When You Should Think About Getting Life Insurance Having the proper life insurance is important, but can also be a source of confusion for many. This list of tips should put you “in the know” when it comes to getting a better policy, without losing money or coverage. Advice from financial advisers and brokers should be taken with a grain of salt, especially if the individual stands to benefit from your willingness to sign up. If you feel you aren’t getting straight answers to your questions, or the advice you’re getting doesn’t seem suited to your needs, don’t be afraid to seek out other companies or agents. Before committing to a life insurance policy, you should take time to do some comparison shopping. The differences in price can be upwards of 50%, so therefore you should take advantage of online price quote websites in order to get the best estimates possible. Only compare insurance quotes that have included your medical history. Whenever possible, try to pay your premiums yearly versus monthly. When you decide to go with annual premiums, you can save some cash. Only buy a life insurance policy from a company that is established and reputable. Insurance companies differ in serious and fundamental ways, so take your time to make a careful choice. Do some research. Be sure to find an insurance company that is trustworthy and offers everything you are looking for. Life insurance costs less for healthy people. Be in the best health you can be in when shopping for life insurance. Go to your doctor for a physical so you can get yourself checked out for high cholesterol, lose weight and most importantly, do not smoke! Get yourself into shape so you can lower your monthly premium costs. You will find that some provides offer identical coverage for up the forty percent less. Compare different quotes online and make sure these quotes take your medical history in consideration. Avoid insurance policies called “guaranteed issue” unless you have no other choice. Guaranteed life policies are targeted towards individuals with some sort of pre-existing health condition. One good thing about this insurance is that you don’t have to have a medical exam to receive it. Due to this fact you will also find yourself paying higher premiums. The coverage you receive will also be more limited. Get an idea of what each company can offer you by comparing quotes first. This can be accomplished online or on the telephone. Do not give personal information when doing this, only your general demographic information. You should get as many quotes as you can before signing with a company so that you can be sure you get a great rate. Don’t make the bad decision of just purchasing life insurance because you feel like it. Think through it first. Carefully delineate the reasons you need life insurance. The price you will have