July catalogue

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Catalogue ÂŁ4


Horse, Pony & Saddlery Sale at Easters Court, Leominster, HR6 0DE

Friday 1st July 2016 Saddlery Sale at 11.00am Horse and Pony Sale at 11.30am

The UK’s Number 1 Monthly Horse & Pony Sale

01568 619777 brightwells.com

Location Map For further information please call 01568 619777 or email: horses@brightwells.com Brightwells Auctioneers, Horse and Pony Dept., Easters Court, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0DE. Fax 01568 619710


Leominster Sale of Horses & Ponies The Sale will be conducted at Easters Court, Leominster, HR6 0DE. There will be a £3.00 per vehicle parking charge at this sale. These Conditions are supplementary to the Auctioneers Standard Conditions printed herein and prevail as to definition THE SALE CONDITIONS Have been revised in accordance with up-to-date Veterinary Practice and with a view to protecting the rights of our clients to even greater degree. You are advised to especially study our revised conditions of sale. COMPLAINTS CAN ONLY BE MADE UP UNTIL 5pm ON THE FOURTH DAY (Tuesday) FOLLOWING THE SALE DAY.

Lots which are sold with a hammer price of £400 or less are sold “as they stand”; with all other questions of description and veterinary condition being entirely at the risk of the purchaser.

VETERINARY PROCEDURE Veterinary Surgeons appointed by the Auctioneers are available through the Auctioneers Office to examine horses on behalf of Vendors and Purchasers. In the case of Purchasers, they are prepared to examine horses on their behalf as to whether they are correct under the “Conditions of Sale”. The Veterinary Surgeon’s decision that a horse be returnable is binding on both parties. All horses should be vetted for eyes, heart, action, age and ascertainment of catalogue descriptions for a fee of £65.00 inc VAT, unless when they are sold for £400 or less, when they are then sold “as seen” with no veterinary warranty or guarantee as to catalogue description implied or given. Please note all the heights stated in the catalogue are approximate. Purchasers must notify the office that they require examination within 1 hour of the time of purchase and receive a vetting slip to enable examination to take place. It is emphasised that the facilities are not available to undertake a full veterinary examination but part veterinary examination should take place. Only Lots that are examined by the panel on the sale day have an extended period of 2 working days (Including Saturdays) to enable complete veterinary examination. For the purpose of Conditions only - The Purchaser is described as the person who makes payment for the Lot on Day of Sale and whose name and address is entered on the Receipted Account. It should be noted that any Statement in the Catalogue is not enforceable if the transaction is not booked through the Auctioneers. Please ensure that your lot has adequate food and water throughout the sale day. The Auctioneers reserve the right to random blood test, for prohibitive substances, any horse on the day of sale. WARNING CERTAIN PERSONS DELIBERATELY TRY TO BUY HORSES AND PONIES OUTSIDE THE SALE CONDITIONS. THE ONLY REASON THIS IS DONE IS TO OBTAIN LOTS CHEAPER THAN THROUGH THE AUCTION   


PASSPORTS NOTES The Horse Passports (England) Regulations 2004 state that ‘after 28th February 2005 no person shall sell a horse without a passport’. All Horses and Ponies (except foals sold at foot which are under 6 months of age) entered at Brightwells Sales after February 28th 2005 must travel to the sales with their Passport. Passports must be surrendered to the Auctioneers on arrival at the sale site. If no passport is presented we will be unable to offer that entry and all entry fees will be forfeited. The authenticity and accuracy of each entry's passport is the sole responsibility of the vendors. Any inaccuracies that may occur must be dealt with between vendor and purchaser. It is the buyer’s responsibility to transfer the passport into their name within 30 days of the sale with the relevant Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO). IMPORTANT NOTICE Only horses entered in the Sale are allowed entry to the Sale Site. Any other horse or pony that is not catalogued will be charged a £20.00 per head “park up” fee. These horses and ponies must remain in their vehicles at all times and are not to be offered for sale. The fee may be waived under special circumstances subject to prior arrangements at the Auctioneers discretion. Trading Standards Office (Local Authority) require that all ‘clipped out’ horses and ponies must be presented for sale rugged up with a suitable New Zealand or waterproof rug when they are standing in the open air sale pens. In addition no temporary covers to be erected over the sale pens by vendors. TRIAL RIDES Trial rides for any prospective purchaser may be offered at the vendor’s discretion, on the understanding that all risk and responsibility for any incidents or accident are at the risk of the trial rider and not with the vendor, vendor’s agent or the auctioneers. LORRY & CAR PARK Gates open at 7.30am All persons attending this sale must follow the directions of Brightwells staff and park where instructed. All lorries and cars will have to park in the prescribed parking areas - we hope everyone will co-operate and follow the instructions of our staff. COMMISSION & BUYERS PREMIUM Horses & Ponies will be sold in Pounds (£) Sterling Vendors will be deducted 6% + VAT Commission from the Hammer Price. There will be a minimum commission of £20 +VAT. Purchasers will be charged 10% + VAT Buyers Premium on the Hammer Price. PURCHASER REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT TERMS Purchasers will be required to pre-register and obtain a buyer’s number. All Lots must be paid for prior to collection. Cheques will only be accepted from persons previously known to the Auctioneers, unless arrangements are made with Barclays Bank Business Centre, Hereford. Cash and all major credit cards are accepted. For those paying by Credit Card (other than debit and switch cards) a 3% (plus VAT) Bankers Charge will be added to all purchasers accounts. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF SALE H.M. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE RULES Would all vendors note that we (Brightwells Auctioneers) will raise a self-billing tax invoice for the proceeds of any goods in this or any other sale held by us? It is a Customs and Excise requirement that this is the only tax invoice raised for those items. We must have your VAT registration number (where appropriate) together with your name and address for inclusion on any self-billing tax invoices raised by ourselves. You must notify us immediately if your VAT registration number is cancelled, or if you are issued with a new registration number. Any Vendor not agreeing to this system of self-billing tax invoices being raised by us must notify us prior to the commencement of the sale. Regrettably, we can only operate with a self-billing system in place, and therefore will not sell the goods of any Vendor who is unable to accept this system. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SURVEYORS MEMBERS’ ACCOUNTS REGULATIONS 1993 NOTICE REQUIRED UNDER REGULATION 2A This market is not required to comply with the requirements of the Members’ Accounts Regulations of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. No monies paid to this Market are covered by any scheme for the protection of clients’ money operated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. This notice is published in accordance with the requirements of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors from whom a more detailed explanation can be obtained by writing to the Standards and Practice Department. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3AD

Sale Commences at 11.30am Lot Vendor The Property of Mrs T James 1 RICH SONG, DARK BAY GLEDING, 18 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX Sire: Treasure Hunter Dam: Sonnet Lady by Down The Hatch Registered: Weatherbys Regretfully for sale as youngsters coming on. He has competed in showing classes, up to elementary level at Riding Club, and dressage to music with great results. Now only hacking with the youngsters, so is wasted as he could still go out and give someone a lot of fun. Excellent on the roads, in open fields, never strong, always in a snaffle and can be left un-ridden for weeks and still be the same to ride. Good to box, shoe, clip and bath. Would do well in veteran classes as he is still a picture of health. Tack available, if required, by separate negotiation. Fully vaccinated.





The Property of Mr M Grist LUCKY, BLACK & WHITE MARE, 7 YEARS, 16.2HH APPROX This mare is a big upstanding weight carrying type. She is really sensible, rides alone or in company and has a sweet nature. Easy to catch and load and would make a fantastic hunter or all-rounder. She has a small blemish on her offside rear hindleg, which is only cosmetic and doesn’t affect her. A real genuine sort, who is shod and ready to go. One not to be missed! The Property of Cromwell Stables LADY A, CHESNUT MARE, 6 YEARS, 16.3HH APPROX. Sire: Apple Tree Dam: Lady Kay by Kayf Tara Hacks out aloneand in company, Very easy to do around the yard and lives in or out. Has been ridden on the beach and around a cross country course. The Property of Mr D Hicks HEADLEYS DOUBLETAKE, BAY GELDING, 3 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX Sire: Duke of Hearts by Halling Dam: Rivergirl by Contendro I out of Ktaja II Registered: Holsteiner Lovely moving gelding. Bred to event. Small lump on hock. For sale through no fault of his own. The Property of Miss P James TWENTY TWENTY VISION, BAY GELDING, 7 YEARS, 16.1 HH APPROX Sire: Welton Ambassador by Welton Louis Dam: Canyouhearme Registered: SHB (GB) This well bred horse has 3 good forward paces, a bold natural jump and no vices. He has done indoor and outdoor shows, including dressage, hunter trials and has seen hounds. Wasted potential in his current situation with lack of time forcing his sale.







The Property of Miss C Ellis RUBY, PIEBALD MARE, 11 YEARS, 16.1HH APPROX. Good to shoe, box, clip and up to date with vaccinations, teeth and back. She has not been ridden for two years due to a kissing spine operation and a genuine lack of time. She is a lovely mare to handle and is also a proven broodmare, having produced two foal previously. She is a lovely horse for the right person. The Propertry of Mr R Davies STARTLEWOOD CERISE, DARK BAY MARE, 5 YEARS, 16HH APPROX. Professionally broken and ridden away. Working well on the flat and showing real scope oiver coloured fences. Bold and brave when hacking out, either alone or in company, she will make a true all-rounder and Riding Club horse. Sweet natured and really genuine. The Property of Mr C G Brisbane HOW BAZAAR, BAY TOBIANO MARE, 16HH APPROX Sire: Bazaars Texas Dam: Chinnor Dolphin Registered: CHAPS This horse has been out of work for a long time and will need bringing slowly back into work by an experienced mature rider. Good to box, shoe and clip and is nice around people. The Property of Mrs S Waite ROWDOWN TAUNTON, BLACK GELDING, 5 YEARS, 15.3HH APPROX Sire: Lovelyhill Hendrix by Luckington Leo Dam: Warren Devon by Bootsman Bains New Forest x Thoroughbred. Has been backed this spring but lack of time forces sale. The Property of Mr O Jones ONTOP MANS HEAD, BAY GELDING, 5 YEARS, 15.3HH APPROX. Sire: The Preacher Pan Dam: Blazing Gallie by Western Hanover Registered: Standardbred A lovely easy horse to do. He has no vices and has been out of training for about 3 weeks as we feel he just hasn’t got the turn of speed needed, but would excel in making a lovely ridden, drive or endurance horse (Standardbred’s excel in these fields). Teeth and back treated in March 2016, with no issues. An easy, well mannered horse to ride, and he is good in the stable, with the farrier and to box. A real pleasure to have around. The property of Mrs M Osbourne-Evans RAGTIME AFTER EIGHT, SKEWBALD MARE, 6 YEARS, 15.2HH APPROX Sire: RJT Gwndwn Tonto (CHAPS) Dam: Muddle Up Molly (un-recorded) Registered: CHAPS Unbroken and now ready to break. Regularly wormed and trimmed. TB x traditional Gypsy Cob.






The Property of Mrs M Osbourne-Evans RAGTIME JUST THE TICKET, SKEWBALD MARE, 6 YEARS, 15.1HH APPROX Sire: RJT Gwndwn Tonto (CHAPS) Dam: Black Bess (un-recorded) Registered: CHAPS Unbroken and now ready to break. Regularly wormed and trimmed. TB x Cob. The Property of N Willison CARAMEL, GREY GELDING, 8 YEARS, 15HH APPROX Sire: True Commotion by Laerkens Cascade Dawn Dam: Leam Heather by Abbeyleix Owen out of Leam Little Lady Registered: Connemara Pony Breeders Society Stunning Connemara Pony. Hacks alone in company, is snaffle mouthed and never stong. Excellent to lunge, schools in field and pops a small jump. Really kind natured and an ideal mother/daughter share. Good to shoe, load, traffic and wash. Happily lives in or out. The Property of Mrs V Jackson SHANBALLY TOM, GREY GELDING, 9 YEARS, 15HH APPROX Registered: The Irish Piebald & Skewbald Tom is a Connemara cross dressage horse with three rhythmical, balanced paces. He has competed in affiliated and unaffiliated prelim classes and scored as high as 77.25%, and is always in the ribbons. Snaffle mouthed and never strong, he is only for sale as we are over stocked, and has huge potential that is going to waste. Good to load, travel, shoe, clip, dentist and quiet in the stable. No vices and up to date with worming, vaccinations, back, saddle and teeth. The Property of Miss M Cook BELLE, APPALOOSA MARE, 6 YEARS, 15HH APPROX. A forward going fun and responsive ride, Belle has been to local riding club, popped a course of jumps and has schooled over x country fences. Hunted last season with the TFH and has generally been used as a fun teenagers all-rounder. Snaffle mouthed, good to catch, in the stable, with the farrier and turns out with mares and geldings. A fun mare for someone to bring on throughout the summer. The Property of Mrs S Waite CHERIKEE, BAY MARE, 9 YEARS, 14.3/15HH APPROX Sire: Hobnob by Fleetwater Opposition Dam: Friendly Registered: Pet ID New Forest x warmblood. Has hunted with the New Forest Hounds, and is a good strong solid mare. Lack of time and being overstocked forces sale.




The Property of Ms A C Davies SPRINGWELL SCARLET, CHESTNUT MARE, 13 YEARS, 15HH APPROX Sire: Baracca Stravaganza Dam: Springwell Cassie Experienced competition mare. Has done show jumping , cross country and dressage with 13 year old jockey. Competed at a high standard in the past so has the potential to do more. Perfect to load box/lorry, excellent with farrier and 100% safe on the road. Ideal teenager/mother share. Soft mouthed with no vices. University forces sale and she is too good to waste in the field. The Property of Mrs V Wilson WINDHILL STAN, BAY GELDING, 10 YEARS, 14.3HH APPROX Stan was hunted twice a week, all season by a pensioner. He has no vices and is good to box, clip and shoe. Has a lump on his chin which has never been a problem, and is being sold through no fault of his own. The Property of Mr C G Brisbane YELVERTOFT PETER POCKET, BAY GELDING, 5 YEARS, 15HH APPROX Sire: Yelvertoft Joyful George Dam: Cheleham Red Five by Yelvertoft Pocket Registered: WPCS


LORD OF THE DANCE, BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 13.2HH APPROX Sire: Laithhill Allegro Dam: Telynau Royal Character out of Soudley Glimmer Registered: WPCS (Section B)


SOUDLEY SWEET WILLIAM, 6 YEAR OLD, CHESNUT GELDING, 13HH APPROX Sire: Laithhill Allegro Dam: Baledon Czar out of Bawdsey Pea Registered: WPCS



The Property of Mr M Saint ACE SECRET, DARK BAY MARE, 15 YEARS, 14.3HH APPROX. Sire: Renkum Valentino Dam: Maximillian Fleur Registered: AES. A lovely looking mare that is fun to ride and good to shoe and catch. Snaffle mouthed at all times and has done unaffilliated dressage. Same home for the last 4 years. Presently ridden by a teenage girl, who is going to college, which is why she is offered for sale. The Property of Miss L Hill ZAK, BLACK GELDING, 7 YEARS, 14.3 HH APPROX Zak is a traditional cob who has a definite WOW factor, with lots of bone and feather. An absolutely great confidence giver, he is ridden and driven regularly by my 13 year old girl. Good to box, shoe, catch, wash. If you want a good driving cob, this type doesn’t come on the market very often.







The Property of Miss L Hill SUSAN, BLACK MARE, 5 YEARS, 14.3 HH APPROX Welsh mare x Hackney. A high stepping actioned mare who is good to box, trim, catch, and wash. No lumps, bumps or sarcoids. She is totally unspoilt and is ready to start her career and would make an ideal driving mare. The Property of Mrs V J Richbell MURRAYBROOK TSARINA, DARK BAY FILLY, 3 YEARS, 14.1 HH APPROX Sire: Royal Command of Wentward by Royal Linsign Dam: River Till by Bachelor Duke out of The Poachers Lady Registered: NPS & Arab Horse Society Very well bred. Very sad sale due to impending operation. Execellent in stable, good to load, catch, farrier and handle. Complete blank canvas. No vices. The Property of F Symonds SPANGLE, SKEWBALD GELDING, 2 YEARS, TO MAKE 14 HH APPROX This very attractive youngster has always been well handled and is destined for the show ring and other competition use. His dam had plenty of ability and success and he should go on to make an ideal WHP and eventing pony for the future. The Property of Mrs P Faulkner LILY, LIVER CHESTNUT MARE, 6 YEARS, 14HH APPROX Lily hunted in the 2015/16 season with the Monmouthsire Hounds, where she proved herself to be safe and sensible. She has show jumped all winter indoors and Pony Clubbed every month with the Crickhowell for the last year. 100% to catch, box, farrier, stable, traffic and clip. Hacks out happily alone and in company. Always fun and a pleasure to ride. Videos, photographs and references available through the Auctioneers. A very sad sale of much loved, desperately outgrown pony. The Property of Miss L Hill BENJAMIN BUTTONS, RED & WHITE ROAN GELDING, 5 YEARS, 14.2 HH APPROX Dam: Eywas Lowri 120920 by Glyn Wyn Jolly Rodger Registered: WPCS (part-bred) Benji was broken last year and was riding out nicely. Due to family circumstances he has been out of work for the last few months so will need bringing back into work. Good conformation with lovely movements and no lumps, bumps or sarcoids. He is a good show prospect. UN-NAMED, PALOMINO MARE, 5 YEARS, 14.1 HH APPROX A totally unspoilt mare. She is good to box, catch, trim and wash and has good conformation with no lumps, bumps or sarcoids. Will excel in any sphere and is now ready to start her career.






The Property of Miss J Holland SHANNON, BAY MARE, 9 YEARS, 14.2HH APPROX. For sale on behalf of a client. An Irish bred mare who has hunted in Ireland and here by an elderly gentleman with the Radnor and West Herefordshire Hounds. Happy to go first or last, she hacks out alone or in company and has been used as a trek leader. Driven previously in Ireland but we have not tried her in harness. Good to box, shoe, clip and in traffic. MINSTREL CWMLLANWENARTH, BLACK MARE, 8 YEARS, 12HH APPROX. Sire: Revel Requeim by Revel Spirit Dam: Edw Gweniog by Rookery Samswm Registered: WPCS Super type and a lovely kind, lead-rein pony. Mainly used on the rein but has been ridden on her own with bigger children. Easy in every way and would be an asset to any yard. Eligible for M&M Classes and is only for sale as we have too many. The Property of Mrs A Overend JUBILEE, SKEWBALD MARE, 14 YEARS, 14.1 HH APPROX This all-rounder, has been used for Pony Club, show jumping, dressage and cross country. She can get strong, so is only suitable for a confident and competent rider. The Property of Mrs P Faulkner CYMRO, BAY GELDING, 11 YEARS, 12HH APPROX Registered: Section A He has pony clubbed up to date with the Crickhowell Pony Club. Goes sweetly on the flat and jumps a course of show jumps. 100% to catch, box, farrier, stable and traffic. Hacks out alone and in company and can be led from another horse. Absolutely no sweetitch or laminitis. YAVERLAND CERISE, CHESTNUT MARE, 12 YEARS, 11HH APPROX Sire: Yaverland Carousel Dam: Ceulan Cerian by Yaverland Nero Registered: WPCS Reistered Section A. Cherry is a very small pony that would suit people who don’t like Shetlands. Excellent to catch, box, farrier, stable and traffic. Regularly ridden on the lead rein by a 6 year old but the majority of her riding is done off the lead rein. Cherry has been to Pony Club, and done all types of rallies, she hacks out being led from another, or on her own. Good to handle and groom. She has been in the same home for many years.

Late entries for a supplementary catalogue (if space allows) will be taken up until 9.00am Thursday 30th June







The Property of Mrs S Waite COEDNEWYDD MOVIE STAR, BAY MARE, 9 YEARS, 14HH APPROX Sire: Coednewydd Express by Coednewydd Supreme Dam: Coednewydd Edeilweiss by Coednewydd Magic out of Taihirion Jet Registered: WPCS Welsh section D. Has previously been used as brood mare. Put back into work and under saddle this summer and proven to be well behaved. Only being sold due to lack of time and being overstocked. The Property of Mrs J Sidley KIKI, CHESNUT MARE, 6 YEARS 14HH APPROX. Hacks out and goes in the school. Good to box and shoe. Can be possessive of other horses when out in the field. The Property of Mr S Pomeroy LENNY, BLACK GELDING, 8 YEARS, 14HH APPROX. A really fun chap who always tries to please. He has been show jumping, at Cricklands, on fun rides, cross country, arena eventing and is always enthusiastic. He has been ridden by all ages and is good in traffic, to box, shoe and catch. The Property of Miss E Howley LIZZY, GREY MARE, 9 YEARS, 13.2HH APPROX. Lizzy is an attractive mare that is now looking for a “forever home”. She has recently been brought back into work after the winter and is being hacked out periodically without issue. She is currently wasted whilst being stood out in the field. The Property of Miss K Orford LITTLE BRYN SWIFT, BAY MARE, 9 YEARS, 13.2HH APPROX. Swift is a sweet and lovely mare. She has been lightly backed, but has been turned away for a while due to my lack of time. Good to lead and with the farrier and happily lives out all year with mares and geldings. Would suit being an all-round pony and is a nice summer project for her new owner. The Property of Mr G Kingham MAESLLWCH TOMAHAWK, DARK LIVER CHESTNUT COLT, 1 YEAR, TO MAKE 13HH APPROX Sire: Maesllwch Marvel Du by Tinvaal Gaucho Dam: Maesllwch Miss Marvellous by Parc Marvel out of Conygar Joanne Registered: WPCS Tomahawk is a smart Section C colt with two white socks behind. He is out of a Champion mare and I think he will make a top class ridden prospect. Both his parents are over 13 hands high.


The Property of Mr G Kingham WALENA HYWEL DDA, BLACK GELDING, 4 YEARS, 12.3HH APPROX Sire: Caerneuadd Hywel by Henfynyw Cardi Dam Walena Jubilee Queen by Hardys Lincoln out of Danygarn Daisy Hywel is a very smart gelding by the outstanding palomino stock getter Caerneuadd Hywel. He was shown in West Wales as a foal and was twice a champion. I bought him as an out cross for my mares, but having two working stallions already and then reducing my stock I had no mares to cover by him so he was gelded in early 2015. Lot numbers 42 - 49 and 65 -72 are the fourth draft of Registered Shetland Ponies to be offered this year at The Leominster Horse & Pony Sales, on behalf of Mr Philip Jones and his family. As with all their previous ponies sold, this consignment affords purchasers a splendid opportunity to secure themselves mares and fillies from a highly regarded herd, with top class bloodlines and proven breeding potential. Very positive feedback has been received from delighted purchasers of their previous drafts, and their final consignment of a further 16 ponies is due to be catalogued for the next sale Friday 5th August. PLEASE NOTE: Rope halter’s, if required, will be made available to the purchasers of these ponies, from the sales office when settling their account.


The Property of Mr P Jones TIMBERLAND BONNY LASS, SKEWBALD MARE, 8 YEARS, 31” APPROX. Sire: Monkshill Exotic by Kerswell Cavalier by New Park Chieftan Dam: Priors Gabrielle Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AU1582 Bonny is an absolute dream pony. My grandchildren have always fussed and loved from when they were little, and she will stand in the field all day long for them to pet and pamper. A reluctant sale of a very gentle pony with some excellent bloodlines.


TIMBERLAND FOXY LADY, SKEWBALD FILLY, 4 YEARS, 29”/30” APPROX. Sire: Mardlebrook Hob Nob by Blenheim Debonair out of New Park Mignonette. Dam: Windwillow Elsa Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AZ1445 Foxy is a tiny, absolutely sweet filly, who is a dream to be around and loves fussing and attention. Her dam was only 28” so she will remain small. Excellent bloodlines.


VALLENDALE GENNIE, SKEWBALD MARE, 13 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Brucie Of Berry Dam: Gill Of Holland Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AP0830/MO8 Gennie is a beautiful mare who is possibly homozygous. She has bred all broken coloured fillies to date, all of which have been top quality.

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The Property of Mr P Jones CORYLUS ZEST, LIVER CHESNUT MARE, 10 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Halstock Nuclear Mouse by Kerswell Danger Mouse Dam: Kerswell Juno by New Park Chieftan Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AS1709/M10 Zest is a very well bred mare with predominately Kerswell bloodlines. She is a gentle mare who has produced some gorgeous cream dun foals, and will be sadly missed.


STRATHLENE PRECIOUS GEM, SKEWBALD MARE, 13 YEARS, 33”/34” APPROX. Sire: Tawna Precious Gem by Kerswell Musketeer by Vorden Picea Dam: Strathlene Gem Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. MO7-473 Gem is a beautiful ponywho has bred us some top quality foals, all of which have been broken coloured, cream dun and whites. In previuos years she did well in the show ring.


MARDLEBROOK INDIANA, PIEBALD MARE, 10 YEARS, 31”/32” APPROX. Sire: Blenheim Debonair by Blenheim Tonto Dam: Mardlebrook Cleo by New Park McDuff out of New Park Mignonette Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. MO7-198 A super, very well bred mare with the very best of New Park bloodlines. She is a proven breeder of lovely, small and quality foals of all colours.


BENSTON GLITTER, PIEBALD MARE, 15 YEARS, 31”/32” APPROX. Sire: Sweyn Of Gott Dam: Waterloo Bridget Registered: SPSBS.Reg No. MO4-151 Glitter is a quiet mare qwho is easy to handle. She has bred us some lovely foals.


ROADSIDE ELLEN, BLACK MARE, 12 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Tic-Tac Dam: Rylea Spree Registered SPSBS. Reg No. AQ0997/MO9 Ellen is a well put together pony by the smart stallion Tic-Tac. She has bred us a piebald filly and has never returned to the a stallion.


The Property of Mrs S Jones SILVERVALE CHARM, BAY MARE, 4 YEARS, 13HH APPROX Sire: Gigman Sea Senor by Russet Elation Dam: Springers Panshe by Cottrell Faberge out of Cadlanvalley China Doll Registered: WPCS Charm is a little backward for her age, but will in the right hands, make a 13 hand high ridden pony when built up. I’ve no time to do justice to this mare, as we have no one to break and ride her due to my and my partners ill health. A genuine sale along with her dam who is also entered in this sale.







The Property of Mrs V Clarke JOYTON BREAK-AWAY 96240, LIVER CHESTNUT GELDING, 3 YEARS, 13HH APPROX Sire: Joyton Golden Jubilee 60370 Dam: Joyton Bluebell 134795 by Parc Sir Gwilym 24954 Registered: WPCS Liver Chestnut with four white socks and a white blaze. A good straight mover with lovely free paces. Easy to handle and good to catch. The Property of Mr W Underwood TALEBOLION HARRI MORGAN, BAY COLT, 1 YEAR, 13HH APPROX Sire: Parc Hebog by Menai Cadfridog Dam: Talebolion Non by Talyllyn Bonheddwr out of Talyllyn Cenin Registered: WPCS Smart moving colt who is very confident and shows off in the ring. Sad sale. The Property of Mrs T Jeffcott HARFORD, GREY MARE, 10 YEARS, 12.2HH APPROX Molly is a Dartmoor Hill Pony and is a sweet kind natured mare. Only ever been used as a lead rein pony, she is good to catch, clip, loads well, with the farrier and fabulous around children. Molly will stand for hours being groomed, and lives out all of the time. Good in traffic and can be lead from another horse and has been ridden by a 3 year old child. Does not suffer from sweetitch and has no known vices or allergies. Molly was seen by the dentist in April of this year. The Property of Mr D Harding TRANON ROCKY, BAY GELDING, 6 YEARS, 12.2 HH APPROX Sire: Brynhaelog Royal Dam: Dayton My Fair Lady An attractive gelding that is unbroken but has had tack on. Only for sale because of lack of time and no rider. The Property of Mrs S Jones KYNETON BURDOCK, BAY GELDING, 4 YEARS, 12.2HH APPROX Sire: Gigman Sea Senor by Russetwood Elation 65529 Dam: Kyneton Wisteria by Rhoson Pur out of Kyneton Delight 108082 Registered: WPCS Peter has been left to grow on and is a great project for the summer. He is lovely looking with quality movement. A sad sale due to ill health and no rider, and as such he is being totally wasted. KYNETON MISS MOLLY, LIVER CHESTNUT MARE, 7 YEARS, 12.2HH APPROX Sire: Blaenpentre Parry by Gwystre Cassius Dam: Kyneton Moorlight by Landsker Burlesque out of Kyneton Pearl Barley Registered: WPCS Molly has been kept to keep my old line going, but due to my and my partners ill health, I have to let her go. She bred a colt foal last year by Paddock Hyperion, which is for sale.





The Property of Mr M Williams SEREN, BAY MARE, 10 YEARS, 12.2HH APPROX. Sire: Yrenfys Phoenix by Merryment Firebird Dam: Mintfield Saffron by Cottrell Guardsman out of Cottrell Sunflower Registered: WPCS. Seren is a fantastic, willing and friendly childrens riding pony. She’s been a trail riding pony for the past 6 years and enjoys being out on the hills. A forward going but sensible ride and is always ridden in a snaffle. 100% to catch, shoe, load and enjoys a brush and a fuss. Great to tack up and friendly with other ponies. She takes everything in her stride and will happily pass farm machinery and ford streams. We no longer provide trail riding for young children which is the reason for her sale. The Property of Miss D Langford CRUMPWELL CARYL, GREY MARE, 11 YEARS, 12 HH APPROX Sire: Crumpwell Victor by Skellorn Daylight Dam: Crumpwell Carys by Pendock Button Hole out of Crumpwell Caroline Registered: WPCS Super pony. Recently bought for my young grandson to be lead rein pony, but proving more of a second pony. Previously had been in same home for several years taking owners daughter from lead rein to doing pony club rallies, camp etc., off the lead rein. She has also previously hunted and done pony club activities, small shows and used for general hacking. The Property of Mr P W H Marsh GLANSIEDI THORIN OAKENSHIELD, DUN GELDING, 3 YEARS, 12HH APPROX Sire: Twyford Mithrandir by Twyford Moonraker Dam: Friars Seren Santa by Pontgam Supreme out of Friars Starlight Smart, well handled and now ready to go onto a career under saddle or as a driving pony. He has a touch of sweetitch, which can be controlled. The Property of Mrs A M Carroll GLANSIEDI SERAFINA PEKKALA, CHESTNUT ROAN MARE, 7 YEARS, 12HH APPROX Sire: Twyford Trunpet by Twyford Gucci Dam: Friars Seren Santa by Pontgam Supreme out of Friars Starlight Striking, well-bred mare that is good to handle. Due to the current climate, she has never been bred from and would make a lovely lead rein, first ridden or even a driving pony.

Next Leominster Horse & Pony Sale

Friday 5th August Entries close Wednesday 27th July






The Property of Miss A Davies HERMITS PEGASI, SPOTTED MARE, 15 YEARS, 11HH APPROX Sire: Zorax by Rickie Dam: Hermits Symphony by Tyrospot Prince out of Clivocast Winsome Registered: The British Spotted Society This super childs pony needs no introduction and she is one that has been there and done it. Rides both on and off the lead rein by all ages, including tiny tots, and is perfect for the smallest of children to lead around and play with. Sprinkles has a fantastic temperament and is an absolute pleasure to have around. Has been to local shows and is always sensible and easy going. Good in traffic, hacks on and off the lead rein, alone and in company and never bats an eyelid, 200% to catch, with farrier and to load and travel. Absolutely no laminitis or sweetitch. The Property of Mr O Jones ROSEY, DARK BAY MARE, 5 YEARS, 9.2HH APPROX Registered: Miniature Shetland A lovely moving little mare. True to type, would excel in hand, ridden or companion. Bought as a project to break for my granddaughter but due to lack of time, sad sale. The Property of Miss A Davies SWEEP, LIVER CHESTNUT GELDING, 4 YEARS, 34 inches APPROX This super cute little chap is a complete poppet in everyway. Fantastic tiny tots lead rein starter pony being 200% for little ones to groom lead around and fuss, always patient and kind. Brilliant to catch, he comes to call, with farrier and to load and travel. Excellent both in and out of the stable to rug and groom. No lami or sweetich. A childs best friend. The Property of Mrs P Faulkner TINA, CHESTNUT MARE, 7 YEARS, Tina is a lively stamp of Sehtland although she is not registered. Always comes when called to be caught. She is excellent to box, with the farrier and in the stable. Regularly ridden around farm, in the school, about the yard and up the lanes by her little rider. Ties up anywhere including to the quad bike and left for hours. Groomed and hooves picked out constantly. All this is tolerated with endless patience. Abosolutely no sweetitch of laminitis. The Property of Mr Philip Jones (Shetland Pony draft cont.) COEDGLEISON VIOLA, GREY/WHITE MARE, 11 YEARS, 31� APPROX. Sire: Benston Prince Dam: Tawela Queen Of Hearts Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AR0879/MO9 Viola is the very sweetest of ponies and a filly foal breeder to date. A reluctant sale, however we have retained two of her daughters at stud.


The Property of Mr P Jones SHOEMAKER SAMSARA, BLACK MARE, 15 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Bluggason Of Merlin Dam: Hippominimus Of Flicka Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AM2252 Samsara is a stunning filly with some good old bloodlines.


MARDLEBROOK CHERIE, CHESNUT MARE, 19 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Kerswell Suntan by Tyros Storm Of Lambridge out of Kerswell Rosa Dam: Marigold Of Glebe by New Park Burlington Bertie out of Blossom Of Glebe Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. MOO-121 A “young” 19 year old mare, Cherie is very well bred, has a top class pedigree and has produced some stunning foals.


PINGLEWOOD BLUBERRY FIZZ, BLUE/WHITE MARE, 9 YEARS, 29” APPROX. Sire: Stranduff Casanova Dam: Cranmore Rose Wood Registered: SPSBS. Fizz is a very tiny pony with a lovely head, who is always the first to come to you in the field.


HASGUARD JEMIMA, LIVER CHESNUT MARE, 9 YEARS, 31” APPROX. Sire: Valleyview Fritz Dam: Hasguard Camilla Registered: SPSBS. Reg No. AT2763 Jemima is a very pretty filly who has never been to the stallion.


MARDLEBROOK ROXY, PIEBALD FILLY, 4 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Mardlebrook Flash Harry by Blenheim Debonair Dam: Mardlebrook Nicotiana by Merrylegs High Flyer Registered: SPSBS. Reg No AZO877 Roxy is a pretty filly, is easy to do in all ways, and always comes up to see you in the field.


CORYLUS LITTLE CRACKER, LIVER CHESNUT MARE, 8 YEARS, 31” APPROX. Sire: Kerswell Dolphin by New Park Chieftan out of Kerswell Doormouse. Dam: Corylus Crystal Clear Cracker is a very well bred filly, who has never been to the stallion. She will always come up to say hello and see what your up to when at grass.


VALSHEDA LU LU, CHESNUT MARE, 13 YEARS, 32” APPROX. Sire: Kerswell Basil brush by Kerswell Nijinsky Dam: Clothie Rose Registered: SPSBS. Reg No MO7-010 A well bred mare, who has been shown with success and is easy to do. We are selling her as we have retained her cream dun daughter.

Late entries for a supplementary catalogue (if space allows) will be taken up until 9.00am Thursday 30th June

Next Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Friday 5th August Entries close Wednesday 27th July

LEOMINSTER HORSE & PONY SALE AUCTION CONDITIONS OF SALE All horses and ponies in this sale are subject to the following conditions of sale, and will be sold under The Auctioneers General Conditions of Sale (which are available on request and are displayed in the sales office on day of sale) Lots which are sold for £400 or less will be sold as they stand; all other questions of description and veterinary condition being entirely at the risk of the Buyer. 1. ENTRY (1) A horse shall be entered for a sale on completion of an entry form by or on behalf of the Seller and upon payment to the Auctioneer of the prescribed entry fee. (2) On completion of the entry form, which the Seller warrants is complete and correct; they undertake to bring forward the entry for sale. They are warned that the Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse future entries from Sellers who without good reason have failed to fulfil their obligation to present all Lots for Sale. (3) In the event that the Seller wishes to place a reserve on a lot, the amount of the reserve must be specified in Pounds Sterling on the entry form or the Reserve and Additional Information Sheet. Unless written instructions are lodged with the Auctioneers either on the entry form or the Reserve and Additional Information Sheet provided by the Auctioneers, lots will be sold without reserve. (4) The Seller warrants to the Auctioneer and to the Buyer that on the day of the Sale, the horse will have no contagious diseases, and produce a DEFRA approved passport except foals sold at foot which are under 6 months of age. 2. COMMISSION, BUYER’S PREMIUM & SELLING FEES (1) The Seller will pay to the Auctioneer a commission of 6% of the hammer price of each Lot plus VAT. There will be a minimum commission of £20 +VAT. (2) Where a horse is “Bought In” the Seller will pay a minimum commission fee of £100 plus VAT or 6% of the hammer price, (whichever is the greater). (3) Commission is payable in full by the Seller to the Auctioneers even if a horse is subsequently returned by the Buyer to the Seller in accordance with the complaints procedure hereunder or for any other reason. (4) In the event that a horse is sold subject to veterinary examination and in the event that a horse is returned by the Buyer in accordance with a veterinary certificate obtained on the day of the Sale, then the Seller shall pay to the Auctioneer a commission of 3% of the gross sale price plus VAT. (5) A horse, having been entered for a Sale may be withdrawn prior to the Sale upon a payment of a withdrawal fee of £100 plus VAT in addition to the entry fee. (6) The Buyer will pay 10% + VAT buyer’s premium on the hammer price. (8) Any private sale made on the day of sale must be booked through the Auctioneers. (9) An inward Sales Sponsorship levy of 0.75% +VAT i.e. 90p in every £100 will automatically be deducted from the hammer price of sold Lots.

3. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION (1) The Auctioneer accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any particulars of a Lot given in the catalogue. The Seller is solely responsible for any catalogue description of a Lot. (2) Upon receipt of a catalogue, the Seller undertakes immediately to check the accuracy of the relevant catalogue description of the Lot and to notify the Auctioneer immediately in writing of any correction amendment or addition that needs to be made to the catalogue description.:(3) The following words have the following meanings when used in a catalogue description: (i) Unbroken - must be quiet to lead and to halter. (ii) Partly Broken - must be capable of being ridden by a competent rider in an enclosed school. (iii) Green - must be capable of being ridden by a competent rider at slow paces in open country. (iv) Quiet to Ride - must be quiet and easy to manage and ride away, quiet and easily managed at all paces on grass, quiet and mannerly with all traffic on the road. (v) Hunter - must be quiet ride and quiet with hounds - capable of jumping a Novice Country. (vi) Jumper - must be able to jump a course commensurate with described capability when ridden by a competent rider. (vii) Potential - where described as “having potential” for a specific purpose, the horse must have the physical capabilities to undertake this purpose or purposes and must be examined as such by the Veterinary Surgeon. (viii) Driving Horses - the same guarantees as apply to riding horses in respect of ii, iii, and iv above. (ix) Pony under 15 hands - must be easily manageable by a child of average competence and age appropriate to the size of the pony. (4) The authenticity and accuracy of each entry’s passport is the sole responsibility of the Seller. Any inaccuracies that may occur should be dealt with between the Seller and Buyer.

(5) The Auctioneers may amend or add to any catalogue description during the course of a Sale and may declare a Sale to be subject to veterinary examination or not during the course of a Sale, in which event any announcement by the Auctioneer takes precedence over any entry in the catalogue. 4. CONDUCT OF THE SALE (1) The Auctioneers may at their absolute discretion: (a) Refuse to accept any bid or bidder. (b) Regulate the bidding as the Auctioneer sees fit. (c) Arrange, consolidate or withdraw any Lot. (d) Cancel or postpone a Sale on account of bad weather or other supervening causes. In the event that a Sale is cancelled, moved, or rearranged, the Auctioneer shall not be liable to pay compensation to any Seller, Bidder or any other party. (2) The Seller reserves the right to bid through the Auctioneer acting as the Seller‘s agent. (3) The Buyer shall be the highest bidder and the person who makes payment for the lot on the day of Sale and whose name is entered on the receipted account. In the event of a dispute between two or more bidders as to which is the Buyer, the Auctioneer shall have the right to declare the buyer or at the Auctioneer’s discretion, to immediately re-offer the disputed Lot for sale. (4) The Buyer shall immediately on the fall of the hammer inform the Auctioneer of the Buyer’s name and address and provide any proof of identity that the Auctioneers may require. Failure in this respect entitles the Auctioneer immediately to offer the Lot for re-sale and the original Buyer shall be liable to make good any difference in price to the Seller. (5) Any Buyer bidding as agent for a Principal shall be deemed to have bid on his own behalf as well as on behalf of his Principal and the highest bidder shall be personally liable along with the Principal to the Seller. (6) To gain entry on the Sale Premises all lots must travel with their Passport. (7) All lots will be checked in through the gates and no lot will be able to leave the Sale Premises until a pass has been obtained from the Auctioneer’s Office. (8) The Auctioneers reserve the right to random and/or at the request of Buyers, blood test any entry for substances that have not been declared to the Auctioneers pre-sale. (9) The Auctioneers, under the veterinary surgeon’s guidance, reserve the right to refuse entry to any lot showing symptoms of coughing or any other contagious disease. (10) All Sellers and Buyers must follow the health and safety procedures and guidelines as laid out in the Sales Catalogue and by representatives of the Auctioneers on the day of sale. 5. PAYMENT (1) The Auctioneer, at the Auctioneer’s discretion, may require the Buyer to pay a deposit of 20% of the price of the horse immediately following the Sale. (2) The Buyer shall pay the Auctioneer in full for the price of the horse within 1 hour of the completion of the Sale. Payment in full in this context may include the tender of a cheque in the full amount although the Auctioneer in the Auctioneer’s discretion may refuse such a cheque in which event the Buyer must tender payment in some other manner. (3) The Auctioneer shall pay the Seller the price of the horse less Auctioneer’s commission and any other outstanding charges and expenses due from the Seller to the Auctioneer within 21 days of the day of the Sale, provided that:(i) the Auctioneer has been paid in full for the price of the horse by the Buyer, any cheque tendered by or on behalf of the Buyer having been cleared; and (ii) the Buyer has not initiated the Complaints Procedure set out below: In the event that the Buyer has initiated the Complaints Procedure, the Auctioneer shall retain the price of the Lot pending the outcome of the Complaints Procedure. (4) Client’s monies paid to us will be held in Brightwells Limited Client’s Auction Sales Account at Barclays Bank plc; Hereford Branch. Clients will not be entitled to any interest on balances in this account. (5) If a Buyer fails to make payment in full for a Lot, the Auctioneer may resell the Lot and the Buyer shall be liable for any shortfall in price. 6. DELIVERY AND RISK (1) Horses sold as they stand or without veterinary examination instruction from the Buyer, shall be at the risk of the buyer from the fall of the hammer. (2) All other horses shall remain at the risk of the Seller until the issue of an acceptable Sale Day Veterinary Certificate whereupon risk shall pass to the Buyer. (3) The Seller shall deliver the horse to the place of the sale and shall provide the horse with adequate fodder and water for one night and shall provide the horse with a serviceable halter. In the event that the Seller fails to provide the horse with a serviceable halter, the Auctioneer may provide the horse with a halter and charge the Seller for the same. (4) Title in the horse shall not pass to the Buyer until the Buyer has made payment in full for the horse by means of cleared funds. Until the payment in full by means of cleared funds is made, title shall remain with the Seller.

(5) The Buyer shall not be entitled to take delivery of the horse until payment in full for the horse has been made. The Auctioneer may at the Auctioneer’s sole discretion allow the Buyer to take delivery of the horse upon the tender by the Buyer or on his behalf of a cheque in the full amount of the price. (6) The Buyer, subject to payment in full, must take possession of the horse within 1 hour of the completion of the Sale. (7) In the event that the horse is not sold, the Seller shall take back the horse from the Sale premises within 1 hour of the completion of the Sale. (8) The Buyer authorizes the Seller and the Auctioneer as agent for the Seller to enter upon the Buyer’s land to take collection of any horse in respect of which the Buyer has taken delivery but for which the Buyer has not paid in full. 7. RETURNED HORSES (1) The Buyer may return lots to the Seller if the Buyer of any lot sold with a pedigree establishes that the pedigree is inaccurate. (2) Subject to Condition Eight, the Buyer may return Lots to the Seller in accordance with the Complaints Procedure if the Buyer establishes that the description given in the catalogue in respect of a horse is inaccurate. (3) Lots may be returned by the Buyer to the Seller subject to the Complaints Procedure set out below if the horse: (i) is a wind-sucker (i.e. swallows air whether in association with grasping fixed objects with incisor teeth or not); a crib-biter is not returnable unless the crib biting is associated with wind sucking, in which case the Lot is returnable as a wind-sucker (ii) is a weaver (iii) exhibits box walking (iv) has been tubed, fired, unnerved or operated upon for unsoundness of any other kind (v) a male horse (other than a foal, a yearling before the 1st July of its yearling year) which does not have two testes fully descended to and fully palpable within the scrotum at the time of the Sale is or shall be deemed to be a rig or cryptorchid (vi) Fails to load on the Sale Day in a reasonable and acceptable way in a purpose constructed lorry or trailer (vii) Is a pacer/trotter, Standardbred horse and if the horse has not been described as such in the catalogue or verbally by the Auctioneer at time of sale. 8. VETERINARY PROCEDURE All lots are sold subject to veterinary examination unless sold for £400 or less, or otherwise stated. Veterinary surgeons are available to examine lots as to whether they are correct under the Conditions of Sale. The veterinary surgeon’s decision that a lot be returnable is binding on both parties. All lots should be vetted for eyes, heart, action, age and ascertainment of catalogue descriptions for a fee of £65.00 including VAT. Buyers must notify the office that they require examination within 1 hour of the time of purchase and receive a vetting slip to enable examination to take place. Sellers must check the veterinary board displayed in the Sales Office to see if their lot must be presented for veterinary examination. Sellers should not leave the Sale Site without first checking the vetting board. ALL LOTS NOT EXAMINED BY THE VETERINARY SURGEON ON THE SALE DAY WILL NOT BE COVERED BY A VETERINARY WARRANTY. It is emphasised that the facilities are not available to undertake a full veterinary examination on the day of the Sale, but part veterinary examination should take place. This part examination should include examination for warts, sarcoids or sarcoid-like lesions, which can only be complained about on the day of sale. Only lots that are examined by the panel of Veterinary Surgeons appointed by the Auctioneers on the day of the Sale have an extended two working days (including Saturdays) to enable complete veterinary examination. For the full veterinary procedure please see the sales catalogue. (1) The Seller agrees that a horse shall be sold subject to veterinary examination. (2) If a horse is sold subject to veterinary examination, the Buyer should submit the horse for part veterinary examination on the day of the Sale within one hour of the fall of hammer. (3) The sale catalogue shall set out the procedure to be followed by the Buyer on submitting the horse for part veterinary examination on the day of the Sale. (4) The purpose of the veterinary examination is to check the accuracy of the physical description of the horse given in the catalogue. The examination will not cover the matters referred to in condition 7(3) above save that the veterinary examination will be conclusive in relation to the “potential” of the horse. (5) At the end of the veterinary examination, the Veterinary Surgeon will provide the Buyer with a certificate stating that the horse does or does not comply with the physical description of the horse given in the catalogue. (6) In the event that the Sale day or post Sale Veterinary Certificate states that the horse does not comply with the physical description given in the catalogue, the Buyer shall not be liable to pay the price for the horse and is entitled to the return of any deposit that may have been paid by the Buyer. (7) In the event that a Buyer fails to avail himself of a veterinary examination on the day of a Sale, the Buyer cannot thereafter make complaint of matters, which would have been covered by a veterinary examination.

9. LIABILITY OF THE AUCTIONEER (1) The Auctioneer acts as agent of the Seller and the Auctioneer gives no warranties of any kind to the Buyer (2) The Auctioneer does not accept any liability for:(i) The description or pedigree of the horse given in the catalogue. (ii) The physical condition or performance of the horse sold. (iii) The payment of the price by the buyer. (iv) The return of any horse by the buyer to the Seller. (v) The administration of the Complaints Procedure beyond the appointment of any arbitrator in accordance therewith. 10. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE (1) The Buyer shall notify the Auctioneer if the Buyer claims to be entitled to return a horse to the Seller in accordance with condition 7 above or for any other reason orally by 5.00pm on the fourth day following the Sale. (2) The Buyer shall follow up this oral notification to the Auctioneer with written notification to the Auctioneer to be received by the Auctioneer within seven days from the date of the Sale. The written notification by the Buyer to the Auctioneer shall set out the grounds upon which the Buyer claims to be entitled to return the horse to the Seller. (3) Where appropriate, the Buyer shall submit, along with his written notification, a Veterinary Certificate confirming any matters in respect of which complaint is made. The failure to submit a Veterinary Certificate in circumstances where such a certificate is appropriate will mean that the Buyer’s complaint will not be further entertained and the Buyer shall pay the price for the horse in full. (4) In the event that the Buyer fails to make oral or written notification of his complaint within the above timescales, the Buyer shall not be allowed to return the horse to the Seller but must make payment for the horse in full unless the buyer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer that it was not reasonably practicable for the Buyer to discover the complaint and to notify the Auctioneer of the same within the above timescales. However, in no circumstances whatsoever may the above time limits be extended beyond a period of 14 days after the date of the Sale. (5) On receipt of a written complaint together, where appropriate, with a Veterinary Certificate, the Auctioneer shall send a copy of the complaint and the Veterinary Certificate to the Seller and the Auctioneer shall appoint a suitable person to act as Arbitrator. The task of the Arbitrator will be to examine and determine the complaint. The name of the person appointed by the Auctioneer to act as Arbitrator shall be notified by the Auctioneer to the Seller and the Buyer. The Auctioneer shall thereafter have no further responsibility in respect of the Complaint Procedure. (6) The Examination and resolution of the complaint shall be under the control of the Arbitrator and the Seller and Buyer shall comply with all directions that may be given by the Auctioneer in respect of the complaint. (7) The Arbitrator may require, before proceeding to examine and determine the complaint that the Arbitrator’s fees and expenses shall be paid in advance. The Seller and Buyer shall thereupon each pay one-half of the sum stipulated by the Arbitrator. (8) The Arbitrator may direct that the horse shall be subject to such trial as he may direct and the Seller and Buyer shall lend their full cooperation to such a trial. (9) If either the Seller or the buyer fail to comply with a direction of the Arbitrator or fail to pay any sum ordered to be paid by the Arbitrator, then the Arbitrator may at his own discretion decide not to proceed with the examination and determination of the complaint and may, if the Seller is in default, order that horse be returned to the Seller or may, if the Buyer is in default, order that the Buyer pay the full price to the Seller. (10) Upon the determination of the complaint, the Arbitrator may at his discretion order that the unsuccessful party pay to the other all the costs and expenses associated with the Complaints Procedure. 11. HARD HATS Any person riding an animal at the Sale Premises must wear a hard riding hat of an approved standard. 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF SALE The Sale catalogue may contain additional special conditions of sale which may prevail over the aforementioned. BRIGHTWELLS LTD

Notes Forthcoming 2011 Horse & Pony Sales Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Brightwells Spring Sale of Welsh Pony & Cobs - Builth Wells Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Easters Court Spring Sale of Welsh Ponies & Cobs The Coloured Horse & Pony Sale Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale British Bred Foal Sale and Stars of the Future Sale of Dressage Horses and Show Jumpers Leominster Horse & Pony Sale The Festival of the Horse Show and Sale The 3rd Official Connemara Sale Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Shetland Pony Sale - Builth Wells The Fayre Oaks Sale of Welsh Ponies - Builth Wells The Fayre Oaks High-Flyer Evening Sale - Builth Wells Hay-on-Wye Horses & Ponies - Hay-on-Wye Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Malvern Performance Horse & Pony Sale Brightwells Autumn Cob Sale - Builth Wells

Brightwells 21st Official Sale of Standardbred Horses - Builth Wells Leominster Horse & Pony Sale Stars of the Future Sale of Show Jumpers Stars of the Future Sale of Dressage Horses Leominster Horse & Pony Sale

Friday 18th February, 11:30am Friday 18th March, 11:30am Tuesday 29th March Friday 15th April, 11:30am Saturday 14th May Friday 20th May, 11am Saturday 21st May, 11am Tuesday 24th May Tuesday 24th May Friday 24th June Friday 15th July, 11:30am Friday 19th August Saturday 20th August Friday 19th August, 11:30 am Thursday 1st September Thursday 1st September Friday 16th September, 11:30am Friday 23rd September, 11am Saturday 24th September Sunday 25th September Saturday 24th September, 6:30pm Saturday 1st October Sunday 2nd October Friday 7th October, 11:30am Tuesday 18th October Friday 21st October Saturday 22nd October Sunday 23rd October Monday 24th October, 11am Friday 18th November, 11:30am Thursday 1st December Saturday 3rd December Friday 16th December


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