Toledo Jewish News April 2017

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Nisan/Iyar 5777 • April 2017

Jewish Federation & Foundation

h s i Jew

o d e l o T Page 5

Toledo Jewish Community Foundation: Coach Ben Braun

Sunday May 7, 2017 11:15am -1pm Temple Shomer Emunim

Page 8

Remembering Morah Betty

Get your taste buds ready for a Jewish culinary experience. Jewish food, entertainment, and fun for the whole family! Klezmer music, Jewish food, kids activities, bounce houses, jousting, carnival games, face painting, and more.

Baking competition and Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration. Kosher hot dog lunch

Page 14 & 23 PJ Library

Menu includes; Brisket Sliders, Schnitzel, Stuffed Cabbage, Falafel, kugels, Israeli salads, bourekas, challah, 7 layer cake and more! For more information, please contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or *Please let us know of any dietary restrictions beforehand

Sponsored in part by

Northwest Ohio Gastroenterology Associates Kripke Enterprises

The Joseph Wasserstrom Family Supporting Frankel Dentistry Organization *Not all food pictured will be served

<------LABEL GOES HERE------>

$10 per adult in advance | $15 at the door | Kids under 18 eat free!

Page  2 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

toledo jewish film festival COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU 5th Annual

Toledo Jewish Film Festival sponsored by Ruth and Ralph Delman

May 22 - July 10

Yom HaShoah: A Musical Reflection

Sunday, April 30 10:30 a.m.

Temple Shomer Emunim

Cantor Ivor Lichterman and Rabbi Evan Rubin

Yom HaShoah: A Musical Reflection by Cantor Ivor Lichterman and Rabbi Evan Rubin

Featuring placement at the Community Holocaust Memorial Monument of individually painted stones by our religious school students under a horse chestnut tree referencing the tree outside Anne Frank's hiding place in memory of the 1.5 million Jewish children killed in the Holocaust. On display will be Holocaust related art work from students in the GATE class at McCord Jr. High School. Candle lighting service Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. Temple Shomer Emunim 6453 Sylvania Ave. Sylvania, Ohio 43560

James Fox Fund

Ruth Fajerman


Holocaust Resource Center of Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo ANNUAL MEETING June 27, 2017

Stay tuned for additional information

Remember – Monday, May 22 Starring Academy Award winner Christopher Plummer and Academy Award winner Martin Landau The Pickle Recipe – Monday, June 5 Meet writer/producer Sheldon Cohen Pickle tasting starts at 6:30 p.m. The Midnight Orchestra – Monday, June 12 (Arabic, English, French with subtitles) Winner of the Ecumenical Jury Prize at the Montréal World Film Festival. Indignation – Monday, June 19 An insightful adaptation of Philip Roth’s 2008 novel DOUBLE FEATURE/CLOSING NIGHT Hummus the Movie, The Last Blintz Monday, July 10 Hummus and blintz tasting – arrive by 6:30 p.m See page16 for more information about this year's line-up of award-winning films.

2017 Jewish



October 15, 2017 Artist packets now available

Contact Hallie Freed at

Jewish Federation & Foundation

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  3

Toledo Jewish News

Dear Jewish Toledo

A note from The CEO

Volume 65 No. 7 • 24 pages

I wanted to take the time to thank everyone in the community who reached out to us to express their solidarity with our community in the wake of the bomb threat we received. As always, security is a top priority and we continue to work with local and national law enforcement agencies always making sure that we stay vigilant.

(ISSN 0040-9081) Toledo Jewish News is published 11 times per year, by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Toledo Jewish News invites correspondence on subjects of interest to the Jewish community, but disclaims responsibility for any endorsement of the views expressed by the writers. All submissions become the property of Toledo Jewish News. Submissions will be edited for accuracy, brevity and clarity and are subject to verification. Toledo Jewish News reserves the right to refuse any submissions. Toledo Jewish News does not guarantee the kashrut of any of its advertisers. The appearance of advertising, in the Toledo Jewish News print or digital media, does not constitute an endorsement of the advertisers or their products and services by Toledo Jewish News, Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and its affiliated agencies. Product and services information is based solely on material received from suppliers.

We will not be intimidated. We will not waiver in our commitment to be there for the community and to continue the important and meaningful work we do. Every Passover Elijah has a standing invitation. No matter Your support what. We open is ouralways door. Setappreciated. a place at our table. And fill his cup. This year, let’s do the same for those in need. No matter what. Please give to JFGT.

Warm You’ll regards, be helping your Jewish community at home and around the world. And you’ll be opening up our Jewish future too.

Joel Marcovitch, CEO

On behalf of the Boards and Staff of the Federation and Foundation we wish you all a wonderful Passover.

Joel Joel

Phone: 419-724-0318 Fax: 419-885-3207 e-mail: EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR Paul Causman



EDITORIAL DEADLINE 10th of each month Editorial copy by email to or on disc to 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: 15th of each month Advertising inquiries should be addressed to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 419-724-0363 POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Entered as Periodicals at the post office at Toledo, Ohio, under act of March 3, 1987. Periodicals U.S. Postage Paid at Sylvania, Ohio. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $36 PER YEAR

Toledo Jewish News accepts ads, artwork

DATE EVENT April 5 Author Jennifer Teege April 8 You’ll do Better in Jewish Toledo April 27 The Vitamin Solution May 4 Fighting Heroin: The Heroin/Opiate Epidemic May 7 Food Festival May 9 WHO is THAT? with the Toledo Jewish Historical Society May 9 – Friday, May 12 Celebration of photos with The Toledo Jewish Historical Society May 18 Brighton, Michigan - Artistic Excursion May 22 - July 10 Film Festival June 8 Anniversary Senior Luncheon June 21 and June 22 Wooster Theatre Get Away June 27 JFGT Annual Meeting June 28 Take ME Out to the Ballpark! August 2 Harvey at Purple Rose Theatre, Chelsea, Michigan August 21 Prime Time Summer October 15 Art Festival

DEPARTMENT Community Seniors Seniors Seniors Department of Jewish Programs Seniors/Community Seniors/Community Seniors Department of Jewish Programs Seniors Seniors Community Seniors Seniors Seniors Department of Jewish Programs

Dates are subject to change. Events will be added monthly as information becomes available.

and all editorial copy by disc or

e-mail only, at paul@JewishToledo. org. Photographs and discs may also be dropped off at the Toledo Jewish News office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Make your contribution to the Annual Campaign online at

Hallie Freed, Program Director, Department of Jewish Programs 419-724-0362 | Sharon Lapitsky, Director, Jewish Community Relations Council 419-724-0315 |

Wendy Goldstein, Director JFGT Campaign 419-724-0360

René Rusgo, Director, and Emily Harel, Program Associate Senior Services and Senior Adult Center 419-531-2119 | or Raizel Shemtov, Director, Gan Yeladim Preschool 419-344-9142 |

Page  4 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

Jewish Community Relations Council Report By Sharon Lapitsky T he Jewish Community Rela-

tions Council is trying to create a new tradition within our greater community. This year, Federation, Toledo Lucas County Public Library, and Pastor Brock joined forces to celebrate Black History Month. Due to the overwhelming success of the movie Rosenwald screened at the Jewish Film Festival led by Hallie Freed last year, this movie was chosen to be shown to 237 students from the Toledo area. Thanks to a very generous donation made by Larry Freedman, the movie was offered free of charge to the participating schools. History has shown us that the African-American and Jew-

ish communities have supported each other and stood side-by-side for generations. Rosenwald taught us the importance of collaboration and education. Having Federation involved in the Black History Month event is a small glimpse into history and something that will hopefully become an annual tradition. Looking ahead, JCRC is preparing for author Jennifer Teege's visit April 5, where more than 700 students will hear her story as part of the annual diversity program in addition to the evening event at Lourdes University. Preparation for Yom Haatzmaut is also underway. This year, it will be combined with the Food Festival festivities.

Federation’s Campaign launches new women’s giving society

Sylvania JCC/YMCA's patio on Sunday, March 19, was the place to be as our new Pearl Society was revealed. More than 35 women gathered to learn about the Pearl Society, eat, and schmooze. The Pearl Society is for women whose giving level to the annual Campaign is $180 or more. As part of the society, women are eligible to purchase a pearl necklace specifically designed for members. The necklaces are assembled by Easter Seals volunteers and a portion of the proceeds from each necklace goes back to that organization. We are in the process of forming a committee to discuss further programs for this new group. For more information about becoming a Pearl or purchasing a necklace, please contact Campaign Director Wendy Goldstein at 419-724-0360.

Koby Sybony, Israeli artist from our Western Galilee Partnership Region, gave a workshop in Toledo recently.

Campaign thanks Silver Circle donors

Federation was honored to thank donors who have given to the annual Campaign for 25 years or longer. Among the more than 65 people who attended the luncheon, many have given gifts to the Campaign for 40 years. Our donors have had a hand in building the wonderful, vibrant Jewish community that we have all enjoyed for several decades and have made provisions for years to come. No gift is too small. Every gift to the Federation's annual Campaign and the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation ensures that you, your family, friends, and community will continue a Jewish legacy in Toledo for years to come. Thank you to our speakers, Alix and Dick Greenblatt, Joanne Rubin, and Rich Rusgo for sharing their wonderful stories with us at our luncheon. L’chaim.

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo request for Nominees for Board of Directors Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo is accepting nominations for tthe JFGT board and for affiliated agencies and boards including: Jewish Family Service, Toledo Jewish Community Foundation, Toledo Board of Jewish Education, Toledo Hillel, Department of Jewish Programs and the Jewish Community Relations Council. Nominations maybe made by contacting Joel Marcovitch at JFGT, 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560.

Please support our Toledo Jewish News advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad!

Thank you to all our donors young and young at heart. Our campaign sponsored programs could not happen without your generosity. We look forward to seeing you at our next event. - Wendy Goldstein

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  5

Toledo Jewish Community Foundation

Toledo Jewish Community Foundation L’Dor Va’Dor Matching Life Insurance Program presents

Head Coach Ben Braun

Thursday, May 4, 2017 7 p.m. Temple Shomer Emunim Complimentary dessert reception to follow.

Ben Braun, in his 37 years as a collegiate head basketball coach, coached the California Golden Bears, Eastern Michigan University Eagles, and the Rice University Owls. He took Eastern Michigan and California to the NCAA Sweet 16 and led both teams to more post season tournaments than any coach in those schools’ history. He was ranked 12th among all active Division I head coaches with 615 career wins in 2014 and was ranked 45 in the top 50 on NCAA’s list of all-time winningest Division I men's basketball coaches by victories. Braun was also a former head coach in the Maccabiah Games, where his 1989 U.S. team won the Silver Medal finishing second to Israel. Braun received his BA in English and teaching degree with African American Studies minor in 1975 from the University of Wisconsin and his MA in Guidance and Counseling from Siena Heights University in 1982. RSVP to Barb Hager at or 419-724-0357 by Wednesday, April 26, 2017.

Cousins crammed around a seder table

6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, OH 43560

For more information or assistance in planning and charitable giving call: Arleen R. Levine, Executive Director at 419.724.0355

Page  6 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Family Service

Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month event focuses on anxiety By Emily Gordon Anxiety can affect people of all ages. That’s why children and adults in the community shared their experiences with anxiety and explored ways to manage it at the annual Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month program February 26. Children read Cakes and Miracles, sang, and participated in a related activity to the book at Temple Shomer Emunim. Older children learned about anxiety and how practicing yoga therapy can be a beneficial coping mechanism at Congregation B’nai Israel. They were divided into three groups, each lead by a clinical social worker. Erin Glatter worked with children to make “worry boxes,” where they could write down their worries and put them away in the boxes. “We also made ‘happy hands,’ things that can help calm them down when they’re anxious. The things that weren't helpful to them were crumpled up and tossed,” she said. Joey, 10, enjoyed making his “worry box.” “Any time you worry, you can just write it down and put it in the box. I liked decorating it with stickers,” he said. Jennifer Dubow led children in several group and individual exercises. “The main thing I wanted to do today was have the children connect with their bodies and how to identify what they feel. I connected that with yoga poses to link the body and the mind, because with anxiety there are often physical symptoms,” Dubow said. Many participants said they had never done yoga before. “I thought it was fun and relaxing. It was my first time doing yoga and I think I'll do it again because I liked it,” said Eva, 11. Teenagers led by Jessi Farley also tried yoga poses, meditation, candle gazing, and other activities that promote mindfulness. “If you’re balancing on one foot, you're not going to be worrying about what people said about you last week.

When you're mindful, you're present and aware. You’re not having a good or bad thought, just noticing things,” Farley said. “We can't control everything in life and we can’t control our circumstances, but one thing we can control is our breathing. If you can tap into that, it's empowering. We can just pause and exist and that's enough.” By the end of the event, many children said they felt better having participated in the calming activities. “I felt like they were good activities for most of us. Some of the kids were restless, but it was relaxing for me. That’s good, especially because there's a lot of stress in high school,” said Emmie, 16. While children learned about how they can manage symptoms of anxiety, their parents and religious school teachers listened to a presentation by Matt and Jill Kripke about children coping with anxiety. “People act like, G-d forbid you have cancer or diabetes, but if you do, it’s socially acceptable to talk about it. With mental illness, people don’t talk about it because there's a stigma,” Jill Kripke said. “In actuality, there's no shame in this. It’s real and I want to get it out there as much as I can.” Matt Kripke agreed, adding how important it is for people to share their stories in order to help others who are struggling with anxiety. “Our Jewish community is all about helping each other. It's important to share our story with everyone because you never know who you can help,” he said. Nancy Newbury, executive director of Jewish Family Service, was pleased with the event. “This year’s program was so impactful on many levels. Through experiential learning and the very moving and powerful family story told by Matt and Jill, an abundance of practical information was provided to all participants,” Newbury said. “Matt and Jill connected with people on a personal level, which encouraged dialogue about and support for their situations.”

Don't miss out on the sounds of the season

NOW RECRUITING volunteers for the new “phone buddy” program

Would you like to “visit” someone without ever leaving your home? Would you like to volunteer but feel you don’t have the time to commit to visiting someone in person? If so, we have a program that’s just right for you! As an extension of our Friendly Visitor Program, we are now implementing a program called “Phone Buddy,” and here is how

it works. A volunteer will be given a few names of Jewish individuals who are homebound and desire a connection to the community. Your weekly phone call can be as long as the two of you desire to chat. By staying in touch on a regular basis, you will be providing individuals with much needed interaction. In inc lement weather, your phone call will serve to check on their welfare so a family member can be alerted if their loved one is without heat or low on medication or food. The beauty of a “Phone Buddy” is that you are still in touch with another Jewish community member and providing a valuable link to the outside world. If you would like to be a special “Phone Buddy,” please contact Liz Witter at or 419-724-0406.

Your old CDs can help seniors suffering from cognitive and physical impairments...

Research has shown that a personalized playlist of songs can improve the mood of people with neurological diseases, boost the mood and cognitive skills of those suffering from a wide range of cognitive challenges, and more. We are in need of CD donations of Hungarian, Polish, Russian and Yiddish Music for clients who are a part of the JFS Music and Memory program, as these genres of music are difficult to find on iTunes. Are you a music lover? Are you tech savvy? Your skills are needed. The Music and Memory program is in need of volunteers to download music to iPods. In addition we appreciate any donation of used (or new) iPods, iPads, Speakers, Headphones, CDs (any genre), and iTunes gift cards. To donate, to learn more about volunteer opportunities, or to sign up for Music and Memory, contact Liz Witter at 419-724-0406, or

While the Food Pantry appreciates food donations, there is a greater need for personal care and paper products. Meijer Simply Give cards are not eligible for use on these items, so the Food Pantry depends on financial gifts or donations for personal care items. If you’d like to donate items to the Food Pantry, please consider choosing items from its wish list: • paper towels • facial tissues • diapers • feminine hygiene products • disposable razors

• shampoo • soap (bar soap, dish soap, liquid hand soap, and laundry soap) • toilet paper (preferably individual, pre-wrapped rolls)

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  7


You can be a part of the 2017 World Maccabiah Games and help Toledo's own Harriet Theise and Charley Kale realize their dreams of competing this year in Israel!

Charley Kale

MaccabiUSA Junior National Women's Soccer Team

The World Maccabiah Games is an international Jewish multi-sport event held in Israel. It is the third-largest sporting event in the world, with 9,000 athletes competing on behalf of 78 countries. We're proud of Charley and Harriet earning a place on the Maccabi Team USA. You may donate to help these young athletes by visiting Harriet Theise's page on the Maccabi USA website at and Charley Kale's page at Or, checks may be mailed directly to Maccabi USA with the name of the athlete in the memo line. Send to Maccabi USA, 1511 Walnut Street, Suite 401, Philadelphia, PA 19102


Nowadays, it’s a shortage of blood that’s really a plague.

Harriet Theise MaccabiUSA Beach Volleyball Team

David S. Stone Religious School To Be Free For B’nai Israel Families David S. Stone Religious School is happy to announce that, starting next year, families of students enrolled in the David S. Stone Religious School will not have to pay tuition. An anonymous donor has established a fund in the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation to make this possible. The fund is specifically designed to replace the tuition costs that would otherwise be charged to families for both Sunday School and Hebrew School. The donor is happy to be able to help young families and to provide for religious education in our community. The gift would continue to cover tuition for B’nai Israel families should a community Hebrew school be re-established in order to provide a benefit to everyone who attends. We look forward to another wonderful year at the David S. Stone School.

Nothing is more important than saving a life, so it’s essential that Israel have an ample supply of blood for all its people. That’s where Magen David Adom comes in — collecting, testing, and distributing Israel’s blood supply for civilians and the Israel Defense Forces. And to protect Israel’s blood supply in the future, we’re building a new blood center for Israel, one that will be reinforced against rocket or other terrorist attacks. You can support MDA’s lifesaving blood services. Make a gift today. Pesach kasher v’sameach. AFMDA Midwest Region 30100 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 150 Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Toll-Free 877.405.3913 l

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Invest in Israel Bonds This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA

Page  8 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News


Remembering Morah Betty Submitted by Fagie Benstein

It’s been said that the influence of a good teacher can never be erased. For the Toledo Jewish community, this saying holds true, especially when applied to Betty Quiroga, z”l. When Morah Betty, as her students called their beloved teacher, passed away on Jan. 8 in Tamarac, Florida, she left behind a legacy that is monumental. We remember her with love and respect. Born Betty Cohen on Nov. 9, 1935, in Toledo to immigrant parents, Morah Betty’s first language was Yiddish. She recalled in a 2015 interview with the Toledo Jewish Historical Society that, since her mother and father didn’t have a boy, her father felt she should go to Hebrew school. So, at five years old, young Betty attended Hebrew school at Congregation B'nai Israel on North 12th Street and Bancroft Street in the building’s annex. A lifelong member of CBI, Betty likened the shul to home. She was the only female student to attend the heder, a private Jewish elementary school for teaching children Hebrew, Bible, and the fundamentals of Judaism. She also attended the Junior Congregation, which was held in the shul’s basement. This schedule put Betty in the building every Saturday morning and four nights a week for eight years, she recalled during the interview. At just 10 years old, Betty began her teaching career. Solomon Smullin, her teacher and director of the Toledo Bureau of Jewish Education, asked Betty if she would stay after class and and work with “the Bar Mitzvah boys,” who were older than Betty, for a dime, and she did. Though she couldn’t work with them on the Maftir or Havtorah, Betty worked with them on their blessings, and when she received her dime, she would go to the corner store and buy a comic book. For many segments of American Jews, girls could become Bat Mitzvahs after the daughter of the founder of Reconstructionism, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, did in 1922. According to her interview, Rabbi Morton Goldberg visited Betty’s father in the 1940s and said "We would like for Betty to be the first Bat Mitzvah in the city of Toledo."

Betty declined the offer. “So, my father approached me, with a big smile on his face, and when I heard that I said ‘No, I'm not having a Bat Mitzvah.’ Of course I was already in the eighth grade and I was a big shot going to be a freshman in high school,” Betty laughed in the TJHS interview. However, she did consider herself a Bat Mitzvah later in life. “I read from the Torah. So I am really a Bat Mitzvah, but I didn't go through the official ceremony at thirteen,” Betty said. She was also presented with a watch for proficiency in Hebrew by a men’s club in the congregation, which had her Ukrainian, Yiddish-speaking mother bursting with pride. Betty had a deep love of Yiddish and Hebrew and enjoyed singing and praying in the languages. She participated in the congregation’s Yiddish skits and other productions, such as “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.” Morris Horowitz, chair of the Toledo Jewish Board of Education and master Hebraist, became Betty’s mentor. In the program for the 2007 Community Leadership Awards, during which she was honored with that year’s Silver Circle Leadership Award, it was noted that Morah Betty’s passion for Jewish education spanned over five decades and reached into every aspect of her life. She taught in congregational Sunday schools, Community Talmud Torah, the David S. Stone Hebrew Academy, and adult Hebrew classes for longer than anyone in the history of our community, the program boasted. Anyone who knew her will tell you that Morah Betty was a quintessential educator and mensch in our community. Marjorie Siegel, former principal of the Hebrew Academy, fondly recalls watching Morah Betty walk into the Hebrew Academy every day with her arms full of bags bursting with whatever she might need in the classroom that day. “To an outsider, it looked like total disorganization. To an insider, that was Betty’s secret – or not so secret – stash,” Siegel said. “She had everything at her fingertips to make the most of any and every teaching moment. She carried something else with her every day when she walked into work: the biggest smile that reflected the biggest heart.” Morah Betty loved each student, and each student knew it, she said. “The gift she gave to each of them was a love of Yiddishkeit – the Jewish way of life. I picture her walking into school for our Purim celebration sporting a bright red wig, leading our children as we marched around Darlington House, singing and sharing our celebration with our elders,” Siegel reminisced. “I picture her at a siyum hasefer, completion of the book, beaming with pride as her first graders demonstrated their competency in the aleph-bet, participating with full hearts in a prayer service to be rewarded upon completion

with their very own siddur and a Hershey bar to boot.” Morah Betty’s love of teaching and love for her heritage were as one, Rabbi Alan Sokobin added. “Betty Quiroga’s feet were firmly planted in the twentieth century. Her heart and soul embraced the times of Abraham and Moses. Betty radiated love of her Hebrew and Yiddish heritage,” he said. “Among her greatest joys was when a young student’s face glowed with pride of a new knowledge. She could create an aura of wonder for an eager mind. She taught not only the letters and words from the past, but a respect and love for them.” Throughout the years, Morah Betty taught the children of her former students, and even their children. As a teacher, she transcended all congregations and organizational lines. She taught us, “I go where the children are.” If there was a child, she was there for them. But she didn’t stop there. Morah Betty taught adults, too. She taught Yiddish shtunde (Yiddish school) classes for seniors at the Jewish Family Service Senior Adult Center, “where the lively conversation in many of the residents’ mameloshen, mother tongue, adds vibrancy to their lives,” the SCL Awards program praised. An educator to her core, it didn’t matter if her students were young or old, because Betty believed that we always have something to learn, René Rusgo, director of JFS Senior Services, remembers. Morah Betty led the Yiddish class in discussion, film, and conversation, Rusgo said.

“Betty had such a love of being with people and sharing her knowledge of Yiddish and Hebrew that you couldn’t help but want to be in the same room with her, and once you were, you didn’t want to leave,” she said. Rabbi Edward Garsek and his wife, Sara, remember Betty as “the consummate teacher, blending an old-school approach with new and innovative ideas and style. She embraced new technology as it was developed and incorporated it into her lessons,” Rabbi Garsek said. “She loved Hebrew, she loved Yiddish, and she shared those loves with her students, whether at the Stone Hebrew Academy, Community Talmud Torah, or in adult education classes. She will be remembered with honor and admiration.” Betty was married to the love of her life, Guillermo “Bill” Quiroga, who owned and operated Bill Quiroga Builders. They had three children, Michael Quiroga, Renee Quiroga, and Harriet Gilles. Her memory will always serve as an inspiration and blessing to all of the generations who had the pleasure of being her students, and all those who were privileged to work with her. “Personable, principled, and passionate, with a fabulous sense of humor and an equally fabulous laugh, Betty Quiroga leaves a legacy of loving and learning,” Siegel said. “She was a teacher’s teacher who will always be remembered as this community’s morah. May her beautiful soul rest in eternal peace, and may her memory always be a blessing.” Memorials suggested to the Michael and Renee Quiroga Memorial Fund at Congregation B'nai Israel.

FRIEDMAN, SHARON, 71, of West Bloomfield, Michigan, formerly of Toledo, died March 20, 2017. Beloved wife of 47 years of Howard Friedman. Cherished mother of Leah ( Joseph) Bernstein. Adoring grandmother of Daniel and Hallie Bernstein. Loving sister of Jack (Rosann) Kaufman and Melvin (Marjory Cohen) Kaufman. Dear sister-in-law of Stephen (Phyllis) Friedman, Jay (Kitty) Friedman, and Stan Friedman. Devoted daughter of the late David and the late Tillie Kaufman. Also survived by many loving relatives and friends. Services were at the Ira Kaufman Chapel and interment at Clover Hill Park Cemetery.

Obituaries accepted for print in Toledo Jewish News Toledo Jewish News is now accepting obituaries for the Toledo Jewish community, immediate family members of the Toledo Jewish community, and former residents of the Toledo Jewish community. There is no charge to submit an obituary, but we encourage donations to Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo ( Maximum obituary word length: 500 words (Toledo Jewish News reserves the right to edit obituaries as necessary) Email completed obituaries to: You may include a photo of the deceased if you wish (optional).

NOTE: Only obituaries submitted to paul@ (at the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo offices) will be printed in Toledo Jewish News. Toledo Jewish News is published the first of every month except July. Obituaries must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. If you have additional questions, please contact

Active Life

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  9

Prime Time Winter Fun By Emily Harel

Prime Time Winter is the mini version of Prime Time Summer, an annual “camp” for those age 60 and better. On February 23, 21 new friends came together to enjoy the day long program. The day started with a lovely breakfast sponsored by Oakleaf Village. Shortly after that, participants learned about which essential oils can do for the mind and body from Jackie Goff. After that, the Wood County Committee on Aging and Rita Betz taught about how technology can keep participants independent and how it can help them in their day-to-day lives. Following the lesson they enjoyed a lunch catered by Zoup! The next lesson was about sparkling wines by certified sommelier, Alex Martin. Finally, everyone was able to relax even more and enjoy the musical stylings of the talented Jake Pilewski. Throughout the whole day everyone was pampered by massage therapist, Pam Cuerton, facialist, Nataliya Zolotareva, and manicurist, Luda Galperin. To finish off Prime Time Winter, everyone took home a bag of fabulous popcorn from Rachel Michael’s Gourmet Popcorn. Thank you to all of our presenters and participants. We hope to see you back in the summer for more good times at Prime Time Summer!

To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call Emily Harel at 419-531-2119 #2 or email registration@ For questions about a program, please call René Rusgo at 419-531-2119 #1 or

Contemporary Offerings Fighting Heroin: The Heroin/Opiate Epidemic…What is it, What Can I Do? Thursday, May 4 1 p.m. - JFS Senior Adult Center (Sekach Building) The number of heroin and opioid related drug overdose deaths in counties served by the Lucas County coroner’s office has increased from 8 in 2010 to 215 in 2015. Attendees will learn about the epidemic, the impact it has had on our community and our families, how to access treatment, and how to be part of the solution. Presented by Harbor Behavioral Health with support from the Mental Health and Recovery Service Board of Lucas County. WHO is THAT? with the Toledo Jewish Historical Society Tuesday, May 9 10 a.m. – Bagel Nosh and Identity Party JFS Senior Adult Center (Sekach Building) Registration is required by Monday, May 1 Join us for a bagel nosh and help us continue our celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month as we sort through the photos of yesteryear, identify those pictured, reminisce, and learn a bit about Jewish American Heritage Month. Everyone is welcome to come. Celebration of photos with The Toledo Jewish Historical Society Tuesday, May 9 – Friday, May 12 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Open house style JFS Senior Adult Center (Sekach Building) Stop in whenever you can and browse through the photos to see who you can help identify.

Saturday Morning Shabbat Bus Service Seniors may board the bus at 9:30 a.m. at Pelham Manor and 9:35 a.m. at West Park Place and neighborhood residences. Passengers are dropped off first at Congregation Etz Chayim, then Congregation B’nai Israel, Temple Shomer Emunim and the Chabad House. The return trip begins at 12:30 p.m., in the reverse order. Congregants who need rides from their homes may arrange them by calling the JFS Senior Adult Center at 419-531-2119 # 2. Every participant is required to have a client form on file to use this service. Participants must call 419-531-2119 #2 by Friday at noon each week to reserve a spot on the bus, as seats are limited. Please be sure to leave your name and phone number and which shul you want to attend.

Did you know that the JFS Senior Adult Center offers transportation for Saturday Morning Shabbat Services to those 60 and over?

There is no charge for this service, which is provided through a grant from Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization.

Page  10 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News


Senior Adult Center


Ballet Ball Fusion Wednesdays 1 - 2 p.m. Sekach Community Services Bldg. 6505 Sylvania Ave

This is a unique blend of exercise, dance, and Tai Chi - a great combo class. Ballet Barre exercises warm up the body and prepare it for the cardio portion – drumming. Then cool down with Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for arthritis program. All exercises can be modified to accommodate limitations or special needs. Each class portion lasts 20 minutes and provides exercises to strengthen, balance, stretch, and improve you.


Now TWO locations to serve YOU better Available to the entire community age 60 and better

Wellness for all

Did you know that the Senior Adult Center offers FREE Wellness Checks? A Wellness Check is where you can get your blood pressure and/or blood glucose level checked at no cost to you. This FREE service* for active individuals ages 60 and better is offered every Monday during the following hours at the following locations: Pelham Manor, Mondays, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. JFS Sekach Building, Mondays, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. *A client information form must be on file to use this service If you have any questions about this service or any activities of the JFS Senior Adult Center, call René Rusgo at 419-531-2119.


Now at the Leo & Vera Sekach Community Services Bldg on the Jewish Campus, 6505 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, Ohio 43560 All contact information is unchanged. Our telephone number remains 419-531-2119. See you there!

Free services and events at the

NEW ADDRESS: Vera & Leo Sekach Community Services Bldg, Jewish Family Service, 6505 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania

Wellness Checks


The JFS Senior Adult Center ***Offices and Activities have moved***

Mondays Wellness Checks 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Have a registered nurse from Senior Independence help you keep your blood pressure and sugar under control with a FREE weekly check. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Prime Movers 11 a.m. – Noon Prime Movers is a basic all around strength and movement class. A mix of cardio, strength and flexibility. All levels welcome. Walk-ins welcome. Mondays Drumming 1 – 2 p.m. Any fitness level, anyone can do this! Come give it a try and be your own rock star. *NEW* Wednesdays BALLET BALL FUSION 1 – 2 p.m. This is a unique blend of exercise, dance, and Tai Chi. A great combo class to strengthen, balance, stretch, and improve you. Wednesdays Art Class 2 -4 p.m. From sketching to oils to water colors you’re in charge of your project. No assignments. Work with the instructor to create a one of a kind piece of work. Fridays Poker Group 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Nickel and dime games. All are welcome. To use any of the above services, just fill out a simple and quick Client Registration Form. To learn more about the JFS Senior Adult Center, call 419531-2119 or visit The JFS Senior Adult Center is supported by the Area Office on Aging, the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and Jewish Seniors Services Supporting Organization.

Active Life for 60 and Better Out & About

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  11

Out & About Getaways

Brighton, Michigan - Artistic Excursion Thursday, May 18 7:30 a.m. - Depart from Federation campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue 6 p.m. - Approximate return time to Federation campus $50 per person – includes transportation, lunch and bus snacks Registration and payment required by Monday, May 1 Time to explore to our north as we head out on an adventure. Our day will begin at The Arthur Secunda Museum. Arthur is best known for his iconic landscapes of the late 1970s and 1980s, which incorporate a specific kind of color gradation. After the museum we will tour the outdoor sculptures that make up the lovely Brighton downtown. Then it is time to get our Foodini on with “The Great Foodini.” Chef Renee will offer us a wonderful cooking demonstration with recipes to take home, plus a wonderful seasonal lunch. Yum! Following lunch, we are off to Studio West Gallery for a little art fun. We are, after all, on an artistic trip; time for us to be the artists! Of course, we all need a little retail therapy and downtown Brighton has some adorable little boutiques. Time to have fun. What better way to finish off the day than with a little something sweet? Oh My Lolli will delight the minute you walk in. This trip has limited space so don’t delay. This outing has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/or uneven terrain. Take ME Out to the Ballpark! Toledo Mud Hens vs. Gwinnett Braves Wednesday, June 28 10:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Depart from Federation campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue $15 per person includes transportation, ticket and lunch Limited seats Registration and payment accepted until sold out.

Come cheer on our Toledo Mud Hens from high above the stadium in a reserved suite just for us! Enjoy the game in luxury with visits from Muddy and Mudonna, a catered ballpark buffet lunch, and great seats. This outing has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/ or uneven terrain.

Harvey at Purple Rose Theatre, Chelsea, Michigan Late Lunch at Chelsea Grill Wednesday, August 2 $50 per person includes transportation, lunch, and theatre ticket Noon - Depart Federation campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue 3 p.m. - Matinee show 7 p.m. - Return to Federation (estimated) Registration and Payment required by Friday, July 14 A Pulitzer Prize-winning American Classic by Mary Chase. Elwood P. Dowd insists on including his friend Harvey in all of his sister Veta’s social gatherings. Trouble is, Harvey is an imaginary six-and-a-half-foot tall rabbit. To avoid future embarrassment for her family—and especially for her daughter, Myrtle Mae—Veta decides to have Elwood committed to a sanitarium. When they arrive at the sanitarium, a comedy of errors ensues. This outing has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/or uneven terrain.



Wooster Theatre Get Away Wednesday, June 21 and Thursday, June 22 Join us for a quick night away. Enjoy travel via motor coach to a lovely Ohio destination to see some of our state’s best theatre at the Ohio Light Opera’s 39th season. We will arrive for a lovely lunch at TJ’s Restaurant and then go see the Tony Award-winner for best musical in 1958 The Music Man. After our afternoon of theatre, we will go check into our hotel, rest and refresh, then head out for a lovely dinner at The Wooster Inn. Rise and shine the next morning for breakfast at the hotel with a more relaxing pace before we check out of the hotel and board the bus to explore the Pine Tree Barn where we can shop the trinkets and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Then, we will dine at the charming Granary Restaurant for lunch where they are known for their lemon crumb muffins. Following lunch we will then head over to the Freedlander Theatre for a matinee opening performance of Anything Goes. After the show we will board the bus and head for Toledo. TRIP INCLUDES: Modern Motor Coach transportation 1 night at The Hampton Inn – Wooster Includes: free Wi-Fi, hot breakfast, pool, and fitness center 2 lunches/1 dinner/bus snacks Tax and tips on included meals Tickets to The Music Man and Anything Goes COST PER PERSON: $225.00 Double Occupancy* + Driver gratuity $275.00 Single Occupancy* + Driver gratuity *Member Fee is for those in good standing with a current pledge and no unpaid gifts to the annual Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Campaign. A nonmember will pay an additional $75.00 per person. Full payment due at time of registration, no places will be held without payment. Registration and payment deadline is Monday, May 1. NOTES: • Driver gratuity is strictly voluntary, suggested amount is $3 -$5 per day per person and may be given directly to the driver at the end of trip. • It is your responsibility to arrange roommates. • Travel insurance may be obtained by contacting your insurance agent. • A current 2017 emergency form needs to be on file. • This trip has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/or uneven terrain plus some outside experiences. • In consideration of individuals who are sensitive to scents, please consider the amount of perfume, cologne, and other fragrances that you wear. • If you have any dietary restrictions or special accommodations needed, please notify us at time of registration. • Travel itinerary subject to change • This event is supported in part through your campaign dollars and through a generous grant from the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization.

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Page  12 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

Active Life for 60 and Better

Out & About Getaways



Special Event

Are you confused about vitamins? Unsure of which ones you need for optimal health? What levels are safe?

Sunday, July 16 – Friday, July 21 Chattanooga, Tennessee Travel + Leisure magazine has named Chattanooga as one of the 5 “Next Great Escapes” Join us as we explore the beauty around us, dine at some of the “cool spots” in town, check out the local scene and do Chattanooga in style! A glimpse into the trip includes but is not limited to the following: Rock City, Ruby Falls and Incline Experience, Coker Tire Museum Tour, Missionary Ridge Train Ride, Tennessee Aquarium and Tennessee River Gorge Explorer Cruise, Hunter Museum, and outstanding and unique dining experiences with top rated accommodations. Tour Includes: Modern Motor Coach transportation 5 Nights at The Chattanoogan 5 Breakfasts, 5 Lunches (1 Lunch on your own) 5 Dinners All attraction admissions and fees and guided tours Bus snacks Luggage handling Tax and tip on included meals COST PER PERSON: $900.00 Double Occupancy* + Driver Gratuity $1000.00 Single Occupancy* + Driver Gratuity *Member Fee is for those in good standing with a current pledge and no unpaid gifts to the annual Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Campaign. A non-member may pay an additional $125.00 per person Full payment due at time of registration, no places will be held without payment. Registration and payment deadline is Friday, June 9. NOTES: • Driver Gratuity is voluntary, suggested amount is $5-$7 per day, per person and may be given directly to the driver at the end of trip. • It is your responsibility to arrange roommates. • Travel insurance may be obtained by contacting your insurance agent. • If you have any dietary restrictions or special accommodations needed, please notify us at time of registration. • A current 2017 emergency form needs to be on file. • This trip has moderate walking/standing, and could include a few flights of stairs and/or uneven terrain. • In consideration of individuals who are sensitive, please consider the amount of perfume, cologne, and other fragrances that you wear. • Travel itinerary subject to change

The Vitamin Solution – Two Doctors Clear the Confusion About Vitamins and Your Heath By Dr. Romy Block and Dr. Arielle Levitan (cofounders of Vous Vitamin)

Thursday, April 27 12 p.m. Congregation B’nai Israel – 6525 Sylvania Avenue $15: Luncheon, author presentation and copy of the book Registration and payment required by Friday, April 14. This event is supported by Jewish Senior Services

Research has shown that many Americans are not eating balanced, healthy diets, leaving them deficient in critical nutrients, such as vitamins D and E, and calcium and magnesium. And, on the flip side, those who do follow a healthy meal plan by reducing processed food and red meat are actually at risk of getting too little of key nutrients like iodine and iron, respectively. To fill nutritional gaps, many adults are increasingly using dietary supplements. These can be beneficial, but if not taken correctly, can be dangerous to one’s health. In writing The Vitamin Solution, the doctors cut through conflicting data about vitamins and minerals to provide a concise, medically-sound approach to supplement use. They explain which vitamins and supplements can be helpful, which can be harmful, and which are altogether unnecessary. They explore health conditions and symptoms including diabetes, hair loss, fatigue, hot flashes, and more; and address preventive care, providing insights on topics such as screening tests, weight loss, and Dr. Romy Block and Dr. Arielle preserving memory. Levitan


Anniversary Luncheon and Entertainment Thursday, June 8 at noon Congregation B’nai Israel – 6525 Sylvania Avenue $5 per person Registration and payment requested by Friday, May 26


Prime Time Summer The week of August 21, 2017

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  13

Young Jewish Toledo


The YJT 2017 Great Gatsby Soiree was a Roaring-Twenties success.

A special thanks to all those who attended and contributed to the Soiree this year. Proceeds raised by the event help support the Jewish Federation Ahava program which benefits families raising children with special needs.


For more information about Young Jewish Toledo contact Hallie Freed at hallie@ Y O U N G


Photos by Ella Musher-Eizenman

Check out our Facebook group: “Young Jewish Toledo”

Programs especially for postcollege to young families. Y O U N G


Young Jewish Toledo is a staple of Jewish life in the Toledo area, existing to draw wonderful, dynamic, young Jewish people together for the greater benefit of the community.



From Hebrew Happy Hours to date nights to volunteer opportunities, Young Jewish Toledo provides a range of outlets for young Jewish professionals 2140. These future leaders of Jewish Toledo are continuously strengthening personal connections while participating in – and perpetuating – Jewish life in Toledo. To find out more about how you or someone you know can get involved with Young Jewish Toledo, contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or

You will do better in Jewish Toledo! Saturday, April 8 7 p.m. Jūpmode - 2022 Adams Street, Toledo, OH 43604 $20 per person – Includes snacks, adult beverages, and personalized T-shirt made by YOU. Based in Toledo, Ohio, Jūpmode’s goal has always been to create and foster pride in the city of Toledo by remembering our past and highlighting the new wave of excitement of the present. No matter what your connection is to Toledo, Jūpmode wants people to feel proud of their city and give people a way to show off that pride. They believe that by doing better for the city of Toledo, more people can do better in the city of Toledo. Come learn the Jūpmode way of screen printing by making and taking home your very own shirt! Pre-Passover carbs, wine, and beer will top this night off. RSVP Required by Monday, April 3, to Colette Lundberg at 419-724-0361 or



Page  14 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

PJ Library


Jewish Federation & Foundation



Co-sponsored by

Chabad and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

es t a d y PJ Pla Supported by the Federation’s Annual Campaign

PJ Library and Gan Yeladim Preschool's Tiny Treasures proudly present: PJ Playdates

Join us for PJ Playdates with Gan Yeladim Preschool’s Tiny Treasures and PJ Library! Playdates offer story time, snacks, and free play. Some Playdates will have themes and crafts. Winter Playdates are a great opportunity for Moms, Dads, Bubbies, Zaydes, and others to meet young Jewish Toledo families. Designed for ages 4 and under. All classes are from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Leonard Lounge on Federation’s campus (unless otherwise noted). Suggested donation - $10 per class RSVP requested the Thursday prior to the event to Colette Lundberg at 419-724-0361 or ***Please notify us of any dietary restrictions*** Check back for more PJ Playdates beginning this summer!

FREE books and CDs Are you getting YOURS? PJ Library® is completely FREE for participating families in the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo region. PJ Library® seeks to engage Jewish families with young children. Each participating child in our community from age six months through eight will receive a high-quality Jewish children’s book or CD every month. Each book and CD comes with resources to help families use the selection in their home. The book and music list has been selected by the foremost children’s book experts and includes a wide array of themes related to Jewish holidays, folktales and Jewish family life. To learn more about PJ Library® and to ensure your child receives this wonderful gift, please contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or PJ Library® is supported in part by the Gary and Andrea Delman Family Foundation and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo. SUPPORTED BY


To learn more about PJ Library® and to ensure your child receives this wonderful gift, please contact Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or PJ Library® is supported in part by the Gary and Andrea Delman Family Foundation and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo.


Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  15


JFGT Annual Leadership Awards

The Leadership Awards Review Committee meets in April of each year to review nominations received and to decide who will be honored in that year. Any member of the community is able to nominate an individual for the Harry Levison Young Leadership Award, Silver Circle Leadership Award and the Young Volunteer Award. Business and corporate nominations are made by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and its affiliated agencies. National Young Leadership/ Harry Levison Young Leadership Award Created in 1962 to recognize young adults of outstanding promise and leadership ability who exhibit an active interest in Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and Jewish Federation Fund Campaign, this award rewards exceptional service from these young adults. The award is open to young adults between the ages of 25 and 45 who reside in the greater Toledo area. The recipient(s) is honored at Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo’s Annual Meeting and receives a cash award to be used for participation, expenses paid, either at the General Assembly of Jewish Federations of North America or National Young Leadership Conference. The award can also be applied to participation on an Israel mission, particularly the National Young Leadership Mission. Bob Wick Jewish Community Service Award Established in 1998 to recognize Robert Wick, a great friend and supporter to the Jewish community, the award is restricted to businesses, corporations and companies that provide exemplary support to the Jewish community. Young Volunteer Award Established in 1999, the award recognizes one student under the age of 17 who has shown exception service to the Toledo Jewish community. The award winner will receive $250, which must be used for a Jewish seminar or leadership program in the year following the recognition.

Silver Circle Leadership Award Established in 1998, nominees for the award must be 60 years of age or older, be active in Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo or one of its agencies, have a 25year giving history to the Jewish Federation Fund Campaign, preferably in Toledo, and be a current resident of the greater Toledo area. Spirit of Jewish Family Service Award Each year, in its role as the social services and safety net for Toledo’s Jewish community and residents of Pelham Manor, Jewish Family Service recognizes a volunteer who embodies the spirit and compassion of the JFS mission. TBJE Ben Solomon Outstanding Trustee Award Ben Solomon, z”l, was a lifelong supporter of Jewish education. His philanthropic legacy includes the establishment of a generous fund to benefit Toledo Board of Jewish Education. The Solomon award was established by TBJE to honor Ben’s memory by recognizing a board member or parent volunteer who gives time and energy to benefit the Toledo Board of Jewish Education. Toledo Jewish Community Foundation (TJCF) Legacy Award This important award is presented to individuals who create permanent and lasting community legacies in the form of a planned endowment gift to the foundation. Marjorie Siegel Jewish Communal Service Award of Excellence Established to recognize an outstanding Jewish communal employee or volunteer for their leadership in promoting Jewish values and improving Jewish life, the award acknowledges valuable contributions of the recipient and the deep appreciation of the Board of Directors and staff of Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo. Please use the form below pertaining to the award(s) for which you wish to submit a nomination(s).

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Nomination for Leadership Award Award Nomination (check one)         

National Young Leadership/Harry Levison Young Leadership Award Bob Wick Jewish Community Service Award High School Leadership Award Silver Circle Leadership Award Spirit of Jewish Family Service Award TBJE Ben Solomon Outstanding Trustee Award Toledo Jewish Community Foundation Legacy Award Dr. Louis Ravin Memorial Emerging Leader Award Marjorie Siegel Jewish Communal Service Award of Excellence

NAME OF NOMINEE: ____________________________________________ Nominated by: ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ Email: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Please fill out all applicable areas on a separate sheet of paper:

1. Leadership activity in Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and/or affiliated agencies (current/past) 2. Leadership in the Annual Campaign (current/past) 3. Leadership activity in affiliated agencies and/or synagogues (current/past) 4. Other leadership activities 5. Why are you nominating this person/corporation? Nominations should be sent by April 28 to: Leadership Award Review Committee, Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Page  16 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News


The Friendship Cafe was a hit! Submitted by Mushka Matusof

The Joanne Galler Rubin Friendship Circle's feature winter program is a six week 'Cooking Circle' where participants and their volunteers work side by side to create delectable dishes from recipes and work on other food related crafts and skills. The program culminates in the popular pop-up Friendship Circle Cafe, which took place on February 28th. Family, friends and communi-

ty members gathered at Chabad House in a wonderful support of the work and effort of the participants of The Friendship Circle, who prepared the restaurant and took orders, waited on tables, served and dealt with payment alongside their dedicated volunteers and friends. It was another wonderful community Remember event and we thank everyone who Monday, May 22 participated! Running Time 95 minutes, English

toledo jewish film festival

Remember tells the story of Zev Guttman (Academy Award winner Christopher Plummer), a 90-year-old struggling with memory loss, and his close friend, Max (Academy Award Winner Martin Landau), who is wheelchair-bound but in full command of his mental faculties. Both former prisoners in Auschwitz, Max and Zev embark on a cross-continental road-trip to bring justice once and for all to the Nazi guard who destroyed both of their lives. The Pickle Recipe Monday, June 5 Running Time 97 minutes, English *Meet the Writer/Producer Sheldon Cohen Pickle tasting starts at 6:30 p.m. A cash-strapped party emcee and his conniving uncle scheme to steal a secret family recipe in this crowd-pleasing family comedy co-starring comedian Jon Dore, Academy Award nominee David Paymer and Sex and the City actress Lynn Cohen. Endearing as it is funny, The Pickle Recipe equally imparts laughs with a heartwarming metaphor about the people and memories that comprise the special ingredients of family, however dysfunctional. The Midnight Orchestra Monday, June 12 Running Time 105 minutes, Arabic, English, French with subtitles The estranged son of a once famous Moroccan musician (Marcel Botbol) is unexpectedly transformed after returning to his homeland. Expounding on Moroccan-Jewish life and generational divides with humor and heart, The Midnight Orchestra is the winner of the Ecumenical Jury Prize at the Montréal World Film Festival. Indignation Monday, June 19 Running Time 110 minutes, English James Schamus — acclaimed screenwriter (The Ice Storm; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) and producer (Happiness, Brokeback Mountain) — makes his directorial debut with this painterly and insightful adaptation of Philip Roth’s 2008 novel, a look at a young Jewish man (Logan Lerman, The Perks of Being a Wallflower) from New Jersey who heads to a small Midwest town. Amidst the conformity and political conservatism of 1950s America, Marcus Messner avoids the Korean War draft and joins a Christian college in Ohio instead, but finds himself at odds with everyone from classmates to the dean, especially in matters of religion, or lack of it. DOUBLE FEATURE/CLOSING NIGHT Hummus the Movie/The Last Blintz Monday, July 10 Running Time Hummus 70 minutes, Last Blintz 30 minutes, English *Hummus and blintz tasting – arrive by 6:30 Hummus the Movie Travel around the world across religious and cultural divides to discover the origins of the nutritious chickpea dish and meet a diverse group of hummus disciples. This documentary takes us to Israel, which claims the food as its own, to meet three passionate hummus aficionados and hear their stories. Combining the stories of each individual’s personal journey with historical hummus facts and appetizing footage of the hummus-making process, director Oren Rosenfeld's documentary shows how the food has positively affected Israeli culture —and is even able to transcend religious and political divides. The Last Blintz The closing of the The Cafe Edison (aka The Polish Tea Room), the Broadway diner immortalized in Neil Simon's 45 Seconds from Broadway, is not just a story about another famous show business haunt shutting its doors; it is the fading away of a piece of America’s past. It's too late for The Cafe Edison, but looking to the future, The Last Blintz is an impassioned plea for 'progress' that honors the past, protects the future, and preserves the heart and culture of our great cities...before there's nothing left.

Toledo Jewish Historical Society

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  17

Interested in being a part of the Historical Society and the important archival work they are accomplishing? Email Toledo Jewish Historical Society director Lynn Jacobs for information at

It's spring! Release yourselves from winter doldrums and mark your calendars! The TJHS invites you to attend these exciting Spring "History Making Events"! 1. April 2: Jewish Genealogy Seminar at the Main Branch, McMaster Room, of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library at 1:30 p.m. (no reservation required for three educational hours with Ken Bravo, national Jewish genealogy expert) 2. May 2: Usher in National Jewish Heritage Month by participating in our "Who's That" photo identification, held concurrently with the Federation's Jewish Food Festival, at Congregation Shomer Emunim. The TJHS, in coordination with the Senior Adult Center, will display historic photos of Toledo Jews from the past. Come and help put names to faces as we continue our project of creating a public display of our families and friends from the "golden days" for a permanent display and archiving. 3. May 9 at 10 a.m.-Noon at the Sekach Building. Continue our "Who's That" by stopping in for coffee, bagels, fixins for a mid-morning break, and kibbutz with friends. Help us identify the photo display you might have missed on Sunday, May 7. The exhibit will be available at the Sekach Building all week through Friday, May 12, during operational hours of the Sekach( 10 a.m.-3 p.m.).

Upper right Upper left

Lower right Lower left

Help us identify and date historical photos Can you identify any of these former Toledo Jewish community members who worked hard to create a vibrant Jewish life for all of us? Take a good look, turn your mental time clock back several decades, and call or write Lynn Jacobs with your discoveries. "Guesstimates" are also gladly accepted. Please use the corresponding labels when identifying people.

Contact Lynn Jacobs at SUPPORTED BY







Pictured left to right 1a. Nelson Thal 2a. Earl Hess 3a. Dorothy O'Connor 4a. James Fox

"Our" JHS really belongs to the entire Jewish community – to anyone who identifies with it. We have NO MEMBERSHIP FEE, which automatically makes ALL Toledo Jews members.

Page  18 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2017 Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Mincha 6:00 p.m. Havdalah 8:54 p.m.

SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 2017 Morning Service 8:30 a.m. Mincha Service 6:00 p.m. Search for Chametz 8:51 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2017 Morning Service 6:45 a.m. Siyum Ha B’Chor 7:30 a.m. Mincha 6:25 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:50p.m. Candlelighting 7:51 p.m. FIRST SEDER BEGINS AFTER 8:52 PM TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017 Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Mincha 6:35 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:50 p.m. Candlelighting 8:53 p.m. SECOND SEDER — 8:53 p.m.

THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017 Morning Service 6:30 a.m. Mincha 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017 Morning Service 6:30 a.m. Mincha 6:25 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:50 p.m. Candlelighting 7:55 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2017 Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Mincha 6:00 p.m. Havdalah 8:58 p.m.

SHABBAT GUEST SPEAKER PLANNED Congregation Etz Chayim is delighted to welcome Joel Marcovitch as our Saturday morning Shabbat speaker on Shabbat morning, April 1st.He will be sharing his recent trip to Israel and speaking about the Israeli/Palestinian situation. SUNDAY SCHOOL MODEL SEDER The children and faculty of the David Stone Religious school will hold its model seder at Congregation Etz Chayim on Sunday, April 9th. Both Rabbi Rubin and Cantor Lichterman will lead this interactive seder. Come and welcome our religious school friends.

SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 2017 Morning Service 8:30 a.m. Mincha 6:40 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:55 p.m. Candlelighting 7:58 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2017 Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Mincha 6:40 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:55 p.m. Candlelighting 9:00 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2017 Morning Service 9:00 a.m. Yizkor 11:00 a.m. Mincha 6:00 p.m. Havdalah 9:01 p.m. Repurchase of Chametz

9:30 p.m.

SISTERHOOD In May, Etz Chayim Sisterhood plans to be a part of the Jewish Toledo Food Festival. We’ll be selling copies of our cookbook “Recipes from Etz Chayim’s Kitchen.” In addition, we’ll be offering samples of some of the recipes from the cookbook. Our cookbooks make a great gift to give yourself or others at the low cost of $10. Make sure you stop by our booth! If you are interested in being a part of Etz Chayim’s Sisterhood Board, we’d be happy to have you join us. Contact Marcia Grossman at (419)536-0890 or If you are not currently a member of Sisterhood and would like to join, please contact Suzie Rosenberg, Membership Chairman at 419-536-7758. Yearly dues are $20. If you are currently a member of Sisterhood or are planning to join now and you are 60 or over, you can become a Life Member for $200. Please contact Suzie to get all the details on both categories of membership.


SUMMER 2017 JUNE 26 - JULY 21


We have a seat for you at our Seder table, complete with handmade Shmurah Matzah, wine and grape juice, a delicious homemade dinner and an enjoyable easy-to-follow Seder experience! 7:30 PM at Chabad House-2728 King Rd. All are welcome. Please RSVP before April 4.



$18 per pound (7-8 Matzah) $9 for three Matzahs



Kiddie Camp for age 3 Camp Gan Israel for ages 4-9 NEW! Extreme Girls for ages 10-12 Extreme Boys for ages 10-12

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Pre-camp available from 8:15 AM After-camp available until 5:30 PM

Register by May 1st for 10% Early Bird Discount! for information:


JCC Campus, B’nai Israel

LAST HOURS OF PASSOVER It is a custom to eat a special meal complete with matzah, wine and chassidic songs on the last day of Passover. Free of charge - bring the whole family! Special Children's Program. RSVP


Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  19

Temple Shomer Emunim April Worship Schedule

Celebrate the First Passover Seder with your Temple Family!

Temple Book Club

Friday, April 7th “Kid-dish” Tot Shabbat Service at 5:30PM Rabbi Weinstein will share a Passover Story Followed by Pizza & Salad

Thursday, April 20th at 10:30AM. The Last Painting of Sasa De Vos by Dominic Smith will be discussed. This time frame correlates with the Toledo Museum of Art Hadassah tours of the Dutch Masters on April 13th & 20th at 1PM

Tuesday, April 11th Passover Morning Service at 10:30AM

Wednesdays, April 5th & 19th at 11AM

Coffee with the Clergy

Friday, April 14th Shabbat Service at 6:00PM Torah Unveiled Liturgy Rabbi Weinstein will do a presentation: “The Art of the Torah”

Monday, April 10, 2017 at 6:00PM

Rabbi Weinstein & Cantor Finkel will lead this family-friendly Seder

We will share in the story of Passover and dine on delicious Passover Cuisine including Traditional Seder Plate Food as well as: Gefilte Fish, Matzah Ball Soup, Salads, Brisket, Chicken, Potatoes, Apple Kugel and Roasted Vegetables $20 - Adults $10 - Children 10 & Under Please bring your favorite Kosher-for-Passover dessert to share

Fundamentals of our Faith Thursdays, April 6, 13 & 20 at 5:00PM

Adventures in Jewish Music Sundays, April 9th & May 7th at 9:30AM No Classes on April 16th or 23rd

Monday, April 17th Passover Yizkor Morning Service at 10:30AM

This Seder will be informal & kid-friendly! RSVP today to The Temple at 419-885-3341 or Absolute Final Date to RSVP is Thursday, April 6th


Friday, April 21 Shabbat Service at 6:00PM Healing Service Rabbi Weinstein will speak Friday, April 28th Shabbat Service at 6:00PM Cantor Finkel will officiate (Rabbi Weinstein in NYC with Confirmation Class)

Join us Friday, April 7th at 5:30PM for “Kid-dish” Tot Shabbat! Rabbi Weinstein will share a Passover Story

Followed by Pizza & Salad $10 per Family RSVP by Wednesday, April 5th to or 419/885-3341

April Religious School Schedule Religious School 9:15AM; Temple Tots 9:30AM; 4th Grade Mock Wedding 10:50AM Wed. April 5th Hebrew School 4:20-6PM Sun. April 9th Religious School 9:15AM Wednesday April 12th – Sunday April 23rd NO RELIGIOUS OR HEBREW SCHOOL th Wed. April 26 Hebrew School 4:20-6PM Sun. April 30th Religious School 9:15AM Sun. April 2nd

Congregation B’nai Israel PESACH SCHEDULE Monday April 10 Erev Pesach Morning Service/Siyyum Bechorim............. 7:00 a.m. Fast of the First Born Light Candles.............................................. 7:52 p.m. No evening service Tuesday April 11 First Day Pesach Service of Reaffirmation……………………. 9:30 a.m. Mincha…………………………………………1:00 p.m. Light Candles.............................................. 8:54 p.m. No evening service Wednesday April 12 Second Day Pesach Morning Service.......................................... 9:30 a.m. Evening service……………………………….5:45 p.m. April 13 – 16 Thursday- Sunday Chol Hamoed Pesach Regular daily services at 7:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. Saturday Chol Hamoed Pesach at 9:30 a.m. and Mincha at 1:00 p.m. Sunday April 16 No morning or evening service Light candles………………………………….7:59 p.m. Monday April 17 Seventh Day Pesach Morning Service.......................................... 9:30 a.m. Evening Service......................................... 5:45 p.m. Light Candles………………………………... 9:02 p.m. Tuesday April 18 Eighth Day Pesach/Yizkor Morning Service.......................................... 9:30 a.m. Yizkor…………............................................11:00 a.m. Evening Service……………………………….5:45 p.m. Passover ends at 9:03 p.m.

Daily Services Schedule

Mon.-Friday: Saturday:

7:00 a.m., 5:45 p.m. 9:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m.* *When Religious School is in session

CBI Receives Prestigious Grant Award


We are happy to announce that, starting next year, families of students enrolled in the David S. Stone Religious School will not have to pay tuition. An anonymous donor has established a fund in the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation to make this possible. The fund is specifically designed to replace the tuition costs that would otherwise be charged to families for both Sunday School and Hebrew School. We look forward to another wonderful year at the David S. Stone School.

David S. Stone Religious School

April 2017



RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. 6th Grade Community Agency Day Parent/child 3 and under class 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 5 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m. Sunday

9 RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. Grades K-7th at Congregation Etz Chayim 9:30-11:30 for class and Model Seder Grades 8-10 at CBI-9:30-12:00

No RS 4/12, 4/16, 4/19, 4/23 Spring Break Wednesday 26 RS 4:30– 6:00 p.m. Sunday

30 RS 9:30-12:00 p.m. Yom Hashoah community event


Wednesday April 5 Chocolate Seder 6:00– 7:30 p.m.

The National Center to Encourage Judaism and the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs have selected CBI to receive a $1,000 grant, one of 20 grants awarded to Conservative/ Masorti Congregations in North America, in their Creating a Welcoming Website award.

Todah Rabah to Ellie Williams who led this project! Ellie has been Congregation B'nai Israel's volunteer website developer on since 2008, and was awarded the Congregant of the Year in 2013 for her

CBI History, Hot off the presses!

Purchase your copy of CBI's new book of interviews with over 40 members. The book includes the updated "History of B'nai Israel".

It is available in our Gift Shop for $10!

SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB Tuesday April 25, 2017 10:30 a.m.– Noon in the CBI library

History of Love, by Nicole Krauss

Shabbat Luck Friday May 5, 2017

You are invited to enjoy a wonderful Shabbat potluck dinner with your CBI friends in the home of a member. RSVP-419-517-8400 or e-mail to make a reservation by April 28th.

Page  20 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

Business Cards

TAKE A TEST DRIVE TODAY Receive Special Pricing on new or used vehicles AND A CHANCE TO WIN



CONTACT WENDY COOPER 419-392-3333 6155 W. CENTRAL AVE. TOLEDO, OH 43615 | WWW.BROWNHONDA.COM No purchase necessary. See dealer for game card and complete details


• 2 std. burial plots, Jewish section of Woodlawn Cemetery. $1400 for both. 813-787-4800 Services SPANISH TUTOR

Have you always wanted to speak and understand Spanish? Or do you want your kids to learn Spanish? Experienced tutor available. All ages. Affordable rates. Call 419-509-0058. Toledo Jewish News and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo reserves the right to refuse any submissions. The appearance of advertising, in the Toledo Jewish News print and digital media, does not constitute an endorsement of the advertisers or their products and services by Toledo Jewish News, Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and its affiliated agencies. Product and services information is based solely on material received from suppliers.

It is easy to run a classified ad in Toledo Jewish News! First 12 words - $8, $0.10 per additional word. Phone numbers and abbreviations count as separate words. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month. Simply email your ad and billing information to or call 419-724-0318 for more information. Please note: Classified ads will run every month (and the purchaser will be billed) until notification of cancellation is received.


Simply send your business card and billing information to: Paul Causman at 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560 or Publish your business card (reproduced with no changes) for just $36/month* *Three-month minimum. Any changes to business card include extra charge. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month. Call 419-724-0318 for more information


Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  21

Engagement Announcement

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sobel (Stephanie Ertis Steinberg) of Sea Cliff, New York, are delighted to announce the engagement of their son Jonathan to Marissa Cooper, daughter of Drs. Cathy and Greg Cooper of Cleveland, Ohio. Jonathan is the grandson of Jan Steinberg of Boynton Beach, Florida, and the late Rudy Ertis, the late Dr. Donald Steinberg, and the late Estelle and Lewis Sobel. Both Marissa and Jonathan earned their Bachelor of Arts degrees from Ohio State University. Jonathan earned his Juris Doctor from Hofstra University School of Law and Marissa earned her Juris Doctor from New York University of Law. The couple met in 2010 on Taglit Birthright Israel and currently reside in New York City, where they are both employed. They are planning an August 2017 wedding in Cleveland, Ohio.

Maccabia 2017 Charley Kale, daughter of Jeff and Wendy Kale, has earned a place on the MaccabiUSA Junior National Women's Soccer Team. She will be representing the USA competing for a gold medal at the 20th Maccabi Games in Israel. "Playing this sport as a woman athlete is very challenging," says Charley. "I hope my journey motivates girls to follow their passion and give a hundred percent while doing so." The Maccabi Games includes Jewish athletes from around the world. To learn more about Charley, and help this dream come true please go to CharleyKale to help her get there!

Former Toledoan, Beverly Markoff, was feted to a surprise party by family, clients, and business associates at the Indiana Design Center, Wednesday evening, February 15, as they celebrated

the 15th anniversary of Beverly Markoff Interiors, LLC. Mayor Jim Brainard signed a proclamation making February 15 Beverly Markoff Interiors, LLC Day in the City of Carmel.

COMMISSIONED AD SALES Toledo Jewish News is seeking commissioned ad sales personnel for monthly newspaper. Make extra money in your free time; the more you sell, the more you make. Work from home or at the Federation offices. Contact Paul Causman at

By Lisa Peterson & Denis O’Hare Starring Paul Causman | Music by Burton Beerman

LIVE ON THE STUDIO A STAGE VALENTINE THEATRE Friday, April 7 | 8 p.m. Saturday, April 8 | 8 p.m. Sunday, April 9 | 2 p.m. An Iliad is a modern-day retelling of Homer’s classic epic. A lone storyteller is fated to conjure again the frightfully relevant tale of war. But this time, the battles of ancient Troy and the modern world collide in a captivating theatrical experience.

$20 General Admission $10 Student Admission with valid I.D. For tickets and information call The Valentine Box Office at 419/242-2787 or order online at

Studio A, our intimate 100 seat black box theatre, is located at 410 Adams Street, around the corner from our main entrance.

Page  22 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

Gan Yeladim Preschool

Toledo Jewish News • April 2017 • Page  23

PJ Storytime

o d e l o ish T


Preschool Co-sponsored by

Chabad and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Supported by the Federation’s Annual Campaign

Calling all Jewish bakers!

The 2017 Jewish Food Festival wants YOU to participate in a Jewish baking competition. Make the best rugelach in town? We want to try it. Is your apple cake to die for? Let us kvell over it. We want to nosh on the best baked goods in Toledo! Baked items will be judged the day of the Festival, Sunday, May 7, by our panel of experts. Prizes will be awarded for first through third place in the following categories: cookies, cakes, pies, and pastries. First place in each category will be awarded a golden rolling pin along with a fabulous prize. The rules are simple: make enough to feed 25 people, the baked item must be Jewish in nature, and NO lard. We will supply sample cups and utensils. Any questions? Call Hallie Freed at 419-724-0362 or hallie@jewishtole-

Please fill out the form below and mail or email the information to: JFGT, Attn: Hallie Freed, 6465 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, OH 43560 or

Jewish Toledo Food Festival Baker's Form Baker’s Name__________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________ Category (circle one)





Item Name____________________________________________ Prefer to (circle one)

Bake at home

Bake in a kosher kitchen

Do you know

a young professional or young entrepreneur who deserves to be highlighted in an upcoming issue of Toledo Jewish News? Contact Paul Causman at 419-724-0318 or

Page  24 • April 2017 • Toledo Jewish News

Give Kids the World is a nonprofit resort, where children with life-threatening illnesses and their families are treated to weeklong, cost-free family vacations. Give Kids The World depends on volunteers, known as Angels, to fulfill approximately 1,200 volunteer shifts every week. With countless hours and generous hearts, Toledo Hillel students assisted with resort operations, entertainment programs and completed special projects that ensured each family had the perfect guest experience.

A special thanks to:

To learn more about ‘Give Kids the World’, please visit To learn more about all of the AMAZING things our students are doing, please visit our website at

You are inspiring the next generation of Jewish leaders.

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