Toledo Jewish News December 2016

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Kislev/Tevet 5777 • December 2016

Happy Hanukkah!

Rabbi emeritus featured in Toledo Library documentary

Hanukkah Palooza 2016 Sunday, December 11

By Emily Gordon

Rabbi continued on page 8

Page 11

A picture perfect Annual Turkey Dinner

Pages 12 & 13

NW Ohio Jewish Book Festival is a huge success

A Far Out Groovy Hippie Hanukkah Happening G Sunday, December 11 r oo 11:30 a.m. vy Temple Shomer Emunim ,b FREE! Right on, man! ab Please bring in adult y socks (new or gently loved) or toiletries to donate to St. Paul's community center

Get stoked for an unreal Hanukkah celebration! Come in your best hippie attire – tie dye, peace signs, mood rings and more! Groovy music, outtasight moves, righteous eats, airbrush trucker hats, spin art Frisbees, face painting and more!

Gary & Andrea Delman Family Foundation

Don't flip out! Stay in the groove! For more information contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or

Pages 19

A Rabbi's new role with the Toledo Ballet

<------LABEL GOES HERE------>

Rabbi Alan Sokobin has curated a fine collection of stories over the course of his nine decades of life and he never passes up an opportunity to share one. Whether it's over dinner with family, after class with a student, or with congregants of Temple Shomer Emunim before and after services, Rabbi Sokobin always has a story to tell. Recently, the retired rabbi of the Temple told his stories in a way he never had before. Rabbi Sokobin was interviewed by Tom Walton, retired Toledo Blade editor, for an episode of Sight and Sound, a documentary-style project created by Toledo-Lucas County Public Library and the Blade in which notable Toledoans share their life stories and the ways they've helped shape Toledo history. Now friends, family, students, and even strangers can enjoy Rabbi Sokobin's stories for generations to come. "Walton was a straight newsman," he said about their interview for Sight and Sound. "He asked me about my education, my service during World War II, more factual questions than idea oriented." But by collecting information in this way, Walton got the ball rolling for Rabbi Sokobin to think about and share his life story. He was born in 1926 in Newark, New Jersey, to a family that had fled the dangers of Europe for a more welcoming nation. Rabbi Sokobin proudly recalls serving his country as a teenager in the Navy during World War II. “I responded to the needs of my country, which had responded to the needs of my family years before,” he said. Though a "wonderful place to live 51 weeks out of the year," Rabbi Sokobin said of Newark, just one winter week contained enough anti-Semitism for him to recall decades later in his adopted hometown of Toledo. "One Christmas, the local monsignor told all my friends that I bore the burden of having killed Jesus," he said. "As an adult, I became good friends with Bishop James Hoffmann and later was honored to give his eulogy during

Page  2 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

One of the best ways to fight terrorism in Israel is to help save its victims.

2 1 st

An n u a l



The Give-A-Gift program provides underprivileged Toledo kids with new gifts for the holidays.

The kids will be referred to the program by the following agencies: • Jewish Family Service • Lucas County Juvenile Court's CASA program Each donor will be given the name and interests of a specific child which makes shopping not only easier but much more fun. We greatly appreciate all the community support for this program each year and hope to be able to count on you again this year. For more information call Wendy Payne at 419.885.3341.

Hanukkah and all holiday gifts should be dropped off at Temple Shomer Emunim, 6453 Sylvania Ave. by December 9.

10% off at Learning Express for Give•A•Gift purchases.

With the support of Temple Shomer Emunim, Congregation B’nai Israel and Congregation Etz Chayim

With Israelis grappling with nearly daily acts of terrorism, you can help ensure that those injured don’t join the list of those killed. Your support of Magen David Adom, Israel’s national EMS service, provides the equipment, supplies, and on-going training to keep MDA the preeminent mass-casualty medical response organization in the world. Your donation saves lives. AFMDA Midwest Region 30100 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 150 Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Toll-Free 877.405.3913

To sign up for Give-a-Gift, please e-mail the following information to Wendy Payne at or you may fill out this form and return it to Give-A-Gift, Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, OH 43560 by November 22, 2016. You will be notified of the name(s) of the child(ren).  YES, we would like to purchase gifts for children in need. (specify #) _____________

Name: _____________________________________________ Address:

Gifts are tax-deductible. Financial donations are also welcome. Please make checks payable to JFGT Give-A-Gift.


City:_____________________State:______ Zip: ____________ Phone:

(home)_____________________ (cell) ___________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  3

Toledo Jewish News Volume 65 No. 3 • 24 pages

Dear Jewish Toledo

A note from The CEO

Dear Community,

I first want to wish you all a wonderful Hanukkah. Or is it Chanukah? Or Hanucha? The fact that the Festival of Lights can be spelled many ways speaks of our diversity as a people. Our traditional arguments about whether we serve latkes with apple sauce or ketchup will be part of our conversation for all time. December also marks the last month of our 2016 Annual Campaign. We are so thankful for all those who have supported the great work the Federation does. Without you, our community would not be as vibrant and wonderful as it is. (ISSN 0040-9081) Toledo Jewish News is published 11 times per year, by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Toledo Jewish News invites correspondence on subjects of interest to the Jewish community, but disclaims responsibility for any endorsement of the views expressed by the writers. All submissions become the property of Toledo Jewish News. Submissions will be edited for accuracy, brevity and clarity and are subject to verification. Toledo Jewish News reserves the right to refuse any submissions. Toledo Jewish News does not guarantee the kashrut of any of its advertisers. Phone: 419-724-0318 Fax: 419-885-3207 e-mail:

Joel Marcovitch, CEO

If you have not given this year, please consider making a donation to help support Jewish life in our community. Every dollar counts and every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. To make your 2016 gift, please call me at 419-346-6134, or Wendy, our Campaign Director, at 419-885-0360. Let us continue to spread the light in our community. Happy Chanukah to you all,




EDITORIAL DEADLINE 10th of each month


Editorial copy by email to or on disc to 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: 15th of each month Advertising inquiries should be addressed to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 419-724-0363 POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Entered as Periodicals at the post office at Toledo, Ohio, under act of March 3, 1987. Periodicals U.S. Postage Paid at Sylvania, Ohio.




December 11 December 17 December 20

Hanukkah Palooza! YJT Pallet Painting Date Night! Annual Latke Luncheon

Department of Jewish Programs Young Jewish Toledo Seniors

Dates are subject to change. Events will be added monthly as information becomes available.

Newly added or revised event



Jewish Federation & Foundation

Toledo Jewish News accepts ads, artwork and all editorial copy by disc or

e-mail only, at paul@JewishToledo. org. Photographs and discs may also be


dropped off at the Toledo Jewish News office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Make your contribution to the Annual Campaign online at

Hallie Freed, Program Director, Department of Jewish Programs 419-724-0362 | Sharon Lapitsky, Director, Jewish Community Relations Council 419-724-0315 |

Wendy Goldstein, Director JFGT Campaign 419-724-0360

René Rusgo, Director, and Emily Harel, Program Associate Senior Services and Senior Adult Center 419-531-2119 | or Raizel Shemtov, Director, Gan Yeladim Preschool 419-344-9142 |

Page  4 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

How to contribute to Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

• Call Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0366 or email her at sherry@ • Donate or pay by mail by sending your pledge cards and payments to: Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, Attention: Sherry Majewski, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Please note that checks need to be post-marked by December 31, 2016 for a 2016 tax deduction. • For online donations, please visit: Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Gift Policy Statement

Jewish Community Relations Council Report

By Sharon Lapitsky JCRC directors deal with many communities and different issues on a daily basis. When the following topic came to our attention, the committee was taken aback. The Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association is advocating that Ohio adopt the gas chamber as a means of execution. The Jewish communities around Ohio, led by the Columbus Jewish Federation, sent out the following letter to Governor Kasich and Ohio Legislators.

STATEMENT OPPOSING THE GAS CHAMBER IN OHIO To Governor Kasich and Ohio Legislators,

Jewish tradition presents somewhat contradictory statements regarding the death penalty. While the Torah permits the death penalty, the Talmud, in Tractate Sanhedrin, imposes severe limits on capital punishment even where the crime is Regarding Donations of Stock murder. Today we are writing not about the death penalty as a whole, but about Stock Payments Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo is happy to accept donations of stock proposed forms of execution. as payment for pledges made to the Annual Campaign. Stock gifts need to be received by 12 p.m. (noon) on December 30, 2016 in order to sell before the Certainly there are members of Jewish communities in Ohio who support the death penalty in concept or in practice. However, we stand united in opposition market closes. to the introduction of the gas chamber as a form of execution in Ohio. We do not It should be noted that our procedure is as follows for accepting stock: Whenever a gift of stock is made, the donor receives a confirmation in writ- suggest comparisons to the atrocities of Nazi Germany under which millions of ing that the gift was made on that date. Normally upon consultation with fi- our relatives were murdered, many by suffocation in sealed chambers. Still, we nancial professionals, this is the date used when valuing the gift for IRS tax cannot imagine it possible that Ohio Jewish communities could stand by while prisoners are executed by the state in our names, using any variation of that purposes. After being notified that a gift of stock has been made, either from the do- mechanism. nor or a stockbroker, the stock will then transfer into the Federation’s account and Federation will sell the stock. The net proceeds of the sale of stock will be Therefore, the undersigned Rabbis, Cantors and other leaders the Jewish applied against any outstanding pledges for the individual. The donor will be community call on you to reject proposals to introduce executions conducted by suffocation in any sort of gas chamber in Ohio. notified, in writing, what the net proceeds were. To expedite this process, it is extremely helpful if the donor, his/her stockbroker or financial advisor notifies Federation's Department of Finance verbally This past month, JCRC has been working to remind local organizations and or through email when a gift of stock is made. By following this procedure, the school boards to be sensitive to different aspects of Jewish lives from Jewish holitiming between the gift being made and the sale of the stock is greatly reduced. days to Jewish history. Please contact Tina Stieben, CFO, at or 419-7240371 for further assistance. IRA Charitable Rollover Checks Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo is also happy to be able to accept IRA Charitable Rollover contributions to the Annual Campaign. Please contact Sherry Majewski if you are making provisions with your financial advisor to donate with an IRA Charitable Rollover check; this way we can ensure that the check is processed timely and that you receive the appropriate tax letter. For further information on the eligibility to contribute using your IRA Charitable Rollover, please consult your financial advisor. Personal Credit Card & Check Payment Deadlines Credit card payment information must be received at Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo by Tuesday, December 27, 2016 for 2016 tax purposes. Payments by check need only be postmarked December 31, 2016 for 2016 tax purposes, or you can make payments online at by midnight on December 31, 2016. Please note that our offices will be closed Monday, December 26, 2016 in observance of Christmas holiday.

Save the date Monday, Feb. 20, 2017 7 p.m. at the Sekach building

Come meet artist Koby Sibony and Batya Gil Margalit from our Israel partnership region as they present Between Art and Design: A dialogue between artist and audience. Both artists will present their work and then conduct an open discussion with the audience about their work as an Israeli artist, living in the periphery, and creating in the space between the two worlds of art and design.

Please support our Toledo Jewish News advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad!

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  5

Toledo Jewish Community Foundation COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR GREATER TOLEDO AREA STUDENTS College Scholarships are available to Jewish students from the Greater Toledo area who will be attending colleges in Northwest Ohio. Scholarships are based on academic achievement, leadership, and involvement in the Toledo Jewish community. Demonstration of financial

need is an important consideration as well. For more information, please contact Arleen R. Levine, director of Toledo Jewish Community Foundation, at 419-724-0355 or, or Deb Damschroder, Social Worker, Jewish Family Service at 419-724-0405 or

Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization looks to the past to inform its future By Emily Gordon Darlington House may be gone, but it is not forgotten. The soul of the assisted living facility beloved by many in the Toledo Jewish community lives on through Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization. Darlington House operated from 1963 until its sale in 2000. At a JSS board meeting that year, past-president Roy Treuhaft suggested the proceeds from the sale of Darlington House be safeguarded and preserved in a legal structure designed to support the needs of Toledo’s Jewish seniors. The concept of JSSSO was born and, in the months that followed, the board voted to accept a plan of action for creating, implementing, and expanding a series of collaborative services to be administered through JFS, utilizing the investment income from the sale of Darlington House to fund the Friendly Visitor, Concierge, and Specialized Homemaker Service programs. “We agonized about the decision [to sell Darlington House] for quite some time,” recalled Judge George Glasser, JSS past-president who served as a member of the board and task force focused on carrying out the conceptualized goals. “The percentage of Jewish residents there decreased dramatically, we had a reduced Jewish population in the area itself, and we faced competition from other facilities.” Jeff Nistel, past-president and investment committee member of JSS, agreed. “Darlington House was well-known, not just in the Jewish Toledo community but in the Toledo area, for a higher level of care. But things were changing,” he said. “The decision was made to sell when we looked five years down the road and saw it was just unsustainable. There was just no way to keep it going. We were fortunate to sell it for a

substantial amount that, in turn, could be used to continue assisting seniors.” Following the sale of Darlington House and careful consideration and collaboration by the task force, JSSSO was established in 2002 to see to the wants and needs of the aged Jewish population in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. “We had a discussion of how that money would be managed and some debate about where it should be used. A lot of generous people who donated toward the seniors thought it should remain there as originally thought,” Nistel said. “I feel we’re honored that we’ve met the test on that and are doing really good things that address the changing world.” The task force had to “develop a whole new game plan” due to this changing world and the changing needs of seniors, he said. Seniors are living healthier and wish to live independently for longer than before. They’re more active and they socialize more, he said. “We thought ‘How do we better serve the needs of the Jewish seniors of the community?’ We can start by offering a lot more activities,” Nistel said. Jewish Family Service evolved, too, shining a wider spotlight on senior programming, he said. “It felt natural for the income off these funds to serve JFS services, to help seniors live at home for as long as possible, and take care of things they need to have done,” Nistel said. “My grandmother was the longest serving volunteer at Darlington House. When I was a little kid, I used to go over there and visit her. It’s like things have come full circle.” Elliot Feit, past-president of Federation and JSSSO, agreed with Nistel, citing the needs may have changed, but they are just as numerous as before. “There’s constant need in the elderly Jewish population,” Feit said. “Federation is the safety net

for the Jewish community. JSSSO and JFS are the life support in the safety net for the elderly members of the Jewish community.” Judge Glasser agreed, describing his feelings toward the sale of Darlington House and creation of JSSSO as “absolutely happy.” “The proceeds allow us to provide excellent services to seniors that I doubt would be provided in many other communities and will be provided for a long time,” he said. “It’s helped their quality of life, helps keep them active, and provides an education to assist them in the aging process. I feel very pleased to see by virtue of the necessary sale of Darlington House it has yielded dividends for seniors in the community.” Current JSSSO board members include Barry Nistel; Elliot Feit; Ernest Brookfield; Janet Rogolsky; Matthew Kripke; Ross Chaban; Sam Zyndorf; Steven Nathanson; and new president Jon Levine. As he begins his term this year, Levine said he is grateful for the contributions of a forwardthinking board. “I am honored to lead JSSSO as we set funding priorities for our senior community. The foresight of our community's past leaders in providing for our seniors gives great comfort to the many families that rely on the vast number of services provided by multiple agencies of the Federation.” He especially notes the leadership of the late Judge David Katz in steering JSSSO on a smooth course. “We are grateful for the past leadership provided by The Honorable David Katz, z”l, in leading the JSSSO. David was a great friend and mentor who inspired our board to stretch our imagination and compassion in support of our seniors' needs,” Levine said. “We all owe David a deep sense of gratitude for his leadership and contributions to the Toledo Jewish community.”

IRA Charitable Rollover As of December 18, 2015, the IRA Charitable Rollover was passed by Congress and signed into permanent law by the President, allowing taxpayers age 70 ½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA accounts directly to charity without first having to recognize the distribution as income. Prior to 2006, taxpayers wishing to transfer Individual Retirement Account (IRA) assets to charity first had to recognize the amount as income, make a transfer, and then claim a charitable deduction for the amount gifted. This often resulted in tax liability, even though the donor ultimately transferred the entire IRA distribution to charity. The Pension Protection Act (PPA) partially solved this problem by allowing taxpayers age 70 ½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 an-

nually from their IRA accounts directly to charity without first having to recognize the distribution as income. The IRA charitable rollover has proven to be very popular with taxpayers and beneficial to charities. Despite its broad appeal, the provision remains limited in several respects: it is limited to taxpayers age 70½ or older; the amount of gifts is capped at $100,000; and donors are specifically not permitted to make charitable rollovers to donor-advised funds, supporting organizations, and private foundations. The Council strongly supports enhancing the IRA charitable rollover by dropping the age threshold and expanding the organizations eligible for transfer of the IRA distribution to donor advised funds, supporting organizations and private foundations.

6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, OH 43560 For more information or assistance in planning and charitable giving call: Arleen R. Levine, Executive Director at 419.724.0355

Think about the future. An endowment is forever.

Page  6 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Family Service Hillel “strikes” Donate to the JFS gold for JFS Food Music & Memory program Pantry Lucas Podolsky, whose Bar Mitzvah is April 16, donated a brand new iPod Shuffle for the JFS Music & Memory program.

UT and BGSU Hillel Students raised $60 during their Bowling for Turkeys fundraiser. JFS purchased turkeys for families in need to enjoy for Thanksgiving. What a great mitzvah! Thanks so much for your generosity!

Parents, if you have a son or daughter whose Bar or Bat Mitzvah is this year, we encourage them to consider collecting new or used iPod Shuffles, headphones, or iTunes cards as their special Bar or Bat Mitzvah project. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please contact Liz Witter at 419-724-0406.

February 2017 The JFS Food Pantry provided Thanksgiving baskets for 15 families. Pictured is JFS social worker, Deb Damschroder, and recipients Michelle Horton and Naomi Crawford. The turkeys were purchased with proceeds from the UT/BGSU Hillel students’ Bowling for Turkeys fundraiser. Gan Yeladim pre-school students also donated money for the baskets.

NOW RECRUITING volunteers for the new “phone buddy” program

Would you like to “visit” someone without ever leaving your home? Would you like to volunteer but feel you don’t have the time to commit to visiting someone in person? If so, we have a program that’s just right for you! As an extension of our Friendly Visitor Program, we are now implementing a program called

“Phone Buddy,” and here is how it works. A volunteer will be given a few names of Jewish individuals who are homebound and desire a connection to the community. Your weekly phone call can be as long as the two of you desire to chat. By staying in touch on a regular basis, you will be providing individuals with much needed interaction. In inclement weather, your phone call will serve to check on their welfare so a family member can be alerted if their loved one is without heat or low on medication or food. The beauty of a “Phone Buddy” is that you are still in touch with another Jewish community member and providing a valuable link to the outside world. If you would like to be a special “Phone Buddy,” please contact Liz Witter at or 419724-0406.

SAVE-THE-DATE You won’t want to miss the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo’s 8th Annual Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month Program Sunday, February 26, at 10:30 a.m. Congregation B’nai Israel This very important program will focus on anxiety. It is becoming more common in all age groups and ranges from mild to debilitating. All adults are invited to hear Matt and Jill Kripke talk to about their family experience while religious students learn about anxiety and how to manage it through yoga and other activities. Look for more information in the January Toledo Jewish News.

Calling all computer whizzes! Become part of the Music & Memory movement

No age requirement, just a desire to help elderly individuals recall pleasant memories by downloading some of their favorite songs onto an iPod Shuffle. Flexible hours. Nice working conditions. If you or a family member, friend, or classmate would like to perform a wonderful mitzvah, please contact Liz Witter at 419-724-0406 or

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  7

Hadassah Submitted by Hindea Markowicz

sian Republic of Chuvash, with the rare and fatal genetic disease called Towards the Company's First “marble bone disease” or osteopetrosis, Clinical Trial; Kadimastem Signs are coming to Israel to be healed in the Letter of Intent With Hadassah Hadassah Medical Center’s Pediatric Medical Center for Performance of Hematology Department. the Clinical Trial in ALS Svetlana Izozsimova’s grandson, Israeli biotechnology company Kirill was dying. The toddler had been Kadimastem (TASE: KDST) an- diagnosed with osteopetrosis in 2012. nounced today that it has signed a She was told that he would lose his letter of intent with Hadasit Medical eyesight and hearing and his head Research Services & Development would become misshapen. The doctors Ltd., the technology transfer company in Russia could not offer any treatof the Hadassah Medical Organiza- ment and told Svetlana that the distion, for the performance of the clini- ease would cause a “terrible death.” cal trial on Kadimastem's cell therapy Svetlana, a cleaning lady from Cheproduct for the treatment of ALS. boksary, a city of 400,000 people in The Company plans to begin phase the Volga Upland in the far reaches I/IIA of the clinical trial (safety and of Northern Russia, was not willing efficacy in humans) in mid-2017, to give up. She loved her grandson too under the supervision of the Israe- much. She went on-line, and found li Ministry of Health, and following that Hadassah was treating osteopecompletion of the necessary prepara- trosis in Arab children from Hebron. tions under the outline coordinated She wrote to Dr. Polina Stepensky at with the FDA. The trial will include the Hadassah Medical Center’s Pedi21 patients and will be conducted by atric Hematology Department in Rusthe Department of Neurology of the sian and was very surprised to receive Hadassah Ein-Kerem Medical Center a letter back immediately in Russian. in Ein Kerem, a world-leading center It turned out that Dr. Stepensky had in the field of ALS. Conducting the immigrated to Israel from the former trial in Israel will allow Kadimastem Soviet Union and the language was no to benefit from operational efficiency problem! due to the geographic proximity to its Svetlana raised the money to take manufacturing facility. Kirill to Hadassah. They would have to Kadimastem's product, AstroRx® is stay for a year. Kirill was already blind, a cell-based treatment for ALS, based but a bone marrow transplant might on astrocytes produced from stem return his head to a normal shape and cells. Kadimastem's unique technolo- save his life. Kirill was treated by Dr. gy allows for large scale production of Stepensky, and he was doing very well the cells according to Good Manufac- after a bone marrow transplant. turing Practices (GMP) standard. The The news spread back home. It astrocytes produced from stem cells turns out that one of every 4,000 newcan be used as an off-the-shelf product borns in Russia has the genetic mutafor the treatment of large patient pop- tion that causes osteopetrosis. Other ulations worldwide. The injection of families wanted to take their children the cells will be performed by means to Hadassah to be treated before it was of a standard injection into the spinal too late. Fundraising on a local TV fluid, a standard procedure performed station raised enough money to send routinely in hospitals worldwide. The children to Hadassah for treatment. company has proven that such injecTo date, Hadassah has treated antions into the spinal fluid help disperse other 14 Russian children, saving their the cells throughout the central ner- sight and hearing and offering them vous system. The injection of healthy, the opportunity to grow up and live functioning astrocytes into the ner- normal lives. vous system of ALS patients is exThis is a story that ends well. Now pected to provide systemic support for five years old, Kirill recently returned the damaged motor neurons, thereby to Hadassah for his two- year checkup inhibiting disease progression and im- and has a wonderful prognosis. Svetproving the patients' life expectancy lana and the whole family are thrilled. and quality of life. The starting material from which the Company produced Caryn Andrews: Hadassah Nurse and developed its product, is a line of Practitioner on a Mission unique human embryonic stem cells, Nurse Practitioner Caryn Scheindeveloped in the laboratory of Prof. berg Andrews, who immigrated to Benjamin Reubinoff from Hadassah Israel from Baltimore, Maryland in Hospital, without the use of materials 2011 and is a lecturer in the Hadasderived from animals and according to sah-Hebrew University Henrietta GMP standard, such that they will be Szold School of Nursing, is on a persuitable for the treatment of humans. sonal mission: to fortify Israel's health The cells were received under license delivery capacity by helping to create a from Hadasit. cadre of advanced practice nurses. Her study, co-authored with Eliana Russian Children Travel to Hadas- Marcus Aaron of Yale University, ensah to be Treated For a Rare Disease titled "Integration of Advanced PracDr. Polina Stepensky saves Russian tice Providers into the Israeli Healthchildren care System," was published in the Children from the Northern Rus- February 2016 issue of Israel Journal

of Health Policy Research. She has spoken about this topic at the International Conference on Health Policy in Jerusalem (2014) and most recently gave a presentation on the topic at a Sigma Theta Tau International nursing conference in Cape Town, South Africa. Dr. Andrews (PhD, RN, CRNP) found that while in many countries, such as the United States, nurse practitioners have well-established roles, the profession of nurse practitioner in Israel is still in its infancy. This is despite the fact that quality of care often improves when NPs are involved and that having advanced practice nurses work in underserved areas is very helpful in counteracting the shortage of physicians—a very large problem in Israel. Dr. Andrews notes that "with a mandatory physician retirement of 67–70 years old, Israel's Ministry of Health predicts critical shortages within 15 years." In addition, Dr. Andrews relates, Israel also suffers from a significant, growing nursing shortage. According to Dr. Andrew's research, many international organizations have studied the impact of having NPs in various health care settings and report that "care provided by both physician and non-physician providers is equivalent, safe, cost-effective, and produces high levels of patient satisfaction." Dr. Andrews, who teaches advanced health assessment, advanced women's health, and advanced oncology nursing, is certified as both a family and hemato-oncology nurse practitioner. The NP, she says, "provides a unique dimension of healthcare. By incorporating education into patient visits and working with patients and families as partners in healthcare, outcomes of nurse practitioner primary care with adults and children have been reported to be equal to or better than care provided by physicians alone, with less patient healthcare utilization and a more cost-effective bottom line." Further, she reports, "indirect costs savings are even more substantial, as evidence shows that NPs reduce unnecessary emergency room visits, 30day readmission rate, and waiting time for healthcare visits." And yet, there are many obstacles to growing the NP profession in Israel. As Dr. Andrews brings out: Israeli NPs are restricted in prescribing medication and in practicing independently. Israeli NP programs focus on institution-based practice. NP education is delivered directly through the Ministry of Health, rather than at an independent academic setting. Membership Campaign Hadassah – Lock in for Life Hadassah members make a personal impact at home and on the local, national and global community— every day. As a member, you

enrich the lives of American Jewish women by focusing on vital issues and making tangible connections to Israel and Zionism through education and supporting the Hadassah Medical Organization and Israel projects. In honor of our Centennial Year, Hadassah continues to offer Life Membership and Associate enrollment for $212. Life Membership will increase to $250 starting in 2017. You have only a month left to upgrade your gifted members for the special rate of $180. The strength and support of Hadassah’s members and donors sustain the extraordinary work of Hadassah. As an incentive to enroll new Life Members, National will give internal Fundraising Goal Credit to the units for each new Life member and Associate enrolled. A very special welcome to the more than 50,000 women, men and children who showed their support for the extraordinary work of Hadassah by becoming new Life members and Associates. Our collective strength will continue to make a difference in the United States, Israel and around the world for the next 100 years. Let’s continue to enroll women and men in Hadassah and Lock in for Life. . Member-Get-A-Member Campaign DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT If every Hadassah member enrolled a new member, imagine the IMPACT DOUBLE YOUR VOICE in your community DOUBLE OUR INFLUENCE in Washington DOUBLE THE SCOPE of medical research in Israel DOUBLE HADASSAH’S IMPACT in the world Hadassah Contributions and Mah Jongg Cards Hadassah is always grateful for the many contributions it receives throughout the year from members and friends. Beautiful cards and certificates are sent to acknowledge the donor’s gift and the donation is listed in the Hadassah bulletin. To make a donation or send a tribute card, contact Selma Master at 419-841-4936. Jan Weaver is selling Mah Jongg cards. Small card is $8.00 large check is $9.00 Checks only made payable to Janis Weaver, 7541 Hollow Creek Dr 43617. You can contact her at 419-08418244 for more information Change of Address Calling all members: if you have a change of address, please contact Shelli Plosscowe at 841-4311 or

Page  8 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Special Interest


By Zoe Yaffe With the High Holy Days behind us, I have had some time to reflect on the beautiful gift that our community has given me. This past June I was given the opportunity to travel to Israel with 16 of my incredible peers from the Ohio State and Columbus community on a program called Onward: Columbus. We lived in the heart of Tel Aviv for what would soon be the most memorable two months of my life. Each one of us had a unique internship tailored to our interests and studies in school. I was lucky enough to work with an incredible subsection of the Tel Aviv municipality, an organization called MESILA which works with migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers from a few different countries but the main population they serve are of Eritrean background. The projects that I was able to work on were some of the most rewarding and yet heartbreaking tasks. I was able to volunteer with children two days a week, and the other two workdays I was helping the organization submit letters of intent and collect information for future grant proposals. I had another intern who was working along side me. After a fun game of Jewish geography, we realized that we both had gone to Ramah Camps and both had participated in USY and had over 70 mutual friends, even though he was from Minnesota- small world! The other intern and I worked together to create a family planning project for the families served by MESILA. On another day, Ari (the other intern) and I were given the privilege and the task of helping a woman and her two young children leave their home and take them to a shelter in Haifa. This woman only spoke Hebrew and we had to navigate cabs and trains and in the end everything happened as it was supposed to because we all know how reliable Israeli public transport is. At the end of the summer, I was able to travel to the shelter and get a tour of the beautiful facilities and had a small reunion with the family and it was a really beautiful and validating moment. On Thursdays, the program had “tiyulim” or instructional trips. One night I called my mom and asked her if it would be possible to set up a trip for me to visit

our partnership region instead of the tiyul that Thursday. Sure enough, I woke up early and headed for the train station and met up with Heidi in Acco! It was an incredible day going from Rosh Hanikra, to a beautiful lunch, and then a tour of the Shop for Meaning and then a look at the new Wings home base. It was so special to gather a small glimpse into the wonderful difference our campaign gifts are making in our partnership region. My group lived in a beautiful youth hostel that was just finished right before we moved in. We were about a 20-minute walk from the most stunning beaches on Earth and I am missing that already. There is nothing like coming home from work and walking to the beach on a sweltering 100-degree day. Truthfully, the thing I miss the most about Israel is the food. Living in Tel Aviv allowed me to have some of the most incredible food I could have ever imagined. From just walking to the shuk and grabbing some fruit, to eating at the only “Mexican” restaurant- it was all an adventure. The access to kosher food was incredible. I even made a special trip to Jerusalem just for Burgers bar. Now that you get a grasp of how much I love food, when the attacks at the Sarona market took place just days before I arrived it was a little unnerving. Yet I still traveled to Israel and went to Sarona probably twice a week( it is that good). Israel is our beautiful home and I had to stand by her, as I know you all do and will continue to do in the future. I could write forever about how incredible this summer was, but I will spare you all. In short, thank you to the donors who made this trip possible for me- it was life changing and I could not be more thankful. Thank you as well to Joel and Arleen for being instrumental in making this opportunity happen for me. The biggest thank you goes to my incredible parents- Rene and Rich Rusgo for making opportunities like this happen for not only me, but for ensuring that our community gets to experience Israel and gets to live a Jewish life. If you are interested in going on a similar program, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I would love to answer any of your questions or share more of my experience with you.

Warren Buffett: Investing in Israel Bonds is ‘A Terrific Tribute to the Country’ Famed Investor Emphasizes Point with Personal $5 Million Israel Bond Investment OMAHA, Neb. — Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett welcomed 43 U.S. Israel bond investors to Omaha on Sunday, each of whom made a minimum $1 million new investment to participate in an exclusive evening with the famed “oracle of Omaha.” The evening opened with a tribute video from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said, “Warren is one of the most brilliant and successful investors of our time. He knows a good investment when he sees it. That’s why he invests in Israel.” Buffett, who made Israeli company Iscar his first overseas acquisition, spoke warmly of the Jewish state, calling it “a remarkable country.” He stressed that “The United States and Israel have a common destiny,” saying, “If you are looking for brains, energy and dynamism in the Middle East, Israel is the only place you need to go.” Buffett also spoke positively of investing in Israel bonds, calling the investments “a terrific tribute to the country.” He said he would invest $5 million in Israel bonds in his personal portfolio if participants at the event matched his investment. In doing so, Buffett stated, “I wanted – through the last-minute challenge – to set the bar even higher for future events.” He added, “You can tell prospective investors that I would have taken a perpetual bond if you had offered one. I believe Israel is going to be around forever.” As a result, Israel bond sales directly attributable to the event totaled $60 million. In addition to Buffett’s $5 million investment, Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio has included Israel bonds since its acquisition of GUARD

Insurance in 2012, now known as Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies. The evening was the result of an April meeting held in OmahabetweenBuffettandthen-BondsPresident&CEO Izzy Tapoohi,Vice President for Sales Stuart Garawitz and Pennsylvania Region Executive Director Harold Marcus. In commenting on the meeting, Buffett said, "I learned quite a bit more about the Bonds program and said I'd love to do (the event)." In expressing appreciation to Buffett, new Israel Bonds President & CEO Israel Maimon said, “This event tells me that Warren Buffett, famed for his investment expertise, continues to view Israel as a sure bet." The evening was hosted by Henry Davis, president & CEO of Greater Omaha Packing. Thomas A. Lockshin is executive director of the regional office located in Cleveland. Israel bonds are debt securities issued by the government of Israel. Israel Bonds is also the commonly known name of Development Corporation for Israel (DCI), which underwrites the bonds in the United States. Capital provided through the sale of Israel bonds has helped strengthen every aspect of Israel’s economy, enabling the development of key national infrastructure. Today, expanded ports and transportation networks help facilitate the shipment of “Made in Israel” technology around the world, enhancing national export growth. Capital accrued through the sale of Israel bonds has enabled cutting-edge innovation that saves lives and changes the world on a daily basis.

Rabbi continued from page 1

his funeral at Rosary Cathedral. I never thought as a kid I’d be asked to do something like that. Where but a town like Toledo could that have happened?" To Rabbi Sokobin, Toledo was and still is "a people's community," a place where everyone works together and plays their part, he said. His education at Syracuse University; ordination at Hebrew Union College; doctorate at Columbia University; fellowship in Israel; and experience as Rabbi in Elmont, New York, gave Rabbi Sokobin the skills to do just that with his wife, Miriam “Mickey” Levy of Tel Aviv, when they moved to Toledo in 1972. That year, Rabbi Sokobin became rabbi of the Temple and the couple made Toledo their home, where they raised their two children, Sharon and Jonathan. Toledo has been an excellent place to call home, he said. "Many of us are richer, spiritually and emotionally, as Jews because of the nature of Toledo as an accepting area where we could build our own institutions, speak honestly with each other, and be ourselves," he said. Rabbi Sokobin thought his work as a rabbi shouldn’t stop at the doors of the Temple, but continue throughout the city. "I never thought of myself as just being rabbi of the Temple. I thought I served both the Toledo Jewish community and the general community as well, because it is such a small town and everyone and everything is intertwined," he said. He retired as rabbi in 1993, but retirement didn't mean slowing down. Rabbi Sokobin obtained his degree from the College of Law at University of Toledo in 1996 and became Chautauqua Associate Professor of History there. He taught history at the university for decades before switching to teaching law, and was appointed adjunct faculty member in the College of Medicine. Rabbi Sokobin has published more than 20 articles in scholarly journals and books and has served on several national boards and commissions such as the Commission of Social Action of American Reform Judaism and the Board of Trustees of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He currently serves as member of the Rabbinic Cabinet of the United Jewish Appeal and the Rabbinic Cabinet of the Jewish National Fund. For eight years, Rabbi Sokobin and his wife directed the summer program in Israel for the National Federation of Temple Youth. "It was the best Rabbi-ing I ever did, working with open minds and open hearts," he said. Rabbi Sokobin continues to lecture at the university, remains active in the Toledo Jewish community, and enjoys his role as father of two and grandfather of five. "I've led a very interesting life and I have every blessing one can have. I have some strength and a magnificent family with my wife, my children, and my grandchildren," he said. "I saw more than enough combat during my time in the service and thank G-d I’m alive today. I'm still active and teaching into my 90s. I'm a grateful guy." He joins a number of notable Toledoans featured in Sight and Sound since the project kicked off in 2008, such as jazz vocalist Jon Hendricks, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, and "M.A.S.H." actor Jamie Farr. Rabbi Sokobin thinks his Sight and Sound episode will allow Toledo Library patrons to see him as a person, rather than a title. "One of the tragedies of life is being judged by our titles rather than who we are. I was 29 years old before I had a title," he said. "I’m proud of my titles, I’m proud of my doctorate. But the title most important to me is Rabbi. I go by Rabbi because it speaks of the depth of meaning that is Judaism. It tells others I am interested in making a better world, that Jews are interested in making a better world." Sight and Sound documentaries can be found online at Scroll down to "Sight and Sound" and click on "Watch Interviews" to view. Sight and Sound documentary DVDs can also be checked out at any TLCPL location.

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  9

Senior Adult Center JFS Senior Adult Center presents: NEW exercise offering! Ballet Ball Fusion: You have to try it to like it, because it is unlike anything else!

Free services and events at the

Wednesdays (beginning January 4) 1 - 2 p.m. 2700 Pelham Road

This is a unique blend of exercise, dance, and Tai Chi - a great combo class. Ballet Barre exercises warm up the body and prepare it for the cardio portion – drumming! Then cool down with Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for arthritis program. All exercises can be modified to accommodate limitations or special needs. Each class portion lasts 20 minutes and provides exercises to strengthen, balance, stretch, and improve you.

TOP 10 JFS SENIOR ADULT CENTER FACTS: 1 The JFS Senior Adult center is open to anyone 60 and older

JFS Senior Adult Center Weather Advisory Closing Information

2 The JFS Senior Adult Center offers wonderful classes at NO CHARGE to participants

Level 1: Senior Center is OPEN & Events will take place as schedule. The Bus is running. Level 2: Senior Center is OPEN & Events may be modified. The bus is subject to road conditions, please call the center to confirm. Level 3: Senior Center is CLOSED. No bus service. All closings and delays will be posted on all 3 major networks: CBS, ABC & NBC. For questions, please call the Senior Center at 419-531-2119.

3 Transportation services for grocery store and banks are FREE 4 Outings include mystery lunches, day trips and much more 5 Wellness checks are provided weekly – FREE 6 Informative presenters speak regularly 7 Laughter is contagious 8 Assistance is available for Golden Buckeye Card applications 9 Community is a focal point 10

Participants meet, mix and mingle regularly

Mondays Wellness Checks 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Have a registered nurse from Senior Independence help you keep your blood pressure and sugar under control with a FREE weekly check! Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Prime Movers 11 a.m. – Noon Prime Movers is a basic all around strength and movement class. A mix of cardio, strength and flexibility. All levels welcome. Walk-ins welcome. Sukkot at SAC

Mondays & Wednesdays (New) Drumming 1 – 2 p.m. Any fitness level, anyone can do this! Come give it a try and be your own rock star! Wednesdays Art Class 2 -4 p.m. From sketching to oils to water colors you’re in charge of your project. No assignments. Work with the instructor to create a one of a kind piece of work. Fridays Poker Group 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Nickel and dime games. All are welcome!

To use any of the above services, just fill out a simple and quick Client Registration Form. To learn more about the JFS Senior Adult Center, call 419-531-2119 or visit The JFS Senior Adult Center is supported by the Area Office on Aging, the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and Jewish Seniors Services Supporting Organization. Thrilling Thursday! at SAC

Page  10 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Active Life for 60 and Better

Out & About

You‘re Invited… Annual Latke Luncheon Tuesday, December 20 12 p.m. Noon – Luncheon Congregation B’nai Israel, 6525 Sylvania Avenue $5 per person – lunch and entertainment - The New Fashioned Registration and payment requested by Monday, December 12 Celebrate the festival of lights together with a celebratory Hanukkah lunch and wonderful entertainment! This not to be missed event is always the talk of the town so register early and be sure to call your friends to join you. The New Fashioned is a breath of fresh air to both pop and jazz music, bringing the traditional styles and articulation of jazz, blues, swing, and rock ‘n’ roll to the forefront of mainstream pop. Their goal is to bridge the gap of generations by combining the gritty shadows of old speakeasies with the high - energy neon dance clubs of today.

Contemporary Offerings Prime Time Winter – One Day Tuesday, February 21 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sylvania JCC/YMCA (6465 Sylvania Avenue) $10 per person Registration and payment requested by Friday, February 10 Prime Time Winter – One Day is a mini-retreat reminiscent of Prime Time Summer. It is a chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy a day of friendship and active and engaging activities planned just for you. It might be cold outside, but it certainly won’t be inside with spa-like activities, delicious food, and so much more! Senior Lifestyle and Injury Prevention (SLIP) Luncheon sponsored by Jewish Senior Services Thursday, March 2 Noon Congregation B’nai Israel (6525 Sylvania Avenue) $5 per person Registration and payment requested by Monday, February 20 Join us as we partner with The Trauma Education/Prevention/Outreach Coordinator at Mercy Health - St. Vincent Medical Center for an essential presentation about injury prevention in four critical areas of everyday life: Balance Your Life (Fall Prevention), My Home, Safe Home (Home Safety), On the Right Road (Motor –Vehicle Safety), and Stepping Out Safety (Pedestrian Safety). Statistics show we are at risk for poor outcomes after an injury. Don’t be a statistic. This program is designed to help you maintain your independence through injury prevention with a delicious lunch included. To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call Emily Harel at 419531-2119 #2 or email For questions about a program, please call René Rusgo at 419-531-2119 #1 or

Happy Hanukkah!

Sunday, February 12 Toledo Walleye vs. Cincinnati Cyclones (Puck drop at 5:15 p.m.) 4:30 p.m. - depart from Federation campus (6465 Sylvania Avenue) $10 per person Registration and payment required by Monday, January 30 Time to get ready to cheer on the Walleye as they take to the ice. What better way to watch the game than from a suite with all the comforts of home and all of your friends? Payment includes transportation, ticket, and dinner. Don’t delay, register today as seats are limited for this exciting outing right in our own downtown!

Locally owned and operated since 1955

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  11

Senior Adult Center Annual Turkey Dinner On November 17, the JFS Senior Adult Center located at Pelham Manor served up a delicious turkey dinner as part of its annual Thanksgiving celebration.

Page  12 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

2016 Northwest Ohio Jewish Book Festival Northwest Ohio Jewish

Mother, Can You NOT? By Kate Siegel with her mother, Kim Friedman at The Blarney

Event Center on November 2

Book Festival 2016

The Dinner Party, By Brenda Janowitz at Highland Meadows Golf Club on November 3

By Emily Harel and René Rusgo The Northwest Ohio Jewish Book Festival 2016 started off with a bang. More than 86 community members in the beautiful Blarney Event Center enjoyed cool beverages and tasty appetizers before Book Festival’s first presentation from Kate Siegel, author of Mother, Can You Not? and her mother, Kim Friedman. They were an absolute riot. Between the silliness of trying to figure out the microphone to their crazy stories and taking tons of selfies with the community, you couldn’t have asked for a better start to Book Festival. The following night, Book Festival invited Brenda Janowitz, author of The Dinner Party, to discuss her universally understood novel. This novel dives into complex familial situations that one can truly feel through the eyes of the dynamic characters. Almost everyone has come into contact with someone or even has a relative who is similar to a character in this book. The community and Brenda joined together at Highland Meadows Golf Club to enjoy an elegant evening with tasty food, good laughs, great insight on her writing and her process, and a small reading from her book. On Sunday, Book Festival hosted four wonderful authors at Temple Shomer Emunim. All of the religious school children, from the David S. Stone Religious School and Temple, were there to join them in their exciting stories and lessons. Children ranging from pre-K through 10th grade enjoyed a fun-filled Sunday morning learning from four children's authors about everything from familial love to dreidels to Jews in punk rock music. Thank you, Michael Croland (Oy Oy Oy Gevalt! Jews and Punk) Joel Ben Izzy (Dreidels on the Brain) Rabbi Jamie Korngold (Sadie and Ori and the Blue Blanket) and Caron Levis (Ida, Always) for presenting and signing your books for the children. Thursday, at The Ward Pavilion at Wildwood Metropark, we turned our attention to our traditions and background. Jeffrey Yoskowitz, coauthor of The Gefilte Manifesto: New Recipes for Old World Jewish Foods, spoke with passion about revitalizing and updating Ashkenazi food. Everyone was able to get a taste of his book by pickling their very own green beans. Book Festival wrapped up with a wonderful luncheon filled with more than 93 community members. Michael Krasny, author of Let There Be Laughter, tickled everyone’s funny bones while they enjoyed a nice catered lunch. What a great way to wrap up this amazing festival. Thank you to all of the authors for coming to Toledo. To our community members for their continued support of the festival by attending events and supporting our authors by purchasing their books, thank you. Last, but certainly not least, a tremendous thank you to the amazing staff and committee who made all of these events as amazing and smooth as possible; it couldn’t have been done without you. From driving the authors to and from the airports and shuttling them around town to decorating the venues, taking authors out for meals, and making the authors lovely goody bags, every detail was executed beautifully. Thank you, thank you, thank you Kim Brody; Linda Dolgin Duda; Judi Fox; Maurine Glasser; Alix Greenblatt; Emily Harel; Lois Levison; Lynn Liber; Wendy Payne; Janet Rogolsky; Suzanne Rosenberg; René Rusgo; and Lauren Sachs. Thank you all for another amazing Book Festival!

2016 Northwest Ohio Book Festival Let There Be Laughter by Michael Krasny at Congregation B’nai Israel on November 11

Kids Day at Temple Congregation Shomer Emunim on November 6 Sadie and Ori and the Blue Blanket by Jamie Korngold; Ida, Always by Caron Levis; Dreidels On The Brain by Joel Ben Izzy; Oy Oy Oy Gevalt! Jews and Punk by Michael Croland

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  13

Bake sale to benefit JFS Food Pantry

The Gefilte Manifesto: New Recipes for Old World Jewish Foods by Jeffrey Yoskowitz and Liz Alpern at The Ward Pavilion at Wildwood Metropark on November 10

Page  14 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Young Jewish Toledo Coming soon! The Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Presents Young Jewish Toledo


YJT serves up fun and good food at the JFS Senior Adult Center Annual Turkey Dinner

oirée 2016

Valentine Theatre March 4, 2017

A little party never killed nobody! SUPPORTED BY


Check out our Facebook group: “Young Jewish Toledo”

Programs especially for postcollege to young families. Y O U N G


Young Jewish Toledo is a staple of Jewish life in the Toledo area, existing to draw wonderful, dynamic, young Jewish people together for the greater benefit of the community.



From Hebrew Happy Hours to date nights to volunteer opportunities, Young Jewish Toledo provides a range of outlets for young Jewish professionals 2140. These future leaders of Jewish Toledo are continuously strengthening personal connections while participating in – and perpetuating – Jewish life in Toledo. To find out more about how you or someone you know can get involved with Young Jewish Toledo, contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or

For more information about Young Jewish Toledo contact Hallie Freed at

DIY Pallet Painting Night! Saturday, December 17 7 p.m. Board & Brush – 6725 W Central Ave, Suite N (next to Domo Sushi) $25 per person – Includes wooden sign, workshop, and noshes. Pinterest has nothing on you. Bring a date or friend and paint the night away! Hone your own passion for décor and DIY projects. We hand you the tools and direction, you create the friendships and craft. Never used a hammer, sand paper, or power tool? Never added picture hangers to a home décor sign to hang on your wall? Never waxed wood to protect it from the elements and make it glisten in the light? Don’t worry. You will be taught all of these skills. ***WALK INS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR THIS EVENT*** RSVP Required by Friday, December 9, to Colette Lundberg at 419-724-0361 or and you must register and select your artwork at Babysitting is available from 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. at the Gan Yeladim Preschool at 6465 Sylvania Avenue. It is $15 for the first child and $10 for each additional child. You MUST RSVP by Thursday, December 15 to Andy Richards at preschoolgan@ or 419-277-4647.

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  15

PJ Library

Fun at PJ Playdates




s e t a d Play

PJ Library Presents: PJ Playdates

Join us for our monthly PJ Library Playdates. Playdates will offer story time, snacks, and free play. Some playtimes will have themes and crafts. PJ Playdates are a great opportunity for Moms, Dads, Bubbies, Zaydes, and more to meet other new young families! RSVP requested the Thursday prior to Colette Lundberg at 419724-0361 or ***Please notify us of any dietary restrictions***

PJ Turkey Tots

PJ Playdate Friday, January 20 10 – 11:30 a.m. Jewish Federation Campus – Leonard Lounge Tu BiShvat Tasting Friday, February 10 10 – 11:30 a.m. Jewish Federation Campus – Leonard Lounge Purim Celebration Friday, March 10 10 – 11:30 a.m. Jewish Federation Campus – Leonard Lounge Come dressed up for a Purim celebration. Make mishloah manot, masks, hamantaschen, and so much more! To learn more about PJ Library® and to ensure your child receives this wonderful gift, please contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or PJ Library® is supported in part by the Gary and Andrea Delman Family Foundation and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo.

There is one more way to be Jewish!

Learn to

play violin!

Have you ever thought how many world renown violinists were and/or are Jewish? Isaak Stern, Yehudi Menuhin, David Oistrakh, Itzhak Perlman, Shlomo Mintz, Maxim Vengerov and that is just to name a few! Maybe you or your child could be one of them!

For violin lessons call Yanina at (419) 345-0749

Page  16 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News

Toledo Area Jewish Historical Society

Interested in being a part of the Historical Society and the important archival work they are accomplishing? Email Toledo Jewish Historical Society director Lynn Jacobs for information at

December Jewish Historical Society TJN Update It’s hard to believe that we started our “JHS” nearly six months ago with author David Noel and the Toledo Lucas County Public Library(“TLCPL”) collaborating with us to celebrate the publication of “A History of the Toledo Jewish Community 1895-2006”. Since then, the evolution of our historic project has attracted many of our community members whose interest in the project has taken many directions. I have discovered that formal “meetings” are very difficult to arrange due to our active community members’ conflicting schedules. Furthermore, our group of amateur historians and archivists is not

as numerous as would be desirable; many of them are already engaged in meaningful community projects. As a result, the original intent to assemble a large group with regular meetings appears unrealistic. More effective is connecting with interested volunteers for specific projects. Our first project was the Book Launch, held June 16, 2016, in the Chapel of Congregation Shomer Emunim, where several volunteers committed to our “cause” helped create a memorable celebration to launch this worthwhile project. Our volunteer Ushers made a terrific “first impression” on our TLCPLibrary personnel and visitors! The Library’s first request is for the

Jewish community to produce Jewish Toledo historical memorabilia, in both print and digital forms. We need to annotate the brief facts of the lives of individuals already videotaped. With this immense project, ALICE APPLEBAUM & SUE HIRSCH have been very capable and committed volunteers. Others have indicated they will assist when other commitments have ended. However we need your help to complete this project. It can be done at home and on your own time. Your resources will be your curiosity, willingness to contact the individual (letter, phone call, or Internet resources), and ability to create a 3-5 sentence paragraph about the individual, preferably using the computer.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are able to help. With just a little help from many, we can timely complete this phase and move on to our “Second Phase”, recording live Oral Interviews, in 2017! As we have joined with loved ones for Thanksgiving and look ahead to a joyous Hanukah, let’s –each in our own way—express gratitude to those who came before and to future generations of children for whom our lives will be their legacy. “L’Dor V’Dor” Please call me at 419-841-5668 or email: to help preserve Jewish Toledo for future generations. We need you!

Help us identify and date histortical photos 6








Front Row (L to R) 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________ Back Row 6.____________________________ 7.____________________________









8.____________________________ 9.____________________________ 10.___________________________ 11___________________________ 12. ___________________________ 13.___________________________ 14.___________________________ 15.___________________________ 16.___________________________

This photo has only two identifying marks on it. The first is "Bnai" handwritten in the bottom left corner and on the back is written "1944." Can you help identify the women pictured here. Please fill out the form and email your answers to Lynn Jacobs at or mail the form to: JFGT, Attn: Lynn Jacobs, 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560

Can you identify any of these of our former Toledo Jewish community members who worked hard to create a vibrant Jewish life for all of us? Periodically, our Toledo Jewish News features a photo from the extensive "Rogues Gallery" of past leaders and participants in Toledo Jewish life whose enthusiasm and dedication created the rich, varied ativities we still remember so well. Take a good look, turn your mental time clock back several decades, and call or write Lynn Jacobs with your discoveries. "Guess-timates" are also gladly accepted. Contact Lynn Jacobs at


January 1951 – Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt speaks to sell out audience at Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle. We had some success identifying the First Lady's lucky escorts. Miriam Markowitz recognized her great aunt, Mirah Eppstein (#2 in the photo). Contact Lynn Jacobs at if you can help identify anyone in our archival photographs.

"Our" JHS really belongs to the entire Jewish community – to anyone who identifies with it. We have NO MEMBERSHIP FEE, which automatically makes ALL Toledo Jews members.

Don't miss out on the sounds of the season



This Hanukkah Give Gifts of Israel Bonds

Cathy Dobrowitsky (daughter of Herman and Pola Lifton of Detroit) and Jeffrey Gordon (son of Nathaniel and Ruth Gordon of New York City) were married at her backyard koi pond in Huntington Woods, Michigan, by Rabbi Tamara Kolton on September 25, 2016. Cathy and Jeff were accompanied down the aisle by their children, Josh Dobrowitsky and Lindsay Schindler, and Daniel and Emily Gordon. Cathy is a retired property manager. Jeff is a tired Bowling Green State University geography professor. Cathy and Jeff will be relocating to Cary, North Carolina.

Development Corporation for Israel Commerce Park Building Four 23240 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 810 Beachwood, OH 44122 216.454.0180 •

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  17

Invest in Israel Bonds This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA

Have something to kvell about? Let Jewish Toledo celebrate your good news with you! Send us your wedding, engagement, graduation, baby, job or other news for consideration in Toledo Jewish News today! Submit your simcha to Paul Causman at

COMMISSIONED AD SALES Toledo Jewish News is seeking commissioned ad sales personnel for monthly newspaper. Make extra money in your free time; the more you sell, the more you make. Work from home or at the office. Contact Paul Causman at

Page  18 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News


Local Opinion

UNESCO promotes anti-Israel agenda, disregards religious ties to holy site

By Josh Brody for The Miami Student Editor's note: The following is an editorial written by Toledoan Josh Brody for The Miami Student, an independent media outlet in Oxford, Ohio, for students of Miami University.

Jerusalem, the city which holds immense significance in the major three monotheistic religions, is also one of the world’s most highly disputed territories. Jerusalem is a thriving and diverse city, full of culture, heritage and history. On Oct. 13, 2016, UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) passed a resolution 24-6 with 26 abstentions on “Occupied Palestine” in which it completely disregarded Jewish and Christian ties to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, referring to the holy site only by its Islamic names, the AlAqsa Mosque/Al-Haram AL-Sharif, meaning ‘the holy sanctuary.’ The Temple Mount, considered the spiritual focal point of Judaism, is not attributed to the Jewish people whatsoever in the resolution, nor does the resolution acknowledge any legitimate Israeli claim to the holy site. The Temple Mount is considered to be the holiest site in Judaism, and the location of the first and second Jewish Temples, which stood several centuries before the creation of Islam. In Islam, it is deemed the religion’s third holiest site. Ancient Arabic writing discovered in the village of Nuba near Hebron refers to the site as ‘Beit Almakdas,’ referring to the Hebrew name for the Jerusalem Temple, the ‘Beit HaMikdash.’ Islam recognizes the historical connection and significance of the Temple Mount to the Jewish people. It is also the site where, according to the Gospel of Luke, twelve-year-old Jesus met with the Jewish theologians of the time and confounded them with his knowledge of Torah. The resolution, which was submitted by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan, condemned Israel for its actions in and around three holy sites: the Temple Mount (the Al-Aqsa Mosque) in Jerusalem, the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs (Al-Haram Al Ibrahami) in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb (Bilah Ibn Rabah Mosque) in Bethlehem, all in relatively close proximity to one another. Although the resolution states that the latter two holy sites “are of religious significance in Judaism, Christianity and Islam,” it blatantly denies any Israeli connection to the sites. The resolution called on the Israeli government to return to the status

quo of 2000, giving “exclusive authority” of the Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Jordanian Awqaf (religious) authority, which proves this attempt at rewriting history stems from political and religious prejudices. For many years now, non-Muslim visitors of the Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa Mosque are allowed to visit Sunday-Thursday for a short four hour period. There is only one entrance for non-Muslims, who are forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount. By handing the Jordanian religious authorities exclusive control, opportunities for non-Muslims to visit the holiest site in Judaism would be further diminished. The UN chief Ban Ki-moon has separated himself from the Arab states-backed resolution. According to his spokesman’s office, Ki-moon “reaffirms the importance of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls for the three monotheistic religions” and recognizes that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is also the “Har HaBayit — or Temple Mount — whose Western Wall is the holiest place in Judaism.” UNESCO is known to be the “intellectual” agency of the UN. Since its creation in 1945, the UN agency has aimed to build intercultural understanding “through protection of heritage and support for cultural diversity.” If UNESCO aims to protect the integrity of world heritage sites, is dismissing the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and the people who built the Temple that once stood on it antithetical to its goals? Ultimately, UNESCO cannot and should not attempt to influence the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through its resolutions. These holy sites have deep-rooted connections to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, yet UNESCO consequently seems to completely disregard Jewish and Christian connections to these holy sites. This can only be seen as the UN’s continued promotion of an anti-Israel agenda. If the UN is truly concerned about alleged Israeli abuses of the Palestinians, UNESCO is not the outlet to change the status quo, nor should the organization attempt to rewrite history in order to promote its anti-Zionist agenda. Doing so only adds fuel to the fire, denying Jews and Christians around the world their connection to the holiest sites in their respective faiths and enlarging the divide between the Israeli and Palestinian people. The shared significance of these holy sites for the three monotheistic faiths, especially the Temple Mount/ Al-Aqsa Mosque, can be a source of unity and peace, rather than one of violence and separation.

By Alex Goldstein Toledo BBYO had a wonderful time at Spirit Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the weekend of Oct. 28-30. Spirit Convention consisted of all of the chapters within the Ohio Northern Region competing against each other in a series of competitions for the AZA Spirit Stick and the BBG Spirit Stick. Akron BBYO and Canton BBYO teamed up with the teens from Toledo and competed together. By the end of the first night, Akron

and Toledo boys were in the lead of everyone else. The boys kept up that lead for the rest of the weekend and were awarded the AZA Spirit stick Saturday night at the dance. After, the boys celebrated by dancing it out with their friends from all over northern Ohio as we also watched the World Series game throughout the night. If you are a teen who is interested in BBYO or are a parent who is interested in their teen participating in BBYO, make sure to email the city director at the office at

B’Shalom Fall/Winter Board Elections By Ali Moore Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016, marked the day chapter B’not Shalom’s Fall/Winter Board was elected. During the election process, the candidates were each asked how they would contribute to programs and help reach out to new members. Communication was another major issue, but they are confident the new board will make sure the new recruits and other members will know when a program is planned. The votes were counted and the results are in. Lexi Mann, the new N’siah, is looking forward to sharing new program ideas and working with her new board members. Second in command, S’ganit, is Madison Smith, who is optimistic that the new semester will an outstanding

one. First time board members Anne Barchick, who won Sh’licha, and Nina Libes, who won Mazkirah, are both excited to be more involved in organizing programs. Recruiting new members is a major part of BBYO. Harriet Theise, who earned the title “Mit Mom,” looks up to former “Mit Mom” Lexie Mann and aspires to increase the numbers of active members. Being super friendly, Gizborit officer Alexa Bader is looking forward to planning fundraisers to help those in need. Completing the board, Sari Judis was elected two positions: Orechet and Katvanit. She is excited to contribute to the newspaper and be in charge of taking minutes at meetings. With these great new leaders, this semester will without a doubt be one to make the records.

BBYO Boys BSN-AZA Chapter Advisor Needed

Advisors work with teens on the ground level to help them plan highquality programs, get involved with the community, and help their chapters to reach their full potential. Our advisors serve as positive Jewish role models by sharing observations with the teens, exploring problems and potential solutions, and encouraging them to strive for excellence. With advisor oversight, chapter programming is the responsibility of chapter members, allowing the teens to make some mistakes while helping them to learn and grow. Advisors also work with teens to develop the character and confidence they need to handle the challenges of the high school years. Must be 21 years of age or older. For more information, please check out Interested in finding out more or applying? Please contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  19


Singalong Celebrating Hanukkah

Join Cantor Joshua Finkel and Accompanist Bob Rae as they lead a concert and singalong celebrating Hanukkah. The concert is free and open to the public on Wednesday, December 14th at the Main Library in Downtown Toledo at 325 Michigan from 12:30-1:30pm in their Wintergarden, as part of their “Sounds of the Season 2016” Holiday Concert Series. We will be singing old favorites together and also hearing some newer popular songs and melodies celebrating Hannukah as well as traditional music in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Ladino ( Judeo-Spanish).

Rabbi Sam Weinstein, Father Ron Olszewski and Imam Telal Eid tread the boards this season for Toledo Ballet's Annual Nutcracker

A Rabbi Walks Up to the (Ballet) Barre … Rabbi Weinstein to play Mother Ginger in Toledo Ballet’s 76th Annual Nutcracker

Toledo Ballet is thrilled to announce that Rabbi Samuel Weinstein of Temple Shomer Emunim will play the highly coveted role of Mother Ginger in its Sunday, December 18, 2 p.m. performance of its 76th annual Nutcracker. The role is by invitation-only and has been played in recent years by various community leaders including Dick Anderson, Randy Oostra, the Honorable Norman Zemmelman and local actor Paul Causman of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo. Father Ron Olszewski, retired president of St. Francis de Sales High School, will perform the role on Saturday, December 17 at 2 p.m. Imam Telal Eid of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo will play the role of Mother Ginger Saturday, December 17 at 7 p.m.. The inspiration for inviting these three local religious leaders came following TB’s 75th anniversary Nutcracker last December when it was mentioned that Bishop Thomas attended the performance and had a wonderful time. “It was just one of those magical visions that came to me as I imagined having our local religious leaders actually part of our production,” explained TB executive director Mari Davies. She went on to point out that, despite rather troubled times, Toledo’s major religious communities support and embrace one another. “While the story of The Nutcracker happens to take place at Christmas, the essence of the story is about the magic of childhood, which is universal.” Upon accepting the invitation to play Mother Ginger, Rabbi Weinstein said, “I look forward to participating in this wonderful communal event, especially knowing that clergy of different faiths have united to make The Nutcracker and this season a time of peace and blessing for all people. “ Founded in 1939, Toledo Ballet has the longest running annual production of The Nutcracker in the entire country. Toledo Ballet School offers the AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE® National Training Curriculum, an 8-level program that combines high quality artistic training with the basics of dancer health and child development. In addition to

Toledo Jewish News wishes you and your loved ones a Happy Hanukkah!

ballet, TB offers an extensive contemporary division which includes jazz, tap, hip hop, and more, as well as health and fitness classes, pilates and yoga. Toledo Ballet, a non-profit organization, has as its mission “to promote interest in dance through premiere education, outreach and performances.” For tickets, go or call the Stranahan Theater box office at 419.381.8851.

Calling all Jewish Bakers!

The 2017 Jewish Food Festival wants YOU to participate in a Jewish baking Competition. Make the best rugelach in town?? We want to try it! Is your apple cake to die for?? Let us kvell over it! We want to nosh on the best baked goods in Toledo! Baked items will be judged the day of the Festival, Sunday, May 7, 2017 by our panel of experts and prizes will be awarded for first through third place in the following categories; Cookies, Cakes, Pies and Pastries. First place in each category will be awarded a golden rolling pin along with a fabulous prize. The rules are simple; make enough to feed 25 people, the baked item must be Jewish in nature, and NO lard. We will supply sample cups and utensils. Any questions?? Call Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or Please fill out the information below and mail or email the information to: JFGT, Attn: Hallie Freed, 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560 or

Baker’s Name Address Phone Email Category (circle one)





Item Name Prefer to (circle one)

Bake at home

Bake in a Kosher Kitchen

Page  20 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

Congregation Etz Chayim FIRESIDE CHAT PLANNED Everyone is invited to a Fireside Chat with Rabbi Rubin on Saturday evening, December 10, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. His topic is “Is Nature Miraculous? What is the distinction between nature and miracles? What is a miracle? Is there such a thing?” Nancy and Marc Jacobson will host the discussion at their home. A wine and cheese tasting will precede the program. Please call the synagogue office to R.S.V.P.

SISTERHOOD NEWS Thanks to all of you who worked at the Etz Chayim/B’nai Israel Rummage Sale. The money we raised during this rummage sale will help our Sunday School. Looking for some new culinary ideas for your Chanukah dinner? Perhaps you want to try making some homemade potato latkes, some Poached Salmon with Dill Sauce, and an Oriental Spinach Salad. Our Sisterhood is selling a cookbook titled Recipes from Etz Chayim’s Kitchen. Copies are available for purchase at a cost of $10. Cookbooks make a great Chanukah gift. The next Sisterhood Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. in the Shul Library. All Sisterhood members are invited to attend.

GIFT SHOP Please remember to patronize the Sisterhood Gift Shop, as new and exciting merchandise is coming in all the time. Chanukah is fast approaching. Come into the shul to look at our hallway display of items and gifts for Chanukah. We have exquisite menorahs and candlesticks, colorful mezuzahs and dreidels, wax candles and chocolaty Chanukah gelt. Look at the stunning new jewelry for a special gift. As always, we have a selection of Ahava products. Call our gift shop chairman, Sandy Marcus at (419) 473-2401, if you need an idea or have a particular gift item you’re looking for. Save time by letting us do the gift wrapping. Mention this article, and you can have 10% off one item! JOINT SYNAGOGUE BOOK CLUB & LUNCHEON PLANNED Congregations Etz Chayim, B’nai Israel and Shomer Emunim will be hosting a joint Book Club meeting and lunch on Tuesday, January, 24, 2017 at noon at Congregation Etz Chayim. The book being reviewed is Defying the Nazis: the Sharps’ War, by Artemis Joukowsky. This book is the story of an American Unitarian minister and his social worker wife who save hundreds from Nazi persecution. The minister’s secretary, Mrs. Twining lives in Toledo and will be speaking at the Book Club on her views of the book and its history. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please call the synagogue office, 419473-2401 to R.S.V.P. by January 17th. CHANUKAH LUNCH AND GAME DAY PLANNED Join us on Sunday, December 25, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. for a delicious dairy lunch with latkes and all the trimmings. The cost will be $10.00 per person. Following lunch there will be games of poker rummikub, mahj jongg and whatever meets your fancy. Please call the office to make your reservation.

Chabad House ‫ב״ה‬



THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29 I 5PM Celebrate the sixth night of Chanukah with the whole community! Join us for a SPECIAL Fire-on-Ice Menorah lighting in Franklin Park Mall on Thursday, December 29!


will be carved by Ice Creations! Be there as the Ice Menorah is completed, followed by a Menorah Lighting Ceremony, Refreshments, Music and more! 6th ANNUAL


For details: OR contact Shmouel: 419.322.2730

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  21

Temple Shomer Emunim December Worship Schedule Friday, December 2nd Shabbat Service at 6:00PM Friday, December 9th Shabbat Service at 6:00PM Friday, December 16th Shabbat Service at 6:00PM

Save the Date! Rabbi Weinstein’s “Fundamentals of our Faith” Class begins Thursday, January 12th at 5:00PM. Look in your January Bulletin for the full schedule.

It’s a Chanukah Celebration! Sunday, December 18th 5:00PM

Join us for our famous Chanukah dinner with all of your holiday favorites! Adults $14 Children 10 & Under $7

Friday, December 23rd Shabbat Service at 6:00PM Friday, December 30th Shabbat Service at 6:00PM

Temple Book Club Thursday, December 8th at 10:30AM

Bible & Bagels Sundays, December 4th & 11th

Coffee with the Clergy Wednesdays, December 7th & 21st at 11:00AM

Dance the night away with Cloud 9 Entertainment! Games, Crafts & Cookie Decorating! Each child will receive a goody bag! RSVP to or 419/885-3341 no later than Tuesday, December 13th

Religious School Calendar

Temple Tots Sunday, December 4th at 9:30AM Spin, Sing and Schmooze while learning about the holiday of Chanukah with Miss Rochelle and Miss Jodie! Parents bring your “tot” for a morning of fun!

Congregation B’nai Israel Stop by the Gift Shop for all your Hanukkah gifts! Gift shop will be open 9:30 – noon on Sundays December 4, 11, and 18 AND ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR THE

HANUKKAH SHOPPING SPREE DECEMBER 19, 20, & 21-10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. Also available by appointment! Jewish Lives, Jewish Learning: Adult Education Series

Sun. Dec. 4th Wed. Dec. 7th Sun. Dec. 11th Wed. Dec. 14th Sun. Dec. 18th Wed. Dec. 21st Sun. Dec. 25th Wed. Dec. 28th

Religious School 9:15AM; Temple Tots 9:30AM Hebrew School 4:20PM Religious School 9:15AM Hebrew School 4:20PM Religious School 5:00PM – Chanukah Shabbat Hebrew School 4:20PM NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NO HEBREW SCHOOL

Daily Services Schedule


Mon.-Thurs: 7:00 a.m., 5:45 p.m. Friday: 7:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (When Religious School is in session)

Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a lively discussion of Jewish current events in the CBI Library, led by Hazzan Ivor Lichterman. NO charge. Everyone welcome. Refreshments served.

Sisterhood 2.0

David S. Stone Religious School


Sunday 4 Wednesday 7 Sunday 11

Maj Night Sunday,

Wednesday 14 Sunday 18

December 4, 2016 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. All are welcome!

NO Religious School - Winter Break Wednesday, December 21, 2016 Sunday, January 1, 2017 Classes resume on January 4.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. From “Griner”to“Yenkee”: The Fate of East European Jewish Immigrants

Presenter: Dr. David Weinberg

Adult Conversational Hebrew Class: Learn to speak Hebrew

Class begins Wednesday, January 4, 2017 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at C.B.I. Taught by Sharon Lapitsky

Tuition: $25 for entir e session (All mater ials will be pr ovided) Your payment will reserve your spot! Please call the office at 419-517-8400 or email for more information.

Join us on Shabbat December 31, New Year’s Eve for a festive musical Shabbat service at 9:30 a.m. Followed by a delicious Hanukkah Kiddush luncheon

Please note: The office will be closed on December 26 and January 2.

RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m. RS 9:30-11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Hannukah Palooza at Shomer Emunim RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m. RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. Parent/Child class 10:15-11:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Latke Lunch and MENORAH contest

Students and parents:

Sunday December 18 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Join us for a

Hanukkah Latke lunch and MENORAH Contest

Make your own original menorah and bring it to CBI!

USY/KADIMA Saturday Wednesday Friday-Sunday Saturday

3 7 9-11 17


150th Concert coat check Lounge Night 6:15– 7:45 p.m. Kadima Kinnus in Columbus, Ohio Family Havdalah– Zoo Lights

Page  22 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News


Business Cards

Caretaker Caregiver w/13 yrs. exp. Seeking elderly care live in position, available ASAP. Please call Melinda, at 248 796 1562. Help Wanted Part-time salesperson for upscale clothing store in downtown Toledo. 419-248-3345. For Sale BURIAL PLOTS • 2 std. burial plots, Jewish section of Woodlawn Cemetery. $1400 for both. 813-787-4800 It is easy to run a classified ad in Toledo Jewish News! First 12 words - $8, $0.10 per additional word. Phone numbers and abbreviations count as separate words. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month. Simply email your ad and billing information to or call 419-724-0318 for more information. Please note: Classified ads will run every month (and the purchaser will be billed) until notification of cancellation is received.

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CONTACT WENDY COOPER 419-392-3333 6155 W. CENTRAL AVE. TOLEDO, OH 43615 | WWW.BROWNHONDA.COM No purchase necessary. See dealer for game card and complete details


Simply send your business card and billing information to: Paul Causman at 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560 or Publish your business card (reproduced with no changes) for just $36/month* *Three-month minimum. Any changes to business card include extra charge. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month. Call 419-724-0318 for more information

Toledo Jewish News • December 2016 • Page  23

ing 2017! m o C y 7, Ma

Calling all foodies…

o d e l o T

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d o o F

l a v i t s e F

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5236 Monroe St Suite E Toledo, OH 43623

Three Dog Bakery uses only all-natural, wholesome, close to the earth ingredients that you can understand and feel good about feeding your dogs. Our products are oven baked slowly to release the ingredients’ natural flavors and aromas and to work with your dog’s digestive system as nature intended. There are no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives in any of our products.

Visit our bakery today!

Are you interested in planning? Are you a chef who would like to show off your Jewish dishes? Do you have an idea for the Jewish Food Festival? For more information, please contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or Sponsored in part by

Northwest Ohio Gastroenterology Associates Kripke Enterprises

Frankel Dentistry

The Joseph Wasserstrom Family Supporting Organization

Do you know

a young professional or young entrepreneur who deserves to be highlighted in an upcoming issue of Toledo Jewish News? Contact Paul Causman at 419-724-0318 or

Page  24 • December 2016 • Toledo Jewish News

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