Senior School Parents' & Students' Handbook

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Dr Santha Gopalkrishna
Dr KP Gopalkrishna
Dr Bindu Hari




ThisSeniorSchoolParents’&Students’Handbookwillprovideessentialinformationyouneedtomake yoursonordaughter’stransitiontoTISBassmoothandascomfortableaspossible.Thereisalotof informationcontainedwithintheHandbook,butpleasetrynottobeoverwhelmed,wearealsohere to help with the settling in process Boarders should read this Handbook in conjunction with the Boarders’Handbook.

For our existing parents, this Handbook will inform you of some new processes in place for the next academicyearandgiveyoumoredetailonthestartofterm.

Please read through the Handbook carefully, together with your son or daughter, action and return anyformsthatweneedtohavebeforethecommencementoftermandcontactusingoodtimeif youhaveanyquestionsorconcernsorifyoufeelyouneedassistance.TheAdmissionsDepartment and the Co-ordinators are here to help. I would like to point out that the ICT Acceptable Use Policy agreementwillneedtobecompletedbyallournewandcurrentstudentsandparents

Priortothestartofterm,weinvitenewparentsandstudentstoattendanOrientationDaywhenTISB School Leaders will be presenting information relating to the curriculum and other areas of school life.TheseareintendedtosupportandexpandupontheinformationcontainedinthisHandbookand Istronglyrecommendyouattendifpossible Thismeetingwillalsoprovideyouwiththeopportunity tomeetothernewparentsandenableyoutoquicklybecomeapartoftheTISBcommunity

TheongoingsuccessofTISBisbuiltuponthestrongpartnershipsbetweenstaff,student,parentsand the school administration. Our website is dynamic and where you can access the school calendar which should be your first port of call to access details of events taking place in school Our social mediaplatformsareregularlyupdatedgivingyouaccesstopicturesanddaytodaynewsofevents and happenings in school. The Parent Portal should be seen as the parent information hub where youcanaccesspoliciesandotherinformation;logindetailsaregivenlaterinthisHandbook.

The Parent Portal is being added to constantly, so please do log in regularly, and in due course you willalsobeabletoaccessyoursonordaughter’sschoolreportsandotherschoolinformation Ihope this facility will ensure our school community feels even more connected with what is happening in ourclassrooms,sportsfacilities,musicandartroomsandourperformanceareas. Myverybestwishestoallourstudents,bothnewandcurrent,asyoustartanewacademicyearat TISB,andIlookforwardtomeetingnewparentsandstudentsinpersonverysoon.



The International School Bangalore is located on a 140-acre campus in Dommasandra, Sarjapur of Bangalore, in Southern India. TISB was founded in 2000 by the school’s Chairman, Dr K P Gopalkrishna, an eminent leader in education, and is one of India’s most reputable, independent, selective, international boarding and day schools. Dr Gopalkrishna is also the Chairman and Founder of The National Public Schools (NPS) which have become a model that many schools seek to replicate under his advice Throughout its history TISB has delivered consistently high academic standards and strives to combine traditional values with a modern, global approach to life and learning


TISB believes in respect towards students, staff and the school, and fostering relationships based on fun and friendship

Acceptance and Equality

TISB prides itself on student equality and fairness regardless of age, background or ability Diversity is accepted and valued so no one feels excluded or less important.

Collaboration and Camaraderie

TISB’s community spirit and friendly atmosphere allow individual personalities to develop, and our student-led events and activities foster a supportive, nurturing and caring community


We feel proud to be part of our school community with a desire to excel and to do the best we can with integrity and honesty.

2024-25 TERM DATES


Term Dates | The International School Bangalore (

You can find the Term Dates for the current & the next academic year in our website Please note that the dates are subject to changes often, so it is always important to refer to the website (link above) to get the up-to-date information


7.20 Registration in Classroom

7:30 - 8.10 Lesson 1

8.10 - 8.50 Lesson 2

8.50 - 9.30 Lesson 3

9.30 - 9.50 Juice Break

9.50 - 10.30 Lesson 4 10.30 - 11.10 Lesson 5 11.10 - 11.50 Lesson 6 11.50 - 12.30 Lunch 12.30 - 1.10 Lesson 7 1.10 - 1.50 Lesson 8 1.50 - 2:30 Lesson 9


From the first week of the Academic year, you will start receiving our Friday Updates which are sent out to parents and students every Friday and contain important information Please do look out for this email every week, which may be inadvertently directed to your spam or junk mail.


All parents will be sent account activation details to access to the ISAMS Parent Portal on their child’s first day at TISB The iSams parent portal is a site that allows parents to access individual student information like grades and important documents, such as school policies.

We urge parents to download the iParent app at the same time, and allow Push Notifications, as you will then be notified when new information and notices are added.

To help you access your iSAMS account faster and more securely, we have implemented a self-service password reset option on iSAMS that you can use anytime you forget your iSAMS username and password. Please follow the instructions below carefully to reset your password and regain access to your account

Instructions to reset iSAMS Student portal password.

Click on the link

Click on "Forgotten your details" link available right below the "Sign in" button.

Enter the student iSAMS username "which will be same as your TISB office 365 email ID without "@tisb ac in" and then click "reset password"

A password reset link is automatically sent to your school email ID that you can use to reset.

Instructions to find your iSAMS username or reset iSAMS Parent portal password

Click on the link

Click on "Forgotten your details" link available right below the "Sign in" button.

Enter the parent username and then click “reset password” button to receive the password reset link on your school registered parent email ID

If you have forgotten your username, choose “Request my username” and enter the school registered parent email ID

Click “Send Reminder” to receive the parent iSAMS username on email You can then repeat the above step to reset your password if needed.

Please check your Spam/Junk email folder if you have not received the password reset link or username in your Inbox.

If you have any queries regarding the iSams Parent Portal, please contact Ms. Sulochana


Dr Caroline Principal school@tisbacin

Mr Santanu Senior DP Academics psantanu@tisbacin

Mr Naveen DP Pastoral tnaveen@tisbacin

Ms. Vijayalakshmi DP Professional Development jvijayalakshmi@tisbacin


Each Grade has a Grade Coordinator, and their email contacts are listed below If you have any queries prior to the start of term, please email the student's Grade Coordinator.

Grade 6: Ms. Dhanshri

Grade 9: Ms Bhaswati

Grade 7: Mr Anand

Grade 10: Ms Velina

Grade 8: Dr Sindhu

Grade 11: Mr Bimal

Grade 12: Ms Gunjan

The student will also have a Form Tutor which you will be informed of at the start of the school They should be your first point of contact for any queries for the remainder of the academic year.

At TISB we have high expectations of our pupils and we aim to teach our students to make a positive contribution to our community and beyond Students are expected to behave in a courteous manner at all times. We believe in creating a positive and rewarding learning environment where students will flourish and by establishing these expectations, we create the best possible climate for learning teaching and working collaboratively

We expect our community to be purposeful, kind and mutually respectful and expect our students to show common sense and respect for themselves, for others and for the school environment Students should:

Embrace and engender the school values and aims


Respect and value all students and staff, treating all equally well regardless of gender, race or status

Welcome all visitors to the school

Use appropriate language at all times to avoid offence

Uphold the Anti-bullying Policy

Remember that when wearing a TISB uniform students are representing the whole school

Students should:

Be punctual and arrive at lessons, registration, assemblies and activities in an orderly manner and on time

Maintain a positive approach to lessons, complete the work set to the best of their ability and allow others to do the same

Settle quickly in lessons, bringing all the necessary equipment

Listen carefully to instructions and not talk whilst others are talking, allowing others to hear and learn

Be orderly, punctual and without running when moving around the school

Students should clarify any concerns they have with either their Form Tutor or Co-ordinator


TISB’s campus is environmentally friendly and a place to be proud of To that end every member of the community should strive to look after it.

Students should:

Not throw litter on the ground for others to pick up but instead, use the correct bin to throw away litter: Blue for Dry Waste, Green for Wet Waste, Red for E-waste

Only eat lunch in the Cafeteria

Keep Classrooms tidy and keep belongings in lockers

Conserve water where possible

Conserve energy where possible by turning off lights and fans when not required


Students in Grades 6, 7 and 8 will be given their notebooks and textbooks, which will be their property for the entire academic year Students should ensure that their books are clearly named and kept in their locker, school bag, at home or in the boarding house

Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 will be provided with folders and paper along with their textbooks

Each student in Grades 6 - 8 will also be given a School Diary to log homework each day.


Homework timetables and guidelines are reviewed regularly to ensure that a sensible workload is maintained, and that subject learning is supported.

Golden Time for Boarders

Boarders are given ample time to complete homework assignments during structured study known as ‘Golden Time’

Additional Academic Support

Staff are always willing to give additional support to students with their studies, within reason. Many of the academic staff live on site, and through arrangement, are able to give extra support when possible

Computing Facilities

Students have access to computers in the Library which can be used when the Library is open


Throughout the year, parents will receive feedback on how their son or daughter is progressing through Parent/Teacher Conferences and through the report system Details of PTCs can be found in the School Calendar and Portals (under important dates). All PTCs this year will be hybrid.


Assessments and examinations will be held throughout the year and results will be made accessible to parents.

Assessment Schedules & Deadlines for all Grades will be available in the iSams Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information.


Throughout the academic year, there will be certain Saturdays that students will be required to attend school Please ensure that family events and your son or daughter’s personal calendar are organised around these dates

Dates of Working Saturdays for Students can be found in the Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information


At TISB we have four Houses, Explorers, Voyagers, Pioneers and Discoverers and each student and staff member are associated with a House. Throughout the year there are a number of inter-House competitions and the House system is also associated with our Rewards & Sanctions Policy.

New students will be informed of which House they are to be in during the first week of school.


At TISB we recognise that the personal development of students morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. It is our aim to provide an education that provides students with the chance to explore and develop their own values and beliefs We encourage our students to have high standards of personal behaviour, a positive, caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures

The key areas of our curriculum:

Adopting a healthy lifestyle to promote mental and physical health

Having a global outlook - respecting diversity, a positive attitude, respect for others' opinions and values

Maintaining healthy relationships, developing compassion and empathy

Self-regulation - maintaining a healthy self-concept and developing emotional well-being and resilience

Managing peer influence - particularly with reference to smoking, vaping, alcohol and drug taking

Physical changes during puberty, sex education

Staying safe and making informed choices about dealing with risks

Developing independence and responsibility, particularly in developing independent study habits and skills

Playing an active role as members of a democratic society including how to become involved in the life of the community

Deciding on values by which to live life

Making suitable career choices


ICT Acceptable Use Policy – Students

All students and their parents are required to read and agree to the ICT Acceptable Use Policy The policy and digital signature form can be found here: ICT Acceptable Use Policy - Students and is also available in Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / Policies / Senior School Policies

Mobile Phones

Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones during the school day and should be aware the Mobile Phone Policy available in the Parent and Student Portals. If a student is found to be using their phone, then it may be confiscated Boarders are able to use their mobile phones during specific times, detailed in the Boarding Handbook.


If you do NOT wish your son or daughter to appear in any photographs or other publications then please email Ms. Shobhita and Mr. Naveen, clearly giving the name and grade of your son or daughter

Social Media

The school has a number of official social media accounts that we use to share the numerous events that happen in school on a daily basis The news updates can be seen on the website, but please do follow the accounts.

Instagram, Twitter and Facebook can be followed at TISBangalore

Use of Laptops

Students in Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 are given permission to have laptops in school for educational use at specific times



Students will be provided lunch in the Cafeteria, where there is a buffet system offering Indian and Continental choices The three-weekly rotation of Menus can be found in the Parent Portal

– 7 10

- 9:50

Food Committee

The food committee meets regularly to look at changes and improvements in the food being served to all students.

Packed lunches

Students are permitted to bring packed lunches.

Food Deliveries

Students are not allowed to order food for delivery from outside vendors.


Students coming by bus are given milk and a small snack once they arrive Students are given extra snacks during Juice Break at 9.30 am.

Street Food Café & Tuck Shop

In addition to the structured mealtimes, boarders can buy Street Food or other items from the Tuck Shop from 4 10 - 5 00 pm every day The Tuck Shop operates a cashless system as students use their School ID cards to purchase items. The charges for Street Food will be added to the pocket money account. Currently, after consultation with current parents, we have set the upper limit for a student’s expenditure at Rs 250 per day, The use of the ID card for payment is monitored, any misuse will be dealt with according to Rewards and Sanctions.


TISB is very fortunate to have an onsite fully staffed Medical Center that is open 24 hours a day. If a student is ill or injured, they should report to the Medical Center where a School Nurse will be on duty. Minor ailments and injuries will be attended to by the Medical Center. Please ensure that routine medical and dental appointments are made during the school holidays, so that they do not disrupt academic work during term time

Parents should ensure that the Medical Center is kept up to date of any medical treatment or conditions that students may have received during the holidays and even more important if it is continuing during term time

All medicines should be given to the Medical Center for safe-keeping and for administration. It's important to note that our boarders will visit the Manipal Clinic at Yamare (3 kms from TISB) and Ray’s Dental Clinic for minor ailments. Visits to the main clinic at Manipal, Varthur, will be reserved for more severe medical issues. Additionally, please note that TISB has an MoU with Manipal Hospital at Varthur.

Consultant doctor: Dr Mohan Rao

School Nurses: Mrs Reena Emmanuel (Senior Nurse)

Ms. Anns, Ms. Neha (School Nurses)

Medical Center Email:

Medical Center contact Numbers: +91 80 67235900 Extn 212 & 218


Our student counsellors Ms Shrishti Jain and Ms Keerthan Vadivel will be available to meet students at the student counselling room. Ms Shrishti and Mr Keerthana will offer guidance and support to students who are finding difficulty in dealing with academic, personal, and societal pressures An online appointment link (shared below) will be shared with students to book an appointment with a school counsellor.


Parents and students should be aware that any personal matters discussed with school counsellors by students are strictly confidential. The school counsellors will not reveal or discuss these matters with anyone else, including any staff member of TISB. The only instances when a counsellor will discuss the matter with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) are when they suspect:

The student poses a risk of harm to themselves or others. In this case, the counsellor has a duty to inform appropriate authorities and parents to ensure the safety and well-being of the student and others

Abuse or neglect If the counsellor suspects that the student is being abused or neglected, they are required to take appropriate action.


For queries regarding the buses please contact Ms Gayathri tisbtransport@samtoursntravels com or telephone number 00 91 9739663302.


TISB offers numerous co-curricular activities which take place between 3.30pm and 4.50pm during term time We encourage students to enrol in at least two co-curricular activities and ask that they attend regularly. Limited buses will depart at 4.10pm for those staying for activities. Details can be obtained from

Please note that the timetable below is currently in draft form and the finalised version, including a number of new activities, will be available in the Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / After School Activities

A summary of each of the After-School Activities on offer will also be available in the Parent Portal by the start of term

Prices for paid for activities can be dependent on uptake may change prior to the start of the activity

Students enrolling in team sports are required to commit to the specified practice sessions. Teams will be selected from those involved in the after-school clubs; however, involvement does not directly qualify students to be selected for the team

Please note that no refunds will be issued for students enrolled in paid activities Payments will be taken at the start of each term in August and January

Please note that Grade 6 Team Sports are combined with the Primary Years


It is an expectation of the school that students have high standards and take pride in their appearance

The PE uniform should be worn daily, except during end of term exam weeks and when students represent the school at external events.

Students are expected to wear formal uniform during end of term exam or when they represent the school at external events.

Boarders are permitted to wear only the school jacket during school hours. The Uniform Policy can be found in the Parent Portal

All clothes should be clearly marked with the student’s name and are the owner’s responsibility Items bought during term time must be marked by the student or boarding staff.

Formal school uniform including formal black shoes and tie will be compulsory for all students of the senior school on the following occasions from the start of the next academic year:

All formal events (Subject Specific Exhibitions, Concerts, 25th Anniversary Celebrations, Open Days etc)

Grade Photographs

End of Year Examinations

End-of-Term Examinations

Mock Examinations

Preliminary Internal Examinations and Final Internal Examinations (Grade 12)

Grade 10 and Grade 12 -IGCSE and IBDP Final Board exams.

Therefore, the school would recommend that every senior school student should order a minimum of 3 pairs of formal school uniforms starting next academic year

Uniform Vendor and Ordering Info


Attendance & Absence

Students are expected to attend school every day during term-time so that absence does not interfere with their academic studies. We are aware that on occasion students will need to be unavoidably absent from school and in such cases, parents should request absence in advance via the Notification of Absence Form in the Parent Portal under School Information / Bookmarks & Links In the case of illness, the Notification of Absence Form should be completed for each day of absence. These rules also apply if we are online due to unavoidable reasons

Parents are asked to complete the Notification of Absence Form by 7.30am to report a child’s absence due to illness.

Emergency Evacuation

Planned fire evacuation procedures are practiced throughout the year and details can be found in the Fire Evacuation Guidelines document in the Parent Portal


The School does not take any responsibility for students’ personal valuables including electronic equipment that is brought onto campus We advise parents to arrange insurance cover for any valuable items such as laptops and mobile phones. It is the responsibility of the owner of the equipment to take responsibility for their possessions.

If boarding parents choose to take out a medical insurance policy for their son or daughter, please inform the boarding staff of the details.

Library Timings

The Library is open at the following times:


7.20 am till 5.30 pm

5.30 pm-7.45 pm (open for prep during Golden Time – no library services) 8 15 pm-9 00 pm



11 30 am till 1 00 pm

5.30 pm till 9.00 pm

Sunday: 5 30 pm till 9 00 pm

Library Resources

Access to the JSTOR platform is available via the Student Portal under Library Resources You will be given direct access to JSTOR, using the links, with no login required

Lost Property

All students’ possessions should be clearly named and looked after Items that have been lost and found will be put in the Lost Property Cupboard, near Reception.

Music Lessons

Lessons in a number of musical instruments and vocal lessons can be taken on an individual or group basis Students are required to commit to lessons and the charge for these lessons will be added to the pocket money account. Lessons will be rotated to avoid students missing the same academic lesson each week.

A music diary will be used as the primary mode of communication with parents and will be used to record and assign homework and practice tasks after each lesson. Please ensure that your son or daughter has their music diary with them for their music lesson.

Weekly timetables will be uploaded on the portals and sent via e-mail.


TISB is a co-educational school and friendships/relationships between boys and girls is natural and normal. However, it is important to understand that TISB is a community of learning with students of a wide range of ages, cultures and backgrounds

To avoid unnecessary conflict or concerns, it is essential that students accept the following, nonnegotiable, ground rules for friendship between genders.

Students should not have any overt affectionate physical contact which includes holding hands, sitting very close together, hugging and kissing. Students in a relationship should not go to private areas together, on or off campus, when part of any school activity, where they can be together alone and out of view. Students must not make any other boarder or member of staff in the boarding house feel uncomfortable Please note that the reward and sanction policy of TISB clearly stipulates that Public Displays of Affection (PDA) will result in immediate detention without a verbal warning

Religious Observance

TISB is a secular school which respects all faiths and denominations

Rewards & Conduct

The school has in place a Rewards & Sanctions Policy that can be accessed via the Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / Policies. Rewards and Conduct points given to your child can be seen in your Parent Portal area.

TISB has a zero-tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol Any student found with drugs or alcohol will be dealt with accordingly by the Principal.

School Trips

During January, compulsory school trips take place for students in Grades 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11. Each Grade will visit a different location and details will be communicated to parents well in advance.


The boarding houses are closed to students during the school day. The school site has security guards in attendance around the campus 24 hours a day

Visitors on Site

All visitors to TISB should sign in at Reception and collect a Visitor’s Pass which should be worn at all times

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