April 15 TJN

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Do we have your email address? If not, please send it to paul@ JewishToledo.org.


3rd Ann

o Toled lm h Fi Jewis al Festiv See page 14 for more information

Nisan/Iyar 5775 • April 2015


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Page 4

Jewish Toledo celebrates Purim

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Young Jewish Toledo cheers on Toledo Walleye

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Young at Heart at the Senior Adult Center

Page  2 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News 2015 Community Yom HaShoah Program

Holocaust Remembrance Day Children of the Holocaust One child remembering one child

A special commemoration featuring religious school students

Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio Sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Ruth Fajerman Markowicz Holocaust Resource Center

Ruth Fajerman


Holocaust Resource Center of Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

One child remembering one child will be a powerful presentation by our religious school students to remember the 1.5 million Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust as individuals, not merely as a collective number, so as to personalize the tragedy of the Holocaust. Followed by a community memorial service led by clergy from Congregations B’nai Israel, Etz Chayim and Temple Shomer Emunim For more information, please contact Colette at 419-724-0361 or colette@ JewishToledo.org

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  3

Jewish Federation 2015 SAVE THE of Greater Toledo DATE CALENDAR

Toledo Jewish News Volume 63 No. 7 • 28 pages

(ISSN 0040-9081) Toledo Jewish News is published 11 times per year, by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Toledo Jewish News invites correspondence on subjects of interest to the Jewish community, but disclaims responsibility for any endorsement of the views expressed by the writers. All submissions become the property of Toledo Jewish News. Submissions will be edited for accuracy, brevity and clarity and are subject to verification. Toledo Jewish News reserves the right to refuse any submissions. Toledo Jewish News does not guarantee the kashrut of any of its advertisers.

Phone: 419-724-0363 Fax: 419-885-3207 e-mail: abby@JewishToledo.org EDITOR Paul Causman STAFF EDITOR/REPORTER Abby Hoicowitz ART DIRECTOR Paul Causman EDITORIAL DEADLINE 10th of each month Editorial copy by email to abby@JewishToledo.org or on disc to 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: 15th of each month Advertising inquiries should be addressed to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 419-724-0363 POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Entered as Periodicals at the post office at Toledo, Ohio, under act of March 3, 1987. Periodicals U.S. Postage Paid at Sylvania, Ohio. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $36 PER YEAR



April 1 April 13 April 14 *April 14 *April 14 * April 16 * April 19 April 19 *April 21 April 27

YJT Hebrew Happy Hour: Inky's Italian Young Jewish Toledo 2015 Toledo Jewish Film Festival: Theodore Bikel Community The New Senior Woman with Thelma Reese Seniors PJ Story Time with Dinner Families, Youth & Children Soles 4 Souls Meeting Families, Youth & Children 2015 Toledo Jewish Film Festival: 50 Children Community Yom HaShoah: Children of the Holocaust Jewish Community Relations Council 2015 Toledo Jewish Film Festival: An American Tail Community Happy Birthday Israel! Families, Youth & Children 2015 Toledo Jewish Film Festival: Magic Men Community

May 4 *May 4-6 *May 5 *May 7 *May 12 *May 10 May 13 *May 17 May 18 *May 21 *May 22

2015 Toledo Jewish Film Festival: Deli Man Community Tulip Time trip to Holland, Michigan Seniors Dashing Dinner with Mom (or anyone in this role) Families, Youth & Children Challah Back to your Community (The Challah Project) Young Jewish Toledo Babies, Bibs & More ... Toddlers Too: Story Time Families, Youth & Children 70th Anniversity of VE Day & Mother's Day Celebration Seniors An Evening with Author, Letty Cotton Pogrebin Community Soles 4 Souls Shoe Drive Families, Youth & Children 2015 Toledo Jewish Film Festival: Hester Street Community An Evening with Guy Mintus & Yinon Muallem Seniors YJT Fridays Young Jewish Toledo

*June 7 *June 10 *June 11 *June 12 *June 13 *June 16 *June 18 *June 23 & 24 *June 27

Family Holocaust Museum Visit (Farmington Hills) Foam Explosion One Man's Junk is Another's Treasure Mother/Daughter (or anyone in these roles) Painting Olive Oil Tasting Date Night Pasta with Pops (or anyone in this role) Annual Anniversary Luncheon Celebration 10 Years Wooster Theatre & Foodie Tour Get Away YJT Fridays on Saturday

Families, Youth & Children Families, Youth & Children Seniors Families, Youth & Children Young Jewish Toledo Families, Youth & Children Seniors Seniors Young Jewish Toledo

*July 1 *July 24 *July 22 *July 22 *July 28

Take Me Out to the Ballpark (Mud Hens vs. Durham Bulls) YJT Fridays Sprinkling Sensation Golf with Dad (or anyone in this role) PJ Bedtime Story Time

Seniors Young Jewish Toledo Families, Youth & Children Families, Youth & Children Families, Youth & Children

*August 16

Fall Festival

Families, Youth & Children

Dates are subject to change. Events will be added monthly as information becomes available.

* Newly added or revised event Hallie Freed, Program Director, Young Jewish Toledo & Young Couples 419-724-0362 | hallie@JewishToledo.org

Joel Marcovitch, CEO 419-724-0372 | joel@JewishToledo.org

Sherry Majewski, Program Director, Family, Youth & Children’s Programs 419-724-0386 | sherry@JewishToledo.org

René Rusgo, Director, Senior Services and Senior Adult Center 419-531-2119 | rene@JewishToledo.org

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Lion of Judah Endowment, Lion of Judah and Pomegranate Societies proudly present

Toledo Jewish News accepts ads, artwork and all editorial copy by disc or e-mail only, at abby@JewishToledo.org. Photographs and discs may also be dropped off at the Toledo Jewish News office. Thank you for your cooperation.

A tour especially for women of Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo drawn, cut & layered: The Art of Werner Pfeiffer exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art, led by Docents Andrea Delman and Stacey Kripke followed by an exceptional dining experience at Element 112 April 30, 2015 Toledo Museum of Art & Element 112 $30/cash bar

Make your contribution to United Jewish Fund Campaign online at www.JewishToledo.org

For more information, contact Wendy Goldstein at 419-724-0360, wendy@JewishToledo.org or Arleen Levine at 419-724-0355, arleen@JewishToledo.org Minimum giving level to JFGT annual campaign of $1,000.

Page  4 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Preschool Co-sponsored by

Chabad and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Supported by the Federation’s Annual Campaign

Miss Cindy, Nolan, Estie, Noah, Avi, Miss Debra and Morah Mushka





Benji and Max

ewish Toledo

celebrates Purim

* See pages 17 and 27 for even more photos of Jewish Toledo celebrating Purim *

Marcia and Larry Frank Marilyn Reinstein, Lil and Dave Perlman

Mae Seretsky Jeanne Ryan, René Rusgo and Elaine Stram Roz Berg, Shelli Plosscowe and Jim Libhart


Chana and Penina Zach, T.J., Sully, Adele and Erin Riley Thanks to Jewish Toledo for a super successful Purim party. More than 250 community members attended this year's celebration.


The Community Purim Carnival was generously funded by: The Jack and Kathryn Gallon Community Scholarship and Educational Opportunity Fund.

Sylvia and Estie

Toledo Jewish Community Foundation Rubin G. and Marvin A. Cohen Family Fund established for Toledo’s future leaders Sonny and Marvin Cohen may have moved away from our community many years ago, however their heart and commitment has always been with the Toledo Jewish community. Their desire to create meaningful opportunities to benefit our community culminated in the establishment of the Rubin G. and Marvin A. Cohen Family Fund of the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation. Despite their move away from Toledo many years ago, Sonny and Marvin kept abreast of community needs and maintained an ongoing interest in the many programs and services offered by our community. Their desire to assist Toledo’s future leaders was the impetus for the establishment of the Rubin G. and Marvin A. Cohen Family Fund. Established by Marvin and Sonny Cohen, the fund aims to benefit future leaders of the community and help nurture their Jewish learning through a number of different methods, such as funding for a trip to Israel, a youth meeting/convention, or a speaker to address a group of young individuals. “It was a privilege to assist Marvin and Sonny in their desire to explore a legacy gift to benefit future leaders in our community,” stated Arleen R. Levine, Director of the Foundation. "I was honored to share conversations about Jewish experiences, which shaped their lives and those of their children.” Mr. Cohen said, “We thought it should be based not only on need but for the young people who exhibit a mission to become a potential young leaders in the community.” “Our goal is to help young people realize their potential and foster a sense of service to the community,” Mrs. Cohen added. “Toledo was very good to us and to our families. We feel that it’s time to give back as much as we can, and that’s what motivated the creation of the fund. All of our kids (Jill Cohen, Beth Cohen Raymond and Nan Cohen) benefited from some of the things that we want to promote in the community … We hope that Toledo will always continue to be able to foster leadership in the larger community.” Currently living in Florida, both Marvin and Sonny were active in the Toledo Jewish community, holding leadership positions at Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo (JFGT), the Jewish Community Center, the Darlington House, Temple Shomer Emunim, Hadassah and many other women’s organizations. Additionally, Sonny was very active at the Toledo Museum of Art, serving as a docent for many years. Daniel N. Steinberg, Chairman of the Foundation, stated, “Marvin and Sonny Cohen’s gift is an investment in the future generations of Jewish community leadership. We are so appreciative of their commitment to our community and their confidence in the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation. Individuals who wish to apply for funding from the Rubin G. and Marvin A. Cohen Family Fund should contact Arleen R. Levine at arleen@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0355.

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  5

Lighting the way through a Lion of Judah Endowment Several years ago, a group of committed Jewish women set out to establish a special giving division just for women and claimed a bold new emblem: the powerful Lion of Judah. Today, there are thousands of these women – 46 currently in Toledo alone – who express both their pride and power by contributing $5,000 or more annually to the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Campaign. Many of these Lions, however, take it one step further: to endow their Lion gifts in perpetuity by establishing a $100,000 Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE). We are proud to say that we have eight women in our community who have endowed their gift and have entrusted the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation with this provision as a LOJE .

There are of many ways for a Lion to fund a LOJE. Some Lions have bequests of $100,000 in their wills; others provide a life insurance policy for that amount. The use of life insurance is an attractive option, because if the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation is named the owner and beneficiary of the policy, the insured receives a charitable tax deduction for payment of the the premiums. In both cases, the commitment to create a $100,000 fund upon death makes LOJEs out of these Lions during their life time. Perhaps the use of the Matching Life Insurance premium program will provide for an even greater charitable gift. Would these options work for you? If you are interested in having a confidential discussion, please contact Arleen R. Levine, Director Toledo Jewish Community Foundation at 419-724-0355 or arleen@JewishToledo.org.

Page  6 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Family Service

Patient Advocate Program now serving our Jewish seniors Studies have shown that people who play an active role in their medical care have better health outcomes. The goal of the Patient Advocate Program is to empower program participants to ensure they get the most out their medical appointments. The first group of Patient Advocate volunteers completed training in February, and Jewish Family Service (JFS) is now enrolling seniors who meet the criteria. Patient Advocate volunteers will: • Meet with participants before the appointment to discuss symptoms, review concerns and identify question

to ask the doctor; • Accompany the participant to the doctor appointment; • Provide support, act as an advocate and facilitate communication between the participant and the doctor; • Make sure the doctor understands the participant’s concerns and answers questions in a way that is clearly understood; • Review with the participant the doctor’s findings and instructions, medications prescribed/changed and why tests (if any) are ordered and what type of follow-up is needed; • Provide the participant with a summary of what

transpired during the appointment More volunteers are needed! The Patient Advocate Program allows volunteers flexibility; volunteers serve when their schedule permits, yet still offers an opportunity to have a great impact on the lives of others. To enroll in the Patient Advocate Program or to volunteer, contact Liz Witter, LSW at 419-724-0406. Funding is provided by the Dr. Louis and Sophie Ravin Fund of the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation and the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization.

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS JFS CAN LOWER YOUR COST OF IN-HOME CARE* Being discharged from the hospital or rehab?

Trained volunteers will accompany Jewish seniors aged 60 and older (who meet the program criteria) to their routine medical appointments. The services they offer make them more than just an escort.

Household chores too much for you to handle? Don’t want to worry about the liability with hiring a private individual? IN-HOME CARE THROUGH JFS IS YOUR ANSWER! Jewish Family Service is your connection to affordable, quality care providers. Contact Deb Damschroder, LSW, 419-724-0405 *Subsidy available for up to 14 hours per week to those who qualify

Back by popular demand Jewish Family Service presents

DINNER WITH THE FAMILY This fun event in October will bring people together for dinner in a variety of venues to celebrate and raise money for JFS. HOSTS ARE NOW BEING RECRUITED! Hosts provide the venue (either their home or a restaurant) and the food. Guests pay the suggested donation to JFS and enjoy dinner at their preferred venue. Expenses for hosts and guests are tax deductible (to the extent of the law). For more information, contact Nancy Newbury at JFS, 419-724-0408.

WANTED Person to transport a Friendly Visitor who cannot drive so she can visit with a shut-in individual. If you’re interested in performing this wonderful mitzvah, please call Barbara Levison at 419-724-0407.

Jewish Family Service salutes its volunteers What is a volunteer? A volunteer is a person who offers him/herself of his/ her own free will for a service or duty. Volunteers are unselfish with their time and are devoted to an important cause. They are the backbone of Jewish Family Service (JFS) and provide a vital link between our agency and the community which we serve. What would we have done without those dedicated volunteers who provided outreach and Friendly Visitor visits to so many shut-in and lonely Jewish residents whose lives were greatly enriched by their visits? How could we have managed without the help of those volunteers who took time from their busy schedules to shop regularly for food and personal care items when our food pantry inventory was low? How much valuable staff time was saved by volunteers who shelved and organized these assorted items in an efficient manner? Could we

ever have imagined the number of new food clients our staff was able to assist because devoted volunteers helped to bag food items, thus saving our staff lots of valuable time? How very pleased were those who chose Mitzvah baskets as lovely centerpieces which enhanced special occasions like Bar/ Bat Mitzvahs and were skillfully decorated by volunteers? How extremely thankful were our clients as a result of volunteers helping to organize holiday food drives to ensure our food pantry was always stocked with a wide variety of item? In honor of National Volunteer Recognition Month, Jewish Family Service extends a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our volunteers who helped. Thank you for your precious time and continued dedication in helping our agency meet the needs of the community. We could not have done it without YOU!

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  7

Senior News Y♥ung at Heart

Free services and events at the


TOP 10 JFS SENIOR ADULT CENTER FACTS: 1 The JFS Senior Adult center is open to anyone 60 and older 2 The JFS Senior Adult Center offers wonderful classes at NO CHARGE to participants 3 Transportation services for physician visits, grocery store, and banks are FREE


4 Outings include mystery lunches, day trips and much more 5 Wellness checks are provided weekly – FREE 6 Informative presenters speak regularly 7 Laughter is contagious 8 Assistance is available for Golden Buckeye Card applications 9 Community is a focal point 10

Participants meet, mix and mingle regularly

Monday Wellness Checks 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Have a registered nurse from Senior Independence help you keep your blood pressure and sugar under control with a FREE weekly check!


Monday, Wednesday & Friday Prime Movers 11 a.m. – Noon Prime Movers is a basic all around strength and movement class. A mix of cardio, strength and flexibility. All levels welcome. Walk-ins welcome. Monday Drumming 1 – 2 p.m. Any fitness level, anyone can do this! Come give it a try and be your own rock star! Wednesday Art Class 2 -4 p.m. From sketching to oils to water colors you’re in charge of your project. No assignments. Work with the instructor to create a one of a kind piece of work. Wednesday Balance Class 1 – 2 p.m. Take your workout to the next level and focus on your core and balance. Friday Poker Group 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Poker players needed! Nickel and dime games. Every day Transportation 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Do you need a ride to a medical appointment in Lucas County? How about the grocery store or bank? Then we can help! We can offer you curbside pickup at your home and curbside drop-off at your destination. Our buses offer the following schedule: (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays) medical and grocery; (Tuesdays and Thursdays) Program transportation To use any of the above services, just fill out a simple and quick Client Registration Form.


To learn more about the JFS Senior Adult Center, call 419-531-2119 or visit www.JewishToledo.org. The JFS Senior Adult Center is supported by the Area Office on Aging, the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and Jewish Seniors Services Supporting Organization.

Page  8 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Senior News The Senior Adult Center and Senior Adult Programs of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo are open to all who are 60 years old and above and are supported in part through your campaign dollars and through a generous grant from the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization. All events are part of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and occasionally take place at the various synagogues. Please note registration deadlines for all programs! To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call 419-724-0354 or email registration@jewishtoledo.org.

THURSDAY, APRIL 14 The New Senior Woman - Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life by Barbara Fleischer and (special guest) Thelma Reese Congregation B'nai Israel, 6525 Sylvania Ave. Noon $5 per person (includes author presentation and one paperback copy per person or family) See ad on page 9 for more information. Registration and payment requested by Monday, March 30 to guarantee a copy of the book. We will continue to accept registrations until Monday, April 6. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 50 CHILDREN: The Rescue Mission of Mr. & Mrs. Kraus film (62 min) Maumee Indoor Theatre, 601 Conant Street, Maumee 1:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. bus departs Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue (limited bus seats; registration required for bus transportation) $5 per person (includes film, popcorn and soda) Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus never intended to become heroes. But in early 1939, as conditions were worsening for Jews living inside Nazi Germany, the Philadelphia couple embarked on a risky and improbable mission – an effort to rescue 50 Jewish children and bring them to safety in the United States. (7th Art Film Distribution) Registration & payment kindly requested by Monday, April 13.

SUNDAY, MAY 10 70th Anniversary of VE (Victory of Europe) Day & Mother’s Day Celebration Pelham Manor, 2700 Pelham Road 5 p.m. Come and join the veterans of WWII at Pelham Manor for the 70th celebration of VE day. Commemorated every year, this day marks the ending of WWII and liberation in Europe. We honor those who have both fought in the war and lived through this historical time period. In addition to Victory Day, there will be a Mother’s Day celebration! We take pride in our mothers and the sacrifices they make for us. Songs, poems, and stories from the past are a few of the many surprises in store at this wonderful event! Please bring a dish of your choice, as we will be having a potluck. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 An Evening with Author, Letty Cotton Pogrebin 7 p.m. See ad on page 9 for more information. THURSDAY, MAY 21 An Afternoon with Guy Mintus & Yinon Muallem Temple Shomer Emunim, 6453 Sylvania Avenue 1 p.m. An interactive conversation with two Sephardic Israelis: pianist Guy Mintus, a rising star who is currently studying jazz piano and composition in NYC at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music, and his partner in "Offlines," Yinon Muallem, a Turkish-Israeli percussionist. Guy and Yinon will engage the Toledo Jewish community in a musical dialogue and demonstration and introduce us to Sephardic culture and music as a preview of their performance that evening at the Glass Pavilion of the Toledo Museum of Art (TMA), sponsored by The Art Tatum Jazz Society and the TMA. Registration is kindly requested by Monday, June 8.

Join us for a quick night away. Enjoy travel via motor coach to another lovely Ohio destination to see some of our state’s best theatre at the Ohio Light Opera’s 37th Season! We will arrive for a lovely lunch and then go see one of the most beloved American musicals, Lerner and Loewe’s 1947 Brigadoon. After our afternoon of theatre, we will go check into our hotel, rest and refresh and then head out for our exclusive Wooster Foodie Tour; wear comfortable shoes and be ready to see culture and taste the best of Wooster all at the same time. Rise and shine the next morning with breakfast at the hotel and a more relaxing pace before we check out of the hotel and board the bus to explore the Pine Tree Barn. While there we can shop the trinkets, enjoy the beautiful scenery and dine at the charming Granary Restaurant for lunch, where they are known for their Lemon Crumb Muffins! Following lunch we will depart for Toledo. TRIP INCLUDES: Modern Motor Coach Transportation 1 Night at the Hampton Inn – Wooster (free Wi-Fi, hot breakfast, pool and fitness center)

THURSDAY, JUNE 18 Annual Anniversary Luncheon Celebrating 10 Years! Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Avenue Noon $5 per person (includes lunch and entertainment) Join us as we celebrate ten years of senior programming in the Department of Jewish Programs. A lovely lunch will be served, then (back by popular demand) Swingmania, under the direction of Jeff McDonald, will perform! From Benny Goodman's "Sing Sing Sing" to Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York", this band has all the tunes! Registration & payment kindly requested by Monday, June 8. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Take ME Out to the Ballpark! Toledo Mud Hens vs. Durham Bulls 11 a.m. depart Federation Building, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania $10 per person (includes transportation, ticket and lunch) Limited Seats! Come cheer on our Toledo Mud Hens from high above the stadium in a reserved suite just for us! Enjoy the game in luxury with visits from Muddy and Mudonna and enjoy a catered buffet lunch and great seats! Registration & payment accepted until sold out MISC: To help us better plan for our programs and events, we ask that you make payment at the time of your registration. No confirmations will be mailed, your credit card charge or canceled check will serve as your confirmation! Please fill out an Emergency Contact Form if you will be traveling with us and have not done so.

Wooster Theatre & Foodie Tour Get Away TUESDAY, JUNE 23 & WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24

THURSDAY, JUNE 11 One Man’s Junk is Another’s Treasure: Antique Appraisal with Beth Rose Auction (Like Antique Road Show) Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue 1 p.m. Hidden treasure? Junk? Family heirloom? Beth Rose from Beth Rose Auction will share stories from the world of auctions and antiques. After, Beth and her team will take the time to appraise one item that you bring with you; is it a valuable or not? Registration is kindly requested by Monday, May 18.

2 lunches/1 dinner – food tour/bus snacks Tax & tips on included meals Ticket to Brigadoon COST PER PERSON: $200 Double Occupancy* + Driver Gratuity (paid at time of event) $250 Single Occupancy* + Driver Gratuity (paid at time of event) *Member Fee is for those in good standing with a current pledge and no unpaid gifts to the annual Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Campaign. A non-member will pay an additional $75 per person Full payment due at time of registration. No places will be held without payment. Registration and payment deadline is Monday, April 6 2015. Spaces are limited! This trip has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/ or uneven terrain. Wear comfortable and supportive shoes. We will be walking during the food tour. A current emergency form needs to be on file. Travel itinerary subject to change.

"SENIOR" ... It’s just a word By René A. Rusgo, Director, Senior Services & JFS Senior Adult Center Some of you are proud “seniors” who embraces the title 100% and have no issue with the term. Others of you are firm and insist you are not a “senior.” But, “senior” is just a word. The contradiction of reactions toward the word “senior” leaves us in a quandary, because we don’t currently have another word, name, term, or expression to describe or announce programs that are designed, geared or funded for the age segment that is 60 years old and older for our purposes in the Toledo Jewish community. So, that leaves me with two thoughts: one, I would like to ask everyone to consider looking at the programs that are offered to the age segment that is 60 years and older (seniors) and remove the word that is used to describe the programs, because we offer some really outstanding opportunities. The thought of a single “word” keeping people away saddens me. Two, I ask you to offer suggestions for a new word that could describe our ever growing population with dignity, grace, maturity, sensitivity and finesse. We aren’t going to stop aging, and the programs aren’t going to stop being offered; we want to be inclusive of our community, so be a part of the conversation, join us at a program and send me an email at rene@jewishtoledo.org to share your suggestions and ideas. All comments and questions are welcomed.

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  9

Community News An Evening with Author

Letty Cotton Pogrebin

Wednesday, May 13

Commun ity event

7 p.m. Temple Shomer Emunim, 6453 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania

Everyone knows someone who’s sick or suffering. Yet, when a friend or relative is under duress, many of us feel uncertain about how to cope.

Registration kindly requested by Monday, May 4 to 419-724-0354 or registration@JewishToledo.org

Throughout her recent bout with breast cancer, Letty Pogrebin became intrigued by her friends’ and family’s diverse reactions to her and her illness; how awkwardly some of them behaved; how they misspoke or misinterpreted her needs; and how wonderful it was when people read her right. She began talking to her fellow patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and interviewed dozens of other veterans of serious illness, seeking to discover what sick people wished their friends knew (and were surprised they didn’t know) about how to comfort, help, and even simply talk to them.

Letty Cotton Pogrebin Photo: Mike Lovett

Letty Cottin Pogrebin is an award-winning journalist, widely published opinion writer, acclaimed public speaker, admired political activist, and author of several nonfiction bestsellers, including Growing Up Free; Getting Over Getting Older; Deborah, Golda, and Me; and Three Daughters. She lives in New York.

Now Pogrebin has distilled their collective stories, insights, opinions, and ideas into How To Be a Friend To a Friend Who’s Sick, an invaluable guidebook for anyone who wants to rise to the occasion of this most challenging passage of friendship.

Sponsored by:

The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life by Barbara Fleischer and Thelma Reese Featuring special guest, Thelma Reese Tuesday, April 14 Noon Congregation B’nai Israel, 6525 Sylvania Avenue $5 per person includes lunch, author presentation and paperback copy (one per person or family) As people live longer and better lives, both women and men may look forward to many years in retirement. But, living well in retirement depends on a variety of decisions people make as they prepare for and enter this new chapter of life and living. This book is for and about women approaching and experiencing life in their senior years. This largest and fastest-growing part of the population is living in a manner very different from our mothers, whose roles in life were much more predictable and circumscribed than ours. Today’s senior women live longer, are healthier, better educated, more involved in the world, and more active than the women who preceded us. Figuring out these uncharted years without role models or guideposts can be challenging, but, here, the authors gather the stories of today’s senior women, who have jumped hurdles, answered questions, and made decisions they never saw their mothers make. The book addresses questions about living arrangements, adult children, loss of a spouse or partner, relationships and friendships, part time work, social connections, health concerns and more. Facing these new situations with class, dignity, sass, and smarts, these women reveal the various ways today’s senior women can live and love her retirement years. Thelma Reese

Registration and payment requested by Monday, March 30 to 419-724-0354 or registration@JewishToledo.org to guarantee a copy of the book. We will continue to accept registrations until Monday, April 6. This event is supported by Jewish Senior Services and features a Jewish Book Council author.

Page  10 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  11

Local News JFGT Annual Leadership Awards

B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (AZA-BBG) Job Requirements

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education is preferred, but not required. Undergraduate students may also qualify based on experience and ability. Prior experience in Jewish youth groups, Jewish camps, community centers, Hillel or other typical institutions associated with Jewish community programs and activities is preferred. Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills are necessary. A competency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook are preferred skills for the successful completion of this position. A background in college level Jewish studies or a formal day-school/high school Jewish education is preferred but not required for this position. (Successful results from required background checks for individuals who work with youth are necessary)

Job Responsibilities The Director is directly responsible for the coordination, development and implementation of appropriate programs and activities for the Toledo Chapters of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization. The BBYO City Director shall supervise the BBYO Chapter Advisors.

Volunteer Reporting Relationships The Director shall serve as the liaison to any parent or other adult advisory or support group of the Chapter. The Director shall be responsible for any appropriate communications with parents of Chapter members.

For more information or to apply, contact Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0386 or sherry@JewishToledo.org

Please use the form below pertaining to the award(s) for which you wish to submit a nomination(s).

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Nomination for Leadership Award Award Nomination (check one)

        

National Young Leadership/Harry Levison Young Leadership Award Bob Wick Jewish Community Service Award High School Leadership Award Silver Circle Leadership Award Spirit of Jewish Family Service Award TBJE Ben Solomon Outstanding Trustee Award Toledo Jewish Community Foundation Legacy Award Dr. Louis Ravin Memorial Emerging Leader Award Marjorie Siegel Jewish Communal Service Award of Excellence NAME OF NOMINEE: _________________________ Nominated by: _________________________ Address _________________ Phone Number: ___________________ Email: __________________________ Date: ____________

Please fill out all applicable areas on a separate sheet of paper: 1. Leadership activity in Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and/or affiliated agencies (current/past) 2. Leadership in the Annual Campaign (current/past) 3. Leadership activity in affiliated agencies and/or synagogues (current/past) 4. Other leadership activities 5. Why are you nominating this person/corporation? Nominations should be sent by Friday, April 17 to: Leadership Award Review Committee, Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Toledo City Director

The Leadership Awards Review Committee meets in April of each year to review nominations received and to decide who will be honored in that year. Any member of the community is able to nominate an individual for the Harry Levison Young Leadership Award, Silver Circle Leadership Award and the Young Volunteer Award. Business and corporate nominations are made by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and its affiliated agencies. National Young Leadership/ Harry Levison Young Leadership Award Created in 1962 to recognize young adults of outstanding promise and leadership ability who exhibit an active interest in Jewish Federation of GreaterToledo and Jewish Federation Fund Campaign, this award rewards exceptional service from these young adults. The award is open to young adults between the ages of 25 and 45 who reside in the greater Toledo area. The recipient(s) is honored at Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo’s Annual Meeting and receives a cash award to be used for participation, expenses paid, either at the General Assembly of Jewish Federations of North America or NationalYoung Leadership Conference.The award can also be applied to participation on an Israel mission, particularly the National Young Leadership Mission. Bob Wick Jewish Community Service Award Established in 1998 to recognize Robert Wick, a great friend and supporter to the Jewish community, the award is restricted to businesses, corporations and companies that provide exemplary support to the Jewish community. Young Volunteer Award Established in 1999, the award recognizes one student under the age of 17 who has shown exception service to the Toledo Jewish community. The award winner will receive $250, which must be used for a Jewish seminar or leadership program in the year following the recognition.

Silver Circle Leadership Award Established in 1998, nominees for the award must be 60 years of age or older, be active in Jewish Federation of GreaterToledo or one of its agencies, have a 25-year giving history to the Jewish Federation Fund Campaign, preferably in Toledo, and be a current resident of the greater Toledo area. Spirit of Jewish Family Service Award Each year, in its role as the social services and safety net for Toledo’s Jewish community and residents of Pelham Manor, Jewish Family Service recognizes a volunteer who embodies the spirit and compassion of the JFS mission. TBJE Ben Solomon Outstanding Trustee Award Ben Solomon, z”l, was a lifelong supporter of Jewish education. His philanthropic legacy includes the establishment of a generous fund to benefitToledo Board of Jewish Education. The Solomon award was established by TBJE to honor Ben’s memory by recognizing a board member or parent volunteer who gives time and energy to benefit the Toledo Board of Jewish Education. Toledo Jewish Community Foundation (TJCF) Legacy Award This important award is presented to individuals who create permanent and lasting community legacies in the form of a planned endowment gift to the foundation. Marjorie Siegel Jewish Communal Service Award of Excellence Established to recognize an outstanding Jewish communal employee or volunteer for their leadership in promoting Jewish values and improving Jewish life, the award acknowledges valuable contributions of the recipient and the deep appreciation of the Board of Directors and staff of Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo.

Page  12 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News/Partnership2Gether

Local teens attend BBYO P2G leadership visits Toledo International Convention in Atlanta On the way to a Spring Consortium The following morning, one-on-one Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, the Partnership2Gether leadership team made a stop in Toledo for the purpose of strengthening people-to-people connections and developing new and old relationships. It was an honor for Toledo to host them and learn what our community needs from the partnership (and vice versa). A dinner with various community members was held during their visit, and our guests were given the opportunity to share how partnership works, both in Israel and in the states, and the resulting benefits.

By Morgan Segall Over Presidents’ Day Weekend, I joined more than 3,300 of the Jewish community’s top teen leaders, educators, professionals and philanthropists from across the world in Atlanta for BBYO International Convention (IC) 2015. At the convention, we heard from and met inspiring speakers, deepened our leadership skills, immersed ourselves in and served the local community, celebrated Shabbat and learned together. As part of the future Jewish generation, I must do my part in ensuring a secure and proud continuation of the Jewish community. It was so meaningful to be able to attend such a momentous event, because I learned more about life beyond the textbooks. First handedly meeting and speaking to Jewish figures who have made it big in the world and shared their secrets to success provided me with inspiration to go out and make sure my future is as a successful as theirs are. Not only did we sit and learn, but the convention goers took part in a worldwide service project to further our involvement with “tikkun olam” (repairing the world). Starting off the convention on Wednesday, I attended a Jewish Enrichment Institute seminar that taught me how to speak up and have a voice in the world. I could have chosen from three different tracks, including an identify track, music track or improve track. I selected the music track, because I feel the best way to connect with one’s religion is through music and song leading. Thursday, I attended opening ceremonies, where I was able to meet others my age from 18 different countries and speakers from across the globe who came to talk to

By Mollie Groth I had the amazing opportunity to attend BBYO's International Convention this past February during Presidents’ Day weekend. This was my first International Convention. I was extremely nervous and excited! Throughout the weekend, we heard from hundreds of speakers from Hillel International, The Coca Cola Company, Olympic Gold medalists, Jewish actresses, Holocaust survivors and of course we saw amazing performers Flor Ida, Kap Slap, and Aero! We also had a surprise guest, Hoodie Allen, who performed Friday night. One of programs I sat in was a woman

us hoping to ignite a flame of passion into our minds. Friday, I traveled to the headquarters of Coca Cola to learn about international globalization and marketing. Friday night was a moment I will never forget. I was able to celebrate Shabbat with 3,300 other Jewish people and experienced a piece of such a simple holiday from so many different perspectives. It was like Shabbat across the world all within one giant room. Saturday, I chose to attend three different discussions on how to improve the world one person at a time. I sat alongside some of the most influential people in the world, learning that one person, no matter how small, can chose their own destiny and impact the world. On Sunday, we elected the 71st international board of BBYO. Jewish teen leaders from every corner of the world would love to take on this task. Serving on BBYO’s international board provides one with the resources and influence to truly improve society and the Jewish teen movement. To celebrate the completion the largest convention of Jewish teens to date, Sunday night we all attended a concert with Flo Rida performing as the special guest. I cannot begin to explain how thankful I am to have been able to attend such an amazing conference. It was a life changing experience and it was an honor to go and attend with some of my best friends and another 38 teens from Ohio Northern Region’s finest members! I will take my newly learned skills and ignited passion to go out after graduation and truly make a difference in the world. One person can be impactful, but when you put 3,300 people together, it is revolutionary.

by the name of Emily Greener. Emily is a part of a program called “I am That Girl,” which is designed to inspire girls to love who they are, express who they are and be who they are. It was an amazing program talking about respect and self-worth. This speaker really spoke out to me because you could see how passionate she was about her cause and that she really wanted us, the audience, to grasp her concepts and make the connection. I was extremely lucky to be able to go to this past international convention, join my region and, with large amounts of spirit, show the International Order that The Ohio Northern Region is amazing and doing huge things.

Judy Yuda, Director of Partnerships, Jewish Agency for Israel

meetings were held with Federation professionals to review and discuss the upcoming year.

Michael Aaronson, Israeli Chair of the Partnership

Zoe Riekes, Immediate Past U.S. Chair of the Partnership and Chair of the Missions Task Force Fagie Benstein, Toledo P2G chairperson and P2G Fundraising Task Force Chair; Bracha Zuriel,The Western Galilee – Central Consortium; Andy Golding, Federation President; Joel Marcovitch, Federation CEO; and René Rusgo, Senior Services & JFS Senior Adult Center and P2G Director


Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  13

ALL Jewish youth entering 9th - 12th grades in fall 2015

Save the Date



An informational meeting will be held when all details are available. Please look for more information in your Toledo Jewish News and Friday Facts.

For more information, contact René Rusgo, P2G Director, at 419-531-2119 or rene@JewishToledo.org.



Page  14 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo 3rd Annual

April-May 2015 All films: Maumee Indoor Theatre 601 Conant St., Maumee, OH 43537 Tickets may be purchased at the door but reservations are appreciated. Transportation will be available for each event. A bus will depart from the Jewish Federation campus (6465 Sylvania Avenue) 45 minutes prior to showtime with service to the Maumee Indoor Theater and return service to the Federation campus afterwards. Reservations for bus transportation are a must as seating is limited.

Theodore Bikel: In The Shoes Of Sholom Aleichem

RED CARPET NIGHT Monday, April 13 7 p.m. Running Time: 75 minutes | English $5 per person

Portraits of two beloved icons, Sholom Aleichem and Theodore Bikel, are woven together in this enchanting new documentary. The two men have much in common: wit, wisdom and talent, all shot through with deep humanity and Yiddishkeit. Theodore Bikel, the unstoppable performer whose career spans more than 150 screen roles (including an Oscar-nominated turn in The Defiant Ones) and countless stage and musical productions, is also the foremost interpreter of Sholom Aleichem's work. The new film, Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem, combines Bikel's charismatic storytelling and masterful performances with a broader exploration of Aleichem's remarkable life and work.

50 Children: The Rescue Mission of mr. & Mrs. Kraus

Thursday, April 16 1:30 p.m. (bus departs Federation campus - 6465 Sylvania Avenue - at 12:45 p.m. Limited seats on bus, registration required) Running Time: 62 minutes $5 per person (includes film, popcorn and soda) Seventh Art Film Distribution

Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus never intended to become heroes. But in early 1939, as conditions were worsening for Jews living inside Nazi Germany, the Philadelphia couple embarked on a risky and improbable mission – an effort to rescue 50 Jewish children and bring them to safety in the United States. The couple faced imposing obstacles. The Krauses, who were Jewish, also had to face the risk of traveling into Nazi Germany and dealing with the Gestapo and other Nazi officials in their efforts to carry out their bold rescue plan. Directed by Steven Pressman, this is the amazing story of how Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus sailed for Europe in the spring of 1939and into the heart of darkness.

An American Tail

Sunday, April 19 4 p.m. (Family pajama party and dinner) Running Time: 81 minutes | English $10 per family (includes dinner)

From director Don Bluth and creator David Kirschner, this critically-acclaimed full-length animated triumph chronicles the wide-eyed adventures of a courageous little mouse named Fievel. Journeying by ship from Russia to turn-of-the-century America, Fievel is lost at sea during a ferocious storm. Washing ashore in New York Harbor, Fievel braves the perils and wonders of a strange new world in a thrilling quest to find his family. Featuring the voices of Dom DeLuise, Madeline Kahn and Christopher Plummer, it's a rousing, heartwarming animated adventure for the entire family!

Ticket pre-sales and bus reservations may be made by contacting Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or hallie@JewishToledo.org Payment is due at the time of reservation.

Magic Men

Monday, April 27 7 p.m. Running Time: 100 minutes | English/Greek/Hebrew with subtitles $5 per person

An estranged Israeli magician and his son make a sentimental journey through Greece to reclaim the past in Magic Men, the latest cinematic gem by auteur collaborators Guy Nattiv and Erez Tadmor. A jaded Holocaust survivor who has renounced his faith, Avraham (Makram Khoury) resents the piety of his middle-aged son Yehuda (Zohar Strauss), a devout Hassidic rapper. When the aging Avraham decides to return to his native Greece to find the man who offered shelter and taught him magic during WWII, he is compelled to bring Yehuda as his guardian. Arriving in Greece against the backdrop of its recent financial crisis, father and son are forced to confront their prickly relationship with the help of a kindhearted prostitute, Maria (Ariane Labed). Punctuated by enchanting moments of humor and affection, Magic Men is further animated by spectacular panoramas of the Adriatic coast and a vibrant, Greekinfused musical score. Nominated for four Israeli Academy Awards, with a win for Best Actor Makram Khoury.

Deli Man

Monday, May 4 7 p.m. Running Time: 91 minutes | English/Yiddish with subtitles $5 per person (Deli tasting included)

A mouthwatering salute to 160 years of gastronomic bliss, Deli Man travels the nation and beyond in pursuit of the great Jewish deli experience. Founded on ancestral recipes from Eastern Europe, old-time North American deli houses once numbered in the thousands, while estimates today sadly put the number of authentic delicatessens in the dozens. Against this threat of extinction, deli owners and connoisseurs describe their love affair with the business of corned beef, matzo balls, blintzes, pastrami and pickles. Notable deli fans Larry King and actors Fyvush Finkel and Jerry Stiller add their voices to a chorus of foodie affection. Serving as tour guide through the history and highlights of this Jewish culinary phenomenon is Ziggy Gruber, the effusive owner of the popular Kenny and Ziggy’s delicatessen in Houston, Texas.

Hester Street – 40th Anniversary

Monday, May 18 7 p.m. Running Time: 90 minutes | English/Yiddish with subtitles $5 per person

An immigrant couple from Russia grapples with assimilation in turn-of-the-century New York in Hester Street, the 1975 classic that helped launch the modern era of American independent cinema. Carol Kane gives an Oscar-nominated performance as Gitl, a young Jewish woman who arrives in America to reunite with her husband, only to discover that he has taken up a new life on the Lower East Side. Their marriage crumbles as Jake (Steven Keats) sheds his Old World ways for a new girlfriend, while his wife clings to her long-standing heritage. Selected for The Library of Congress National Film Registry, Hester Street is notable as one of the first successful films produced outside Hollywood by a female filmmaker. Director Joan Micklin Silver self-financed the modest $400,000 budget, and completed principal photography in just 34 days. Actors, including co-star Doris Roberts, worked diligently with a dialect coach to master the script’s extensive use of Yiddish. On-location black-and-white photography in Greenwich Village and other Manhattan locales adds to the period drama’s authenticity.


The Toledo Jewish Film Festival is proud to present a special 40th Anniversary screening of this sharply observed recreation of the Jewish diaspora in America. YO U R C A M PA I G N G I F TS AT WO R K

Pictured: Adele Riley

Local News


FREE books and CDs Are you getting YOURS? PJ Library® is completely FREE for participating families in the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo region. PJ Library® seeks to engage Jewish families with young children. Each participating child in our community from age six months through eight will receive a high-quality Jewish children’s book or CD every month. Each book and CD comes with resources to help families use the selection in their home. The book and music list has been selected by the foremost children’s book experts and includes a wide array of themes related to Jewish holidays, folktales and Jewish family life. To learn more about PJ Library® and to ensure your child receives this wonderful gift, please contact Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0386 or sherry@JewishToledo.org. PJ Library® is supported in part by the Gary and Andrea Delman Family Foundation and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo. SUPPORTED BY


Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  15

Page  16 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News Family

Tuesday, April 14

PJ Story Time with Dinner


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Julia and Me


Ages 4 and under (older siblings welcome) 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Classrooms 2 and 3, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania FREE, but please bring a paper product to donate to Jewish Family Service RSVP appreciated by Friday, April 10 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins are welcome, but pizza cannot be guaranteed without reservation. Tuesday, April 14

Soles 4 Souls Meeting

Students ages 11 – 13 years old with parents 6:30 - 7 p.m. Leonard Lounge, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania Please attend to discuss our shoe drive to help those in need. RSVP appreciated by Friday, April 10 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins welcome. Tuesday, April 21

Happy Birthday Israel!

Babies, Bibs & More … Toddlers Too: Story Time

Ages 4 and under 9 - 9:30 a.m. Sherry’s office, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania FREE but please bring a paper product donation to Jewish Family Service RSVP appreciated by Friday May 8 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins are welcome. Sunday, May 17

Soles 4 Souls Shoe Drive

Run by students ages 11 – 13 years old 9:30 - 11 a.m. Leonard Lounge, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania Please bring your gently used or new shoes to the Federation for donation. Shoes for all ages and sizes are needed! Donations will also be accepted for help with shipping the shoes. rr Questions? Please contact a Ba an L sherry@JewishToledo.org or nd 419-724-0386. Jod ia



Tuesday, May 12

Sunday, June 7

Family Holocaust Museum Visit

Grades 5 - 12 with parent(s) 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Farmington Hills, Michigan Cost: Adults $10, Students $7 We will ride to the museum by bus, leaving from and returning to the JCC/YMCA campus. RSVP with payment required by Monday, June 1 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins cannot be accepted.

Elle r



For families with children 8 years old and younger (older siblings welcome) 3 - 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 10 Classrooms 2 and 3, Foam Explosion Federation Campus, Just completed grades 1-4: Freed 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania llie a 11 a.m. - noon FREE, but please bring a baby dH Just completed grades 5-8: product (diapers, wipes, etc.) to noon - 1 p.m. donate to Jewish Family Service Just completed grades 9-12: Come visit, enjoy a treat and take 1 - 2 p.m. part in crafts as we celebrate Cost: $5 per person Israel’s birthday. Bring a towel and a change of RSVP is appreciated by Friday April clothes 17 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or RSVP requested with payment by 419-724-0386. Friday, June 5 to Walk-ins welcome. sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Tuesday, May 5 Walk-ins welcome!

Questions? Contact Sherry Majewski at sherry@jewishtoledo.org or 419-724-0386.

Friday, June 12

Mother/Daughter Painting

Pasta with Pops

Fathers and children of all ages (or anyone who fits these roles) 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Sekach Building, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania Cost: $5 per person Father’s Day is fast approaching, so take Dad out to eat to begin the celebration. RSVP with payment required by June 9 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins accepted, though dinner cannot be guaranteed without reservation. Wednesday, July 22

Sprinkling Sensation

Ages 4 and under 10 - 11 a.m. Grassy area in between the Federation and Temple Shomer Emunim, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania FREE, but please bring a baby item (wipes, diapers, formula, etc.) to donate to Jewish Family Service. Come prepared to get wet (towels, swimsuits and change of clothes). RSVP appreciated by July 13 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins welcome. Wednesday, July 22

Golf with Dad

(or anyone who fits this role) Ages 4 and up 7 - 8:30 p.m. Location: TBD Cost: $10 per person RSVP with payment required by July 17 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins cannot be accepted. Tuesday, July 28

PJ Bedtime Story Time

Gre en bl

Children and mothers of all ages 6 - 7 p.m. Sekach Building, 6505 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania Cost: $5 per person Mother’s Day is fast approaching! Give Mom a weeknight break, and take her out for a pasta dinner. RSVP required by May 1 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins cannot be accepted.

Thursday, June 16

Ages 4 and under (older siblings welcome) 7 - 7:30 p.m. Grassy area between Federation and Temple Shomer Emunim, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania Bring blanket or lawn chairs. In the event of rain, the program will move to Sherry’s office. Free, but please bring a paper product to donate to Jewish Family Service H e e s i s l l a RSVP appreciated by July 24 to dC an t sherry@JewishToledo.org at or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins are welcome.

Mothers of all ages and daughters grade 4 and up (or anyone who fits these roles) 3:30 - 5 p.m. Leonard Lounge, Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania Cost: $10 per person Come and paint like Georgia O’Keeffe! A nosh will be provided along with lots of fun. RSVP with payment required by Friday, May 5 to sherry@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0386. Walk-ins cannot be accepted. Denise

Dashing Dinner with Mom (or anyone who fills this role)


Mark Your Calendars: Fall Festival is set for Sunday, August 16! More info to come!

* Photos on this page were taken at a recent Jamberry Nails event for mothers and daughters (and mother/daughter figures) on the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo campus.

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  17

Local News

Religious school students go shopping for JFS Food Pantry On a Sunday in late February, a group of sixth graders from Congregation B’nai Israel and Temple Shomer Emunim religious schools set out for their annual shopping trip. Before the trip, the students learned about healthy

shopping and budgeting. On the trip, they were given $50 to purchase a week of meals for a couple of two. After the food was purchased, it was then donated to the Jewish Family Service (JFS) Food Pantry. In addition to helping

some of the area’s less fortunate families, the students also learned firsthand how to stick to a budget, even if it meant giving up items they really wanted. It was a real “eye opener” on grocery shopping!

Magic show with Joshua Wilde

Sam Muska in the street market with artist Lydia

David Cohen and Aaron Golfeiz share a L'chaim

Chef Marshall Goldstein demonstrates paerve Bananas Foster

Purim in Paris This Purim, 150 guests celebrated the holiday with a trip to “Paris,” via "Concord" Chabad. Purim Tourists were treated to an open bar and hors d’oerves, followed by the Megillah reading. Everyone then dined in the Parisian Café Buffet on Coq au Vin and other Paris-inspired delicacies. Children watched a remarkable magic show by the Great Joshua Wilde, who left the young crowd mystified and clamoring for more. Meanwhile, adults shared L’chaims and conversation, with brief intermissions for a Quiz Show and a fiery demonstration by Chef Marshall Goldstein of the French favorite, Bananas Foster. Voila. Photos: Grand Lubell Photography

Gabi, Michael and Sammy Mallin

Helen Grubb, Adam Goldberg, Susan Muska and Dr. Lou Balkany

Page  18 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News

We believe ...

And so we ...

joy takes you over the top

aim to create an environment that stimulates happy voices and smiling faces.

Pictured: Abby and Reagan

We specialize in happy children. Preschool: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or full time 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Toddler group: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. -12:30 a.m.

Fall registration now open! PRECARE NOW AVAILABLE 7 - 8:30 A.M. We encourage all new families to come tour and observe in our classrooms. To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call Morah Raizel at 419-344-9142 or email MorahRaizel@gmail.com

Spring is finally hear, don't miss out on any sounds of the season!

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  19

Local News Toledo teen spends four months experiencing Israel Lilly Kaplan of Sylvania is part of a cohort of 73 teens from across North America on the NFTY-EIE (Eisendrath International Experience) High School in Israel program from January through May. NFTY-EIE is a semester long (four-month) program in Israel for high school students in grades 10-12. Named for the late Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, past president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, now the Union for Reform Judaism, EIE is an intensive academic program and is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The program was established in 1961 by NFTY, the youth arm of the Reform Movement. Many of the leaders of Reform Judaism today are alumni of this program. NFTY-EIE is based on Kibbutz Tzuba, located in the Judean Hills approximately 15 minutes outside of Jerusalem. With very small class sizes, students take an advanced Jewish History class, an advanced Hebrew Ulpan and regular general studies courses to fulfill the requirements of their home high schools. NFTY-EIE students have a unique opportunity to benefit from experiential learning. Tiyulim (field trips), are taken to visit whatever they are learning about in their Jewish history class. Approximately three days

a week are spent outside the classroom on field trips. There are also numerous week-long trips throughout the semester, including a trip to Poland to study the Holocaust, a week in Gadna (a simulated Israeli army training experience) and a hike across the country from sea to sea. “EIE is important for me, because it gives me a sense of community,” said Lilly. “It is amazing that so many people from all over North America can come together and form such a welcoming and cohesive group. I am also a senior, so learning how to live with other people is a great way to prepare for college.” “The NFTY EIE High School in Israel offers outstanding teens the opportunity to develop a deep sense of personal connection to Israel and the Jewish people while being inspired to explore their personal Jewish identity during four challenging and rewarding months,” added Paul Reichenbach, Director of Camping and Israel Programs for the Union for Reform Judaism. “Students return home with heightened self-confidence together with a love of Jewish living and learning.” Registration is open for EIE’s summer 2015, fall 2015 and spring 2016 sessions. More information can be found at www.nftyeie.org.

Lilly Kaplan

Jewish Broadcasting Service channel available through Buckeye CableSystem Buckeye CableSystem now offers the Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS), on channel 164, for northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan subscribers. Programs featured on the channel include interviews with Jewish leaders, historians and newsmakers; Shalom TV Kids; Aleph Bet teaching; Jewish culture; Israel news; Jewish news and public affairs; discussions with Jewish authors; yoga instruction through a Jewish perspective; studies and discussions

of themes from the Talmud and more. Jewish Broadcasting Service (formerly Shalom TV) is an American Jewish television network covering the panorama of Jewish life. According to JBS, programs on the network reflect and address the diversity and pluralism of the Jewish experience without representing any specific movement or organization in the Jewish community. JBS is targeted to every Jewish person with a sense of Jewish identity and for members of

the Jewish community seeking their roots or for anyone with a passion for gaining a greater understanding of Jewish tradition, Jewish life and the land of Israel. Many JBS-produced programs can be found online at the following sites: www.shalomtv.org www.jbstv.org www.youtube.com/user/ShalomTVcom/videos JBS is led by a team of Jewish and television professionals.

“Kayitz” means “summer” in Hebrew WEEK 1: JUNE 15-19 WEEK 2: AUGUST 10-14

Camp Kayitz is open to children entering Pre-Kindergarten (must be 4 years old) through 5th grade who are Temple Shomer Emunim members. Campers will be divided appropriately by age group. There will be games, singing, sports, learning, field trips, and more! “Kayitz” means “summer” in Hebrew, so we plan to take advantage of our opportunity to be outside, to have fun – and most importantly – to be together. This is an incredible chance for our youth to form special friendships and unique and irreplaceable Jewish memories right here in our Temple! Our Staff Our staff this summer includes adults and teenagers that your kids will recognize and love; many of our religious school staff will be with us. Our fearless leaders, our counselors (over age 18) include: Josh Liebes-McClellan, Molly Huttner, Naomi Federman, Elayna Levison, Sara Federman, Jacob Groth, Rachel Federman and Katherine Kieninger. We’ll also have energetic teenage aides helping us have fun and stay safe. Reserve a spot for your child today! The cost of camp is $180 per week, due at the time of registration. Please make checks payable to Temple Shomer Emunim, or credit card information can be taken over the phone.

2015 Oscar-nominated shorts The Tree City Film Festival is offering a special viewing of the 2015 Oscarnominated live action and animated shorts on Friday, April 17 at 7 p.m. The event is an exciting opportunity for future filmmakers and movie buffs to experience the Academy Award-nominated shorts from filmmaking professionals and decide for

themselves which shorts should have won the Oscar! This one-time showing will be at the Train Barn in the Sylvania Historical Village on Main Street in Sylvania. Tickets can be purchased online on the film page at www.sylvaniaarts.org for $8 each. See you at the movies!

To submit information for consideration in Toledo Jewish News, contact Abby Hoicowitz at abby@JewishToledo.org or 419-724-0363

Page  20 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Temple Shomer Emunim

Congregation B'nai Israel Passover Schedule

Friday, April 3 Erev Pesach Morning Service/Siyyum Bechorim: 7 a.m. Light Candles: 7:44 p.m. No evening service Saturday (Shabbat), April 4 First Day Pesach Morning Service: 9:30 a.m. Mincha: 1 p.m. Light Candles: 8:45 p.m. No evening service Sunday, April 5 Second Day Pesach Morning Service: 9:30 a.m. No evening service

Shabbat Luck

You are invited to a Shabbat Potluck Dinner in a congregant’s home.* Friday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m. Hosts: Anne and Jeff Bauer Hope and Greg Davis Alix and Dick Greenblatt Rena and Michael Leizerman Debbie and Bert Spangenthal For more information or to make a reservation, contact the office at 419-5178400 by April 17. We will try to honor all requests for a particular home. All are welcome! *Meals are dairy or vegetarian. The host will provide the entrée and then assigns other items (salad, challah, dessert) for guests to bring.

Monday – Thursday, April 6 – 9 Chol Hamoed Pesach Regular daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. Thursday, April 9 Light candles: 7:51 p.m.


A Leagram for Confirmation is a thoughtful way to honor a Confirmand. If you would like to add your name to his/ her certificate, the cost is $3 per listing. Complete class listing is $15. Lists, checks and your name as you would like to see it listed should be sent to: Phyllis Diamond, 3008 Strauss, Toledo, OH 43606 No telephone calls, please. Deadline is Sunday, April 26

Friday, April 10 Seventh Day Pesach Morning Service: 9:30 a.m. Evening Shabbat Service: 6 p.m. Light Candles: 7:52 p.m.

Confirmation Class

Shabbat, April 11 Eighth Day Pesach Morning Service: 9:30 a.m. Yizkor: 11 p.m. Mincha: 1 p.m. Passover ends at 8:53 p.m.

Dahlia Zack, daughter of Dr. David and Dena Zack Miranda Hupp, daughter of Megan Miller and Corey Hupp Nathan Podolsky, son of Leslie and Michael Podolsky Brian Glasser, son of Marc and Susan Glasser Matthew Rothschild, son of Cheryl and Stephen Rothschild Jamie Sherman, daughter of Alison and Jeff Sherman

Religious School Classes

Wednesday, April 1 (Sunday 4/5, Wednesday 4/8, and Sunday 4/12: NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL) Wednesday, April 15 Sunday, April 19: Community Yom Hashoah Program Wednesday, April 22 Sunday, April 26: Class 10:30 a.m.-noon because of Glass City Marathon road closures Wednesday, April 29 Saturday, May 2: Closing RS Shabbat and hero presentation Sunday, May 3: Confirmation and last day

Please join us for a special Confirmation Program May 5 at 10:30 a.m.

Chesed Committee In the last several months, the Chesed committee has brought meals to some of our congregants who have been seriously ill. We've made calls and visits to members who are not able to leave their home. We also wish to welcome two new members, Carol Richman and Mickey Sokobin, to our group of volunteers. If you would like to be a part of this special committee and/or are aware of congregants who would like a friendly call or visit, please contact Cantor Lichterman at 419-517-8400, Anne Bauer at 419-5173000, or Ann Rosenberg at 419-882-1410.

Sisterhood 2.0 New Book Club

“Once We Were Brothers” by Robert H. Balson Tuesday, April 21 Biggby on McCord and Sylvania 7 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. Please join us for a lively discussion! All are welcome. Questions? Contact Hope Davis at hgjaad@frontier.com

Gift Shop News

Sale!! 20% OFF!!* Sunday, March 29 through Thursday, April 30 Sundays, 9:30 a.m. – noon Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. By appointment: call Phyllis Diamond at 419-531-5005 *Excludes candles and parchments It’s not easy being green! If you prefer to receive the bulletin by email, please send a note to ctraugott@cbitoledo.org, and we will switch you away from paper.

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  21

Men's Club

Congregation Etz Chayim

Passover Holiday Service Schedule

THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Morning service: 6:45 a.m. Mincha service: 6 p.m. Search for Chametz: 8:42 p.m.

SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Morning service: 9 a.m. Mincha: 6 p.m. Havdalah: 8:46 p.m.

FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Morning service: 6:45 a.m. Siyum Ha B’Chor: 7:30 a.m. Mincha: 7:45 p.m. Ma’ariv: 8 p.m. Candlelighting: 7:43 p.m. FIRST SEDER BEGINS AFTER 8:44 P.M.

MONDAY, APRIL 6 Morning service: 6:30 a.m. Mincha: 6 p.m.

SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Morning service: 9 a.m. Mincha: 7:35 p.m. Ma’ariv: 8:05 p.m. Candlelighting: 8:45 p.m. SECOND SEDER: 8:45 p.m.

THURSDAY, APRIL 9 Morning service: 6:30 a.m. Mincha: 6:30 p.m. Ma’ariv: 6:50 p.m. Candlelighting: 7:50 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Morning service: 9 a.m. Mincha: 6:30 p.m. Ma’ariv: 6:50 p.m. Candlelighting: 7:52 p.m.

TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Morning service: 6:30 a.m. Mincha: 6 p.m.

SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Morning service: 9 a.m. Yizkor: 11 a.m. Mincha: 6 p.m. Havdalah: 8:53 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 Morning service: 6:30 a.m. Mincha: 6 p.m.

Repurchase of Chametz: 9:30 p.m.

Book Club

The next meeting of the Etz Chayim Book Club will be held on Monday, April 20 at 1 p.m. in the synagogue library. The book that will be reviewed is Beach Music by Pat Conroy. Sharon Ravin will be the reviewer. Everyone is invited.

Gift Shop News

The Gift Shop has many beautiful seder plates, afikomen bags and gifts for that special hostess. There are also Passover paper goods such as plates and napkins. Stop in for the best selection in town. Remember, gift wrapping is always included.

Ohr Chadash Religious School

It was a wonderful experience when the Ohr Chadash family had the opportunity to meet Efrat Srebro, an educator from Israel, at afternoon classes. Efrat discussed our school’s connection with Israel then had a “musical” activity for the children as part of Partnership2Gether. “Children of the Holocaust: One

Child Remembering One Child” is the theme of the 2015 Yom HaShoah program. The older students from all three religious schools will be presenting a dynamic program to remember the 1.5 million Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust. This community program is Sunday, April 19 at 10:30 a.m. at Con-

Chabad House

gregation B’nai Israel. A huge thank you goes out to those individuals who have volunteered their time to Ohr Chadash; cooking, setup and cleanup of the program, calligraphy, shopping, and Purim carnival help would not have been possible without the help and support of so many parents and friends.

The Men’s Club would like to thank everyone who helped make the Kishka Dinner a huge success. It was a wonderful evening and a good time was had by all. It was wonderful having Keith Burris as the guest speaker. The salami sale was very successful. Please call the synagogue office to check if there are any extra salamis available to be sold. The next Men’s Club will be held on Sunday, April 19 at 11 a.m. in the synagogue.

Sisterhood News

The Sisterhood Mishloach Manot Purim was a wonderful success. A big pat on the back goes to Sue Kale and Barbara Rubin for all their hard work, as well as the many volunteers who helped pack the bags. On Tuesday, April 28 at 1 p.m., the Sisterhood is sponsoring a special program with Ellen Rubin at her studio, Glass Creations. Everyone is invited to make their own glass creation. Please call the synagogue office at 419-473-2401 to make a reservation and get directions. Plans are underway for the annual joint Rummage Sale with Congregation B'nai Israel November 1-3. Further details will be forthcoming. The next Sisterhood Board Meeting is on Wednesday, April 29. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Ohr Chadash Adult Classes

April 5 & 12: NO CLASS (PASSOVER BREAK) April 19: NO CLASS (YOM HASHOAH PROGRAM AT B’NAI ISRAEL) April 26 – 10 a.m.: Rabbi Rubin will discuss “The Counting of the Omer – How and Why Do We Mourn?” He will provide an overview of laws and customs concerning the period between Passover and Shavuot. Sunday Classes 4/5: No class (Passover break) 4/12: No class-Passover break) 4/19: Yom YaShoah 4/26: Class

Tuesday/Thursday Classes 4/2: Class 4/7 & 4/9: No class (Passover break) 4/14 & 4/16: Class 4/21 & 4/23: Class 4/28 & 4/30: Class

Page  22 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Classifieds/Business Cards/S'machot


Business Cards

It is easy to run a classified ad in Toledo Jewish News! First 12 words - $8, $0.10 per additional word. Phone numbers and abbreviations count as separate words. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month. Simply email your ad and billing information to abby@JewishToledo.org or call 419-724-0363 for more information. Please note: Classified ads will run every month (and the purchaser will be billed) until notification of cancellation is received.


Cantor Ivor and Jan Lacker Lichterman are thrilled to announce the birth of their new grandson, Akiva Reuven, born to their son and daughter in law, Ari and Hayley Lichterman, in New York City on January 9th, 2015.

Cantor Amanda Winter of Temple Shomer Emunim performed the National Anthem at a University of Toledo Rockets women's basketball game in late February versus Central Michigan University.

Sharon Goldner and Michael Tipping are proud to announce the birth of their first daughter, Talia Lynn Tipping. She arrived at Toledo Hospital on February 26, 2015 at 5:28 a.m. weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz and measuring 19.5 inches long. She is the maternal great granddaughter of Leo and Marian Goldner and grandaughter of Paul and Linda Goldner. Sandy Soifer, Paul's wife, is the honorary maternal grandmother. Her paternal grandmother is Sue Tipping of Sylvania, Ohio.

Have something to kvell about? Send us your wedding, engagement, graduation, baby, job or other news for consideration in Toledo Jewish News today! Submit your simcha to Abby Hoicowitz at 419-724-0363 or abby@JewishToledo.org.

Send your business card and billing information to: Abby Hoicowitz at 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560 or abby@JewishToledo.org Publish your business card (reproduced with no changes in black & white, unless color space allows) for just $36/month; Three-month minimum. Any changes to business card include extra charge. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month. Call 419-724-0363 for more information

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  23

Bruce Klinger General Agent MassMutual Ohio 1760 Manley Road, Maumee OH 43537 419-893-9759; bklinger@financialguide.com www.ohio.massmutual.com

Page  24 • April 2015 • Toledo Jewish News

Organizations Hadassah

At the Seder table, we retell the story of the Exodus and we speak about freedom – its costs and rewards. As American Jews, we enjoy the widest range of freedom enjoyed by any generation of our people. As citizens and as members of a religious and cultural community, we are offered opportunities to act on behalf of ourselves and our community to ensure, support and enrich those freedoms. Some may view these opportunities as obligations, others as a challenge for action. Amid the turmoil and changing events that confront us and blast our consciousness every day, the Passover Seder offers us a reassurance and a sense of constancy in the tradition and ritual of repetition. Each year we read the same text, we replicate the same preparations, even duplicating the same menus because families are comforted by these memories. The story of the Exodus is a powerful reaffirmation of Jewish survival over oppression. Each year we are challenged to recognize and relate why this night is different from all other nights. We are challenged to articulate and explore the many questions posed in this story. We are challenged to help our children and grandchildren understand the timeless words, “In every generation, every Jew must regard himself as though he personally he brought out of Egypt.” As each of us enjoys these special moments of our Seder, we may begin to hear the words of the Haggadah within the context of today’s headlines and find in these ideas a relevance to our own lives. Jews around the world continue to seek their liberty, some from tyrants and some from the tribulations that life has brought upon them. Freedom can never be

Submitted by Hindea Markowicz taken for granted. As we read the story of Jewish flight to freedom, we remember that those before us fought so that we may live as free people. The story of the Exodus compels us to accept the responsibilities of continuing to preserve our valued and precious freedoms for this and future generations. Nablus mom’s twin babies thriving in utero thanks to lifesaving procedure at Hadassah A 21-year-old young woman from the Palestinian Authority has just learned that the identical twin daughters she is carrying are thriving thanks to the intervention of a Hadassah Medical Center fetal medicine specialist. The woman had found out in her sixth month that the pregnancy was at risk. Her twins had “twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome,” a rare but serious complication that occurs in identical twins when blood flows from one baby to the other through their shared blood vessels on the placenta, often proving fatal for both babies. A local doctor sent her to one expert after another until she was referred ultimately to Dr. Firas Jawdat, the fetal medicine specialist of the Palestinian Authority. Dr. Firas had trained with Hadassah's fetal medicine specialist, Dr. Yuval Gielchinsky, who had acquired his expertise by studying in London with the world expert of this field, Professor Kypros Nicolaides. It was Dr. Gielchinsky who established the fetal medicine unit at Hadassah Hospital-Ein Kerem four years ago, which includes an advanced ultrasound machine and the necessary Laser equipment to treat the problem. Because Dr. Firas did not

have the equipment at his hospital, he asked if his patient could be treated at Hadassah. Dr. Gielchinsky explained that, in twinto-twin transfusion syndrome, the baby that receives the blood from the other twin becomes overloaded with blood and suffers from heart failure, while his/her sibling loses his blood. About 10 to 15 percent of identical twins develop this condition, he reported. The syndrome, however, can now be treated through an intra-uterine operation, performed under epidural anesthesia. Using a very delicate technique in which a fetoscope (a small optic fiber) is inserted into the womb, the communicating vessels between the two babies are identified and destroyed. The young Palestinian woman received the life-saving treatment at Hadassah. Each baby was successfully left with its own separate part of the placenta. Recuperating in the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower, she said, "We come from a rural background in Jenin. My husband works in agriculture. I'd never been in such a beautiful place and received such wonderful care." Life Membership Campaign Hadassah – Lock in for Life In honor of our Centennial Year, Hadassah continues to offer Life Membership and Associate enrollment for $212. The strength and support of Hadassah’s members and donors sustain the extraordinary work of Hadassah. As an incentive to enroll new Life Members, National will give internal Fundraising Goal Credit to the units for each new Life member and Associate enrolled. A very special welcome to the more than 50,000 women, men and children who

showed their support for the extraordinary work of Hadassah by becoming new Life members and Associates. Our collective strength will continue to make a difference in the United States, Israel and around the world for the next 100 years. Let’s continue to enroll women and men in Hadassah and Lock in for Life. Become a Member. Be a Supporter Hadassah – Lock in for Life. Member-Get-A-Member Campaign DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT If every Hadassah member enrolled a new member, imagine the IMPACT DOUBLE YOUR VOICE in your community DOUBLE OUR INFLUENCE in Washington DOUBLE THE SCOPE of medical research in Israel DOUBLE HADASSAH’S IMPACT in the world Gift a Life Membership for $212 and receive a multi-generational pin. Offer valid January-December 31, 2015. Hadassah Contributions Hadassah is always grateful for the many contributions it receives throughout the year from members and friends. Beautiful cards and certificates are sent to acknowledge the donor’s gift and the donation is listed in the Hadassah bulletin. To make a donation or send a tribute card, contact Selma Master at 419-841-4936 and/or Yvette Levin at 419-536-1703. Change of Address Calling all members: if you have a change of address, please contact Shelli Plosscowe at 841-4311 or SPlosscowe@aol.com.

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  25


Holland, Michigan May 4 – 6, 2015

Tulip Time

Join us as we travel to Holland, Michigan to see nearly 4.5 million tulips that have been planted and are ready to burst forth in bloom this spring. We will enjoy the rich history and heritage of this beautiful city along the coast of Lake Michigan! We will explore and see all that the Tulip Festival has to offer, including the beautiful Windmill Island Gardens where we can explore 36 acres of tulip gardens and quaint shops. Then we will enjoy high-energy festival favorite, the New Odyssey Dinner Show, a versatile and funny performance by three men on 30 different musical instruments! Rise and shine the next day to have a local, costumed expert guide us around town on the bus to describe the historic parts of Holland. Make sure to bring your camera along. After lunch, we are off to the Modern Delft Art Class where we will have artist Carolyn Stich teach us how to create a modern Delft style souvenir piece to take home (everyone can do this). Then we are off to a lovely dinner and a show from America’s Got Talent magician and illusionist, Jay Mattioli. We are not done yet. The next day, we still have more to see and do. Going to Holland would not be complete without a visit to the Cappon House and Settlers House. It is the history of America’s Holland from the early settlement of the “kolonie” to the thriving city of today. We will also visit the Holland Museum, home to one of the best collections of Dutch Masters paintings in the United States. After lunch, we will make just one more stop before we head home to the famed Veldheer’s Tulip Farm, DeKlomp Wooden Shoe & Delft Factory where we can enjoy the beautiful flowers once more and one last time to grab a souvenir.

Modern Motor Coach Transportation 2 nights at the Holiday Inn Express – Holland (hot Express Start breakfast, mini fridge, microwave and free Wi-Fi) 3 lunches/1 dinner + dinner show/bus snacks Tax and tips on included meals Admission to Windmill Garden Island New Odyssey Dinner Show Step on Guide Tour Modern Delft Art Class Ticket to Jay Mattioli Admission to the Cappon House, Settlers House, & Holland Museum Admission to Veldheer Tulip Farm


$300 Double Occupancy* + Driver Gratuity $350 Single Occupancy* + Driver Gratuity *Member fee is for those in good standing with a current pledge and no unpaid gifts to the annual Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Campaign. A non-member will pay an additional $75 per person Full payment due at time of registration. No places will be held without payment. Registration and payment deadline is Monday, April 6. Spaces are limited! This trip has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/or uneven terrain. Wear comfy and supportive shoes. We will be getting on and off the bus frequently. Travel insurance may be obtained by contacting your insurance agent. A current emergency form must to be on file. Travel itinerary subject to change

To register with payment, please contact 419-724-0354 or registration@JewishToledo.org. Questions? Contact René Rusgo at 419-531-2119 or rene@JewishToledo.org.



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Calendar 

April 2015 Sunday







Federation offices Young Jewish Toledo: PASSOVER 1 2 3 4 close at 1 p.m. Bar Night: Inky's Italian SUPPORTED BY

6 p.m. Inky's Italian, 3945 N. Detroit Ave.






12 Community: Film Festival:



13 Seniors: The New Senior Woman14

Theodore Bikel 7 p.m. Maumee Indoor Theatre

Noon | Congregation B'nai Israel Babies, Bibs & More ... PJ Story Time with Dinner 5:30 p.m. | Federation Campus 11-13 years old & parents: Soles 4 Souls Meeting 6:30 p.m. | Federation Campus





Federation offices close at 1 p.m.

15 Seniors: Film Festival:



Federation offices closed






50 Children 1:30 p.m. Maumee Indoor Theatre

Families: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Happy Birthday Israel!

Community: Film Festival: An American Tail 4 p.m. | Maumee Indoor Theatre Community: Yom HaShoah program 10:30 a.m. Congregation B'nai Israel

3 p.m. Federation Campus

26 Community: Film Festival:


Magic Men 7 p.m. Maumee Indoor Theatre




Note: All dates, times and locations are subject to change. Call 419-885-4461 for more information.

Nisan/Iyar 5775

Toledo Jewish News • April 2015 • Page  27

Local News

Camp Gan Izzy Club celebrates Purim

Rafi Berns, Becca and Mira Weingarden, and Josh Abernathy enjoying the YO-YO show


Max Rhodes decorating his rainbow hamantashen



Aidan Mahoney putting topping on hamantashen


Bea Ackerman, Joey Kerper, Callie Hess Jack and Charley Bauer, and Cayden Greenblatt doing Purim sand art

Programs especially for post college to young families.

YJT cheers on Toledo Walleye SUPPORTED BY

Young Jewish Toledo is a staple of Jewish life in the Toledo area, existing to draw wonderful, dynamic, young Jewish people together for the greater benefit of the community. From Hebrew Happy Hours to date nights to volunteer opportunities, Young Jewish Toledo provides a range of outlets for young Jewish professionals 21-40. These future leaders of Jewish Toledo are continuously strengthening personal connections while participating in, and perpetuating, Jewish life in Toledo.


To find out more about how you or someone you know can get involved with Young Jewish Toledo, contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or hallie@JewishToledo.org. Y O U N G


Hebrew Happy Hours

Wind down your work day with other young Jewish professionals from around Toledo. Join Y.J.T. for a drink and a good time. Hebrew Happy Hours start at 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted. • Wednesday, April 1 (please note that this is a Wednesday) Inky's Italian, 3945 N. Detroit Avenue, Toledo

Challah Back to your Community! (The Challah Project)

Thursday, May 7 7 p.m. Y O U N G Freed Home, 7107 Cannons Park, Sylvania As Jews, Challah brings joy and warmth to our souls. But, some seniors in our community don’t always get to experience this warmth. Join YJT as we bake delicious soul warming Challah with Gina Black for part one of the project. Then, participants will be assigned a date to deliver Challah to senior centers in the Toledo area. This small gesture can make a huge difference in their lives. RSVP to Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or hallie@JewishToledo.org


YJT Fridays Young Jewish Toledo had a blast last month supporting T-Town hockey and the Walleye, who won 5-0. Stay tuned for many more YJT programs to come! Pictured above (clockwise from left): Hallie Freed, Dorian Slaybod, Joel Marcovitch, David Freed, Scott Davidson, Kenny Ginsburg, Erin Riley and Zach Riley

Friday, May 22 7 p.m. Home of Dorian Slaybod, 43 South Huron, Toledo Get inspired with other young Jewish professionals for our NEW Shabbat dinner program. Socialize, nosh on some great eats and bring in Shabbat with new friends. RSVP by Thursday, May 21 to Hallie Freed at 419-7240362 or hallie@JewishToledo.org



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