Saturday, Nov. 23—4:30PM—St. Francis: Lector CCD Students; Ministers Joyce Barnum
Sunday, Nov. 24 8:00AM St. Francis: Lector Amanda Reeves; Ministers Chris & Katie Volk; Servers Aiden & Kaitlin Reeves; Rosary Bob Curley; Greeter volunteer Sunday, Nov. 24—10:30AM—St. Augustine: Lector Dave Rebello; Ministers Michael & Barbara Merritt; Servers Travis Wise; Rosary volunteer; Greeter Barb Pichette
Please pray for the deceased, especially Sophie Padula, sister of Theresa (Bill) Noldy. We also pray for John Seal, brother of Joanne Nolt. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish & Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers, especially all suffering from cancer, Lyme disease, or drug dependency. Kaitlyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Ruth King, Kyle Stoddard, “D”, Tom Wenman, Toni Colardino, Madigan Gow, Emily D., Amanda Branning, Daniel Gavin, Tommy Williams, Kathy Holt, Linda Hollenback, Don Zaleski, MaryLou Fahs, Elton Carr, Jim Raftis, Bub Davis, Tyler Fletcher, William Chaney, Joe Grindel, Chelsea Judson, Trisha, Mary Guido, Hallie Brooks, Mark Kovach, Brooke Arnold, Robyn Lawson, Ned Offner, Ethel Reid, Rusty Carmen, Butch Rosencranz, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, Marie Donahue, Barbara Mahoney, Adam Price, Greg Lasgowka, Jay Gurn, Terry, Cameron & Levi White, Natalie Dawn Abell, Tom Ellison, the Reed Family, Don Higgins, Raub Family, Todd Legg, Ryan Hayes, Chad Grindel, Thomas McWilliams, Marty Mosher, Cathy Ballogg, Mary Ann Casterline, Janice Jacobs, Mary Joan, Patricia Charpinsky, Diane Holleran, Kineer Worgen, James Dughi, Peg Broadwater, Adrian Stephens, Millie, John, Reilly, Sophia ILichishin, Josh Zaleski, Caleb Scepaniak, Dana Marsh, Lori Rawlins, Brendan Merritt, Mark Pasteka, Tim Fruehan, Linda, Gloria, Carl, Lori Hammerly Coleman, Brendan Kelly, Jay C., Pat Walsh, Angelo Scarfalloto, Emily Graves, Cathy Albert, Robert Nemcek, Wayne Hibbard, Laura Nelson, Garrett Farr, R.C.M., Everly Hausmann, Diane, George Coleman, Sally Saunders, Marie Cavallaro, Sully & Patty Cavallaro, Evelyn Ferro, Alice, Briana Grisdale, Gregory Diorio, Mike Coleman, Nicholas, Alex, Mike & Pat Stelacio, Fr. John Victoria, Joseph Santora, Carol Garcia, Jay S., Cathy Edsell, Jessica Lawrence, Sue L., Nellie Manarchuck, Monica Gibson, Diane Coffee, Bill Noldy, Jr., Patricia Hutchinson, Mark, Chris Mortensen, Clyde & Mary Tims, Louise Darrow, Aaron Fredendall, Louise Eastman, Niki Rogers, Wade Leach, Shirley Conboy, Joseph Olszewski, Matthew Gatto, Mike, Madigan, Kris Kiesly, Kylie Keenan, Sara Kelly Price, Tucker White, Terri Grindel, Jerry Wells, Fred Brown, Rosa Prieto, Carl Whitehead, Ed Snee, Cliff & Anita James, Pete Strojny, Mary (Jones) Edsell, Eileen Maruschok, Leonard Howell, Shirley Rockefeller, A.J. Pass, Nancy, Tony McHugh, Val Mosier, Hunter Allen Sapp, Bryce Histand, Dcn. Tom Hartley, Ken Warner, George Thrasher, Norma Volk, Gerry, Kathy Conklin, Gary Fisher, Tom Walz, Joan Middendorf, Kevin Pierson, Megan Hale, Ben Naylor, Kathleen, Tammy Volk Jennings, Rosemary Stewart, Margaret Zernone, Bucky Russell, Delores Sinchak, Carolyn Doolittle, Leah Walters, Jane Borelli, Jake Warner, Chuck Bullock, Tom Krupinski, Eileen Drab, Susanne Wolf, Doug Packer, Gail Lutz, Ellen Bieleski, Larry Black, Joyce Danielewicz, Dorothy Angel, Jackie Foster, Ed Bartkus, Mary Ann Severage, Jeanette Williams, Michael Stone, Grady White, Jan Harmon, John Mulrooney, Joan Golis, Margaret Connolly, Miriam Van Winkle, Elizabeth Fancher, Sally McGlynn, George Starzec, Nancy, Edward Silver, Dustin, Marie Violini, Sam Arnold, Joe, Kelly Burridge, Caesar Siedlecki, Joe Leonard, Geri Mokris, Linda Henry, Jim Cullen, Gabi, Keith, Katie, Matt, Bill, Larry Wise, Ray Jones, Dan, Jeff, Ty, Emma, and Frank Johnson. Please pray for all the needs in our Parish and Community. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.
Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Ryan Gormley, Christopher Reichlen, Mike Griffith, Matthew Kramer, Ryan Neville, Shane Kalpokas, Dustin Ryder, Steven Shelp, Ricky Trowbridge, Jay Tewksbury, Lukas Crisman, Ryan Newberry, Mark W. Gregg, Lisa Phillips, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Marty Conboy, Joseph Elliott, Wayne M. Bennett, Bradley J. Bryant, John Baltsley, Mara Redding, Michael Redding, James Hemmerly, Amberlynn Villanella, Jacob Balchikonis, Rip VanWinkle, Cameron, Jonathan Green, Garrett Kiehle, and all who serve with them. May they be protected & safe from harm & return home safely and soon. Amen.

November 17th, 2024
You are my inheritance, O Lord!
Sun. Nov. 17 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
JOHN, HELENE, FRAN & DAVID GUITON by the Long & Mack Families
10:30AM St. Augustine Church - JOE & MARY BETH ADAMS by Judy Adams
Mon.Nov. 18
Tue. Nov. 19 12:00NN St. Francis Church - JACK ZEGGERT by Patricia Zeggert
Wed.Nov. 20 8:30AM St. Augustine Church -
Thur.Nov. 21 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - MARY BAHAN by Kay Caspersen
Fri. Nov. 22 12:00NN St. Francis ChurchSat. Nov. 23 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE KAMINSKI FAMILY by Dan, Liz, & Kyle Kaminski
Sun. Nov. 24 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Saturday St. Francis Xavier before 4:30PM Mass 3:30 to 4:15PM
Sunday St. Francis Xavier before 8:00AM Mass 7:30 to 7:50AM
Sunday St. Augustine before 10:30AM Mass 10:00 to 10:20AM
Our weekend collection total was $ 5,086.40. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
“We can’t imagine loving a child whom we conceived more than we love Andrew. It is amazing how he fits our personalities so well… Adopting Andrew has made us more aware of God’s power and of his love for us. We realize that he always has a perfect plan for our lives.”
~USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, “An Adoption Love Story” (respectlife.org/adoption-love-story)

Dear Friends!
As we approach the end of the liturgical year, today’s readings focus on the coming of Jesus in his glory, and his return at the end of time as the savior of humanity, the one who will rule as the universal king. The first reading and the Gospel text underline that the world will one day come to an end. However, no ne knows that hour. This end will lead to the emergence of a new world and the final destruction of evil that has no place in the new world. At that time, those who belong to Jesus will begin an entirely new life because of their righteous living on earth. They are saved and will live with the Lord forever. While salvation will be complete only after Jesus’ return, the true believers who are united with God in this world here and now are already assured of their belonging to God in eternity. Do I believe in final judgement and salvation?
~ Father Augustine
Please be generous in this week’s special collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. In the United States, over 11% of the population lives in poverty. Through this collection, you support programs that address the root causes of poverty and provide a sustainable future for those struggling across the country. In addition, 25% of the funds we collect remain in our diocese to fund local antipoverty projects. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this collection and those working on the margins. Learn more about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at www.usccb.org/cchd .

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process, established for the universal Church, for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you or anyone you know would like to begin the process to become full members in the Catholic Faith, please contact the Rectory (570)553-2288 / sfxc@epix.net or see Fr. Augustine or Deacon Paul. Classes will be starting soon for anyone interested.
The Pastoral Council meets this Wednesday, at 6:00PM in the Rectory. The Council is asking for representatives from the Finance Council to attend so we can discuss projects for 2025.
The Parish Lottery Calendars for 2025 will be available in our Churches very soon. If you have any special numbers that you would like saved for you, please contact Kay (570-553-2288) or put a note in the collection as soon as possible. Numbers will be saved on a “First-come-first-served” basis.

We have (18) area families on our list to receive Thanksgiving Food Cards. We are accepting monetary donations for the Food Cards. Please make checks out to “St. Brigid Parish”. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity! To date we have $1,140.00 help these families.
We are preparing for Thanksgiving Food Baskets. All checks should be made out to “THE FOOD PANTRY” and put in a marked envelope in the collection basket. All donations are greatly appreciated and needed as soon as possible.

The Annual Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be held on Tuesday, November 26th at 7:00PM at St. Augustine Church. This year Silver Lake Community Church will provide the homilist. Our Parishioners are encouraged to attend. Come and thank God for all He has done for us in the past year & pray for our Country. A collection will be taken up to benefit the Food Pantry. Light refreshments will follow in Neumann Hall. Bakers of the Parish are asked to make some of their special goodies.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every December 8, Catholics joyfully celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness of the United States.
This year, December 8 will fall on a Sunday specifically the Second Sunday of Advent.
In the past, it was understood that when this situation occurred, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception did not maintain the obligation to attend Mass due to its proximity to the Sunday Mass obligation. However, the Holy See just recently clarified that the obligation must remain.
As we quickly approach the end of the liturgical year, I am keenly aware that many parishes have already finalized their schedules for December and many deaneries are planning communal penance services around that time. Furthermore, the short notice of this change might cause confusion.
Therefore, in accord with canon 87, § 1, I am hereby granting a dispensation to the Catholic faithful from the obligation to attend Mass on Monday, December 9, 2024, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception throughout the territory of the Diocese of Scranton.
In granting this dispensation, I want to emphasize two things.
First, while the obligation will not be in effect this year, I strongly encourage all faithful who are able to make a special effort to attend Mass on December 9 or do some form of extra prayer, like praying the Rosary.
Second, this dispensation is for this year (2024) only. Next year, in 2025, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception will fall on a Monday and there will be NO dispensation from the obligation to attend Mas on that day.
Please be assured of my prayers for you and your family as the sacred season of Advent approaches.

St. Brigid Parish 2024 Appeal Goal is $ 23,474.00. This is a $ 1,474.00 increase from last year’s goal. To date we have $ $ 26,891.00 pledged which is 116.32% of our Goal. We are over our goal by $ 3,832.00. Thank you to all our Parishioners for your efforts in helping the Parish to make our goal as soon as possible. Again this year 75% of all money raised over our goal is returned to St. Brigid Parish. This makes a very nice extra fund raiser.

Save the date for the Altar and Rosary Christmas party which will be Wednesday December 11th at 6:00PM at Neumann Hall. Please bring your favorite goodies for the Christmas baskets. There will be 18 baskets to be packed. We will be having a catered Turkey Dinner. More information will follow when all details on the menu and cost are confirmed. (Ladies are welcome to bring their husbands.)
Bill, Carmen, Denise, and all their family would like to thank the ladies of the Parish and especially the Altar and Rosary Society for putting on the dinner following Anne’s Funeral Mass. Thank you to everyone who made and donated dishes of food for the delicious dinner. Thank you to Fred and Patti for the beautiful music and singing at Mass. Finally a huge thank you to Father Augustine for the beautiful Mass and Homily. Thank you so much for all the kindness you have shown us. We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you!

An All You Can Eat Breakfast will be held Sunday November 24th at the Little Meadows Fire Station, serving from 7 am to 11 am. Menu includes scrambled eggs, French toast, bacon, sausage biscuit with gravy, pancakes, home fries, baked goods, and drinks. Cost $12.00 for adults, $6.00 for children. Benefits the Little Meadows Fire Company. All are welcome to attend and enjoy a great breakfast!
The Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth invite all young women (grades 9 – 12) to join us on Saturday, December 7th, from 11:00AM – 4:30PM, at Mother of God Convent, 215 Wellwood Drive, Tunkhannock, Pa. Come and learn more about the Faith, make wholesome friendships, and grow more in love with Jesus through prayer and hearing inspirational talks. To RSVP by December 6th, or for more information, please call Sister Angela at 570-836-2737. Please join us!
Mom’s House is having their annual Barnes & Noble Book Fair on Saturday, December 7th, from 9AM to 9PM, at the Town Square Mall in Vestal. You must mention “Mom’s House” at the time of your purchase and a percentage of the sales will go to help out Mom’s House. This is a perfect time to start your Christmas shopping!!!

Saturday, December 7th, we observe the Fatima First Saturday Devotions in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary as our Lord and Lady requested of Sister Lucia, shepherd visionary of Fatima.
Please consider participating as we seek to fulfill our Savior's and Blessed Mother's request for prayer and penance in reparation to her most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. All are welcome.
The schedule for these Devotions at Saint Augustine Church is:
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by confessions: 8:30AM-9:00AM
Recitation of Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:00AM-9:30AM
Adoration and Meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary: 9:30AM-9:45AM
Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 9:45AM-9:55AM Mass: 10:00AM-10:45AM
~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention offered by Joe Purr. ~ A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for peace in Ukraine, Israel, and the Middle East. ~ The Sanctuary Candle at St. Francis burns in Memory of George, Irene, and Barbara Kotch offered by Chuck and Sandy Kotch.

Please continue to pray for vocations to the Priesthood in our Diocese.
If you have a prayer request, please call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212), Maureen Allen (570-6632256) or the Rectory (570-553-2288) sfxc@epix.net. Many prayers will be offered for your intentions. Please call when the person you put on this Prayer List can be removed, either because of their return to health or because they have passed away.
~ St. Augustine Flowers are offered by Heidi Jaeger for Special Intentions. ~ St. Francis Flowers are in Memory of Anne M. (Guiton) Allis offered by her family.

St. Augustine: November 18 to 24 Karen & Mike Barrie; November 25 to December 1 Karen & Mike Barrie; December 2 to 8 Linda Monahan; December 9 to 15 volunteers needed; December 16 to 22 Sr. Bette Brown & Phyllis McNamara; December 23 to 29 Sr. Bette Brown & Barb Pichette; December 30 to January 5 volunteer needed
St. Francis cleaners for the month of November Travis Long and Family. NEW VOLUNTEERS are always welcome to help clean our Churches. There are several openings at St. Augustine. To volunteer, please call or email Kay (570)553-2288 or sfxc@epix.net
As more and more “Snow Birds” are leaving for warmer climates, we are looking for more substitutes. Can you help out once a month? Can you help every once in a while? Please let Rosalynd know. This way you aren’t scheduled every week you are only scheduled when you are available.
Please consider spending an hour with Our Lord. Call Rosalynd Perlick (570-663-2212) to volunteer.

There will be a re-organizational meeting of St. John’s Cemetery Association on Sunday, November 24th at 2PM at Neumann Hall. It has been a couple of years since the last Association meeting was held, and a number of years since officers were elected. Since some current officers are ready to get out of their positions and we are unsure of who all the officers are, election of officers will be held. Anyone who has a loved one buried in the cemetery, owns a plot in the cemetery, or if you are interested in any other way, you are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend.
Donations of are being accepted for an IRISH “Basket O’ Cheer” If you would like to make a monetary donation, please put it in the collection basket in a marked envelope or mail it to the Rectory. If you have a bottle of Irish Cream or Irish Whiskey, please leave it in the back of the Church. Donations can be made through November. Tickets have been mailed out. If you haven’t received any and would like some, please see Kay or call the Rectory. New prizes that are not listed in the mailing are still coming in.