Tipton Poetry Journal – Winter 2022
Mindful Mindset Yuan Changming 1/ Here: Into the Reality You see, here’s the leaf dyed with the full Spectrum of autumn; here’s the dewdrop Containing all the dreams made on the Darkest corner of last night; here’s the Light pole in the forest where gods land From another higher world; here’s the swirl You can dance with to release all your Stresses against the Virus. Here you are in Deed as in need embracing The most Mindful moment, when you can readily Measure your feel with each breath, but do Not think about time, which is nothing but A pure human invention. Just point every Synapse of yours to this locale. Here is now 2/ Now: The Art of Living With my third eye I glaze into The present moment, & there I find it Full of pixels, each of which is Unfurling slowly like a koru into A whole new brave world that I Can spend days, even months to watch As if from A magic kaleidoscope