Tiff Brochure 2003

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contents | përmbajtja Greetings | Përshendetje Mrs. Arta Dade, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Mr. Edi Rama, Mayor of Tirana Festival Directors

Info | Informacion About the Albanian cinema/Rreth kinematografisë shqiptare

Venues | Ambjentet Millennium 2 Movie Theater Hotel Tirana International Mummy Internet Center Colosseum Cinema

Specials | Speciale Istituto Luce Italy Jos Stelling’s triptik

Jury | Juria CV/photo members

Films in competition | Filmat në konkurim Fiction Animation Documentary Experimental/student

Festival timetable | Program i festivalit Awards | Çmimet


Greeting remark by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports.

Përshëndetja e Ministres së Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sporteve.

First of all, I would like to tell you that I feel very good at ease while addressing cinematographers, actors and film producers, and at the same time dubbing this event, which is very important for all of us: “Tirana International Film Festival”, a festival which is being organized for the first time in Albania, an international festival, in which all authors feel that they are equal in the competition of film production.

Para së gjithash dua t’ ju tregoj se ndihem mjaft mirë që po i drejtohem kineastëve, aktorëve, prodhuesve të filmit dhe njëkohësisht që po pagëzoj këtë aktivitet kaq të rëndësisëshëm për të gjithë ne: “Tirana International Film Festival”, festival i cili zhvillohet për të parën herë në Shqipëri, festival i përmasave ndërkombëtare ku çdo autor ndihet i barabartë në konkurencën e prodhimit filmik.

Our cinematographers – despite the numerous obstacles they have to face – have often tried to make Albanian movies and take them to various festivals in Europe and beyond, but with the first step of this Festival, they are provided with the opportunity of presenting their films at home.

Jo rrallë herë kineastët tanë me gjithë vështirësitë që gjithkush nga ne tashmë i ka të qarta janë munduar ta prodhojnë filmin shqiptar dhe ta çojnë atë në festivale të ndryshme europiane e më gjerë, por tani që ky festival po hedh hapin e parë ata do të kenë mundësinë ta prezantojnë filmin e tyre në shtëpinë e tyre.

The Albanian Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports is glad to give its initial support to such event – with the hope that this will only be the beginning of a success story – because it sees in it creative and intellectual values of a great potential, which need support from state institutions, and which need to establish a tradition of their own.

Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sporteve po i jep mundësinë dhe mbështetjen e parë (dhe shpresojmë që ky të jetë vetëm fillimi), një aktiviteti të tillë sepse sheh aftësitë prodhuese, krijuese e intelektuale, vlera potenciale që kanë nevojë të përkrahen nga institucionet shtetërore, që kanë nevojë të krijojnë një traditë.

I take this occasion to greet the originators of this event, Mr. Domi and Mr. Butka, who, with much strong will and commitment, are realizing their dream and goal of transforming Tirana into a center where film is going to speak in various languages, of contemporary schools and experiments. I extend my best wishes to its first edition.

Përfitoj nga rasti të përshëndes iniciuesit e këtij aktiviteti Z.Domi dhe Z.Butka, të cilët me shumë dëshirë e përkushtim po realizojnë ëndrrën dhe qëllimin e tyre për ta shndërruar Tiranën në një qendër ku filmi do të flasë në gjuhë të ndryshme, në shkolla dhe eksperimente bashkëkohore. Shpreh urimet më të mira për këtë edicion të parë.


Përshëndetja e Kryetarit të Bashkisë, Tiranë Deri katër vjet më parë ky ishte një qytet pa kinema, që, për gjithkënd që e njeh magjinë e ekranit të madh, mund të krahasohej me një shtëpi pa dritare. Sot nga dritarja magjike e shtëpisë sonë në rindërtim e sipër na jepet mundësia të hedhim sytë mbi 82 kopshte ëndrrash që vijnë nga të katër anët e botës. Dhe për këtë shije të veçantë peizazhesh të larmishëm shpirtërorë, që do të shfaqen e zhduken përpara nesh duhet t’i jemi mirënjohës ideatorëve dhe realizuesve të Tirana Film Festival. Falë këtij festivali, Tirana është 82 hapa më pranë ëndrrës së saj për të qenë një shenjë tërheqëse konvencionale në hartën artistike botërore.

Greeting remark, by the Mayor of Tirana Until four years ago, this city did not have a cinema, and could therefore be compared – by those who have experienced the magic of the big screen – with a windowless house. Today, from the magic window of our house – which is undergoing a lot of restoration – we are given the opportunity of glimpsing at eighty-two gardens of dreams, coming from all over the world. And, for such a special taste of variegated spiritual landscapes, which are going to be flashed in front of us, we should be grateful to the originators and organizers of the Tirana Film Festival. Thanks to this Festival, Tirana is now eighty-two steps closer to its dream of being an attractive conventional sign in the international arts map.




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Greeting from the organizers | Përshëndetje nga organizatorët

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Alternate thoughts, similiar views

Mendojme ndryshe, shohim njesoj

Dear friends,

Te nderuar miq,

We are pleased to inform you about the birth of a new event, the Tirana International Film Festival. This Festival will be added to the big but not sufficient number of the other film festivals around the world.

Kemi kenaqesine t’ju njoftojme per lindjen e nje film festivali te ri, Tirana International Film Festival.

Every festival brings a new flavor or another color, which better completes the worldwide cinematographic atmosphere. We also hope that by organizing this festival we will be adding a small stone to the world multicolored mosaic. Tirana Film Festival aims to be an international yearly activity, where the best achievements in the short film gender, fiction, animation or documentary can be mirrored. In this festival the authors will be professionally faced with the tendencies and the actual streams of the European and the Worldwide cinematography. We think that this festival will help the cultural integration of the countries of the region with the rest of the world by facing the problematic and the concerns transmitted and materialized in the respective creations. Finally, all the directors, who work to materialize their ideas through uncountable obstacles, are invited to become protagonists of the festival.

Ky Festival do t’i shtohet numrit te madh, por asnjehere te mjaftueshem te festivaleve te tjera ne te gjithe boten. Çdo njeri prej festivaleve sjell nje arome apo nje ngjyre te munguar ne atmosferen kinematografike boterore. Edhe ne shpresojme qe me organizimin e ketij festivali te shtojme nje gur te vogel ne mozaikun shumengjyresh boteror. TIFF synon te jete nje aktivitet nderkombetar i pervitshem ku do te mund te pasqyrohen arritjet me te mira ne gjinite e filmit te shkurter, animacionit dhe dokumentarit. Ne te autoret do te ballafaqohen profesionalisht me tendencat dhe rrymat aktuale ne kinematografine europiane dhe boterore. Mendojme se ky festival do te ndihmoje ne integrimin kulturor te vendeve te rajonit me pjesen tjeter te botes, duke u ballafaquar me problematiken e shqetesimet e percjella dhe te materializuara ne realizimet perkatese. Duke e mbyllur ftojme te behen protagoniste te ketij festivali te gjithe ata regjisore qe me veshtiresi te panumurta punojne per te realizuar idete e tyre.

Wishing you a good work,

Ju urojme pune te mbare .

Agron Domi Ilir Butka

Organizatoret e Tirana International Film Festival.

Organizers of Tirana International Film Festival

Agron Domi Ilir Butka

credits Festival Directors Agron Domi Ilir Butka

Festival Programmer Agron Domi, Ilir Butka

Festival Administrator Gentiana Kalesha

Film Selection Agron Domi, lir Butka

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Marketing Manager Rudina Magjistari

Administrative Assistants Elona Kalesha, Enkeleda Daja,

Chief Translator Ilir Bashi

Press Officer Valbona Zhupa

Newspaper Chief Editor Flora Nikolla

Newspaper Journalist Dhurata Hamzaj Zana Zyrakja

Newspaper Design Arben Çela

Newspaper Translator Idlir Azizi

Moderator of Press Conference Altin Raxhimi

Volunteer Coordinator Leonard Bombaj

Guest and Accommodation Eriona Rushiti

Seminars and Events Coordinator Roland Sejko Eno Milkani Leonard Bombaj

Coordinator of Ministry of Culture Eriona Rushiti

Photo Festival Albes Fusha Armand Habazaj

Art Design Fasada Studio

Web Design Fasada Studio

Catalogue Design Studio grafike Elsi Kongo

Catalogue Production Gent Grafik

Chief Projectionist Abdulla Osmanlliu Dorian Kociu

VideoWall Gjeli Vizion

Cars Volkswagen

Acknowledgement | Mirënjohje Pierro Clemente, Barbara Bialkowska, Giovanni Truppa, Padraig Mallon, Agim Baçi, Skender Minxhozi, Mimoza Sofroni, Thimi Nika, Roland Bimo, Anxhela Bejtja, Artes Llazani, Mihal Rama, Anila Ismaili, Mirela & Agron Papuli, Rudina Peristeri, Auron Çeçaj, Eva Gashi, Una Feely, Dasara Dizdari, Abaz Hado, Artur Muharremi, Roland Seiko, Artur Zheji, Arben Papadhopulli, Fidel Ylli, Sadush Ylli, Leonard Gjata, Pirro Milkani, Eno Milkani, Elvin Xhatufa, Petraq Papa, Pierin Kolnika, Vilson Ahmeti, Bardhyl Minxhozi, Liri Begeja, Agim Buxheli, Ylli Sula. Bryan A. Shott, Gent Shkullaku, Fatmir Koçi, Sajmir Kumbaro, Viktor Gjika, Fahri Hysaj.


The Albanian National Center of Cinematography

In 1996, like dozens of other institutions in Albania, Albafilm (former Film Studio “New Albania”) ceased to exist, and was transformed into a service center for cinematography. In the same year, the National Center of Cinematography was established as an institution that provides support for film projects, that are either totally or in part government budget.. Film Studio “New Albania” was established on 10 July 1952, five years before the establishment of the first Albanian university. Its first support with regard to the pattern, structure, technology and content came from the East, mainly from USSR. Step by step, it established all its necessary components: laboratory, set workshops, sound studios, editing rooms, and other studios, thus closing the cycle of making films independently. In those years it employed 700 people, which made it quite e big enterprise. In its best years, the Film

Studio produced about fourteen artistic movies, sixteen cartoon films and about eighty documentaries a year. In its fifty years, Albania was able to produce 270 artistic movies, about one thousand documentaries, over 180 cartton films, not to mention its cine-diaries, which amount to staggering figures. When taking into account the size of Albania, such figures are almost unbelievable. All this is a great tradition, which, despite being limited from the ideology of the time, is an undeniable proof of our national culture. Since 1996 Albania has created film works in co-production with other countries such as France, Poland, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, etc. In firve years about 95 film works have been made (movies, documentaries and cartoons). Fort he first time Albanian films started to appear in prestigious festivals such as that of Cannes, Venice, Thesaloniki, Tokio, etc., where they

have even received prizes. That has led to the increase in the interest in Albanian films and authors. ANCC is an independent state structure, governed by its special law and budget, run by a board that represents and protects the interest of the Albanian cinematographic community directly. It operates by cooperating with Albanian film houses, which present and produce their films with its financial support. The produced films are totally private activity of such film houses and their producers. Those who are patient enough to read additional details about ANCC, this material can be annexed with a detailed chart on the use of the budget for each year and each film work, for the last seven years, and with other information about the mechanism of its organizational, legal and financial structures.

Albanian Animation In December 1975, the first Albanian animated film was projected on the big screen. Its title was ‘Zana and Miri’, and it was made by two pioneers: Tomi Vaso and Vlash Droboniku.

A recent trend in animated film is that it addresses not only young ages but also adults, reflecting the latest social developments in Albania, including the phenomena of the Albanian society.

University of Prishtina, Kosova

Nowadays, in addition to the Albanian screen, it is projected with equal dignity on many international screens, such as in festivals like that of Cannes, Annecy, Espinho, Shtutgard, Hiroshima, Sao Paolo, Drama, Madrid, etc.

A positive trend in the Albanian animated film at this time is the widening of its geography of international communication, which led to its being projected on the most prestigious screens for animated films, with equal and successful presence.

Studio AFA, being the only producing studio until 1997, has about 165 titles in its fund, which have been realized in various techniques, such as cartoon, Cellophane, dummies, Plasticine, drawing, water-colour, silhouette, real objects or other techniques combined with real figure and set.

The concept of animated film production in Albania is the same as the international concept of production, which means that in the future the Albanian animated film is ready to cooperate with film makers and production studios in other countries, something that is guaranteed by the quality and artistic level of the productions in the past years.

The Department of Film Directing in Prishtina was established in 2000, and so far it has produced five generations of students. Every year, four to six students are accepted in this school. The attendance scheme is 3+2 years. It must emphasized that the students of this school have had successful presentations in a lot of international festivals, such as that of Karlovivari, Geneve, Berlin, Athens, etc. In addition to well-known directors from Kosova, other equally well-known directors from Albania, such as Kujtim Çashku, Gjergj Xhuvani etc. lecture at this school.

Department of Film

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Heineken The history of Heineken N.V begins in December 16, 1863, the day on which Gerard Adriaan Heineken bought the De Hooiberg brewery in Amsterdam and started the production of the Heineken beer. In 1917 Gerard’s son Dr. Henry Pierre Heineken became chairman. He encouraged the rapid international expansion of Heineken N.V. and in the early 1930s the company took its first tentative steps in Asia. Under Alfred H. Heineken’s leadership, president of the company from 1964 to 1989, Heineken N.V. grew phenomenally and became an international company. Heineken N.V. is now the world’s top exporting beer producer. Heineken is a premium larger beer with 5% alcohol content. In 1866 G.A. Heineken asked Dr H. Elion to find the key to a uniform taste. It arrived in the form of the ‘A’ yeast to ensure quality and stability. The Heineken brand can be enjoyed in more than 200 countries all over the world, and its distinctive green bottle is globally recognized as a trademark for authentic quality and ultimate beer experiences. Since 2001, Heineken has been part of the Albanian consumers’ life.

ALFA GLINA Company ALFA GLINA purchased 100% of the shares of the defunct state-owned enterprise that originally bottled Glina water in 1996.This acquisition gave rise to ALFA GLINA. Glina sparkling water is so far the most favoured in the Albanian market and internationally accredited for its medicinal and mineral attributes. This water springs from Mount Bureto near Gjirokastra. With increasing demand for non-sparkling water; the company introduced Bureto natural mineral water in 2000. These sister brands command significant presence across Albania and are being successfully introduced throughout Europe and America. ALFA GLINA is also the producer of the popular orange carbonated soft drink Glina Ricoco.

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Beginning its first radio broadcast in 1938, today Radio Tirana is a complex organization providing diverse programs for 2 channels of domestic service (respectively 19 and 5 hours daily) and a third section covering international broadcasting in short and medium waves (2 services in Albanian and 7 services in foreign languages). There are also, several local radios. Radio Tirana and Albanian Television together constitute RTSH, which is a public broadcasting organization. It is the only national broadcasting company in the country, besides several local and regional private run radio and TV stations which started recently. RTSH provides a full range of radio and TV programs such as news, cultural, scientific, economical,

TIRANA Dott. Attilio DE GASPERIS Ruga Mustafa Matohiti 10 - TIRANE Tel: 00355 – 4 - 257237; 257239; 256894 Fax: 00355 – 4 – 257238 E-mail: iic.alb@icc.al.eu.org Home page: www.ambitalia-tirana.com/cultura/index.htm


environment, agricultural, music, entertainment, drama and children programs. Since the 15 November 1993, RTSH broadcasts two hours on the satellite covering all of Europe including the northern part of the Mediterranean. This program operates from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm (CET) and is aimed at all the Albanian communities living in Kosovo, Macedonia, Monte Negro and Cameria (Northern Greece), as well as Albanians living in Europe. 35 % of the funding of RTSH comes from commercial advertising and fees (half a US$ per year for each household). The Government finances the remaining part through the Parliament. There is a small complimentary financing by sponsorship.

One-meter-to-one canvas “Michelangelo, too, painted the Sistine Chapel within the space he was provided with.” That statement by Antonioni, the other “Michelangelo”, the one of the movies, embraces the consideration that artistic expression cannot be confined by space limits: just like the painter, who could express himself the same both on a one-meter-to-one canvas and on a magnificent dome, a director can unfold his genius on 300 meters of film, too. The one-square-meter canvases the seven art “painters”, presented here upon a selection of the Istituto Luce documentaries, carry the signatures of some well-known names of Italian cinematography. Those films have been made within the limits described above by directors that would later write the history of cinematography: dwarf masterpieces that have been produced by giants. One is awed at the poetry that Michelangelo Antonioni unfolds within those ten minutes of N.U. Nettezza Urbana. It is 1948 and the master is years before his following masterpieces; however, there is among those awakening

Istituto Luce Via Tuscolana 1055 00187 Roma Tel. 06-729921 Fax 06-7221127 http://www.luce.it

street-sweepers some of his mastery that would be later expressed in L’avventura, L’eclisse, Zabriskie Point, Blow Up and in others, in that Rome that would be later revisited in 1990 in another documentary produced by Luce. “Before the release of Antonioni’s documentary we had no eyes to look at Rome. All other documentary directors that followed owe those eyes to him,” Valerio Zurlini, another master would say. Valerio Zurlini is an unknown director for the general audiences, but a study case for cinematography schools; he, too, is present in this collection, with his La Stazione. While Antonioni expressed his linguistic novelties through his short documentaries, Rossellini had just finished his trilogy with Roma città aperta (1945), Paisà (1946) and Germania anno zero (1947), thus inaugurating the neorealism period in the cinematography. The father of neo-realism himself had started his career with documentaries. Fantasia Sottomarina (1937), which is presented here, is one of the first documentaries that were shot by him: a story of fish in a fish tank. This film document, which today could produce some smile for its naivety, is indeed a rare pearl of cinematography, not only for its cinematographic language but also for being a proof of a master’s insistence and humbleness, a master who experiments with the camera even when the actors are only fish. And Rossellini had

a long time at hand to exercise with fish, insects or snakes in his first documentaries, which were almost all involved in exploring nature and its creatures. “I thought he was crazy,” says Federico Fellini in his memoirs. “He was shooting something at a corner, and when I went over to him I saw he was trying to coax a frog to jump...”. Insistence, experimenting, new narrative expressions, the search for a new cinematographic language typify other titles of this collection: from the almost futuristic dynamic of Ritmi di stazione (1933) by Corrado D’Errico, which is based quite revolutionarily on a soundtrack in which noise is balanced with Gershwin’s rhythmic-symphonic music, to the meta-cinematography of Buio in Sala (1950) by Il Sorpasso author, Dino Risi, who in ten minutes shows a film within the film, turning his camera to the audience, turning them into characters. To the eye of the contemporary audience, who are used to frenetic shots of modern cinematography, some of these works may look out-of-date. However, they should remember that contemporary cinema could not be what it is without the names of Rossellini, Antonioni, Risi, etc., who first unleashed their genius in ten-minute films. r.sejko

Istituto Luce, a company of Cinecittà Holding, is one of Italy’s most important film companies known worldwide especially for its film archives dating from the beginnings of cinematography to the day. Since its foundation in 1924 to the present day Istituto Luce has played a key role in the history of Italian and international cinema. Its primary goal was to spread culture and knowledge but the fascist regime soon understood the power of cinema for propagandistic means and that led, one year after the foundation,

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(Lights down in the cinema) 1950

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Giorgio Ferroni Confidenze di un gatto

Dino Risi Buio in sala

(Children alone) 1958

(Flower maids) 1952

Damiano Damiani Bambini soli

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Franceso Maselli Fioriae

(Urban Sanitation) 1948

Michelangelo Antonioni N.U. Nettezza Urbana

(The railway station) 1952

(Rendezvous at the Spanish Steps) 1954

(Confidencies of a cat) 1953

to the acquisition of Luce by the State making it the first State-owned film production company in the world. The Giornale Luce was used by the Italian government to broadcast news and propaganda in the scheduling of all Italian movie theatres. Soon Luce introduced the first sound films in Europe and took down to producing the greatest films of the period paving the way to the opening of Cinecittà that would later be known worldwide as the “Hollywood on the Tiber”. Thousands of hours of film archives

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Valerio Zurlini La stazione

(Fantasy under the sea) 1940

Roberto Rossellini Fantasia sottomarina

(Nocturnal) 1950

Romolo Marcellini Appuntamento a Piazza di Spagna

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Vittorio Sala Notturno

(Railway Station Rhythms) 1933

Corrado D’Errico Ritmi di stazione


produced or acquired in the course of the years have made Luce’s archives one the most important in Europe and in the world. An anticipatory consideration of the new technologies made Luce be the first film company in the world to offer most of its archives on the internet for free research and viewing. Apart from its archives, Istituto Luce has represented through the years one of the most important film producers and distributors in Italy. Today Luce distributes some 40 Italian or international films a year in theatres or Home Video.

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Jos Stelling Jos Stelling (1954) made his debut as a director with Mariken van Nieumeghen in 1974. The film was selected for Cannes in 1975. Since then he has been writing and directing eight feature films. For his short film The Waiting Room (1996) Stelling was awarded a Golden Rose (Press Award) in Montreux, a Golden Gryphon in St. Petersburg as well as his fourth Gouden Kalf (Golden Calf, the Dutch film award). He lives and works in Utrecht, where he also runs a cafe, restaurant and art house cinema. Joe Stelling (1954) doli per here te pare ne skene me Mariken van Nieumeghen ne vitin 1974. Ky film u zgjodh per ne Festivalin e


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Cannes ne vitin 1975. Qe prej kesaj kohe ai ka shkruar dhe drejtuar 8 filma artistike. Per filmin e tij te titulluar ‘Dhoma e pritjes’ (1996) Stelling fitoi Trendafilin e Arte (Cmimi i Shtypit) ne Montreux, Grifonin e Arte ne Sant Pitersburg si dhe Kalf Gouden e katert (cmim hollandez). Ai jeton ne Utreht, ku zoteron nje kafene, restorant dhe shtepi kinematografike. Jos Stelling, born 1945, made his debut as a director with MARIKEN VAN NIEUMEGHEN in 1974. His features THE ILLUSIONIST (1983) and THE POINTSMAN (1986) both won GOLDEN CALVES, the Dutch Film Award.

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Chief Editor France

2003, Les portes du soleil. Youssri Nasrallah; 2002, Demonlover. Olivier Assayas Sélection Officielle Cannes 2002; 2001Balzac & la petite tailleuse… Dai Sijie, Sélection Officielle - Un Certain Regard -Cannes 2002; 2001 Tosca. Benoit Jacquot. Sélection officielle Festival de Venise 2001; 2000, Change moi ma vie. Liria Begeja; Sélection officielle Festival de Venise 1997; 1996 Irma Vep. Olivier Assayas. Sélection Officielle - Un Certain Regard - Cannes 1996; 1995 Le cri du coeur. Idrissa Ouedraougo. Sélection officielle Festival de Venise 1995; 1992 Rendez - vous à Tirana Liria Bégéja. (Mention Spéciale du Jury / Prix Italia 1992) (Nommé aux Golden Gate Awards 1993) 1990 Hors la vie. Maroun Bagdadi. Sélection Officielle Cannes 1991 (Prix du Jury - Cannes 1991) 1990 Tilai. Idrissa Ouedraougo. Sélection Officielle Cannes 1990 (Grand Prix du Jury - Cannes 1990) 1985 Adieu Bonaparte. Youssef Chahine. Sélection Officielle Cannes 1985

Andrea Rocco Genova Film Commission Italy

First Italian member of the International Film Commission Association (AFCI). Member of the new National Coordination of the Italian Film Commissions. Co-founder of Genova Film Commission and consultant for the foundation of Film Commission Umbria Region. Consultant of the Agency for the International Promotion of the Italian Cinema. Researcher in the high-tech cinema field.Collaborator for several italian, swiss ad american medias, such as “L’Espresso”, “Vogue Italia”, “Gulliver”, “Dove”, “Il manifesto”, “RAI-TV”, “Cinema d’Oggi”, “Cinema e Video”.

International Jury

Luc Barnier

Andrea Prenghyová Managing Director

Michael Hannigan Director of Cork Film Festival Ireland

Michael Hannigan has been Festival Director of Cork Film Festival since 1986. He also worked as Cinemas Director of the Irish Film Centre and in 1996 he opened the Kino, Ireland’s only independent arthouse cinema. He has served on the boards of the Federation of Irish Film Societies, the Irish Film Institute and the Irish Film Board. In 1990 he was appointed to the Irish Government’s ‘Think Tank on the Future of the Irish Film Industry’. He has curated Irish short film programmes for many festivals and served on the International Jury of Regensburg and Tampere short film festivals. In 2000 he produced the short animation, No Homework which screened in competition in Hiroshima and other festivals.

Czech Republic

Was born in Prague on July 4, 1972. She holds a degree in journalism from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. Currently she is reading for a degree in documentary film at the Film Academy of Performing Arts. Documentary films she has made at the Academy include: “erný rytíY” (Black Knight), “Bylo dobYe, bude hoY” (Used to Be Better Will Be Worse); films for Czech Television: “Srí Lanka - Na pol cesty do nebe...” (Sri Lanka - Half Way Through on the Way to Heaven); and for the Film & Sociology Foundation: “Na ulici” (On the Street) and “V pracovním procesu” (In the Working Process). Currently she is working on her graduation film “Kolem domu” (Around the House), which is being supported by a grant from the Czech Cinematography Fund and is being prepared as part of the European documentary workshop “Vission III”. She has been on several fellowship programmes abroad (University of Konstanz, European Institute for Political and Economic Studies Hamburg, University of Milan).

Gjergj Xhuvani Filmmaker Albania

Was born in Tirana on 20 December 1963. - Bardhë e Zi (Black and White) (20min, 35mm) – 1991- E Diela e Fundit (The Last Sunday) (20min, 35mm) – 1993 - Një Ditë nga një Jetë (A Day from a Life) (70min, 35 mm) – 1994 - Dashuria e Fundit (The Last Love) (75min, 35 mm) – 1995 - Tirana 96 (15min, 35 mm) – 1996 - Funeral BUSINESS (30min, 35 mm) – 1998/99 - Slogans (90min, 35 mm) – 2000/01 - Dear Enemy (90min, 35 mm) – Premiere, March 2004. His films have participated in almost all Cinema Festivals, even the prestigious ones in Venice, Cannes, Sundace, Tokio, Edinburgh, Toronto, Moscow. He has been awarded nine international prizes.



At Dawning

Assorted Letters Letra të Seleksionuara

Në Agim

Szortírozott Levelek

Hungary/2000/35 mm /30’

UK/2002/35mm /12’

Ágnes Kocsis

Martin Jones

Lajos Mezei is a middle-aged, insignificant, average man. He works at the post office sorting letters with a machine. His life is but a series monotonous everyday events, but he has a passion that makes him different from his fellow humans. This passion replaces all human relationships and events in his life. He flees into a world of his own, hermetically sealed, which only he can understand and where he therefore feels safe. One day, however, his well-balanced life is turned upside down.

A film about the infantile wish to escape the consequences of our actions, and what happens when the practicalities of life such as other people’s desires, the force of gravity and babies intervene to complicate matters. Një film mbi dëshirën foshnjore për t’iu larguar pasojave të veprimeve tona dhe asaj çfarë ndodh kur gjërat praktike të jetës si p.sh. dëshirat e të tjerëve, forca e rëndesës dhe ajo e fëmijëve ndërlikojnë gjërat më keq.

Lajos Mezei është një meso-burrë i parëndësishëm, mëse i zakonshëm. Ai punon në postë, ku seleksionon letrat me anë të një makine. Jeta e tij nuk është veçse një seri ngjarjesh të përditshme monotone, e megjithatë ai ka një pasion që e dallon nga njerëzit e tjerë. Ky pasion zëvendëson çdo lloj marrëdhënie dhe ngjarje në jetën e tij. Ai largohet në një botë të tijën, hermetikisht të mbyllur, të cilën vetëm ai mund ta kuptojë dhe në të cilën ai ndjehet i sigurtë. Megjithatë, një ditë jeta e tij kthehet përmbys.

Producer/P roducent enari roducer/Producent roducent: Zsuzsa Hollósi, Gábor Varga Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Ágnes y/F otografia a: Gábor Kocsis Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Gergely Pohárnok Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/ Gadó Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Tamás Zányi Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Noémi Mehlri Actor Actors/ Aktorë Aktorë: Tóth József, Lázár Kati, Szemerédy Virág, Miksi Attila, Thúróczy Szabolcs, Stubnya Béla, Bánki Gergely

Producer/P roducent enari: Martin Jones roducer/Producent roducent: Adrian Hughes Script/Sk cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Mary Farbrother Music/Muzik a: Alfie Thomas Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika Photograph Sound/Zëri: Chris Renty Editing/Montazhi s/Aktorë: Editing/Montazhi: Chris Newby Actor Actors/Aktorë: Jenny Agutter, Yvan Attal, Christine Entwisle

Ágnes Kocsis Born in Budapest, in 1971. She received her diploma from Eötvös Loránd University, at the faculty of arts, Budapest. She majored in Polish, Aesthetics, and Film-theory. She is studying at the Hungarian Academy of Theatre, Film and Television to became a film director. Actually she is attending the National Film School (Scuola Nazionale di Cinema) in Rome with a scholarship. Her feature script titled Retreating Reality was selected from Hungary for the 4th Central European Screenwriters Lab in Association with the Sundance Institute in Prague, in November 2000. 2003 - 18 Pictures from the Life of a Conserve Factory Girl (short fiction; 22 min.) 2001 - It would be like Sandokan…(documentary; 36 min.) 2000 - Assorted Letters (short fiction; 33 min.)

Martin Jones From studying art at Goldsmith’s School of Art and filmmaking at The Royal College of Art Film school, Martin went on to join Pankino Productions. He co-wrote and directed with Graham Young “ The Long Way Round” (14 mins, 16mm 1992) for the BFI. He was named “Best New Commercials Director” by Creative Review Magazine (despite never having directed one).He has subsequently directed over 100 TV commercials for TTO2 Productions. “AT DAWNING” won: - Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlin Film Festival 2002 - Best Cinematography at Capalbio Short Film Festival - Runner up for the Curzon Short Film Prize, London - UIP Prize at the Valladolid Film Festival. - At Dawning has been nominated for a European Film Academy Award in 2003.



Business As usual


Biznesi i Përditshëm


28 29

Belgium/2002/35mm /17’

Germany/2003/35 mm/4’30”

Jean-Marc Vervoort

Tom Zenker

The strange voyage of a “Top model” became blind, who decides to link her destiny to her dog became mad.

A short, laconic metaphor about our competitive economic system.

Udhëtimi i çuditshëm i një top-modeleje të verbuar, e cila vendos të lidhë fatin e saj me verbimin e qenit të saj.

Producer/P roducent enari roducer/Producent roducent: Nota Bene Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Jean-Marc Vervoort Photograph y/ Fotografia: Patrice Michaux Music/Muzik a: Christophe Photography/ Music/Muzika Vervoort Sound/Zeri ound/Zeri: Olivier Hespel Editing/Montazhi: Michèle Vandersyp Actor s/Aktorë Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Katerina Marx - Jean-Michel Vovk

Jean-Marc Vervoort Born September 1st, 1964 Films: - Le pendule de madame Foucault, 1995 - L’homme Animal, Le pingouin, 1996 - Si j’avis dix jours de moins », 1999 - Aveugle, 2002

Një metaforë e shkurtër dhe lakonike për sistemin tonë ekonomik konkurrues.

Producer/P roducent: roducer/Producent: roducent:Tom Zenker&Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie enari y/F otografia Berlin Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Tom Zenker Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Frank Meyer Music/Muzik a: Moby Sound/Zëri : Till Spielhoff Editing/Montazhi Music/Muzika Editing/Montazhi: Tom s/Aktorë: Knut Koch, Uwe Uhlmann, Manfred Niepel Zenker Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Tom Zenker Born in Munich 1971, apprentice as carpenter, studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Studied directing at the “Ernst-Busch School for Acting” in Berlin. Since 1997 he studies directing at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Bertin (dffb). In 2002 he worked as an assistant to Peter Zadek at the Vienna Theatre. Ping Pong, 1995; Der letzte Bus ins Paradies, 1998; Das tagliche Leben, 1999; Hilflos, 2000 Boomtown Berlin: Es leckt, 2001; Business as usual, 2003 Festivals&Awards: - Filmfest Dresden, 2003 - Inti. Student Film Festival SehsOchte Potsdam, 2003 - Festival of German Films Madrid, 2003



Day 26


Dita 26 Tag 26


Germany/2002/35 mm/18’

Kitao Sakurai

Andreas Samland

A single violent incident becomes an apocalyptic catalyst in the lives of five prep school boys, disfiguring each emotionally.

The 26-th day after the disaster. Two survivors in life suits are looking for other survivors, as they run out of gas on a remote country road....

Një incident i vetëm i dhunshëm kthehet në një katalizator apokaliptik në jetën e pesë nxënësve, duke shpërfyturuar secilin emocionalisht.

Producer/P roducenti: Andrew Spirk Script/Sk enari: Kitao Sakurai roducer/Producenti: cript/Skenari: y/ Fotografia: David Litz Editing/Montazhi Photography/ Editing/Montazhi: David Kippen Photograph Actor s/Aktorë Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Will Bostwick, William Hoffman, Ben Spiro

Kitao Sakurai was born in Kinugasa, Japan 20 years ago and moved to the U.S. at a young age. He began acting as a child, and appeared in such films as Kevin Smith’s Dogma. While still in high school Sakurai wrote and directed the critically acclaimed short, Coda, which played in numerous international festivals including the prestigious Oberhausen Short Film Festival. His new short, Joseph and Julia, premiered in competition at the Stockholm International Film Festival.

26 ditë pas katastrofës. Dy të mbijetuar, të veshur me tesha mbrojtëse, po kërkojnë të mbijetuar të tjerë, kur papritur, në një rrugë të humbur fshati, u mbaron karburanti….

Producer/P roducent: Deutsche Film-und Fernsehakademie Berlin Script/ roducer/Producent: Sk enari y/F otografia: Max Penzel Music/Muzik a: Skenari enari: A. Samland Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika LOSD Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Martin Frühmorgen Editing/Montazhi: Wolfgang s/Aktorë: Ronnie Marzillier, Peter Beck Gessat Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Born 1974 in Oelde, Germany. After graduating high school work as 3D-artist for several Playstation- and PCvideo games in Darmstadt, Manchester and Hamburg. Since 1999 studying at the German Film- and Television Academy (dffb) in Berlin. Filmography: Der neue Hit (2000), Red Gourmet Pellzik (2001), Tag 26 (2002)






30 31



Suzi Ewing

Benjamin Kempf

Barry struggles to come to terms with his redundancy and to occupy himself whilst apparently at work, he breaks into stranger’s houses to clean them. Through cleaning Barry regains order, a sense of purpose and the strength to confront his situation. He unwittingly becomes an angel in another couple’s troubled life.

Erika and Ruedi have been married for many years and also plan to end their lives together. Erika has cancer and wants to die in dignity. Ruedi doesn‘t want to live without his wife. Everything is organized - but suddenly Ruedi isn’t so sure anymore...

Me shumë përpjekje, Barry përpiqet të pajtohet me shkurtimin nga puna dhe t’i gjejë vetes punë. Ai hyn fshehurazi në një shtëpi të huaj për ta pastruar. Përmes pastrimit, Barry rifiton rregullin, ndjesinë e qëllimit në jetë dhe fuqinë për të përballuar situatën në të cilën ndodhet. Pa e kuptuar, ai bëhet një ëngjëll i jetës së trazuar të çiftit të kësaj shtëpie të huaj.

Erika dhe Ruedi kanë shumë vite të martuar dhe kështu kanë ndër mend të qëndrojnë deri në fund. Erika ka kancer dhe dëshiron të vdesë me dinjitet. Ruedi nuk do të jetojë pa gruan e tij. Kanë organizuar gjithçka, por befas Ruedi nuk është më i sigurt…

Producer/P roducent: Jane Harrison Script/Sk enari: Suzi Ewing roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/F otografia: David Katznelson Music/Muzik a: Position Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika Editing/Montazhi Normal Sound/Zeri ound/Zeri: Paul Cotteral.Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Adam Barton Actor s/Aktorë: Rupert Procter, Steve Hsuion, Elizabeth Berrington Actors/Aktorë:

Producer/P roducent: Samir Script/Sk enari y/ roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Jann Preuss Photograph Photography/ Fotografia: Marco Barberi. Music/Muzik a: Alex Kirschner Sound/Zëri: Music/Muzika: Matteo de Pellegrini, Hugo Poletti Editing/Montazhi: Anja Siemens Actor s/Aktorë: Stephanie Glaser, Walo Lüond Actors/Aktorë:

Suzi Ewing is a writer director and Domestic is her most recent short film. Suzi has a background in photography and began directing music videos working with artist Badly Drawn Boy on his video ‘Once around the Block’. This led to a collaboration and BDB wrote the music for the short film Exhaust. Suzi continues to direct both commercials and music videos. She is attached as writer/ director to the feature ‘91% Wolf’ produced by Gavin Emerson at Holy Cow Productions.

Born 2.6.1971 in Lucerne, Benjamin Kempf visited the Gymnasium in Immensee, Switzerland, before he moved to Los Angeles where he studied at the Santa Monica College for Fashion Photography. In 1995 he returned to Zurich where he studied at the Zürich Film Academy. In 2000 he graduated with his short feature film «Ade». During this time he also worked as gaffer and camera assistant. Since 1997 he has directed and photographed several feature films, commercials and music videos.



Garden Side

Kujtime të Brishta

Në Park Côté Jardin



Teresa Mecklin

Karine Benhaïm

A story about a man entangled in a past encounter, now met by a new situation which reminds him that he must move on.

Love, friendship...life: a wide debate. Can an only man give answers to the big existential questions? Does he want to shake the minds or is he merely mad? But isn’t madness an excess of consciousness...

Historia e një njeriu të turbulluar nga një takim i shkuar, i gjendur tashmë në një situatë të re, e cila e përmend se duhet të ecë përpara.

Producer/P roducent enari roducer/Producent roducent: University of Art & Design Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Jyrki y/F otografia a: Samu Nummi Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Peter Flinckenberg Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Kuukka Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Santtu Sierilä Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Samu Kuukka Actor s/Aktorë Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Heikki Paavilainen, Laura Vänskä

Born 10 / 05 / 1971 Studies Studies in cultural anthropology, Univeristy of Helsinki, Finland; 1995, Film studies in Praha, Czech Republic in Academy of Performing Arts, faculty of film & TV (FAMU); 2003, Studies directing in University of Art & Design, faculty of film, Helsinki, Finland; 2003 graduates from directing; 1993, Plus Minus / fiction 5 min; 1995, Hlad / fiction 16 min; 1996, Transit / fiction 16 min; 1997, Made in Filmland / documentary 30 min; 2000, Under the Skin / fiction 8 min; 2003,Fragile / fiction 23 min. Since 1997 worked also as assistant director in numerous films in Finland, short and feature length.

Dashuria, miqësia… jeta: një debat i gjerë. A mundet vetëm një njeri t’u japë përgjigje pyetjeve të mëdha ekzistencialiste? Mos vallë ai dëshiron të trondisë mendjet, apo është thjesht i çmendur. Por, a nuk është çmenduria një teprim i ndërgjegjes…

Producer/P roducent enari roducer/Producent roducent: Gérard Paulès Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Pascal Laurent Photograph y/F otografia: Yann Staderoli Music/Muzik a: Yann Copier Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Jocelyn Staderoli Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Yannick Carbonnaux Actor s/Aktorë Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Jean-Claude Deret; Frédéric Gorny

Karine Benhaïm “Garden Side” is her Second Film. Her first film is “The Love Puke” directed in 2000.


Getting In

Green Rose


Trëndafili i Gjelbërt

32 33



Jesse Shamata

JC Hung

In an effort to “get in” to an unknown place, a man’s life is torn apart through a series of haunting flashbacks. Asking questions that are rarely asked, the interviewer reveals a dark and dangerous side of the interviewee. “Getting In” is an intense and unfamiliar examination of social power.

This is the story of a political murder that goes unsolved in Taiwan, revealed without a line of dialogue, only four beautiful songs. Historia e një vrasjeje politike të pazgjidhur në Tajvan, e paraqitur pa asnjë rresht dialogu, por vetëm me katër këngë të bukura.

Në një përpjekje për t’u pranuar në një vend të panjohur, jeta e një burri shpërbëhet përmes kalimit në një seri kujtimesh. Duke bërë pyetje që rrallë bëhen, intervistuesi zbulon një anë të errët dhe të rrezikshme të të intervistuarit. Ky film është një ekzaminim i fortë dhe i pazakontë i pushtetit shoqëror.

Producer/P roducent: Daniel Hawkes, Chuck Shamata, Jesse Shamata roducer/Producent: Script/Sk enari: Chuck Shamata &Jesse Shamata Photograph y/F otografia cript/Skenari: Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: a: Moe Berg Sound/Zëri Rick Boston Music/Muzik Music/Muzika ound/Zëri: Attila Laszlo Editing/ Montazhi s/Aktorë Montazhi: Chris Donaldson Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Chuck Shamata , Gary Reineke

Producer/P roducent: JC Hung Script/Sk enari y/ roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: JC Hung Photograph Photography/ Fotografia: John Chen Music/Muzik a: Music/Muzika: a:Yann Copier Editing/Montazhi: JK s/Aktorë: Alex Ko, Trinity Ting, John Chang Hsiao Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Jesse Shamata is an award winning filmmaker and editor. His work spans the genres of film, television, and multimedia. Born in 1971, Jesse is a graduate of Queen’s University’s Film program where he wrote and directed several offbeat films including Citizen Chino and Naked In Orlando. In 1997, Jesse went on to form Ink Monkeys Film Company with Daniel Hawkes. Ink Monkeys’ first film, Rosa’s Time, debuted at the Sundance Film Festival. Jesse’s latest film Getting In has screened internationally at festivals and had its television debut on Bravo in early 2003. Currently, Jesse is co-writing the feature film SAFE for Maverick Entertainment and writing and directing comedy shorts and documentary series for Canada’s musicvideo network, MuchMusic.

He worked as the Planning Director, for Central Motion Picture Corp(1994). He wrote a few huge projects, that included The Flying Eagle II (1992), II The Nanking Atrocities of 1937 II (1994) , and “Forgotten, or Forfiven”(1997), that still listed as the most eye catching investments in Taiwan film business. He is also one of the best producers while he worked in the local cable TV network.JC Hung worked for TV series, as producer, and writer. He was the Planner & Producer, for TV Broadcasting Super Channel(1996).



In Separate Beds

Telat e Zemrës

Në Shtretër të Ndarë En Camas Separadas

Canada/2002/35mm /14’08”


Jean-Pierre Avoine

Javier Rebollo

Dissillusioned with life and love, Jay goes on quest for higher meaning, only to discover what really pulls the strings of his heart.

Those everyday passengers who take the late trains in working days always wear old wrinkled clothes. They sit in an empty wagon, staring at each other, trying to imagine each others life. Another day passed away, ripe with lost chances. They only look forward to get home. Hope tomorrow brings another day...

I zhgënjyer prej jetës dhe dashurisë, Jay i hyn kërkimit të një kuptimi më të lartë, duke zbuluar kështu se çfarë ia prek me të vërtetë telat e zemrës.

Pasagjerët e përditshëm të trenave të vonët, çdo ditë jave, veshin gjithmonë tesha të vjetra e të rrudhosura. Ulen në vagona të zbrazët, me sy të ngulur tek njëri-tjetri, duke u përpjekur të imagjinojnë jetën e secilit. Shkoi edhe një ditë e ngarkuar me raste të pashfrytëzuara. Mezi presin të kthehen në shtëpi. Me shpresën se e nesërmja do të sjellë një ditë të re…

Producer/P roducent: Jean-Pierre Avoine Script/Sk enari: Glenn Forbes roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Guy Kinkead Music/Muzik a: Francois Cousineau Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika: Photograph Sound/Zëri: Richard Niccoll Editing/Montazhi: Helene Bedard Actor s/ Actors/ Aktorë Aktorë: Dennis St John, Robin Wilcock, Claudia Besso

Producer/P roducent: Damian Paris Script/Sk enari: Javier Rebollo &Lola roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Santiago Racaj Sound/Zëri: Eva Valiño & Mayo Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia: s/Aktorë: Lola Pelayo Gutierrez Editing/Montazhi: Abgel Hernandez Actor Actors/Aktorë: Dueñas, Joan Dalmau

Jean-Pierre Avoine wrote several screenplays and directed several shorts, most notably “The Teapot” based on Hans C. Andersen’s tale, which won several prizes in numerous festivals. Encouraged by these early successes, Avoine went on to complete his studies in California, where he obtained a Certificate in Film and Television from UCLA, in the spring of 1998. Today he continues to refine the creative relationship between the actors, the director and the camera through an informal workshop he created. Through his production company, Avoine has acquired the rights to several plays and is currently developing their adaptation for both the film and television screens.

Cinema Degree. He currently realizes feature documentaries for main Spanish Public Television. Member of Spanish Film Academy. 1997 - In the middle of nowhere, 23 min. Nominated to Spanish Goya Awards. 1998 - Hello, stranger! 26 min, Preselected to Oscar Awards; 1999 The open lugagge 28 min. 2002 - In separate beds. 19 min Selected in Clermont Ferrand, Cracow, Odense, Mediawave, Sao Paulo, Cork...


Ina’s Birthday

Kosova 9/11

Ditëlindja e Inës

Kosova 9/11

34 35



Andre Bergelt

Burbuqe Berisha

It is Ina Handel’s 58th birthday and she strongly gets aware of her loneliness. No one comes to celebrate her birthday. The people around her are strangers to her. The only way out seems to be a suicide.Ina’s first hesitating attempt to commit suicide fails. The second attempt – a jumping from a roof – is prevented by 59yo fireman Karl. After a short stay in hospital Ina returns to her place. She is thinking of Karl – Karl is searching for Ina. But he can’t find her. Ina “puts on stage” another attempt to commit suicide. Again she is standing at the roof, hoping to meet Karl, the fireman. And Karl really comes.

A film about the misunderstanding of the news of September 11th. A honest tail of a child in an uneasy situation after the misinterpreted news that the Serbs had committed the attacks. A funny situation that turns into an absurdity as consequences of the lack of information and misinterpretation of the news.

Është 58-vjetori i Ina Handelit, gjatë të cilit ajo ndërgjegjësohet për vetminë e saj. Askush nuk vjen për ta festuar ditëlindjen me të. Njerëzit që e rrethojnë janë të panjohur. E vetmja rrugëzgjidhje mbetet vetëvrasja. Përpjekja e parë e Inës për të vrarë veten dështon. E dyta (hedhja nga tarraca) parandalohet nga zjarrfikësi 59-vjeçar, Karli. Pas një qëndrimi të shkurtër në spital, Ina kthehet në shtëpinë e saj. Mendja i shkon tek Karli, ndërsa Karli është në kërkim të Inës. Por ai nuk e gjen dot. Ina inskenon një përpjekje tjetër për të vrarë veten. Shkon dhe qëndron përsëri në cep të tarracës, me shpresën se kështu do të takojë zjarrfikësin Karl. Dhe Karli nuk mungon të vijë.

Një film që bën fjalë për keqkuptimin e lajmit të 11 Shtatorit. Një histori e vërtetë e një fëmije mbi një situatë të pakëndshme pas keqinterpretimit të lajmit, që ishin sërbët ata që i kishin kryer sulmet. Një situatë qesharake që kthehet në një absurditet si pasojë e mungesës së informacionit dhe keqinterpretimit të lajmeve.

Producer/P roducent: Eric Pforr Script/Sk enari: Katharina Fial roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/ Fotografia: Matthias Maasz Editing/Montazhi: Daniel Photography/ a Mathias Furkert Actor s/Aktorë: Carmen-Maja Anderson Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Actors/Aktorë: Antoni, Gerhard Olschewski

Producer/P roducent enari roducer/Producent roducent: Prishtina Film Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Burbuqe Berisha Photograph y/F otografia a: Alban Nimai Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Artan Korenica Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Editing/Montazhi s/Aktorë Editing/Montazhi: Blerim Gjoci Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Ramadan Mala, Luan Jaha

André Bergelt has born 05.11. 1970 in Berlin (East) 1991 - 93 Head of the media office”Nordlicht” Weimar 1994 - 96 Study of psychology, philosophy and sports, FU Berlin; 1995 -Work for various film productions; 1999 -Works as free author, script-writer and director; 2002 - 03 works as teacher for directing- class at Bauhaus University Weimar Films: 1994 Instant, independent short film 1995 2 min kinolenta, independent short film 1995 It’s a Teddys, Teddys, Teddys World, independent short film 1996 Es ist niemand da, short film 1997 Babulja , independent documentary film 2001/2 Ina’s Birthday, independent short film

She was born on 28 May 1970 in Skopje (Shkup), FYROM. On year 1989-1990 She enrolled in Oriental Studies in the Faculty of Philology. On year 1998 – 1999 She began studying Film Directing in branch of Film Directing, in the class of Professor Isa Qosja, Director. She have produced and directed four short films: “Viti 2000 (The Year 2000), “Bunari (The Well)”, “Dimni i shpirtit (The Winter of the Soul)”, and “Nanë (Mother)”Kosova 9/11" which was shown in the Film Festival 9/11 in Prishtina. In the theatre projects she directed Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”.


Lines of Fire

Maximum Capacity

Në Vijën e Zjarrit

Ngarkesë e Plotë

Lineas De Fuego

Spain/2002/35mm /20’


Jorge C. Dorado

James Hyslop

1937. Spanish Civil War. One Republican Army squad lies hidden in an isolated psychiatric hospital in the National Zone. Teresa, a young militia-woman, is waiting there for any news from her fiancé Santiago, who is been missing for months in the front of Madrid. Pedro, one young assistant of the doctor who runs the hospital, is the only one who is willing to help her and to feed her hope, though he has to fall back on a lie.

In their journey where they try to find justice, revenge and redemption, two men emerge from the elevator having found tolerance. Gjatë udhëtimit të tyre, në të cilin përpiqen për të arritur drejtësi, hakmarrje dhe dëmshpërblim, dy burra dalin nga një ashensor, pasi kanë arritur tolerancën.

1937. Lufta Civile e Spanjës. Një togë e Ushtrisë Republikane qëndron e fshehur në një spital të izoluar psiqiatrik në Zonën Kombëtare. Teresa, një malice e re, është në pritje të ndonjë lajmi prej të fejuarit të saj Santiago, i cili ka humbur me muaj në frontin e Madridit. Pedro, një asistent i ri i mjekut që drejton spitalin, është i vetmi që ka dëshirë ta ndihmojë dhe t’i ushqejë shpresën, edhe pse për këtë i duhet të gënjejë.

Producer/P roducent: Nicolas Tapia Script/Sk enari: Jorge C. Dorado & roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Joaquin Manchado Music/ Juanma Romero Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia: Muzik a: Ismael Satari Sound/Zëri: Muzika ound/Zëri:Mar Gonzale Editing/Montazhi: Vanessa s/Aktorë: Marta Belaustegui, Luis Cajello Marimbert Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Producer/P roducent: Jennifer Harkness Script/Sk enari: James Hyslop roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/F otografia: Marc Laliberte Else Music/Muzik a: Plowman, Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika s/Aktorë: Euguen Lipinski/ Kanakis Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Calvin Grant Actor Actors/Aktorë: John Bourgeois

He studied Image at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University in Madrid...After making several short video films, in 1999, he directs “Siguiente” (Next, please), his first 35 mm short film, starred Óscar Ladoire and Guillermo Toledo, and produced by Rioja Films. Present at more than twenty film festivals, it wins the second prize at Mataró Festival and the Jury Special Prize in Estepona (Málaga). In 2002 he shoots a new short film on 35 mm: “Líneas de fuego” (“Lines of fire”). Premiere: 30/10/02 in 47 Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid (Seminci). Currently he alternates his job as Assistant Director with the writing of two full-length film script projects.

James Hyslop brings his diverse experiences as a professional ski racer, naval officer, bodyguard to the rich and infamous and advertising copywriter to his growing body of work as an award-winning independent film maker. He directed the 7 hour documentary mini-series “Sea Power to Super Power; Why The World Speaks English” which aired recently on the History and Discovery Channels. James has directed documentaries that have found him on the road with the notorious band Black Sabbath. James recently completed 13 episodes of “Toolbox Challenge” for HGTV through Alliance Atlantis. James has worked on over 200 commercials for some of the most recognized brand names in the world. Combining the aesthetic of cinema and the narrative strength of documentaries.


Morning Noises


Zhurma Mëngjesi

36 37



Valter Lucaj

Vincent Hazard

It is a story about a young kosovar Albanian rushing to work in the morning, going thru a particular street he starts hearing some noises which remind him of the past, and then starts the agony of the ’98,’99 conflicts in his mind from which he tries to run away.

Nicholas, a young autistic man, lives in a world dominated by his senses. He can focus acute attention on single elements in his surroundings. A twist of fate alters Nicholas’ perceptions. The way in which he experiences the world is changed permanently.

Historia e një të riu kosovar, i cili shkon me nxitim në punë në mëngjes dhe në një rrugë të caktuar dëgjon disa zhurma të cilat i kujtojnë të shkuarën. Dhe atëherë fillon agoninë e viteve ’98 dhe ’99, konfliktet në mendjen e tij, prej të cilave përpiqet të largohet.

Nicholas, një djalosh me probleme të zhvillimit mendor, jeton në një botë të dominuar prej shqisave. Ai mund ta përqëndrojë vëmendjen në elemente të veçanta të gjërave që e rrethojnë. Një lojë e fatit ndryshon perceptimet e Nicholas. Mënyra se si e përjeton ai botën do të ndryshojë një herë e përgjithmonë.

Producer/P roducent: Faculty of Arts Pristina Script/Sk enari: Valter Lucaj roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Petrit Domi Music/Muzik a: Trimor Dhomi Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika: Photograph Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Trimor Dhomi Editing/Montazhi: Krenar Belegu,Genc s/Aktorë: Donat Qosja, Ardian Biba, Kushtrim Sheremeti Dobroshi Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Producer/P roducent: Vincent Hazard Script/Sk enari roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: V.Hazard, y/F otografia a: S.Goldsmith Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Fabien Lamotte Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Stuart Briner Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Laurent Maisondien Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Jo s/Aktorë: Mark Paterson, Ian Sextan, Anthony Travis Selby-Green Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Valter Lucaj was born in Prishtina in 1980 elementary and secondary school he finished in Peja. He is now in the 4-th year of film directing in Prishtina. “Moda” 2000; “Numrat e Hidhur” (“Bitter Numbers”) 2001; “Ëndra e Fundit” (“The last Dream”) 2001; “Njollat” (“Spots”) 2002; “Zhurma Mëngjesi” (“Morning Noises”) 2003; “Rudinointernacionalizimi” 2003

Writing, directing and sound editing of “Nicholas”, an award winning 12min. film at Decines (Lyon) and Dignes film festivals, official competition in Amiens, Drama (Greece), Villeurbanne, Parthenay, Aubagne, Toulouse, Ourense (Spain), Strasbourg Film Festivals, screening at the French Embassy in London in March 2002. June 2002-Dec 2002 Post-production supervisor I dubbing mixer at ZEAUX Productions Sept 1999-June 2002 Dubbing mixer at Point 12 (FRA), dubbing editor at Scramble (UK), Runner and assistant at Videosonics (UK).


Objection III

Remains of Air

Objektivi III

Ajër i Ndotur

Einspruch III

Resti d’Aria


Italy/2003/Beta /16’

Rolando Colla

Giovanni Truppa

An Algerian man with an artificial leg is caught by border guards trying to enter Switzerland with a group of refugees. Subsequently, he is informally sent back to Germany. When he is deported in the early hours of the morning, his artificial leg is left behind. On finding the prosthesis, the Swiss immigration officials respond rather nervously as no one wants to be responsible for it.

Mind In her sincerity game At time Outside of it, Agitations between absurd and realty.

Një algjerian me një këmbë artificiale e kapin rojet kufitare, tek përpiqet të hyjë në Zvicër bashkë me një grup refugjatësh. Për pasojë e kthejnë në Gjermani jozyrtarisht. Gjatë kthimit herët në mëngjes, këmba artificiale i ngelet mbrapa. Kur gjejnë protezën e tij, zyrtarët zviceranë reagojnë disi të nervozuar, sepse askush nuk do të mbajë përgjegjësi për të.

Mendja Në lojën e saj të sinqertë Në kohë Jashtë vetvetes, Përzihet midis Absurdit dhe Reales.

Producer/P roducent: Elena Pedrazzoli Script/Sk enari: Rolando Colla roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/F otografia: Peter Indergand Music/Muzik a: Bernd Schurer Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika: Sound/Zëri: Ruedi Guyer Editing/Montazhi s/ Editing/Montazhi: Rainer M. Trinkler Actor Actors/ Aktorë: Margot Marguerite, Sara Capretti, Andreas Löffel, Markus Amrein

Producer/P roducent: Giovani Truppa Script/Sk enari: Giovani Truppa roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/F otografia: Emilio Bagnasco Music/Muzik a: Michele Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika: Mingrone, Marco Superti, Michele Brizzi Sound/Zëri: Andrea Bogani Editing/Montazhi s/Aktorë: Bruna Barbagli, Editing/Montazhi: Veronica Locatelli Actor Actors/Aktorë: Federica Ragoni, Nicola Balestri, Giovanni Micoli, Eugenia Saint Pierre Di Nieuburg, Biagio Recca, Lorenzo Liviero, Sergio Ristori, Alberto Candio

ROLANDO COLLA born in Schaffhausen on 7.7.57 1984 -foundation of production company Peacock 1985 - licenciate in German studies and Romance languages at the University of Zurich since 2000 member of Swiss Association of Film Directors „LE MONDE A L’ENVERS“ (The world turned upside down) - Premio Solinas 1997 (best script - Italy) „EINSPRUCH II“ (Objection II) 3rd Prize Shortfilmfestival Burgdorf 2002 Special Mention: Festival Berlin and Regensburger Kruzfilmtage Speacial Mention: Film Festival Montecatini 2002 Nomination for Swiss Film Prize 2002 „OLTRE IL CONFINE“ Special jury award, Filmfestival Max-Ophüls-Preis 2003 „EINSPRUCH III“ (Objection III) Prix Canal Plus, Clermont-Ferrand 2003

Born in Perugia on 27/12/1971 Cinematographic Acting – Film School Immagina of Firenze. First Place Generazioni in Movimento, Monteriggioni, 2001 Best Film, L’Invasione degli ultracorti Roma, 2001 Best Direction, L’Invasione degli ultracorti Roma, 2001 Best Short Film, Bettole in musica e spettacolo, 2001 Winner of the Festival Fandango Produzioni Cinematografiche and of “Musica” by Repubblica, Roma, 2002; Best Short Film, Festival di Chianciano Cortofiction, 2002 ;Best Short Film, Festival Musica in corto, Firenze, 2002; Best Short Film, Festival di Lioni, Avellino, 2002; People’s Choice Award Festival 10° CANZO, COMO, 2001; Jury’s Choice Award, Alternative Film Festival, Pescara, 2001; Co- Founder with Giovanni Micoli and Alessio Vitali of the Associazione Culturale OIDA, for the development of independent cinematographic and theater productions.





38 39


New Zeland/2002/35 mm/12'

Aaron Wilson

Zandra Palmer

Jack is reluctantly meeting up with his ex-lover. This rendezvous, however, is about more than his infidelity.

Rockpool is a contemporary slice of life with a strong sense of place, crossing three generations, where trivia is necessary communication and food is the common language.

Pa shumë qejf, Jack po takohet me ish të dashurën e tij. Megjithatë, ky rendezvous thotë diçka më shumë se tradhëtia e tij.

“Rockpool” është një pjesë jete bashkëkohore, me një sens të fortë vendi, duke kapërcyer tre breza, ku kotësitë janë komunikimi i nevojshëm dhe ushqimi është gjuha e përbashkët.

Producer/P roducent: Aaron Wilson Script/Sk enar: Aaron Wilson roducer/Producent: cript/Skenar: Photograph y/F otografia a: Robert Mackenzie, Marcel Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia:Yen Dol Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Borrack, Alessandro Servadei Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Marcus Herrick, Aaron s/Aktorë Wilson Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Prue Robbins, Michael Rafferty, Julia Martin Zachary High

Producer/P roducent: Zandra Palmer Script/Sk enari: Zandra Palmer roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/F otografia: Zandra Palmer/Ian Beale/Lee Allison Sound/Zëri: Photography/F y/Fotografia: Zandra Palmer/Paula Beaverstock/Dick Reade Editing/Montazhi: Zandra s/Aktorë: Gregory King, Maree Mills, June Allen, Anna Palmer Actor Actors/Aktorë: Palmer-Oldcorn, Cara Palmer - Oldcorn, Frances Palmer- Oldcorn,Benton Mcdonald,Diana Korach

AARON WILSON (Director/Writer/Producer) has been involved with making films since he shot his first video The Grandmother at aged 12. Since moving to Melbourne, Aaron has directed, acted in and designed lighting for various film and television productions. In mid 2000, he formed ‘Left-Handed Productions’ and made under this banner various film and video productions, including the independently-funded 35mm short film Rendezvous. Aaron is also the VicePresident of Greenfilm Inc, a not-for-profit organisation that holds regular social events designed to support networking in the Australian film industry. He is currently working with producer Sheridan Bott in the development of future television and film projects. Aaron also holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Monash University.

Zandra Palmer have been experimenting in the art of making for over ten years, developing my ideas and bringing them to the screen. I am into the whole process of making and through the process the story takes form. Rockpool is my first film on 35mm. some previous shorts have been : Boiled Eggs and Soilders (16mm animation), Fastcars (video), Homekill (video) Plastered (16mm), The Butchers Knife (16mm ).


Rose’s Mouth

Russian Lessons

“Gojë Trëndafili”

Mësimet e Rusishtes

Bocca di Rosa

Clases de Ruso

Italy/2000/35 mm/29'

Spain /2002/35 mm/20'

Riccardo Marchesini

José Antonio Bonet

We are in the ’70 when the success of TV seems to be destined to change the future of a little and modest cinema of the outskirts managed by a family. When the public start to fall to attend the cinema and all seems to turn to the worse, arrives in the village an improbable impresario destined to distort the destiny of the cinema and of the whole village.

A blind date between a lonely man and a misterious foreign lady. Një takim i papritur dashurie midis një burri të vetmuar dhe një femre të huaj e misterioze.

Jemi në vitet ’70 kur suksesi i televizionit duket se do të ndryshojë të ardhmen e një kinemaje të vogël dhe modeste në periferi, e cila menaxhohet nga një familje e vetme. Kur numri i spektatorëve fillon të bjerë dhe çdo gjë duket se do përfundojë keq, në fshat vjen një menaxher arti, i cili do të ndryshojë fatin e kinemasë dhe të të gjithë fshatit.

Producer/P roducent: Giostra film Script/Sk enari: Riccardo Marchesini roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Luigi Martinucci Music/Muzik a: Paolo Emilio Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika: Photograph Marrocco Sound/Zëri: Roberto Passuti Editing/Montazhi: Riccardo s/Aktorë: Vito - Luciano Manini Marchesini - Maria Claudia Rossi Actor Actors/Aktorë: Carla Astolfi - Giuliana Nanni - Romano Danielli - Marina Pitta

Riccardo Marchesini is holder of a Dramatic Art Academy diploma. He has been a pupil of Daniele Luchetti, collaborator of Pupi Avati and assistant director of Sergio Citti. For the television he has been script writer of TV series and director of documentaries and didactic television programs. He has also directed spot for national and regional publicity campaigns. He’s author of many short films like for example “A Wednesday of soaps” and “One against one” made for the Swiss television. From 1999 he is the president of the Production company Giostra Film, in Bologna.

Producer/P roducent: Master Cluster, S.L Script/Sk enari: José Antonio roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Alfonso Postigo Music/Muzik a: Nacho Bonet Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia: Music/Muzika: Cabello Sound/Zëri: Sonart Audio Editing/Montazhi: Adoración G. Elipe Actor s/Aktorë: Luis Tosar / Vieta Albizkaya Actors/Aktorë:

Born in 1970, José Antonio Bonet combined his studies in Business with courses on Film, and abandonned his career as a finance analyst when admitted in the Madrid Film School. “Russian Lessons” is his third short in 35 mm and has been selected in almost a hundred of festivals all over the world.


The Begging

The First Television


Televizori i Parë

40 41

Albania/2001/Beta /20'


Vasjan Lami

John O’Donnell

The story of a pretended beggar, who hides half of his leg and begs for money in the street. One day his leg becomes gangrened and he has to cut it really. He is ready to give all the money he has gathered to rescue the other half of his leg.

The First Television tells the comic and sometimes surreal story of Larry and his quest to buy his first ever television. Larry is an oddity, a miser and an eccentric who lives on his own at the top of a desolate tower and has a fear of the dark. On Christmas Eve he finally decides to buy himself a television. Larry has to make his way home with this heavy acquisition. As he is totally reliant on public transport he is forced to endure a difficult journey encountering a variety of equally oddball characters along the way. But the real twist in the tale comes when Larry finally reaches his home and tries to plug in the new television!

Historia e një lypësi, i cili fsheh gjysmën e këmbës dhe lyp në rrugë. Një ditë këmba i gangrenizohet dhe atij i duhet ta presë me të vërtetë atë. Ai është gati të japë të gjitha paratë që ka fituar për të shpëtuar gjysmën tjetër të këmbës.

Televizori i Parë tregon historinë komike dhe nganjëherë surreale të Larry-t dhe misionit të tij për të blerë televizorin e tij të parë në jetë. Larry është një çudi e kësaj bote, një koprac i cili jeton i vetëm në majë të një kulle të braktisur dhe që ka frikë nga errësira. Natën e Krishtlindjeve, më në fund ai vendos të blejë një televizor. Larry duhet ta çojë deri në shtëpi mallin e rëndë që ka blerë. Edhe pse ka besim të plotë tek transporti publik, ai detyrohet të bëjë një udhëtim të vështirë, gjatë të cilit takon një shumëllojshmëri karakteresh po aq të çuditshëm. Kulmi i historisë vjen kur Larry më në fund mbërrin në shtëpi dhe përpiqet të vërë në prizë televizorin e ri. Producer/P roducent: Vasjan Lami, “Fasada Studio” Script/Sk enari: Vasjan roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia: Eno Milkani Sound/Zëri: Eno Milkani Lami Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia: Editing/Montazhi: Eno Milkani Actor s/Aktorë: Neritan Liçaj, Vasjan Lami, Actors/Aktorë: Violeta Geraj

Producer/P roducent: Jackie Larkin Script/Sk enari: John O’Donnell roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari: Photograph y/ Fotografia: Peter Roberson,Russell Gleeson Music/Muzik Photography/ Music/Muzik: ound/Zëri: Ray Cross Editing/Montazhi: Julie Hennessy Steve McGrath S Sound/Zëri: Actor s/Aktorë: Des Waddick, Joanne Crawford, Joseph M.Kelly Actors/Aktorë:

Born on May 21, 1957, in Tirana, Albania. In 1978, he graduated from the Academy of Arts in Tirana.Ever since he has performed in more than 30 NT productions. Characters played in drama productions include “Ricardo in Robles”’Monserrat, Tibaldo in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”, Hortensio in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and Lacroix in “Buechner’s Danton’s death”. He has worked as assitant director in many NT productions and some international projects, collaborating with French directors Daniel Mesgish and Claud Bonin. In 1997, he was awarded “Best Actor of te National Drama Festival” for his part in Fanko’s “Quo Vadis”. He worked as assistant director in Minarolli’s Moonless Night and this year his finish short fiction “The Begging”, thet directed.

John is a graduate of Bournemouth Film School. As a writer & director he has worked on many music videos, dramas and documentaries including A Call To Arms(Historical Drama/Documentary) , The Last Waltz (Documentary following a mail train on it’s last journey), The Story of Johnny McGory (Award winning short drama following an unusual young man for one day), The Present (Producer of this short drama). In 1983 John was nominated for The Hennessey Literary Award for a short story published in The Irish Press.


The First Time

The Hawker

Hera e Parë

Shitësi Ambulant

La Primera Vez

O Gogos


Greece /2001/35mm/12’

Borja Cobeaga

Panayiotis Fafoutis

Begona is an old woman and a virgin. Convinced that death is close at hand, she decided to hire a male prostitute, Daniel, to satisfy her curiosity about sex, which everyone says is beautiful and marvelous. However this will not be an easy task for Daniel.

A traveling salesman changes the life of a married couple ,who owns a tavern in rural Greece. Një tregtar shëtitës ndryshon jetën e dy bashkëshortëve, pronarë të një taverne në një fshat të Greqisë.

Begona është një plakë e virgjër. E bindur se po i afrohet vdekja, ajo vendos të marrë një prostitute mashkull, me emrin Daniel, për të shuar kureshtjen e saj për seksin, për të cilin të gjithë thonë se është i bukur dhe i mrekullueshëm. Kjo nuk do të jetë një punë e lehtë për Danielin.

Producer/P roducent enari: Borja Cobeaga roducer/Producent roducent: Oihana Olea Script/Sk cript/Skenari: Photograph y/ Fotografia Photography/ otografia: Ignacio Gimenez-Rico Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Rori s/Aktorë Sainz de Roza Sound/Zëri: Ibiriku Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Marivi Bilbao, Aitor Beltran

Producer/P roducent enari: roducer/Producent roducent: Ideefixe Audiovisuals Productions Script/Sk cript/Skenari: y/F otografia Panayiotis Fafoutis Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: George Papandrikopoulos Music/Muzik a: DNA Sound/Zëri: George Vasiliou Editing/Montazhi Music/Muzika: Editing/Montazhi: Panos s/Aktorë Voutsaras Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Maria Scoula,Makis Genatas, Aki Karazisis

Borja Cobeaga was born in 1977 in San Sebastian. Started using video cameras at an early age to make movies with freands. In 1995, his short videos started circulating at festivals, wining various awards. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country. Works as a TV producer and assistant producer , on programs for Euskal Telebista, Television Espanola and Telecinco. “ La primere Vez” is his first short film in a format cinematography.

A graduate of Athens University School of Law (19871994), he studied film directing at the Atavrakos Film and Televison School (1994-1997). He works as an assistant director in films and televison and has also directed a youth-oriented for the Filmnet Channel. Filmography; 1999, Life Is Short, 35mm,Colour,16min. Drama Short Film Festival: Best Student Film Award Ministry of Culture State Quality Award; 2000, Patras – Culture – A Vehicle For Development, documentary. 2001, The Hawker, 35mm, colour, 12 min.


The Kennel

The Last Car


Vagoni i Fundit Paskutinis Vagonas

42 43


Lithuania /2002/35mm/28’

Bujar Alimani

Audrius Stonys

Hilo leaves his family in Albania and crosses over illegally into Greece, together with his friends and several others. At the border, the group becomes separated. Hilo continues on his own, ending up at the home of an old man in a village in Northern Greece. The old man hesitates to let Hilo inside. Meanwhile, Hilo’s dog takes over the old man’s doghouse…

Father and son - strolling musicians. One encounter will change the routine of their life. They’ll have to choose where their way will lead them. At e bir: muzikantë shëtitës. Një takim i papritur do t’u ndryshojë rrjedhën e jetës. Do t’u duhet të zgjedhin vetë drejtimin e saj.

Hilo lë familjen e tij në Shqipëri për të shkuar ilegalisht në Greqi, së bashku me një shokun e tij dhe disa të tjerë. Në kufi, grupi i tyre shpërbëhet dhe Hilo vazhdon udhëtimin i vetëm, për të përfunduar në shtëpinë e një plaku, në një fshat të veriut të Greqisë. Plaku ngurron ta fusë Hilon në shtëpi, ndërkohë që qeni i Hilos shtie në dorë koliben e qenve…

Producer/P roducent enari: Bujar Alimani roducer/Producent roducent: Bujar Alimani Script/Sk cript/Skenari: Photograph y/ Fotografia a: Stavros Photography/ otografia: Christos Karamanis Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: Xarhakos Sound/Zëri: Nikos Bougioukos Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Alexandra s/Aktorë Kouri Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Mario Borokoçi, Alim Beqiri, Antonis Vlisidis

Producer/P roducent enari: Sandor Tar roducer/Producent roducent: Arunas Stoskus Script/Sk cript/Skenari: Photograph y/ Fotografia a: Giedrius Photography/ otografia: Rimvydas Leipus Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: Puskunigis Sound/Zëri: Viktoras Juzonis Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Mingaile s/Aktorë Murmulaitiene Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Juozas Budraitis, Arnas Vysockis

Bujar Alimani studied panting and stage direction at Tirana’s Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1992 he has lived in Greece. He has worked as an assistant director on screral Greek films, among which “Mirupafshim”, “Braziliero”, “Hot And Cold”. “Katoj” is his first short film. This film awarded : The best Balkan Film- 8-th INT. Short Film Fest. Drama-Greece dec.2002. Also take official participation in : 5 Acient Olimpia Int. Film Fest. Greece Dec 2002, 4th Int. Short Film fest – Venice, Italy may 2003, 2th Int. Short Film Fest. La Chiotat – Marseille – France 4th Int. Sh. Film. Fest. – Hollywood-L.A.- USA, 6th Int. Sh. Film. Fest.Sidney – Australia Sep. 2003, 8th Int. Sh. Film. Fest. Teheran-Iran. Oct.2003, 10th Int. Sh. Film.-Barcelona – Spain Nov. 2003.

Audrius Stonys, 28 April 1966 Vilnius 1984-1989 studied in Vilnius Conservatoire TV and film direction. 1989 studied at Jonas Mekas Film Anthology Archives, New York Filmography: 1989 “Open the door to him, who comes” 35mm; 1992 “Earth of the Blind” 35mm,Oberhausen Film Festival Experimental Film Prize, Gyor “Mediawave” Prize Mons Film Festival Best Image Prize,“FELIX” - European Film Academy - Best European Documentary film of the year. 1993 “Apostle of ruins” 35mm, 1995 “Antigravitation” 35mm- San Francisco Film Festival Certificate of Merit, Bornholm “Balticum” Film Festival Special Prize,Vilnius Film Forum Prize for the Best Direction


The Last Gunman

The Number

Kaubojsi i Fundit


L’ultimo Pistolero

El Numero



Alessandro Dominici

Marco Besas

A man roves the vastity of a deserted industrial plant, ready to graps his gun. Hat, boots, belt: the last pistolero is going to face the hardest of challenges…

“The Number” is a fable about the life of a simple pencil. We will share his feelings, his fears and his dreams… because although you may not know, pencils also dream.

Një njeri sillet vërdallë një uzine të braktisur, i gatshëm të rrokë armën. Kapele, çizme, rrip mesi: i fundit i kaubojsave gjëndet përballë një sfide shumë të vështirë.

Ky film është fabula e jetës së një lapsi të thjeshtë. Në të do të njihemi me ndjenjat, frikën dhe ëndrrat e tij… sepse, ndoshta ju nuk e dini, por edhe lapsat ëndërrojnë.

Producer/P roducent roducer/Producent roducent: CKS Cinema e Comunicazione–(Turin / Italy) Script/ enari: Sebastiano Ruiz Mignone Photograph y/F otografia Skenari: Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Alessandro Sk a: Ennio Morricone; Federico Malandrino/ Dominici Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: Alessandro Rogazzo Sound/Zëri: Matteo Franceschini Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: s/Aktorë Alberto Micelotta Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Franco Nero

Producer/P roducent roducer/Producent roducent: Marco Besas, Jose Antonio Pastor, Martin Coiffier, enari: Marco Besas Photograph y/F otografia Monica Acebes Script/Sk cript/Skenari: Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: a: Raul Gomez-Zurdo Sound/Zëri: Jaime Jaime Rebato Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: s/Aktorë Barros, Jose Luis Fernandez Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Luis Villar Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Lola Lemos, The Voice of Juan Tamriz, Ruben Tobias

Alessandro Dominici was born in Carmagnola Italy 1957. Since 1992, he has been working in the field of advertising photography. He was chosen, for his work of research, for the “ Catalogue of young Italian Photographers”. He is among the photographers chosen by Kodak to participate to the “Kodak European Gold award 1997”, competition on the creative portrait reserved to professional photographers. He has participated to several collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad; in the year 2002 he has his first one – ma exhibition at Ducal Palace of Genoa, with title “Zuarisoreo”. Before “The last gunman”, he works as a film director and photography producing short movies.

Marco Besas, born in 1969 in Madrid (Spain.). 1991 he directs two shorts in 35mm winning various awards at the Madrid Film Festival (IMAGFIC 91) and the Houston WorldFest.In the year 2001 he starts his own production company ‘Tic-Tac Films”. Filmography : “EI ultimo Secreto de Luis Candelas” -IV Festival de Cortometrajes de Mieres (Asturias) 2002.- Best Short (in video) -XXI Concurso NacionaI de Cinema de Navas (Barcelona) 2002 - 2nd Best Docnmentary “Ley 4512/98” -Festival de Alcala de Henares 2001... -2ndBest Short,Best Script. “Contracciones” (1992 -Festival de Houston 1992: -Merit Award, “SueHios de Humo” (1991. -IMAGFIC 91) -Best Short, ”Contracciones” (1992-Festival de Houston 1992: -Merit A ward


The Stairs

The Visitor




44 45

Switzerland/2003/35 mm /22’

UK/2002/35mm/ 20’

Frederic Mermoud

Victoria Harwood

Rachel. Aged 15. has a crush on Herve, a young high school boy. The staircase of her block of flats is where they meet. Kiss out about one another. One night, Herve makes a proposition, that both of them should run away to Normandy.

The visitor believes that love is easily destroyed. When he meets Isabel the destruction of her love for her husband becomes a greater challenge than he anticipated. He finds himself falling for her with tragic consequences.

Rachel, 15-vjeçe, ka rënë brënda me Herve, një nxënës i shkollës së mesme. Ata takohen tek shkallët e pallatit ku banon ajo. Puthen me njëri tjetrin. Një natë, Herve bën një propozim, që të dy të arratisen në Normandi.

Miku beson se dashuria mund të shkatërrohet me lehtësi. Kur ai njihet me Izabelën, shkatërrimi i dashurisë së saj për bashkëshortin kthehet në një sfidë më të vështirë nga ç’e priste ai. Në fund e kupton se i ka rënë në kokë për të, dhe kjo ka pasoja tragjike.

Producer/P roducent enari: roducer/Producent roducent: Alain Peyrollaz & Frédéric Mermoud Script/Sk cript/Skenari: y/F otografia Frédéric Mermoud Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Thomas Hardmeier Sound/ Zëri: Julien Sicart, Bruno Reiland, Florent Lavallée Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: s/Aktorë: Nina Meurisse, Clément van den Bergh, Sarah Anderson Actor Actors/Aktorë: Stéphanie Sokolinski, Camille Japy

Producer/P roducent: Lucie Wenigerova. Script/Sk enari roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Victoria Harwood. Photograph y/F otografia a: Dario Marianelli. Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Susi Rowell. Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Sound/Zeri: Daniel Goganian. Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Cinzia Baldessari. Actor s/Aktorë: Ana Gieslerova, Pedja Bjelac, David Matasek Actors/Aktorë:

Frédéric Mermoud was born in 1969 in Sion (Switzerland). 1999, Graduated at the ECAL-DAVI filmschool (Lausanne); 1994, MA in Philosophy. University of Geneva; 2003, L’escalier, fiction, 22’, 35mm, Tabo Tabo films and FCA films, Grand Prix des premiers films, Festival Images 02Vevey; 1999, Les électrons libres, 14’, 35mm, ECAL-DAVI. Prix Action Light Locarno international film Festival. Mention du jury, Cergy Pontoise film Festival. Selected in competition in more than 20 film festivals, among others Hamburg, Clermont-Ferrand, Tel Aviv…; 1998, Son jour à elle, 4’, 35mm, ECAL and ARTE, Selected in competition in more than 10 film festivals, among others Oberhausen, Locarno…

Victoria Harwood Preserve, 12 mins, 35 mm Still Life, 9 mins, 16mm Lilly, 6 mins, 16mm Blood Money, 3 mins, 16mm





Hilja Kuntzim

Spain /2002/35mm/ 3’30”

Israel/2002/Beta /12’30”

Asier Altuna

Ido Haar

The men from a small village make a circle in the middle of the town square. In the middle of the circle, a fight between two rams...

Naa’ma, a fiery 28-years old redhead, comes home after a long stay abroad. She meets her cousin Eitan with whom she played under the fig tree as a child. The encounter awakens old memories and feelings. But this time it’s not child’s play...

Burrat e një fshati të vogël formojnë një rreth në mes të sheshit të qytetit. Në mes të rrethit, një ndeshje midis dy deshësh…

Naa’ma, një kuqe 28-vjeçare, kthehet në shtëpi pas një qëndrimi të gjatë jashtë shtetit. Atje takohet me kushëririn Eitan me të cilin kur ka qënë fëmijë, ka luajtur nën kurorën e fikut. Ky takim zgjon kujtime dhe ndjenja të vjetra. Por tani nuk ka më lojëra fëmijërie...

Producer/P roducent: Xanti Ezkurra, Asier Altuna Script/Sk enari roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Joseba y/F otografia a: Sarrionandia Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Txema Areizaga Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/ Javi Pez Sound/Zëri: Pablo Sanz Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Mapa & Pite Actor Actors/ Aktorë: 2 Rams And 80 Fellows

Producer/P roducent: Ido Haar Script/Sk enari y/ roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Ido Haar Photograph Photography/ Fotografia a: Yoav Katzir Sound/Zëri: Gil Shapira otografia: Alit Goren Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Editing/Montazhi s/Aktorë: Hila Vidor; Xanya Trochek; Editing/Montazhi: Ido Haar Actor Actors/Aktorë: Moshe Folkenflik

Bergara, 1969. Asier Altuna has studied different areas of filmmaking in the Basque Country, Venezuela and Cuba. With one of his earlier short films, Txotx, co-directed by Telmo Esnal, Altuna has participated in a number of festivals and been awarded different prizes. He now works as screenwriter for the ETB programme Sorginen laratza. 1991: Herriko banda (short film, video) 1991: Insumiso presoak askatu (short film, video) 1994: Austin FX4 (short film, 35 mm)1997: Txotx (short film, 35 mm)1999: 40 ezetz (short film, 35 mm)2002: Topeka (short film, 35 mm)

1997-2002: The Sam-Spiegel School For Film & Television, Jerusalem. 2002/2003: ”Dedushka S ibiria” long documentary- director Films: “Tricks” The Jerusalem Film Festival, 2003. “Abgedreht” Film Festival, Germany, 2003,Eurovideo.Malaga SPAIN; “Step by Step” Jerusalem Film Festival, 2001; Malescorto Festival, Italy, 2002 – won the Foreign Movie award. Festivals in Sweden, Island, Latvia, Estonia



You Should Make Movies


Ti duhet të bësh filma

A Ferida

Tu Devrais Faire Du Cinéma

46 47

Portugal /2003/35mm/ 16’

Belgium/2002/35mm/ 8’

Margarida Leitão

Michel Vereecken

Wounded is portrait of a silence. Nourished by pain, it corrupts the intimacy of a couple that has lost their child. The mother, Gracinda Nave, refuses to speak, transforming their home in a place of mourning where memories shatter lovers, ruining the relation with her husband, José Airosa.

In a small suburban studio, Paul edits X-movies, thousands of miles from his child dreams. As he steps out to go back home, a limousine stops and a highly recognized director asks Paul the favor to edit his first film.

Ky film është portreti i një heshtjeje. E ushqyer prej dhimbjes, kjo heshtje prish afërsinë e një çifti që ka humbur fëmijën. Nëna, Gracinda Nave, nuk pranon të flasë, duke e kthyer shtëpinë e tyre në një vend vajtimi, ku kujtimet i shkatërrojnë të dashurit, duke rrënuar kështu marrëdhënien me bashkëshortin e saj, José Airosa.

Producer/P roducent: Animatografo2 / Pandora da Cunha Telles Script/ roducer/Producent: enari y/F otografia Skenari enari: Margarida Leitão Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Paulo Ares Music/ Sk Muzik a: António Pedro Sound/Zëri: Vasco Pimentel Editing/Montazhi Muzika Editing/Montazhi: s/Aktorë: Gracinda Nave, José Airosa João Brás Actor Actors/Aktorë:

MARGARIDA LEITÃO was born on April 23rd, 1976 In 1997 she graduated from Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in film directing. (Lisbon) In the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema she directed in 1997 Fôlego a 10 min. fiction, and in 1998 Kilandukilu/ Diversão a 24min. documentary selected by the International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam. Winner of an honourable mention in International Short-Film Festival of Vila do Conde in Portugal.

Në një studio të vogël në periferi, Paul bën montazh të filmave porno, çka qëndron shumë larg prej ëndrrave të tij të fëmijërisë. Teksa bëhet gati të shkojë në shtëpi, vjen një limuzinë, prej së cilës del një regjizor shumë i famshëm, i cili i lutet Paul-it të montojë filmin e tij të parë.

Producer/P roducent: Nota Bene Script/Sk enari roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Caroline Bongrand Photograph y/F otografia a: Maidi Roth Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Philippe Guilbert Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Sound/Zëri: Dominique Lacour Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Laurence Briaud Actor s/Aktorë: Claude Chabrol, Pierre Lou Rajot, Maéva Galenter Actors/Aktorë:

Michel Vereecken Born July 7, 1964 La petite graine, 1995 Tu devrais faire du cinéma, 2001


Your Chicken Died of Hunger Pula juaj ngordhi nga uria

Luxembourg /2002/35mm/ 30’

Beryl Koltz In a trade fair of contemporary art exhibiting one image more unbearable than the next, three men turn up with one sole goal in mind: to steal the safest « bet » of the exhibition, the picture of a thin chicken on a plate entitled, « Your chicken died of hunger ». Në një ekspozitë të artit bashkëkohor, ku janë paraqitur një imazh më i padurueshëm se tjetri, mbërrijnë tre njerëz me një qëllim të vetëm në mendje: për të vjedhur objektin më të “hajrit” të ekspozitës, një pikturë të një pule të dobët të titulluar “Pula jote vdiq nga uria”.

Producer/P roducent: Samsa Film Script/Sk enari y/ roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Beryl Koltz Photograph Photography/ Fotografia a: Jeannot Sanavia Sound/Zëri: otografia: Jako Raybaut Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/Aktorë: Alfredo Marc Engels Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Frédéric Fichefet Actor Actors/Aktorë: Pea

Beryl Koltz




Anglobilly Feverson

Hope’s Water Ujerat e shpreses Eau Des Espoirs

Netherlands/2002/35 mm/9’45”



Damien Stumpf & Mickaël Lorenzi

Méliès meets Kerouac in a cryptic roadmovie through the clouds. Instead of a hole in the head, Diddybob gets a story about a hole in the sky; A legendary Anglobilly Feverson once flew off to leave his cursed life behind and check the other side. His journey was long and tiresome. He had to deal with the smallest and biggest residents of the sky before he reached his destination.

Në provincë një prift i moshuar është shumë i hidhëruar për thatësirën që i ka shkatërruar kopshtin e tij.

Méliès njihet me Kerouac në një film të mistershëm mes reve. Në vend të një vrime në kokë, Diddybob dëgjon një histori për një vrimë në qiell. Legjendari Anglobilly Feverson dikur u largua për të lënë pas shpatullave jetën e tij të mallkuar dhe për të parë çfarë ka në anën tjetër. Udhëtimi i tij ishte i gjatë dhe i lodhshëm. Iu desh të përballet me banorët e vegjël e të mëdhenj të qiellit përpara se të mbërrijë në destinacion.

Producer/P roducent: Inc/ Richard Valk Script/Sk roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: Rosto enari y/F otografia Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Animation/Animacioni: Studio Rosto A.D Photograph a: Robbert-Jan v.d Does Sound/Zëri: Kees Kroot/ Wim Vonk Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/Aktorë: W. Walley as Diddybob / Anglobilly Rosto Actor Actors/Aktorë:

Since 1992 director/designer Rosto has been running an independent studio for media and design, since ‘95 called “Rosto A.D” and now sheltering three artists. Rosto A.D works within design, directing, animation and music.Eversince the start of the running graphic novel “Mind My Gap” the independent flow is the bigger half. “Together in a Car” ; “Sing!” ; “Beheaded” - Montecatini Filmvideo 2000 shorts festival “Best Musical Short”; F.I.M.I ; Premio 2000 “Best Musical Short” F.I.M.I. Italy; “Mind My Gap” ; “(The Rise And Fall Of The Legendary) Anglobilly Feverson ; “Live to Work” Animation Sequence ; “Tomorrow I’ll Wake up in Berlin” Dreamsequence children’s film; “Anouk:The Dark“ musicvideo - TMF Award 2000 “Best National Musicvideo”

Producer/P roducenti enari Photograph y/F otografia roducer/Producenti roducenti: Supinfocom Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia Sound/Zëri Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Damien Stumpf & Mickaël Lorenzi


Getting In Position




Tengo la posizione


50 51

Italy/2001/Beta /4’

Poland / 2002 / Beta / 4’

Simone Massi

Dobromil Nosek

He doesn’t stop resisting; he stands in the snow, in the silence, refusing to move.

In this world the control that surrounds us everywhere is something natural or even stimulating for a human activity. The Chameleon from the movie wants to unify in contrary. It’s his natural, mimetic feature. He wants to fit into his surrounding not to be recognized.

Nuk rresht së rezistuari; atje në bore qëndron, i heshtur, duke mos pranuar të lëvizë.

Në këtë botë kontrolli që na rrethon ngado është ndonjëherë i natyrshëm dhe madje përbën një shtysë për aktivitetin njerëzor. Kameleoni i këtij filmi kërkon të bëjë të kundërtën. Ky është tipari i tij i natyrshëm. Ai dëshiron të përshatet me mjedisin që e rrethon në mënyrë që mos ta dallojë askush.

Producer/P roducent S cript/Sk enari Animation/Animacioni: Simone Massi roducer/Producent Script/Sk cript/Skenari Sound/Zëri: Stefano Franceschetti Editing/Montazhi: Simone Massi

Simone Massi was born in Pergola, Italy, on May 23rd, 1970. After getting his degree in Animated Cinema (full marks and honours) from the State Institute of Fine Arts of Urbino, he spent a period of work experience with the Bozzetto Studio. He works as a free-lance animator. Immemoria, -1995; Racconti, - 1996; Keep on! Keepin’ on! - 1997 Io so chi sono, - 1998; Adombra, 1999; Pittore Aereo, - 2001

Producer/P roducent Photograph y/F otografia S cript/Sk enari Animation/ roducer/Producent Photography/F y/Fotografia Script/Sk cript/Skenari Animacioni Editing/Montazhi diting/Montazhi S ound / Zëri: Dobromil Nosek Music/ usic/ Sound Muzik a: Peacock&Garbarek Muzika:

He was born at 19th March 1976. He was study in ASP on the Animated Cartoon Department supervised by a great tutor, Prof. Kazimierz Urbanski. The names of such personalities as Jan Switka being in charge of Painting study and Janusz Tatarski supervising the Video lab are also worth mentioning. While studying He used to travel a lot to the Western Europe and the USA. “4” technique:animation with already prepared elements+ PC, “InTERIOR” technique: salt, music:-diploma in ASP ; “Study by fullcolour” technique: animation with already prepared elements+ PC ; “Gula.Superbia.Ira” technique:animation with already prepared elements+ PC ; ”Clip for Country House Family”, technique: animation with already prepared elements.


Le Dog




Damien O’Connor


A short film about bestiality and murder.

Olivier Barre, Nicolas Bruchet, Samuel Devynck

Një film i shkurtër për shtazërinë dhe krimin.

Një gominë zbulon prapaskenën e spektaklit të tij.

Producer/P roducent roducer/Producent roducent: Steve Woods Animation/Animacioni: Cartoon enari Photograph y/F otografia: Damien O’Connor Music/ Saloon Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia: Muzik a: Darren Hendley Sound/Zëri Muzika: ound/Zëri: Darren Hendley Editing/Montazhi: s/Aktorë JDM Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Frank Kelly

Producer/P roducenti enari Photograph y/ roducer/Producenti roducenti: Supinfocom Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/ Fotografia otografia: Oliver Barre, Nicolas Bruchet, Samuel Devynck Sound/Zëri Music/Muzik a: Victor Belin, Antoine Eole Music/Muzika

Damien O’Connor was born in 1972 and since then has completed two award winning animated films, Le Dog 2001 and Mutt 1996. He currently works as a writer and has recently made a documentary in war torn Angola. He lives and works in Dublin Ireland.



Nosferatu Tango


52 53



Boris Despodov

Zoltan Horvath

Peculiar scrutiny into the dreary flow of the reasonable man who is burdened with myths, desires, instincts, and via his very being, provokes the downfall of mythology and the mythology of downfall.

A mosquito falls in love with a vampire… A fable that shows how blind love is. Një mushkonjë bie në dashuri me një vampir… Nja fabul që na tregon sa e verbër është dashuria.

Një ekzaminim i pazakontë i rrjedhës së frikshme të mendimeve të një njeriu të arsyeshëm, të cilit i janë bërë barrë mitet, dëshirat, instiktet dhe përmes vetë qënies së tij, ai provokon shkatërrimin e mitologjisë dhe mitologjinë e shkatërrimit.

Production/P roducent: Ivan Pavlov Script/Sk enari: Mila Petkova roduction/Producent: cript/Skenari: Animation/Animacioni: Boris Despodov Photograph y/F otografia: N. Photography/F y/Fotografia: a: Bogidar Petkov Lazarov Music/Muzik Music/Muzika:

Producer/P roducent: Le Mur Du Son Cinema Script enari: Zoltan roducer/Producent: criptIISk Skenari: Horvath Animation/Animacioni Animation/Animacioni: David Hodgetts Boris Rabusseau Music/ Muzik a:Laurent Ecabert; Jean-Michel Daviron Sound/Zëri: Muzika ound/Zëri:François Loubeyre Editing/Montazhi: Zoltan Horvath

Boris Despodov was born on March 02,1973 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is working in the field of animation, painting, graphic design and illustration. He has published drawings and illustrations in different periodicals:Democracy, Letterer paper, Letré international (Prague), Balkon (Budapest), Nouvelle Alternative (Paris). Since 1998 he is a member of the board of directors of Bulgarian Photographic association.Since 1997 he is publisher and author of Kamikaze magazine; an edition for culture. Photomatone; Poet and his muse; Mythology - IFF Golden Knight Russia Special Jury award; Official competitions-2002 Montreal, KinofilmManchester, Leipzig, Cinanima- Portugal, Budapest, Melbourne, Morbegno Italy

Zoltan Horvath was born in 1966, Geneva. He studies in Conception, Redaction and Illustration of publications and books. Illustration of articles Conception and Illustration of comics Political drawings for newspapers in Geneva Le trompette de Géricault ; Carcasses et Crustacés - Prize de la Société Suisse des Auteurs, Locarno 98, Prix « Egli video & film AG » - festival Cinéma Tout, Premier Prize «Troisième Dimension » -SCAM, Premier Prize -Festival International Szolnok (H) ; Nosferatu Tango – Public Prize « Better Animation », Soleure 2002 (CH) ; 2nd Prize, Festival Burgdorf 2002 (CH) ; 2nd Prize – Lille 2002 (F) ; Prize for Better Corto-Métrage - Monte Catini 2002 (I), Aubagne 2002 (F), ClermontFerrand 2002 (F), Festival International du Film Cynenigma in Luxembourg 2003 (Lux).



Parenthese Parantezë



Lucas Vallerie, Mathieu Gastaldi, Sylvian Crombet

François Blondeau, Thibault Deloof, Jeremie Droulers, Cristophe Stampe

Once upon a time, an old eccentric fascinated by the MOON and living in a garbage dump, is knocked by an apple which falls from up. It makes him decide to find out where it comes from and to realize his dreams. It’s a story about a puppet who leaves his stage set to find out who or what is looking him from up.

Një djalosh ndërgjegjësohet për faktin që koha ikën shumë shpejt.

Nje here e nje kohe, nje njeri eksentrik, i magjepsur prej HENES, i cili jeton ne nje grumbull plehrash, e godet ne koke nje kokerr molle qe bie nga lart. Prej kesaj ai vendos te zbuloje se nga erdhi kjo kokerr molle, duke realizuar keshtu endrren e tij. Kjo eshte historia e nje marionette qe largohet prej skenes ku luan per te zbuluar se kush e veshtron qe prej lart.

Producer/P roducenti enari Photograph y/ roducer/Producenti roducenti: Supinfocom Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/ Fotografia: Lucas Vallerie, Mathieu Gastaldi, Sylvian Crombet Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: a: Gaetan Campos, Stephane Corbin, Arnaud Deresnes Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Natacha Tertone Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Lucas Vallerie, Mathieu Gastaldi, Sylvian Crombet

July2003 -End of Graduate School of Computer Graphics at SUPINFOCOM. Realization of a 3D animation short film “OTSU”; 2001 – 2003’ Two years of Computer Graphics specialization at SUPINFOCOM, Valenciennes; 1999 – 2003, Two years of artistic preparation at SUPINFOCOM; July 1999, Baccalaureat (French Hight School leaving Diploma) specialised in Science and Technology; END 2003; Animation on “Le Regulateur”, Short film by P.GRAMMATICOPOULOS at Mac Guff Ligne, Paris; SUMMER 2002, Modeling and Animation on “Le Regulateur” at DUBOI PARIS; SUMMER 2001, Animation on “PINNOCHIO”at XD Prod, Paris; SUMMER 2000, Concept, modeling and animation an advertising for “RENOVA” at XD Prod, Paris; NOV 2002, Collective Animation at Eur.Young – Creation festival “Prix Coup de Coeur BNP PARIBAS”

Producer/P roducenti enari Photograph y/F otografia roducer/Producenti roducenti: Supinfocom Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: François Blondeau, Thibault Deloof, Jeremie Droulers, a: Natacha Cristophe Stampe Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Arnaud Deresnes Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Tertone



Somebody Else Dikush Tjetër Quelqu’un D’Autre

54 55

Netherland/2002/35mm /8’30”

Adriaan Lokman An abstract film with combined techniques. Një film abstrakt i realizuar me disa teknika të kombinuara.


Frederic Bosz, Jean Charles Kerninon, Baptiste Masse, Baptiste Van Opstal. Pak e çmendur, ajo përpiqet të shndërrojë botën, duke bërë një bilanc të eksperiencave të saj, pasi ajo i është mërzitur.

Producer/P roducent: Maarten van der Leeden Script/Sk enari Animation/ roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari Animacioni Editing/Montazhi y/F otografia Editing/Montazhi: A. Lokman Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: H. van a: Erik Stok & Jeroen Verheij Erik Stok Hoytema Sound/Zëri Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: & Jeroen Verheij

Adriaan Lokman (1960) studied illustration and animation at the Art Academy of Rotterdam. His company Lokman Produkties produces animation, company presentations on video, projection for large-scale media events, internet sites, vj performances and short films. His first short film Barcode (2001), which has been selected for many international animation festivals and has won several prizes a.o. the Grand Prix at the Annecy Animation Festival and the Grand Prix at The Holland Animation Film Festival. His second short film is Shredder, Trainspotting (2002)) Awards: Utrecht: GRAND PRIX 2002; World festival of animated films in Zagreb, Croatia: SPECIAL RECOGNITION; Bitfilm Festival, Hamburg: BITFILM AWARD; Leipzig International Festival for Documentary and Animated Films: SILVER DOVE; New York Expo: JURY AWARD; Animadrid: PREMIO INNOVA.



The Lift


Ashensori L’Ascenseur



Artan Maku

Eve Chauvet, Valentine De Baulieu

By sculpturing a rock, the stonecutter creates a couple. They take life from the breathing of birds. The Evil tries to petrify again the young couple, but the stonecutter protects them by giving them his own heart, and so he is self-petrified.The heart of stonecutter covers the couple by burning the Evil.

A small awkward man, Bonni, lives only through his passion the sculpture and his model, which he can see only thanks to the passage of the elevator’s light, hang on his building’s frontage.

Duke skulpturuar shkëmbin, një gur-gdhendës krijon një çift. Ata marrin jetë nga frymëmarrja e zogjve. Ligësia përpiqet ta ngurtësojë përsëri çiftin e ri, por gur-gdhendësi i mbron duke iu dhënë zemrën e tij, duke u kthyer vetë në gur. Zemra e gur-gdhendësit e mbron çiftin duke e djegur Ligësinë.

Nje njeri trupvogel dhe i ngathet, Bonni, jeton vetem me pasionin, skulpturen dhe modelin e tij, te cilin mund ta shohe vetem fale drites se ashensorit i cili eshte i instaluar ne fasaden e godines ku jeton.

Producer/P roducenti enari roducer/Producenti roducenti: Bota Shqiptare Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Jani Duri Animation/Animacioni y/F otografia Animation/Animacioni: Artan Maku Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Sonja a: Mira Mercule Sound/Zëri Mamaqi Music/Muzik Music/Muzika ound/Zëri: Abdulla Osmanlli Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Elpiniqi Coja

Producer/P roducenti enari Photograph y/F otografia roducer/Producenti roducenti: Supinfocom Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia Editing/Montazhi: Eve Chauvet, Valentine De Baulieu

Artan Maku born in Tirana in 11.08.1954. He has been graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana, the painting branch. He has realised 8 screenplays as a coauthor, 16 animated films as a director and 2 films as a painter-animator. In 1994 he has been working in Greece as a painter – animator in three different studios in Athens: “Artoon studio”, “Unimitel Studio” and “Animation Studio”. Seeking… (Olympia, Greece – 2002); Stonecutter (Germany 2002, Egypt 2002) Photographs; Love in four seasons (Annecy, France 1998, Drama, Greece 1997);The last song (Ankara, Turkey);Two brothers; For a nut; The portrait; Pik with a fox-hide (Giffoni, Italy); Pik goes hunting; Not like that; Pik (2nd part) ;The magic flower; Not like that, Pik (1st part);The fir-tree is among us; You naughty rabbits!; The Fox and the Hedgehog.

2002-2003 - Numeric realisator, with mention 2nd year in Superior cycle of infography 3d, Supinfocom school,Arles Realisation of a short film in 3d, With Valentine de BEAULIEU; 2001-2002 - 1st year in Superior cycle of infography 3d, Supinfocom school,Arles; 2000 – 2001, 1st year in New images,specialisated in 3d,ECV, (Ecole de communication vissuelle),Bordeaux; 1999 – 2000 Prepared year in Graphic art, ECV, (Ecole de communication vissuelle),Aix en Provence Deug of History and Art History and Archeology; 1997 – 1999 Second year Deugs of History and Art History and Archeology, Paul Valery Faculty, Montpellier; 1996 – 1997, First year Deugs of History and Art History and Archeology, Paul Valery Faculty, Montpellier; 1995 – 1996 Baccalaureat Litterature, Lycee St Joseph, Avignon


The Love Time of Scorpions Koha e Dashurisë së Akrepave

The Old Man With Knapsack Plaku me Thes Be-Nang-Men-Noin

56 57


South Corea/2003/35mm/11’

Ergys Faja & Bertrand Shijaku

Woonki Kim

An obsessive scorpion love that in the human analogy means violence, sex, fear from the females or perhaps… hidden matriarchy! To live or not to live in the relations means… the same destiny.

A long time ago, a boy left a village. And he, who has become an old man now, comes back to the village alone. He always carries a big, black knapsack, and village people’s curiosity and supposition about the knapsack grow bigger and bigger.

Një dashuri akrepash që në analogjinë njerëzore do të thotë dhunë, seks, frikë prej femrave ose ndoshta… matriarkalizëm! Të jetosh ose të mos jetosh në një marrëdhënie do të thotë … e njëjta gjë.

Shumë kohë më parë, një djalë u largua nga fshati i tij. Dhe ky djalë, i cili tashmë është plakur, kthehet në fshat i vetëm. Me vete mban gjithmonë një cantë shpine të madhe të zezë dhe kureshtja dhe hamendjet e banorëve të fshatit rriten gjithnjë e më shumë.

Producer/P roducent: Art Studio Grishaj S cript / Sk enari: Fatmir Baçi roducer/Producent: Script Skenari: Animation/Animacioni: Ergys Faja Photograph y/F otografia: Bertrand Shijaku Editing/Montazhi: A.Pasko Photography/F y/Fotografia: Sound/Zëri: A.Osmanlliu Producer/P roducent S cript/Sk enari: Woonki Kim Animation/Animacioni: roducer/Producent Script/Sk cript/Skenari: a: HeeYeon Kim S ound/Zëri: SuDuk Kim HyunKyung Park Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: Sound/Zëri: Editing/Montazhi: Woonki Kim

1992 -Finished the academy of Arts for graphic branch 1996 -Animator of the film: “ The dead and the alive”; 1997 -Director of the film: “The woodsman balled”; 1999 Director of the film: “ Devilish game”; 2000 -Animator of the film : “Tunnel”; 2001 -Animator of the film: “ The joke”; 2002 -Director of the film: “The love time of scorpions” 2002 -Animator of the film: “Nine years and nine days”; 1996 -Finished the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana for visual branch “ ...; 1997 -Painter- Animator of the film:” The Woodsman Ballad” 1999 Painter- Animator of the film:’The Photos” Bertrand SHIJAKU 2001 -As/ Animator of the Film: “ The Stonecutter” 2002 -Director of The film: “The Love Time of Scorpions”

Woonki Kim Born in Korea in 1971 Oct. Graduated Kong-Ju University / Cartoon Arts Graduated Korean Academy of Film Arts / Animation Directing (2003) 2001 Hey,Look! (4:10) - Anitown Festival/Audience Prize 2003 the Oldman with Knapsack(11:16)


The Ritual

The Tram No9 Goes Tramvai No9


Ischov Tramvai N9



Albert Malltezi

Kovl Stepan

As usual, the same thing, has happened, happens and will always happen, because there’s always a number “one” and there are some others, too, which would so much like to be so. It’s difficult to become, but it’s still more difficult to continue beling like this “a number one”. This is what is called “RITUAL” I say this, and many others would like to say it more and more loudly, just like me...

This Film about one day in tram, about our LIFE Ky film bën fjalë për një ditë të zakonshme në tramvaj, për jetën tonë.

Si gjithmonë gjërat kanë ndodhur, ndodhin dhe do të ndodhin, sepse gjithmonë ka një “të parë”, dhe ka të tjerë, që duan të jenë të parë gjithashtu. Eshtë e vështirë të fillosh, por më e veshtirë të vazhdosh…. Ky është “I pari”, që e quajmë “Ritual” Unë them këtë dhe të tjerë duan ta thonë fort e më fort, ashtu si dhe unë...

Producer/P roducent Animation/Animacioni roducer/Producent Animation/Animacioni: Albert Malltezi

Albert Malltezi –filmography; 1994 -”the dead and the alive”; 1997 -” eternal games”; 1999 -”caprice “2000 -” the ritual”; Albert Malltezi has finished 1988 academy QF Arts in Tirana. 1989 working in Albafilm animation studio, Tirana; 1995-96 prof.in academy of arts in Tirana; 19972001 director in Shijak tv; 2001-2003 director in Top Channel autor in more spots tv

Producer/P roducenti: Dep.Of Culture Of Ukraine Script/Sk enari roducer/Producenti: cript/Skenari enari: Koval y/F otografia Stepan Animation/Animacioni Animation/Animacioni:Tsurikov, Koval Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: a: Zuk I Sound/Zëri Nikolaenko A Music/Muzik Music/Muzika ound/Zëri: Jaschenko S Editing/ Montazhi Montazhi: Kusenko S

Was born 18.07.1965 in Novomoskovsk. Dnepr.reg In 1993 finished the Academi of Arts in Kiev (arhitecture) In 1998 finished the Theatrical institute in Kiev (director of animation films) - That’s me; student film (about me) (prize on the KROK1995) - Z-Z-Z; diplom film (about sides of mirror)(prize on Vidkrita nich 1998; in Kiev ) - The tram No9 goes - (gran-pri on KROK 2002, prize on MOLODIST 2002, Silver Bear in BERLINALE 2003)



White Night


Nata e Bardhë Nuit Blanche

58 59


Artur Dauti In an old rail way station, people are waiting in line to get tickets for the last train. The train sets off and enters in a dark tunnel. A tiny lamp illuminates the tired and long- suffering faces of the passengers. They have no idea where they are going. Suddenly a powerful light comes on. It is the end of the tunnel. The passengers are glad, but also frightened. They are nowfaced with questions; should they stay or should they go back.


Jeremie Moncomble, Isabelle Perin Leduc, Julien Bolbach, Clement Gerard Bisedë misterioze e psikologut me pacientin e tij.

Në një stacion të vjetër treni, disa njerëz presin në rradhë për të blerë bileta për trenin e fundit. Treni niset dhe hyn në një tunel të errët. Fytyrat e lodhura dhe të vuajtura të pasagjerëve i ndriçon vetëm një llampë e voçkël. Ata nuk e dinë fare ku po shkojnë. Befas, hapet një dritë e fuqishme. Tunelit i ka ardhur fundi. Pasagjerët janë të gëzuar, por edhe të frikësuar: tani ata gjenden përballë dilemës, a duhet të qëndrojnë apo duhet të kthehen mbrapa.

Producer /P roducent enari /Producent roducent: Ergys Faja Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Roland Gjoza Animation/ Animacioni: Artur Dauti, Ergys Faja Editing/Montazhi: Atalanta Pasko Sound/ Zëri a: Boiken Lako Zëri: Abdulla Osmanlliu Music Music//Muzik Muzika

Artur Dauti born on November 13 1957. He was an Director, Art Director of Animated Film. Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana,Picture and Scenography branch. 1981-2002 Realized 19 animated films in different techniques from cut paper to cell from drawing on paper to puppets, from aquarrel to silouhette. Some of them are: The Wolf and the Kids, Toci & Poci, The Last Tick – Tack, Wolf-Wolf, The Marionette, Consensus, The Joke, Nine Years….And Nine Days… etc - “The lonely giant” is the winner of the Cup of the 10-Albanian Film Festival as the best-animated film Partecipant in International Animated Film festivals as:Annency-France 1989,2000,2001; Espinho-Poltugal1994,1997;Madrid-Spain 2001; Bursa, Ankara- Turkey 1993,1996; Lille-France 1999; Tehran-Iran, 2001; HiroshimaJapan 2000; Sao-Paolo, Brazil 2001; Drama-Greece, 2001; Hiroshima-Japan, 2002; Bergamo-Italy 2002 (third prize as anim.film)

Producer/P roducenti enari Photograph y/F otografia roducer/Producenti roducenti: Supinfocom Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Jeremie Moncomble, Isabelle Perin Leduc, Julien Bolbach, Clement Gerard Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Julien Bolbach, Clement Gerard Music/Muzik a: Howard Shore, Marco Beltrami, Alan Silvestri, Dom Davis, Music/Muzika A. Badalamanti



Abandoned Eden

Between Idols

Edeni i Braktisur

Çdo të Thotë



Eno Milkani

Pluton Vasi

In a beautiful coastal village of south Albania, a fist of old people is left alone, because the young people have emigrated. The presence of a baby in this village makes all the people happy, and for a time they will dedicate their energies on taking care for this baby. Their happiness won’t last forever; this baby will follow the destiny of his young parents.

The artistic documentary brings up the inside history of Albania as it springs differently from and through the women’s destinies. Ky film dokumentar na rrëfen historinë e brendshme të Shqipërisë, e përcaktuar prej fateve të grave.

Në një fshat të bukur të bregut, një grusht pleqsh kanë ngelur vetëm, sepse të rinjtë kanë shkuar të gjithë në emigracion. Prania e një foshnjeje në fshat i bën të gjithë të lumtur, dhe ata ia kushtojnë të gjitha energjitë fëmijës. Lumturia e tyre nuk do të zgjasë shumë. Edhe ky fëmijë do të ndjekë fatin e prindërve të tij.

Production/P roducent enari roduction/Producent roducent: Besnik Bisha Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Roland Gjoza Photograph y/F otografia a: Genti Lako Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia:: Michal Vojkuvka Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Spiro Konduri & Arben Mece Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Eno Milkani Actor s/Aktorë Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Lilo Lani etc

Production/P roducent S cript/Sk enari y/ roduction/Producent Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Pluton Vasi Photograph Photography/ Fotografia: Agim Kuri Music/Muzik a: Albanian Folk Music Sound/Zëri: Music/Muzika Bardhyl Xhani Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Edlira Dermani; Andon Beqari

Eno Milkani born on 05. 03. 1969 at Tirana. 1987 - 1992 Academy of Arts (Theatre Directing) 1993 - 1994 EUROPEAN FILM COLLEGE, Ebeltoft, DENMARK. 1995 - 1995 Director of photography, documentary “HIC SUNT LEONES”; 1996 - 1997 Cameraman for APTV, REUTERS; 1998 - 1998 Script and director “KOLAZH” live show for National TV, Arberia; 1998 - 1998 Editor of the documentary “Eyes of Kosovo” dir. K.CASHKU; 1999 – Editor of the documentary serial “Heroes of Albania” dir S.Kumbaro; 2000 – “THE BEGGAR” camera. Dir. VASJAN LAMI 2001 - “Abandoned Eden” director; 2002 – Producer for “OPEN”. Monthly programme on investigative Journalism.“USAID” IREX production.; 2002 Editor of the documentary “Equinox” dir. K.Cashku; 2002 – “MAT COMMUNICATON” Video-Audio Editing Company;

PLUTON VASI born in 10 June 1963, Durres, Albania. - 1982-1986, graduated in Drama Branch, Academy of Arts, Tirana, Albania. - 1992, screenwriter and director of TV movie called “It is called here”. Selected in Prix Future Festival, 1993, Berlin, Germany and in “Chaos and hope” Festival, 1993, Tokyo, Japan. - They fly upwards the sky - Selected in Prix Future Festival, 1996, Berlin, Germany. - The song - Is First Winner Of Fiat/Ifta ”Innovation Award”, 1997. - Make-up- presented in Merano TV Festival, Italy; IDFA, The Netherlands - Forgotten- Winner Of The Special Jury Prize, Circom Regional 1999. - Play the game- In competition in several Festivals as Prix Europe, Merano Festival, First Winner of Award;Best Screenwriter in 11th Albanian Film Festival, 2000, Prix Italia, Cork Film Festival,;Golden Panda, China ,One World International; Prague, etc. - Grey Beard- F.I.P.A.; Biarritz, France, North-South Media Festival-Geneva, Switzerland



Maria Jesus

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Italy/2003/35 mm/12’

Ramtin Lavafipoor

Massimiliano & Gianluca de Serio

All children are playing, in the remote of village of Ana. They always play. And in the rainless year, they play “Hederse” with stone and date. A legacy from a forgotten ritual.

The real story of a Peruvian woman, Maria Jesus, immigrant in Italy and cheated by an immigrants dealer.

Të gjithë fëmijët po luajnë në fshatin e largët të Anas. Gjithmojnë luajnë. Dhe në këtë vit pa shira, ata po luajnë lojën “Hederse”, me gur dhe arra palme. Një trashëgimi e një rituali të harruar.

Historia e vërtetë e një peruaneje, Maria Jesus, emigrante në Itali, e cila mashtrohet prej një tregtari emigrantësh.

Production/P roducenti enari roduction/Producenti roducenti: Mahmod Golmohammadi Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Ramtin y/F otografia a: Daryosh Lavafipoor Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Toraj Aslani Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Namdar Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Taher Pishvaee Editing/Montazhi: Ramtin Lavafipoor

Producer/P roducent: De Serio Massimiliano & Gianluca Script/Sk enari roducer/Producent: cript/Skenari enari: y/F otografia Gianluca & Massimiliano De Serio, Michela Farò Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Piero Basso Sound/Zëri: Mirko Guerra, Sonia Portoghese Editing/ Montazhi: Stefano Carvero Actor s/Aktorë: Maria Jesus -Jenny Perez Actors/Aktorë: Alagon

Ramtin Lavafipoor was born in 1972 in Abadan(Iran). He is studying film marking at IRIB faculty. Some of his works are as follows: -On sight,On look; -Behind the Close Door; -Wind doesn t Blow only in the sky; -Moto

“Dominò” (1999); “Il Fiore” (2000): first at Cinemavvenire 2000, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia; “Poche Cose” (2001): first at Cinemavvenire 2001; Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Siena; “Il giorno del santo” (2002) ; “Maria Jesus” (unpublished). Gianluca realized the documentary called “Oltre lo Sport” (2001), and the short “O Quarto Filho” (2002). Massimiliano did the documentary “6 nel mondo” (2002).“Il Giorno del Santo” , Awards : Cinemavvenire 2002, Venezia (in coll. con il Festival del Cinema di Venezia); - festival InCorto di Palamanova - Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio Universitario, Roma - Ravenna, Festival del Cortometraggio Corti da Sogni - Luzzara film festival, 2003 - Visionaria film Festival (Siena)


Scenes From The Boulevard

The First And The Last

Skena Bulevardi

I Pari dhe i Fundit

Scènes du Boulevard

Prva I Posljednji


MonteNegro/2000-2001/35 mm/17’

Anne Cleary & Dennis O’Connelly

Momir Matovic

A run down and over populated Parisien boulevard becomes the gigantic set to produce SCENES FROM THE BOULEVARD; a series of short digital films, one for every hour of the day, and all shot from a single point of view.

The door is still open on the old stone house of..”God’s Man” eighty – four years old Kolj Marc, one of the malisor notables, the VOIVODA of the numerous LJULJGURAJ local clan, more of the living in USA. His word is “The first and the last” and is obeyed unquestioningly.

Një bulevard i rrënuar e i mbipopulluar parizien kthehet në një vend gjigand xhirimi për të prodhuar SKENA NGA NJË BULEVARD, një seri prej disa filmash të shkurtër dixhital dhe të gjithë të rregjistruar nga një kënd vështrim.

Producer/P roducent enari roducer/Producent roducent: Anne Cleary Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Connolly & Cleary y/F otografia S ound/Zëri a: D. Photography/F y/Fotografia Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Denis Connolly Music/Muzik Music/Muzika: Photograph s/Aktorë Nuttall & W. Frost Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: D. Connolly Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Cleary & Connolly

Anne Cleary & Denis Connolly founded in Performance and Happening, the work of Anne Cleary and Denis Connolly has evolved in recent years towards digital video, though their work remains centered to the personal exploration of real contexts. Since 1999 their videos have been shown in galleries, art centers and film festivals throughout europe. Rejecting the opaque notions of contemporary art destined for a closed circle of the initiated, they are increasingly interested in the possibilities of television in search of larger publics and more open networks. The Boulevard is their first large scale audiovisuel project. “Scenes from the Boulevard” received nominations for the international awards at the following festivals; VIPER, Basel, Switzerland, October 2002, BACKUP 2002, new media in film, Bauhaus-University Weimar, November 2002, FIAV, FESTIVAL D’IMAGES ARTISTIQUES VIDEO, Tavira, Portugal, may 2003 and was nominated for the Prix de Creation Video 2003 at VIDEOFORMES, ClermontFerrand, France in March 2003

Dera është akoma a hapur në shtëpinë e vjetër prej guri të 84vjeçarit Kolj Marc, një prej malësorëve më të shquar, “vojvoda” e fisit të madh Lulguraj, shumica e të cilit jeton në SHBA. Fjala e tij është “e para dhe e fundit” dhe zbatohet pa asnjë kundërshtim.

Producer/P roducenti: Zeta Film Budva Script/Sk enari: Zuvdija Hodzic roducer/Producenti: cript/Skenari: y/F otografia a: Leo Djokaj Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Vjekoslav Vadjon Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Photograph Sound/Zëri: P. Kalezic, D. Cener Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Lana Vukobratovic

Momir Matovic was born in 1951 in Titograd (Podgorica) Republic of Montenegro. Graduated from Faculty of drama, film and televison-division for cine-cameraBelgrade. One the best know montnegrin and world authors of documentary/short film.


The Internal Clock

The Traffic - Lights Brothers

Ora e Brendshme

Vëllezërit Semafor

L’Horloge Interne

Fratelli Semaforo

64 65


Italy/2002/Mini Dv/8’45”

Frank Wimart

Simone Salvemini

The internal clock tells the story of the unusual relation with time experienced by a religious watchmaker suffering from a condition causing him to age in appearance at half the rate of so-called “normal” person. His exceptional destiny intrigues...

Two Albanian brothers landed in Brindisi with the huge wave of refugees in 1991.Under a bridge beside a water course in the city, there was a two way street so narrow that only one car could pass at a time. Intuitively the two brothers employed themselves as local traffic wardens, resolving the traffic problems under the bridge, a crucial point in the city’s traffic. After 12 years they are still there, indispensable but, yet, still illegal.

Ora e brendshme tregon historinë e një marrëdhënie të pazakontë me kohën, të përjetuar prej një orëndreqësi fetar, i cili vuan prej një sëmundjeje e cila e bën të plaket dy herë më ngadalë se një person të ashtuquajtur “normal”. Fati i tij i jashtëzakonshëm të bën kureshtar…

Producer/P roducenti: Marc Tawil Script/Sk enari roducer/Producenti: cript/Skenari enari: Frank Wimart Photograph y/ F otografia a: Maria-Annick Photography/ Fotografia otografia: Frederic Cusson Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/ Lepin Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Marc Tawil Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Franc Wimart Actor Actors/ Aktorë Aktorë: Denis Bissonnet

Frank Wimart has a degree in Communications from the Université du Québec à Montréal and is presently completing his doctorate a doctorate at the Université Stendhal de Grenoble. His first short film Le Temps won the Norman-McLaren Award for Best Student Film at the World Film Festival (Montreal, 2000). His documentary “ L’horloge Interne / The Internal Clock” is his first professionnal work as an independent director.

Dy vëllezër shqiptarë shkuan në Brindisi me valën e madhe të refugjatëve të vitit 1991. Poshtë një ure, pranë një kanali të qytetit, ndodhej një rruge me dy kalime, që është kaq e ngushtë saqë vetëm një veture mund të kalojë. Duke ndjekur intuitën, ata bëhen me iniciativën e tyre police trafiku, duke zgjidhur kështu problemin e trafikut poshtë urës, e cila është një pikë kyçe në trafikun e qytetit. Edhe sot, pas dymbëdhjetë vitesh, ata janë po atje, të pazëvendësueshëm, por, megjithatë, të paligjshëm.

Producer/P roducenti Script/Sk enari roducer/Producenti cript/Skenari enari: Simone Salvemini Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: a: Aramirè, Taraf da Metropulitana, Opa Raffaele Passiante Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/ Cupa Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Davide Campanelli,Simone Salvemini Actor Actors/ Aktorë Aktorë: Arben and Viktor Lekli

Degree in Communication, Turin (’97). Actor for Marcido Marcidoris Theatre Company of Turin (’97). Author and director of “ The Magic Pen” (10’ digital ‘99). Director assistant of “Sangue Vivo” by E. Winspeare. Author and director of “Ciàf – The Legend of Giant’s Trophy” (23’ digital ’00). Director assistant in MTV Italy sit-com “Bradipo” by M.Pozzi (’01).


Vanishing Zhdukja Nestajanje

Serbia &Montenegro/2003/Beta/16’54”

Vladimir Perovic Serbia is getting old. Villages are becoming almost deserted. The population decreases, without being regenerated enough... The hero of our story is the loneliest little girl in the world. She has no company. She is the last pupil in the school. She is the last child in the village. Only old people down there, and an archaic kind of life. Her journey from her house to the school reveals around her the real string of motions, colors, sounds, objects, buildings, habits, faces, all which seems to be slowly fading to disappearance. The film tries to be a metaphor for vanishing of one nation. Serbia po plaket. Fshatrat janë zbrazur fare. Numri i popullsisë është në rënie, pa pasur mundësi të rigjenerohet… Heriona e historisë sonë është një vajza më e vetmuar në botë. Ajo nuk ka shokë e shoqe. Ajo është nxënësja e fundit e shkollës. Fëmija e fundit e fshatit. në Fshat kanë mbetur vetëm pleq dhe një jetesë arkaike. Udhëtimi i saj nga shtëpia për në shkollë na zbulon vargun e vërtetë të emocioneve, ngjyrave, tingujve, objekteve, godinave, zakoneve, fytyrave, të cilat të gjitha duket sikur po treten. Ky film përpiqet të jetë një metaforë për zhdukjen e një kombi.

Producer/P roducenti enari: roducer/Producenti roducenti: Bk Telekom Script/Sk cript/Skenari: enari:Vladimir Perovic Photograph y/ Fotografia Photography/ otografia: Milan Stanic Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Vladimir Krstic Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Dusan Milunovic

Born in Cetinje, Montenegro in 1955. Graduated film & TV directing from Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, where he actually lives. A free-lance director. He directs creative documentaries and short fictions. His films were screened at festivals in: Antalya, Beirut, Berlin, Bucharest, Calcuta, Dubrovnik, Goias, Huesca, Ismailia, Jerusalem, Kalamata, Kiev, Montpellier, Moscow, Munich, Estonia, Paris, Zakynthos etc. Awarded and prized many times. Moj mati crni i veliki bijeli svijet (My Small Black & the Big White World); Ujdesavanje glasa (Tuning Voices / Rigging Votes); Molitva, urlik (A Prayer, a Howl); Vaznosenje moje Ijuske (Ascension of My Shell); Gospodjica Pela (Miss Pela); Ura (The Clock); Ljubav, zavet (Love, Vow); Dazd nam dnes (Give us our daily bread) Cuvar (The Guard); Mars (Mars) etc.




And Now


E Tash



Yll Citaku

Erfort Kuke

“And now…” is a visual expression searching for light, freedom and code for living. The expression starts with a politician and his empty words. Then it takes us in the past, in to the way of living which lasted for hundreds of years. Then there was a code for living. God is not going to change the condition of the people until people change themselves. It’s a fight. We have to wake up.

Engaged in memories, distanced from reality and deeply affected from “Asphilotrine” (Inexistent substance that is created in between brain cells by this specific state of mind) he is destined to live within himself wrapped around dreams, numbers, calculations and obsessions. This is the story of a man that lives within his psychosis deliberately affected by the vapors of sociological gravity.

“E tash…. “ është një shprehje pamore në kërkim të dritës, lirisë dhe kanunit të jetës. Shprehja fillon me një politikan dhe fjalët e tij boshe.Pastaj na çon në të shkuarën, në atë mënyrë jetese, e cila ka zgjatur për qindra vjet.Pastaj pati një kanun jete.Zoti nuk I ndryshon kushtet e jetesës për njerëzit nëse këta të fundit nuk I ndryshojnë vetë ato.Eshtë një luftë.Duhet të zgjohemi.

I zhytur në kujtime, i distancuar prej realitetit dhe nën ndikimin e thellë të Asfilotrinës (një preparat i paqënësishëm që krijohet midis qelizave të trurit gjatë kësa gjendjeje mendore) ai është i destinuar të jetojë brënda vetvetes, i mbështjellë me ëndrra, numra, përllogaritje dhe fiksime. Kjo është historia e një njeriu që jeton brënda psikozës së tij, nën ndikimin e avujve të rëndesës sociologjike.

Producer/P roducenti Sound/Zëri Music/Muzik a: Petrit Qarkaxhiu Script/ roducer/Producenti Music/Muzika Sk enari Photograph y/F otografia Editing/Montazhi s/ Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia Editing/Montazhi: Yll Çitaku Actor Actors/ Aktorë Aktorë: Luan Jaha, Alban Ukaj

Producer/P roducent Photograph y/F otografia Sound/Zëri Editing/ roducer/Producent Photography/F y/Fotografia Montazhi enari Montazhi: Erfort Kuke Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Erfort Kuke, Idlir Azizi Actor s/Aktorë Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Armir Lami

Yll Çitakufilm director/cameraman/editor He graduated on the Academy of Arts, Prishtina, direction -film directing: Currently working on the graduation film. 1999-2000 Prishtina Film audio-video production house, worked as cameraman/editor. 2001-2002 Virtual Studio productions, worked as director/cameraman/editor. 20022003 Koperativa video factory, working as director/ cameraman/editor; director/camera/editing: “Lost Wish”; “Maraton’; “Three Colors”; “Room 16”; “Should I Stay Or Should I Go”- award: first price in the international film festival DOKUfest – Prizren; “Maybe Just A Missunderstanding”- award: second price in the international film festival DOKUfest – Prizrencamera/editing: “Endless Games”; “Silentio”; “Relax” editing : “Exit” - award: first place at international short film festival CaenFrance

Erfort Kuke is an Albanian based filmmaker. He got introduced to the film medium since he was a child hanging around the Kino-studio environment (Albanian filmmaking industry during the communist regime) with his father that is a director in television still these days. When he was 16 he started to act as a visual effects aid to his family studio until he decided to adventure in the United States educational system. Now he attends the Sorbonne University of Paris in the major of filmmaking. He is an avid filmmaker, and has participated in many film projects around the world. Filmography: 2001-Negative Swimming; 2002 -Smoking Session; 2003 – Asphilotrine.


Cocteau Cento

Duelle Dueli

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Dan Boord/Luis Valdovino

Tailland Thibaud

This experimental video takes the form of a cento — a literary work made up of parts from other works. It pays homage to the work of the poet, playwright, artist and filmmaker Jean Cocteau.

Two women meet for a duel. But instead of fighting each other themselves, they expel two men from their bodies. The two men do the fightting in place of the two women…

Kjo video eksperimentale merr formën e një centoje: një vepër letrare e përbërë prej copëzave nga veprat e të tjerëve. I kushtohet punës së një poeti, dramaturgu, artisti dhe kineasti, Jean Cocteau.

Dy gra takohen në një duel. Por, në vend që të luftojnë me njëra tjetrën, ato nxjerrin nga shtretërit e tyre dy burrat. Në vend të dy grave, atëherë lufrojnë dy burrat…

Producer/P roducenti: Dan Boord/Luis Valdovino Script/Sk enari roducer/Producenti: cript/Skenari enari: Laird Hunt Photograph y/F otografia a S ound/Zëri Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Jean Cocteau Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Tom s/Aktorë Wells Editing/Montazhi: Dan Boord/Luis Valdovino Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Scenes From Blood of a Poet, Orpheus, Testament of Orpheus, Beauty and the Beast

Producer/P roducenti Script/Sk enari y/ roducer/Producenti cript/Skenari enari: Taillant Thibaud Photograph Photography/ Fotografia a Sound/Zëri otografia: Mickael Partouche Music/Muzik Music/Muzika ound/Zëri: Pascal Busolin Editing/Montazhi s/Aktorë Editing/Montazhi: Julien Villacampa Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Nadia Trochu, Barthélémy Tardivat, Alexis Taillant

Dan Boord & Luis Valdovino Biofilmography: Dan Boord is an Associate Professor at the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. He received grants from The Center for New Television, and The Ohio Arts Council. Luis Valdovino is Associate Professor of Art at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. He has received grants from the American Film Institute and the National Endowment for the Arts. Cocteau Cento, Two or Three Things I know About Ohio, Dia de Los Muertos (The Last of the 20th Century), Standards,Eat Like a Winner, A Refutation of Time, Patagonia, Another World of Dance, Una Historia/A History, 1992, Tierra Nueva, The World of Dance.

Tailland Thibaud Fimography: La Grange Aux Belles, 1992, Immobile, 1993, At Home, 1996, Touching Bodies, 2001,


Fists and a Sky is Closing Over Me Grushtat

Free Line Linja e Lirë

Pugni, e su di me si chiude un cielo



Andrea Adriatico

Keum-Taek Jung

Ten different fists while the voice of a referee counts the numbers towards the knock-out of a boxer. Clenched fists, secret fists, violent fists, hurting fists, fists of the memory and of the illusion...

Free Line is a collaborative project combining experimental animation with computer-generated sound.

Dhjetë grushte të ndryshëm, ndërkohë që zëri i arbitrit numuron nokautin e një boksieri. Grushte të shtrënguar, grushte të fshehtë, grushte të dhunshëm, grushte lëndues, grushte kujtese dhe iluzionesh…

“Free Line” është një projekt bashkëpunimi që bashkon animacionin me tingullin e realizuar me kompjuter.

Producer/P roducenti enari roducer/Producenti roducenti: Teatri di Vita Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Andrea Adriatico Photograph y/ Fotografia Photography/ otografia: Gigi Martinucci Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Enrico Medri s/Aktorë Roberto Passuti Editing/ Montazhi Montazhi: Roberto Passuti Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Gino Paccagnella, Simone Rotolo, Marco Sacramati

Producer/P roducenti Animation/Animacioni Editing/Montazhi: Keumroducer/Producenti a: Christopher Brakel Taek Jung Music/Muzik Music/Muzika:

Andrea Adriatico was born in L’Aquilea on 20 April 1966. He graduated from the Accademia d’Arte dreammatica Antoniana and he holds a degree from DAMS. In 1991 he created the theatre company “riflessi “ and in 1992 he founded Teatri di Vita in Bologna. His pieces were performed in the most important Italian towns and in many festivals in Italy and abroad (France, Germany, Hungary, Macedonia). From 2000 he’s been working as a videomaker as well. Anarchie quel che resta di liberté fraternité egalité (2000) L’auto del Silenzio (2001) “best artistical contribution” at the Arcipelago Film Festival 2002; Pugni E Su Di Me Si Chiude Un Cielo (2002)-Film Selected For The 59a Mostra Internazionale D’arte Cinematografica Di Venezia - Section New Territories; Award New Frontiers At The Festival Fiaticorti 2002, Istrana -Special Mention At The Festival Del Cinema Indipendente, Foggia 2002 ; Jury Mention At The Festival in “MAGMA” 2002 & “CORTI’ CORTO’” 2003. Special Award At The Festival “ARRIVANO I CORTI” 2003; Second Place At The Festival “FILMARE” 2003.

Animator Keum-Taek Jung was born in Korea. He is currently a graduate student concentrating on computer animation at RIT. Previously, he studied industrial design at Bucheon College and visual effects at the Telecommunication Academy of Sogang University in Korea. He earned a B.F.A. in visual communication from Iowa State University where his studies included painting, illustration, color and calligraphy. He is interested in the abstraction and transformation of symbols. Free Line (April, 2003);Toronto Online Film Festival 2003, Canada; Down Stream Film Festival 2003, USA;ImageMovementSound Festival 2003, USA;MU (May, 2002) Durango Film Festival 2003, USA;East Lansing Film Festival 2003, USA


Free Your Mind

I Once Danced Naked

Çliroje Mendjen

Dikur Vallëzoja Lakuriq

70 71




Dorian Ahmeti

Theme and variations on an excursion into the subconscious mind. “Free your mind from the consciousness of all body weight. Free your mind from the consciousness of all body weight and just let go. Just let go, deeper and deeper and deeper.”

It is a story of hate and rage translated in little words that spring out of a personal uproar. Scenes of infinite innocence and an abstinence of human touch.

Temë dhe variacion mbi një udhëtim në mendjen e pandërgjegjshme. “Çliroje mendjen prej ndërgjegjes së peshës trupore. Çliroje mendjen prej ndërgjegjes së peshës trupore dhe lëre veten të lirë. Lëre veten të lirë, thellë e më thellë.”

Producer/P roducenti S cript/Sk enari Photograph y/F otografia Music/ roducer/Producenti Script/Sk cript/Skenari Photography/F y/Fotografia Muzik a S ound/Zëri Editing/Montazhi: Kasumi Actor s/Aktorë Muzika Sound/Zëri Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Gary Galbraith, Paloma Mcgregor

In addition to being an experimental video and film maker, Kasumi is a musician who has performed twice at Carnegie Hall and who has recorded four LP albums; a theatrical production designer, and a published author. In Japan, her soundtrack performance of Oginsama was nominated for an Academy award. Her written work includes two published books. She has worked in every aspect of film and video production - from scenic painting for Ridley Scott to sound track production for Shohei Imamura to feature film script writing for Pat Morita. Her films have been screened – and won the highest awards – in shows and festivals in Canada, Japan, Korea, Iran, Turkey, Germany, Italy, England and the USA. She is on the faculty of The Cleveland Institute of Art. Filmography: Madhouse, Wargames, Join Together, Noh Way Out, Technical Aids, Jimmy, Places of Power: The Art of Bill Kohn, Road Trip.

Histori urretjeje dhe inati, e përkthyer në fjalë të vogla të cilat dalin nga zemërata vetiake. Skena të një pafajësie të pafund dhe një mungese të prekjes njerëzore.

Producer/Producenti Script/Skenari Photography/Fotografia Editing/ ound/Zëri: Dorian Ahmeti Music/Muzik a: Maria Stefanova Sound/Zëri: Music/Muzika: Montazhi S Actor s/Aktorë: Abstract Imagery Actors/Aktorë:

Dorian Ahmeti has studied film for a few years now and he is under the magnificent claws of experimental imagery as a means of telling a story. He managed to project for the first time in the streets of Tirana with the help of his friends short films from around the world. His films travel around in different festivals. Now he frequents the California Art Institute in Valencia Los Angeles county.



The Fall Rënia La Chute



Kaltrina Krasniqi

Jean Antoine Charest

This Inspector is a working class individual without a name. Lives in a strict discipline. Since the end of the war he never had a vacation, his boss forces him into one because it’s not in companies interest to pay taxes even if he never had a rest in four years. What will happen to an individual if he/she was granted freedom?

This film is composed of dreamlike images which pay homage to the immense beauty of gestures glimpsed during a fall. The Fall is a filmic poem which foregrounds the vulnerable moment when one abandons oneself, topples, loses their footing or their grip. The act of falling will no longer be viewed in the same light; no two falls are the same, and The Fall captures the movement and life of the seemingly quotidien.

Ky Inspektor është një një individ nga klasa punëtore, pa emër. Jeton me një disiplinë të rreptë. Qysh prej fundit të luftës nuk ka shkaur asnjëherë me pushime, dhe shefi i tij e detyron të shkojë me pushime sepse nuk është në interesin e firmës të paguajë taksa edhe atëherë kur ai nuk shkon me pushime për katër vjet me rradhë. Çfarë ndodh me dike kur fiton liri?

Producer/P roducenti y/ roducer/Producenti roducenti: Academy of arts & Koperativa. Photograph Photography/ enari otografia: Yll Çitaku, Lulzim Bejta. Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Kaltrina Krasniqi. Fotografia Music/Muzik a: S ound/Zeri Music/Muzika: Sound/Zeri ound/Zeri: Armend Xhaferi. Editing/Montazhi Editing/Montazhi: Yll Çitaku.

October 2001 - 2003 / Academy of Arts Prishtina, film directing “WHY LET DROGS CHOOSE YOUR DREAMS”, documentary, 2000, director/screenplay; “ENDLESS GAMES”, short fiction, 2002, director/screenplay; “SILENTIO”, short fiction, 2002 - 2003, director/screenplay; “RELAX”, short fiction, 2002 - 2003, director/screenplay

Ky film përbëhet prej imazhesh ëndërrimtare të cilat i bëjnë homazh bukurisë së pa-anë të gjesteve të para gjatë një rënieje të thjeshtë. Rënia është një poezi filmike e cila paraqet çastin e brishtë të braktisjes së vetvetes, të humbjes së mbështetjes. Rënia nuk shikohet më në të njëjtin këndvështrim; dy rënie nuk janë njësoj dhe “Rënia” rrok lëvizjen dhe jetën e asaj që duket në pamje të parë si e zakonshme.

Producer/P roducenti Editing/Montazhi S cript/Sk enari roducer/Producenti Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Jean Antoine y/F otografia a: Orange Chare Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Stephan Menghi Music/Muzik Music/Muzika s/Aktorë Blossom Sound/Zëri ound/Zëri: Roland Breard Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Noemie GodinVigneault, Christophe Rapin, Marie Chantal Perron etc

Both an actor and a director, Jean-Antoine Charet, while studying film at the St. Lawrence Cegep, he directed two films, including notably, On Parlait Pas Allemand, which won first place at the Rendez-vous Festival of Quebecois Cinema. Charet created the Theatre Optique. Between 1992 and 1997, he released Les Petites Buses, Derriere la Porte, and Le Gazon Frais. It was with these pieces, which combined music and dance, that Charet made clear his interest in movement. He joined the Carbone 14 Company for the re-opening of Dormitory and the group at Camera Obscura. In 1999, he wrote two shorts, La Chute and Rupture. In 2000, he wrote Loulou.. his first feature-length film which won him the Desjardins prize for prominence in film. In 2001-02, he was able to produce “The Fall” on account of this award in 10 sessions at “KINO” and finished its produtionat I’INIS.


The Room Dhoma El Hogra

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Amal Kenawy When I Searched Within Myself I Began To Perceive Myself As An Independent Existence That Retains A Set Of Laws That Rule The Body As A Physical Being . However , This Self Does Not Represent Its True Essence Which Lies In Relation To My Reception Of Being And Nothingness —I Might Have A Beating Heart — A Heart That Functions Regularly , But I Cannot Confirm That I Am Alive . Emotions Inhabit This Human Frame And Make Of It A Vessel , A Form , A Liminal Space That Lies Between The Interior And Exterior.I Therefore Attempt To Tailor My Understanding — To Perceive The Human Self Within That Wider Context — To Exist Within These Abstracted Emotions That Fluctuate Between Memories And Dreams — The Reality We Experience. Kur pashë brënda vetes time fillova ta perceptoj vetveten si një qënie të pavarur që ka një grup ligjesh që qeverisin trupin si një qënie fizike. Megjithatë, kjo qënie nuk përfaqëson thelbin e saj të vërtetë, e cila gjendet në marrëdhënien me preceptimin tim si qënie dhe mosqënie. Mund ta kem një zemër që funksionon rregullisht, por nuk mund të them që jam gjallë. Emocionet jetojnë në këtë kornizë njerëzore dhe e kthejnë atë në një enë, një formë një hapësirë që shtrihet midis të brendshmes dhe të jashtmes. Atëherë, unë përpiqem të përshtas perceptimin tim për ta perceptuar vetveten njerëzore brënda këtij konteksti më të gjerë, për të ekzistuar brënda këtyre emocioneve abstrakte që qëndrojnë midis kujtimeve dhe ëndrrave, realiteti që përjetojmë.

Producer/P roducenti enari roducer/Producenti roducenti: Youg Arab Theater Fund Script/Sk cript/Skenari enari: Amal y/F otografia Kenawy Animation/Animacioni Photograph Photography/F y/Fotografia otografia: Abd El Ghany a: Collactions,C,D Editing/Montazhi Kenawy&Amal Kenawy Music/Muzik Music/Muzika Editing/Montazhi: s/Aktorë Amal Kenawy& Gamal Abdu Actor Actors/Aktorë s/Aktorë: Amal Kenawy

Amal El Kenawy Born In Cairo -Egypt.( 1974). Graduated From Faculty Of Fine Arts, Painting Dept. Helwan, Uni.Cairo. (1999) Sculpture (Untitled) 7th Egyptian Salon Of Youth, - The First Prize.“Energy” (Mixed Media Installation)- 8th Egyptian Salon Of Youth. “Transformations” (Mixed Media Installation) 7th International Cairo Biennale -The Unesco Grand Prize In The International Cairo Biennale.“Inner Space” Mixed Media Sculpture.“Body” Mixed Media Sculpture. “Catharsis” (Mixed Media Installation). “Frozen Memory” (Video Installation). “The Room” (Video Performance). “Whispers From The Other River”(The World Bank Gallery – Washington Dc).“The Room”(Video) - The International Ismailia Festival (For Documentary And Short Films) -The Certificate


15.00 hrs

11.00 hrs

All the screenings on the competition will be projected at Millenium 2 Movie Theatre

15.00 hrs

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11.00 hrs

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awards / prizes Prizes The Best Film of TIFF The Best Fiction The Best Animation The Best Documentary The Best Experimental/Student The Best Albanian Short

3000 Euro 2000 Euro 2000 Euro 2000 Euro 2000 Euro 2000 Euro

The Public Award Media Award

1000 Euro 1000 Euro

We have the pleasure to invite you in the closing ceremony of Awards, Palace of Congresses, December 7, 2003, 20.30 hrs. Kemi kënaqësinë t’ju ftojmë në ceremoninë e mbylljes, të ndarjes së Çmimeve, në Pallatin e Kongreseve, 7 Dhjetor 2003, ora 20.30

www.tiranafilmfest.com info@tiranafilmfest.com P.O.Box. 8331 Tirana, Albania

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