Saturday, Dec. 21—4:30PM—St. Francis:
Sunday, Dec. 22—8:00AM—St. Francis: Lector—Rosanne Williams; Ministers—Dave Curley & Jeff Williams; Servers volunteer needed; Rosary Dave Curley; Greeter volunteer needed Sunday, Dec. 22 10:30AM St. Augustine: Lector Jerry Guinane; Ministers Michael & Barbara Merritt; Servers—Travis Wise; Rosary—volunteer needed; Greeter—volunteer needed
Please pray for the deceased, especially Catherine Fitzpatrick, formerly of Brackney; Hugh Holland, Brackney; Sharon Brown, Montrose; and Charles L. Parker, Forest Lake. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish & Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers, especially all suffering from cancer, Lyme disease, or drug dependency. Kaitlyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Ruth King, Kyle Stoddard, “D”, Tom Wenman, Toni Colardino, Madigan Gow, Emily D., Amanda Branning, Daniel Gavin, Tommy Williams, Kathy Holt, Linda Hollenback, Don Zaleski, Elton Carr, Jim Raftis, Bub Davis, Tyler Fletcher, William Chaney, Joe Grindel, Chelsea Judson, Trisha, Mary Guido, Hallie Brooks, Mark Kovach, Brooke Arnold, Robyn Lawson, Ned Offner, Ethel Reid, Rusty Carmen, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, Marie Donahue, Barbara Mahoney, Adam Price, Greg Lasgowka, Jay Gurn, Terry, Cameron & Levi White, Natalie Dawn Abell, Tom Ellison, the Reed Family, Don Higgins, Raub Family, Todd Legg, Ryan Hayes, Chad Grindel, Thomas McWilliams, Marty Mosher, Cathy Ballogg, Mary Ann Casterline, Janice Jacobs, Mary Joan, Patricia Charpinsky, Diane Holleran, Kineer Worgen, James Dughi, Peg Broadwater, Adrian Stephens, Millie, John, Reilly, Sophia ILichishin, Josh Zaleski, Caleb Scepaniak, Dana Marsh, Lori Rawlins, Brendan Merritt, Mark Pasteka, Jay C., Tim Fruehan, Linda, Gloria, Carl, Lori Hammerly Coleman, Brendan Kelly, Pat Walsh, Angelo Scarfalloto, Emily Graves, Cathy Albert, Robert Nemcek, Wayne Hibbard, Laura Nelson, Garrett Farr, R.C.M., Everly Hausmann, Diane, George Coleman, Sally Saunders, Marie Cavallaro, Sully & Patty Cavallaro, Evelyn Ferro, Alice, Briana Grisdale, Gregory Diorio, Mike Coleman, Nicholas, Alex, Mike & Pat Stelacio, Fr. John Victoria, Joseph Santora, Carol Garcia, Jay S., Cathy Edsell, Jessica Lawrence, Sue L., Nellie Manarchuck, Monica Gibson, Diane Coffee, Bill Noldy, Jr., Patricia Hutchinson, Mark, Chris Mortensen, Clyde & Mary Tims, Louise Darrow, Aaron Fredendall, Louise Eastman, Niki Rogers, Wade Leach, Shirley Conboy, Mike, Joseph Olszewski, Matthew Gatto, Madigan, Kris Kiesly, Kylie Keenan, Sara Kelly Price, Tucker White, Terri Grindel, Jerry Wells, Fred Brown, Rosa Prieto, Carl Whitehead, Ed Snee, Pete Strojny, Mary (Jones) Edsell, Eileen Maruschok, Leonard Howell, Shirley Rockefeller, A.J. Pass, Nancy, Tony McHugh, Val Mosier, Hunter Allen Sapp, Bryce Histand, Dcn. Tom Hartley, Ken Warner, George Thrasher, Norma Volk, Gerry, Kathy Conklin, Gary Fisher, Tom Walz, Joan Middendorf, Kevin Pierson, Megan Hale, Ben Naylor, Kathleen, Tammy Volk Jennings, Rosemary Stewart, Joe, Margaret Zernone, Bucky Russell, Delores Sinchak, Carolyn Doolittle, Jane Borelli, Jake Warner, Chuck Bullock, Tom Krupinski, Eileen Drab, Susanne Wolf, Doug Packer, Gail Lutz, Ellen Bieleski, Larry Black, Joyce Danielewicz, Dorothy Angel, Jackie Foster, Ed Bartkus, Mary Ann Severage, Jeanette Williams, Michael Stone, Grady White, Jan Harmon, John Mulrooney, Joan Golis, Margaret Connolly, Miriam Van Winkle, Elizabeth Fancher, Sally McGlynn, George Starzec, Nancy, Edward Silver, Dustin, Marie Violini, Sam Arnold, Kelly Burridge, Jim Cullen, Caesar Siedlecki, Joe Leonard, Geri Mokris, Linda Henry, Gabi, Keith, Katie, Matt, Bill, Larry Wise, Ray Jones, Dan, Jeff, Ty, Frank Johnson, George, Lisa, Leah Walters, Doug N., and Michael Sacco. Pray for all the needs in our Parish & Community. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.
Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Ryan Gormley, Christopher Reichlen, Mike Griffith, Matthew Kramer, Ryan Neville, Shane Kalpokas, Dustin Ryder, Steven Shelp, Ricky Trowbridge, Jay Tewksbury, Lukas Crisman, Ryan Newberry, Mark W. Gregg, Lisa Phillips, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Marty Conboy, Joseph Elliott, Wayne M. Bennett, Bradley J. Bryant, John Baltsley, Mara Redding, Michael Redding, James Hemmerly, Amberlynn Villanella, Jacob Balchikonis, Rip VanWinkle, Cameron, Jonathan Green, Garrett Kiehle, and all who serve with them. May they be protected & safe from harm & return home safely and soon. Amen.
The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.
St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)
-mail: sfxc@epix.net Facebook: St Brigid Parish
Rev. Augustine Thomas Administrator
Father Augustine 1 (570) 909-7819
Deacon Paul J. Brojack
December 15th, 2024
Sat. Dec. 14 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT
Sun. Dec. 15 8:00AM St. Francis Church - THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - JOE & MARY BETH ADAMS by Judy Adams
Mon. Dec. 16 NO MASS
Tue. Dec. 17 12:00NN St. Francis Church - MARY L. KEENAN by Kay Caspersen
Wed.Dec. 18 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - ALLIE PICHETTE by Bill & Barb Pichette
Thur.Dec. 19 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - MARY L. KEENAN by Bob & Maureen Allen
Fri. Dec. 20 12:00NN St. Francis Church - SPECIAL INTENTIONS (Anonymous)
Sat. Dec. 21 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT
Sun. Dec. 22 8:00AM St. Francis Church - FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT GERALD MURPHY by the Family 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS

Dear Friends!
Today we celebrate the third Sunday of Advent popularly called Gaudete (“Rejoice”) Sunday. Today we light a pink candle to show the joy in our hearts as the feast of the Nativity is just at hand. Today’s Gospel revels the excitement and anticipation of a heterogeneous crowd of people, the soldiers, and the tax collector beseeching John the Baptist for wisdom and direction. Their excitement for the Messiah dismantled all walls of hatred existing between the tax collectors, soldiers, and the common folk to just seek for an answer to: “What should I do?” John the Baptist tells these seekers to practice simple deeds of charity, to act justly in their profession, and to be satisfied with what they had. This is indeed an ageless advice to live a life worthy of God anointed. John himself became a personification of the simplicity he uttered as he witnessed saying: “One mightier than I is coming.”
Reflect: Do I exhibit a sense of excitement to celebrate the mystery of Incarnation? Is my life a saga of simplicity or am I known for making things/issues complex?
~ Father Augustine
and men religious offer
“Sincere thanks to the donors of the Retirement Fund for Religious. I hope we meet, if not in this world, then in the next,” says Sister Teresa Korycka, 81, of the Sisters, Servants of Mary Immaculate. Your gift impacts over 24,000 senior women and men religious, providing them a dignified retirement. Our collection total was $ 783.00.
Parish Lottery Calendars are now available in the back of our Churches for Christmas Gift-Giving. Calendars are $ 20.00 each and run from April 1st thru December 31st, 2025. Each family is asked to take at least (5) calendars to sell. There are both packages of (5) calendars and loose (single) calendars. (Please do not break up the packages.) You are asked to sign the calendars out on the sheet provided.

We have (18) area families on our list to receive Christmas Food Cards. We are accepting monetary donations. Please make checks out to “St. Brigid Parish”. All donations are needed as soon as possible. Thank you for your generosity!
We are preparing for Christmas Food Baskets. Checks should be made out to “THE FOOD PANTRY” and put in a marked envelope in the collection. All donations are greatly appreciated & needed as soon as possible. Thank you for your generosity!
Thank you to everyone who attended the Christmas Party and those who helped in any way. A great time and delicious food was enjoyed by everyone. A huge thank you to everyone who brought goodies for the Sunshine Baskets. The baskets were overflowing with goodness!
Saturday St. Francis Xavier before 4:30PM Mass 3:30 to 4:15PM
Sunday St. Francis Xavier before 8:00AM Mass 7:30 to 7:50AM
Sunday—St. Augustine—before 10:30AM Mass—10:00 to 10:20AM
Our weekend collection total was $ 5,353.35. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
“O St. Bakhita, assist all those who are trapped in a state of slavery; Intercede with God on their behalf so that they will be released from their chains of captivity. Those whom man enslaves, let God set free.”
~ USCCB, “Prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita”

Tuesday, December 24th Christmas Vigil 4:00PM Mass St. Francis
Tuesday, December 24th—Christmas Vigil—6:30PM Mass—St. Augustine
Wednesday, December 25th Christmas Day 8:00AM Mass St. Francis
Wednesday, December 25th Christmas Day 10:30AM Mass St. Augustine
An Advent Penance Service will be held Tuesday, December 17th, at 6:00PM at St. Augustine Church. An Advent Penance Service will be held Wednesday, December 18th, at 6:00PM at St. Francis Church.
A Women’s Bible Study is being held Friday evenings during Advent at 6:00PM at Neumann Hall. The remaining date is December 20th.

The Oplatki Christmas wafer is a Catholic Christmas tradition celebrated in Poland, Moravia, Lithuania, and Slovakia. The unleavened wafers are baked from pure wheat flour and water, are usually rectangular in shape and very thin, and are identical in composition to the altar bread that becomes the Eucharist at the consecration during Mass in the Roman Catholic Church. The Oplatki wafers are embossed with Christmas-related religious images, varying from the nativity scene, especially Virgin Mary with baby Jesus, to the Star of Bethlehem. Christmas wafers are available in the back of our Churches today.
Thank you all for your generous donations to the Christmas Flower collection. A total of $ 1,558.00 has been donated this year to help cover the cost of our Poinsettias.
FORMED provides the very best Catholic content to help parishes, families, and individuals explore their faith. The site has thousands of movies, children’s programs, eBooks, audio, programs and studies. FORMED is available to our Parishioners. All you need to do is go to www.formed.org/signup and type in our zip code (18818) or parish name (Roman Catholic Community of St Brigid).

Early Bird 1st Prize $ 100.00 Barbara Button
Early Bird 2nd Prize $ 75.00 Kitty DeRiancho
Early Bird—3rd Prize—$ 50.00 Ann Byrne
Early Bird 4th Prize $ 25.00 Tommy Boyle
Main Drawing 1st Prize Celtic Cross Throw Loretta Guiton
Main Drawing—2nd Prize—Belleek Field of Shamrocks Vase Norma Farrell
Main Drawing 3rd Prize Marquis by Waterford Crystal Omnia Bowl Jan Harmon
Indoor/Outdoor Handmade Cherry Bench Tom & Kylie Keenan
Irish Basket of Cheer & More Dan Kaminski
EdenPURE Classic CopperPLUS Infrared Heater Mary Butler
$ 500.00 Teresa Wilbur
Private cooking lesson on Quaker Lake for 6 people Chuck & Sandy Kotch
Royal Gourmet Barbecue Charcoal Grill—The Ford’s
Wood or Charcoal burning 35 inch fire pit Barbara Gurney
Cabin & Canoe Painting Mary Lou Martin
Afghan (Donated by Betty Ellen Hardy) David Grindel
Zero Gravity Chair Rosemary Calabretta
Maple leaf stained glass Joanne Nolt
Deer Picture (Donated by Pauline Miller) Heidi Jaeger
Whimsical Chicken Frank Pawlowski
Basket (Donated by Eileen Drab) Carol Korutz
Basket—Donated by Kylie Keenan) Rosalynd Perlick
The Holy Family Lighted Nativity Alyce Frystak
Fall Table Runners (6) winners Margaret Schwind, Larry Curley, Joanne Nolt, Dan Conboy, Pat Mordovancey, and the Hotaling Family

On Saturday, January 4th, we observe the Fatima First Saturday Devotions in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary as our Lord and Lady requested of Sister Lucia, shepherd visionary of Fatima.
Please consider participating as we seek to fulfill our Savior's and Blessed Mother's request for prayer and penance in reparation to her most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. All are welcome.
The schedule for these Devotions at Saint Augustine Church is:
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by confessions: 8:30AM-9:00AM
Recitation of Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:00AM-9:30AM
Adoration and Meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:30AM-9:45AM
Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 9:45AM-9:55AM Mass: 10:00AM-10:45AM
~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention offered by Joe Purr.
~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for peace in Ukraine, Israel, and the Middle East.
~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for Special Intentions offered anonymously.
~ A Sanctuary Candle at St. Francis burns in Memory of Sophie Padula offered by Mary Ann Severage & Family.
~ A Sanctuary Candle at St. Francis burns in Memory of Irene, George, & Barbara Kotch offered by Chuck & Sandy Kotch.

Please continue to pray for vocations to the Priesthood in our Diocese.
If you have a prayer request, please call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212), Maureen Allen (570-6632256) or the Rectory (570-553-2288) sfxc@epix.net. Many prayers will be offered for your intentions. Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away.
St. Augustine: December 16 to 22 Sr. Bette Brown & Phyllis McNamara; December 23 to 29 Sr. Bette Brown & Barb Pichette; December 30 to January 5 Rosalynd Perlick; January 6 to 12 Rosalynd & Veronica Perlick; January 13 to 19 Rosalynd & Veronica Perlick; January 20 to 26 volunteers needed; January 27 to February 2 volunteers needed
St. Francis cleaner for the month of December Kathy Gage.
NEW VOLUNTEERS are always welcome to help clean our Churches. There are several openings at St. Augustine. To volunteer, please call or email Kay (570)553-2288 or sfxc@epix.net
As more and more “Snow Birds” are leaving for warmer climates, we are looking for more substitutes. Can you help out once a month? Can you help every once in a while? Please let Rosalynd know. This way you aren’t scheduled every week—you are only scheduled when you are available.
Please consider spending an hour with Our Lord. Call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) to volunteer.

RCIA is the process, established for the universal Church, for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you or anyone you know would like to begin the process to become full members in the Catholic Faith, please contact the Rectory (570)553-2288 / sfxc@epix.net or see Fr. Augustine or Deacon Paul.
Anyone who would like to attend RCIA as a refresher course or to learn more about their faith is also welcome to attend. Please let us know if you are interested in joining.
Little Books and the Word Among Us for Advent/Christmas are available in the back of our Churches. Please feel free to take them home with you.
Religious Wall Calendars are available in the back of the Church. Please feel free to take one home with you. These are generously provided for us by the Daniel K. Regan Funeral Home.
St. Brigid Parish 2024 Appeal Goal is $ 23,474.00. We have $ 35,527.65 pledged which is 151.35% of our Goal. We are over our goal by $ 12,053.65. Thank you to all our Parishioners for your efforts in helping the Parish to make our goal. 75% of all money raised over our goal is returned to St. Brigid Parish.