Cooking Can Be Easy! Try These Ideas! Eating is easy; cooking is hard…at first. This article can help you to become a great cook. Don’t let your kitchen, ingredients or recipes intimidate you. Cooking is a priceless skill and can be a great source of joy. Have fun with these tips and don’t fear making a mess in your kitchen sometimes. Fix the crust on your pie. If you have kneeded your dough too much, it can get cracks in it. To fix this, sprinkle a bit of cold water on the cracks, and rub them out with your fingers. Cracks on the top pie crust can be repaired by brushing with milk, and sprinkling with a little sugar. Once it’s out of the oven, any cracks in the crust will be imperceptible beneath its lovely glaze. This is an easy way to cut cinnamon rolls! It’s easy to make a mess of a freshly-prepared cinnamon roll when you slice it up for baking. First up, position some strong thread beneath the spot of the roll you wish to cut. Grab the thread on both sides of the roll, wrap it around and pull both ends in opposite direction. This makes a perfect slice every time. When cooking potato skins or twice baked potatoes, always use the kind with a thick skin such as a russet. You cannot use red potatoes because their skin is too thin to hold up to a dense filling. If you are just beginning to cook more of your meals, go straight to the nearest bookstore or library to find a cookbook that has simple, fun recipes. Try different recipes until you come up with something that works for you. If you plan on making a batch of salsa containing raw onions that will not be eaten within about 20 minutes, prepare the chopped onions first by rinsing in cold water and blotting dry. Fresh onions emit a sulfurous gas. Your fresh salsa can get ruined by sulfurous gas. You can remove the gas by rinsing and drying the onions. If your meal has oil in it, make sure to reheat it by using the oven, not the microwave. Because a microwave produces such intense heat, the oil separates from the rest of the ingredients because it heats fastest. If you bake it and slowly heat it up it will keep the ingredients together. When mashing potatoes use hot, but not boiling milk. The mashed potatoes will be lighter and fluffier than if you would have used cold milk in them instead. Avoid mushy, lumpy mashed potatoes by following this tip. Keep your spices and herbs stored in a dark, dry, and cool area. Exposure to humidity, heat and light can cause your spices to lose their flavor fast. This only exposes the spices to the elements which make them lose their flavors. Cooking does not have to be frightening. Preparing food for yourself is not only fun, but it will help you save money and it is more healthy than eating out. The tips in the above article can help you with every aspect of your cooking adventure, from trips to the supermarket to dishing
out your delicious meals to family and friends. Experiment with new recipes and remember to have fun.
Cooking Can Be Easy! Try These Ideas!
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