annual brush burning ban to help prevent wildland fires and protect communities during heightened conditions for wildfires.
“While we’re seeing record breaking fires in Texas right now, we’re also at a higher risk here in New York,” Commissioner Seggos said. “Before the annual burn ban goes into effect next month, we’re encouraging New Yorkers who burn woody debris to do it carefully, don’t burn on windy days, and have water or equipment ready to extinguish it if needed. All fires must be attended until completely out.”
This winter season did not provide typical snow cover across much of New York State, leaving dormant vegetation from last year’s growing season exposed where it is susceptible to the daily fluctuation of spring weather DEC is advocating extra vigilance before the burn ban goes into effect, as Forest Rangers and local firefighters have already responded to early fires in multiple counties. These fires were caused by debris burning with wind carrying the fire to grassy and wooded areas.
Since the ban was established, the eight-year annual average number of spring fires decreased by 42.6 percent, from 2,649 in 2009, to 1,521 in 2018. Warming temperatures can quickly cause wildfire conditions. Open burning of debris is the single-largest cause of spring wildfires in New York State. When temperatures warm and the past fall’s debris and leaves dry out, wildfires can start and spread easily, further fueled by winds and a lack of green vegetation. Each year, DEC Forest Rangers extinguish dozens
HELP WANTED: Wanted experienced mechanic. Must have New York State Inspection License Apply in person only. Nicks Garage, Main St Apalachin. 12/24
TOP DOLLAR PAID: Wanted! Old fishing tackle, lures, reels, etc. (PRE 1960) Old coins and currency. Call me first, collector not a dealer so I pay more. John 607-321-4085 03/24
of wildfires that burn hundreds of acres. In addition, local fire departments, many of which are staffed by volunteers, all too often have to leave their jobs and families to respond to wildfires caused by illegal debris fires. DEC will post the Fire Danger Map for the 2024 fire season on DEC’s website once there is a moderate risk anywhere in New York.
New York first enacted strict restrictions on open burning in 2009 to help prevent wildfires and reduce air pollution. The regulations allow residential brush fires in towns with fewer than 20,000 residents during most of the year, but prohibit such burning in spring when most wildfires occur. Backyard fire pits and campfires less than three feet in height and four feet in length, width, or diameter are allowed, as are small cooking fires. Only charcoal or dry, clean, untreated, or unpainted wood can be burned. People should never leave these fires unattended and must extinguish them. Burning garbage or leaves is prohibited year-round in New York State. For more information about fire safety and prevention, visit DEC’s FIREWISE New York webpage.
Some towns, primarily in and around the Adirondack and Catskill parks, are designated “fire towns.” Open burning is prohibited year-round in these municipalities unless an individual or group has a permit from DEC. To find out whether a municipality is a designated fire town or to obtain a permit, contact the appropriate DEC regional office. A list of regional offices is available on DEC’s website.
Forest Rangers, DEC Environmental Conservation Police Officers (ECOs), and local authorities enforce the burn ban. Violators of the State’s open burning regulation are subject to criminal and civil enforcement actions, with a minimum fine of $500 for a first offense. For search and rescue, reporting a wildfire or illegal activity on state lands and easements, call 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1833-697-7264).
BEE SWARMS WANTED: Bee swarms wanted on trees and in buildings. Call 607-625-3318 or 607-201-4357 03/24
WANTED: Your classified ad for our April 2024 issue. Please send in your ad by March 27, 2024, with payment of $7.50 first 25 words 25¢ each word after 25
Community Press, 7830 Rt 434, Apalachin, N.Y. 13732
50 YearsAgo March 1974
It’s March 1974. “People” magazine debuts.
The price of mailing a letter increases from 8 cents to 10 cents.
In Washington, the grand jury indicts seven Nixon aides for conspiracy on Watergate and concludes that Nixon was involved in the cover-up.
The ironclad USS Monitor, which sank during a Civil War battle, is located off the coast of North Carolina.
The US Senate votes to restore the death penalty.
The streaking fad spreads to Europe. Streakers are seen dashing naked near the Eiffel Tower; in Bournemouth, England; and in Germany.
Twenty-nine years after the end of World War II, Lt. Hiroo Onoda, 52, of the former Japanese Imperial Army comes out of the Philippines jungle and surrenders.
In London, Princess Anne’s limo is forced off the road and fired upon during an attempted kidnapping. Four persons are wounded in the incident. The princess and her husband are not harmed.
Mariner 10 takes the first close -up photos of the planet Mercury.
News broadcaster Chet Huntley dies of cancer at the age of 62.
In downtown Owego, construction begins on the new First City National Bank next to the current bank which will be torn down and replaced with a park.
The Tri Cities Opera performs “Faust” at the Masonic Temple.
Seals and Crofts perform at the Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena.
Project Dinner Bell offers its first free hot meal at the Tioga County Boys Club. The meal is for people 60 years or older and is offered three times a week.
Jamesway discount department store opens at the P&C Shopping Plaza in Owego. The opening day festivities include

Help our firefighters by digging out the fire hydrants in your area.
skydivers who drop ping pong balls. Three male streakers run the length of the plaza in nearfreezing temperatures. It is the first reported incident of streaking in Tioga County.
Robert N. Burger, 34, an engineer at IBM, is elected mayor of the Village of Owego.
The Broome Racquet Club in Vestal and the Valley View Racquet Club of Endwell celebrate grand openings.
The second meal site of Project “Dinner Bell” opens in Newark Valley. A third site will open next month in Waverly.
Top tunes include “Seasons in the Sun” by Terry Jacks, “Spiders and Snakes” by Jim Stafford, “Dark Lady” by Cher, “Sunshine on my Shoulders” by John Denver, “Mockingbird” by Carly Simon and James Taylor, “Bennie and the Jets” by Elton John, and Hooked on a Feeling (the OogaChaga version!) by Blue Swede.
Tuesday night TV shows include “Maude,” “Adam-12,” “Hawaii Five-0,” “Hawkins,” and “Marcus Welby, M.D.”
Movies playing at local theaters include Marco starring Desi Arnaz, Jr.; The Last Detail with Jack Nicholson; and The Laughing Policeman
The Airport Drive-In re-opens with a triple hit show of Midnight Cowboy starring Jon Voigt and Dustin Hoffman, The Mechanic with Charles Bronson, and White Lightning starring Burt Reynolds.
And a head of lettuce cost 29 cents, and a head of cabbage costs 10 cents.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Happy Easter
Women’s History Month Tea Party
Celebrate Women’s History Month with a Tea Party at the Belva Lockwood Inn on Front Street in Owego, 2:00 to 4:30 pm Sunday, March 17 or March 24.
Spend a delightful and empowering afternoon celebrating women who shaped history, especially those right here in Tioga County.
For more information, or to buy tickets, contact the Belva Lockwood Inn by phone at 607-223-4367 or email info@belvalockwoodinn.com