CONTENT Content Co ontent ТТІІ in in 2015 Our O ur actions acttions in 2015 Promoting effective anti-corruption policy Prevention of corruption in representative authorities authoriti ties es Integrity of public finances’ use Strengthening judicial and prosecutorial integrity ty Combating corruption in the private sector Shaping of a negative perception of corruption Strengthening the organisational capacity of TI Ukraine Ukra Uk rain ine e
SStrategic trategic priorities for TI Ukrainee for for 2016-2018 2016-2018 ТТІІ Ukraine Ukraine in the media In nternational page International ТТІІ Ukraine’s Ukraine’s membership in coalitions coalition ns and and networks networks Our O ur research research O ur finances, Expenditures Our TI Ukraine Ukraine team, board Contacts Con ntactts
1 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12
13 14-15 18 19 20-21 22-23 24-26 27
O KHMA ARA OLEKSII KHMARA Exxecutive Director of Transparency International Ukraine Executive
For or two years year ye arss a war has been raging in Ukraine. This is not the war we regularly read ab bout in tthe he n ewss regarding the hostilities in the East; this is about the daily fight within ew about news the th he walls of the the Verkhovna Ver erkhovna Rada, courts, ministries, and other state institutions. This is the which war on corruption, w corrru rupt ptio ion, n, w hich we started after the Revolution of Dignity. Such stubborn battles cannot resolved ca annot be e re eso solv lved ed with neutral «reforms» or «transformations». There are always betrayers an nd preten ende ders rs in in every war, declaring their devotion to Ukraine and at the same time and pretenders ac ctively helpi ping ng a n adversary. Victories are few and far between in the war on corruption. actively helping an
Speaking about the war on corruption, President Sp Presiden nt Pe Petr Petro tro o Poro Poroshenko, r shenko, unfortunately, appears to be of the same ilk as his predecesso orr-escapee Viktor Yanukovych. This is borne out ut b alll th the objective data. The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks Ukraine a 27 out sor-escapee byy al off a possible 100, which is a measly one point hig ghe herr th than an it was last year. Some corruption schemes have disappeared, and other es higher others have ha ve become less widespread, but the possibility possibiliity for for public pub ublilc corruption is still present. We, like Baron Munchausen, pulled ourselves outt by our own hair from the corruption morass. An ou And d we should work hard to run ashore and clean ourselves from the mule. For a year the authorities have been creating th Fo he in infr fras asttructure of anti-corruption bodies and criminalising corrupt crimes. A new the infrastructure e-se service has been introduced – the ProZorro electronic ele lect ctro roni nic public procurement system, which is a civic portal for administrative e-service se erv rvices I-Gov. An electronic declaration system h as b een ee n created, yet its launch continues to be delayed. The authorities provided services has been ac cce cess to official information from the registriess and and databases. dat atab a ases. Property, land, and business owner registries are already available. access The Th e Verkhovna Rada passed laws on transparency, transparen ncy cy,, political poliliti po tica c l parties financing, and transparency of state procurement. The formation of anti-corruption bodies has fa Th ace ced d a nu number of obstacles and was accompanied by media scandals from the very faced be eginning: those candidates who were not backed baccke ed by the the President, were blocked from the NAPC. In addition, the Prosecutor beginning: Gene Ge n ral’s protégés were attempting to gain contr trol ol o verr the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. The NAPC formation process has ve General’s control over to ob e restarted a second time, because the first attempt atte at temp mptt ssaw aw the body dominated by members of the Prime Minister’s circle. be In 2016, criminal liability was introduced for p rovi ro vidi ding ng false information in declarations – up to two years of imprisonment with providing th he prohibition to hold any governmental position positio on for for three thre th r e years. We are in an unfortunate situation: our public officials wield great the pow po wer with little to no accountability over how w th they ey u se tthat hatt power. At the same time, they face no repercussions when they abuse power use th hat power. That is why one of the main tasks fo for offi offici cial alss fo or this year is a transparent staffing of the NAPC and the launch of the that officials for elec el ectronic declaration system. The EU requires that thaat Uk Ukra raine have a working independent agency in the first quarter of 2016 as a electronic Ukraine pr rec econdition for a visa-free regime. And the An nti-C -Cor orru rupt ption Bureau must demonstrate the results of its work as soon as possible – precondition Anti-Corruption to o fi find and punish corrupt officials. Otherwise its t existence exi xist sten ence c would wou o ld be meaningless. A Am ong other main and urgent anti-corruptio on ch chan ange ges that must happen in 2016 is reforming the court system. The real fight Among anti-corruption changes with corruption is not only establishing laws and with d institutions inst in stit itut utio i ns but making sure that breaking those laws result in real punishments. No matter how well the newly created Anti-Co orrup upti tion on Bur u eau works, even the best evidence can “dissolve” in the cabinets of Anti-Corruption Bureau ju udg dges, because this particular branch of govern nme ment nt iiss th tthe e most corrupt one. The analysis of judges’ declarations shows that their judges, government expe ex penses for luxury goods exceed their actual wa age gess by 2 0 -300%. This is a serious indicator that judges are living well beyond their 00 expenses wages 200-300%. mean me a s. All Ukrainian judges should be vetted. Al A the e me m asur u ed indicators are the main priorities for Transparency International means. Alll th measured Ukra Uk rain i e. And we have to win this fight! Ukraine.
I AM M SURE SURE THAT THAT ALL PLANNED CHANGES CHANG GES WILL WILLL HAPPEN HAPPEN IF IF WE, WE, THE CIVIL SOCIETY, DO NOT EASE EAASE PREESSURE AND MAKE THE AUTHORITIES AUTTHORITTIES IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENTT THE NECESSARY CHANGES. PRESSURE There Ther Th e e are four pillars that guarantee the vict victory ctor oryy in tthe he anti-corruption war - maximum access to information, inevitability of pu unishment for corruption deeds, transparenc cy in g over ov ernm n ent purchasing, and a readiness of citizens to hold politicians accountpunishment transparency government ab ble le. This pressure from Ukrainian civil society will wilil pull pull Ukraine Ukr kraine ne out of its current corrupt state. That is why I believe that the situation able. willll definitely change for the better in 2016. wi
The law On Public Procurement creates a step by step compulsory implementation im mpl plem emen entation off ProZorro the public procurement system ProZ o orrro ttill ilil 1.08.2016 108 1. 0 .2 2016 Legislative The law On Amendments to Some Le Legi gisl slat a ive Procurement, Acts of Ukraine on Public Procurem men nt, to to bring b ing br in ng international Ukraine into compliance with interna ati tion onal al sstandards tand dardss corruption and measures to prevent corrupti ion (deregulation, (der (d ereg e ulattio ion, n, join anti-corruption initiatives, possibility ty tto o jo oin tthe he under the Agreement on Government Procurement Procurem men nt un unde d r th he auspices of the World Trade Organization) Organizaati tion on)) Anti-corruption programme of Kyiv v Amendments to the law of Ukraine e On n Citizens’ Citi Ci tize zens’ mechanisms Appeals implementing the mec e hanism ms of eelectronic lect cttro ronicc appeals and petitions
216 CARD PROFILES WERE CREATED CREATED of high-ranking officials, filled the he public pub ubliic amount officials’ declarations bank in the am amou ount nt of 400 declarations
of citizens declared themselves willing wililliling ng tto o report on corruption due to ourr campaign camp ca mpai aig gn –
"IT IS NOT SHAMEFUL TO WHISTLEBLOW" REGIONAL DISCUSSIONS were held about safe exposure off ccorruption, orru or rupt ption, webinar where 97 people took part, a similar siimillar w ebinar eb gathered 69 participants. anti-corruption 60 participants took part in anti-co corr rrup upti t on Ukraine, conducted lectures organised by TI Ukraine e, co cond nduc ucted University. at the Ukrainian Catholic Univer ersiity ty..
ANTI-CORRUPTION ADVERTISING ADVERTTISING 180 posters and 472 billboardss – in 19 cities of Ukraine, placed pro pro bono. bono bo no. networks Anti-corruption video in six ne etw wor orks ks of of cities restaurants and in shops in 16 citie ies of Ukraine. Ukr kraaine.
The law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Legisla ati tive ve Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Prevention an and Counteraction of Political Corruption introduces transparency of p political finance and olit ol itic ical a fina nanc na nce nc e an nd state fund funding parties summer ding of political al p a ti ar ties es ffrom ro om su summ mm mer 2016 Amendments to the law On Prevention n of Corruption, which w ich provides wh prov o id des for for clear cle lear ar requirements req equi eq u re reme m nt ntss to the members Panel membe b rs r of the Selection Sele Se lect ctio io on Pa ane nel to o tthe he Nationall A Agency Prevention Corruption gency for the Pr Prev even enti tion on off Co orrup upti t on Technical amendments to the law On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau u of of Ukraine and the law On Prevention n of of Corruption
ELECTRONIC PROCU PROCUREMENT UREM MENT SYSTEM PROZORRO Every year opens a market of about UAH 250 50 bn bn for representatives of business. At presentt th the e procurers, system is used by more than 2,300 procur rer ers, who during 2015 announced more than 37,000 37,0 ,000 00 UAH procurements with an expected value of U AH 2.71 6.69 bn. Average competition exceeded 2.7 71 of of over suppliers to bids. The preliminary valued at o verr ve numbers UAH 534.75 mln. or 12.56%. In 2016 the num mbe berss will increase tenfold because the ProZorro system sysste tem m will be applied to all Ukrainian tenders
202 WHISTLEBLOW WHISTLEBLOWER WER REPORTS REPORTS WERE RECEIVED AND AN ND PPROCESSED ROCESSED The selection Panel which aimed at choos choosing sin ing g Prevenmembers of the National Agency for the Preve ven ntion of Corruption was restarted. More than n 50 5 contestants to the positions to the NAPC were wer ere e interviewed and 3 lawsuits were filed.
THE SITE PERSHA INSTANTSIA INSSTANTSIA (FIRST INSTANCE) WAS WAS DEVELOPED. DEVELOPEED. It is a new and qualitative information sour source urcce adapted about the judicial branch, where the adapt pte ed wider information from the court decisions for a w ide id er range of readers is presented.
OUR ACTIONS IN 2015 FFormation ormaation of of n negative egative aattitude ttitudde to corruption corruption W have increased citizens' readiness We o rreport eport on corruption. to Active corruption whistleblowers are Ac given give gi ven legal and media support. Citizens have haave got a tool to report corruption on the th he si ssite te anticorruption.in.ua. The groundwork has been laid for Th further fu urt rth her development and dissemination off anti-corruption anti-corruption knowledge and tools for fo o r students, s udents, in particular from the st Kyiv-Mohyla Kyiv Ky iv-M - ohyla Academy and the Ukrainian Ukkra rainian Catholic University. TThe Th e results of the survey of the Kyiv In Inte ternational Institute of Sociology showed International that
of people are ready to report on corruption.
Corrruption prevention Corruption prevention iin n thee pprivate rivate ssector ector
Accountable use of public pubblic finances
A pilot pilo pi lott project pr of an electronic public procurement pr roc ocur urem emen ent system named ProZorro hass be developed h ha been en d eveloped together with a broad ev coalition coal alit itio ion n of businesses, governmental departments, depa part rtme ment nts, and civil society.
The introduction of ProZorro provides citizens with a tool to monitor public procurement
It is is now now ea e sy for business to participate easy in ttenders. ende en ders rs.. Th e system syst sy stem e is used by more than The billboards anti-corruption an nti ti-corruption posters with wi ith Lesia Ukrainka, Taras Shevchenko and an nd Hryhorii Skovoroda appeared in 19 biggest bigg gges e t cities of Ukraine. A sho short anti-corruption video w was shown at six networks of o restaurants in 16 6 big cities in Ukraine.
202 whistleblower wh whis istleblower reports reports
49 submissions ub ubm bmiss mis i sion sio iio were made e on the site anticorruption.in.ua, with more than
ublic procurers. 2300 pupublic
Theyy announced more than
37000 procurements pr p ocurements with the expected value of
6,69 MLN UAH Predicted savings reached
534,75 MLN UAH
The procurement market is open to business. Partners from government, business, and civil society established a Consultative Supervisory Group p that establishes information disclosure standards for implementers of projects in construction and supervises the compliance with these standards. Communal enterprises from the Ivano-Frankivsk region inform the public about their financial condition. Civil society organizations have united to promote government accountability. A dozen ProZorro presentations and regional tours were held throughout Ukraine. A $250 billion market is now open for business every year. ProZorro averages 2.71 bidders per auction.
93086 views re regional discussions about unma-
corruption were attended by 2 sking 97 participants and a workshop at the Ukrainian U rainian Catholic University were Uk 3 lectures attended by 111 participants anti-corruption videos at the K iv-Mohyla Academy of Ukraine Ky 2 Kyiv-Mohyla were watched by 300 viewers
2general llaws on deregulation and the gene ge n rall obligatory character of ProZorro ProZ Pr oZorro have been developed and and advocated. Citizens Citi Ci tize zens ns got a tool for monitoring pu ic procurement public pro rocu curement using the analytics system em bi.prozorro.org. bi.p bi .pro rozorro.org.
Standards for information disclosure e for construction and spending projects will be piloted in 4 road sector projects. Ukrainians learned 30 active information on "Who should finance the parties?" during the thematic webinar.
CCapacity apacity building of TTII Ukraine Ukraine
An effective effective anti-corrupanti-corrupption n policy policy
Preventing corruption corruption in in representative representati ivee bodies bodies
We strengthened our organisation by training our staff and adding more qualified people. 42 qualified volunteers worked with us in 2015.
We have hav ave e analysed a alysed the declarations of an candidates candid idat ates es ffor or the new anti-corruption institutions inst s itut utio ions ns in in Ukraine – the National Anti-Corruption An nti t -C Cor orru rupt ptio ion Bureau and the National Agency Ag gen ncy for for the the h Prevention of Corruption.
We established the legal prerequisites prerequissit ites e corruption. for a rapid decline of political corruptio ion. n.
The number of TI staff in Ukraine
50% last year.
Our staff conducted 99 workshops and participated in 25. 938 publications on TI Ukraine appeared in Ukrainian and foreign media.
We eh have ave av e developed developed veloped and advocated the legislation le egisl egi gislat atio iion on combating b corruption, including incl clud udin ing g po political corruption. We also pa art rticcip ipat ated ed in the development of antiparticipated corruption corrup upti tion on programs pro ograms of Kyiv city.
500 SStrengthening trrengtthening integrity in tthe hee justice justticce and prosecution bbodies oddiees We have brought increased scrutiny by the public, law enforcement, and judicial structures to questionable court decisions on corruption cases in Ukraine. We did this mostly by attaching them to journalistic materials. We published 265 news reports in five months at www.1i.com.ua and received more than 250 thousands website visitors. We composed "Top hundred corruption convictions"" and rated the most expensive cars owned by Ukrainian judges.
We restarted the Open Government Governm men ent Partnership Initiative.
Analysed more than declarations of public officials
We carefully monitored government websites
off We also prepared a draft Concept pt o Kyiv target organisational model of the K yivv yi completely Investment Agency (KIA), which complet etel ey system changes the KIA management syste tem m and serves as a model for changess in management processes.
We conducted public educational educatio ona nal activities in Odessa and Lviv on the the political reasons for corruption. A lecture lecttur ure e was delivered by MP and a former journal alis isttjournalistinvestigator Serhii Leshchenko. We invited about
Vetted contestants for the positions to the NAPC
Developed Devvelo De oped and advocated changes chaanges to the law ch On Prevention of Corruption Restarted R Re star st arte ted d the the work on the selection of candidates cand ndid dat ates es ffor or the Selection Panel to the Na ati tion nal A gency for the Prevention of ge National Agency Corruption. Corr r up pti tion on..
people to our events. held webinars dedicated to e-govere-go gove verr3 We nance, e-libraries, and open op n byy data that were visited d b more than 130 participants. particip pan ants. published infographics in order er to 18 We inform the public about abou ut the the e on progress of the initiative ve o n KIA reform.
PROMOTING EFFECTIVE ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY Projects: Advocacy 1. Supporting Ukrainian Civic Advo voca acy of of Key Ke Anti-Corruption A ti-Corruption Reforms An 2. Ukraine Free of Conflict of Interestt 3. Public Monitoring of High-Levell Officials’ Offic fficia ials ls’’ Actual A tu Ac ual Lifestyles Against the Content of Their Disclosed Property Declarationss (Central (C Cen entr tral al Level) Level)
What W hat did did wee plan? plan?
What Wh hat did did we we achieve? achieve?
How did we achieve it? it?
W planned to raise the level of We pu ublic awareness about anti-corruption public reforms, refo re forms, to control the launch of key anti-corruption anti an ti-corruption institutions – particularly the th he National Agency for the Prevention of C orruption and to inform society Corruption about ab bou o t their creation.
Public Publ Pu blic ic awareness awa w re eness about the necessity to aadopt dopt do pt and and n implement important laws on integrity int nteg egri rity ty in public procurement and transparency off political party finances tran nsp spar aren ency c o has ha as increased incr in crea eased significantly. Several even ev ents ts aaimed imed im e at popularisation of new events anti-corruption anti an ti-ccor orru rupt ptio ion institutions were conducted.
We W e also planned to promote highquality qu uality regulation of conflicts of interest th hro rough the advocacy of a new edition through of tthe h basic anti-corruption law. Regarding he th he campaign Declarations Without the De ecorations, it was conceived to initiate Decorations, the th e national monitoring of the corresponde ence of high-level officials’ actual dence life fesstyle against the content of their lifestyle di isc sclosed property declarations. disclosed
We helped hel elpe ped restart the confirmation process proc ces esss of the NAPC, including the seni nior or sstaff. taff. ta ff senior
We carried out a development, advocacy, and communication campaign in support of the law regulating the financing of political parties and elections and the law preventing and combating political corruption. Also, we achieved to rewrite updating of the basic anticorruption law, particularly in regulating conflicts of interest. Finally, we helped craft a new draft of the law On Prevention of Corruption with amendments. Apart from that, we consistently monitored the processes related to the establishment of the NAPC.
Federal Thee Fe Th Fede deral Government of Germany fin finan ance ced d the th project. The Centre for financed Po oliliti tica call Studies Stu St udie i s and Analysis and the Political C Ce nttre ffor or Political and Legal Reforms Centre beca ame its its partners. partners. became
TI Ukraine filed An Anti ti-c -cor orru r ptio on laws were updated, Anti-corruption pa arttic icul ular arly ly those related to regulating particularly publ pu blic ic officials’ offic fficials’ conflicts of interest and public prev pr even enti ting ng ccorruption orruption among public preventing auth thor orit itie ies. s The The experts of the civic authorities. coal co lit itio ion n Reanimation Package of coalition Refo orm rmss became be Reforms partners of this project. Thee im Th impl plementation of the initiative implementation be beca ame possible pos ossi s ble thanks to financial support became off D emoc em ocra racy Grants Program of the U.S. Democracy Emba bass ssyy in inU U kraine. Embassy Ukraine. Over Ov er 500 500 declarations by public offi offici cial alss ha have been processed, and officials an notthe herr 40 400 0 have been submitted. Also, another 2 21 6 ca card rd-p -pro rofiles on Ukrainian high-level 216 card-profiles offici offi cial alss have hav been created. officials
and successfully restarted the competition for selecting senior staff of the Agency. In order to monitor public officials’ declarations, we submitted
requests for informare informaThee pr Th proj ojec ect was carried out with financial project tion to su upp ppor ortt from from International Renaissance support the authorities Foun nda dati tion on (IRF). Foundation
responses were received
76 official government officialgovernment websites were carefully monitored
3 lawsuits
PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION 2 IN REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORITIES Projects: 1. TTransparent rans ra nsparent Funds for Parties and Election Campaigns in Ukraine 2. Open Governance Govern rnan ance ce Project Pro roje ject Beyond Paper Promises Achieving Real Impact for People 3. IIncreasing ncreasing Transparency of the Kyiv Investment Agency (KIA) and Its Transparent Accountability to the Society
What W hat did we plan?
What Wha at did did w wee aachieve? chieve?
How did we achieve achiieve it? it?
Regarding the project on transparent political funds, we planned to create the legislative preconditions to quickly decrease levels of political corruption and to raise the level of awareness on the necessity of such transformations among the population.
The Th e Parliament Parl Pa r ia iame m nt endorsed the Law On the O the Counteraction Cou ount n eraction Against Political Corruption, Corrup upti tion on,, which generally dovetails with wi th the the goals goa oals of both TI Ukraine and the international anti-corruption inte ern rnat atio iona nall anti t -corruption community in general. gen ener eral al. We conducted several education which events ev tsw w hich hi ch reached more than
TI Ukraine’s experts participate participated ted d in developing the draft law on transparent transpar aren e t members political finances together with memb mbe ers of the Parliament and joined the aadvodvo dv ocacy campaign. A number of informainform rmation and education events we were e conducted, particularly the lecturee by Serhii Leshchenko, a member membe er of the the h Parliament and former journalist, tw two o regional public events in Odessa aand nd Lviv, and several webinars. There we were re further 43 media publications related relaate ted d to public finances. In addition, th the e infographics «Transparent finances es of of political parties: myths and reality» rea ali lity ty»» were distributed.
We also helped launch and implement the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative, which is focused on increasing the regional focus on open government issues. The Kyiv City Administration (KCA) and TI Ukraine entered into partnership to improve the investment climate and minimize the risks of corruption between investors, the business community, and government officials.
more than
300 people pe
4 000
people reached ourr publications Ourr partners Ou part pa rtn ners for this project were Centre Political Cent Ce ntre re ffor or P o itical Studies and Analysis, ol Civic Ci ivi v c Movement Move Mo veme m nt Make Elections! and anticorruption RPR an anti ti- co corr r uption group. Also, managed A Al so,, we m so a aged to re-launch the an implementation im mpl p em emen enta tati t on of the OGP Initiative and an nd to make mak ake the OGP Coordination Council work. Co oun unci cill wo work r . We are continuing our work w wo rk to to maximize maxi ma ximize z the OGP’s effectiveness. As a part par artt of this project, regional OGP Plans were Action onP Pla lans nsw w ere published and responsible people peop ple in in each ea h region were identified. Focus groups Fo ocu cuss gr grou oup ps on the regional needs monitoring and d th the e mo m nitoring of the implementation ment me ntat atio ion n of Action Plan were conducted. project Thee pr Th proj ojec ect was implemented thanks to the he ssupport uppo up p rt of Hewlett Foundation through th hro roug ugh h th thee TI Secretariat. Also, several international in nteern rnat atio iona nal partners participated: the UNDP, UN NDP DP,, the the International Renaissance Foundation, Fo oun unda dati tion on,, the Ukrainian Government Secretariat, Se ecret etar aria iat, t, and the International OGP Management Mana nage geme men nt in Ukraine. Regarding Rega Re gard rdin ing g our collaboration with the KIA, we we drafted draf dr afte t d the Concept of the target organisational or rga gani nisa sati tion onal a model of KIA. This is intended to o ccompletely ompl om plet etel e y change ch hange the management system m of of KIA, KIA which whi h ch serves as an example and an nd driver driv dr iver er for for changing KCA administrative processes, p pr occes esse ses, s, and and n facilitate the formation of the th he responsible re esp spon onsi sib ble independent government. The e Concept Conc Co ncep ept is under consideration by the th he KCA’s KCA’ KC A’ss Anti-corruption An Council. Projects on P Pr ojec oj ects ts o n transparent political finance and an nd KI KIA A were were supported by the International Renaissance Partners - Deloitte & Re ena n is issa sanc ncee Foundation. Fo USC, Touche he U SC, Talant Advisors, Ward Howell SC Ukraine. Uk kra rain ine. e.
In order to complete the OGP Action Act ctio ion n studies Plan, we conducted a number off stu udi dies e regional at both the national and the regio ona nal levels. We provided mini-grants an and d expert support to the implementing implemen enti ting ng organisations. For public benefit, benefit fi , th the e essence infographics explaining the essenc ce of o Government the Action Plan of Open Governme ment n conducted Partnership was made. Also, we condu uct cted ed three webinars devoted to e-government, e-governme ment nt, with e-libraries, and data disclosure, wi ith a users. total audience of around 130 users s. TI Ukraine, KCA, and KIA signed signe ed a Memorandum of Cooperation with h tthe he policy goal to implement anti-corruption po olilicy cy and to ensure the openness of investment investme ment nt Memorandum process in Kyiv. Also, a Memorandu dum m several of Cooperation was signed with sev ver eral a consulting companies in order to audit aud udit it and prepare the Concept project. projecct. In KIA’ accordance with the audit results, the eK IA’s IA interactive module was launched an and d analysed promo video was made. We also anal lys ysed ed regional international experience of region onal and local investment agencies’ operation. operati tion on. of infograp infographics phi hics c 18werepieces goal made with the h goa oall of informing the society about ab bou o t the implementation off th the e project.
3 INTEGRITY OF PUBLIC FINANCES’ USE Projects Pilot 1. The Development and Launch of a P ililot ot EElectronic lect ctronic Procurement 2. Partners in Empowerment Transparency Initiative 3. The Construction Sector Transpa are renc ncyy In Ini itiati t ve Beyond Paper 4. Open Governance Project Beyon o d Pa Pape perr Promises P omises Achieving Real Pr Impact for People
What W hat did did wee plan? plan?
What Wh hat did did we we achieve? achieve?
We helped design and implement W th he electronic procurement system the ProZorro ProZ Pr oZorro and the adoption of the corresponding corr co rresponding legislative framework.
The Th e Pr ProZ ProZorro o orrro system has had a positive influence posi iti tive ve infl n uence on all sectors: the citizens citize zens ns got got o an instrument to monitor government g go vern ve rnme ment n purchasing and for government me nt ccontractors ontractors to take part in on transparent tr ran nsp spar aren ent auctions. The laws on public pu ubl blic ic procurement pro rocurement and changes in the th e sphere sphe sp here re of state procurement were drafted dr raf afte ted d an and d advocated.
Also, we introduced an effective mechanism me mec chanism of proactive information disc di sclosure about construction projects. disclosure Another task was to inform students Another abou ab o t the budgets of their universities. about We aalso lso helped interpret the provisions an nd provide measurements of the and in nflu fluence of the new law on political influence pa art rty finances to those interested. party Then, Then, promoted the financial transpa are rency of utility companies in certain parency re egi gio ons. Finally, we aimed to ensure the regions. co ollllab a oration of civic organisations in collaboration o or der to facilitate the accountability of de order pu ublic authorities. public
project Thee pr Th proj oject was implemented with support thee su supp ppor ortt from the following donors: WNISEF, WNIS WN ISEF EF,, GIZ, GIZ, EBRD, International Renaissance Foundation, Fo oun unda dati tion on, Ukrainian Network of PLWH, electronic elec ctr tron onic icssites sit ites Newtend, State Procurement Online, E-Tender, Onli On line ne,, EE-Te Tend n er er, Public Bid, Smart Tender, Marketplanet, Ma ark rket etpl plan anet e , APS A S Market, PrivateMarket, AP zakupki.com.ua, zaku upk pki.i.co com. m ua, and zakupki.prom.ua. Partners: Part tne ners rs:: RB RBC Group, Qlik Tech and Open Contracting C Co ntra nt ract ctin ing g Partnership. Three Thre Th ree e civic c vic organisations began ci working wo work kin ing g on the implementation of the projects on pr roj ojec ects ts o n controlling and monitoring local lo ocall budgets, budg bu dgets, expenditures of these budgets, budg bu dget ets, s, and and n provision of administrative services se ervvic ices es by by local governments. project Thee pr Th proj oject was implemented with support thee su supp ppor ortt of the European Union. The partners part pa tne ners rs of of the initiative included: PASOS (Policy Association (P Pol olic icyy As Asso sociation for an Open Society), Partnership Part tne ners rshi hip p for Transparency Fund e.V. (Germany), (G Ger erma many ny),), Anti-corruption Centre TI (Armenia), (Arm (A men enia ia),), Centre for Economic and Social Soci So ial Development Dev eveelopment (Azerbaijan), Office for Democratic fo or a De Demo moccratic Belarus, and TI Moldova. Representatives Re Repr pres esen entatives from government, business, busi bu sine ness ss,, and an civic society created the Consultative Cons Co sul ulta tati tive v Steering Group for implementing ment me ntin ing g th the st sstandards andards of disclosing construction co ons nstr truc ucti tio on information.
project The pr The proj ojeect was implemented with thee support supp su ppor ort of the CoST International Secretariat. Secr Se ret etar aria iat. t. partners Thee pa Th part rtne ners r in the initiative were: the World Bank, Worl Wo rld d Ba Bank nk,, the Ministry of Infrastructure Ukraine, of U krai kr aine ne,, the the Confederation of Builders
of Ukraine, the Association of International Automobile Carriers of Ukraine, the Federation of Employers of Transport Sector, the European Business Association, and the Centre for Political Studies and Analysis. Local governments implemented a number of measures that reduce the risk for corruption. People learned about the ways out of a corrupt environment. The project was implemented thanks to the support of the Hewlett Foundation International through Transparency Secretariat. The partners were Ukrainian Government Secretariat and the International OGP Management in Ukraine.
How did we achieve it? itt? Together with a wide coalition of business, government, and civil society leaders, developed a pilot of the ProZorro procurement system. The software was officially transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine on the account of State Enterprise Zovnishtorhvydav Ukrainy. Scores of presentations and local tours were conducted, during which potential customers learned how to operate the system. Government agencies and citizens signed a Memorandum on abiding by the defined standards on road construction. Four projects in the road sector were selected in order to pilot the standards. Also, we helped implement the initiatives on controlling and monitoring local budgets and providing administrative services by local governments.
STRENGTHENING JUDICIAL AND PROSE- 4 CUTORIAL INTEGRITY Project on tthe he ccreation reat re a ion of an effective mechanism of control and prevention of unlawful decisions by Ukrainian courts
What W hat did we plan?
What Wha at did did w wee aachieve? chieve?
How did we achieve achiieve it? it?
We planned to draw the attention of society, police, and judiciary to questionable court decisions against corrupt individuals in Ukraine.
The Th e website webs we bsit ite of Persha Instantsiia visited was vi visi site ted d by 250,000 unique users 400,000 around nd 4 00,000 times. A research 00 paper pape pa perr on the the h project was published under unde derr the the title – TOP-100 Corrupt Verdicts. Ve erd rdic icts ts.. 22 leading Ukrainian media outlets outlet etss highlighted high hi ghlighted the problems that were w we re e rraised aise ai sed d in the paper, provided the link nk to to Persha Pers Pe rsh ha Instantsiia, and they also shared shar ared ed the the infographics along with research the re ese sear arch ch findings. At the the end end of of last year, an appeal to the th he Supreme Supr Su prem eme Court of Ukraine to standardize stan nda dard rdiz ize e judicial practices when imposing impo osi sing ng court court sentences that deal with w wi th ccorruption orru or rupt p ion crimes was prepared Prosecutor by tthe he P rose ro s cutor General’s Office of Ukraine. Uk krain ine. e. TThis his appeal was the result of hi research. the re rese sear arch ch. The Th e fact fact that thaat Persha Instantsiia is a useful usef e ul source sou ourc rce e and well-known project is corroborated cor orro robo borated by its siting in publications publ b ic icat atio ons byy the European journal Іntellinews Іn nte elllin inew ewss as a well as the citing of their materials m ma teri te rial alss by b well-known Ukrainian media outlets: medi me diaa ou outl tlet e s:
During the five months that we e ha have ve participated in the project, 265 pie ece ces pieces website. of news were published on the webs bsit ite.
Also, we planned to monitor the Single State Registry of Court Decisions in terms of detecting decisions of dubious judicial validity. We also planned to link socially significant decisions to journalist materials and to publish them on the website of Persha Instantsiia (www.1i.com.ua). We aimed at sending information requests about doubtful decisions to the corresponding judicial and prosecution authorities and to publish their responses on the website. Finally, we wanted to draw journalists’ attention to the Single State Registry of Court Decisions as a unique source of information.
Liga.net Ukrainska Pravda, Ukrinform, UNIAN, Novoe Vremia, Korrespondent, Censor.net, and others During Du uri ring ng the the second half of 2015, several well-known we ellll-k -kno nown wn IInternet nternet media outlets began actively ac ctive ely using usi sing ng the Single State Registry of Court Decisions. Co our u t De Deci cisi sion o s. Previously, mostly Persha Instantsiia Inst s an ants tsiiiiaa an and Nashi Hroshi projects were searching se earch chin ing g fo forr information on the website their for th thei eirr ar articles and news, whereas nowadays, nowa ada days ys,, th the Court Registry is actively monitored byy the information agency moni mo nito tore red d b Ukrainski Novyny, Ukra Uk rain insk skii No N v ny, the website RBK vy Ukraine, portal Uk kra r in ine, e, p orta or tal Liga, and others.
80% of them dealt with questionable questionaable decisions made by Ukrainian courts. courts ts.
ТОП-100 CCorruption orrru rupt ptio pt ion n Verd V Verdicts erdiccts Stat St ate e was created to monitor the Single State Registry of Court Decisions. Their analysis has demonstrated d that that d of only one fifth of those accused themse elv lves es corruption crimes find themselves suppo port r behind the bars. In order to support pres pr esss the research findings, we held press infographi hics cs.. conferences and created infographics. nd In addition we began to review aand most analyse the income of four judges most able le often involved in questionab questionable decisions. ase sed We also developed a ranking ba based jud dge ges, s, on the fleet of cars owned by judges, boll in the main status and wealth symbo symbol were Ukraine. The research findings we ere er published in press releases, which w were edi dia. distributed among Ukrainian me media. the Finally, we consistently update th Instantsiiia. Facebook page of Persha Instantsiia.
5 COMBATING CORRUPTION IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR Project E-procurement ProZorro System Pilot Development and Implementation Implemen nta tati tion on
What W hat did did wee plan? plan?
What Wh hat did did we we achieve? achieve?
How did we achieve it? it?
W planned to deploy the electronic We pr roc ocurement ProZorro in at least five procurement public pub pu blic ministries, which would give businesses busi bu sinesses more access to participate in public pu ublic tenders. Also, in order to combat priv pr ivaate sector corruption, we advocated private adopting ad dop opting a legislative framework to introduce intr in tro oduce electronic procurement.
The Th e system syst sy ste em iss used by more than 2 300 customers, cust stom omer ers, s, who published more than 37 000 000 procurement pro r curement offers with an expected e ex pect pe cted ed vvalue alue of UAH 6.69 bn during 2015. 20 015 15.. An aaverage verage of more than 2.71 suppliers su upp pplilier erss bi bid on each request for pricing. The Th e tentative tent te ntat ative savings totalled UAH 534.75 534. 53 4 75 mln., mln ln.,., or 12.56%. Among the most active users ac cti tive ve u sers se rs of the system are: the Ministry off Infrastructure, Inf nfra rast stru ruct c ure, the Ministry of Energy and d Coal Coal Industry, Ind ndustry, the Kyiv City Administration, stra rati tion on,, th the e Kyiv City Council, the Dnipropetr pe trov ovsk sk Region Reg egion State Administration,, and petrovsk the ministries th he mi mini nist stri ries subordinate to them. The Th e system syst sy ste em provides new possibilities forr the fo the business busi bu s ne ess s community. A market with wi ith an an annual annu an n al turnover of UAH 250 bn. hass opened, h ha open op ened ed, because tender participation very today. is ver eryy easy easy tod day. Moreover, it is easier for the the businesses busi bu sinesses to analyse the market and an d to rrespond espo es p nd tto o their customers and competitors. co omp mpet etit itor o s. The Th he following foll fo llow o ing laws were drafted and advocated with our partners: ad dvo voca cate ted d together to
A wide coalition of businesses, government, and civic society, developed and launched the pilot system of ProZorro. The software is owned by TI Ukraine, and all the development of additional modules were administered by the organisation together with WNISEF, GIZ, EBRD, and business participants. In December, 2015, after the adoption of draft law № 3559, the system was officially transferred to the account of the State Enterprise Zovnishtorhvydav Ukrainy, whereas TI Ukraine took the responsibility to complete all the required functions for a full-scale launch.
2087а 2087 2 20 87а 7а
3559 35 59 9
№ 20 2087а – the draft law on amending amen endi ding ng certain laws of Ukraine in public p pu blic bl ic procurement pro rocurement making them compliant with comp co mplilian antt w ith international standards taking aand an d ta taki king ng aaction ction for fighting corruption. № 3559 3559 – the draft law on public procurrement re ment me nt ((an an obligatory phased launch of the ProZorro th he Pr ProZ oZor orro ro system before 1.08.2016 р. ). The project The pr proj ojec ect was implemented with the ssupport su pp por ortt of oftthe the following donors: WNISEF, GIZ, EBRD, EBRD EB RD,, International Inte In tern rnat a iona n l Renaissance Foundation, Ukrainian of PLWH, electronic sites Ukra Uk rain inia ian n Network Ne Newtend, Newt wten end, d, SState tate Procurement Online, E-Tender, ta Public Bid, Pu ubl blic ic B id,, Sm id Smart Tender, Marketplanet, APS Market, Ma ark rket et,, PrivateMarket, Priv Pr ivat a eMarket, zakupki.com.ua, and zakupki.prom.ua. zaku za kupk pki.i.pr prom om.ua. Partners: RBC Group, Qlik and Open Tech cha and ndO Ope pen n Contracting Partnership.
10 0
During 2015, we conducted dozens of presentations and regional tours, during which potential users learned how to use the system. The media campaign was also active, publishing and broadcasting many interviews on radio, TV, media websites, as well as a number of analytical articles and pieces of infographics. At the roundtables organised by TI Ukraine, further collaboration and development of public procurement in Ukraine were discussed together with stakeholders and members of the Parliament.
SHAPING OF A NEGATIVE 6 PERCEPTION OF CORRUPTION Projects 1. Information Informa mati tion on and and Mobilisation campaign: It Is Not Shameful to Whistleblow. 2. Engaging Students Stud St uden ents ts of the Western Ukrainian Regions to Active Corruption Fight Educational in Education onal al SSphere pher ph eree via Development of an Anti-Corruption Center Based in the Ukrainian U ra Uk ain i ian Catholic University as a Pilot Educational Initiative
What W hat did we plan?
What Wha at did did w wee aachieve? chieve?
How did we achieve achiieve it? it?
We planned to implement at least one national anti-corruption campaign that would be oriented on making social changes. Also, we set out to change the negative perception of whistleblowers, to raise the readiness of society to report instances of corruption, mobilise those who are ready to act, and to provide them with comprehensive assistance.
According Acco Ac cord rdin ing g to t the results of Kyiv Internation onal al IInstitute nsti ns titute of Sociology’s research, national 45.5% % of the the Ukrainian public are ready blow whistle to b lo ow th the e wh w istle on corruption cases. Att the the beginning beg egin inning of our initiative, only 13 3% were were ready rea e dy to do the same. 13%
Since July 2015, we have been running runn nnin ing g campaign a countrywide information campai aign g in support of whistleblowers.
We planned to initiate a collaboration on anti-corruption education with the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) and the Ukrainian Catholic University.
In society, soc ocie iety ty,, the th he negative perception of co orrup pti tion on whistle whistle blowers has diminished. corruption Due to an an active support of such whis wh stl tleb eblo lowe w rs r , a number of corrupt whistleblowers, offi fficiial alss at d i erent levels were fired. iff officials different Ci iti tize zens ns w e e empowered with the er Citizens were online ne instrument ins nstr t um ment for blowing the whis wh istl tle e on corruption cases on the whistle website we ebs bsit ite e an anti anticorruption.in.ua tico orruption.in.ua Also, free legal lega g l ad advi advice vice ce is provided there. The project The pr proj ojeect was implemented with support the su supp ppor ortt of o the Anti-Corruption Group Reanimation off Rea eani nima mation Package of Reforms, Khabardoks, Khab abar ardo doks ks, Ministry of Information off Uk Ukraine, Policy cy o Ukra raine, Birzha Sotsialnoi Reklamy, Cheil Ukraine, Ch hei eill Uk Ukra rain ine, e Havas WorldWide Ukraine, Mult Mu tip iple lex, x, Hromadske.tv, Hro r madske.tv, and Presskom. Multiplex, As a result res esul ultt of our education activities, participants part rticcip ipan ants ts have been connected with wi ith lleaders eade ea ders rs in the fight against corruption o and and the the creators cre eators of public adminipractices. stration on p ract ra c icess. The students found out about ab bou ut th the e ro role le of civil society, the ProZorro system sy ystem m for for electronic ele lectronic public procurement, the reforms and th he re refo form rms in the anti-corruption sector. The project wass implemented with the Th he pr proj ojec ect wa w support su uppor ortt of the the Embassy of the United States Ukraine. in n Ukr krai aine ne. The Th partner was the Ukrainian Ca athol olic ic U niversity. ni Catholic University.
lig ght htss city lights advertising posters biggest cities were placed in the nineteen bigg g est ci citi tie es of Ukraine. Ukrai a ne.. A brief advertising video was ow a as demonstrated in fast-food networks ks in in 16 cities, covering the audience ce of
2 700 000persons persson ons 2
gender-oriented nder-o videos abo about bout ut the necessity of blowing blowi wing g the the whistle on corruption n cases case ca ses were placed on TV and social soc ocia ial networks
appeals appe peal as were received and processed proces esse sed d 202 whistleblowers’ A number of regional region onal a conducted discussionss were conduc ucte ted d and web-trainingss on blow blowing win ing g the whistle on corruption corrupt ptio ion cases were executed. projects, In support of education projects s, we organized a number off lectures att th the e Ukrainian Catholic University. We al also so led the international seminar «Anti-co «Anti-corruporr rrup uption education: Learning to implement implem men entt reforms» at the university. We collaborated collabora rate ted d with the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Kyiv-Mo ohy hylaa Academy and the Anti-Corruption Ac Action cti tion o Centre regarding the creation off tthe he Anti-Corruption Research Centre. e IIn n December, two anti-corruption movies, mo ovi vies es, Forecaster and Putin Games, were sho showed owe wed at the NaUKMA with the sup support off a pport o documentary festival about hum human man a rights Docudays UA.
What W hat did did wee plan? plan?
What Wh hat did did we we achieve? achieve?
How did we achieve it? it?
W planned to involve qualified We vo olu lunteers to perform certain functions volunteers and an d to create a list of tasks for them. We plan pl anned to significantly update the planned pr roc ocedures that describe organisational procedures wor wo rkflows. Also, we planned on compleworkflows. men me nting our staff on a competitive menting basi ba sis, to conduct thematic trainings for basis, ourr co-workers and to mutually inform ou ea ach other about these training sessions. each
Transparency Tran Tr ansp spar arency c International Ukraine hass a codified codi co difie fied strategy for organisational development deve velo lopm pmen e t and an action plan as complete comp mple lete te documents. We created these th hes ese e documents docu do cuments with the participation o all of all organisation org rgan anisation members, and our management mana ma nage geme ment and stakeholders took part discussions. pa art iin n th the ed iscussions. The action plan off the the organisation org rganisation is updated every ssixx months si mont mo nths hs in order to adapt to changes in anti-corruption ant ntii-co corr rruption policies in Ukraine.
In 2015, staff, management, and our partners conducted two group meetings, during which we developed our organisational strategy and action plan.
Finally, we planned to conduct Fi in nfo formation campaigns for ordinary information citi izens. citizens.
In 2015, 201 015, 5, 42 highly professional volunteers volu lunt ntee eers rs worked at Transparency International Inte tern rnat atio iona n l Ukraine, who were involved into performing in nto p erfo er forrmin ing certain functions at the the organisation. orga or gani nisa sation o . Some of these volunteers became becaame meTTI TI Ukraine Ukraine staff members in 2015.
Transparency International Ukraine’s personnel increased 50% during this past year. The management and employees constantly share the information about training and educational possibilities with each other.
A codified codi co difie fied database of needs exists at tthe organisation, he o r anisation, and qualified rg volunteers vo olu unt ntee eers rs take part in performing certain at Transparency ce ertai ain n functions fu International In nte tern rnat atio iona n l Ukraine. We have a defined defin fined ed list lis ist of delegated tasks for volunteers volu vo unt ntee eers rs aand nd interns, and our databank of volunteers vol olun unte teer ers is constantly being updated.
The level of TI Ukraine’s brand recognition was supported by the information campaigns They Would Not Keep Silent and It Is Not Shameful to Whistleblow, discussions, webinars, and other events.
We updated upd pdat a ed the procedures regulated to o the the ffollowing ollo ol lowing spheres of organisational tiion o al alaaactivities ctiv ct ivit ities and properly implemented at TTransparency rans ra nspa pare r ncy International Ukraine: accounting, acco coun unti ting ng, personnel policy, the rules of the the use use of official symbols, the evaluation eval ev alua uati tion on of growth dynamics and organisational o gaani or nisa sati tion onal needs in resources, project management, mana ma nage geme ment, volunteering policy, and the the rules rule ru less of media media interaction. In 2015, we further furt rthe herr developed deve de veloped our instructions on conducting co ond nduc ucti ting ng business, business, and it is scheduled to be be approved appr ap pro oved in 2016.
We also als lso o updated updated and better defined the e job job descriptions desscriptions of organisational de personnel. pe ers rson onne nel.l. The The employees completed trainings trai aini ning ngss at a 25 educational events. Also, participated A so Al o, th they ey p articipated in 99 events as guest gues estt speakers. spea sp eake kers. TI Ukraine’s brand recognition re eco ogn gnit itio ion n has increased from 7% in May, y, 2015, 201 015, 5, to 13% in November, 2015.
In order to effectively work with volunteers, the database of organisational needs and the list of delegated tasks for them were created. The databank of volunteers is continuously updated.
During last year, 938 articles about Transparency International Ukraine were published in Ukrainian and international media.
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR TI UKRAINE FOR 2016-2018 Effective corruption fighters
1 3
EXPECTED PECTED IMPACT: Ukrainian ainian citizens actively condemn corruption corrup upti tion on and and take e actions to tackle it, first of all through gh personal per erso sona nal participation ticipation in strengthening transparency, transparenc ncy, y accountacc ccou ount ntability, ity, and integrity of the people in power at aallll llevels. evel ev els. s OUR R ROLE: We work with organised groups of citizens citiz i en enss that tha have the desire to combat corruption n aand nd aare re ready to take actions on their own or in ccollaboolla ol labo borative networks. We also support them m wi with th methodology and communication.
Zero tolerance to political corruption
EXPECTED CTED IMPACT: seni nio or Any conflict of interest that arises forr se senior als are met with appropriate socia al an nd le lega gal officials social and legal rse. recourse. OUR ROLE: orru rupt ptio ion n, We detect and effectively prevent cor corruption, politicians conflict of interest in activities for politi tician anss an and d developing senior officials of the country. We are de deve velo lopi pin ng political high standards of transparency for p olit ol itic ical a funding and the detection of conflicts of interest. int nter eres est. t.
Open and independent government
EXPECTED CTED IMPACT: The standards governtandards of an open and independent nt g over ov ernn ment are successfully applied in all keyy g governover ov ernn mental al bodies of Ukraine OUR ROLE: We are introduction re attentively following the introduct c io on of tthe he electronic Prozorro public procurement system, new el elec ectr tron onic ic governmental services, as well as the disclosure of governm nmen enta tal levels. data both at the national and regional level ls.
Effective justice
2 4
EXPECTED PECTED IMPACT: Corrupt rupt officials are punished for their misdeeds misdeed ds by a properly operly functioning court system. OUR R ROLE: We attentively follow the process of reformi reforming ming ng Ukrainian ainian courts and directly participate in tthe he selection of judges from the pre-specified courts ts of of abide the country. We also demand that judges abid de by specific standards of integrity.
Efficient anti-corruption infrastrucin nfrraastrructure
EXPECTED CTED IMPACT: Well-coordinated coordinated and properly organised antianti an tcorruption ption institutions that effectively prevent an and d combat bat corruption in the country. OUR ROLE: We attentively ttentively follow the process of creating an and d directly launching key anti-corruption agencies and direc ectl tlyy integrity participate in implementing practices of int teg gri rity ty in their work in various regions of Ukraine.
Leading anti-corruption n organization
EXPECTED ECTED IMPACT: sparency International Ukraine conductss it itss Transparency ities in accordance with the highest standa ard rds activities standards ofessionalism, in a stable and open way and and of professionalism, with a constant orientation on changes. . OUR ROLE: We will invest in our organisational capabilitie es in capabilities accordance with our goals in order to prom mot ote e promote introbetter management, as well as develop and in ntr tro osecure duce new organisational models in order to t sec cur ure our presence and role in strategic priorities.
1/ /1 1/1 133
2//1 2/1 20 20
44/7 /7 9966
22/1 /1 200
14/3 135
5/1 33
4 10 83
112/2 2/2 1102 02
Еlectronic and other media
1 2 1120 20
4 9911
12/5 103
Presentation of the research Corruption as Viewed by Business
Performance with Lesia Ukrainka and Hryhorii Skovoroda
Expert discussion Three Days Prior to the Law
Meeting with the Vice-President of Kyiv National University to discuss the fact of corruption in this university
. Lecture by Serhii Leshchenko
Press-conference The First Instance is Under Control
Discussion Discus ssio s n How to Sa Safely afel fely y Reve R Reveal eveal eve a Cor Corrup Corruption uptio t n held in Odess Odessa ssaa
Launch of the Information and advocacy campaign They Wouldn’t Keep Silent
Court proceedings with the Cabinet of Ministers concerning the NAPC
INTERNATIONAL PAGE Unmask U nmask the Corrupt Unmask the Corrupt is an international initiative launched by the anti-corruption network Transparency International aiming to reveal the most egregious cases of corruption at the highest levels of power. It is referred to as the misuse of authority that leads not only official enrichment through corruption but also causes the large-scale damage to society. Such corruption often goes unpunished. The initiative is being implemented in three stages: nominating, online voting, and imposing social sanctions on those selected. Over 170,000 people visited the website during the voting votin ng stage. Transparency International Ukraine actively encouraged citizens to vote for former president Viktor Yanukovych as the most corrupt official, and that is why he came in first at 13,210 votes. Transparency International called on the Ukrainian authorities to fully investigate corruption offenses committed by the former President, as well as to ensure justice and to increase efforts to repatriate the billions of stolen euro that have been transferred abroad. Besides that, Transparency International will promote the imposition of civil sanctions against another eight individuals and companies worldwide.
CCorruption orruption n Perception Index Transparency International publishes its annual Corruption Perceptions Index. It contains information on the perception of corruption in the public sector based on surveys with business community members and experts from different countries. The index for 2015 was set up based on data from twelve different sources covering the past two years and presented by eleven independent organisations that recorded their perceived level of corruption. There have to be at least three sources estimating a country for it to be included in the CPI. The CPI index is calculated as the average of all standardised assessments that are available for this country. Scores are rounded to whole numbers. In 2015 the index was set up for 168 countries. Ukraine’s score was 27 points out of 100 - 1 point more than the last year. In the global ranking Ukraine ranks 130th out of 168 countries. The last year the country ranked 142nd out of 175 countries. The data from Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index, which were considered while setting up the CPI, indicate that Ukraine gained extra points this year thanks to a more critical attitude of society towards corruption.
Advisory and Supervisory Group
CConstruction onstruction Sector TTransparency ransparency Initiative
All-Ukrainian informal
co coalition oalition of civil society aanticorruption nticorruption activists
“New “N New Citizen civic partnership” n ership”
Civil Society Partnership
“FFor Opening Property “For DDeclarations eclaarations of Ukrainian Pu ublicc Officials” Public
ProZorro Pr roZo orro partners
Public partnership, which aimss at at supporting Ukraine in implementin ng implementing
“the Open Government Governm ment PartnerPartnership shipp Initiative” Initiative”
Society initiative initiatiive
“Reanimaatio “Reanimation on Package Package Refforms civil" civil" off Reforms
Coalition managing ng
XabarDocs Xa abaarDocs we website ebssit ite e
promotion of of Working Group on the promotion transpare ency in thee Parliament Parliament transparency
Global Partnership Partnersh hip
for Social Accountability Acco ountabilitty 1199
National al Integrity Integrity System Asse AssessessUkrrain ne ment in Ukraine
This studyy is a comprehensive and larg large-scale rgee-sc scal ale e e aluation of the anti-corruption legal fram amew ewor orkk evaluation framework a d practical functioning of the country's main maiin bo bodi dies es and bodies re for preventing and combating cor o ru rupt ptio ion n responsible corruption as of 2015. It refers not only to public bodies (parliament, (parrliam amen ent, t, as go public sector, judiciary, etc.), but u aalso lso ls o to government, usin us ines ess. s. political parties, civil society, media, and b business. T elve areas of state activity were researched Tw ed aand nd Twelve r nked. ra ranked.
nd donors: don onor ors: s: Partners and expe ex pert rts; s; independent experts; an Union Uni nion on the European
20 0
Alternative Report on on ation of the State Anti-CorAnti-CCorEvaluation Polliccy ruption Policy
The report was as aimed at generating a comprehensive internal independent evaluation of the true state of corruption in Ukraine which would both establish the current status and suggest high-priority changes for every component of anti-corruption policy. The study covers the period from October 2014 to May 2015.
The partners and donors: independent public experts, the International Renaissance Foundation, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
llow owin ing: g: The partners and donors are the foll following: the Hewlett Foundation and TI Secretariat as part par artt of the "Open Governance: no paper promises, prrom omis ises es,, real results ", and the Foreign and Common nwe weal alth th Commonwealth Office of Great Britain through the Transp s ar aren ency cy Transparency ecret etar aria iatt International Se Secretariat
Partners: PrivatBank, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC Ukraine), and GfK Ukraine
Open pen Government in Ukraine: Ukraiine: Practtice? How Is It Done in Practice?
An evaluation on of government’s open openness e nesss was was wing ng tthe he conducted using a number of indicators show showing level of basic conditions promoting openness open nne ness ss in in three key areas: government transparency, participation particcip ipat atio ion n of citizens in the formulation and implementation implementattio ion n of government policy, and control and super rvi v siion o supervision off authorities. The study covers the practical implementaimpl p em emen enta ta-tion of open government principles in Ukraine Ukra Uk rain ine e through May 2015.
Corruption PPerceptions errceptions vel as Viewedd by by Business Business Level
A series of surveys rveys were conducted on the levels of of corruption in state bodies. This study is focused on n inter-sectoral cooperation between business, goovernment, and civil society in order to help the state e to promote key reforms in areas of integrity and d anti-corruption.
15792137, 166
Total receipts
Project Proj Pr o ect Alternative Report on Evaluation off State Stat St ate e An Anti Anti-Corrupt -Cor o ruption o Policy Pol olic icy y Efficiency Efficiency 01.08.2014-30.04.2015 01.08.20 2014-3 30. 0.04 04.2 201 0 5 / International Renaissance Renaissaancce Foundation Founda Fo dati t on ti Project Ukraine Free of Conflict Co onfl nflic ictt of o Interest 01.08.2014-31.05.2015 01.08.20 2014 14-3 31. 1.05 05.2 .201 015 / Embassy of the United States Stat St ates es iin n Ukraine Ukra Uk rain in ne Project Election Campaigns Proj ojec e t Transparent Funds for Parties and ElectionC Cam ampa paig igns ns in Ukraine U raine Uk 26.12.2014-28.12.2015 26.12.2 201 014-28 28.1 12. 2.20 2015 1 / International Renaissance Renaissaanc nce e Foundation Founda Fo dati tion on
66 000 261 097,93 187 500
Project ProZorro Develop Development Priority pme ment nt – P riorrity #1 18.06.2015-18.09.2015 18.06. 6 20 2015 15-18. 8.09 09.2 .201 0 5 / Western NIS Enterprise se Fund Fun und d (WNISEF) (W WNI NISE SEEF) F) Project E-procurement ProZorro ProZ Pr oZor orro r System Sys y tem Pilot Implementation on on th the e Lo Local Level 01.10.-31.12.2015 People Living with 01.10.-31.12 2.2 .201 0 5 / All-Ukrainian A lAl l Uk U rainian Network of Peopl p e Li Livi ving ng wit ith h HI HIV V Project The First Instance e is is Under Unde Un der Control 01.08.2015-31.05.2016 0 .0 01 08.20 2015 15-31.0 05.2 .2 201 016 6 / Embassy of the the United Uni nite t d States Stat St ates e es Project Supporting Ukrainian Civic Advocacy Pr y of Key Key Anti-Corruption rupt ru ptio ion n Reforms 10.02.2015-10.02.2016 Republic off Ge Germany 10.02.20 10 2015 15-1 -10. 0 02.2 201 016 6 / the Federal Repu ubl blicc o erm rman an ny
757 750 391 601,5 295 738 3 342 306,25
Project Open Governance Project Beyond nd Paper Pap aper er Promises Achieving Real IImpact mpac mp actt for fo People 15.11.2015-18.03.2016 15.11.2015 5-18.03 3.2 .201 016 6 / Transperency International - Secretariat Sec ecre reta tarriat (ТІ-S-3) (ТІ ТІ-S - -3 -S -3)) » Project ProZorro Develop Development Priority pme ment nt – P riority #2 20.10.2015-15.03.2016 20.10.20 2015 15-1 15. 5.03 03.2 201 0 6 / Western NIS Enterprise se Fund Fun und d (WNISEF) (W WNI NISE SEEF) Project Proj Pr oje ect Project Public Monitoring of High-Level High-Leve vell Officials’ Offici Offi cial a s’ Actual Lifestyles Against the Content of Their Di Disclosed D sclo sc lose sed d Property Declarations ns (Central (Ce Cent ntral Level) 25.12.2015-30.12.2015 25 5.1 .12. 2.20 2 15 15-3 -30. 0.12 1 .201 15 / International Renaissance Renaisssa sanc nce e Foundation Foun Fo unda dati tion o on
1 680 666,25 913 000 250 000
Project Public P oj Pr oje ect «Support to the Software Development of th the e Pu Pub blic Procurement reme ment System ProZorro and Set Up of the Projectt Office Offic ffice e in Charge Charge 01.09.2015-31.03.2016 01.0 01 .09. 9.20 2015 1 -3 31.03.2016 / (GIZ) (GIZ (G IZ Z) Project Partnerss in Empowerment n Em Empo powerment 15.01.2015-14.01.2018 15 5.0 01.2015-14.01.2018 / the Society PASOS the Policy Polilicy Association for an Open Soc Po ocie iety ty - P ASOS AS OS
1 269 933,75
251 569,85
Project Increased Transparency of Kiev Inv Investment n es estm tmen ent Agency and Transparent Pu Public Reporting Publ blic ic R eporting 20.07.2015-20.10.2015 20.0 07. 7.20 2 15 15-2 -20. 0.10 0.201 15 / International Renaissance Renaisssa sanc nce e Foundation Founda Fo dati tion on Project Pr roj oje ect Engaging Students of the Western Ukrainian Ukr k aiini nian an Regions Reg egions to Active Sphere Ac Corruption Fight in Educational Spher re via via Development De of an Anti-Corruption Center Based in the Ukrainian Ukkra rain inia ian Catholic University as a Pilot Educational Educ ucat atio iona nal Initiative 29.09.2015-29.05.2016 29.0 29 09. 9 20 2015 15-2 -29. 9.05 05.2 2016 / U. U.S. S. EEmbassy mbas mb assy sy
1 741 347 328 362,97
Transparency Project The Construction Sector Transp spar aren ency cy Initiative 30.10.2015-31.03.2016 International 30.10. 30 0.20 2015 15 5-3 -31.03 3.2 .201 016 01 6 / CoST Internati tion onal al SSecretariat ecre eta tari riiat
1 076 000
Project Information Pr roj ojec ectt It Is Not Shameful to Whistleblow Informatio ion n an and d Mo Mobilization 06.04.2015-06.05.2016 Campaign, 0 06 .04..20 201 15-0 -06. 6.05 05.2 .201 016 6 / Camp mpai aign gn, Pa Pact ct IInc. nc. nc Project «Governance Scorecard in-Practice ce Assessment Ass sses essm sment Pilot Transparency International 01.09.2014-31.03.2015 Tr Tran anspar aren ency Int ter erna nati tion onal - Secretariat (ТІ-S-5)// 01 0 .0 09. 9 2014-31.03.2015 Other activity Othe Ot her voluntary donations for the statutory ac acti tivi vity ty (including ( ncluding (i the state of public procurements) / 01.08.2014-30.04.2015 01 1.0 08.2014-30.04.2015
1 668 173,33 31 025 1 280 065,33
Total sum of expenditures
992 910,00 7,49% UAH
422 192,,9898
Printing services, creation of visual products
158 879,54 1,20%
Purchase of equipment
869 433,,3838
Administrative Administ s rative expen expenditures endi ditu t re res Support of mini-projects
Expenditures to the development of ProZorro public procurement system
93,44% Project expenditures e penditures ex es
Fees to coordinators, coordinatorss, engaged experts
12 393 631,,1919
Conducting events, rresearch esearch
4 215 145,4,4343
3 452 455,14
3 152 048,,1010
23,77% 2233
ОLEKSII ОL ОLEK EKSII EKSI SII KH KHM KHMA KHMARA MARA MARA MA executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine Cond Co nduc ucts ts general gen e eral management and Conducts representation repr re pres e en enta tati tion of the organisation khma kh mara@t @ti--uk ukra rain ra ine. in e.or org g khmara@ti-ukraine.org
ОLENA KIFENKO international Relations Department Head establishes and maintains co omm mmucommuorganisanication with international or orga gani n sa-tions, partners and donors kifenko@ti-ukraine.org rg
АN АNASTASIYA NAS ASTASI S YA KOZLOVTSEVA KOZ OZLLOVTSEVA manager of International Relations Department international projects; implements int nter terna n tion tio onal al p rojjects; ro with communicatess w ith international it inte ern nat atio ional organisations, fforeign ore or eign n partn tner ers, s oth t er partners, other chapters of TI and and donors don o ors ko ozl z ov ovtseva@ a@ti ti-u -ukr k aine.org kozlovtseva@ti-ukraine.org
ОLGA TYMCHENKO ОLGA ОLG TYM YMCH CHEN CH ENKO EN KO communications Department Head plans plan pl anss communication comm co mmunic i ation policy of the orga or gani nisa sati tion on, is responsible for organisation, crea cr eati tivi v tyy aand nd pos sitioning of TI Ukraine creativity positioning in media med ediaa tymc ty mche henk nko@ o@ @ti ti-u - kr -u krai aine ai ne e.org tymchenko@ti-ukraine.org
ALLA VOLOSHYNA N chief analyst of the department departmen nt of policy analysis engaged in monitoring of state staaate te procurement, local budgets, procurement budgets, advocacy of transparent finan anci cing n financing of political parties voloshyna@ti-ukraine.org
IRYN IRYNA YNA A RYBAKOVA RYBA BAKO KOVA VA communication manager information engaged in TI Ukraine Ukra Uk raine in info form rmat ation support, publi ic relations rela re lati t ons public rybakova@ti-ukraine.org ryba bako kova@t @tii-uk ukra rain ne.org
KATERY KATERYNA KATE YNA T TSYBENKO SYBE SY BENK NK KO communication manager Engaged Enga En gage ged d in TI TI Ukraine information support supp su ppo ortt and and content-management, some so me aanalytical naly na lyti t cal work tsybenko@ti-ukraine.org tsyb ts yben enko o@t @tii-uk iukra uk rain ra in ne. e.or org
VIKTOR NESTULIA NESTU T LIA chief analyst of the department of policy analysis public coordinates the direction in pub ubliic procurement reforms, works with wit ith h ProZorro system nestulia@ti-ukraine.or og nestulia@ti-ukraine.org
OL OLEKSANDR KALITENKO coordinator of the whistleblowers protection programme coordinates national co oor ordinatess na nati tion onal al iinformation nfor nf orma mati tion on mobilising and d mo obi bilising ng ccampaign ampa am paig ign “Expos“Exp “E posnot shameful” ing g is n ot sha hame mefu ful”” kalitenko@ti-ukraine.org kali ka l tenko@ti-ukraine.org
OLLES OLESIA ESIA AA ARHYPSKA R YPSK RH SKA A expert on governance engaged enga gage ged d in ee-governance, -gov -g overrnance, e-democracy governance e-de demo d mocr crac acyy an and d good d gov vernance arkhypska@ti-ukraine.org arkh khyp ypsk ska@ a@ti-u -u ukr krai aine ai ne.o e.org org
TETIANA SHEVCHUK SHEVCH CH HUK U coordinator of educational programs establishes and develops anaana nalytical centres in cooperati tion on cooperation with i h Kyiv-Mohyla K i M h l A Academy d my aand nd d Ukrainian Catholic Univers rsit ityy University shevchuk@ti-uk u ra rain ne. e or org g shevchuk@ti-ukraine.org
DM R YAKYMCHUK DMYTRO chief hi f analyst l off the h department d of policy analysis coor ordi d naate tes th tthe e ca camp mpai aign gn ffor o m or onittor on o ing coordinates campaign monitoring offi ffici cial als' declarations dec e laraati tion ns an and d advocates advo ad voca cate t s officials' keyy anticorruption anticorrup an ptiion rreform eform ef m legislation legi gisl s at a ion yak ya kymchuk@ti-ukraine.org yakymchuk@ti-ukraine.org
DMYT DMYTRO YTRO RO KUZ KUZIN UZIN IN legal advisor works with whistle provides work ksswi withw whi hist stle le blowers and leblowersandprovides andprovides juridical juri ridi dica call support. supp su por ort. t Prepares ju jjuridical ridical instructions inst stru ruct ctio ions for for application application of instruments inst stru rume ment ntss to ccounteract o nter ou e act corruption in different diffe di ffere rent nt sspheres, pher ph eres, co consults citizens and d activists acti ac tivi visstss kuzin@ti-ukraine.org ku uzi zin@ n@ti ti-u -ukr k ai aine ne.o .o org
OLEKSANDRA AKINSHEVA AKI K NS NSHE HEVA HE VA translator selects and organises the th he work of translator volunteers. volun u te teer ers. s Conduct the translation translat a ion direction at ТІ Ukraine e akinsheva@ti-ukraine.org akinsheva@ti-ukrai aiine n .o org
EUGENE EU UGE GENE N CHERNIAK analyst at the Policy Analysis Department advocates procedural advoca cate tess re rregulatory gulattory aand nd p roce ro cedu ura ral documents stipulating course docu ume ment ntss stipulatin ing th tthe e co cour u se of ant ntii-co corr rrup u tion o ref efor orm m in n Ukraine Ukraine ne anti-corruption reform ch her erni n ak ak@t @ti-ukraine.org cherniak@ti-ukraine.org
LARY RYSA SA LLAZAREVA AZAR AZ AREV EV VA LARYSA chief accountant resp spon onsi sibl b e fo forr fin finan nciial responsible financial ma ana n ge geme ment nt,, ge general circulamanagement, tion n of of documents docu do c me ment nts laza zare reva va@t @tii uk ukra rain in ne. e.or org or g lazareva@ti-ukraine.org
OKSANA NESHKREBA NES NESHKRE E HKRE REBA RE EBA A office manager work, organises the office wor rk,, aassists sssissts in projects and does translations trans nsla lattion onss neshkreba@ti-ukraine.org neshkreba@ti-u ukrrai aine ne.o ne .org .o rg
BOARD АNDR АNDRII DRII II MARUSOV MARUS USOV OV chairman of the Board freela anc nce e co ccorrespondent rre rr espo pondent at Dzerkalo Tyzhnia (the Mirror Weekly)analytical newspape per,r, freelance newspaper, independent expert monitoring inde depe pend nden e t ex expe pert on public procurement. Specialises at policy analysis, monitori ring ng off socially-oriented programs and projects, e-democracy and and d evaluation eval ev alua uati t on o e-government. specifically e-go gove ern rnme ment nt.. He has experience in research and administrative work, specifical allyy in the the sphere sph phe ere e of monitoring monittoring and evaluation.
ANDR ANDRII DRII II MELESHEVYCH MEL E ES ESHE HEVY VYCH VY CH member of the Board Ph.D. Political DepartPh.D D. in P o itic ol icaal SScience cience (Syracuse University, USA), Professor, Dean of the Depa art rtoff La National ment nt o Law w of tthe h N he ational University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He is the authorr of many man anyy sc scie ient ntifi ficc publications, released in Belgium, Great Britain, Netherlands, scientific Germ rman any, y, USA, USA SA,, and and Ukraine. e Hundreds of libraries in around fifty countries of thee Germany, worl rld d have have his is books. boo o kss. world
TIMU TIMUR UR BONDARIEV BOND BO N AR ARIE IE EV member of the board managing mana nagi ging ng partner, parrtn tner er, attorney at Arzinger Law Office. He has extensive experience in in working and large companies. Prior to joining Arzinger in 2002 work rkin ing g for fo the the government go 200 002 2 he was was the the Head Hea ead d of of thee Legal Department of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Legal Department and d th the e Le Lega gall De Depa p rtme ent of "Ukrainian Aluminum". He is also an advisor to the e mayo yorr of Lviv Lvivv on attracting att t racting fo fforeign reign investment and public private partnerships. He H mayor is a regular reg egul ular ar lecturer lec ectu ture rer on o Ukrainian law at the Chamber of Austria.
JUHA JUHANI H NI GROSSMANN GRO ROSS SSMA MA ANN N member of the Board dire ect ctor or of of the th he project proj pr o ect “Strengthening Integrity and Accountability in Indonesia. director Mana nage geme ment nt SSystems yste ys t ms International”. He was born in Finland and has experience iin n Management mana nagi ging ng large ge ((more m re than $ 10 million.) technical assistance projects in Western mo n managing Euro rope pe and and South-West Sou outh th-West Asia in the anti-corruption and electoral processes sphere res. Europe spheres.
YARO ROSL SLAV AV YURCHYSHYN YUR URCH CH HYS YSHY HYN HY N YAROSLAV member of the board has llong ong on g ex expe peri r ence of public lobbying campaigns, political expertise and he has experience cy analysis. ana naly lysiis. By By 2015 1 he was the Chairman of Plast - National Scout Organisation Organisatio on policy Ukr krai aine ne. On a vvoluntary olunta t ry r basis he is an adviser to the Secretary of the National of Ukraine. Secu curi rity ty and and Defence Def efe ence of Ukraine, parliamentary assistant. He is the Head of the e Security Publ b icc A dvo dv ocac acyy Coalition Re R animation Package of Reforms’. Public Advocacy Reanimation
Transparency International Ukraine Ukrraine w website ebsi eb site te rg ti-ukraine.org Website for anti-corruption anti-corruptio on activists accti tivi v st stss anticorruption.in.ua ua Government Website on the Open Governme ent initiative iniiti tiaativve for Ukraine and regional par partners artn tner erss ogpractices.orrg ogpractices.org
Soci So cial ci al media med edia ia Social www.facebook.com/ www.facebook.com m/ ne TransparencyInternationalUkraine twitter.com/TransparencyUA UA www.youtube.com/user/TIUkraine ne
Address: Addr Ad dresss: 40 Yehorova, office 203 20 03 06 Kirovohrad, Ukraine 2500 25006 e-mail : info@ti-ukraine.org rg Тel. +38(044)360-52-42 +38(044)360-52-4 42 Fax: +38(0522)27-27-54 +38(0522)277 27-5 54