6 Cash-Saving Tips for Single Mothers Did you know that there are 21 million children living in single homes being raised by one parent? Single mothers account for 83.1 per cent and single fathers for 16.9 per cent. With the high cost of food and education and tough economic times, a single parent has to carefully count her pennies and make a list of what she needs before she can go out spending. Here are some ways to get the most out of your money. 6 Great cash saving tips for single mothers: 1. Food takes the greatest chunk out of your income, and this should be dealt with first. Do not go to the corner shop every day. Make a list of everything you need for the month and buy certain foods in bulk which can last the whole period. Going to the shop every day costs you a lot more in the end as you go for milk or bread and come out with extras. Foods you can stock up on are items such as canned soups and vegetables, long life milk, grains, rice, cereal, coffee, tea, packaged meat and fish and frozen chicken. Buy fresh fruit and vegetables to last three days and use those first. With staple foods in your cupboard, you are not going to run out and at least you know you have covered your food bill for the month. 2. Save money on your heating bill by investing in a programmable thermostat which you can turn down to a comfortable level when you are sleeping at night or no one is home. You will be surprised by how much money leaves your wallet every time you turn up the heat. A programmable thermostat will provide the right amount of heat at the right times. Also, do you need the heat to be skin-drying and unbearable? Turn it down and wear an extra sweater if you feel cool in the house. 3. How much does your cable bill cost you? Could the money you save on cable not pay for the children’s new shoes or school items? People watch more movies on DVD now anyway and cable has a lot of repeats. Think about it. 4. The electricity bill is another money gobbler. How often have you left on the television when you’ve gone out, or the radio? And what about the computer and lap tops that stays on overnight? And do you really have to heat up the oven every time you want to warm up a roll? These might seem like small savings, but they add up. 5. For household and toiletry items and inexpensive kitchen cloths and knick knacks, go to the dollar store. You can pick any item; it will just cost you a dollar each. 6. Don’t be ashamed when you have very little money and your kids need new jackets for the coming winter to go to school. Go to the discount store. You will be surprised by the good items you will find, and there’s no shame in being frugal.
6 Cash-Saving Tips for Single Mothers
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