Fall final 2020 Writ 1302

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Class: WRIT 1302

Author: Alberto M. Colon

Dear Reader, I hope that you are doing well today, I would

what I have to think about them while Writing

like to say thank you and that I am super

Project #2: Writing Process Search where I

grateful that you are spending your time

gather research, from peers and professionals,

reading my work! To give you a brief

to discuss time spent writing, and how much

overview of the work that you are about to

written and how that affects the emotion

read, it spans over all of my fall semesters,

towards the writing and in the final writing

August till December, and all of the writing

project, Writing Project #3: Revised theory of

projects I have done in that time for my Class

writing where I go back and reflect on

Writing and Rhetoric in total I have written 3

Writing Project #1 and see what has changed

papers one being Writing Project #1:

since August. Once again thank you so much

Preliminary Theory of Writing, Writing

for taking the time to read my work

Project #2: Writing Process Search and Writing Project #3: Revised theory of writing,


In Between each there will be my impressions

Tito M. Colon

about them as I am nearing the end of the class. Writing Project #1: Preliminary Theory of Writing will show you my first thought about writing at the begging of the semester and

- Writing Project #1: Preliminary Theory of Writing …………..……………...Pg. 1 - Reflection for WP#1 ……………..…………....Pg.6 - Writing Project #2: Writing Process Search ……….. Pg. 8 - Reflection for WP#2 .... Pg. 12 - Writing Project #3: Revised theory of writing …….. Pg. 14 - Reflection for WP#3 .... Pg. 18 - About the Author ….... Pg. 20

Writing Project One: my first theory of writing

Writing can be many things from books, comics, scripts, to TV shows, but writing can also take the form of art. Because writers convey their message through words, emotions, and make a world out of nothing. The best example I can think of for what good or bad writing is is actually from a video game technically the same game there is Call of Duty World at War, which was released in 2008 (World at War) being a good example and Call of Duty World War 2 (WW2) the bad writing. ​A summary of both of these games, both of them take place during world war 2, ​World at War tells the story of the Americans (in the Pacific) and the Soviets (the Eastern Front). But World War II tells the story of America in France. Why I believe writing of World at War has excellent writing is because of the impact it leaves on the viewer, the writer masterly writes with emotion and verger not holding back, but also not using the experience of war as pure shock, which I felt left a deeper impact, whereas for the bad writing (of World War) it holds back and just tries to hurry the viewer along. In addition, it tries to shock the viewer with over-glorified reparation of war. getting us ready for what we are about to experience, I believe that World at War has the better intro to the writer and conveys the feelings of


despair and tragedy into their script. The

to bite and flip to the next page. Which makes

introduction to the setting is Frederick D.

the writing feel much more natural and

Roseovlet, message to congress, about Pearl

enjoyable while also leaving a little mystery.

Harbor. The emotions that the writer makes

For example a writer that I love, Hajime

me feel, inspire, and shows why there was a

Isayama, in his story ​Attack On Titans w ​ here

need to fight. Whereas the writer in World

he gives just enough of the information where

War does not leave the same impact but

it feels natural and not word vomit. When I

instead kinda just strings the story along.

imagine a writer the image pops into my head

While World War 2 ends with more of a

is someone who in a sense... just looks like a

movie ending with everyone going back and

regular person, they don’t look any different

being happy with a picture-perfect ending

than me, I can’t conjure a clear image because

with all of the horror of war, World at War

I am torn between one being a game story

the ending leaves more of a long-lasting

writer and the other being someone who

impression with real-life footage of Japan

writes comics. When I think of a game writer

surrendering and showing the statistics of

I imagine someone in a desk wearing

what I just experienced. The characteristics of

semi-formal clothes like a button shirt and

what makes writing good is knowing how to

jeans or just something comfortable, maybe

use impact. In the book the things they carried glasses and some tattoos if any. And as for by Tim O’Brein he talks about how a writer

comics, I just imagine someone in an office,

does not just throw in things like drugs, sex,

or a place find peaceful wherever that maybe,

or violence a writer, uses those as a stock to

as for what do I think a writer has good social

leave impact not just as, “oh the story a little

skills and is someone relatable, they don’t

boring, let me throw this in to spice it up.''

have a superiority complex and they aren’t

This is something I believe when reading a

humble either the best way I can put it that

story due to me liking more grounded stories.

they are just human. As for what a writer does

Another thing writers do is they know how to

and their practices, I think the biggest thing is

tell a story.By that I mean a writer does not

to know when to take a break, writers don't

just force information down my throat, a

need to write a whole 300 page book in a

writer knows when to give a full blown

week, they know when to take a step back and

explanation and when to just give just enough

evaluate the story they are writing another


practice they do is whatever they need to do

that was always a unique feeling because even

to write. Writers are all different, each one has though I knew my paper was bad, always a very different need and way to write, So a

adding that extra paragraph made writing the

practice they do is whatever it takes for them

story a little easier. When I imagine writers, I

to write. I got my ideas from my outlook on

see them having fun with their work, enjoying

life and from the stories of the people I have

what they create and doing it to the best of

read, growing up I always played games and

their abilities and loving what they do. As for

read some comics, I saw developer notes and

the bad writer, an example I can give is

how the majority of them present themselves

someone who vomits out what they are trying

in work. I also had some family members who to say, they make a whole new story just to were Game developers and I just gave

understand what happened, a good writer

everyone who works on the game their

knows how to space out what you are reading,

overarching appearance, I also learned a lot of

while also making it feel natural but a bad

“good writing from my teachers particularly

writer just writes whatever comes to mind

my Junior year English teacher, he would

making reading a pain, because I don’t want

always talk about how the writer, wrote and

to read multiple paragraphs without any depth

what they did to get inspired while writing,

to them.

from my own experience of writing I got a lot

The things that I believe a good writer does to

of my ideas from my morality teacher and my

make their writing good, is to have a story of

Freshman/ Senior English teacher, he always

plan. Now I don't mean to have the whole

tried to make us write outside of the box,

from page one to the end of the story done but

making us take unique approach both of style

have a rough idea of where the story should

and writing. One thing that I always

be headed towards. A perfect example is from

remember from him was he was always

Attack on Titans​ where the author has a clear

encouraging us to try even if we knew it was

outline of what gonna happen he took this

bad, he would say “ give it one more

single idea of humanity being protected by


walls, and turns it into a whole story, having a vague idea of how the story should end, and what he needs to do to get there.


But that is not the key thing he, Hajime

from my experience with the reading I have

Isayama, does. As the story progresses and

done and the games I have played, the ones I

there are countless mysteries that are brought

always remember (other than the one with

to the read, but you were paying attention

nostalgic factor) were the ones with an impact

these mysteries have always been shown, and

or something was done so unique that it stuck

if you go back and reread, suddenly you pick

with one, for example, a certain sense, or the

up on the small thing, like a charters reaction,

music that was used or the setting the story

or the way they spoke, or even what they were was placed in, while those help with forming doing. They were so hidden that you would

my idea the biggest factor for these ideas

never have noticed them until you learn the

would definitely be my Junior English

mystery for yourself, it's that type of planning

teacher, he would always pick great books

and attention to detail that I love. Another

that would always use tone, and he would

thing that a great writer does is set the tone of

expect us when writing to apply the

the story, now sometimes this can be easier in

knowledge we took from reading the book to

comics, shows, games than in books but

put it in our papers.

nevertheless it still can be done.

The evidence that I have to prove my theory

The thing that I always loved was that in

that writing is art, is that each writing whether

comics or games, there was more use of tone

they are writing a speech, a book about a

you didn’t necessarily have to be told what

fantasy world, or a story about history each

tone was being used but rather have I can see

writing is leaving they mark on each page,

or hear what the writer was trying to say or

similar to a canvas, but more importantly art

do, in addition to the tone. These ideas came

is about creativity as many writers do they take a single, idea


and they can whole worlds around it, or set

one it can be tiring to read (boring or supping

whole sense. Creating many images, or

out words to fill pages) or it can be all over

feelings for us.

the place where there is no clear end to the

There are a great number of things that writers story. Where I received these ideas is from do whether it be its genre, what it is trying to

my experience reading, and noticing what I

tell the audience, or if it’s trying to be

thought the writer did well and what I noticed

entertaining. regardless of those people do not

when the writer made me want to stop

just read and say “Hey, this writing is


amazing!” Writing typically falls into two main categories good and bad. What I believe good writing looks like a story has it beginning, it has it larger substance (like what's happening in the story) and of course it’s ending. But bad writing is different in several ways,


Preliminary Theory of Writing: Reflection

When I look at Writing Project #1 there are many things that stand out to me. One of them being the lack of organization in my writing. The writing feels as though I am flipping between many different stories. For example, at one point I was talking about a game and its story to switching the topic to another reading all in the span of a few sentences. While also feeling as though it is being written just to be written, there is simply no flow in my writing. While the organization is very poor in this paper I also notice a lot of run-on sentences and grammar mistakes, which definitely showed the lack of attention to detail I gave. While writing and editing the paper. There are also numerous amounts of punctuation errors that I have seen while looking back at my paper. There are many things that have changed since writing this paper. One of the things that have changed since


writing this paper is I feel that my

There are many things that I have learned

organization in writing has definitely changed

from this paper one, no matter how many

for the better, and also some of my ideas have

times I have reviewed a paper or who has

changed since writing this paper, which I will

review always give it one more check before

touch on in Writing Project #3.

submitting the work, I’ve also come to the

While this paper is very poorly edited. It has

conclusion that having a more planned out

given me the realization that I need to change

writing step like an outline will come in

the level of care given to my writing. I have

handy to organize what I am going to write.

someone review it to see if my wording

To ensure that all the points that I am trying to

makes sense and also I check my paper more

hit are made in the paper.

often. While writing I also do not write entire pages in one night instead I break them into sensations and do a little every day.


Writing Project 2: The

When going over the data that was collected

correlation of length,

interesting observation that being the length

time, and emotion in

and how it affects emotions afterward.


Personally, I do not get many writing

for this research paper I made a very of writing, and the time spent on the writing,

assignments, I typically only have to write maybe two to three pages a week. Nevertheless, the process for my writing is always the same. First I start to think of how to structure and organize what I will write I do this by talking it out by myself, even though it makes me look crazy it’s what works best for me, after organizing my thought, I put on a playlist of only instrumental music, and I start to write whatever comes to mind, no matter how it sounds or where it should go in the paper, whatever comes to mind I put it down. When I have finished with my mess of words I start to actually get serious and seriously out what I am trying to say. But when I actually have to write I write at night typically anywhere from 8 PM to 2 AM because it is the only time I can actually stay focus on my work. I get most of my writing from my Introduction to Business class, and my Writing and Rhetoric I class. In my Introduction to Business class, we are assigned weekly reports on anything


business-related, personally, I don’t really

of what it is or how well it might fit in with

mind these or go all out with my writing but

the sentence or paragraph. But when I am

instead just map out what I plan to write and

under the two hours my mind is more jubilant

knock it out in a night. However, in Writing

and more focused on what I am trying to say

and Rhetoric, It can vary from our Read and

or put into words. When having that lesser

Respond to a formal paper. For my Read and

amount of time spent it gives me more

Respond, I typically do the same steps for my

confidence in what I am trying to say and

Business News Report. But for a formal

giving more of a push to achieve better.

essay, I go through a whole process of making diagrams, spending hours just thinking about

As for the length of the paper, this is also

how the paper should be structured, but when

something that really does have a massive

it comes to the actual writing, I write at night

impact on how I view my writing. For

and have a playlist of nothing but

anything I am passionate about I can write for

instrumental to help me focus.

what almost seems like an unlimited amount

One key factor I noticed when it came to

of pages, but once it’s more restricted or

emotion is the time spent on writing. For me,

something super narrow, like a lab report or

this is a deal-breaker. My personal rule of

quick response, I tend to dread writing those

thumb is to never spend more than two hours

especially if it’s writing more than a few

straight writing without some sort of break or

pages. For me, it feels like I’m writing just to

distraction to reduce the chance of me

write without much reason to write, and

becoming burnt out. The things that I notice

without a feeling, or reason, to write I

for my writing is once I go over the two-hour

naturally feel like my passion to write is also

mark I tend to get more lethargic and

gone, and with that happening. I being to sulk

incoherent in my writing and just write

about the outcome of my writing.

whatever comes to mind without much thought


When reviewing my writing from the logging

mount of time to complete the writing, the

period I noticed when both length and time

data suggested that it can give the writer, in

spent writing was in a good mix, that was

this case being my peers and I, more

when I always felt the best and most confident confidence to write. As for the Length of about my writing. That being a common

writing one professional writer does say

trend, that I observed, among the data that

something interesting. In “shitty First Drafts”

was collected from my classmates. Whenever

by Anne Lamott, she says a very similar

there was a happy medium between time

point, to what I argue, saying that no writer

spent and the length of writing there was

sits down and has an idea of where their

typically a higher level of joy after writing. In

writing will go. Saying that it’s best to not set

several of the entries from my peers, they had

expectations because you never know where

to write about three pages worth of writing in

the writing might take you. When I read this,

under an hour where their emotion towards

it gives the impression that those writers do

that writing was ‘5/10’ whereas another group

not give themselves deadlines like “ I need to

of people who wrote for a similar amount of

write X amount of pages or paragraphs, to

time but less amount of writing had a more

feel accomplished.” Giving yourself

positive reaction towards their writing, for a

unrealistic deadlines to write is

page difference but in a similar amount of

counter-intuitive to the point of writer, to

time most ratings were 7/10 not a huge

bring joy from their writing and creating an

increase, but three points could mean a lot for

idea and making it into something. There are


also examples of professional writers who do think that the time spent writing is important.

With all the data that was collected, there is

For example in the article “Goofing Off

definitely a strong correlation between the

While the Muse Recharges” by Richard Ford,

length of writing and the time spent writing

he talks about how it is important to take

and how these affect the writer’s emotions

breaks while writing, giving more of a chance

towards their work. The reason that this is

to recuperate a writer’s train of thought and

relevant to the data that I am collecting is that

time to think.

when both my peers and I are given an amount of writing and an accommodating


He sums it up perfectly when he says

that, I do think several things need to be

“protocol still causes even me to write too

noted. Firstly there was an extension in time

much. It's hard to write just enough.” All be it

to collect data, two all the data was self-report

he was talking about taking a break in

with little to none 3rd party checking. Finally,

between large writing projects, I believe that

COVID-19 has had unprecedented negative

it can also apply to breaks in between smaller

effects on my peers. The Coronavirus has

writing projects as the saying goes “Death by

inadvertently shifted my peers’ lesson plans

a thousand paper-cuts,” there is still an

around and forced them to take online classes

important need to recharge in-between

for the first time, which may have disrupted

anything lest you want to drain yourself out.

their writing styles and procedures. I do think there should be more research done from set

To go on further of what Richard Ford said, it

groups, in terms of majors, like STEM

is beneficial for writers to take a break so that

(Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

the stresses of the last writing period fade

students to compare them to less writing focus

away and don’t carry over to the next writing

majors and see if STEM has a different

or project. Where he refers to a long amount

preference of length of writing and time spent

of time spent writing I notice that in the data

writing compared to others majors, while also

collected from my peers that the more time in

giving the participants more definite set of

between writing with a sufficient amount of

rules to follow.

time for a break gives less of the stress and achieves a more appropriate emotion towards the writing. In conclusion, when comparing the length of writing and the time spent writing and its effects on emotions towards the writing, from professionals, my peers, and myself, there were not many things that came to surprise me. However, one thing that did surprise me was the number of people that did write in long bursts or in short bursts. In addition to


Writing Project #2 reflection

When I went back and read through my Writing Project #2 there were a lot less than I could tell immediately from looking at it. However, after going through it a few times, I notice there are some little things like punctuation that could have used some improvement. Specifically, I could have improved my use of comma and periods to make the sentences flow a little better. Another thing that I did not notice until now was I never correctly cited readings. Another thing that I notice after going through it a few more times and recalling writing this paper is the struggle I had while trying to start writing this paper. It was a little more challenging than I first had thought it was going to be. It is a little evident in the opening of the paper it starts off with a topic but immediately switches to what I think rather than what the first paragraph talks about. Personally, I do not think that much has changed since I have written this paper. I still really enjoyed researching the topic of time spent writing and the length of writing and how it affects the emotions the author has towards the writing. I would also say that this writing was also super fun and enjoyable to research and write about.


One thing that I learned from this paper was that I am way more comfortable writing research-related papers than more open-end papers. Comparing it to writing Writing Project #1 it was easier and enjoyable to write about research and the trends that I found while reviewing the material gathered, to begin writing. In addition to learning my preference for writing research papers. This was the first paper that I tried organizing what I was gonna write before actually writing my paper using either both a very rough outline and a word map before starting to fully write out my paper.


Writing Project #3:

While looking back to my first day of class, I

Revised Theory of

just figured all we would do is write papers


didn't know what to expect. To be honest, I and read a lot about writers as that was always my experience with writing and English classes. In addition to that, I never gave much thought to what writers do and what makes a good writer. Of course, I had my ideas but I never gave it too much thought. You can really see this in my first writing project, as it’s just a hodgepodge of ideas about writers and heavily based on what I initially perceived as good writing without much evidence. My previous perception of good writing was that all a writer needed to do was love their work and truly enjoy the story they were writing. I got this idea from a mix of my old art teacher and my own ideas. My art teacher would say, “There is no such thing as bad art or good art, it is what the artist sees.” What I got from that quote was that writing is a form of art. In other words, if an author can create a whole fictional world with just their words, then there is no difference between Van Gogh and the writer — both of their works are valuable.


As class went on, however, we had many

required to write a fictional story or really a

discussions in both our large class and small

story at all, I had always thought that a good

group, read many pieces of works and had an

writer always knows how their story will end.

opportunity to review previous submitted

For example, I read a lot of Shakespeare in

papers. I came to a realization that many of

high school and all of his stories had a clear

my ideas were wrong and needed to change.

beginning, middle and end. ​Attack on Titans

For example, I said that writing only needs to

is another example of a very clear story line;

be loved by its author for it to be considered

it’s a comic book from Japan and the author,

good. To some extent, I still believe that, but

Hajime Isayama, never wrote any tangents,

it was missing a crucial part — the audience.

making the story feel very fluid and natural. I

While it doesn’t always need to be perfect, if

always thought these stories, among others,

the intended audience for the piece does not

were planned out to every last detail.

relate, that might be a reality check that it isn’t “good.” In the reading ​Failure is Not An

In my opinion, this idea about a well planned

failing while writing we can become

that changed my perception was, ​Shitty First

Option​, by Allison D. Carr, she says that by

empowered by the new possibilities that can

out story was the most incorrect. The reading Drafts​ by Anne Lamott. The line that stood

emerge from what we learn. When I said that

out the most was, “Very few writers really

the writers just need to love their work I took

know what they are doing until they've done

away their ability to grow from their failures.

it. Nor do they go about their business feeling

In fact, I didn’t account for the author

dewy and thrilled.” Reading this honestly

becoming more empathetic towards their

shocked me. It felt like the world I once knew

intended audience by ensuring that their

was crashing down. I had always imagined

works reaches the people they intend to reach.

writers as very well organized and having everything meticulously thought out, leaving

Another one of the ideas I proposed in my

no room for error. Seeing that they were less

first theory of writing paper was an author

rigid in their writing, was also reaffirming

needs to have a well thought out story before


they even start writing. In hindsight, that was a foolish statement. Never having been


In ​Writers are Mythical, Magical, and

I always viewed writers as simply ordinary

Damaged​, Teri Holbrook and Melanie

humans. They are no different than you or me,

Hundley, write almost a whole page talking

and my perception of them has not changed.

about how to cope with the struggles of

When I was first enrolled in this class, my

writing and the frustration they have with

definition of writers was quite broad. Writers

their own, including fears of rejection, failure

are not just book authors, but web-bloggers,

and the book not doing well once it was

game developers, and even my Junior year

published. Going back to ​ ​Shitty First Drafts,

English teacher. These people had barely

one of her friends wakes up and says to

anything in common, if you were to just see

himself, "It's not like you don't have a choice

their title. It’s not like you can see some

because you do — you can either type or kill

outstanding feature and instantly point and

yourself." That single sentence radiates the

say, “Oh yeah, that person right there, they

struggle of writing and how difficult it can be

are a writer.” What I realize through this

to just write.

class, however, is that all writers have a perception on the world that they want to

I also saw the magic of writing. While the

share with others. Writing is a universal

authors may not have known the full arc of

platform that gives people an opportunity to

the story, they did trust that their craft would

share their voice. ​It shows that writing is for

get them there. These authors write and keep


on going until they feel that it is “good enough” and then continue to improve what

While writing is for everyone, what surprised

they have written through the editing process.

me most is that many of my peers consider

I only realized this during our Writing Project

themselves to be writers. Classmates that I

Two, when we all shared our own writing

met through this class, in fact, are writing

experiences and how we felt when writing.

books, have a blog, or even have daily writing

This research really made me realize the true

practices. I didn’t realize just how many of

complexity of writing and the care that goes

my peers were passionate about this skill.

into it.


While reflecting on my own personal writing

The article showed me that all of these

practices, for the most part, there is not much

famous writers had writing rituals but what

I am going to change. What I will take with

was interesting was that none of them were

me moving forward is having a more detailed

the same. In other words, it’s ok that your

outline of my essay before I start. This

ritual is different as long as it is working for

semester, I experimented with having a


notebook dedicated to this class. In the notebook, I would write out the instructions, create a word map that would include topics and points to touch on in the essay and then use that to create a formal outline. The reason I started doing this is because of the discussion we had early in the semester where my peers shared what they do to stay organized for writing assignments.

As I said, my ideas really were a hodgepodge — I had no idea what to expect from writing or what made a “good” writer. I’ve learned a lot and feel confident that the practices I’ve learned will serve me moving forward. I have also learned, however, there is still so much I don’t know and writing is a practice. You quite literally have to practice it over time if you want to get better. If nothing else, writers

Clearly, this pre-writing exercise will be something that I integrate into my writing ritual moving forward. I still plan to write at night as that is the easiest and most productive time for me and I also still plan to have some sort of music on while writing to help me focus and get into the zone. The pre-writing exercise simply helps to organize my writing and I feel confident in the time and how I write. The reading that influenced me to keep my writing rituals such as listening to music and writing at night was, ​Writing Rituals: Superstition or Productivity?​ by Chip Scanlan.


are persistent.

Reflection of the Class

Overall, since the beginning of this class, there has been a lot that has changed both from my writing and from how I look at writing. When I write now I always have some form of writing done before actually fully writing the paper to have some sort of baseline and to ensure that my paper is organized. Now that I am nearing the end of the course when I look at writing I try to see what motivated the author to write the way they and to see why they did it. Was it a story, a diary entry, or something else entirely? What has caused many of the changes that I have gone through are the class decisions, particularly the ones in my small group. I was able to learn a lot from my peers in my group both in writing style and ideas about writing, My group was super diverse from people all across the world, and to see how they were taught to write and how they saw writers. Was super interesting. But the group’s discussion was not the only thing that has caused me to change. The reading was super insightful which gave me more to understand the writing process and who writers are. One thing that I will take with me to other classes is to have a group of people review my writing. Before taking this class it was usually just one person who would go over my


writing, but having four people go over it made revising the paper super easy and gave more insight into the areas I can improve in.One of the many things that I will take with me once this class is over. It is always best to have some ideas about your writing before actually writing the full paper. Having some sort of word map or outline made prior to writing allowed me to see what to do next which helped me with the flow of my writing. I see some parts of writing differently. One of the biggest parts that I see differently is the process of writing. I always have thought the writers just sit down and instantly know what to write, it never really hit me that the writer does not always have a full understanding of where their writing will take them or what the final product will be. BE thank you for a wonderful semester, this was and is my favorite class this year, I always look forward to our Monday class! And happy holidays! I look forward to seeing you on the Hilltop.


About the Author

Tito M. Colon

Tito is an undergraduate graduate student who goes to school at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. Tito is a Business Administration Major and plans to continue in the field of business, And hopes one day get to work at his dream job Microsoft or one of the companies that they own.


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