Saturday, Aug. 3—4:30PM—St. Francis: Lector Patti Dudock; Ministers Mike Griffin & Sean Kelly; Servers volunteers needed; Rosary Loretta Guiton; Greeter volunteer Sunday, Aug. 4—8:00AM—St. Francis: Lector Dick Manjerovic; Ministers Karen Glowa & Chris Volk; Servers volunteers needed; Rosary Bob Curley; Greeter volunteer Sunday, Aug. 4 10:30AM St. Augustine: Lector Cott DeMaree; Ministers Travis Wise & Volunteer; Servers volunteer needed; Rosary volunteer needed; Greeter volunteer
Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish & Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers, especially all suffering from cancer, Lyme disease, or drug dependency. Kaitlyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., Ruth King, Kyle Stoddard, “D”, Sophie Padula, Tom Wenman, Toni Colardino, Madigan Gow, Emily D., Amanda Branning, Daniel Gavin, Tommy Williams, Kathy Holt, Linda Hollenback, Don Zaleski, MaryLou Fahs, Elton Carr, Jim Raftis, Bub Davis, Tyler Fletcher, William Chaney, Joe Grindel, Chelsea Judson, Trisha, Mary Guido, Hallie Brooks, Mark Kovach, Brooke Arnold, Robyn Lawson, Ned Offner, Ethel Reid, Butch Rosencranz, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, Marie Donahue, Barbara Mahoney, Rusty Carmen, Adam Price, Greg Lasgowka, Jay Gurn, Terry, Cameron & Levi White, Natalie Dawn Abell, Tom Ellison, the Reed Family, Don Higgins, Raub Family, Todd Legg, Ryan Hayes, Thomas McWilliams, Marty Mosher, Chad Grindel, Cathy Ballogg, Mary Ann Casterline, Janice Jacobs, Patricia Charpinsky, Diane Holleran, Kineer Worgen, James Dughi, Peg Broadwater, Adrian Stephens, Millie, John, Reilly, Sophia ILichishin, Josh Zaleski, Caleb Scepaniak, Dana Marsh, Mary Joan, Lori Rawlins, Brendan Merritt, Mark Pasteka, Tim Fruehan, Linda, Gloria, Lori Hammerly Coleman, Brendan Kelly, Jay C., Pat Walsh, Angelo Scarfalloto, Emily Graves, Cathy Albert, Robert Nemcek, Wayne Hibbard, Laura Nelson, Garrett Farr, R.C.M., Everly Hausmann, George Coleman, Sally Saunders, Dennis Byerly, Marie Cavallaro, Sully & Patty Cavallaro, Evelyn Ferro, Alice, Briana Grisdale, Gregory Diorio, Mike Coleman, Nicholas, Alex, Mike & Pat Stelacio, Fr. John Victoria, Joseph Santora, Carol Garcia, Jay S., Carl, Cathy Edsell, Jessica Lawrence, Nellie Manarchuck, Monica Gibson, Diane Coffee, Bill Noldy, Jr., Patricia Hutchinson, Sue L., Mark, Chris Mortensen, Clyde & Mary Tims, Louise Darrow, Diane, Aaron Fredendall, Louise Eastman, Niki Rogers, Wade Leach, Shirley Conboy, Joseph Olszewski, Matthew Gatto, Madigan, Marge Murphy, Kris Kiesly, Kylie Keenan, Sara Kelly Price, Tucker White, Mike, Terri Grindel, Jerry Wells, Fred Brown, Rosa Prieto, Carl Whitehead, Ed Snee, Cliff & Anita James, Pete Strojny, Mary (Jones) Edsell, Eileen Maruschok, Leonard Howell, Shirley Rockefeller, A.J. Pass, Tony McHugh, Val Mosier, Hunter Allen Sapp, Bryce Histand, Deacon Tom Hartley, Ken Warner, George Thrasher, Norma Volk, Nancy, Gerry, Kathy Conklin, Gary Fisher, Joan Middendorf, Carol Jarnigan, Kevin Pierson, Anne, Megan Hale, Ben Naylor, Tom Walz, Tammy Volk Jennings, Rosemary Stewart, Margaret Zernone, Bucky Russell, Kathleen, Delores Sinchak, Carolyn Doolittle, Leah Walters, Jane Borelli, Jake Warner, Chuck Bullock, Jim Griffin, Tom Krupinski, Eileen Drab, Susanne Wolf, Doug Packer, Ellen Bieleski, Larry Black, Joyce Danielewicz, Dorothy Angel, Jackie Foster, Ed Bartkus, Mary Ann Severage, Jeanette Williams, Michael Stone, Theresa Jones, Grady White, Gail Lutz, Jan Harmon, John Mulrooney, Joan Golis, Margaret Connolly, Miriam Van Winkle, and Elizabeth Fancher. Please pray for all the needs in our Parish and Community. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.
Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Ryan Gormley, Christopher Reichlen, Mike Griffith, Matthew Kramer, Ryan Neville, Shane Kalpokas, Dustin Ryder, Steven Shelp, Ricky Trowbridge, Jay Tewksbury, Lukas Crisman, Ryan Newberry, Mark W. Gregg, Lisa Phillips, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Marty Conboy, Wayne M. Bennett, Joseph Elliott, Bradley J. Bryant, John Baltsley, Mara Redding, Michael Redding, James Hemmerly, Cameron, Amberlynn Villanella, Jacob Balchikonis, Rip VanWinkle, Jonathan Green, Garrett Kiehle, and all who serve with them. May they be protected & safe from harm & return home safely and soon. Amen.
Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away. Please also call us when those in the Armed Forces are no longer serving so their name can be removed.
July 28th, 2024
You are just, O God; Your judgement is just!
Sat. July 27 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BERNARD JULIUS ZALEWSKI by Bill & Dawn Zalewski
Sun. July 28 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8th Anniv. BILL STEWART by the Family 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS
Mon.July 29 NO MASS
Tue. July 30 12:00NN St. Francis Church - ALAN HALEY by Mary Louise Keenan
Wed.July 31 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - BEVERLY & GERARD MAHONEY by Bob & Maureen Allen
Thur.Aug. 1 8:30AM St. Augustine Church -
Sat. Aug. 3 10:00AM St. Augustine Church - FIRST SATURDAY SHIRLEY KELLY by Joyce Barnum
Fri. Aug. 2 12:00nn St. Francis Church4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIRGINIA RAFTIS by Jim Raftis
Sun. Aug. 4 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS
Saturday St. Francis Xavier before 4:30PM Mass 3:30 to 4:15PM
Sunday St. Francis Xavier before 8:00AM Mass 7:30 to 7:50AM
Sunday St. Augustine before 10:30AM Mass 10:00 to 10:20AM
Our weekend collection total was $ 3,592.25. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
“Because of our belief and hope in the Resurrection, we can face death not with fear, but with preparation…. We prepare for eternal life by choosing to love and follow God now, in our daily lives and decisions.” Read more at www.respectlife.org/end-of-life-considerations.
~ USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, “Catholic Considerations for Our Earthly Passing”
Dear Friends! “The best remedy against hunger may be: to be generous with the hungry.” We already know the welcome Jesus has ready for us at our death if during life we are generous with people in need. “Come, you whom my Father has blessed, come and possess the kingdom made ready for you ever since the world was made: for when I was hungry you fed me.” The 6th chapter of St. John’s gospel contains Jesus’ momentous teaching about Himself as the Bread of Life, and offers us opportunity to reflect on what the Eucharist is and what it can be in our life. Today’s gospel speaks to us on many levels. We can be like Philip, immobilized by the size of the work to be done, or like Andrew, handing to Jesus what we have. Sometime we doubt the power of the simple gifts we possess. The simple gifts of friendship, concern, conversation and prayer can be extraordinary vehicles for the Lord. The gospel teaches us to give the Lord what we have. He will work a miracle with it.
~ Father Augustine
We are looking for substitutes. Can you help out once a month? Can you help every once in a while? Please let Rosalynd know. This way you aren’t scheduled every week—you are only scheduled when you are available.
Wednesday 12-1PM .
DINNERS ARE BEING SOLD AFTER MASS TODAY!!! Get your dinners ordered today!! Someone will be outside of the Churches selling dinners today. Get your order in early and support this very important fund raiser the 200th Annual Picnic!!!
Picnic Committee Meeting The next meeting is THIS Wednesday at 6:00PM at Neumann Hall Pavilion. Anyone interested in helping is welcome to attend. Further details are in the bulletin insert.
Basket Raffle
If anyone still has a basket to donate for the Basket Raffle, please call Cathy O’Reilly (570-396-2840).
PICNIC FLYERS—Flyers announcing our Picnic are available in the back of the Churches. Please take one and place it in a local business to help get the word out so that people can pre-order their chicken!
Father Augustine is holding special training sessions as a refresher course for all Altar Servers. If you are not currently an Altar Server, this would be a great time for you to attend training and get started. Father is looking forward to seeing you and getting to know you better.
Thursday, August 1st—6:00PM—St. Francis Church Thursday, August 8th—6:00PM—St. Augustine Church
Next weekends second collection is for the Care & Education of Priests.
DINNER TICKETS ARE BEING SOLD AFTER MASS THIS WEEKEND. Get your order in early and support this very important fund raiser—the 200th Annual Picnic!!! Picnic Committee Meeting The Picnic Committee will meet THIS Wednesday at 6:00PM at the Neumann Hall Pavilion to continue preparation for the Picnic. Anyone who would like to help is welcome to attend.
DINNERS ARE 100% PRE-ORDER AND PRE-PAY and will be ready for pick-up from 11:30AM to 2:00PM and will be TAKE-OUT ONLY. Orders are being taken now until August 4th. All orders need to be pre-paid and will not be placed until your payment has been received. Do not wait to order and do not plan to come on Picnic Day and get any “extra” chicken. There will be NO extra chicken. Dinners include 1/2 BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, cabbage salad, rolls, and a brownie or cookie for dessert. Tickets are $ 14.00 for adults; $ 5.00 children under 12; pre-school children are free. To order dinners, please call Joyce Barnum (570-623-4377); Meg Egitto (607-727-1065); Matt Oleniacz (570-930-0118); Sr. Bette Brown (570-553-2108); Helena Arbosheski (570-553-2315); Mary Butler (Lake Timberline customers site # 149 (570-767-1199).
Basket Raffle If you still have a basket to donate for the Basket Raffle, please call Cathy O’Reilly (570-396-2840). Baskets will be numbered and photos will be posted on Facebook as soon as possible. Tickets are $ 1.00 per chance. You may purchase chances by calling or mailing Cathy O’Reilly (570-396-2840), 25 O’Reilly Road, Friendsville, Pa. 18818. Money must be received by August 5th. You can also view the Baskets and buy your chances in the pavilion on Picnic Day.
Raffle tickets If you didn’t receive your tickets in the mail, please let us know. We can get some mailed out to you OR you can pick up a packet after Mass. They are available from Barb Pichette at St. Augustine or Kay Keenan at St. Francis.
Our great prizes this year are: $ 500.00; Gas Grill; Fire Pit; Tall Pines Gift Certificate for 4 Greens Fees for 18 Holes. We also have chances on “An Evening at the Lake” (for 4 people) and “Winners Choice of ONE Adirondack Bar Chair OR Folding Adirondack Chair” from Mountainside Fruit Market Finally we have a Quilt Raffle with a beautiful 40” x 40” handmade wall hanging quilt donated by Mary K Manjerovic with the Quilt Rack to hang it made by Dick Manjerovic. These tickets are $ 5.00 each. For more information on raffle tickets, please call Barb Pichette (570-663-2769) or the office (570-553-2288).
50/50 Raffle tickets In addition to the regular raffle, $ 20.00 tickets are being sold. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Mary Homan (570-553-2860) or Kay at the office (570-553-2288). These tickets are going fast get yours before they are gone!!!
Workers we need lots of help. Workers are needed for the BBQ pit, kitchen to assemble food, outside to distribute dinners, or help with baskets, please volunteer. (Helpers are also needed for set up and take down.) Help is needed Saturday, August 10th from 9:00AM to 12Noon and Sunday, Picnic Day, from 10:00AM to the end. To volunteer for inside work, please call Mary Homan (570-553-2860). To volunteer for outside work, please call Dan Egitto (607-727-1065). Help is also needed on Sunday, August 4th after the 10:30AM Mass to make the cabbage salad.
Desserts each family is asked to make (2) of your delicious home-made desserts, either brownies or cookies. Please do not make anything with nuts or peanut butter. PLEASE DO NOT CUT YOUR BROWNIES THIS YEAR!
NEXT Saturday, August 3rd, we observe the Fatima First Saturday Devotions in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary as our Lord and Lady requested of Sister Lucia, shepherd visionary of Fatima.
Please consider participating as we seek to fulfill our Savior's and Blessed Mother's request for prayer and penance in reparation to her most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. All are welcome.
The schedule for these Devotions at Saint Augustine Church is:
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by confessions: 8:30AM-9:00AM
Recitation of Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:00AM-9:30AM
Adoration and Meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:30AM-9:45AM
Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 9:45AM-9:55AM
Mass: 10:00AM-10:45AM
~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention offered by Joe Purr.
~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for peace in Ukraine, Israel, and the Middle East.
Please continue to pray for vocations to the Priesthood in our Diocese.
If you would like to respond to prayer requests, or if you have a prayer request, please call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) or Maureen Allen (570-663-2256). Many prayers will be offered for your intentions. Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away.
To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, call the Rectory (570-553-2288); for St. Augustine Church, please sign up on the calendar in the back of the Church or call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459). For both Churches, please call the Rectory with the “Intention” so it can be put in the bulletin. Dates are available at both Churches thru November.
~ St. Augustine Flowers are offered by the Withers Family for Special Intentions.
~ St. Francis Flowers are in Memory of Bill Stewart offered by the Family.
St. Augustine: July 29 to August 4 Cott DeMaree; August 5 to 11 volunteer needed; August 12 to 18 volunteer needed; August 19 to 25 volunteer needed; August 26 to September 1 volunteer needed; September 2 to 8 Cott DeMaree; September 9 to 15 Cott DeMaree; September 16 to 22 Mary Homan; September 23 to 29 Mary Homan; September 30 to October 6 Maureen Allen & Bernadette Kanna
(Please remember Adoration is now being held in the Church for the summer so you will need to clean on Saturday. If you are not able to clean on Saturday, please call Rosalynd Perlick 570-6632212 and she will make arrangements so that you can clean at a more convenient time.)
St. Francis cleaner for the month of August is . NEW VOLUNTEERS are always welcome to help clean our Churches. There are several openings at St. Augustine. To volunteer, please call or email Kay (570)553-2288 or sfxc@epix.net
When you sing in church you pray twice…attributed to St. Augustine, “One who sings prays twice.” What does this mean? At its best singing together in worship helps us express well our praise of God, creates a space for us to offer ourselves to God and binds us to one another in community. Come lift up your voices ... you say your week is so busy... Well we have made this doable. Practices for ordinary time will be held at St. Francis Church the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm and we will aim to be finished up by 7:30. We will cover a month of Gospel Acclamations and hymns. This practice covers you for whatever Mass you attend. Choir practice is THIS Tuesday, July 30th at 6:00PM