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Living On Site

All residential staff, both part-time or fulltime, Primary Years or Senior School, are expected to proactively participate in the boarding community. Boarding duties will be assigned by the Head of Boarding.


A significant part of the commitment to boarding is to carry out boarding duties as detailed below:

Every member of residential teaching staff (Primary and Secondary) will be given along day,ashort day(two evenings in the week) andweekend dutiesin boarding

Weekday Duties

Long Day

First Golden Time (5.40 to 7.00 pm)

Second Golden Time (7 00 to 8 10 pm)

Short Day

Short day means the staff member have one of these duties:

First Golden Time (5.30 to 6.10 pm)

CAS trip

Conduct an after-school club from(3.30 to 5.00 pm)

Weekday Duties – ‘Golden Time’

It is the staff duty to:

Maintain order and disciplineconducive to study, dealing with any instances immediately and in a mature manner

Ensure that students are engaged in academic work

Ensure attendance is taken promptly and any absentees are reported to the House Staff on duty

Handle lateness by addressing it with the concerned student Repeat offenders should be reported to the House Staff on duty

Ensure timings and rules of Golden Time are adhered to consistently

Ensure Golden Time is quiet study with no discussions

Be on time for duty and ensure all students have left the room/area so that at no time any student is left unsupervised

If in doubt, regarding rules, permissions and policies, to check with the House Staff on duty

Weekend Duty

It is an expectation to work a number of Saturdays and Sundays in a school year, which usually amount to 1 in 3 weekends

The duties are distributed, considering many factors such as secondary school working Saturdays, school events, department events, Parent-Teacher Conferences, etc.

Weekend duties might be only on a Saturday, only on a Sunday or on both Saturday and Sunday

Duties will be assigned for 7 5 hours a day

Please be on time for duty at the designated area

Supervise student activity according to the published weekly schedule

Ensure negative behaviour is dealt with instantly and repeat offenders are reported to the Deputy Head of House/Head of House

Use this time to get to know students and build relationships

Ensure students are not isolated or bullied

Be alert and supervise proactively to ensure nothing unwarranted takes place

Ensure students follow the timings as per the prescribed weekly schedule

Other points:

A teacher can, by mutual agreement with another staff, swap his or her duties if they have personal commitments which clash with duties

If a swap cannot be arranged, theHead of Boarding may be informed in advance and a later date may be agreed upon to make up for the missed duty

If a teacher is on leave during the school day,he/she does not need to do duty on that day


Staff will be provided with meals in the cafeteria, where there is a buffet system offering Indian and Continental choices. There is a three-weekly rotation of Menus which can be found on the board outside the cafeteria, and a different menu will be provided during holidays.

6.30 – 7.10

Meals for guests are served available in the cafeteria only and staff will be charged from their salary

Residents can buy milk, eggs and bread from the cafeteria

Food cannot be served to residents in their apartments, unless there is a health-related problem

Staff members and staff children who attend TISB only can have free meals in the dining hall. Non-working spouses and children who do not attend TISB are charged

Staff members are not allowed to take food, crockery or cutlery from the cafeteria to their apartments

Food provided from outside should not be eaten in the cafeteria.

Food Deliveries

Staff are allowed to order food for delivery from outside vendors Food can be received from:

Any Swiggy or Zomato outlet

Dominoes from Sarjapur Road

Swiggy Instamart (online) and All Seasons Hyper Mart delivers groceries to the campus

Fresh to Home and Licious delivers meat products

Chez Marinnick – pizzas, bread and quiche (all which can be frozen) 0091 9739406536

Birthday parties and special events

At times you may wish to host a small celebration such as a birthday, your child’s birthday or wedding anniversary with members of the on-campus community Permission is needed for this from the Operations Manager Basil will provide a menu and food items can be selected and charged to you directly (deducted from your salary). The event should not include music, should be contained to the EDR (food should not be taken out as per the school rules), should not interfere with usual mealtimes and the duration should not exceed 1.5 hours. These events can only involve members of the on-campus community and should be held in the EDR

Street Food Café

In addition to the structured mealtimes, boarders can buy Street Food from our on-site vendor between 4 30-5 30pm The charges for Street Food will be added to the pocket money account

Tuck Shop

The Tuck Shop is open from 4 00 - 4 45 every day and stocks snacks and other essential items The charges for Tuck Shop will be added to the pocket money account.


The nearest supermarket is called All Seasons, in walkable distance in Dommasandra and it has all the basic items at a reasonable price TISB has an All-Seasons WhatsApp group where you can place your order, pay online and they will deliver to the school gate. There are other more ‘western’ but more expensive supermarkets in shopping malls Nearest malls are Nexus Whitefield, Brookfield mall & Market Square mall (all of these about 30 minutes away from the campus)

General Information


Residents are allowed to drink alcohol in their apartments; however, you should be mindful of the fact that you are living on a school site and therefore alcohol should be consumed discretely, responsibly and in moderation.

Domestic Help

Please inform the Estates Department if you would like to employ any domestic help Helpers employed from outside the campus must have a security check done through the Estates Department and be double vaccinated.

Emergency Evacuation

Planned fire evacuation procedures are practiced throughout the year and details can be found in the Fire Evacuation Guidelines document in the Parent Portal.

Gas for Hob and Water Filter

It is the responsibility of the resident to manage their domestic gas cylinder and gas hob requirements and Water Filter Gas Cylinders may be requested from BASIL until receipt of a refill and these will be issued based on availability/conditions.


The school laundry facilities can be used by residents Clothes should be given to the Laundry on a Friday, normally bags of laundry can be left outside in the mornings before 08.00. Laundry will be returned washed, dried and ironed on a Monday and can be collected during the day from 09 00 to 16 00

Residents will be charged as per designated rates which will be taken from staff salary.

Monthly Deductions

Electricity charges as per the current government rates

Telephone charges as per the current government rates, if applicable

Cafeteria charges for guests or non-working spouse

Laundry charges based on your usage

Personal courier charges

WiFi charges for any items not including mobile phone

Details of charges can be clarified with the Bursary

Residents should pay their maid or other domestic help directly Taxis should be paid for directly

Nuisance and Noise Disputes

If a neighbour is causing a nuisance, please try to resolve the problem between yourselves as this is usually the quickest and best way to sort things out If the problem continues, you should contact HR hrasst@tisb.ac.in. We will ask you to keep a record over a period of time and then speak to both parties in order to reach an agreement Solutions to disputes will usually involve compromise on both sides

Please be respectful of your neighbours, remember, you may be causing a disturbance to your neighbour without even realising it Noise should be kept to a reasonable level, especially late at night and early in the morning.

Hired Vehicles & Parking management

Cabs are permitted to enter the campus with staff Security staff will accompany the cabs from Main gate to their residence/drop location and return. Passenger Auto Rickshaws are not permitted to enter the campus due to safety and security hazards

Visitor’s vehicles are to be parked in the car parking area near the Exit Gate only. Parking spaces are created in different locations inside the campus for Resident staff only Please park considerately and within the markings to avoid issues as there is only limited parking available. Vehicles should not be parked on grass verges or in reserved areas Major vehicle repairs should not be carried out on site


Residents are not allowed to keep pets on campus

Post and Deliveries

Deliveries such as Amazon will be kept in the photocopying room by reception and is open from 8:00 AM –8:00 PM The school cannot take responsibility for any parcels, packages or letters which are delivered to individuals.

Racial and Other Harassment

We are committed to equal opportunities and will not tolerate harassment of any kind from residents, their families or visitors. Appropriate action will be taken to evict any resident found to be causing or allowing harassment

If you have be subjected to any kind of harassment, whether verbal or physical, please contact HR hrasst@tisb ac in and the matter will be investigated

School Facilities

Residents may use the school facilities such as Gym and Swimming Pool (06.00 – 07.00 and 17.00 – 20.00) during the specified hours, and not during school working hours It is not advisable to swim if there is thunder and lightning.

Monday to Friday

- Adults - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

- Families - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


- Families - 5:30pm to 6:15pm

- Adults - 6:15pm to 7:00pm

COVID requirements and restrictions

As part of being a resident member of staff it is important to submit your vaccination certificates to HR. Currently there are no restrictions, however, it is important to abide by any rules put in place as they are there to either protect the boarders or other members of the community

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