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Volume 40

Apalachin Lions Mobile Foodbank

Foodbank Of the Southern Tier and the Apalachin Lions will hold a mobile foodbank on Wednesday, January 22nd from 10am-11am at St. Margaret Mary’s Church, 1110 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin, NY 13732. Pre-registration required. REGISTRATION is Tuesday –

January 21st beginning at 8:30am until full (current limit of 125 registrations). If you register please attend. Phone: 2-1-1 or Online at: This is a “Walk-up Pantry” please bring a cart or bags to carry food!

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Martha Sauerbrey, Re-Elected Tioga County Legislative Chairwoman for 2025

The Tioga County Legislature held their First Special and Organizational Meeting of 2025 on January 2, 2025. Martha Sauerbrey was reelected as Chair of the Tioga County Legislature for 2025. Legislator Sauerbrey was elected to the Tioga County Legislature in 2005 and this year marks her twelfth consecutive year serving as the Chair of the Tioga County Legislature. Legislator Tracy Monell was elected to the Tioga County Legislature in 2009 and was elected to serve

as Deputy Legislative Chair for 2025. Legislator Monell has served as the Deputy Legislative Chair since 2023. The Legislature welcomed and swore in newly elected Legislator Ray Bunce, District 6 for his threeyear term of office commencing January 1, 2025. Legislative Chairwoman Sauerbrey commented, “Thank you for your support. I am blessed to work for the Tioga County Legislature for twenty years noting it has been a challenging and rewarding experience. Throughout my tenure, the County has experienced difficult and almost tragic events with a flood, COVID-19, etc., but we survived it all and worked together for the good of the County. I am very appreciative of the support of the community that believed in me and voted for me so I could stand in this position for many years. I am very optimistic that with our County Administrator on board, we will be running more efficiently. I look forward to continued teamwork as we move forward into 2025.”

Yes, Christmas is over but... Small businesses are still here for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays! Shop Local to find that special gift or eat local on that special day! Opening of the new Owego Aldi Store is getting closer. Construction continues on the new Aldi store in Owego. The building should be finished by the end of January or early February. Interior work and stocking of the store will take another several weeks.

Shop Local, Eat Local, Stay Local

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