Module 2 Design

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TIRTEEN ZHENG WU 846736 Sia + Group 3


Sketch Design Development 1.




From the module 1, we have taken the idea of the form of a lantern, where it consists of multiple strips connected together. By having multiple strips, it allows for flexibity and transparency. After our experimentation of the prototype of the latern, we discovered different qualities the protoype can produce by twisting, compressing and stretching it. Hence we have chosen to further develop this prototype because of the potential it has.


The concept taken from this module 1 is personal space should vary, similarily to the way it varies according to our body. It can be viewed as a portable territory which is not equal in all areas throughout our body. As shown in this sketch design, there are second skin takes up more space at the front of the body, since we may feel less comfotable when somone is in front of us compare to behind us. Further, different people can have different interpretation of personal space. This idea is convyed in this sketch design through the expandable triangular shape which can be adjusted according to the user’s needs.


This shell structure reflects the protective quailty of personal space. It comprises of multiple strips overlayed one another to form a grid pattern around the body. The concept behind this deisgn is to provide flexibility and allow one to adjust their personal spaces according to its surrounding environment. This form also allows for personal space to be semi-transparent.

Our concept of our second skin design derives from our 3 sketch designs from our module 1. In all 3 sketch design, personal space is percieved to be flexible and have the ability to be varied according to the user and their surrounding environment.


Refined Sketch Models Prototype 1 (Curlicue)- paper Pros: -By twisting the 2-Dimensional sqaure, it can be turned into a 3-Dimensional shape -size of the square can be varied depending on the size of the paper Cons: -difficult to join multiple sqaures together Prototype 2 (Eclipse )- paper/MDF board Pros: -High flexibility; can be folded in different directions Cons: -there are material constrains; only polypropylene can be used. Paper is too fragile and MDF board is too rigid Prototype 3 - paper Pros: -High flexibility and can create different forms Cons: -material lacks strength, therefore polypropylene may suit better Prototype 4 - MDF Pros: -can be easily bended however, it is not as flexible compare to the previous prototypes Cons: -constrained in terms of shape; can only create a cylinder form

Prototype 5- MDF Pros: -has dimension Cons: -very rigid, cannot be transformed to 2-Dimensional form -many folds required and very tedious


Refined Sketch Models Prototye 6- paper Pros -can be expanded and contracted Cons -limited variation -paper/ carboard only choice as polypropylene might be too rigid. However, by using paper, after multiple folds, it may wear out and loose its strength

Prototye 7- paper Pros -can be create a surface from a strip -pin joint allows movement and flexiblity Cons -only allows movement along one direction

Prototye 8- paper Pros -When folded, it is of a 2-Dimensional triangle and when it is expanded, it creates multiple prism forms. Hence is flexible and is quite compactible. Cons -quite a solid shape and dosen’t allow for transparency - possibly be difficult to use polypropylene as it might be too rigid.


Refined Sketch Models - Materials Testing Prototype 9- paper Pros -can be expanded and pressurised with a bouncy effect -can be varied in terms of spatial arrangement to address diffrent parts of personal space Cons -cannot be contracted much -too soft and can get deformed over time and loose its strength Prototype 10- white polypropylene Pros -can be expanded and pressurised with a larger bouncy effect -can be flexibly varied in terms of spatial arrangement to address diffrent parts of personal space -does not deform over time, good strength due to short span of the strips -semi-transpatrency, breathablity, and smoothy curves Cons -cannot be contracted much Prototype 11- paper with glowing spray paint Pros -can be expanded and contracted -can glow in the dark to indicate personal space Cons -its form is too uniform around it Prototype 11- blue cardboard Pros -can be expanded and contracted

Prototypes 12&13- white polypropylene and clear polypropylene Pros -can be expanded and contracted -has greater strength than cardboard

-has greater strength than paper Cons


-its form is too uniform around it

transparency when overlapped

-can create more layers of diffrent degree of Cons -its form is too uniform around it


2nd Skin proposed design V.1

This proposed idea consists of multiple strips wrapped around the body. The strips are bound together by through a common band which is attached to each ends of the strips.

By moving and rotating the band around the body, the composition of the strips will vary and therefore will create irregularity. Depedending on the movement of the user, the composition of the strips change. Hence, suggesting personal space can alter to adapt to different kinds of people.

The two bands allow one person to loop the band onto another person, in order to form a common ‘personal space’ between the two. This creates a space formed by multiple flexible strips. Therefore reflects our interpretation of personal space which can be translucent, free flowing and malleable.

2nd Skin proposed design V.2





For this proposed design model, we got the idea from the rainbow-like shape folding, because it is more flexible and it can be placed into more positions. When the wearer moves his arms, the strips will rotate and become curve in a 3d form. This idea is the one we are always proposing, which is the transformation between the 2d form and the 3d form. According to Sommer (1969), the personal space is a portable territory, so it should be flexible enough to allow a person either to let others in or to keep others out. Also, due to the different personalities of people, the personal spaces have different forms and sizes. For example, an introverted person prefers a relatively larger personal space than an extroverted person did (Sommer, 1969). The rainbow can provide different personal space for the people with different personalities. Moreover, different from a rigid or unified form of a pattern, the wearer can see through the interspace between two stripes and it also allows the wearers to have the outsiders see only parts of them. Therefore, this model also relates to a visual personal space, for which the wearer can protect and expand his individual view, choosing what he wants to see and what he wants to see more. Also, because of the high flexibility of these strips, the wearer can also easily show the outsiders whether he feels like being invaded or he wants to invite someone else simply by putting his arms into different positions. This will make the strips either surround his upper body to protect his personal space or closed and flat at his back to make him look less defensive. If there are two people wearing this, the open form of this model can allow the strips tangle together, which can provide a private personal space for two people. Also, we think that a personal space is more important and more sensitive at the upper body than the lower part of the body, because when people interacts with each other, they are mainly focused on their upper body.

2nd Skin proposed design V.3


2nd Skin proposed design V.3 - Analysis By arranging the sketch model in different angles to create different bend effects, a range of spatial organisations of flexible ‘petal’ strip can be achieved.

Sketch Model (Flat)

Sketch Model (Inter-twined)

This design convept is based on the sktech model of a continious strip that follows a regular turning pattern. The amazing thing is that it is just one single strip but it can create a lot of possible spatial organisations just by twining diffent parts of it. In our experiment with this sketch model, a design concept accidentally surfaced. We discovered that this single strip can be arranged by creating tension and contraction between adjacent parts of it to form a floral arrangement. Each part of the strip between two turning points can be considered as a subdivision of the long strip. By forcing together two parallel lines of two strips which have a gap between them, a bending effect is created in the strips themselves. Therefore, it is proposed that the wearer of such a second skin can flexibly change the direction of bending of each strip at will, in accordance to the changing personal space.


Precedent Research Flexibility, Inclusiveness, Variable, Itimacy, Isolation,

The concept behind this project by GAIA is to allow one to create a personal space with another, hence a ‘space for personal intimacy’ (Veasyble, n.d). This ‘wearable accessory’ consists of folded paper which is ‘bonded to polyethylene and fabric’ to enable strength and durabilty (Veasyble, n.d). The notion of isolation and inclusivness is conveyed through this accessory’s ability to include another whilst excluding and blocking out the surrounding environment. The folded creases enables the user to expand and adjust it according to their individual need; as when it is not needed, it can be folded into a bag. This allows the accessory to be portable and user friendlyit is achieved through the employment of the panel and fold system. Not only does this provide personal space to two people, it can also be used to isolate the user from others (shown in the image on the left). Hence the function of it can vary depending on the user’s preference.

Precedent applied to design Flexibility, Inclusiveness, Variable,ww Isolation, Transparency, Breath-

The Veasyble has shaped our concept behind our creation of a ‘second skin’. The concept behind our design is to create a wearable second skin which is flexible and can be varied to suit the user, in order to provide privacy which accomodates for one or two people. Our interpretation of personal space is that it can be used to exclude others and/or include others into it. By allowing another to enter one’s personal space, it conveys inclusivness and intimacy which can be viewed as inviting. Hence, have a dual purpose of both including and excluding. Although both the precedent and our design are panel and fold systems, ours varies from it, as ours consists of multiple strips in order to allow breathabilty and comfort. Further, the strip form represents transparency which derives from the idea; personal space is something which exists, however can not always be defined and be seen physically.


Design development - Version #1 Top

Isometric SE




Design development - Version #1.1

Parametric Operations in Grass-

Front (Expansion)


Isometric SE

Parametric Operations in the Box The precedent’s concept of ‘engaging another person and exluding the surrounding in expansion’ is well applied to the parti, ‘flat strips form a lantern structure’ in this developed design. Moreover, this concept is improved by the breathability and semi-transparency of the gaps between lantern strips. Firstly, multiple layers of the lantern strcuture of different radii are stacked together to address the personal space of varying radii around the wearer. As the wearer demands more personal space near the feet for walking at ease, and more personal space around the shoulder for changing the position of arms flexibly, the lantern structures around these spaces have larger radii. Secondly, the parts below the shoulder serves as a measure of protection for the abdomial and lower body from external invasion, and strings in tension are used to hold these parts in their maximum expansion, while the parts above the shoulder can be more flexibly expanded upwards to protect the wearer’s shoulder and head spaces from external invasion without blocking the eyes due to the semi-transparency of the lantern strips, as well as to expand along a projection line to engage another person’s upper body. This creates a ‘space of intimacy’ not only for the individual wearer, but also ‘a space of privacy’ for two persons in appropriate situations, such as when they are kissing, having private conversations, and isolating themselves from surrounding distractions. Besides, Grasshopper is used to create the multiple lines between the corresponding points on every two adjacent circles. to construct the expansion state.


Design development - Version #1.2

Top (Contraction) Isometric SE (Contraction)


Isometric SE (Expansion)

Top (Expansion) Front (Contraction)

Front (Expansion)

Design development - Version #1.2 - Analysis

The precedent’s concept of ‘engaging another person and exluding the surrounding in expansion’ is also applied to the parti, ‘flat strips form a lantern structure’ in this developed design variation, as the upper part of the structure can be expanded to cover another person. Moreover, the lower part of the structure is also expandable via rotation of the strips. The wearer can expand the lower part to protect the lower personal space from external invasion. However, this design is not as good as the version 1.1 in terms of addressing the personal space around different parts of the body, as the radii at different parts of the the structure do not have a siginificant difference. In contrast, this design is better than the version 1.1 in terms of the flexibility of the lower personal space, as the lower parts of the version 1.1 are too rigid while that of this design is expandable. Therefore, although this design reassures the varying radii in the version 1.1, the improved flexibility of the lower personal space should be valued. Besides, Panelling Tool was used to create this structure, which is much easier than constructing it point by point, line by line.

Right (Contraction)

Right (Expansion)


Design development - Version #1.3

Front (Expansion)

Front (Contraction)



Right (Expansion)

Right (Contraction)

Isometric SE (Expansion)

Isometric SE (Contraction)

Design development - Version #1.3 - Analysis In addition to the previous design values, this design variation explores the application of special and personalised pattern to the sketch idea of ‘strips form a lantern structure’. In contrast to the straight and uniform strips of the structure in version 1.1, we create a pattern sine and cosine curves between two ring joints of each ‘lantern’ structure. This can create more intersting spatial organisation and texture to the wearer’s personal space. In this case, the wearer may perceive his personal space to be filled with the sense of geometry and trigonometric graphs. Moreover, this second skin may be used for submerge the wearer in the midst of trigonometric curves as a disguise. The essential value of this variation lies upon the message and language expressed by the patterns through the second skin structure. However, as a limitation, it is not good enough to have one fixed pattern shown on the surface of the second skin as it looks too rigid. We have made a medium-sized prototype for this design, using laser-cut white polyropylene and strong, transparent, monofilament fishing lines to join the strip panels together, as well as to link two ring joints for hanging effect when the line bracings are in tension. However, after fabrication of it, we realise that its physical form is different from the ideal form because the panels are too loose due to gravity, too much flexibility of the material and the longer span of the panels. Hence, it would be too difficult and unsatisfactory to make its full-size prototype.

Prototype (Expansion)

Prototype (Contraction)


Design development - Version #1.4





Isometric SE

Design development - Version #1.4 - Analysis

This design variation is successful in addressing the irregularity of personal space. As different people with unique characters have their own personal preference of how to organise their personal space, the parti ‘ flat strips form a lantern structure’ can particularly address the diversity pf personal space in a spectrum of variation of the forms, which in other words, the spatial organisation of the strip elements. For example, in this design, the spatial emphasis on the right shoulder and the left leg of the wearer is demonstrated by the asymmetrical form of the second skin. This suggests that this wearer prefer to expose his left shoulder and arm while his right shoulder and arm feels better in the protection of the second skin. The essential value of this variation lies upon the infinite possibilities of the spatial organisation of strip elements among diverse sizes of personal space.



Design development - Version #2






Parameter Space & Design Pro-

For the rainbow shape development model, we decided to make the 3d models first and then put it into flat for laser cutting. This method can make it easier for us to generate the digital and physical models from our minds and concepts without losing too much information and details (Scheurer & Stehling, 2011). Actually, we had the physical prototype of this model first and then we made some variations of the prototype. Then we abstracted the essential concepts and general shapes from our ideas and then made the digital model. The main idea of the developed design is to have more stripes and more coverage of the upper body. This allow the wearer has more options for defining his personal space. Moreover, instead of having regular shape and repetitive movements, we make this model have many stripes with varied sizes and move towards different directions. Also, considering of the feasibility, we add two small rings around the wrists and elbows for the attachment of the body. As mentioned previously in the refined design part, we have made three version of the rainbow shape folding, for which we used polypropylene, ivory card and normal paper. Finally, we chose polypropylene, because we need a material which can be folded easily but also has good plasticity. This will make the second skin model not only has the flexibility when they are folded into different shapes to suit the different requirements for personal space, but also can stay in a shape until people want to change its form. The process of testing the materials allows us to develop a solution making each individual aspect work for all situations (Scheurer & Stehling, 2011).



Design Development - Version #3

Top (Character 1)

Top (Character 2)

Top (Character 3)

Top (Character 4)

Top (Character 5)

Front (Character 1)

Front (Character 2)

Front (Character 3)

Front (Character 4)

Front (Character 5)

Right (Character 1)

Right (Character 2)

Right (Character 3)

Right (Character 4)

Right (Character 5)


Design Development - Version #3 -

Isometric SE (Character 1)

Isometric SE (Character 2)

Isometric SE (Character 3)

Isometric SE (Character 4)

Isometric SE (Character 5)

This design variation is successful in addressing the flexible irregularity of personal space. As there are more layers of the concaved or bent ‘petal’ strips of various length, the diversity of personal space can be more comprehensively addressed in this improved design. For example, the character 1 addresses regular lower personal space around the wearer, while the character 2 addresses both the upper and lower personal space with less screening for the lower space but more screening for the upper sapce, by changing the direction of the concaved ‘petal’ strips. The wearer thus can switch the character of the second skin according to changes in moods, preference, activities, and surrounding environments and people. Hence, this design enables the wearer to transform the dimensions of personal space whenever they desire so. The essential value of this variation lies upon the infinite possibilities of the spatial organisation of ‘petal’ strip elements in tandem with personal needs.

We created a small prototype for this design, and discovered the physical form is different from the ideal form as it is very difficult to control the extent of bending for each ‘petal’ strip. Hence, it is too difficult to fabricate a real-size structure of the ideal form.



Material: Polypropene, pin joints The prototype is attached to the body through a ring which consists of a band with multiple holes. To allow the diameter of the ring to differ in order to fit various people, there are multiple holes with around 1mm interval in between them. The pin joints serves to hold the band into a ring shape, which is looped around the person’s arms. Through tesing the prototype we had found polypropene is not rigid enough to hold its shape. It is often found when it was worn on a person, the strips will fall back to its original shape without having a 3-Dimensional quality to it.


Testing Effects


Appendix - Prototype Testing of Undeveloped Design


Appendix - Version 1.5

Top Detail

Prototype (Contraction)




Isometric SE

Prototype (Expansion)

Reference Sommer, R., 1969, Personal space : the behavioral basis of design / Robert Sommer. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1969, viewed 01/04/2017, Scheurer, F. and Stehling, H., 2011, Lost in Parameter Space? IAD: Architectural Design, Wiley, 81 _4_, July, pp. 70-79, viewed on 01/04/2017, ImportedContent_20160128045120/02_Scheurer%20-%20Parameter%20Space%20_2011_%281%29.pdf Veasyble. (n.d.). Veasyble: Project. Retrieved wfrom


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