Mixed Member Proportional System - Electoral Reforms Sri Lanka

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PUBLISHER Transparency International Sri Lanka 5/1, Elibank Road, Colombo 05 Phone: 0114369781 Fax: 011 2 501 707 E-Mail: tisl@tisrilanka.org Web: www.tisrilanka.org ISBN: 978-955-1281-76-2 This report was prepared by the politics research practice at Verité Research for Transparency International Sri Lanka. Comments: publications@veriteresearch.org

Copyrights © TISL and Verité Research. This publication may be reproduced by any organisation for use in public education activities, provided the source is acknowledged and TISL and Verité Research are notified of such use. Commercial use and reproduction are prohibited.





CONTENTS Executive Summary 01 Background 03 Sri Lanka’s existing electoral system 03 Why the MPP system fulfills President Sirisena’s manifesto objectives 04 (or electoral reform objectives?) How MPP works 05 Features of MMP 05 Dual Ballot in a Two Tier System 05 Ratio of District Seats to PR Seats 06 Closed List 07 Methods of Party List Proportional Representation 07 Electoral Thresholds 08 Why the 20th Amendment cannot meet the manifesto prmise? 09 One Vote is insufficient 09 Seat Proportions 09 Closed List 10 Bonus Seats 11 Concerns with MMP 12 Overhang 12 Women’s Representation 12 References 14

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Presidential candidate Maithripala Sirisena’s manifesto became the blueprint for the government’s reform agenda after his election on January 08, 2015. Among the many promises included was a response to a long standing demand to reform Sri Lanka’s electoral system. The manifesto outlined moving to an electoral system based on Sri Lanka’s electoral debate which had identified twin imperatives; a re-introduction of smaller single member (and several multi member) electoral districts similar to Sri Lanka’s previous parliamentary electoral system and preserving proportional representation (PR) in voting outcomes introduced by the current electoral system. District level voting will shift to a plurality system of election, commonly referred to as First-Past-thePost (FPTP). As single member electoral districts are selected on a majoritarian basis – where a single winner is selected by the plurality of votes, achieving proportional representation at the same time requires deploying what is known in electoral systems theory as a Mixed-Member Proportional (MMP) electoral system. That is, a system that mixes in elements of majoritarian selection, while yet achieving proportional outcomes. A proportional outcome is where parties’ final number of seats in parliament correspond to the share of total votes received. This paper examines the key features and functions of an MMP system that need to be considered when engaging in electoral system reform. It is beyond the scope of this paper to examine the arguments for electoral reform that have been prevalent in Sri Lankan political debate. The proposed 20th Amendment to the constitution, published on June 20, 2015 was the government’s primary attempt to introduce a new electoral system. However, the proposed system did not follow the electoral system design principles of an MMP. The failure to include a system of two ballots and an insufficient number of PR seats when compared to district (plurality voting) seats meant that the 20th amendment would have failed in its objective of preserving proportional representation. It also retained an aspect of the current PR system that deviates a little from a full PR outcome: the awarding of bonus seats to parties that obtain the most votes within an electoral district. This paper will explain the key elements of how an MMP system needs to be structured to achieve proportional representation while re-introducing small electoral districts. It synthesizes findings from the vast body of research on electoral systems that exists internationally to demonstrate the key features of an MMP system and how they should be implemented. The paper does not explore context specific questions on the exact number of district seats that would be suitable for Sri Lanka’s electorate or the process of delimitation. As demonstrated in the following sections the key characteristics of MMP systems have been tested and proven effective through international examples: Germany, New Zealand, Wales, Scotland, Bolivia and Lesotho. In order for the MMP principles to be realised effectively it can be necessary to adopt a two vote system with a 1:1 PR - FPTP ratio (or the closest permissible alternative). The use of two votes, or a dual ballot, is arguably the most important characteristic of MMP and is imperative to achieving proportional electoral outcomes. The dual ballot allows voters to cast their preference directly for both the outcome of their local election and the outcome of the national (or sub-national) proportional election that determines the overall composition of MPs in parliament. It thereby mitigates the impact


of ‘strategic voting’ which occurs at the local level where voters often choose to vote for the candidates’ with the greatest likelihood of winning rather than ‘wasting’ a vote on losing party candidate, even if that party is preferred. In allowing the declaration of two separate preference votes the impact on strategic voting is limited to local level plurality voting and does not impact the overall composition of parliament and reduces the barriers for small parties to obtain legislative representation that is proportionate to the popular support they enjoy. If these conditions are met, having adequate PR seats to act as ‘compensatory’ seats (for those who enjoy electoral support in districts, but not enough to win a plurality) can yield largely on even fully proportional outcomes in terms of the final composition of parliament. Additionally, several current MMPs use electoral thresholds which require political parties to gain a specified percentage of the overall vote in order to attain seats. A higher threshold can exclude smaller parties. Therefore, many MMP countries either have no threshold or a low threshold (e.g. under 5% nationally) and also allow PR seats to be allocated to parties that win a small number of district seats but fail to meet the national vote percentage threshold. The calculation of seat allocations can retain that which is used in Sri Lanka’s current electoral system, the Hare quota or use the Sainte-Laguë method that is used in MMP countries such as Germany and New Zealand. Both methods of calculations are suited for ensuring better accurate proportional outcomes than the D’Hondt method which is also used in some MMP countries. Further, all MMP countries utilize closed party lists for their PR vote. As suggested by its name a ‘closed list’ which political parties must submit prior to the election removes political party discretion once submitted to the elections commission prior to an election. Neither the individuals nor order of the names on the list can change once submitted. A closed list can also allow party list quotas to be used to give greater representation to women, minority groups and, if desired, defeated candidates. A closed list which incorporates such elements can rely on a clearly defined process or formula (e.g. a zipper quota) for selecting candidates eliminating the possibility of misuse by political parties. Greater representation of women can be attained through legislated party list quotas, which require the party to include women on their PR lists at defined intervals (e.g. every third name) or through reserved seats. A closed list also allows the voters to vote on the quality of members that a political party is putting up, without being subject to the bait and switch that has been seen in Sri Lanka: where reputable candidates are put on the list and then later switched after the election has taken place. One concern expressed with MMP systems in Sri Lanka’s electoral reform debate has been the issue of ‘overhang’ seats. The plurality component of selecting seats often leads to disproportionate outcomes requiring compensatory PR seats incorporated in MMP systems. On some occasions electoral results can be distorted beyond the availability of PR seats to compensate. This is a situation where there are overhang seats. Overhang seats occur when a political party acquires a higher number of seats through plurality voting than it qualifies for overall to an extent not adjustable by the standard number of PR seats allotted within the legislature. International examples use several methods for incorporating overhang seats. MMPs can decide to either award the extra seats won (resulting in some disproportionality), provide additional seats to the other parties to maintain proportionality, subtract the seats from the total governing body to preserve the body’s size, or not give the seats.


BACKGROUND: THE PRESIDENT’S PROMISE In January 2015, Presidential candidate Maithripala Sirisena published a manifesto calling for several major changes in Sri Lanka’s governance structure including the abolition of the executive presidency and the reform of the electoral system. On the subject of reforming the electoral systems the manifesto states: I guarantee the abolition of the preferential system and will ensure that every electorate will have a Member of Parliament of its own. The new electoral system will be a combination of the first-past-the post system and the proportional representation of defeated candidates.1 The manifesto also promises that any change to the electoral system will be passed with support from all parties as the new system would be one that did not ‘change the composition’ of parliament. These promises therefore require an electoral system that will 1) re-introduce smaller single member and multi-member electoral districts2 similar to a first-past-the-post (FPTP) system 2) remove ‘preferential voting’, Sri Lanka’s current method of selecting candidates within a party 3) retain proportional representation (PR) and draw PR candidates from a pool of defeated candidates at constituency level voting.

SRI LANKA’S EXISTING ELECTORAL SYSTEM Until the 1978 Constitution, Sri Lanka utilized a First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) System, which is when a candidate wins an electoral district seat by obtaining the highest number of votes in that area. Besides a small number of multi member districts most electoral districts had one member of parliament per electoral district. In the past, Sri Lanka’s FPTP system had led to hugely disproportionate outcomes. An extreme example was the 1970 parliamentary election which saw the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) secure over 60% of the seats with just 36.9% of the total vote and the UNP which secured 37.9% of the vote gain just 12% of the total seats. After 1978, Sri Lanka adopted a Proportional Representation (PR) System with larger electoral districts which proportionally elect members from a multitude of parties. Currently, the 22 electoral districts largely correspond to Sri Lanka administrative units, also termed ‘districts’.3 Accordingly, Sri Lanka currently utilizes a single ballot to elect its 225 Parliamentarians: 196 seats to 22 multi-member constituencies and 29 national seats. Each voter is allowed to select up to three candidates (without a rank ordering) from within their chosen party as their preferred representatives within their electoral district. This system referred to internationally as ‘open list’ voting is referred to in Sri Lanka as ‘preferential voting’. This system has become unpopular, in part due to a public perception that large electoral districts make MPs less accessible to the public and less concerned about local issues. Other concerns regarding election violence and campaign financing too have (often erroneously) become associated with and seen as ills of the current electoral system. 1. New Democratic Front, (2015). Maithri: A Stable Government. priu.gov.lk. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.priu.gov.lk/presidential_manifestos/Manifesto-EN.pdf 2. The term district is used in this context in keeping with standard parlance in electoral systems discussions which refers to a direct electoral unit as an electoral district. The term constituency is also used in discussing single member electoral districts as described in this instance 3. This number differs from Sri Lanka’s 25 administrative districts due to the amalgamation of Jaffna and Kilinochchi administrative districts into the ‘Jaffna Electoral District’ and the amalgamation of Mannar, Vayuniya and Mullaitivu administrative districts into the ‘Wanni Electoral District’.


WHY DOES THE MMP SYSTEM FULFIL PRESIDENT SIRISENA’S MANIFESTO OBJECTIVES? This paper provides recommendations that address Sirisena's campaign promises on electoral reform. The manifesto promises moving to a mixed system of which there are two global variants; mixed-member majoritarian and mixed-member proportional. Of these two only MMP is designed in a manner that adequately conforms with the two principal criteria of retaining proportionality in voting outcomes and re-introducing smaller single member electoral districts is the Mixed-Member Proportional System (MMP). Further, PR lists in MMP or any proportional system can be formulated to include defeated candidates in a systematic manner within a ‘closed list’ (see below for explanation) to fulfil the secondary promises outlined in the manifesto. MMP therefore can fulfil all the key criteria of the president’s promise. This paper will be limited to discussing the key features of an MMP system as a basis of a means of delivering on President Sirisena’s electoral promise on changing the parliamentary electoral system and will not discuss the arguments for and against changing the electoral system or electoral systems at other levels of government. It will also not attempt to discuss issues such as campaign finance laws and election violence that are related to electoral reform but have often been conflated with the debate on electoral systems. The proposed re-introduction of smaller electoral districts as per the FPTP system while retaining proportionality in voting outcomes as mentioned in the manifesto pledge necessitates the introduction of a mixed system. The internationally practiced mixed system which can be designed to adequately provide for proportional electoral outcomes is the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) electoral system. In the last two decades, several countries have transitioned to MMP electoral systems - hybrid systems that contain election through plurality voting and proportional representation Both the President’s pledge and the current conversation on Sri Lanka’s electoral reform lend themselves to the MMP system.


HOW DOES THE MMP WORK? Features of MMP • • • •

Two types of seats: district seats and PR seats; Two votes - one for local candidate and one for national/sub-national party level representation; District seats are won either with a majority or plurality (first-past-the-post); PR seats are allocated for the purpose of compensating for disproportionality that is created by plurality voting used in allocating district seats; • PR party lists are closed; the list is determined either by a party list of a fixed order and names submitted prior to an election or can utilize a formula for incorporating the most successful defeated candidates at district level voting; • Typically, has two tiers of representation; district representation and national/sub-national proportional representation.4

Dual Ballot in a Two Tier System The most recent proposal for a new electoral system was loosely based on a MMP design. The draft 20th amendment proposed during the tenure of the previous parliament, calls for voters to use a single ballot.5 This ballot would be cast in favour of one of the local district candidates nominated by political parties or independent groups. Then, the aggregate result of local voting would also be used to decide sub-national and national level party PR seat allocations.6 This is atypical of MMP systems. MMP countries typically use a two ballot system. The two ballots are a critical part of the MMP electoral system design for two key reasons. First, a dual ballot allows voters enhanced choice in declaring their preferences. While a single ballot curtails voter choice to declare the same preference at both local and national level, two ballots allow voters to ‘split’ their ballot. In New Zealand, 37% of voters split their ballots in the first election after the change to a MMP dual voting system. Germany sees more than 20% of voters split their ticket. Second, two ballots reduce the effects of strategic voting on electoral outcomes. Duverger’s law, a well-studied phenomenon in electoral systems, demonstrates that plurality systems undermine the performance of smaller parties. This is because large parties tend to have an advantage in winning FPTP competitions and votes for smaller parties become regarded as ‘wasted votes’. MMPs solve this problem through having two tiers of seats linked to two distinct ballots. Should voters be allowed only one vote they can face a dilemma regarding which seat category they prefer to influence. For example, if a voter’s preferred party is party A but only party B and C have sufficient support to win in that district the voter may choose to vote strategically for either party B or C. In a two ballot MMP system, this tendency towards strategic voting has little or no bearing on the total seats in parliament; the extent of which depends on the district/PR seat ratio (discussed below). This is because voters can declare their preferences for their local MP and the national composition of parliament independently of each other. This also serves to protect small parties’ from underperforming due to voter perceptions of ‘wasted votes’ in plurality voting. All MMP countries with the exception of Djibouti use a two vote system. 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of MMP. (2016). Ace Project: The Electoral Knowledge Framework. Retrieved 14 March 2016, from http://aceproject. org/ace-en/topics/es/esd/esd03/esd03a/esd03a01 5. See also, the section on the 20th amendment below 6. Electoral reforms in a vacuum | The Sunday Times Sri Lanka. (2016). Sundaytimes.lk. Retrieved 28 March 2016, from http://www.sundaytimes. lk/150322/sunday-times-2/electoral-reforms-in-a-vacuum-140881.html


Ratio of District Seats to PR Seats The ratio of district seats to PR seats also affects electoral outcomes. Empirical research into electoral systems has led to many experts arguing for a 1:1 ratio between district and PR seats as producing the most proportionate system in a linked two tier system because it provides enough seats to properly compensate parties with PR seats.7 A 1:1 ratio largely ensures all parties receiving too few seats in the district elections can still attain their proportional share. For example, hypothetical Country A's MMP system uses an allocation of 80 district seats to 80 PR seats. Party A receives 16 district seats (10% of the total 160 seats), but according to the PR vote should hold 40% of the total seats (i.e. 64 out of the 160 seats). Party A still needs 48 more seats, or 30% of the total seats, to possess their proportional share.8


District Seats

A B C Total

16 32 32 80

80 District Seats: 80 PR Seats District Seats: Total Seats % of Total According to Seats PR vote 10% 40% 20% 30% 20% 30% 50% 100%

Compensatory PR Seats: % of PR Seats Total Seats 48 16 16 80

30% 10% 10% 50%

As seen below, Germany has the most proportional seat distribution of all current MMPs and Djibouti has the least proportional. In 2013, Djibouti allocated only 20% (13 out of a total 65 seats) of their parliamentary seats through proportional representation. In theory, voters have good incentives to decide to give their vote to a small party even if its support base is too geographically dispersed to win plurality seats. However, in countries such as Djibouti as 80% of the seats are allocated to constituencies, a PR vote for a smaller party could fail to impact the seat allocation, as there are only a few PR seats available to compensate for the disproportionality created by the constituency voting.9 Thus, not only is it important for MMPs to utilize a dual ballot, but also to allocated adequate seats for the PR vote. A distribution of 50:50 between constituency and PR seats is, in practice, quite adequate to ensure proportionality. MMPs’ SMD:PR Ratio (Potential Overhang Seats Excluded) Germany New Zealand Scotland Wales 299:299 70:50 73:56 40:20

Bolivia 68:62

Lesotho 80:40

7. Siaroff, A. (2013). Comparing Political Regimes: A Thematic Introduction to Comparative Politics (3rd ed., pp. 109-191). University of Toronto Press. 8. Large disparities in district voting can make even 1;1 ratio insufficient for maintaining proportionality should a party win a much higher number of district seats than their vote share. This issue is discussed in the Overhang section below. 9. Djibouti opposition ends election boycott - BBC News. (2013). BBC News. Retrieved 14 March 2016, from http://www.bbc.com/news/worldafrica-21554465


Closed List A closed list is generally used in the election of candidates for the PR portion of the ballot. It informs voters on which candidates will be allotted seats and in what order prior to the election. For example, if Mr. A was the first candidate on Party X’s list and the party secured 1 PR seat, only Mr. A would be eligible to fill that seat. This helps inform voters on the probability of each of the candidates on the list being elected; candidates at the top of the list are likely to get elected, while candidates at the bottom of the list will probably not enter parliament. The party does not have the discretion to substitute a candidate name with others lower down the order once the list is submitted; neither can it bring in candidates that are not on the original list. Both the names on the list and rank order are binding. An open list (referred to as preferential voting in Sri Lanka) can be included in an MMP system but will not be discussed as it is outside the scope of the Presidential manifesto promises. Currently, Sri Lanka allows political parties to have significant discretion in changing both the rank order and candidates on its national list. There is no binding rank order and even candidates outside the list who contested elections for district level seats but failed to get elected can be appointed. The selection process in which candidates who contested district level elections are appointed via the ‘national list’ is entirely at the parties’ discretion. This practice is not in keeping with international standards and creates opacity as to which candidates on the national list will eventually be appointed. An MMP system should not maintain discretionary appointments and instead adhere to the internationally practiced principle of a closed list. Accommodating defeated candidates can also be done through a formula for selecting a quota of ‘best losers’ eliminating the need for discretion i.e. every fourth seat is held for a defeated candidate. Closed lists are also beneficial to minority groups and women, as quotas can be placed upon the party lists, ensuring greater representation.10 With the exception of a few constituencies in the German legislature; all MMPs use closed lists in order to establish quotas for minority groups, such as New Zealand’s indigenous Māori population.11

Methods of Calculating Party List Proportional Representation Currently, Sri Lanka utilizes the largest remainder method, also known as the Hare quota. It is considered one of the more proportional methods as smaller parties often gain slightly greater seat portions than they are owed and larger parties relatively fewer seats. Lesotho is the only MMP system utilizing the Hare quota.12 The other types of seat allocation used are the D’Hondt and Sainte-Laguë Methods. The Hare quota produces especially proportional results and would be a good method to continue using with MMP in Sri Lanka. However, if parliament decides to change the current method, the SainteLaguë method also produces equally proportional results. Germany and New Zealand currently use this system after utilizing other less proportional methods earlier.13 Currently, Scotland, Wales and Bolivia utilize the D’Hondt Method.14 10. Open, Closed and Free Lists. (2016). Ace Project: The Electoral Knowledge Network. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from http://aceproject.org/ace-en/ topics/es/esd/esd02/esd02e/esd02e03 11. Māori Representation. (2014). Electoral Commission. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/maori-representation 12. IFES Election Guide | Elections: Djibouti Parliamentary 2013. (2016). Electionguide.org. Retrieved 16 March 2016, from http://www.electionguide. org/elections/id/1654/ 13. Sainte-Laguë Allocation Formula. (2016). Elections: Electoral Commission. Retrieved 14 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/votingsystem/mmp-voting-system/sainte-lagu%C3%AB-allocation-formula 14. Bolivia: Electoral Reform in Latin America. (2016). Ace Project: The Electoral Knowledge Network. Retrieved 9 March 2016, from http://aceproject. org/main/english/es/esy_bo.htm


Electoral Thresholds Electoral thresholds impact party representation, which is the minimum amount of support a party needs to gain representation.15 Sri Lanka currently requires each party to attain 5% of the total votes in each electoral district.16 Most MMPs stipulate thresholds according to percentage acquired of the total PR vote or number of district seats won. New Zealand parties must attain either one district seat (approximately 0.83% of seats) or 5% of the votes17 and German parties must acquire either 3 district seats (approximately 0.50% of seats) or 5% of the votes.18 Additionally, countries like Djibouti, who use a 10% threshold, sharply reduce the small party representation.19 Higher electoral thresholds lead to greater disproportionality. Ensuring that thresholds are not too high can help Sri Lanka to enhance multi-party representation.

15. Lijphart, A., & Aitkin, D. (1994). Electoral systems and party systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 16. Parliament of Sri Lanka - The Electoral System. (2012). Parliament.lk. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.parliament.lk/members-ofparliament/the-system-of-elections-in-sri-lanka/the-electoral-system 17. MMP Voting System. (2014). Electoral Commission. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/mmp-voting-system 18. Election of Members of the German Bundestag. (2016). Deutscher Bundestag. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/ bundestag/elections/electionresults/election_mp/245694 19. Djibouti: Assemblée nationale, Last elections”, 2013


WHY THE 20TH AMENDMENT CANNOT MEET THE MANIFESTO PROMISE? The draft 20th Amendment (20A) to the Constitution was the government’s original proposal to meet the electoral reform pledge in the President’s manifesto. The Amendment was approved by cabinet in June 2015, but not tabled in parliament prior to dissolution. Though discussed as an MMP system it had some limitations that would seriously undermine its ability to deliver an electoral system that met the twinned promises of re-introducing smaller districts and preserving proportionality. 20A would have re-introduced smaller (and pre-dominantly single member) districts but at the expense of proportional representation. Some key limitations are discussed below.

One vote is insufficient 20A would grant electors one vote to select their preferred local candidate, who would need to belong to a registered political party or independent group. That vote would be used to determine both the local plurality voting and a wider sub-national and national level PR vote. The sub-national unit proposed was the larger electoral district that is currently used. As discussed above, this creates a dilemma for voters who may be prone to vote strategically due to plurality based selection at the local level but are then prevented from splitting their ballot when declaring preferences at national or sub-national level. According to Duverger’s Law, a single ballot system favors the top two parties and leads to strategic voting, which is when electors in a plurality system choose to vote for a candidate that has a greater chance of winning rather than their preferred candidate. Duverger calls this the psychological factor because voters defect from their natural choice in the voting process based on calculations of how the electoral rules convert their votes into seats. Therefore, the single ballot and the polarization of the top political parties serve to undermine ability of ballot to elicit their true preferences of the voters.20

Seat proportions are skewed in favour of district representation The 20th Amendment called for a three tiered system of 237 seats: 145 local electoral districts (FPTP), 55 PR seats at the current electoral district level and 37 national PR seats.21 This proportion, 3:2 in favour of district seats can become insufficient to preserve proportionality. Further, the division into three tiers of seats, including two PR tiers, can also have a negative impact on proportionality. 20A leaves only 55 PR seats to be divided between 22 electoral districts (which was proposed as the subnational PR tier), severely limiting the number of available PR seats per district. The break-up of PR seats into three tiers would therefore further inhibit proportional outcomes as the PR seat allocation is further divided. E.g. Under 20A the plurality/PR ratio at district level is 2.6:1 20. Benoit, K. (2006). Duverger’s Law and the Study of Electoral Systems. French Politics, 4, 69-83. Retrieved from http://file:///home/chronos/u-f4a7cf45 13c4eddce3c4c13245718250d09a4434/Downloads/Benoit_FrenchPolitics_2006%20(2).pdf 21. Chandrasekara, G. (2015). Sri Lanka’s cabinet approves 20th Amendment with 237 parliamentary seats. Lanka Business Online. Retrieved from http://www.lankabusinessonline.com/sri-lankas-cabinet-approves-20th-amendment-with-237-parliamentary-seats/


The international MMP systems looked at in this piece all utilize two tier systems. If the PR tier is provincial, as in Scotland and Wales, the results will not be as proportional as MMP systems like New Zealand which uses a national level PR list.22 Thus, in order to promote proportionality, the PR seat allocations being merged into a single national tier with a small increase in the PR seat proportion would guarantee the simplest form of ensuring greater proportionality. If maintaining a three tier system, the seat distribution and size of the sub-national unit may need to change. In a recent report, KĂĽre Vollan argued for a better distribution of seats in a Sri Lankan MMP system in order to maintain proportionality: 119 FPTP, 87 provincial PR and 25 national PR.23 The province being a geographically larger unit and with less numerous (9 provinces) can allow for more proportional outcomes at subnational level than the 22 electoral districts. For example, even the inadequate PR allocation of 55 seats at subnational level results in an average of 6 PR seats per province to adjust for plurality voting distortions while 20A would allocate an average of 2.5 seats per electoral district. If maintaining the district as the sub-national unit it will then be necessary to both maintain the ‘top-up’ from the national list for inadequacies in district PR seats as stipulated in 20A and to increase the district PR seat share in comparison to the plurality seats. Vollan contends three tiers can be used to promote geographical representation through the provincial level rather than the current electoral district which is smaller and therefore typically favours larger parties. However, this system will also need a national PR portion to make the total more proportional. Additionally, a two tier system which calculates the PR seats at the national level but allocates seats through province lists produce both geographical and proportional representation. Ultimately, PR at the national level can produce the more proportional results if the PR seat allocation is limited; yet, the provincial level promotes greater geographical representation.24 Although a three tiered system has the potential to be proportional, a two tiered system is less complicated to implement, has been successfully used in all current MMPs and directly correlates to voters' preference; two votes for two tiers.

Closed List As discussed above MMP countries all use closed lists. 20A allows half of the PR seats to be allocated to defeated candidates in order of highest percentage earned at the polls.25 But the process of other nominations to PR seats allow political parties significant decision making power post-election. Similar to current practices, the proposed 20A also gives political parties full discretion to select a new MP in the event that an MP on the national list dies or resigns. The amendment states: The secretary of such political party or the leader of the independent group has the authority to nominate a member for the particular polling division out of the candidates who contested the election or out of any additional candidates who have been given nominations but not contested from the polling division.26

22. Vollan, K. (2015). Options for a Mixed Member Proportional System for the Parliament of Sri Lanka. Presentation, Colombo. 23. Vollan, K. (2015). Options for a Mixed Member Proportional System for the Parliament of Sri Lanka. Presentation, Colombo. 24. Ibid 25. Ibid 26. Prime Minister and Minister of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs, Child, Youth and Cultural Affairs,. (2015).The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution. Colombo: Department of Government Printing.


Closed lists are the most effective way to remain accountable to the electorate. Under the current PR system, voters are not given the option of knowing who may represent them in their preferred party, and political parties can select candidates regardless of their party affiliations. Utilizing a closed list with the quota for defeated candidates offers a more democratic way of including these candidates than that proposed in 20A. Further, as previously stated, closed lists are also a constructive way to increase representation of traditionally under-represented groups. (See the section below on women’s representation).

Bonus Seats Under the existing system, the political party or independent group securing the highest number of votes in each district is entitled to have one member declared elected.27 The use of bonus seats distorts proportionality by giving larger parties additional seats in districts. For example, in the most recent Parliamentary election, the JVP polled proportionally more in the national vote, yet only won four seats, while the TNA attained 14 seats with 27,000 fewer votes, due to its voter base being concentrated in a few districts. Despite the disproportionality bonus seats create, they are also included in the 20th Amendment as follows: “…the addition of one elector would entitle such electoral district to return an additional member, the ascertainment of the electoral district to which one such elector shall be deemed to be added”.28 MMP systems use the PR portion of the vote to compensate for any disproportionality in plurality voting. Therefore, the continued use of bonus seats, which usually results in increasing disproportionality, would work against the logic of PR seats in an MMP system.

27. Parliament of Sri Lanka - The Electoral System. (2012). Parliament.lk. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.parliament.lk/members-ofparliament/the-system-of-elections-in-sri-lanka/the-electoral-system 28. Prime Minister and Minister of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs, Child, Youth and Cultural Affairs, (2015).The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution. Colombo: Department of Government Printing.


CONCERNS WITH MMP Overhang Overhang seats are given when a political party acquires a higher number of plurality (district) seats than its overall seat entitlement under the MMP system. When overhang seats are given the party is allowed to keep the additional seats. For example, if Party A is supposed to have 10 seats according to their PR national votes but only gets six local constituency seats, they will receive four additional PR seats. However, if Party B is supposed to get 10 and receives 11, the additional seat is considered an overhang.29 Current MMPs have adopted different methods to deal with overhang seats by either 1) enlarging the governing body or 2) incorporating the overhang seats within the fixed system. The Balance Seat Method is currently only utilized in the German Bundestag (since 2013) and is arguably the most proportional method of accommodating overhang seats. In the German system, the overhang seats are awarded and additional seats are given to the other parties in order to maintain their proportional share of the seats.30 This method allows for full compensation towards all parties and ensures nearly 100% proportionality. MMPs can also opt to simply award the overhang seats and not provide additional balancing seats. Currently, New Zealand utilizes this method to prevent parliament from expanding significantly beyond its standard size.31 This method usually only adds a handful of seats to New Zealand’s 120-member parliament, while Germany’s Bundestag significantly varies in size. The third practice for overhang seats is the least proportional and is used by Scotland, Wales, Bolivia and Lesotho. This method awards the overhang seats, and the corresponding number of seats is subtracted from the total PR seats in the legislature in order to maintain the size of the governing body.32 Therefore, the parties with the overhang seats are given more than they are proportionally owed and the remaining parties receive proportionally less.

Incorporating Women’s Representation Sri Lanka’s Parliament has just under 6% women’s representation, 11 holding district seats and only two obtaining national list seats. Further, no legislative requirements or voluntary quotas adopted by individual parties to include women have been utilized at the national level in Sri Lanka. Promoting women’s representation can be done either through the local level vote or the PR vote. However, as political parties have the most control over the candidates and their placement on the list, implementing party list rules is the most effective way to increase women’s representation. Therefore, having a dual ticket and incorporating women in the PR list would produce the most representation. 29. Overhangs. (2012). MMP Review: Have Your Say and Participate. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/sites/default/files/bulkupload/documents/Overhangs_submissions.pdf 30. Election of Members of the German Bundestag. (2016). Deutscher Bundestag. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/ bundestag/elections/electionresults/election_mp/245694 31. Overhangs. (2012). MMP Review: Have Your Say and Participate. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/sites/default/files/bulkupload/documents/Overhangs_submissions.pdf 32. Ibid


Over the last two decades, Bolivia has made a serious effort to include female representatives. In 1993, 13% of Bolivia’s principal representatives were women. However, in 1995, Bolivia adopted a MMP system and included a party list quota requiring at least 30% of the candidates on the list be women.33 Today, Bolivia requires each party list to alternate by gender, which has led to the most recent election in 2014 producing 53% women representation.34 Thus, legislated Candidate Quotas on a party’s PR list would yield the most representative results. This includes alternating males and females on the party list (Zipper Quota), mandating the top two candidates cannot be the same sex, 40:60 ratio for every five posts, and one out of every group of three must be a woman (Dahlerup, 2013). The Zipper Quota is the most effective in producing a balanced governing body, as it ensures women have a minimum of 45% of the seats.35 Currently, Bolivia and Lesotho utilize this method. The less proportional legislative options are incorporating reserved seats either through a separate tier or through women-only constituencies. The first would require a third tier specifically for women, which would complicate the seat allocation and voting process. The second method would be reserving certain constituencies that would produce only female candidates. These districts would have to rotate so male candidates would not be eliminated over time.36 Both options are far more complicated to incorporate into the electoral system and less proportional than the PR party list quota methods.

33. Benavides, J. (2003). Women’s Political Participation in Bolivia: Progress and Obstacles (pp. 2-3). Lima: Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). Retrieved from http://www.quotaproject.org/CS/CS_Costa_Bolivia_25-11-2003.pdf 34. Bolivia | quotaProject: Global Database of Quotas for Women. (2015). Quotaproject.org. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.quotaproject. org/uid/countryview.cfm?CountryCode=BO 35. Larserud, S., & Taphorn, R. (2007). Designing for Equality: Best-fit, medium-fit and non-favourable combinations of electoral systems and gender quotas. Stockholm: International IDEA. Retrieved from https://www.ndi.org/files/Designing-for-Equality-PDF.pdf 36. Dahlerup, D. (2013). Atlas of electoral gender quotas (pp. 30-33). Stockholm: International IDEA.


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› ,xld Pkao l%ufha m%;sixialrK:

ñY% iNsl iudkqmd;sl ksfhdacs; ue;sjrK úêl%uh


mgqk m%Odk idrdxYh 19 miqìu - ckdêm;sjrhdf.a fmdfrdkaÿj 21 Y%S ,xldfõ oekg mj;sk Pkao l%uh 21 ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdackh l%uh ckdêm;s isßfiakf.a ue;sjrK 22 m%ldYkfha wruqKq idOkh lrkafka flfiao@ ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh l%shd;aul jk wdldrh 23 oaú;, ksfhdackhg Pkao oaú;ajhla 23 Èia;%sla yd iudkqmd; ksfhdack wdik w;r wkqmd;h 24 ixjD; ,ehsia;= 25 foaYmd,k mlaI ,ehsia;= ;=< iudkqmd; ksfhdackh .Kkh 26 lsÍu i`oyd l%ufõo wju ckao iSudj 26 ue;sjrK m%ldYkh iy;sl lsÍug 20 jk ixfYdaOkh wiu;a wehs 27 tla Pkaohla m%udKj;a ke; 27 Èia;%sla ksfhdackh Wfoid wdik iudkqmd;slh (skewed seats) 27 ixjD; ,ehsia;= 28 m%ido wdik 28 ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha .eg¨ 30 ksYaph fkdl< wdik ( Overhang Seats) 30 ldka;d ksfhdackh we;=<;a lsÍu 30


m%Odk idrdxYh ffu;%Smd, isßfiak 2015 ckjdß 08 jeksod n,hg m;aùfuka miq kj rcfha m%;sixialrK kHdh m;%fha ie,eiau jkafkao Tyq ckdêm;s wfmaËljrhd jYfhka bÈßm;a l< m%;sm;a;s m%ldYkhhs¡ ld,dka;rhla ;siafia ke`.=Kq Woafõ.S b,a,sï bgqlsÍu i|yd tlÕfjñka olajk ,o m%;spdrhla f,i › ,xldfõ Pkao l%ufha isÿlsÍug kshñ; m%;sixialrK o tys we;=<;a fõ¡ fhdacs; m%;sixialrK mokï jkafka Y%S ,xldj w;a±l we;s m%Odk ue;sjrK l%u úëka oaú;ajhla jk nyqiNsl ^Y%S ,xldfõ md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrK l%uh ;=< fmr mej;s& fyda tal iNsl wdik j,ska hq;a flaj, fyj;a fldÜGdY l%uh yd iudkqmd;sl ue;sjrK Èia;%sla l%uh u;h' tfiau we;súh yels fjkialïj,g miqìï jkafka Y%S ,xldjg WÑ; Pkao l%uh ms<sn|j mj;akd újdohhs' ñY% iudkqmd;sl ksfhdack l%uh hkq Pkao nyq;rh Èkd.ekSfï moku wkqj ;ks wfmaËlfhla f;dard.kakd flaj, l%uh iy iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hk oaú;aj l%uj, ixhqla;hhs' fuys§ iudkqmd; m%;s M,hla hkq mËhla ,nd.kakd uq¨ md¾,sfïka;= wdik ixLHdj tu mËh ,nd.kakd wjika Pkao m%;sM,h yd iu.dó jk ;;ajhls¡ fuu m¾fhaIK m;%sldj ue;sjrK m%;sixialrKj,g wod< jk lreKq iudf,dapkh lsÍu Wfoid mdol jk ñY% iudkqmd;sl Pkao l%ufha uQ,sldx. yd tys l%shdldÍ;ajh úNd. lrkakls' ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK iïnkaOfhka Y%S ,dxlsl foaYmd,k iudcfhys mj;akd jdoújdo úNd. lsÍu fuu m¾fhaIK m;%sldjg Tífnka mj;sk ld¾hhla fõ¡ kj ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK ms<sn| rcfha uQ,sl mshjr f,i fhdað;" 2015 cQks 20 jeks od;u 20 jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh i|yka l< yels fõ¡ flfia fj;;a fhdað; ixfYdaOk ksjeros f,i ñY% iudkqmd;sl ksfhdað; l%uh wkq.ukh lr fkdue;s nj fmkS hhs¡ Pkao fldÜGdY l%uh hgf;a Pkao folla fhoSfï wjia:dj iy iudkqmd;sl ksfhdAð; l%uh hgf;a m%udKj;a wdik fkdue;s ùu tys wid¾:l nj biau;= lrjhs¡ ;jÿrg;a .eg¿ldÍ ;;a;ajhla u;=lrkqfha mj;akd iudkqmd;sl ksfhdAðk l%uh wkqj Pkao fldÜGdYhl lsishï Pkao ixLHdjla ,nd .kakd mËhg wu;r m%ido wdik ixLHdjla o ysñjk m%;smdok fuys wvx.= ùuhs¡ fuu m¾fhaIK m;%sldj u`.ska ñY% iNsl idudðl iudkqmd; ksfhdAð; l%uhla ;=<ska kej; flaj, Pkao fldÜGdY l%uh y`ÿkajd oSu iy iudkqmd;sl ksfhdAð; l%uh h:d¾:hla njg m;a l< yels wdldrh úia;r flf¾¡ tu`.ska ixYaf,aIs; ±kqu wdY%fhka ñY% iudkqmd;sl ksfhdAð; l%uhl uQ,sl ,ËK iy th l%shd;aul jk wdldrho" cd;Hka;rj tjka l%u ms<sn|j wOHhk wdY%fhka idrdxY.; fldg we;s lreKq o Wlyd .; yels fõ' fuu m¾fhaIK m;%sldj › ,xldjg iqÿiq mßÈ Èia;%sla uÜgfuka wdik ixLHd fn§ hdhq;= wdldrh fyda iSud kS¾K lghq;= ms<sn| mek ke`.S we;s iqúfYaIS .eg¨j,g wod< lreKq .fõIKh lr fkdue;'¡ c¾uksh" kjiS,ka;h" fõ,aih" iafldÜ,ka;h" fnd,súhdj iy f,fidf;d jeks rdcH ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdað; l%ufha uQ,sl ,ËK id¾:lj w;ayod n,d we;s wdldrh ms<sn| cd;Hka;r WodyrK fuys bÈß mßÉfPao j, úia;rd;aulj ±lafõ' ‘ ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha uQ,O¾uj,g wkqj th id¾:l ùug 1(1 iudkqmd; ksfhdackh iys; Pkao folla mej;sh hq;=h¡ ñY% iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh l%uh u`.ska id¾:l m%;sM, ,nd .ekSfï,d bjy,a jkafka Pkao folla Ndú;d lsÍfï wjia:dj fyda oaú;aj Pkao m;%sldjla Ndú;d lsÍfï wjia:dj mej;Suhs¡ oaú;aj Pkao Ndú;djla mej;Su u`.ska Pkao odhlhdg iDcqju m<d;a md,k fukau uy ue;sjrK wdosfhaoS;a wfmaËs; ixhq;sh iys;j uyck ksfhdað;hka m;al< yels fõ¡ fuu l%uh yryd Wmdh ud¾.sl Pkao m%ldY lsÍu fyj;a jeä Pkao ixLHdjla muKla ,nd .; yels wfmaËlhdg Pkaoh ,nd oS iq¿ mË fj; Pkao ,nd fkdoSu j<lajd .; yels fõ¡ ukdm Pkao folla mej;Su u.ska iq¿ mË j,g jHjia:dms; ksfhdackh i|yd mj;sk ndOl wju fõ¡ iudkqmd;sl ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a ,efnk wdik ixLHdj mË j,g m%ido wdik jYfhka ,efnk wdik yd iudk l< yels fõ¡


óg w;sf¾lj iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uhka lssysmhlu wdik fjka flfrkqfha ta ta foaYmd,k mË uq`M Pkao j,ska ,nd.kakd ksYaÑ; Pkao m%;sY;hla u;h¡ tu m%;sY;h by< uÜgul mej;Su ksid l=vd mËj,g jHjia:dms; wdh;k j,g msúiSug we;s bv lv weysÍ hd yel¡ tneúka fï l%uh wkq.ukh lrk rgj,a isÿ lrkafka my< w.hla iys; Pkao m%;sY;hla mj;ajd f.khdu ^cd;sl uÜgfuka 5g wvq& fyda tjeks m%;sY;hla mj;ajd f.k fkdhduhs¡ tfia;a ke;fyd;a iudkqmd; l%uh hgf;a iq¿ wdik ixLHdjla osia;%slal uágfuka ,nd .kakd tfy;a cd;sl uÜgfïoS wvq Pkao m%;sY;hla mj;sk mË i|yd wdik ,nd oSu isÿ flf¾¡ › ,xldfõ oekg mj;sk wdik .Kkh lsÍfï l%ufõoh Yla;su;a lsÍug ñY% iudkqmd;sl l%uhg wh;a fyhd fldagd fyda fikaÜ f,daka.a jeks c¾uksh iy kjiS,ka;fha fhdod .efkk l%u ms<sfj, Ndú;d l< yelsh¡ fuu l%ufõo u`.ska iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh mokï lr .;a jvd ksrjoH m%;sM, ñY% iudkqmd;sl l%uh Ndú;d lrk we;eï rgj,a o we;=<;aj hï hï rgj,a fhdod .kakd fvdakaÜ l%uhg jvd Woaùm;%h ùfï bv m%ia:dj we;¡ iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh wkq.ukh lrk fndfyda rgj,a iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a ,efnk wdik i|yd ixjD; ,ehsia;=jla Ndú;d lrkq ,nhs' fuh ue;sjrK fldñiu fj; bosßm;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej w¨f;ka kdufhdackd bosßm;a lsÍula fyda fjkia lsÍula isÿ l< fkdyel¡ fuu ,ehsia;=j ;=< ldka;d ksfhdað; msßia yd iqúfYaI mqoa.,hka i|yd jeä bvla ,nd osh yel¡ WodyrK f,i ldka;d ksfhdackh i|yd mlaIj,g fldagdjla fjkal< yelsh' tfia;a fkdue;skï ,ehsia;=fõ iEu kï ;=klgu jrla ldka;djlf.a ku i|yka ùu we;eï wdik ldka;djkagu fjkalsÍu jeks Wmdh ud¾. Ndú;d l< yels fõ' fï wdldrfha ixjD; wfmaËl ,ehsia;=jla mj;ajd f.khdu u`.ska ckao odhlhdg wfmaËlhka f.a .=Kd;aul nj wkqj Pkaoh Ndú;d lsÍfï wjia:djla ,efí¡ tfia fkdjqKfyd;a isÿjkafka Y%S ,xldfõ oekg mj;sk wdldrhg ue;sjrKhg fmr kïl< wfmaËlhka ue;sjrKfhka miq cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka bj;a lsrSuhs. Y%S ,xldfõ ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK újdoh ;=< iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha mj;sk .eg,qldrS ;;a;ajhla f,i biau;= fldg olajkafka ksYaÑ;j ks¾Kh fkdl< wdik (Over hang seats) mej;Suhs' nyq;aj ixrplhka ;=<ska wdik fjkalsÍu wdik ixhq;sh flfrys n,mdhs' fuhdldr iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uhla hgf;a wdik fnoS hdu ;=<ska we;eïúg Pkao m%;sM, úlD;s ùu o isÿúh yel' ksYaÑ;j ks¾Kh fkdl< wdik (Over hang seats) mej;Su ksid hï foaYmd,k mCIhla nyq Pkao l%uh u`.ska jeä wdik ixLHdjla ,nd .kakd úg iqÿiq lï wkqj iudkqmd;sl ksfhdack l%uh u`.ska jHjia:dj yryd fjkajk wdik ixLHdjg jvd jeä wdik m%udKhla ysñfõ' ue;sjrK l%u ;=< ksYaÑ;j ks¾Kh fkdl< wdik (Over hang seats) we;=<;a lsÍfï úúO wdldr ms<sn`o cd;Hka;r WodyrK /ila mj;S' ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh ;=< w;sf¾l wdik m%udK ch.%yKh l<úg iudkqmd; ksfhdackh m%j¾Okh i|yd wúksYaÑ; wdik fjk;a mCI fj; ,ndoSug fyda wdKavqlrK foayhg wkqj wdik wvqlsßu fkdtfiakï wfydais lr mj;ajd .ekSug lghq;= l< yel'


miqìu - ckdêm;sjrhdf.a fmdfrdkaÿj 2015 ckjdß udifha § ckdêm;s wfmaCIl ffu;%Smd, isßfiak úOdhl ckdêm;s l%uh wfydais lsÍu iy Pkao l%ufha m%;sixialrK isÿlsÍu o we;=<;aj Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavqlrK jHqyfha isÿlsÍug kshñ; fjkialï /ila we;=<;a ish ue;sjrK m%;sm;a;s m%ldYkh u`.ska m%isoaO lrk ,È' tu m%;sm;a;s m%ldYkh ;=< Pkao l%ufha m%;sixialrK oelafjkafka; ukdm l%uh wfydais lr" iEu Pkao fldÜGdYhlgu ish Pkaofhka m;a lr .kakd md¾,sfïka;= ksfhdað; jrfhla m;alr .ekSug bv i,id fok njg iy;sl fjñ' kj Pkao l%uh flaj, l%uh iy mrdð; wfmaCIlhka we;=<;a iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha wx. ;=<ska iukaú; jkq we;'1 tu m%;sm;a;s m%ldYkh u`.ska iy;sl jkafka Pkao l%ufha fjkila isÿ lrkafka kï th ish¨ foaYmd,k mCI j, iyfhda.fhka isÿ lrk nj;a md¾,sfïka;=fõ ixhq;sfha fjkila isÿ fkdjk nj;ah' fuu m%;sixialrK u`.ska kshu lrkq ,nkafka mj;sk iudkqmd;sl l%uh fjkqjg kej; wdikhlg tla uka;%Sjrhd ne.ska m;ajk flaj, yd we;eï úg nyq wdikj,ska o iukaú; l%uh ia:dms; lsÍughs' 1987ka miq iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh u`.ska mq¿,aj me;sreKq Pkao fldÜGdY ;=< jeä foaYmd,k mCI ksfhdackhla i|yd wjia:dj ,nd fok ,§' tA wkqj fuu fmdfrdkaÿ flaj, l%uh kej; y÷kajd oSug;a nyq ksfhdackhla iys; Pkao fldÜGdY we;s lsÍu2 ukdm l%uh wfydais lsÍu" iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh mj;ajd .ekSu iy mrdcs; wfmaCIlhka Pkaofhka f;dArd .ekSug;a iy;sl fõ'

Y%S ,xldfõ oekg mj;sk Pkao l%uh 1978 jHjia:dj y`ÿkajd fok f;la furg mej;sfha tla Pkao fldÜGdYhl jeä Pkao m%udKhla ,nd .kakd wfmaCIlhd yg wdik ysñsjk flaj, Pkao l%uhhs' fuhg wu;rj nyq idudðl ksfhdackh iys; md¾,sfïka;= fldÜGdY$ Èia;%slal mej;s w;r md¾,sfïka;= iNsl idudðl ksfhdackhla iys;j mej;=Ks' w;S;fha § flaj, Pkao l%uh fndfyda wys;lr m%;sM, /ila we;s úh' fuys wys;lr wka;.dñ nj m%ldY jQ wjia:djla jqfha 1970 ue;sjrKhhs' fuys § Y%S ,xld ksoyia mCIh wdik 60] ,nd .;a w;r" mej;sfha Pkao mokfuka 36'9] muKs' uq¿ Pkao mokfuka 37'9] ,nd.;a tlai;a cd;sl mCIhg ,enqfka wdik 12]ls' 1978ka miqj Y%S ,xldj iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufõoh fhdod.;a w;r nyqmCI ixLHdjlg úYd, Pkao n, m%foaYhlska wfmaCIlhka f;dard .ekSug wjiA:djla Wodúh' mj;sk Pkao n, m%foaY 22 furg mrsmd,k m%foaY jk osia;s%lal yd iu.dó fõ¡ ta wkqj md¾,sfïka;= iNslhka 225 tla Pkaohla meje;aùfuka f;dard .efka : ta wdik 196la Pkao n, m%foaY 22lska yd cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka wdik 29la jYfhks. iEu Pkao odhlfhla ygu ;uka leu;s mCIhl ;uka leu;s wfmaCIlhka ;sfofkla f;dard .ekSug wjia:djla t<efò. cd;Hka;rj fuh újD; ,ehsia;=j (open list) f,i;a Y%S ,xldfõ oS ukdm Pkao f,i;a ye`oskafõ. fuu l%ufõofha ckm%sh;ajh ySk fjñka mj;S. fuhg fya;=j úYd, Pkao n, m%foaY mj;sk úg ck;djf. ka yd ck;d .eg¨ j,ska wfmaCIlhka ÿria ùu;a ue;sjrK m%pdrK úhoï wêl ùu" ue;sjrK m%pKav ls%hd by< hdu jeks lreKq h'

1. kj m%cd;ka;jdoS ixOdkh(^2015& iA:djr rchla. (New Democratic Front,. (2015). Maithri: A Stable Government. priu.gov.lk. Retrieved 15 March 2016 2.


ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdackh l%uh ckdêm;s isßfiakf.a ue;sjrK m%ldYkfha wruqKq idOkh lrkafka flfiao@ fuu wOHhk m;%sldj u`.ska ckdêm;s isßfiakf.a ue;sjrK jHdmdrh ;=< fhdað; ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK ms<sn`o ks¾foaY imhkq ,nhs' ue;sjrK m%ldYkh u`.ska iy;sl jkqfha oaú;aj f.da,Sh úp,Hhka iys; ñY% jeä Pkaofhka iNslhka m;alsÍfï yd ñY% iudkqmd;sl ue;sjrK l%uhlg fhduqùughs' fuu oaú;aj l%u j,ska ñY% iudkqmd;sl l%uh muKla m%udKj;a f,i fohdldr uQ,sl Wmudkhka ;yjqre lsÍug yels jk fia ie,iqï lr we;s w;r tkï" iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh Yla;su;a lsÍu yd tla wdikhlg tla iNslfhla ,efnk flaj, l%uh kej; y÷kajd§uhs' iudkqmd; ksfhdack ,ehsia;= ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh jeks l=uk fyda l%uhla ;=<ska mrdð; wfmaCIlhska we;=<;a —ixjD; ,ehsia;=˜ jvd;a úêu;a f,i m%;sm;a;s m%ldYkfha i|yka oaù;sh fmdfrdkaÿ wkqj ielish yelsfõ' ta wkqj meyeÈ,s jkafka ckdêm;sjrhd ue;sjrK m%;sixialrKj,g wod<j isÿ l< ish¨u fmdfrdkaÿ ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a bgq l< yels njhs' ue;sjrK l%uh fjkia lsÍug wod<j mj;sk u; jdo hk mq¿,a fCI;%h neyer lr ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh u`.ska ckdêm;s isßfiak bÈßm;a l< ue;sjrK m%ldYkh md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK i|yd mokula f,i fhdod.kakd wdldrh fuu wOHhk m;%sldfõ úIh m:h ù ;sfí' fuu wOHhk m;%sldj ue;sjrK jHdmdr i|yd uqo,a fhoùug wod< kS;s" ue;sjrK m%pKav l%shd jeks ue;sjrK l%ufha fjkila wruqKq lr.;a fiiq lreKq ms<sn`o wjOdkh fhduq fkdlrhs' ue;sjrK m%ldYkh m%ldrj Pkao m%;sM,j, ixhq;sh mj;ajd .ksñka l=vd flaj, Pkao fldÜGdY kej; yÿkajd §u ;=<ska ñY% Pkao l%uhlg t<öfï wjYH;dj u;= lrhs' Pd;Hka;rj w;ayod n,d we;s" tlu ñY% l%uh jkafka" m%udKj;a f,i iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh ;yjqre flfrk ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; Pkao l%uhhs' miq.sh oYl fol ;=< rgj,a /ila ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha úúO iajrEm w;ayod ne,Su wrUd we;' tu ksfhdack l%uh ;=< nyq Pkao m%ldY lsÍfï yelshdj iy iudkqmd; ksfhdackh we;=<;a fõ' ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ue;sjrK m%ldYk fmdfrdkaÿj rg ;=< ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK ms<sn`o mj;sk ixjdo ñY% iudkqmd; idudðl ksfhdackh ms<sn| b`.s ,nd fohs'


ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh l%shd;aul jk wdldrh tys úfYaI;d • wdik j¾. 2ls (- Èia;%sla uÜgfï wdik iy iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha wdik • Pkao fohdldrhls (- Pkao fldÜGdYfha wfmalaIlhd iy cd;sl uÜgfï fyda mlaI ,ehsia;=fõ wfmalaIlhd fjkqfjka' • Pkao fldÜGdY uÜgfï wdik Èkd .kq ,nkafka nyq;r Pkao ixLHdjla fyda fyda nyq wdik ^flaj, l%uh hgf;a& u`.sks' • nyqPkao u`.ska Èia;%slal uÜgñka wdik fjka lsÍfï § we;sjk wiudkqmd; njg jkaÈhla f,iska iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a wdik fjka lrkq ,efí' • iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a foaYmd,k mCIj,g ,efnk ,ehsia;= ixjD; ,ehsia;= úh hq;=fõ' Pkaohlg fmr foaYmd,k mCIh ilid .kakd l%ufõohlg wkqj tu ,ehsia;= ielish yelsfõ' ta wkqj jvd;a id¾:l merÿKq Pkao wfmaCIlhkag Èia;%sla uÜgñka m%ldYs; Pkao u`.ska idOdrKhla ie,fik wdldrhg fuu ,ehsia;= ielish hq;=fõ' • iïm%odhg wkqj oaú;, ksfhdackhla mej;sh hq;=fõ' ta Èia;%sla uÜgñka iy cd;sl uÜgu we;=<;a iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackhls'3

oaú;, ksfhdackhg Pkao oaú;ajhla b;d uE; fhdað; ue;sjrK m%;sixialrK i|yd ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh ,sys,a wdldrhlska fhdod f.k ;sfí' miq.sh rcfha md¾,sfïka;=j hgf;a flgqïm;a l< 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh u`.ska Pkao odhlhd ;ks Pkaohla Ndú;d lsÍu wjOdrKh lrhs4' fuu Pkaoh foaYmd,k mCIhla fyda iajdëk lKavdhula u`.ska kï lrk ,o wfmaCIlhka fjkqfjka m< lrkq ,efí' bkamiq Pkao n, m%foaYhl m%ldYs; Pkaoj, idudkHh w.h fhdod .ksñka Pd;sl ;,fha § foaYmd,k mCIj, iudkqmd; ksfhdackh isÿjk wdldrhg wdik fjka lrkq ,efí'5 fuh ñY% iNsl iudkqmd;sl ksfhdack l%uhg fjkiah' ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; ksfhdackh l%uh Ndú;d lrk iïm%odh jkafka Pkao oaú;ajhla i|yd wjia:dj ,nd §uhs' oaú;aj Pkao m%ldY lsÍu uQ,sl fya;= folla u; ie,iqï l< ;SlaIK ld¾hhls' m<uqj" tu`.ska Pkao odhlhdg ish m%dfoaYSh ksfhdacs;hd f;dard.ekSug bv i,iajhs' ;ks Pkaoh Pkao odhlhdf.a ld¾hhNdrh ,>q lrñka tlu Pkaofhka m%dfoaYSh yd cd;sl uÜgfï iNslhka m;a lrhs' oaú;aj Pkao m;%sldj ish Pkaoh úfNaokh lsÍfï bv Pkaoodhlhdg ,ndfoa' kjiS,ka;h ñY% iNsl idudðl iudkqmd;sl ksfhdack l%uh y`ÿkajd §fuka miq Pkao fn§ hdu 37]la jq w;r c¾uksfha th 20]la úh' fojekak kï" oaú;aj Pkao m%ldY lsÍfï wjia:d yryd Wmdhud¾.sl ue;sjrK m%;sM,j, n,mEu wju lrhs' ue;sjrK l%u wOHhkh i|yd fhdod .efkk ukdj ;yjqre l< m%mxphla jk vqj¾c kHdhg wkqj nyq Pkao l%ufõohla l=vd foaYmd,k mCIj, l%shdldß;ajh flfrys olajkafka wju wjOdkhls' fuhg fya;=j úYd, foaYmd,k mCI flaj, ;r`.dldß;aj fyda jeä jdis ,nd .ekSu;a l=vd mCI i|yd m%ldYs; Pkao —wmf;a .sh Pka|ZZ f,i ie,lSu;ah' ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a fï i|yd úiÿula f,i oaú;aj Pkao m%ldY lsÍfï wjia:dj i|yd oaõ;, wdik iïnkaO lsÍu;A isÿ lrhs' 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of MMP. (2016). Ace Project: The Electoral Knowledge Framework. Retrieved 14 March 2016, from http://aceproject. org/ace-en/topics/es/esd/esd03/esd03a/esd03a01 4. 20jeks ixfYdAOkh ms<sno my; oelafjk f;dr;=re n,kak 5.Electoral reforms in a vacuum | The Sunday Times Sri Lanka. (2016).Sundaytimes.lk. Retrieved 28 March 2016, from http://www.sundaytimes. lk/150322/sunday-times-2/electoral-reforms-in-a-vacuum-140881.html


Pkao odhlhdg ,efnkafka tla Pkaohla muKla kï" ;ud m%ldY lrk Pkaoh yryd wdikhg n,mEula isÿjk wdldrh ms<sno Pkao odhlhd WNf;dafldaálhlg uqyqK foa' WodyrKhla f,i ta" î" yd iS hk foaYmd,k mCI w;=ßka Pkao odhlhdf.a jeä meye§ula mj;skafka ta foaYmd,k mCIhg jqj;a î yd iS hk foaYmd,k mCIj,g tu Èia;%slalh ;=< jeä Pkao mokula mj;sk nj fmkS hk úg Pkao odhlhdo ish Pkaoh î fyda iS hk foaYmd,k mCI i|yd Wmdh ud¾.slj Ndú;d lrkq we;' tfy;a oaú Pkao m%ldY lsÍfï wjia:djla mj;sk úg fujeks ;;a;ajhl lsisÿ n,mEula isÿ fkdfõ' th ;SrKh jkqfha Èia;%slal uÜgñka $ iudkqmd; ksfhdack wdik ixLHdj u;hs' tfy;a ñY% iNsl idudðl iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a Ndú;d jk oaú;aj Pkaofha§ tjeks Wmdhud¾.sl Pkao m%ldY lsÍï wju jk w;r th md¾,sfïka;=fõ cd;sl ;,fha ixhq;sh fjkia lsÍfï ;;a;ajhlg wvqfjka n,mdhs'

Èia;%sla yd iudkqmd; ksfhdack wdik w;r wkqmd;h Èia;%sla uÜgfï wdik yd iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha wdik ue;sjrK m%ÓM,h flfrys n,mdhs' ue;sjrK l%u ms<sn`o isÿ lrk ,o wdkqNdúl wOHhkqhkag wkqj úfYaI{ ;¾lh jkafka Èia;%sla yd iudkqmd; ksfhdack wdik l%ufha 1(1 wkqmd;h oaú;, jHqyhla ;=< jvd;a iudkqmd;sl ;;a;ajhla ks¾udKh lrhs' ukao h;a tu.ska iudkqmd;sl l%uh hgf;a mlaIj,g m%udKj;a wdik ixLHdjla msßkefuk fyhsks' tu`.ska iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh u.ska Pkao ,efnk foaYmd,k mCIj,g wdik fjkaùfï § isÿjk wiudkqmd; nj wju lrhs'6 1(1 wkqmd;h u`.ska Èia;%sla uÜgñka iq¿ wdik ixLHdjla ,nd .kakd mlaIj,g m%dfoaYSh ue;sjrKj,§ ksis f,i ixhq;sh fn§ hdu ;yjqre lrkq we;' WodyrKhla f,i ta kï rg ñY% idudðl iudkqmd; l%uh hgf;a Èia;%slal uÜgñka wdik 80 lao iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a wdik 80lao fjka lr we;' fuys ta kï foaYmd,k mCIh Èia;%slal 16l uq¿ wdik 160lska 10] ,nd .kakd kuq;a iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a Tjqka wdik 40]la tkï wdik 160ka 64la ,nd .; hq;=fõ' ta kï foaYmd,k mCIh ;j;a wdik 48la ,nd .; hq;= w;r Tjqkag kshñ; wdik ixLHdj ,nd .ekSug uq¿ wdik ixLHdfjka 30] ,nd .; hq;=fõ'7

Èia;%sla wdik 80 iudkqmd; wdik 80g foaYmd,k mCIh

Èia;%sla wdik

uq¿ wdikj,ska Èia;%sla wdik m%;sY;h

uq¿ wdik iudkqmd; Pkao wkqj

jkaÈ wdik

uq¿ wdikj,ska m%;sY;hla f,i iudkqmd; wdik

























my; oelafjk j.=jg wkqj iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a jeä odhl ixLHdjla fn§ hkafka c¾uksfha jk w;r" ðnqá ys th fnÈ hkafka wvq jYfhks' 2013 jif¾§ ðnqá rdcH uq¿ wdik 65ka 13 fyj;a 20] iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a fn§ hdug i,iajk ,È'8 fï isoaOdka;hg wkqj Pkao odhlhkag l=vd mCIhla fj; ish Pkao ,nd §u i|yd nyq wdik ;=, jqjo W;afm%arKhla we;s fõ'

6. Siaroff, A. (2013). Comparing Political Regimes: A Thematic Introduction to Comparative Politics (3rd ed., pp. 109-191). University of Toronto Press. 7. Èia;%sla uÜgfus Pkao m%ldY lsÍfï wiudk;d ksid hus mCIhla ish Pkao odh; mokug jvd jevs Pkao ixLHdjla ,nd .ekSfus yelshdjla mj;S. th 1:1 iudkqmd;h mj;ajd .ekSfus oS .eg,qj;a úh yel. jevsoqr f;dr;=re ioyd wúksYaÑ; wdik ms<sno fldgi n,kak. 8. Djibouti opposition ends election boycott - BBC News. (2013). BBC News. Retrieved 14 March 2016, from http://www.bbc.com/news/worldafrica-21554465


flfia jqjo ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a Pkao m%ldY lsÍfï wjia:dj ,nd §u fiau 50( 50 wkqmd;h wdik fjka lsÍfï§ mej;sh hq;=h' cd;Hka;r WodyrK - wdik fn§hdfï wkqmd;h c¾uksh





70 ( 50

73 ( 56

40( 20

fnd,súhdj 68 (62

f,fidf;da 80( 40

ixjD; ,ehsia;= ixjD; ,Ehsia;= idudkHfhka fhdod.efkkafka ue;sjrKhl§ wfmalaIlhkaf.a iudkqmd; ksfhdackh fjkqfjks' Pkaoodhlhdg Pkaohlg fmr ljr wfmaCIlhd ta ta wdikhg kï lrkafka o wdik fjka lrkq ,nk ms<sfj, l=ulao hkak fï u`.ska okajkq ,efí' tkï X kï foaYmd,k mCIfha m<uq ia:dkfha isákafkakï Pkao wfmaCIlhd kï X mCIhg iudkqmd; l%uh hgf;a ,efnkafka tla wdikhla kï tu wdikh ysñ jkafka A kï wfmaCIlhdghs' fuu`.ska Pkao wfmaCIlhka m;aúh yels wdldrh ms<snoj Pkao odhlhd oekqïj;afõ' foaYmd,k mCIhl ,ehsia;=fõ by<ska isák wfmaCIlhka yg tys my<ska isák wfmaCIlhkag jvd md¾,sfïka;=j i|yd f;aÍ m;aùfï jeä bv lvla ,efí' wod< ,ehsia;=j bÈßm;a l< miq foaYmd,k mCIfha wNsu;h mrsÈ ,ehsia;=fõ isák ´kEu wfhla m;a lsÍu isÿ l< fkdyel' thg wu;rj uq,a ,ehsia;=fõ fkdue;s wfmaCIlhka m;a lsÍfï yelshdjlao fkdue;' ,ehsia;=fõ kï i|yka ms<sfj, iy wka;¾.; kï i|yd n,h ,nd §ug ish¨ foaYmd,k mCI ne§ isà' újD; ,ehsia;=fõ ^Y%S ,xldfõ ukdm Pkao l%ufha fuka& ñY% iNsl idudðl iudkqmd; l%uh hgf;a kï we;=<;a l< yels jqj;a th Pkdêm;sjrK ue;sjrK m%ldYkhg we;=<;a ù ke; neúka fuys § idlÉPdjg ,la fkdfõ' Y%S ,xldfõ oekg mj;sk l%uhg wkqj foaYmd,k mCIhlg cd;sl ,ehsia;=j ms<sn| ish wNsu;h mßÈ l%shl< yels fõ' oekg mj;sk ;;a;ajh wkqj kï i|yka ms<sfj, fyda we;=<;a wfmaCIlhkag wu;rj Èia;%sla uÜgfuka ;r`. jeÿkq mrdch jq wfmalaIlhka mjd cd;sl ,ehsia;=jg wkqj f;dard m;a l< yel' fuh cd;Hka;r m%ñ;Ska wdrlaId flfrk Ndú;hla fkdjk w;ru cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka m;ajk iNslhka y÷kd.ekSug n,mdk mdroDYh njo wysñ lrhs' tuksid ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha§ foaYmd,k mCI ish wNsu;h wkqj l%shdlsÍu je<elaúh hq;= w;r" cd;Hka;rj ms<s.;a m%ñ;Skag wkql=,j ixjD; ,ehsia;= mj;ajd .; hq;=fõ' mrdð; wfmalaIlhka cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka f;dard m;alr .ekSfïoS wNsu;hg wkqj fkdj fyd|u wiu¾:hska f;dard .ekSfï fldagdjlg fyj;a ksYaÑs; l%ufõohlg wkqj isÿ l< yel' fujeks ixjD; ,ehsia;= úúO wdka;sl lKavdhï iy md¾,sfïka;=j ;=< ldka;d ksfhdackh jeä lsÍu i`oyd o Wmfhda.S lr.; yels fõ'9 c¾uksfha tla;rd m%dka; lsysmhl yer ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdackh l%uh mj;sk iEu rdcHhlau ixjD; ,ehsia;= fhdod.kS' kjiS,ka;h tu`.ska udTß cd;slhka yg mdar,sfïka;=j ;=< ksfhdackh i`oyd bvlv ,nd foa'10

9. Open, Closed and Free Lists. (2016). Ace Project: The Electoral Knowledge Network. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from http://aceproject.org/ace-en/ topics/es/esd/esd02/esd02e/esd02e03 10. 11 Māori Representation. (2014). Electoral Commission. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/maori-representation


foaYmd,k mlaI ,ehsia;= ;=< iudkqmd; ksfhdackh .Kkh lsÍu i`oyd l%ufõo j¾;udkfhaoS Y%S ,xldj fï i`oyd fyhd fldagd l%ufõoh fhdod .kS' fuu`.ska l=vd mlaIj,g jeä wdik ixLHdjla ,nd .ekSfï wjia:dj ie,fik w;r úYd, mlaI i`oyd tjeks wjia:djla fkd,efí' fuf,i fyhd fldagdj f,fidf;da rdcHh o fhdod .kS'11 fyhd fldagdj Ndú;d lrkakd jq wfkla rg jkafka f,fidf;da rdcHhhs' wdik fjka lsÍu i`oyd fhdod .kakd wfkla l%ufõoh kï fvdakaÜ iy fiakaÜ ,S.a l%ufõohhs' fyhd fldagd l%uh iudkqmd;sl m%;sM, ,ndfok w;r YS% ,xldj ;=< ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh yd ixhqla; fldg Ndú;d l< yelsfõ' flfiafj;;a oekg mj;sk l%ufha fjkila isÿlsÍug md¾,sfïka;=jg wjYH kï fiakaÜ ,S.a l%uh yryd o iudk iudkqmd;sl ixhq;Ska mj;ajd .; yelsfõ' c¾uksh iy kjiS,ka;h fjk;a iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%u Ndú;d lr fï jk úg Ndú;djg .kq ,nkafka fuu l%uhhs'12 fï jk úg iafldÜ,ka;h" fõ,aih iy fnd,súhdj fvdakaÜ l%ufõoh fhdod.kS'13

wju ckao iSudj mlaIhl ksfhdackh tu mlaIh ue;sjrKhl oS ,nd.; hq;= wju Pkao iSudj u`.ska ks¾Kh lrkq ,nhs'14 mlaIhl jHjia:dms; wdh;k ksfhdackh flfrys n,mdk wju Pkao m%udKh fuu`.ska woyia flf¾' Y%S ,xldfõ ±kg mj;sk ue;sjrK l%uh wkqj ckaohlg bosrsm;ajk mlaI iEu ckao fldÜGdYhlskau uq`M ckao m%;sY;fhka 5% ,nd.; hq;= fõ'15 ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh fhdod.kakd fndfyda rdcHhka wju Pkao iSudj ks¾Kh lrkafka iudkqmd; l%uhg ,nd.kakd ckaoj, m%;sY;hla f,i fyda ,nd.kakd osia;%sla wdik j, m%;sY;hla f,ih. kjiS,ka; foaYmd,k mlaI tla osia;%sla wdikhla o (o< jYfhka 0.5% wdik)16 fyda 5% ckao o c¾uksfha foaYmd,k mlaI osia;%slal jYfhka wdik 3la (o< jYfhka 0.5% wdik) fyda 5% ckaoo ,nd.; hq;=fõ'17 csnqá jeks rgj,a 10% wdik m%;sY;hla mj;ajd .ekSu yryd iq`M mlaIj,g we;s bvlv weysÍ hhs'18 jvd;a by< ckao iSud mej;Su wdik ixhq;sh flfrys n,mdhs. nyq mlaI ksfhdackhla mej;Sug kï Y%S ,xldj o ckao iSud by< w.hla fkdmeje;aúh hq;= h.

11. IFES Election Guide | Elections: Djibouti Parliamentary 2013. (2016). Electionguide.org. Retrieved 16 March 2016, from http://www.electionguide. org/elections/id/1654/ 12. Sainte-Laguë Allocation Formula. (2016). Elections: Electoral Commission. Retrieved 14 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/votingsystem/mmp-voting-system/sainte-lagu%C3%AB-allocation-formula 13. Bolivia: Electoral Reform in Latin America. (2016). Ace Project: The Electoral Knowledge Network. Retrieved 9 March 2016, from http://aceproject. org/main/english/es/esy_bo.htm 14. Lijphart, A., & Aitkin, D. (1994). Electoral systems and party systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 15. Parliament of Sri Lanka - The Electoral System. (2012). Parliament.lk. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.parliament.lk/members-ofparliament/the-system-of-elections-in-sri-lanka/the-electoral-system 16. MMP Voting System. (2014). Electoral Commission. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/mmp-voting-system 17. Election of Members of the German Bundestag. (2016). Deutscher Bundestag. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/ bundestag/elections/electionresults/election_mp/245694 18. Djibouti: Assemblée nationale, Last elections”, 2013


ue;sjrK m%ldYkh iy;sl lsÍug 20 jk ixfYdaOkh wiu;a wehs @ flgqïm;a lrk ,o 20 jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh ckdêm;sjrK m%;sm;a;s m%ldYkfha ue;sjrK m%;sixialrKh i`oyd fhdað; m%;s{djhs' th 2015 cqks udifhaoS leìkÜ uKAv,h u`.ska iïu; jqjo md¾,sfïka;=j fj; bÈßm;a lsÍula isÿ fkdjqfha md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍu ksidh' th ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uhla f,i ms<s.ekqKo tys iSudjka mj;S'

tla Pkaohla m%udKj;a ke; úis jeks ixfYdaOkh hgf;a Pkao odhlhdg ish Pkaoh fhdod .ksñka ,shdmosxÑ foaYmd,k mËhl fyda iajdëk lKavdhul Pkao wfmaËlfhla f;dard .ekSfï wjia:dj msßkuhs' fuu Pkaoh m%dfoaYSh nyq;aj mokñka iy cd;sl uÜgfï iudkqmd; mokñka ksfhdackhka ;SrKh lrkq ,eîug fya;= fjhs¡ fhdað; Wm cd;sl (sub national) tallh fï jk úg Ndú; úYd,;u Pkao fldÜGdY tallhhs¡ by;ska idlÉPd l< mßos nyq;r Pkaofhka wfmalaIlhka f;dard.ekSfï l%shdj,sfha§ Wmdh ud¾.slj Pkao m%ldY lsÍug fhduqjk Pkao odhlhdg WNf;dafldaálhlg uqyqK §ug isÿfõ' ta ish m%dfoaYSh ksfhdacs;hd f;dard.kakd w;r cd;sl fyda Wm cd;sl ksfhdacs;hd ljqreka fõo hkak ms<sn|jh' vfõ.¾ kHdhg wkqj flaj,/;ks Pkaohla u`.ska úYd, m%n,;u foaYmd,k mË follg jdis úh yels w;r Wmdh ud¾.sl Pkao l%uhlg wjia:d i,id fokq ,efí¡ fuysoS Pkao odhlhd ish leue;a; we;s Pkao wfmaËlhdg jvd ch.%yKh ,eìh yels wfmaËlfhla yg Pkaoh m%ldY lsÍfï bvlv mj;S¡ Tyq ish iajNdúl leue;af;ka wm.ukh fjñka l%shd lrhs' Pkaoodhlhdf.a leue;a; m%Odk mlaI fj; O%eùlrKh fjhs' vfõ.¾ fuh ufkdauQ,sl W;af;ackhlg fya;=jla nj fmkajkafka iajdNdjfhkau leue;a; mj;sk Pkaofhka neyer ù ch.%yKh .Kkh lr tu ch.%dyS wfmaËlhdg ish Pkaoh ,nd oSug Pkao odhlhd fm<fUk neúks¡19

Èia;%sla ksfhdackh Wfoid wdik iudkqmd;slh (skewed seats) 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh wkqj ;%S;, l%uhlg wdik 237la fnoS hkafka flaj, Pkao fldÜGdY l%uh hgf;a wdik 145lao j;auka Èia;%sla iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a wdik 55lao cd;sl uÜgñka iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh hgf;a wdik 37lao f,ih20¡ osia;%sla uÜgu i|yd 3:2 wkqmd;h ksis ixhq;sh mj;ajd .ekSug m%udKj;a fkdjkq we;¡ fuhg wu;rj ;, ;=kla w;r wdik fnoS hdu ixhq;sh flfrys iDKd;aul n,mEula we;s lrhs¡ ta wkqj 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh iudkqmd; ksfhdackh hgf;a wdik 55la muKla Pkao fldÜGdY 22la w;f¾ fnoS hdug i,iajkq ,nk w;r tu`.ska Èia;%sla iudkqmd; ksfhdackh hgf;a mj;sk wdik iSud lrhs¡ tfiau ;%S;, l%uhl mej;Su ;j ÿrg;a iudkqmd; ksfhdackfhys ixhq;shg n,mEula isÿ lrhs' tkï Èia;%sla uÜgfuka 20 jk ixfYdaOkhg wkqj Èia;%sla uÜgfïoS 6(2(1 jeks ixhq;shla olajhs' cd;Hka;r ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdackh wjOdkh fhduqlr we;af;a oaú;, l%uh fhdod .ekSughs¡ tjeks iudkqmd; ksfhdackhla iafldÜ,ka;h yd fõ,aih fuka m<d;a mokï lr .kS kï m%;sM,h kjiS,ka;fha ñY% iudkqmd;sl l%ufhys§ fhdod.kakd cd;sl uÜgfï iudkqmd;sl ,ehsia;=j fuka ilia fkdfõ' flfia fj;;a iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh m%j¾Okh Wfoid iudkqmd; ksfhdack wdik ;ks cd;sl ;,fha wdik yd uqiq l< hq;= w;r tu iudkqmd; ksfhdack wdik o lsishï uÜgulska jeä úh hq;=h'21 tfy;a ;, ;=kla mj;ajd .kafka kï wdik fnoS hdu iy Wm cd;sl ;,fha m%udKh fjkia úh hq;=h¡ 19. Benoit, K. (2006). Duverger’s Law and the Study of Electoral Systems. French Politics, 4, 69-83. Retrieved from http://file:///home/chronos/ u4a7cf4513c4eddce3c4c13245718250d09a4434/Downloads/Benoit_FrenchPolitics_2006%20(2).pdf 20. Chandrasekara, G. (2015). Sri Lanka’s cabinet approves 20th Amendment with 237 parliamentary seats.Lanka Business Online. Retrieved from http://www.lankabusinessonline.com/sri-lankas-cabinet-approves-20th-amendment-with-237-parliamentary-seats/ 21. Vollan, K. (2015). Options for a Mixed Member Proportional System for the Parliament of Sri Lanka. Presentation, Colombo.


ldf,a fjd,ka fmkajd fokafka › ,xldj ;=< ñY% iNsl iudkqmd; l%uh hgf;a wdik fnoS hdu ukdj isÿùug kï iudkqmd; l%uh kshudldrfhka mj;ajd .; hq;= njhs22¡ fï jkúg th flaj, Pkao l%ufha 119lao Èia;%sla iudkqmd; ksfhdack hgf;a 87lao cd;sl iudkqmd; ksfhdack hgf;a wdik 25lao jYfhka mj;S' N+f.da,Sh jYfhka úYd, yd .Kkska wvq m<d;a ^9&g Wm cd;sl uÜgfïoS ue;sjrK Èia;%slal 22 jvd fyd| iudkqmd;sl ixhq;shla mj;ajd f.k hd yelsh' WodyrKhla jYfhka Wm cd;sl tall uÜgfïoS iudkqmd; ksfhdackh hgf;a wdik 55la ,efnkúg th m<d;an|j wdik 6la jk w;r 20 jk ixfYdaOkh hgf;a Èia;%slalhlg o< jYfhka ,efnkqfha wdik 2¡5la jk Bg wvq .Kkls' fjd,ka fmkajd fok wkaoug ;%S ;, l%uh l=vd N+ñ tall jk iy m%Odk foaYmd,k mlaIj,g jdis odhl jk mj;sk ue;sjrK fldÜGdYj,g jvd m<d;an|j N+f.da,Sh ksfhdackh m%j¾Okh i|yd Ndú;d l< yelsh' flfiafj;;a fï l%uh ;=,o iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh by< kexùu i|yd cd;sl uÜgfï ,ehsia;=jla jeo.;a fõ' w;sf¾lj oaú;, l%ufha§ o cd;sl uÜgfuka iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh .Kkh l< o" m<d;a ,ehsia;= u`.ska iudkqmd;sl yd N+f.da,Sh ksfhdackhkag bv ie<ish hq;=h' wjika m<d;ano N+f.da,Sh ksfhdackh by< kï iudkqmd;sl wdik fjkalsÍu iSudiys; jqjo cd;sl uÜgfï iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh by< hkq we;' ;%S ;, l%ufha§ iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackhg bv ie,isfï úNjh wvq jk w;r oaú;, l%uh jvd;a ir< yd ish¨ ñY% iudkqmd;sl l%uhka ys id¾:lj Ndú;d l< yels oaú;, i|yd oaú;aj Pkao l%uhla f,iska iDcqj Pkaoodhlhd yd iyiïnkaO fõ'

ixjD; ,ehsia;= by; idlÉPd l< mßÈ iudkqmd; ksfhdackh fhdod .kakd ish,q rgj,a ixjD; wfmalaIl ,ehsia;= mj;ajd .kS. 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh iudkqmd; ksfhdackfha fjka flfrk wdikj,ska w¾Ohla fjkalrkqfha by<u Pkao m%;sY;hka ,nd.;a mrdcs; wfmalaIlhka i`oydh'23 kuq;a fjk;a l%shdud¾. yryd iudkqmd;sl wdik i|yd kdufhdackd lsÍfï lemS fmfkk n,hla ue;sjrKfhka wk;=rejo foaYmd,k mlaIj,g ysñfõ. 20 jk ixfYdaOkh u`.ska cd;sl ,ehsia;= uka;%Sjrfhla ñhhk fyda b,a,d wiajk wjia:djl mlaIlhl wNsu;h wkqj kj m;aùula lsrSug wjia:dj ie,fia. mlaIhl fyda iajdëk lKavdhul f,alï fyda kdhlhd yg wod< Pkao n, m%foaYh i|yd ;r. jeÿKq wfmalaIlhka w;rska fyda bosrsm;a jQ fjk;a wh w;ßka hfula kï l< yelsfõ'24 ixjD; ,ehsia;=j hkq Pkao n, m%foaYhg we;s j.ùu iy jvd;a by< kxjk n,mEï ldrlhls. mj;sk iudkqmd; l%uh hgf;a ;u Pkao n, m%foaYh fjkqfjka mlaIfhka fhdojk wfmalaIlhd ms<sn| oekqïj;a ùug Pkao odhlhdg wjia:djkaa ,ndÈ fkdue;s w;ru Tjqkaf.a mlaI ine|shdjka fkdi<ld wfmalaIlhka f;dard.ekSfï wjia:dj mlaIj,g o ysñfõ' mrdcs; wfmalaIlhka ioyd hï bvlvla ,ndoSfï§ isÿúh hq;af;a 20 jk ixfYdaOkfha mrsos fkdj jvd;a m%cd;ka;%jdoS l%ufõohla wkq.ukh lsÍuh.

m%ido wdik mj;sk l%uhg wkqj osia;s%lalfha jeä Pkao ,nd .kakd foaYmd,k mlaIh fyda iAjdëk lKavdhug tla wfmalaIlfhla m;a l< yelsfõ'25 fuu m%ido wdikh Èia;%slalfha jeä Pkao ,nd .kakd m%Odk mlaIhlg ysñùu ksid iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackh úlD;s lrhs. WodyrKhla f,i miq.sh md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrKfha oS cd;sl ugsgfï jeä Pkao m%;sY;hla ,enQ ck;d úuqla;s fmruqKg ,enqfka wdik 4la muKs. kuq;a ;uka ;r. l< m%foaY j, § jeä Pkao 27000 ,;a fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh wdik 14 ,enqfõh. Bg fya;=j jQfha osia;s%lal lSSmhl muKla úYd, me;srSula tu mlaIhg mej;Suhs. fuf,i ixhq;shg n,mEula isÿ jqj;a m%ido wdik 20jk ixfYdaOkhg we;=<;a fõ. 22. Vollan, K. (2015). Options for a Mixed Member Proportional System for the Parliament of Sri Lanka. Presentation, Colombo. 23. tu 24. Prime Minister and Minister of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs, Child, Youth and Cultural Affairs,. (2015).The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution. Colombo: Department of Government Printing. 25. Parliament of Sri Lanka - The Electoral System. (2012). Parliament.lk. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.parliament.lk/members-ofparliament/the-system-of-elections-in-sri-lanka/the-electoral-system


m%ido wdik 20jk ixfYdaOkfha we;=<;a jkafka : “tla jeä wfmaCIlfhla fya;=fjka Wla; Pkao n, m%foaYfhka wfmaCIlfhla wvq l< hq;=fõ'26 ñY% iudkqmd;

ksfhdack l%uh iudkqmd; ksfhdackh nyq md¾Yúl Pkao u`.ska isÿ jQ ixhq;sh fjkia ùfï .eg¨j wju lrhs' ta wkqj wLKavj m%ido wdik mej;Su u`.ska idudkHfhka ixhq;shg isÿjk n,mEu ñY% iudkqm; ksfhdack l%ufha§ isÿ fkdfõ” .

26. Prime Minister and Minister of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs, Child, Youth and Cultural Affairs,. (2015).The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution. Colombo: Department of Government Printing.


ñY% iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%ufha .eg¨ ksYaph fkdl< wdik (Overhang Seats) ñY% iudkqmd; l%ufha§ foaYmd,k mCIhla kshñ; wdik ixLHdjg wu;r wdik .Kkla nyq;r Pkaofhka (Plurality of Voting) Èkd .ekSfï§ ksYaph fkdl< wdik ixLHdjla ,eîu isÿfõ' fuf,i ,efnk wdik wu;r wdik f,i mj;ajd .ekSug foaYmd,k mCIhlg wjia:dj ,efí' WodyrKhla f,i A kï mCIhg ish iudkqmd;sl cd;sl Pkaoj,ska ysñùug kshñ; wdik 10 jqjo" ,efnkqfha wdik 6la muKla kï" cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka wu;rj ysñjkafka wdik 4 ls' tfy;a B kï mCIhg kshñ; wdik .Kk 10 la jkúg th wdik 11 ,nkafka kï tu jeämqr wdikh ksYaph fkdl< wdikhla fia ie,fla'27 ksYaph fkdl< wdik mj;ajd f.k hdfï§ uqyqKfokakg isÿjk ;;a;ajhka u`.yrjd .ekSu i|yd j¾;udkfha§ úúO l%ufõo Ndú;d lrkq ,efí' ta w;r wdKavqlrK foayh úYd,kh" tu wdik ksYaÑ; jHqyhla ;=< ixia:dmkh ye|skaúh yels fõ' c¾uksh 2013 isg fhdod .kakd iunr wdik (Balance Seat) l%ufõoh ksYaph fkdl< wdik ukdj l<ukdlrKhg Wmfhda.S lr.kS' fuu l%ufha § ksYaph fkdl< wdik mCI w;r fnÈ hdug ie,eiaùu u`.ska ixhq;sh ukdj mj;ajd .efka'28 kjiS,ka;h fuu ksYaph fkdl< wdik fhdod .ekSu isÿ lroa§ md¾,sfïka;= wdik ixhq;sh jeä fkdjk wu;r wdik mCI w;r fnod fokq ,nhs'29 fuu l%uh yryd 120la jk kjiS,ka; md¾,sfïka;= iNslhka jeä jkafka iq¿ jYfhka kuq;a th c¾uksfha§ md¾,sfïka;= ixhq;sfha jeä fjkilg fya;=fõ' fï iïnkaO f;jk Ndú;djla jk iafldÜ,ka;h" fõ,aih" fnd,Súhdj yd f,fif;days fhdod .kakd l%uh wkqj mlaI ysñlr.kakd ksYaph fkdl< wdik .Kkg wkqrEmj tajdg ysñ iudkqmd;sl wdik wvqlsÍu u`.ska wdKavqlrK foayfha m%idrKh j<lajd .kS'30 ta wkqj ksYaph fkdl< wdik ysñ mCIj,g kshñ; wdikj,g jeä wdik;a wfkla mCIj,g wvq wdik;a ysñfõ'

ldka;d ksfhdackh we;=<;a lsÍu Y%S ,xld md¾,sfïka;=j ;=< ldka;d ksfhdackh mj;skafka 6]g;a wvq uÜgulh" ldka;djka 11 fofkla Èia;%sla wdik uÜgfukao fofofkla cd;sl ,ehsia;= wdik uÜgfukao md¾,sfïka;=j ksfhdackh lr;s' cd;sl ;,fha § iafõÉPdfjka fyda jHjia:d ixfYdaOk fhdod .ksñka ish mlaIj, ldka;d ksfhdackh by< kxjd .ekSug foaYmd,k mCI l%shdlr fkdue;' ldka;d ksfhdackh iudkqmd; ksfhdackh fyda cd;sl ,ehsia;=j u`.ska m%j¾Okh l< yel' foaYmd,k mCIj,g ;u wfmaCIlhka ms<sno ;SrK .ekSfï jeä yelshdjla we;s neúka" ldka;d ksfhdackh jev lßug yels b;d iqÿiq l%uh foaYmd,k mCI wfmaCIl ,ehsia;= kshdukh u`.sks' ta wkqj wfmaCIl ,ehsia;= yd iudkqmd; ksfhdackh yryd jeä ksfhdackhla ,nd .; yelsfõ' miq.sh oYl fol ;=< fnd,Súhdj ldka;d ksfhdackh i|yd fyd`o jEhula ord ;sfí' 1993 § fnd,Súhdfõ ldka;d ksfhdackh 13]ls' 1995 fnd,Súhdj iudkqmd; ksfhdack l%uh fhdod .ekSu iu`. wfmaCIl ,ehsia;=j, 30]l ldka;d ksfhdackhla mej;Su wksjd¾h lrk ,È'31

27. Overhangs. (2012). MMP Review: Have Your Say and Participate. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/sites/default/files/bulkupload/documents/Overhangs_submissions.pdf 28. Election of Members of the German Bundestag. (2016). Deutscher Bundestag. Retrieved 8 March 2016, from http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/ bundestag/elections/electionresults/election_mp/245694 29. Overhangs. (2012). MMP Review: Have Your Say and Participate. Retrieved 7 March 2016, from http://www.elections.org.nz/sites/default/files/bulkupload/documents/Overhangs_submissions.pdf 30.. tu 31.Benavides, J. (2003). Women’s Political Participation in Bolivia: Progress and Obstacles (pp. 2-3). Lima: Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). Retrieved from http://www.quotaproject.org/CS/CS_Costa_Bolivia_25-11-2003.pdf


wo fnd,Súhdj ia;%S mqreI Ndjh wkqj mCI wfmaCIl ,ehsia;= bÈßm;a lrk w;r" 2014 mej;s ue;sjrKfha§ 53] ldka;d ksfhdackhla ksrEmKh úh'32 ta wkqj iudkqmd;sl ksfhdackfha § jHjia:dkql+,ju wfmaCIl fldagdj ;=< jvd Wiia ldka;d ksfhdackhla ;SrKh l< yelsh' fï wkqj wfmaCIl ,ehsia;=j ia;%S yd mqreI f,i úfNaokh úh hq;= w;r" m%Odk wfmaCIl fom, ia;%S yd mqreI f,i fjka l< hq;=h' iEu ks,hka 5la i|ydu 40 (60 wkqmd;h mej;sh hq;= w;r" iEu 03 fofkl=f.a lKavdhulu ldka;djla isáh hq;=fõ' fuysÈ jvd;a M,odhS jkafka ism¾ fldagd l%uhhs'33 tu l%uh 45] ldka;d ksfhdackh ;yjqre lrhs' fnd,Súhdj iy f,fidf;da fuu l%uh fhdod .kS' wvq iudkqmd;S jHjia:d úl,am ldka;djka i|yd fjku wdik Pkao n, m%foaY mj;ajd .kS" ldka;djka i|yd fjka jQ wdik Pkao m%ldY lsÍu iy wdik fjka lsÍfï § .eg¨ldÍ úh yel' wfkla l%uh kï ldka;d wfmalaIlhka i|yd jq n, m%foaY mej;Suhs' fuys§ o ia;%s mqreI jYfhka udrefjka udrejg ksfhdacs;hka m;a lSßfï bvla mej;sh hq;=h34' fuu l%u folu ue;sjrK l%uh ;=<g wka;¾.; lsÍu ixlS¾K úh yels w;r" iudkqmd; l%ufha fuka iunr njla ke;'

32. Bolivia | quotaProject: Global Database of Quotas for Women. (2015). Quotaproject.org. Retrieved 15 March 2016, from http://www.quotaproject. org/uid/countryview.cfm?CountryCode=BO 33. Larserud, S., & Taphorn, R. (2007). Designing for Equality: Best-fit, medium-fit and non-favourable combinations of electoral systems and gender quotas. Stockholm: International IDEA. Retrieved from https://www.ndi.org/files/Designing-for-Equality-PDF.pdf 34.Dahlerup, D. (2013). Atlas of electoral gender quotas (pp. 30-33). Stockholm: International IDEA.



,yq;ifapy; NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jq;fs;:

fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhu Kiwikfs;


cs;slf;fk; epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fk; 35 gpd;dzp: [dhjpgjpapd; thf;FWjpfs; 37 ,yq;ifapd; jw;Nghija NjHjy; Kiwfs; 38 vk;.vk;.gp Kiw vt;thW [dhjpgjp rpwpNrdhtpd; NjHjy; thf;FWjpfis 39 (my;yJ NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jf; Fwpf;Nfhs;fis) epiwNtw;Wfpd;wJ fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhuKiw vt;thW nraw;gLk;? 40 ,uz;L mLf;F Kiwapy; ,ul;il thf;F 40 tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs; kw;Wk; khtl;l Mrdq;fSf;fpilapyhd 41 tpfpjk; %ba gl;bay; 42 tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwf;fhf fl;rp gl;baiy fzpg;gpLk; 43 Kiw NjHjy; tuk;ngy;iy 43 Vd; 20tJ jpUj;jj;jpdhy; NjHjy; thf;FWjpfis epiwNtw;w KbahJ 45 xU thf;F NghJkhdjy;y 45 Mrd tpfpjhrhuq;fs; khtl;l tpfpjhrhuj;jpw;fhf jpupf;fg;gLfpd;wd 46 %lg;gl;l gl;bay; 47 Nghd]; Mrdq;fs; 48 fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhuKiw njhlHghd fhpridfs; 49 njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; 49 ngz;fs; gpujpepjpj;Jtk;; 50


epiwNtw;Wr; RUf;fk; [dhjpgjp Ntl;ghsu; ikj;jpupghy rpwpNrdtpd; Nju;jy; tpQ;Qhgdk; mtu; 2015 [dtup> 08Mk; jpfjp [dhjpgjpahf Nju;e;njLf;fg;gl;l gpd;du; murhq;fj;jpd; rPu;jpUj;j epfo;r;rp epuYf;fhd mbg;gilahf mike;jJ. mtu; mspj;j gy thf;FWjpfSs; ,yq;ifapd; Nju;jy; Kiwia rPHjpUj;Jtjw;fhd xU ePz;l fhy Nfhupf;iff;fhd gjpw; nraw;ghLk; mlq;fpapUe;jJ. fl;lhak; nra;ag;glNtz;ba ,uz;L tplaq;fis ,dq;fz;bUe;j ,yq;ifapd; Nju;jy; Kiw njhlHghd tpthjj;jpd; mbg;gilapyhd xU Njh;jy; KiwiaNehf;fp efHtij mj;Nju;jy; tpQ;Qhgdk; tpsf;fpaJ: mit ,yq;ifapd; Kd;ida ghuhSkd;w Njh;jy; Kiwapy; fhzg;gl;lJ Nghd;w xU rpwpa jdp cWg;gpdu; (kw;Wk; gy cWg;gpdH) Nju;jy; khtl;lq;fis kPs mwpKfg;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk; jw;Nghija Nju;jy; Kiwapdhy;; mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;l tpfpjhrhu Nju;jy; Kiwia (tpgp) njhlu;e;Jk; jf;fitj;jy; vd;gdthFk;. khtl;l kl;l thf;fspg;G KiwikahdJ> vspa ngUk;ghd;ik NjHjy; Kiw (FPTP) vd;W nghJthff; Fwpg;gplg;gLk; xU gd;ikj;Jt Njh;jy; Kiwikf;F khWk;. mjpf thf;Ffspdhy; xU jdp ntw;wpahsH njhpTnra;ag;gLk; xU ngUk;ghd;ik mbg;gilapy; jdp cWg;gpdH Nju;jy; khtl;lq;fs; njhpT nra;ag;gLtjhy;> mNjNeuj;jpy; ,q;F tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij miltjw;F NjHjy; Kiwikfs; njhlHghd rpj;jhe;jj;jpy; fyg;G cWg;gpdH tpfpjhrhu NjHjy; Kiwik (MMP) vd;W mwpag;gLk; Kiwikiag; gad;gLj;jNtz;Lk;. mjhtJ> tpfpjhrhu ngWNgWfis va;Jfpd;w mNjNtis> ngUk;ghd;ik thf;Ffs; mbg;gilapyhd njhptpd; mk;rq;fNshL fye;jikAk; xU Kiwik. tpfpjhrhu ngWNgW vd;gJ> ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; fl;rpfspd; ,Wjp Mrd vz;zpf;ifahdJ> mit ngw;w nkhj;j thf;Ffspd; gq;fpw;F mikthdjhf ,Ug;gjhFk;. NjHjy; Kiwik rPHjpUj;jj;jpy; <LgLk;NghJ ftdj;jpy; nfhs;sNtz;ba vk;.vk;.gp Nju;jy; Kiwapd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fs; Fwpj;J ,e;j fl;Liu Muha;fpd;wJ. ,yq;ifapd; murpay; tpthjq;fspy; fhzg;gLk; NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jk; njhlHghd jHf;fq;fis Muha;tJ ,e;j fl;Liuapd; Nehf;nfhy;iyf;F mg;ghw;gl;lnjhd;whFk;. 2015 A+d;> 20k; jpfjp ntspaplg;gl;l murpayikg;gpw;fhd cj;Njr 20 tJ jpUj;jNk Gjpa Nju;jy; Kiwiknahd;iw mwpKfQ;nra;tjw;fhd murhq;fj;jpd; Kjy; Kaw;rpahf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. vdpDk;> Kd;itf;fg;gl;Ls;s KiwikahdJ> vk;.vk;.gp NjHjy; Kiwik tbtikg;Gf; Nfhl;ghLfis gpd;gw;wtpy;iy. ,uz;L thf;F rPl;L Kiwnahd;iw cs;slf;fj; jtwpAs;sikAk;> khtl;l (ngUk;ghd;ik mbg;gilapyhd) Mrdq;fSld; xg;gpLk;NghJ NghjpasT tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs; ,y;yhikAk; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij jf;fitg;gjw;fhd mjd; Nehf;fj;jpy;; murpayikg;gpw;fhd 20 tJ jpUj;jk; Njhy;tpaile;JtpLk; vd;W nghUs;gLfpwJ. NkYk>; KOikahd tpfpjhrhu ngWNgWfspypUe;J rpwpJ tpyfpr; nry;Yk; jw;Nghija tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwapd; XH mk;rj;ijAk; mJ jf;fitj;Jf;nfhz;Ls;sJ. xU Nju;jy; khtl;lj;jpy; mjpfsT thf;Ffis ngw;w fl;rpfSf;F Nghd]; Mrdq;fs; toq;FtNj me;j mk;rkhFk;. rpwpa Nju;jy; njhFjpfis mwpKfg;gLj;Jfpd;wNghJ> tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cWjp nra;tjw;fhf vt;thW vk;.vk;.gp Kiwik fl;likf;fg;glNtz;Lk; vd;gJ njhlu;ghd Kf;fpa tplaq;fis ,e;j Mtzk; Muha;fpd;wJ. vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fisAk; mit vt;thW eilKiwg;gLj;jg;glNtz;Lk; vd;gijAk; vLj;Jf;fhl;Ltjw;F ru;tNjr mstpy; fhzg;gLk; Nju;jy; Kiwikfs; njhlHghd ngUksT Muha;r;rp mikg;Gfspd;; fz;lwpjy;fNshL mJ ,ize;Jnry;fpwJ. ,yq;iff;F vj;jid khtl;l Mrdq;fs; nghUj;jkhdjhf mikAk; vd;gJ Fwpj;Njh my;yJ vy;iy epu;za eilKiw Fwpj;Njh ,e;j Mtzk; Muhatpy;iy. 35

njhlu;e;J tUk; gFjpfspy; vLj;Jf;fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sthW> vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fs; guPl;rpf;fg;gl;L ru;tNjr cjhuzq;fspd; %yk; gad;kpf;fitnad ep&gpf;fg;gl;Ls;sd: cjhuzk;N[u;kdp> epArpyhe;J> Nty;];> ];nfhl;yhe;J> nghyptpah kw;Wk; nyNrhNjh. vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapd; Nfhl;ghLfs; gad;kpf;fKiwapy; milag;ngWtjw;F> gP.Mu; - vt;.gp.b.gp Mfpa ,uz;bw;Fk; 1:1 vd;w tpfpjj;jpy; (my;yJ mjw;F kpff; fpl;ba> Vw;Wf;nfhs;sj;jf;f XH khw;W mstpy;) ,uz;L thf;Fr; rPl;Lf;fis my;yJ XH ,ul;il thf;Fr; rPl;ilg; gad;gLj;Jk; Kiwnahd;iw gpd;gw;WtJ mtrpakhfyhk;. ,uz;L thf;Fr; rPl;Lf;fis my;yJ XH ,ul;il thf;Fr; rPl;ilg; gad;gLj;JtNj vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapd; kpf Kf;fpakhd mk;rkhFk; vd;gNjhL tpfpjhrhu NjHjy; ngWNgWfs; milag;ngWtjw;Fk; mtrpakhdjhFk;. ,ul;il thf;Fr;rPl;L thf;fhsu;fs; jq;fs; gFjpapd; Nju;jy; ngWNgw;wpw;Fk; ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; cWg;gpdHfspd; xl;Lnkhj;j Mf;fmikitj; jPHkhdpf;Fk; Njrpa(my;yJ cgNjrpa) mstpyhd tpfpjhrhu NjHjy; ngWNgw;wpw;Fkhd jkJ tpUg;gj; njupTfSf;F Neubahf jkJ thf;Ffis mspg;gjw;F mtHfSf;F ,lkspf;fpwJ. xU fl;rpia jhk; Mjupf;fpd;wNghJk;> Njhw;Wg;NghFk; mf;fl;rp Ntl;ghsUf;F thf;fspj;J jq;fs; thf;if tPzbg;gij tpl> ntw;wpngwf;$batUf;F thf;fspg;gnjd cs;SH kl;lj;jpy; KbTntLf;Fk;; thf;fhsHfspd; “je;jpNuhgha thf;fspg;gpd;” jhf;fj;ij ,J Fiwf;fpd;wJ. thf;fhsu;fSf;;F ,UNtW tpUg;gj;njupTfis ntspg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd re;ju;g;gj;ij toq;Ftjd; %yk; je;jpNuhgha thf;fspg;gpd; jhf;fk; cs;Su; kl;lj;jpyhd ngUk;ghd;ik thf;fspg;gpw;F khj;jpuk; kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. mj;Jld; Njrpa mstpy; ghuhSkd;wjjpd;; xl;Lnkhj;j Mf;f miktpy; mJ jhf;fk; nrYj;jhJ. NkYk; rpwpa fl;rpfs; kf;fs; kj;jpapy; jhk; nfhz;bUf;fpd;w Mjutpw;Fr; rkkhd ghuhSkd;wg; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij ngWtjw;Fs;s jilfisAk; ,J Fiwf;fpd;wJ. ,e;j epge;jidfs; epiwNtw;wg;gl;lhy;> <Lnra;Ak; Mrdq;fshf tpsq;Ftjw;F Nghjpa PR Mrdq;fisf; nfhz;bUj;jyhdJ (khtl;lq;fspy; kf;fs; Mjuitf; nfhz;bUg;gtHfSk; vdpDk; ngUk;ghd;ik thf;Ffis ntd;nwLf;FksTf;F NghJkhd MjuT ,y;yhjpUg;gtHfSkhdtHfSf;F)> ghuhSkd;wj;jpd; ,Wjp Mf;f miktpy; ngUksTf;F KOikahd tpfpjhrhug;ngWNghWfis toq;ff;$Lk;. NkYk;> murpay; fl;rpfs; Mrdq;fisg; ngWtjw;F xl;Lnkhj;j thf;Ffspy; tpjpj;Jiuf;fg;gl;l xU tPjj;jpyhd thf;Ffisg; ngwNtz;Lnkd epge;jid tpjpf;Fk; xU NjHjy; tuk;gpid jw;Nghija gy vk;.vk;.gpf;fs; gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd. cau;thd Mrd epu;za vy;iy rpwpa fl;rpfis xJf;fptplf;$Lk;;. ,jd; fhuzkhf gy vk;.vk;.gp ehLfs; ,t;thwhd Mrd epu;za vy;iyia nfhz;bUg;gjpy;iy my;yJ xU Fiwe;j vy;iyiaf; (c.k;. Njrpa hPjpahf 5% tPjj;jpw;Ff; Fiwthd) nfhz;bUf;fpd;wd. NkYk; rpwpasT khtl;l Mrdq;fis ntd;w Mdhy; Njrpa thf;F tPj tuk;ngy;iyia vl;lj; jtWk; fl;rpfSf;F tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrdq;fis xJf;Ffpd;wd. Mrdq;fis xJf;Ftjw;fhd fzpg;gPl;bw;fhf ,yq;ifapy; jw;NghJ gad;gLj;jg;gLtJk; N[u;kdp kw;Wk; epArpyhe;J Nghd;w vk;.vk;.gp Kiwia gad;gLj;Jk; ehLfspy; gpd;gw;wg;gLtJkhd `nu Nfhl;lh my;yJ nrapd;Nl Nynf Kiwia njhlu;e;Jk; Ngzyhk;. kpfTk; Jy;ypakhd tpfpjhrhu ngWNgWfis cWjpnra;jw;F ,t;tpU fzpg;gPl;L KiwfSk; rpy ehLfspy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; b n`hd;l; Kiwia tplTk; kpfTk; nghUj;jkhditahFk;. NkYk; midj;J vk;.vk;.gp ehLfSk; jq;fs; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt thf;fpw;fhf %lg;gl;l fl;rpg; gl;baiyNa gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd. “%lg;gl;l gl;bay;” vd;w mjd; ngaH czHj;JtJ Nghd;W> murpay; fl;rpfs; Nju;jYf;;F Kd;du; rku;g;gpf;fNtz;ba ,g;gl;bayhdJ> Njh;jy; Mizf;FOtpw;Fr; rkHg;gpj;j gpd;dH mjpy; khw;wq;fs; nra;tjw;fhd murpay; fl;rpapd; jw;Wzpig ePf;fptpLfpwJ. ,e;j gl;baiy rku;g;gpj;j gpd;du; mjpy; cs;s jdpegu;fspd; ngau;fisNah my;yJ xOq;FtupirNah khw;w KbahJ. %lg;gl;l gl;bay; vd;gJ ngz;fs;>


rpWghd;ik FOf;fs; kw;Wk; tpUk;gpdhy; Njhw;fbf;fg;gl;l Ntl;ghsu;fs; MfpNahUf;F mjpfsT gpujepjpj;Jtj;ij toq;Ftjw;fhd fl;rp xJf;fPLfSf;F gad;gLj;jg;glf;$baJ. ,t;thwhd mk;rq;fisf; nfhz;bUf;f$ba %lg;gl;l gl;bayhdJ> murpay; fl;rpfspdhy; J];gpuNahfk; nra;ag;gLk; rhj;jpaj;ij ,y;yhnjhopj;J Ntl;ghsu;fis njupT nra;tjw;F njspthf tpjpj;Jiuf;fg;gl;l xU eilKiwapy; my;yJ R+j;jpuj;jpy; (c.k;. xU rpg;gH Nfhl;lh) jq;fpapUf;fyhk;. jkJ gpMh; gl;baypy; tpjpj;Jiuf;fg;gl;l ,ilntspfspy; (c.k;. xt;nthU %d;whtJ ngaUk; vd;w mbg;gilapy;) my;yJ xJf;fg;gl;l Mrdq;fs; %yk; ngz;fis cs;slf;f fl;rpfis epge;jidg;gLj;Jk; rl;lkhf;fg;gl;l fl;rp gl;bay; Nfhl;lhf;fs; %yk; ngz;fspd; mjpfsT gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij milaKbAk;. ,yq;ifapd; NjHjy; Kiwapy; ehk; fz;Ls;s J}z;bypl;l ,iwahfg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;L gpd;dH J}f;fp vwpag;gLk; Kiwf;F Mshfhky; murpay; fl;rpfs; fskpwf;Fk; cWg;gpdHfspd; juj;jpw;F kf;fs; thf;fspg;gjw;fhd tha;g;ig xU %ba epuy; toq;FfpwJ. "Jhz;bypy;ypl;l ,iw" Kiwapy; gpurpj;jkhd mNgl;rfHfs; epuypy; cs;slf;fg;gl;L gpd;dH Njh;jy; KbTw;wJk;; Jhf;fpanawpag;gLthHfs;. ,yq;ifapd; Nju;jy; kWrPuikg;G njhlHgpy; ntspaplg;gLk; xU fhprid njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; njhlHghdjhFk;. Mrdq;fis njhpT nra;tjd; gd;Kfjd;ik gy re;jHg;gq;fspy;; vk;.vk;.gp KiwikfSf;Fs;; <Lnra;Ak; Mrdq;fs; GFj;jg;glNtz;ba epiyia cUthf;fp rkepiyaw;w KbTfspw;F ,l;Lr;nry;fpwJ. rpyNtisfspy; <L nra;tjw;F gpMH Mrdq;fs; fpilf;fhjtifapy; NjHjy; KbTfs; $l khw;wg;glyhk;. ,J njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; ,Uf;Fk; Kiwikapy; fhzg;gLk; xU epiyikahFk;. gd;Kf thf;fspg;G fhuzkhf> rl;lthf;fr; rigf;F xJf;fg;gl;l gpMH Mrdq;fspdhy; rhpgLj;j Kbahjstpw;F fl;rpnahd;wpw;F fpilf;fNtz;ba Mrdq;fis tpl mjpfkhd Mrdq;fs; fpilf;Fk;NghJ njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; cUthfpd;wd. rHtNjr cjhuzq;fs;; njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fis cs;thq;Ftjw;fhd gy;NtW topKiwfis ifahSfpd;wd. Nkyjpf Mrdq;fis toq;Ftjw;Nfh (rpwpJ rkdw;w jd;ikia cUthf;fp)> tpfpjhrhuj;jpid jf;fitj;Jf; nfhs;tjw;fhf Vida fl;rpfSf;F Nkyjpf Mrdq;fis toq;Ftjw;Nfh> KO Ml;rp kd;wj;jpdJk; msit fhg;ghw;Wtjw;fhf Mrdq;fspd; vz;zpf;ifia Fiwf;fNth my;yJ Mrdq;fis toq;fhJ tplNth vk;.vk;.gp Kiwik jPHkhdpf;fyhk;.

gpd;dzp - [dhjpgjpapd; thf;FWjp 2015> [dthpapy;> [dhjpgjp Ntl;ghsH ikj;jphpghy rpwpNrd epiwNtw;W mjpfhu [dhjpgjp Ml;rpKiw xopj;jy; kw;Wk; NjHjy; Kiwikiar; rPHjpUj;Jjy; Mfpad cs;spl;l ,yq;ifapd; Ml;rpf; fl;likg;gpy; gy khw;wq;fisf; NfhUk; NjHjy; tpQ;Qhgdj;ij ntspapl;lhH. NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jq;fs; njhlHgpy;> ,j;NjHjy; tpQ;Qhgdk; gpd;tUkhW njhptpf;fpd;wJ: "tpfpjhrhug; gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiw xopg;gpw;F ehd; cj;juthjkspg;gNjhL> xt;nthU NjHjy; njhFjpAk; jdf;nfd ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdH xUtiu nfhz;bUg;gij cWjpnra;Ntd;. Gjpa NjHjy; Kiw njhFjpthhp gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiw kw;Wk; Njhw;fbf;fg;gl;l Ntl;ghsHfspd; tpfpjhrhu Kiw Mfpatw;iw nfhz;bUf;Fk;."1 1. Gjpa [dehaf kf;fs; Kd;dzp> ikj;jpup xU ];jpukhd murhq;fj;ij. priu.gov.lk. http://www.priu.gov.lk/presidential_manifestos/Manifesto-EN.pdf ,Ue;J> 15 khu;r; 2016 md;W ngwg;gl;lJ.


Gjpa Kiwik ghuhSkd;wj;jpd; Mf;f mikit khw;whj xd;whf tpsq;Fkhifahy;> NjHjy; Kiwikf;fhd ve;j khw;wKk;; midj;J fl;rpfspdJk; MjuTlNdNa epiwNtw;wg;gLk; vdTk; me;jj; NjHjy; tpQ;Qhgdk; thf;FWjpaspj;jJ. MfNt ,e;j thf;FWjpfs;> 1).njhFjpthhp gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwapy; fhzg;gl;lij Nghd;W xU rpwpa jdp cWg;gpdH kw;Wk; gy cWg;gpdHfs; NjHjy; njhFjpfis kPs mwpKfQ; nra;jy;>2 2) xU fl;rpf;Fs;NsapUe;J Ntl;ghsHfis njhpTnra;Ak; ,yq;ifapd; jw;Nghija Kiwahfpa tpUg;G thf;FKiwia ePf;Fjy;> 3).tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwia jf;fitj;jy; kw;Wk; njhFjp kl;l thf;fspg;gpy;; Njhw;fbf;fg;gl;l Ntl;ghsHfspd; gl;baypy; ,Ue;J tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Ntl;ghsHfis njhpTnra;jy; Mfpatw;iw Ntz;bepw;fpd;wd.

,yq;ifapd; jw;Nghija NjHjy; Kiw 1978Mk; Mz;L murpayikg;G mKypypUf;Fk;tiu ,yq;if njhFjpthhp gpujpepjpj;Jt Nju;jy; Kiwia gad;gLj;jpaJ. ,e;j Kiwapd; fPo; Ntl;ghsH xUtH njhFjpnahd;wpy; mjpf thf;Ffis ngw;why; ntw;wpg; ngw;wtuhthH. xU rpW vz;zpf;ifapyhd gy cWg;gpdH njhFjpfisj; jtpu> ngUk;ghyhd Njh;jy; njhFjpfs;; xU ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdiuNa nfhz;bUe;jd. fle;j fhyq;fspy; ,yq;ifapd; njhFjpthhp Njh;jy; Kiw> mjhtJ vspa ngUk;ghd;ik Kiw (FPTP) ngUk; rkkw;w ngWNgWfSf;F ,l;Lr; nrd;wpUe;jJ. 1970k; Mz;L ,lk;ngw;w ghuhSkd;wj; NjHjy; ,jw;F rpwe;j cjhuzk; MFk;. ,e;j NjHjypy; ntw;wp ngw;w =yq;fh Rje;jpuf;fl;rp 36.9 tPj thf;FfisNa ngw;w NghjpYk; 60tPj Mrdq;fis ngw;wJ. mNjNtis 37.9 tPj thf;Ffis ngw;w If;fpa Njrpa fl;rpf;F 12tPj Mrdq;fNs fpilj;jd. 1978 Mk; Mz;bw;Fg; gpd;dh; ,yq;if gy fl;rpfs; kj;jpapypUe;J tpfpjrhu mbg;gilapy; cWg;gpdHfis njhpTnra;Ak; ghhpa NjHjy; khtl;lq;fisf; nfhz;l tpfpjrhug; gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwnahd;iwg; gpd;gw;wpaJ. jw;NghJ 22 NjHjy; khtl;lq;fs; ngUkstpw;F “khtl;lq;fs;”3 vd;W miof;fg;gLk; ,yq;ifapd; epHthf myFfis xj;jpUf;fpd;wd. mjdbg;gilapy; ,yq;if jw;NghJ jdJ 225 ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdHfis njhpTnra;tjw;F jdpnahU thf;Fr; rPl;ilg; gad;gLj;Jfpd;wJ: 22 gy cWg;gpdH njhFjpfSf;F 196 Mrdq;fSk;> 29 Njrpa gl;bay; Mrdq;fSk; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. xt;nthU thf;fhsUk; jdJ NjHjy; khtl;lj;jpy; jhd; njhpT nra;Ak; fl;rpf;Fs;spypUe;J %d;W cWg;gpdHfis njhpTnra;ayhk;. rHtNjr hPjpapy; “jpwe;j gl;bay;” vd miof;fg;gLk; ,k;Kiwik ,yq;ifapy; ‘tpUg;G thf;F Kiw’ vd miof;fg;gLfpd;wJ. ghhpa NjHjy; njhFjpfs; ghuSkd;w cWg;gpdHfis kf;fs; Fiwe;jsNt ehlf;$batHfshfTk; cs;SH gpur;rpidfspy; Fiwe;jsNt fhprid nfhz;ltHfshfTk; Mf;Ffpd;wd vd;;w nghJ kf;fs; fUj;jpd; fhuzkhf me;j Kiwik Xustpw;F kf;fs; kjpg;gp;oe;jjhf khwpAs;sJ. NjHjy; td;Kiwfs; kw;Wk; epjpaspg;G Fwpj;j Vida tplaq;fSk; (ngUk;ghYk; gpioahf) ,jDld; njhlh;GgLj;jg;gl;L jw;Nghija NjHjy; Kiwapd; jPikfshfg; ghHf;fg;gLfpd;wd. 2. xU NjHjy; khtl;lj;jpy; xU NjHjy; fsj;jpy; Neubahf myF Fwpf;fpwJ NjHjy; mikg;Gf;fs; tpthjq;fspy; epiyahd fdbau;fs; itj;J ,e;j #oypy; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. fhy njhFjpapy; $l ,e;j epfo;tpy; tptupj;jhH vd xw;iw cWg;gpdu; NjHjy; khtl;lq;fspy; tpthjpj;J gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. 3. ,e;j vz;zpf;if> aho;g;ghzk; kw;Wk; fpspnehr;rp epu;thf khtl;lq;fis ,izj;J ‘aho;g;ghz Nju;jy; njhFjpahfTk;’> kd;dhu;> tTdpah kw;Wk Ky;iyj;jPT epu;thf khtl;lq;fis xd;wpizj;J ‘td;dp Nju;jy; njhFjpahfTk;’ khw;wg;gl;Ls;sikahy; ,yq;ifapd; 25 epu;thf khtl;lq;fs; vDk; vz;zpf;ifapypUe;J NtWgLfpd;wJ.


fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhu Kiw vt;thW [dhjpgjp rpwpNrdhtpd; NjHjy tpQ;Qhgd Fwpf;Nfhs;fis epiwNtw;Wfpd;wJ ,e;j Ma;T NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jq;fs; njhlHghd rpwpNrdtpd; Njh;jy; gpurhu thf;FWjpfis epiwNtw;Wtjw;fhd tpjg;Giufis Kd;itf;fpd;wJ. Njh;jy; tpQ;Qhgdk; ,uz;L cyfshtpa khwpfisf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; fyg;G Kiwapid Nehf;fp efHtnjd thf;FWjpaspf;fpwJ. mit fyg;G cWg;gpdu; ngUk;ghd;ik Kiw kw;Wk; fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhu Kiw vd;gdthFk;. ,t;tpuz;L KiwfSs; vk;vk;gp Kiwik khj;jpuNk tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwia jf;fitj;jy; kw;Wk; rpwpa jdp cWg;gpdH NjHjy; khtl;lq;fis kPs mwpKfg;gLj;jy; vd;w ,uz;L gpujhd vLNfhs;fSf;F NghJkhdsT miktjhf ,Uf;Fk; tifapy; tbtikf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. NkYk>; ,e;j NjHjy; tpQ;Qhgdj;jpy; Fwpj;Jiuf;fg;gl;l ,uz;lhk;epiy thf;FWjpfis epiwNtw;Wtjw;F> vk;vk;gp Kiwik my;yJ NtW VNjDk; tpfpjhrhu Kiwikapy; gpMH gl;bayhdJ> Njhy;tpaile;j Ntl;ghsHfis “%lg;gl;l gl;bay;” (fPo;tUk; tpsf;fj;ij ghHf;f) xd;wpw;Fs; xU jpl;lkpl;l Kiwapy; cs;slf;Fk; tz;zk; cUthf;fg;glyhk;. MfNt vk.;vk;.gp Kiwahy; [dhjpgjpapd; thf;FWjpapd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fs; midj;ijAk; g+Hj;jpnra;a KbAk;. ,e;j Ma;T NjHjy; Kiwia khw;Wk; [dhjpgjp rpwpNrdtpd; thf;FWjpia epiwNtw;Wtjw;fhd mbg;gilahf vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapy; fhzg;gLk; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fs; Fwpj;J Muha;tNjhL kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gLk; vd;gNjhL> Nju;jy; Kiw khw;wk; njhlHghd thjg;gpujpthjq;fisNah my;yJ murhq;fj;jpd; NtW kl;lq;fspyhd Nju;jy;Kiwfs; gw;wp;Nah MuhahJ. NkYk;> NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jj;NjhL njhlHGgl;litAk; Njh;jy; Kiwikfs; njhlHghd tpthjq;fspy; mbf;fb Ngrg;gLgitAkhd gpurhu epjpaspg;Gr; rl;lq;fs;; kw;Wk; NjHjy; td;Kiwfs; Mfpad Fwpj;Jk; ,e;j Ma;T Muha KayhJ. NjHjy; tpQ;Qhgdj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sthW thf;fspg;Gg; ngWNgWfspy; tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ikia jf;fitj;Jf;nfhs;Sk; mNjNtis> njhFjpthhp NjHjy; Kiwikf;F (FPTP) mikthd rpwpa NjHjy; khtl;;lq;fspd; cj;Njr kPs; mwpKfg;gLj;jyhdJ> fyg;G Kiwnahd;iw mwpKfg;ggLj;Jtjw;fhd Njitia Vw;gLj;JfpwJ. tpfpjhrhu NjHjy; ngWNgWfSf;Fg; NghJkhdsT tifnra;tjw;fhf tbtikf;fg;glf;$ba> rh;tNjrhPjpapy; gpuNahfpf;fg;gLk; xNu Kiwik fyg;G cWg;gpdH tpfpjhrhu KiwikNaahFk;. fle;j ,uz;L jrhg;jq;fspy; gy ehLfs; ,e;j fyg;G cWg;gpdH tpfpjhrhu NjHjy; Kiwf;F - gd;Kf thf;fspg;G %ykhd Njh;jy; kw;Wk; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtk; Mfpa ,uz;ilAk; cs;slf;fpa fyg;G Kiwf;F khwpAs;sd. ,itapuz;Lk; [dhjpgjpapd; thf;FWjpfshFk;. ,yq;ifapd; NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jk; njhlHghd jw;Nghija tpthjq;fSk; vk;. vk;.gp Kiwf;Fr; rhHghdjhfNt cs;sd.


fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhuKiw vt;thW nraw;gLk;? fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhuKiwapd; mk;rq;fs; • •

,uz;L tifahd Mrdq;fs; - khtl;l Mrdq;fs; kw;Wk; tpfpjrhu Mrdq;fs;. ,uz;L thf;Ffs;- xd;W cs;s+H Ntl;ghsUf;fhdJ kw;iwaJ Njrpa/cg Njrpa fl;rp kl;lj;jpyhd gpujpepjpj;Jtj;jpw;fhdJ. • khtl;l Mrdq;fs; ngUk;ghd;ik %ykhfNth my;yJ gd;ikjd;ik (vspa ngUk;ghd;ik Nju;jy; Kiwik) %ykhfNth nty;yg;gLfpd;wd. • khthl;l Mrdq;fis xJf;Ftjw;fhf cUthf;fg;gl;l gd;Kf thf;fspg;G fhuzkhf Vw;gLk; rkkw;w jd;ikia <Lnra;tjw;ffhf tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrdq;fs; xJf;fg;gLfpd;wd. • tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtf; fl;rp gl;bay; %lg;gl;lJ. Nju;jYf;F Kd;du; rku;g;gpf;fg;gLk; xU epiyahd xOq;Fk; ngaHfSk; nfhz;l fl;rpg; gl;baypdhy; ,e;j %lg;gl;l gl;bay; jPHkhdpf;fg;gLfpwJ my;yJ khtl;l kl;l thf;fspg;gpy; Njhy;tpaile;j kpfTk; ntw;wpfukhd Ntl;ghsiu cs;slf;Ftjw;fhd xU #j;jpuj;ijg; gad;gLj;jyhk;. • ,jdbg;gilapy; ,J ,uz;L mLf;Ffis nfhz;l gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij nfhz;bUf;Fk;: khtl;l gpujpepjpj;Jtk; kw;Wk; Njrpa / cgNjrpa kl;l tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtk;.4

,uz;L mLf;F Kiwapy; ,ul;il thf;F xU Gjpa Nju;jy; Kiwf;fhd kpf mz;ikf;fhy Nahridfs; Xustpw;F vk;.vk;.gp Kiwia mbg;gilahf nfhz;litNa MFk;. Kd;ida ghuhSkd;wj;jpd; fhyj;jpy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;l 20tJ jpUj;jj;jpw;fhd efy;tbT> jdpnahU thf;fpid gad;gLj;j NfhUfpwJ.5 ,e;j thf;F murpay; fl;rpfspdhy; my;yJ RNal;irf; FOf;fspdhy; epWj;jg;gLk; cs;Su; khtl;l kl;l Ntl;ghsh;fSs; xUtUf;Fr; rhHghf mspf;fg;gLk;. mjd; gpd;du;> cs;SH kl;l thf;fspg;gpd; nkhj;j KbTk;. Njrpa kw;Wk; cg Njrpa kl;l fl;rp tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrd xJf;fq;fisj; jPHkhdpg;gjw;Fg; gad;gLj;jg;gLk;.6 ,J vk;.vk;.gp Kiwf;Fupa mk;rkhFk;. vk;.vk;.gp ehLfs; toikahf ,Uthf;F Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd. ,uz;L Kf;fpakhd fhuzq;fSf;fhf ,e;j ,U thf;Ffs; vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapd; Kf;fpakhd mk;rkhf mikfpd;wd: Kjyhtjhf> ,ul;il thf;F thf;fhsu;fs; jq;fs; njup;Tfis ntspg;gLj;Jtjpy; mtHfSf;F Nkk;gl;l tha;g;ig toq;Ffpd;wJ. jdpnahU thf;F cs;SH kl;lj;jpYk; Njrpa kl;lj;jpYk; xNu tpUg;gj;njhpit ntspg;gLj;j thf;fhsHfis kl;Lg;gLj;Jk; mNjNtis> ,U thf;Ffs; mtu;fs; jq;fs; njuptpid ,uz;lhf;Ftjw;F topnra;fpd;wJ. epArpyhe;jpy;> vk;.vk;.gp ,ul;il thf;F Kiwf;F khwpa gpd;du;; te;j KjytJ NjHjypy; 37 tPjkhd thf;fhsu;fs; jkJ thf;Ffis ,uz;lhfg; gphpj;J toq;fpdH. N[u;kdpapy; ,J 20 tPjj;jpw;F Nkyhff; fhzg;gl;lJ. ,uz;lhtjhf> ,uz;L thf;Ffs; vd;gJ Nju;jy; KbTfspy; je;jpNuhgha thf;fspg;gpd; jhf;fq;fisf; Fiwf;fpwJ. NjHjy; Kiwikfspy; ed;F Ma;e;jwpag;gl;l xU tplakhd Ntu;fu;]; rl;lk; gd;Kfjd;ik Kiwfs; rpwpa fl;rpfspd; nrayhw;Wj;jpwid ghjpf;fpd;wJ 4. vk;vk;gpapd; ed;ikfs; kw;Wk; jPikfs;.(2016).Vrp, nraw;wpl;lk;:Nju;jy; njhFjpfSf;fhd fl;likg;G mwpT.14khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ. http:// aceproject.org/ace-en/topics/es/esd/esd03/esd03a/esd03a01 ,ypUe;J 5. 20tJ rPu;jpUj;jj;jpd; fPo; Fwpgplg;gl;l gFjpiaAk; mtjhdpf;Ff. 6. Nju;jy; rPu;jpUj;jj;jpy; xU ntw;wplk;/rd;Nl ilk;]; ,yq;if.(2016). sundaytimes.lk.28khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ> http://www.sundaytimes. lk/150322/Sunday-times-2/electoral-reforms-in-a-vacuum-140881.html ,ypUe;J


vd;gij vLj;Jf;fhl;LfpwJ. ,jw;F fhuzk; ngUk; fl;rpfs; njhFjpthup gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwapy; ntw;wpngWtjw;fhd rhjfjd;ikia nfhz;bUg;gJk; rpwpa fl;rpfSf;F mspf;fg;gLk; thf;Ffs; “tPzbf;fg;gl;l thf;F” fshff; fUjg;gLtJkhFk;. ,uz;L NtWgl;l thf;FfSld; njhlu;Ggl;l ,U mLf;F Mrdq;fisf; nfhz;bUg;gjd; %yk; vk;.vk;.gp Kiw ,e;j gpur;rpidj; jPu;f;fpd;wJ. thf;fhsUf;F xU thf;F khj;jpuk; mDkjpf;fg;gl;lhy; ; ve;j tif Mrdj;ij; tpUk;gpj;njupT nra;tJ vd;gJ njhlh;ghf mtu;fs; xU ju;krq;flkhd epiyf;F cs;shfyhk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F Fwpg;gpl;l xU thf;fhsupd; tpUg;gk; V fl;rpahf ,Uf;f> me;jg;gFjpapy; gp my;yJ rp fl;rpfSf;Nf mk;khtl;lj;ij nty;Ytjw;Fg; NghJkhd MjuT ,Uf;Fkhapd;> me;j thf;fhsu; je;jpNuhgha mbg;gilapy; gp my;yJ rp fl;rpfSf;F thf;fspf;f jPu;khdpf;fyhk;. ,uz;L thf;Ffis nfhz;l vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapy; ,e;j je;jpNuhgha thf;fspg;gpw;fhd kdg;Nghf;F ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; (xU fl;rpf;Fs;s) nkhj;j Mrdqf;fspy; ve;j jhf;fj;ijAk; nrYj;jhJ. mjd; msT khtl;l/tpgp Mrd tpfpjj;jpy;; (fPNo Muhag;gLk;) jq;fpapUf;Fk;. Vnddpy; thf;fhsu;fs; jkJ cs;SH gh.c.tpw;Fk; Njrpa ghuhSkd;wj;jpd; Mf;f miktpw;Fk; jdpj;jdpahf jkJ tpUg;gj; njhpit ntspg;gLj;jyhk;. gd;Kf thf;fspg;G Kiwapy; thf;Ffs; tPzhf;fg;gLk; vd thf;fhsu;fs; fUJtjhy; rpwpa fl;rpfs; ghjpf;fg;gLk; epiyapypUe;J mtw;iwf; ghJghg;gjw;Fk; ,J cjTk;. [pG+l;b jtpu Vida midj;J vk;.vk;.gp Kiw ehLfSk; ,ul;il thf;F Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd.

tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs; kw;Wk; khtl;l Mrdq;fSf;fpilapyhd tpfpjk; tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fSf;fhd khtl;l Mrdq;fspd; tpfpjKk; NjHjy; ngWNgWfisg; ghjpf;fpd;wd. NjHjy;Kiw Fwpj;j ghpNrhjid hPjpahd Muha;r;rpfs;; khthl;;l kw;Wk; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrdq;fSf;;F ,ilapy; 1:1 vd;w tpfpjk; ,U mLf;F ,ize;j Kiwapy; kpff; $Ljyhd mstpy; tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ikia Vw;gLj;Jtjhf gy epGzHfs; thjpLtjw;F ,l;Lr;nrd;Ws;sd. Vnddpy; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrdq;fis ngw;w fl;rpfSf;F chpa Kiwapy; <Lnra;tjw;fhf Nghjpa Mrdq;fis ,J toq;Ffpd;wJ7. 1:1 vd;w tpfpjk; vy;yhf; fl;rpfSk; khtl;l mstpy; kpff;Fiwe;jsT Mrdq;fis ngWtijAk; mNjNtis jq;fSf;F chpa tpfpjhrhug; gq;if ngw;Wf;nfhs;tijAk; ngUksT cWjpnra;fpd;wJ. cjhuzkhf> “m” ehl;bd; vk;.vk;.gp Kiwik 80 khtl;l Mrdq;fSf;F 80 tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fis xJf;Ffpd;wJ. m fl;rp 16 khtl;l Mrdq;fisg; (xl;Lnkhj;j 160Mrdq;fspy; 10 tPjk;) ngWfpd;wJ. Mdhy; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt thf;Ffspd;gb me;j fl;rp nkhj;j Mrdq;fSs; 40 tPj Mrdq;fis (160 Mrdq;fSs; 64 Mrdq;fs;) ngwNtz;Lk.; vdNt> m fl;;rp mjw;Fhpa tpfpjhrhu gq;iff; nfhz;bUg;gjw;F mjw;F NkYk; 48 Mrdq;fs; my;yJ nkhj;j Mrdq;fspy; 30 tPjk; Njit8.

80 khtl;l Mrdq;fs;:80 tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrdq;fs; fl;rp

khtl;l Mrdq;fs; khtl;l tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs;: nkhj;j mbg;gilapy; Mrdq;fspd; nkhj;j Mrdq;fs; tPjj;jpy;

<L nra;Ak; tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs;

tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs;: nkhj;j Mrdq;fspd; tPjj;jpy;

























7. rpauht;> V.(2013).murpay;Ml;rpfis xg;gpljy;:xg;gPl;L murpaypw;fhd mwpKfk;(3tJ ed.,pp.109-191).nlhud;Nlh gy;fiyf;fof mr;rfk;.


fPNo fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sthW> vk;.vk;.gp Kiwia gpd;gw;Wk; ehLfs; midj;Js;Sk; N[HkdpNa mjpfsT tpfpjhrhu Mrdg; gq;fPl;il nfhz;Ls;sJ. [pg+l;b kpff; Fiwe;j tpfpjhrhuj;ijf; nfhz;Ls;sJ. 2013 ,y; [pg+l;b jdJ ghuhSkd;w Mrdq;fspy; 20 tPjj;ijNa (65 Mrdq;fspy; 13) tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtj;jpw;fhf xJf;fpaJ. nfhs;if mbg;gilapy;> rpwpa fl;rpfSf;fhd MjuTj;jsk; gd;Kf thf;fspg;G Mrdq;fis nty;y Kbahjstpw;F G+Nfhs mbg;gilapy; kpf Muha;jhf gutpf; fplg;gpDk;$l thf;fhsHfs; rpwpa fl;rpfSf;F thf;fspf;fj; jPhkhdpg;gjw;fhd rpwe;j Cf;Ftpg;Gfisf; nfhz;bUf;fpwhHfs;. vdpDk;> [pG+l;b Nghd;w ehLfspy; 80% khd Mrdq;fs; NjHjy; njhFjpfSf;F xJf;fg;gLfpd;wd. njhFjpthup thf;fspg;gpdhy; Vw;gLj;jg;gLk; tpfpjrkdpd;ikia <L nra;tjw;Fg; xU rpwpasT tpgp Mrdq;fNs ,Ug;gjdhy; xU rpwpa fl;rpf;fhd tpgp thf;F Mrd xJf;fPl;bd;kPJ jhf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;jj; jtwptplf;$Lk;9. vdNt> vk;vk;gp Kiwik ,ul;il thf;Fr;rPl;ilg; gad;gLj;JtJ kl;Lkpd;wp> tpgp thf;FfSf;Fg; NghJkhd Mrdq;fis xJf;FtJk; Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. NjHjy; njhFjp kw;Wk; tpgp Mrdq;fSf;fpilapyhd 50:50 vDk; xU gq;fPL eilKiwapy; tpfpjrkj;Jtj;ij cWjpnra;tjw;F Kw;wpYk; NghJkhdjhFk;. vk;.vk;.gpapd; v];vk;b: tpfpjhr;rhu gpujepjpj;Jt tpfpjk; (njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; cs;slf;fg;gltpy;iy) N[u;kdp




70 ( 50

73 ( 56

Nty;]; 40( 20

nghyptpah 68 (62

nyNrhjh 80( 40

%ba gl;bay; thf;fspg;gpy; tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt gFjpf;F Ntl;ghsHfis njhpT nra;tjw;Nf nghJthf %lg;gl;l gl;bay; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. ve;j Ntl;ghsHfSf;F xJf;fpa Mrdk; vd;gijAk; mJ ve;j xOq;fpy; mikAk; vd;gijAk; NjHjYf;F Kd;dH mJ thf;fhsHfSf;F mwptpf;Fk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F vf;]; fl;rpapd;; gl;baypy; jpU. V Kjy; Ntl;ghsuhf ,Ue;J> fl;rpf;F xU tpfpjrhu Mrdk; fpilj;jhy;> jpU. V khj;jpuNk me;j Mrdj;ij ngWtjw;Fj; jFjpAilatuhthu;. ,J gl;baypy; cs;s Ntl;ghsH xt;nthUtuJk; njhpTnra;ag;gLtjw;fhd tha;g;Gfs; Fwpj;J thf;fhsUf;F njhptpf;f cjTk;. gl;baypy; Kjypy; cs;s Ntl;ghsHfNs njhpTnra;ag;glf;$bajhf ,Uf;Fk; mNjNtis> gl;baypy; ,Wjpapy; cs;s Ntl;ghsHfs; ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;Fj; njhpTnra;ag;gLtjw;fhd tha;g;Gfs; FiwT. gl;bay; rkHg;gpf;fgl;ljd; gpd;dH me;j gl;baypy; fhzg;gLk; xU Ntl;ghshpd; ngaUf;Fg; gjpyhf thpirnahOq;fpy; fPNo ,Uf;Fk; NtW ngaHfisf;nfhz;L mjid gpujpaPL nra;tjw;fhd jw;WzpG mjpfhuk; fl;rpf;F ,y;iy. NkYk; Muk;gg; gl;baypy; ,y;yhj Ntl;ghsHfis mJ Gjpjhf GFj;jTk; KbahJ. xU jpwe;j gl;bay;; (,yq;ifapy; tpUg;G thf;FKiw vd;W Fwpg;gplg;gLk;) vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapy; cs;slf;fg;glyhk;. Mdhy; ,J [dhjpgjpapd; NjHjy; thf;FWjpfspd; Nehf;nfy;iyf;F mg;ghw;gl;l tplak; vd;gjhy; mJ Fwpj;J Muhag;glkhl;lhJ. jw;NghJ Njrpag;gl;baypy; cs;s thpirnahOq;ifAk; Ntl;ghsHfisAk; khw;Wtjpy; murpay; fl;rpfs; fzprkhd jw;WzpG mjpfhuj;ijf; nfhz;bUg;gjw;F ,yq;if mDkjpf;fpwJ. rl;lj;jpdhy; fl;Lz;l thpirnahOq;F vJTk; ,y;iy. gl;baypy; ,y;yhjtHfSk;; khtl;l kl;l Mrdj;jpw;fhf NjHjypy; Nghl;bapl;L Njhy;tpaile;jtHfSkhd Ntl;ghsHfSk;$l epakpf;fg;glyhk;. khtl;l mstpy; Nghl;bapl;l Ntl;ghsHfis “Njrpa gl;bay;” %yk; epakpf;Fk; eilKiw KOikahf fl;rpapd; jw;Wzpgpd;ghy;gl;ljhFk;. ,e;j eilKiw rHtNjr epakq;fSf;F mikthdjhf ,y;iy vd;gNjhL> Njrpag; gl;baypy; cs;s ve;j Ntl;ghsH ,Wjpapy; njhpT nra;ag;gLthH vd;gJ njhlHghf xU %Lke;jpuj; jd;ikiaAk; Vw;gLj;JfpwJ.


xU vk;.vk;.gp Kiw jw;WzpG thapyhd epakdq;fis nfhz;bUf;fyhfhJ. khwhf> rHtNjr uPjpapy; gpuNahfpf;fg;gLk; xU %lg;gl;l gl;bay; Nfhl;ghl;il gpd;gw;wNtz;Lk;. Njhy;tp mile;j Ntl;ghsHfis cs;thq;FtJk; jw;Wzpgpw;fhd Njitia ,y;yhnjhopj;J> “kpfr;rpwe;j Njhy;tpahsHfis” njhpT nra;tjw;fhd xU #j;jpuj;jpd; thapyhf nra;ag;glyhk;. cjhuzkhf> xt;nthU ehd;fhtJ Mrdj;ijAk; Njhy;tpaile;j Ntl;ghsUf;F xJf;f KbAk;. %lg;gl;l gl;bay; rpWghd;ikf; FOf;fs; kw;Wk;; ngz;fs; MfpNahUf;Fk; rhjfkhdJ. Vnddpy;> ,tHfSf;fhfhd xJf;fPLfis fl;rp gl;baypy; ,izf;f KbAk;. mjd; %yk; mjpfsT gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cWjpnra;ayhk;.8 N[Hkd; ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; xU rpy njhFjpfis jtpu Vida midj;J vk;vk;gp KiwikAk; rpWghd;ikf; FOtpdUf;fhd Nfhl;lhit Vw;gLj;JKfkhf epArpyhe;jpd;; RNjr khNthhp r%fj;jpw;fhd xJf;fPLfisg; Nghd;w %lg;gl;l gl;baiyg; gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd.9

tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwf;fhf fl;rp gl;baiy fzpg;gpLk; Kiw ,yq;if jw;NghJ n`aH Nfhl;lh vd miof;fg;gLk; “kpfg;nghhpa kPjp” Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wJ. ,J mjpf tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ik nfhz;l KiwfSs; xd;nwd fUjg;gLfpd;wJ. rpwpa fl;rpfSf;F fpilf;fNtz;baij tpl rw;W mjpfkhd Mrdq;fs; fpilg;gJk; nghpa fl;rpfSf;F fpilf;fNtz;baij tpl Fiwthd Mrdq;fs; fpilg;gJk; ,jw;F fhuzk;. ,e;j Kiw gpd;gw;wg;gLk; xNunahU vk;.vk;.gp Kiw nyrNjh MFk;.10 b nfhd;l; kw;Wk; nrapd;l; yPf; Nghd;w Vida Mrd xJf;fPl;L KiwfSk; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wd. n`aH Nfhl;lh Kiw tpNrlkhf tpfpjhrhu KbTfis ntspf;nfhzHfpd;wJ. ,jd; fhuzkhf ,yq;ifapy; vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapy; gad;gLj;Jtjw;F mJ xU rpwe;j Kiwahf mikayhk;. vdpDk; ghuhSkd;wk; jw;Nghija Kiwia khw;wj; jPHkhdpj;jhy;;> nrapd;l; yPf; KiwAk; rkkhd tpfpjhruj; jd;ikiaj;; juf;$bajhFk;. N[HkdpAk; epArpyhe;Jk; Vida Fiwe;jsT tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ik nfhz;l Kiwia gad;gLj;jpa gpd;dH jw;NghJ ,e;j Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd.11 jw;NghJ ];nfhl;yhe;J> nghyptpah kw;Wk; Nty;]; Mfpad b nfhd;l; Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd.12

NjHjy; tuk;ngy;iy xU fl;rp gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ijg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;fhd Fiwe;j gl;r Mjuthfpa NjHjy; tuk;ngy;iy fl;rpapd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;jpd; msit ghjpf;fpd;wJ. xU fl;rp xt;nthU Njh;jy; khtl;lj;jpYk; nkhj;j thf;Ffspy; 5% j;ij ngwNtz;Lnkd ,yq;if jw;NghJ mtw;wpw;F epge;jid tpjpf;fpwJ.13

8. jpwe;j>Klg;gl;l Rje;jpukhd gl;bay;.(2016).vrp, nraw;wpl;lk;:Njh;jy; mwpT tiyaikg;G.7khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ>http://aceproject.org/ace-en/ topics/es/esd/esd02/esd02e/esd02e03 ,ypUe;J 9. khNthhpgpujpepjpj;jtk;.(2014).Njhjy;Mizafk;.8khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/maori-representation ,ypUe;J 10. Ivt;<v]; Njhjy; topfhl;bNju;jy;fs;: i[Gl;b ghuhSkd;wk; 2013.(2016).Nju;jy;topfhl;b.org. 16 khu;r; 2016 ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www. electionguide.org/elections/id/1654/ ,ypUe;J 11. nrapd;l;yhNfh xJf;fPl;LKiw.(2016).Nju;jy;fs;:Nju;jy; Mizafk;. 14 khu;r; 2016 ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/ mmp-voting-system/sainte-lagu%C3%AB-allocation-formula,ypUe;J 12. Nghyptpah:Njhjy;rPHjpUj;jk;- ,yj;jPd; mnkhpf;fh.(2016).Vrp< nraw;wpl;lk;:Nju;jy; mwpT tiyaikg;G.9khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ>http:// aceproject.org/main/English/es/esy_bo.htm,ypUe;J 13. ,yq;ifghuhSkd;wk;- NjHjy;Kiw.(2012).parliament.lk.15khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www.parliament.lk/members-of-parliament/the-system-ofelections-in-sri-lanka/the-electoral-system,ypUe;J


ngUk;ghyhd vk;.vk;.gpf;fs; KOtpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt thf;Ffspy; ngwg;gl;l thf;Ffspd; tPjk; my;yJ nty;yg;gl;l Mrdq;fspd; vz;zpf;iff;F Vw;g tuk;ngy;iyia tpjpj;Jiuf;fpd;wd. epArpyhe;jpy; fl;rpfs; xU khtl;l Mrdj;ij (Mrdq;fspd; mz;zsthd 0.83%) my;yJ 5tPj thf;Ffisg; ngwNtz;Lk;14> NkYk; 10% tuk;;ngy;iyiag; gad;gLj;Jk; [pG+l;b Nghd;w ehLfs; rpwpa fl;rpfspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ijg; nghpJk; Fiwf;fpd;wd. $ba Njh;jy; tuk;ngy;iy ghhpa tpfpjrkdpd;ikf;F ,l;Lr; nry;Yk;. tuk;ngy;iy msTf;fjpfk; caHthdjhf ,y;yhjpUg;gij cWjp nra;tJ ,yq;if gy fl;rp gpujpepjpjp;Jtj;ij Nkk;gLj;j cjTk;.

14. vk;vk;gp thf;fspg;GKiw.(2014).Nju;jy; Mizafk;.8khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www.elections.org.nz/voting-system/mmp-voting-system ,ypUe;J


Vd; 20 tJ jpUj;jj;jpdhy; NjHjy; thf;FWjpfis epiwNtw;w KbahJ? murpayikg;gpw;fhd 20 tJ jpUj;jj;jpd; efy;tbNt (20A) [dhjpgjpapd; NjHjy; tpQ;Qghdj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;bUe;j NjHjy; rPHjpUj;jj;jpw;fhd Nahridfis Kd;ndLg;gjw;fhd murhq;fj;jpd; Muk;gj; jPh;thNyhridahftpUe;jJ. ,e;j jpUj;jk; 2015 A+d; khjk; mikr;ruitapdhy; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;lJ. Mdhy; ghuhSkd;wk; fiyf;fg;gLtjw;F Kd;dH mJ ghuSkd;wj;jpy; rkHg;gpf;fg;gltpy;iy. xU vk;.vk;.gp Kiw vd;wthW fye;Jiuahlg;gl;l rpwpa NjHjy; khtl;lq;fis mwpKfQ;nra;jy; kw;Wk; tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ikiag; ghJfhj;jy; vDk; ,ul;il thf;FWjpia epiwNtw;Wk; xU NjHjy; Kiwikia toq;Ftjw;fhd mjd; ty;yikia ghuJ}ukhfg; ghjpf;Fk; rpy FiwghLfs; mjpy; cs;sd. 20A rpwpa (Fwpg;ghf jdp cWg;gpdH) khtl;lq;fis kPs mwpKfg;gLj;jpapUf;Fk;. Mdhy;> tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwik ghjpg;Gw;wpUf;Fk;. rpy Kf;fpa gytPdq;fs; Fwpj;J fPNo Muhag;gLfpd;wJ.

xU thf;F NghJkhdjy;y 20A thf;fhsUf;F gjpTnra;ag;gl;l XH murpay;fl;rp my;yJ RNal;ir FOitr; NrHe;jtuhf ,Uf;fNtz;batUk; jq;fs; tpUg;gj;jpw;FhpatUkhd Ntl;ghsiu njhpT nra;tjw;fhd xUthf;if toq;Fk;;. me;j thf;F cs;SH gd;Kfj;jd;ik thf;fspg;G kw;Wk; gue;Jgl;l Njrpa kw;Wk; cg Njrpa mstpyhd tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jtk; Mfpa ,uz;ilAk; jPHkhdpf;fg; gad;gLj;jg;gLk;. cj;Njr ,e;j cgNjrpa myF jw;NghJ gad;gLj;jg;gLk; ngUk; NjHjy; khtl;lj;jpid Fwpf;fpd;wJ. NkNy Fwpg;gpl;lgb> ,J cs;SH kl;lj;jpy; gd;Kfj;jd;ikia mbg;gilahf nfhz;l njhpT fhuzkhf je;jpNuhgha mbg;gilapy; thf;fspf;ff; $batHfSk; gpd;dH Njrpa my;yJ cg Njrpa kl;lj;jpy; jq;fs; tpUg;Gfis ,uz;lhf;Ftjw;fhd re;jHg;gk;; fpilf;fhky; jLf;fg;gLgtHfSkhd thf;fhsu;fSf;F xU jHkrq;flj;ij Vw;gLj;Jk;. LNtHfH rl;lj;jpd; gb> jdp thf;F KiwahdJ> KjypU ngUk; fl;rpfspw;F rhjfkhf fhzg;gLtJld;> gd;ikj;Jt thf;fspg;G Kiwikapy; thf;fhsHfs; jq;fs; tpUg;Gf;Fhpa Ntl;ghsiu tpl ntw;wptha;g;G mjpfkhf cs;s Ntl;ghsUf;F thf;fspf;fj; jPHkhdpf;Fk;; je;jpNuhgha thf;fspg;gpw;F topNfhYfpd;wJ. LNtHfH ,jid cstpay; fhuzp vd Fwpg;gpLfpd;whH. Vnddpy; thf;fhsHfs; NjHjy; rl;lq;fs; vt;thW jq;fs; thf;Ffis Mrdq;fshf khw;Wfpd;wd vd;w fzpg;gPl;bd; mbg;gilapy; thf;fspg;gpy; jq;fSila ,ay;ghd njhptpypUe;J tpyfpr;nry;fpd;wdH. ,jd; fhuzkhf jdpnahU thf;Fk; nghpa fl;rpfspd; JUtkag;gLj;jYk; thf;fhsHfs; jq;fs; cz;ikahd njhpit NjHT nra;tjw;fhd jpwid ghjpf;fpd;wd.15

15. ngndha;l;>Nf.(2006).LNtHfH rl;lKk;-NjHjy;Kiw Fwpj;j Ma;Tk;. gpuhd;];murpay;>4>69-83.ngwg;gl;lJ http://file:///home/chromos/u-f4a7cf4 513c4eddce3c4c1324571850d09a4434/Downloads/Benoit_FrenchPolitics_2006%20(2).pdf ,ypUe;J


Mrd tpfpjhrhuq;fs; khtl;l tpfpjhrhuj;jpw;fhf jphpTgLj;jg;gLfpd;wd 20 tJ jpUj;jk; 237 Mrdq;fis nfhz;l xU 3 mLf;FKiwiia Kd;itj;jJ: 145 cs;SH NjHjy; khtl;lq;fs; (FPTP)> jw;Nghija NjHjy; khtl;l kl;lj;jpyhd 55 tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs;> 37 Njrpa tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs;.16 khtl;l Mrdq;fSf;F rhjfkhfTs;s 3:2 vd;w ,t;tpfpjk; tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ikia NgZtjw;F Nghjpajhf mikahJ. NkYk;> ,uz;L tpfpjhrhu mLf;Ffs; cs;spl;l 3 mLf;F Kiw vd;gJ tpfpjhrhu jd;ikapy; vjpHkiwahd jhf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;jyhk;. 20Mk; jpUj;jk; 22 NjHjy; khtl;lq;fs; (cg Njrpa tpgp mLf;fhf Kd;itf;fg;gl;bUg;git) kj;jpapy; gfpug;gLtjw;F 55 Mrdq;fis khj;jpuk; xJf;fpAs;sJ. ,J xt;nthU khtl;lj;jpw;Fk; fpilf;ff;$ba tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fspd; vz;zpf;ifia jPtpukhf kl;Lg;gLj;JfpwJ. tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fs; %d;W mLf;Ffshfg; gphpf;fg;gLtJ> tpfpjhrhu KbTfis NkYk; ghjpf;Fk;. Vnddpy;> tpgp Mrd xJf;fPL NkYk; gphpf;fg;gLfpwJ ck;. 20tJ jpUj;jj;jpd;fPo;> khtl;l kl;lj;jpyhd gd;ikj;Jt/tpgp tpfpjk; 2:6:1 MFk;. ,e;j Ma;tpy; ghHf;fg;gl;l rHtNjr vk;.vk.;gp Kiwfs; midj;Jk; ,uz;L mLf;F Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd. ];nfhl;yhd;l; kw;Wk; Nty;]; ,y; Nghd;W tpfpjhrhu mLf;F vd;gJ khfhzq;fshtpUe;jhy;> xU Njrpa kl;l tpgp epuiyg; gad;gLj;Jk; epArpyhe;J Nghd;w vk;vk;gp Kiwikfspy; cs;s mstpw;F ngWNgWfs; tpfpjhrhuj; jd;ik nfhz;ljhf mikahJ. vdNt> tpfpjhrhuj; jd;ikia Nkk;gLj;Jtjw;F tpgp Mrd tpfpjhrhuj;jpyhd xU rpW mjpfhpg;NghL tpgp Mrd xJf;fPLfs; xU jdp Njrpa mLf;Fld; ,izf;fg;gLjyhdJ> NkYk; $ba tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ikia cWjp nra;Ak; kpf vspikahd KiwahFk;. %d;W mLf;F Kiwia gpd;gw;Wk;NghJ> Mrd gfpHT kw;Wk; cg Njrpa myfpd; msT Mfpatw;wpy; khw;wq;fis Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;bapUf;Fk;. rkPgj;jpa Ma;nthd;wpy; fNunthyd; tpfpjhrhujd;ikia NgZKfkhf> ,yq;ifapd; vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapy; NkYk; rpwe;jNjhH Mrd gq;fPl;bw;fhf thjpl;lhH: 119 njhFjpthhp Mrdq;fs;> 87 khfhz tpgp Mrdq;fs; kw;Wk; 25 Njrpa tpgp.17 khfhzq;fs; Gtpapay; uPjpahf ghhpa myFfshfTk;> Fiwe;j vz;zpf;ifapyhditahfTk; (9 khfhzq;fs;) cs;sikahdJ> 22 NjHjy; khtl;lq;fistpl cg Njrpa mstpy; mjpfsT tpfpjhrhu KbTfis ngw topnra;ayhk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F cgNjrpa mstpy; Nghjhjjhff; fhzg;gLk; 55 tpgp Mrdq;fspd; xJf;fPL$l> gd;ikj;Jt thf;fspg;gpdhy; Vw;gLk; tpfpj rkdpd;ikia rhp nra;tjw;F khfhznkhd;wpw;Fr; ruhrhpahf 6 tpgp Mrdq;fisj; jUfpd;wJ. mNjNtis> 20tJ jpUj;jk; NjHjy; khtl;lnkhd;wpw;F 2.5 tPj Mrdq;fisNa xJf;Fk;. khtl;lj;jpid cg Njrpa myfhff; nfhs;tjhapd;;> 20tJ jpUj;jj;jpy; tpjpj;Jiuf;fg;gl;lthW khtl;l tpfpjhrhu Mrdg; gw;whf;Fiwia Njrpag;gl;baypy; NkypUe;J epug;Gjy; kw;Wk; gd;ikj;Jt thf;fspg;G Mrdq;fNshL xg;gpl;L khtl;l tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fspd; vz;zpf;ifia mjpfupj;jy; Mfpatw;iwr; nra;tJ mtrpakhFk;. rpwpajhfTk;> vdNt nghJthf ngupa fl;rpfSf;F rhjfkhfTk; fhzg;gLk; jw;Nghija NjHjy; khtl;lq;fistpl> khfhz kl;lj;jpd; %yk; Gtpapay; hPjpahd gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij Nkk;gLj;j %d;W mLf;F Kiw gad;gLj;jg;glyhk; vd;W nthyd; fUJfpd;whH. vdpDk;> xl;Lnkhj;j vz;zpf;if tpfpjhrhu mbg;gilapy; mike;jpUg;gij cWjpnra;tjw;F ,e;j Kiwikf;F xU Njrpa tpfpjhrhu msTk; mtrpak;. NkYk;> Njrpa mstpy; tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fis fzpg;gpl;L 16. re;jpuNrfu>[p.(2015).,yq;if ghuhSkd;wk; 237 Mrdq;fSld;$ba 20jpUj;jj;jpw;F mDkjptoq;fpAs;sJ. ,yq;if tzpfk; tiyj;jsk;. http://www.lankabusinessonline.com/sri-lankas-cabinet-approves-20th- amendment-with-237-parliamentary-seats/ ,ypUe;J ngwg;gl;lJ 17. nthyd;>Nf.(2015).,yq;ifapd; ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;fhd fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhu Kiwikf;fhd topKiwfs;. Kd;dpiyg;gLj;jy;>nfhOk;G.


khfhz gl;bay; %yk; Mrdq;fis xJf;Fk; ,uz;L mLf;F Kiw Gtpay; hPjpapyhd kw;Wk; tpfpjhrhu mbg;gilapyhd gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cWjpnra;fpd;wJ. ,Wjpapy;> tpfpjhrhu Mrd xJf;fPL kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;lhy;> Njrpa mstpyhd tpfpjhrhuk; mjpfsT tpfpjhrhu KbTfis cUthf;fyhk;. vdpDk; khfhz kl;l tpfpjhrhuk; mjpfsthd Gtpapay; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cUthf;FfpwJ.18 %d;W mLf;F Kiwf;F tpfpjhrhujd;ikia cWjpg;gLj;Jk; jpwd; mjpfsT cs;s NghjpYk;> ,uz;L mLf;F Kiw eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;F ,yFthdJ. midj;J vk;.vk;. gp KiwfspYk; mJ ntw;wpfukhf gad;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sJ. thf;fhsHfspd; tpUg;gpw;F Neubahf xj;jpirthf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ: ,uz;L mLf;FfSf;F ,uz;L thf;Ffs;.

%lg;gl;l gl;bay; NkNy Fwpg;gpl;lthW> vk;vk;gp Kiwia gad;gLj;Jk; ehLfs; midj;Jk; %lg;gl;l gl;baiy gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd. NjHjypy; kpf mjpf tPjj;jpyhd thf;Ffis ntd;wth;fspd; xOq;fpy;; Njhw;fbf;fg;gl;l Ntl;ghsUf;F tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Mrdq;fSs; miuthrp Mrdq;fs; xJf;fgg;Ltjw;F 20tJ jpUj;jk; mDkjpf;fpwJ.19 jw;Nghija eilKiwfSf;F Vw;g Njrpag; gl;baypy; cs;s xU gh.c. ,we;jhy;; my;yJ ,uh[pdhkh nra;jhy; mtuJ ,lj;jpw;F xU Gjpa gh.c. it njhpT nra;tjw;fhd KO jw;WzpG mjpfhuj;ijAk; cj;Njr 20 tJ jpUj;jk; murpay; fl;rpfSf;F toq;Ffpd;wJ. mj;jpUj;jk; Fwpg;gpLtjhtJ: ~~Fwpg;gpl;l Njh;jy; njhFjpf;F> NjHjypy; Nghl;bapl;l Ntl;ghsHfspUe;J my;yJ ngaH epakdk; nra;ag;gl;L Mdhy; Njh;jypy; Nghl;baplhj Ntl;ghsHfspypUe;J XH cWg;gpdiu epakpf;Fk; mjpfhuk; mj;jifa murpay; fl;rpapd; nrayhsUf;F my;yJ RNal;irf; FOtpd; jiytUf;F cz;L;.”20 %lg;gl;l gl;bay;fs;jhd; gh.c.fs; thf;fhsu;fSf;F nghWg;G $WgtHfshf ,Uf;fr;nra;tjw;fhd kpfTk; gaDs;s topahFk;. jw;Nghija tpfpjhrhu gpujpepjpj;Jt Kiwapd; fPo;> thf;fhsu;fs; jhk; tpUk;Gk; fl;rpapy; ahH jk;ik gpujpepjpj;Jtk; nra;thH vd;gij mwpe;J nfhs;tjw;fhd tha;g;gpy;iy vd;gNjhL> murpay; fl;rpfs; jkJ fl;rp rhHGfisg; nghUl;gLj;jhJ Ntl;ghsiu njhpTnra;a KbAk;. Njhy;tpAw;w Ntl;ghsHfSf;fhd Nfhl;lhitf; nfhz;Ls;s %lg;gl;l gl;baiy cgNahfpg;gJ ,e;j Ntl;ghsHfis cs;slf;Ftjpy; 20tJ jpUj;jj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;lij tpl mjpfsT [dehaf jd;ikia cWjpnra;Ak;;. Kd;du; Fwpg;gpl;lJ Nghy;> %lg;gl;l gl;bay;fs; ghuk;gupakhf Fiwthfg; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jg;gLk; FOf;fspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij mjpfupf;f XH Mf;fG+u;tkhd topahf cs;sd. (fPNo Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s ngz;fs; gpujpepjpj;jtj;ij cs;slf;Fjy; vDk; gFjpia ghu;f;fTk;)

18. Ibid 19. Ibid 20. gpujk ke;jpup kw;Wk; mikr;ru;fsf;fhd nfhs;if jpl;lkply;> nghUshjhu nfhs;if> rpWtu;> ,isQu; kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu nfhs;iffs;>. (2015). ,yq;if [dehaf Nrhryp\ Fbaurpd; tu;j;jkhdp: murpayikg;gpd; ,UgjhtJ rPu;jpUj;jk;. nfhOk;G:mur mr;rPl;L jpizf;fsk;.


Nghd]; Mrdq;fs; jw;Nghija Kiwikapd;; fPo;> xt;nthU khtl;lj;jpYk; mjpfkhd vz;zpf;ifapyhd thf;Ffis ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sk;; murpay; fl;rp my;yJ RNal;irf; FO xU cWg;gpdiu ngWtjw;F chpj;Jilajhfpd;wJ.21 Nghd]; Mrdq;fs; nghpa fl;rpfSf;F khtl;lq;fspy; Nkyjpf Mrdq;fis toq;Ftjd;%yk; tpfpjhrhuj;jd;ikia jpupGgLj;Jfpd;wd. kpf mz;ika ghuhSkd;wj; NjHjypy; ktpK Njrpa thf;Ffspy; tpfpjhrhu hPjpapy;; mjpf thf;Ffisg; ngw;wJ. vdpDk; mjw;F ehd;F Nghd]; Mrdq;fs; khj;jpuNk fpilj;jd. mNjNtis> jNj$ xU rpy khtl;lq;fspy; nrwpe;J fhzg;ggLk; mjd; thf;fhsH MjuTj; jsj;jpd; fhuzkhf> ktpK it tpl 27000 Fiwthd thf;FfSld; 14 Mrdq;fisg; ngw;wJ. Nghd]; Mrdq;fs; Vw;gLj;Jk; tpfpjhru rkdpd;ikapUe;Jk;> mit 20tJ jpUj;jj;jpYk; gpd;tUkhW cs;slf;fg;gl;Ls;sd: xU NjUeiur; NrHj;Jf;nfhs;tjhdJ> mj;jifa NjUeH ve;jj; NjHjy; khtl;lj;jpw;Fr; NrHj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gl;lhNuh> me;j Njh;jy; khtl;lj;jpw;F xU Nkyjpf cWg;gpdiu njhpT nra;tjw;F chpj;Jilajhf;FfpwJ”. gd;Kf thf;fspg;gpy; fhzg;gLk; rkdw;w tpfpjhrhujd;ikia eptu;j;jp nra;a vk;vk;gp Kiw tpfpjhrhu thf;fspg;G Kiwik gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. mjdhy;> nghJthf tpfpjhrhukpd;ikf;Ff; fhuzkhf mikAk; Nghd]; Mrdq;fis njhlu;e;Jk; gad;gLj;JtJ xU vk;vk;gp Kiwikapy; tpgp Mrdq;fs; vd;w vz;zf;fUtpw;F vjpuhfr; nraw;gLk;.22

21. ,yq;if ghuhSkd;wk; Nju;jy;Kiwik.(2012).parliament.lk.2016khu;r;15ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www.parliament.lk/members-of-parliament/thesystem-of-elections-in-sri-lanka/the-electoral-system,ypUe;J 22. gpujk ke;jpup kw;Wk; mikr;ru;fsf;fhd nfhs;if jpl;lkply;> nghUshjhu nfhs;if> rpWtu;> ,isQu; kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu nfhs;iffs;>. (2015).,yq;if [dehaf Nrhryp\ Fbaurpd; tu;j;jkhdp:murpayikg;gpd; ,UgjhtJ rPu;jpUj;jk;.nfhOk;G:mur mr;rPl;L jpizf;fsk;.


fyg;G cWg;gpdu; tpfpjhrhuKiw njhlHghd fhpridfs; njhq;Fepiy Mrdq;fs; vk;.vk;.gp Kiwapd; fPo; XH murpay; fl;rp jkf;F fpilf;fNtz;ba Mrdq;fistpl mjpfsT gd;Kfj;jd;ik Mrdq;fis ngWk;NghJ njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; toq;fg;gLfpd;wd. me;j njhq;Fepiy Mrdq;fs; toq;fg;gLk;NghJ fl;rp; Nkyjpf Mrdq;fis itj;Jf;nfhs;s mDkjpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. cjhuzkhf> m fl;rp mjd; Njrpa tpfpjhrhu thf;Ffspd;gb> 10 Mrdq;fis ngwNtz;Lk; vdf; fUjg;gl;lNghJk;> mjw;F MW njhFjpthup Mrdq;fNs fpilj;Js;sd vDk;NghJ me;j fl;rpf;F NkYk; ehd;F Mrdq;fs; toq;fg;gLk;. vdpDk; 10 Mrdq;fisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; vd;W vjpHg;ghHf;fg;gl;l M fl;rp 11 Mrdq;fisg; ngw;why; me;j Nkyjpf Mrdk; njhq;F epiy Mrdk; MFk;;.23 jw;Nghija vk;.vk;.gpf;fs; 1) MSk; mikg;ig ngupjhf;Ftjd; %yk; my;yJ 2) epiyahd Kiwikf;Fs; njhq;F Mrdq;fis Nrh;j;Jf; nfhs;tjd; %yk; njhq;F Mrdq;fisf; ifahs;tjw;fhd ntt;NtW Kiwfisf; ifahSfpd;wd. vQ;rpa Mrd Kiw jw;NghJ N[Hkdp gd;nld;];lhf; ,y; khj;jpuk; gad;gLj;Jfpd;wJ (2013 ,ypUe;J) vd;gNjhL> njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fSf;F ,lkspg;gjw;fhd kpf mjpfkhf tpfpjhrhu jd;ik nfhz;l KiwahfTk; ,J mikfpwJ. N[Hkd; Kiwapy; njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fs; toq;fg;gLfpd;wd. Nkyjpf Mrdq;fs; NtW fl;rpfSf;Fupa Mrdq;fspd;; tpfpjhrhu gq;fpidg; NgZKfkhf mtw;wpw;F toq;fg;gLfpd;wd. ,e;j Kiwik midj;J fl;rpfSf;Fk; KOikahd <Lnra;jiy mDkjpg;gNjhL> fpl;lj;jl;l 100% tpfpjhrhuj; jd;ikiaAk; cWjp nra;fpwJ.24 vk;.vk;.gp Kiw njhq;F Mrdq;fis toq;Ftjw;Fk; mj;Jld;> Nkyjpf rkg;gLj;Jk; Mrdq;fis toq;fhky; tpLtjw;Fk; tpUk;gyhk;. jw;NghJ epArpyhe;J ghuhSkd;wk; jdJ epak mstpw;F mg;ghy; mjd; msit tpupthf;Ftij jLf;FKfkhf ,e;j Kiwiag; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ.25 ,e;j Kiw epArpyhe;jpd; 120 cWg;gpdH ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;F xUrpy Mrdq;fisNa $Ljyhf Nru;j;Jf;nfhs;fpwJ. mNjNtis N[Hkdpapd; gd;nld;];lhf; mjd; msit Fwpg;gplj;jf;f mstpw;F NtWgLj;JfpwJ. njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fSf;fhd %d;whtJ eilKiw Mff; Fiwe;j msT tpfpjhrhu jd;ikahFk; vd;gNjhL> mJ ];nfhl;yhe;J> Nty;];> nghyptpah kw;Wk; nynrNjh Nghd;w ehLfspy; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. ,e;j Kiwik njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fis toq;Ffpd;wJ. mjd;NghJ Ml;rp kd;wj;jpd; msitg; NgZKfkhf mjw;F ,izthd vz;zpf;ifapyhd Mrdq;fs; rl;lthf;fr; rigapYs;s nkhj;j tpfpjhrhu Mrdq;fspypUe;J fopf;fg;gLfpd;wd.26 ,jd; fhuzkhf njhq;F epiy Mrdq;fisf;nfhz;l fl;rpfSf;F tpfpjhrhu uPjpahf fpilf;fNtz;baij tpl mjpfkhf toq;fg;gLfpd;wJ. Vida fl;rpfSf;F tpfpjhrhu uPjpahf FiwthfNt fpilf;fpd;wJ. 23. Overhangs.(2012).vk;vk;gp tpku;rdk;:Ntz;Lk; cq;fs; nrhw;fSk; gq;fspg;Gk;.7khu;r;2016>http://www.elections.org.nz/sites/default/files/bulkupload/documents/Overhangs_submissions.pdf,ypUe;J 24. N[Hkd; G+z;l];lf;fpw;F cWg;gpdHfis njhpTnra;Ak ;Kiw.(2016).nll;];ru; G+z;l];lf;. 8khu;r;2016 ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www.bundestag.de/ htdocs_e/bundestag/elections/electionresults/election_mp/245694 ,ypUe;J 25. Overhangs.(2012).vk;vk;gp tpku;rdk;:Ntz;Lk; cq;fs; nrhw;fSk; gq;fspg;Gk;.7khu;r;2016>http://www.elections.org.nz/sites/default/files/bulkupload/documents/Overhangs_submissions.pdf,ypUe;J 26. Ibid


ngz;fs; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cs;slf;Fjy; ,yq;ifapd; ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; ngz;fspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtk; ntWk; 6% j;jpw; FiwthfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. 11NgH khtl;l Mrdq;fisg; ngw;Ws;s mNjNtis> ,uz;LNgH khj;jpuk; Njrpa gl;bay; %yk; njhpTnra;ag;gl;Ls;sdH. NkYk;> ngz;fis cs;slf;Ftjw;F vt;tpj rl;l epge;jidfNsh my;yJ RatpUg;gj;jpyhd Nfhl;lhf;fNsh ,yq;ifapy; Njrpa kl;lj;jpy;; murpay; fl;rpfspdhy; gpd;gw;wg;gltpy;iy. ngz;fspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cs;SH thf;Ffs; %yk; my;yJ tpfpjhrhu thf;Ffs; %yk; mjpfhpf;fyhk;. vdpDk; Ntl;gsHfspd;kPJk;; mtHfisg; gl;baypy; NrHj;jypd;kPJk; murpay; fl;rpfNs mjpff; fl;Lg;ghl;ilf; nfhz;bUg;gjdhy;> murpay; fl;rpfspd; fl;rp epuy; tpjpfis mKy;gLj;JtNj ngz;fspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij mjpfhpg;gjw;fhd gad;kpf;f topahFk;. vdNt> ,ul;il bf;fl; xd;iwf; nfhz;bUg;gJk; tpgp epuypy; ngz;fisr; NrHj;Jf; nfhs;tJk; mjpf ngz; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cUthf;Fk;. fle;j ,uz;L jrhg;jfhykhf nghyptpah ngz;fspd; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij cs;slf;Ftjw;F jPtpu Kaw;rpnahd;iw Nkw;nfhz;Ls;sJ. 1993 ,y; nghyPtpahtpd; 13;% gpujhd gpujpepjpfs; ngz;fshf ,Ue;jdh;. vdpDk; 95 ,y; nghyptpah vk;.vk;.gp Kiwia epiwNtw;wp fl;rp epuy; Nfhl;lh xd;iw NrHj;Jf;nfhz;lNjhL> me;j epuypYs;s Ntl;ghsHfSs; 30% khNdhH ngz;fshf ,Uf;fNtz;Lnkd epge;jid tpjpj;jJ.27 ,d;W nghyptpah xt;nthU fl;rp gl;baypYk; ,U ghyhiuAk; xd;iwaLj;J xd;W khwp khwp cs;slf;fpapUf;fNtz;Lnkd tpjpf;fpwJ. ,jd; fhuzkhf 2014,y; ,lk;ngw;w mz;ika NjHjy;; 53% khd ngz;fs; gpujpepjpj;Jtj;ij Vw;gLj;jpaJ.28 ,jd; fhuzkhf xU fl;rpapd; tpgp epuypy; cs;s rl;lkhf;fg;gl;l Ntl;ghsH Nfhl;lhf;fs; kpf mjpfsT gpujpepjpj;Jt KbTfis ntspg;gLj;Jk;. ,jpy;> fl;rp gl;baypy; KjypU Ntl;ghsHfSk; (Mz; my;yJ ngz; vd;w) xNu ghiyr; rhHe;jtHfshf ,Uf;f KbahJ vd;gij fl;lhakhdjhf;Fk; Mz;>ngz; vd;w ,U ghyhiuAk; xUtiuaLj;J xUtuhf khwp khwp cs;slf;Fjy; (Zipper Quota)> xt;nthU Ie;J gjtpf;Fk; 40:60 vDk; tpfpjk; kw;Wk;; %d;W Ngu; nfhz;l xt;nthU FOtpYk;; xUth; ngz;zhf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; vd;w epge;jid (Dahlerup,2013) Mfpait cs;slq;Fk;. \pg;gH Nfhl;lh Kiw Mrdq;fSs; Fiwe;j gl;rk; 45% j;ij ngz;fs; nfhz;bUg;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jtjhy;> xU rkepiyahd Ml;rp kd;wj;ij Njhw;Wtpg;gjpy; ,e;j KiwNa kpfTk; gad;kpf;fjhFk;. jw;NghJ nghyptpah kw;Wk; nyNrhjh Mfpa ehLfs; ,k;Kiwia gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd. rl;lhPjpahf Fiwthd tpfpjhrhuj;Jtkpf;f Kiwfs; jdpahd mLf;Ffs; %yk; my;yJ ngz;fSf;nfd tpNrlkhf xJf;fg;gl;l njhFjpfs; %yk; XJf;fg;gl;l Mrdq;fisr; NrHj;Jf;nfhs;fpd;wd. ,jpy; KjyhtJ> Mrd xJf;fPl;ilAk; thf;fspg;G eilKiwiaAk; rpf;fyhdjhf;Fk; ngz;fSf;fhf tpNrlkhf Vw;gLj;jg;gLk; xU %d;whtJ mLf;fpid Ntz;bepw;fpwJ. ,uz;lhtJ Kiwik ngz; Ntl;ghsHfs; khj;jpuk; Nghl;bapLk; xU rpy njhFjpis xJf;FtjhFk;. fhyg;Nghf;fpy; Mz; Ntl;ghsHfs; ,y;yhnjhopf;fglhjpUf;Fk; tz;zk;; ,e;j khtl;lq;fs; Row;rpKiwapy; khw;wg;glNtz;bapUf;Fk;. ,e;j ,uz;L KiwfSk; Njh;jy; Kiwikf;Fs; NrHj;Jf;nfhs;tjw;F kpfTk; rpf;fyhditahfTk; tpgp fl;rp epuy; Nfhl;lh Kiwikiatpl Fiwe;j tpfpjhrhuj;Jtk; nfhz;ljhfTk; cs;sd. 27. Ngdhtpl;];>N[.(2003). nghyptpahtpy; ngz;fspd; murpay; gq;fspg;G: Kd;Ndw;wq;fSk; jilfSk;(pp.2-3).yPkh:[dehaf kw;Wk; Nju;jy; cjtp epWtdk;(IDEA).http://www.quotaproject.org/CS/CS_Costa_Bolivia_25-11-2003.pdf,ypUe;J ngwg;gl;lJ 28. nghyptpah/ Nfhl;lh nraw;wpl;lk;: ngz;fspw;fhd Nfhl;lh cyfj;juTfs;.(2015).Quotaproject.org.15khu;r;2016ngwg;gl;lJ>http://www. quotaproject.org/uid/countryview.cfm?CountryCode=BO ,ypUe;J





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