F. No. No.6-3/2019-FC (Post)
Government of India Ministry of Cornmunication Department of Posts (Integrated Finance Wing) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-l100 001 Dated the 31" of May, 2019
OFFICE MEMORANDUM powers of HoDs of DoP wherein consultation with IFA is not required and cases where Diary Number is required in sanction orders.
Subject: Clarification pefiaining to limits of financial
Various references havc bccn rcccivcd in IF Wing regarding the existing financial powers of Heads of Departments wherein consultation with respectrve IFAs are not required and therefore Diary Number in sanction order is not required. To clari$, the matter, the following detailed clarification is being provided. There are existing orders prevalent in Department of Posts and Ministn' of Finance. 2
While issuing these clarifications. the follorving orders have been referred to: DoP Memo number 6- l4l87-FinCoord dated 2.3.1988 b) DoP'Memo number 6- l4l87-FinCoord dated 28.3.1988 c) DoP Memo number 6- 14l87-FinCoord dated 12.5.1988 d) DoP Memo number 6- I4/87-FinCoord dated 3.7.1990 a)
0 c) h)
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DoP letter no. 6-312007/FC-(Post) dated 6,9.2007 MoF Gazette Notifrcation dated 16.9.2003 (incorporated in DFPR 1978) MoF OM No. I ( I l)/E.II(Ay2003 dated L2 2005 (incorporated in DFPR 1978) MoF OM No. l/7/E.l(Ay2008 dated 30.5.2008 (incorporated in DFPR 1978) Rule 25 of DFPR 1978 DFPR 1978 (conected upto 15.9.2003) Schcdule ll Delegation ofFina:rcial Porvcr to HoDs/HoCs Financial Powers delegated to CGM (BD) and CGM (PD) For powers delegated under DFPR 1978 the following restrictions shall apply' It is clarified that for items of contingent expenditure Schedule V
(corrected upto 15.9.2003) the follorving limits will appl), to HoDs and HoCs (exercising HoD powers) upto rvhich consultation u'ith their respective FAs rvould not be required and thcrcfore, Diary Numbers would not be required in sanction orders. These limits are the definition of Full Powers mentioned in Schedule V of DFPR: Rs 25,000/- per annum in each case (recurring contingent expenditure) Rs 60,000/- in each case (non-recurring contingent expenditure)
(i) (i,
Notel: Pet onnum in eqch cose meqns lhat a4' nambet ol sanctions cqn be issued in u year *ith o maximum yearly ceiling of Rs25,000/- or one sanction or for on omount of Rs25,000/- in
Note 2: In eoch cose means
v ceiling,
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every itetn the limit
Rs60,000/- and there is no
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