Toledo Jewish News - February 1, 2014

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Adar 5774 • February 2014

K TH A N Page 3 2014 Save the Date calendar

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Gan Izzy Club members enjoy winter break


Thank you for helping the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo offer programs and services to our community during 2013. Among the Federation’s new programs were: • a community-wide fiesta party and “thank you” attended by more than 250 community members;

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Hazzan leads mission through South African roots

• an Israel@65 year-long celebration, including a Jewish Film Festival of four visionary works attended by more than 400 people; and • the Partnership2Gether-Teen2Teen collaboration between young people in Toledo, Youngstown and Israel. Because of you, the Jewish Family Service Food Bank served 120 families – 180 adults and 180 children – 62 of which were new to the agency in 2013. Thank you, also, for helping us maintain ongoing programs such as Department of Jewish Programs community, youth and senior events; Lion of Judah and Lion of Judah Endowment events; the award-winning Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten; BBYO; Hillel and much more. This coming year, our agencies will present new and exciting programs, such as a new Women’s Initiative, Maimonides and Cardozo Societies kickoff events, and Pomegranate Division events. We could not make these programs and services a reality if it weren’t for you, our generous donor. Please consider making your 2014 pledge today, so that we may continue our dream of fulfilling all the needs of our Jewish community here in Toledo and abroad.

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Page  2 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

AGREEING TO DISAGREE: The Power of Sacred Dissent UT's annual Jewish-Christian-Muslim dialogue MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 7 - 9 p.m. Student Union-Ingman Room University of Toledo, Main Campus Free dessert reception opens the event All are welcome Keynote presentation by: Devorah Schoenfeld, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theology (Judaism), Loyola University Chicago Dr. Schoenfeld will explain the venerable Jewish practice of hevruta, a form of learning that invites pairs to dispute the interpretation of a text. We will then divide into pairs to practice hevruta on the spot, and close with reflections on sacred disagreement in the Christian and Muslim traditions. Reflections by: Dr. Peter Feldmeier, Ph.D., Thomas and Margaret Murray & James J. Bacik Professor of Catholic Studies, University of Toledo Dr. Ovamir Anjum, Ph.D., Imam Khattab Chair of Islamic Studies, University of Toledo


- For all women -

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 7 p.m. | $25 Congregation Etz Chayim 3853 Woodley Road, Toledo SUPPORTED BY


Join us for a “sweet genius” of an evening with author and pastry chef Paula Shoyer as we learn all the tricks and trade secrets to making delicious and beautiful Passover creations from The Holiday Kosher Baker! The Holiday Kosher Baker offers a thoroughly modern approach to Jewish holiday baking that includes both contemporary and traditional recipes, more than 45 of which have been skillfully adapted for Passover. Have a question for Paula? Send it via email to $25 per person includes: a beautiful, hardcover cookbook, author presentation and participatory hands-on demonstration, wine and desserts. Registration and payment requested no later than Monday, March 10 Email us your favorite Passover recipe (, and after the event we will email them to you so we can share our local favorites! Lauren Sachs, Chair Bonnie Berland Jeanette Bernstein Hallie Freed Erin Glatter Inge Horowitz

Attention Sunday's-a-Fun Day and Kids Klub members: The Skyzone event, previously cancelled due to weather, has been rescheduled for April 13, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. More information will follow.

Rebecca Katz Stephanie Levitt Shaulsky Mushka Matusof Sheila Odesky Megan Rhodes Dena Zack

This event is sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and endorsed by the Sisterhoods of Temple Shomer Emunim, Congregation B’nai Israel and Congregation Etz Chayim. This event is supported by a generous grant for the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation Unrestricted Fund.

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  3

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

Toledo Jewish News Volume 62 No. 5 • 24 pages


(ISSN 0040-9081) Toledo Jewish News is published 11 times per year, by Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560. Toledo Jewish News invites correspondence on subjects of interest to the Jewish community, but disclaims responsibility for any endorsement of the views expressed by the writers. All submissions become the property of Toledo Jewish News. Submissions will be edited for accuracy, brevity and clarity and are subject to verification. Toledo Jewish News reserves the right to refuse any submissions. Toledo Jewish News does not guarantee the kashrut of any of its advertisers.

Phone: 419-724-0363 Fax: 419-724-0423 e-mail: EDITOR Paul Causman STAFF EDITOR/REPORTER Abby Hoicowitz ART DIRECTOR Paul Causman EDITORIAL DEADLINE 10th of each month Editorial copy by email to or on disc to 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: 15th of each month Advertising inquiries should be addressed to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 419-724-0363 POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections to: 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Entered as Periodicals at the post office at Toledo, Ohio, under act of March 3, 1987. Periodicals U.S. Postage Paid at Sylvania, Ohio. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $36 PER YEAR

Toledo Jewish News accepts ads, artwork and all editorial copy by disc or e-mail only, at Photographs and discs may also be dropped off at the Toledo Jewish News office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Make your contribution to United Jewish Fund Campaign online at




February 2 February 4 February 6 February 9 February 9 February 18 February 20 February 22 February 23 February 27

Jewish Disability Awareness Month (JDAM) 92|Y broadcast: Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld Seniors: Robert Alper Maimonides (Healthcare Professionals) Social JDAM Community Reads PJ Bedtime Story Time Seniors: A Portrait of The New Yorker Cartoonists Sunday’s A-Fun Day/Kids Klub Walleye Game Mini Mitzvah Day Pomegranate Ruby Soirée

Jewish Family Service DJP Community DJP Seniors Campaign Jewish Family Service DJP Youth DJP Seniors DJP Youth DJP Community Campaign

March 6 March 6 March 16 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 23 March 24 March 27 March 30

B’nai Tzedek Annual Banquet Seniors: Toledo Lucas County Public Library event Florida Snowbird event Babies, Bibs & More … Toddlers Too Kindermusik Women’s Network event – Paula Shoyer Senior Theatre Trip Club 6,7,8 Walleye Game 92|Y broadcast: Simon Schama Seniors: Peace, Love & Pottery Pottery Painting with Bubbe and Zayde

DJP Youth DJP Seniors Foundation DJP Youth DJP Community DJP Seniors DJP Youth DJP Community DJP Seniors DJP Youth

April 6 April 8 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 13 April 24 April 29

Partnership2Gether Book Sharing Adults with Developmental Disabilities Passover Seder PJ Bedtime Story Time Passover Seder for the Interfaith Community Seniors: A Taste of Passover Sunday’s A-Fun Day/ Kids Klub: Skyzone Seniors: Preventing a Nuclear-armed Iran Yom Ha’ Atzmaut-in-a-Box

DJP Community DJP Community DJP Youth Jewish Community Relations DJP Seniors DJP Youth DJP Seniors DJP Youth

May 5 May 8

Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'Atzmaut Friendship Circle volunteer recognition event

DJP Community Friendship Circle

June 1 June 3 June 22 June 24

Senior Forum: Planning for Successful Living and Aging Lion reception Family spring event: Jump into spring JFGT Annual Meeting

Jewish Family Service Campaign DJP Family Jewish Federation

August 3 August 4 – 8

Parking Lot Party Camp L’chaim

Campaign Senior Adult Center

September 9

Major Gifts Dinner


October 12

DJP Fall Festival

DJP Family

November 14

Hillel Anniversary Shabbat


Dates are subject to change. Events will be added monthly as information becomes available. Newly added or revised event


CONTACTS: Wendy Goldstein, Director, Campaign: 419-724-0360 | Elizabeth Lane, Director, University of Toledo Hillel: 419-724-0364 | Arleen Levine, Director, Toledo Jewish Community Foundation: 419-724-0355 | Colette Lundberg, Executive Associate, Jewish Federation: 419-724-0361 | Sherry Majewski, DJP, Director, Family, Youth & Children’s Programs: 419-724-0386 | Joel Marcovitch, CEO: 419-724-0372 | Mushka Matusof, Friendship Circle Program Coordinator: 419-509-0105 | Nancy Newbury, Director, Jewish Family Service: 419-724-0208 | René Rusgo, DJP, Director, Senior and Community Programs: 419-724-0365 | Mary Lou Whittaker, Director, JFS Senior Adult Center: 419-531-2119 | SUPPORTED BY


Page  4 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo You are cordially invited to join us as we continue our series of live broadcasts. Compelling and thought-provoking The Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo is proud to present some of the 92nd Street Y’s highly regarded lecture series, made available via live simulcast to Jewish institutions all over the world. This program, open to the entire Jewish community, is a cooperative effort of Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo, JFGT Department of Jewish Programs and Temple Shomer Emunim. Tuesday, February 4 Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld Success in America 8:15 p.m. (reception at 7 p.m.) Temple Shomer Emunim, 6453 Sylvania Ave.


It may be taboo to say, but some groups in America do better than others. Mormons have recently risen to astonishing business success. Cubans in Miami climbed from poverty to prosperity in a generation. Nigerians earn doctorates at stunningly high rates. Indian and Chinese Americans have much higher incomes than other Americans; Jews may have the highest of all. Husbandand-wife team Amy Chua (author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) and Jed Rubenfeld (both Yale professors) discuss their new book, The Triple Package, and expose the three unlikely traits that explain the rise and fall of cultural groups in America, in a talk that could transform the way you think about success and achievement.

Registration requested by Friday, January 31 to 419-724-0354 or Monday, March 24 The Story of the Jews: Simon Schama 8:15 p.m. (reception at 7:15 p.m.) Temple Shomer Emunim

You may know some of the history of the Jews, but you haven’t heard it the way Simon Schama tells it – full of rich detail and a keen sense of how people really lived. Schama’s The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000 BC-1492 AD (a new book and television series, soon to air on PBS) takes us all over India, Spain, Oxford, Syria, Paris, Cairo and beyond to show how Jews everywhere lived not as a people apart, but as a vital force in any society they joined, inspiring and being inspired by everything around them.

Registration requested by Friday, March 21 to 419-724-0354 or Babysitting is available, by request, for all 92nd St Y™ programs.

92|Y events are generously supported by Ruth and Ralph Delman.

Florida Snowbird Lunch Sunday, March 16, 2014 10:30 a.m. BallenIsles Country Club 100 BallenIsles Circle Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 No couvert Please be our guest for a warm get-together and brunch with your Toledo Snowbird friends.

For reservations, please contact or 419-724-0357 by February 28. No solicitation


Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  5

Toledo Jewish Community Foundation

Charitable Gift Annuities A charitable gift annuity is a contract between you and the Foundation that provides you and/or another person with an income for life. In exchange for your irrevocable transfer of cash or marketable securities, you or the beneficiary will be paid a fixed sum each year for life. At the expiration of benefits, you have left a permanent legacy as a link to our Jewish traditions of tzedakah and klal Yisrael.

What are the benefits to you? Provides a fixed annual income stream • Offers a tax deduction for the gift portion • Can be used to establish an unrestricted gift or a designated gift The assets can be used after your lifetime by the charity you designate.

AGE RATE 60 4.4% 65 4.7% 70 5.1% 75 5.8% 80 6.8% 85 7.8% 90+ 9.0%

A charitable gift annuity is a simple planned giving instrument. For more information about how a charitable gift annuity can work for you, your family, and your community call Arleen R. Levine, Director Toledo Jewish Community Foundation at 419-724-0355 or email at

College scholarships available through Foundation

For more information about college scholarship opportunities, please contact Arleen R. Levine, Director, at or 419-724-0355.

Page  6 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Family Service JFS: Your resource for senior in-home services By Ruth Franzen In the course of human events, people age. One result of that aging is that people are usually unable to do many things they were once accustomed to doing for themselves. Driving is an issue many face, as well as difficulty changing the linens on their beds, cooking, shopping and housekeeping. Flowerbeds are not as tidy as before, and cobwebs go undisturbed behind sofas and in corners. Frequently, older adults will do what they can on their own, often doing more than they should, possibly resulting in an injury or compromising their health in other ways. Instead of enjoying their “golden years,” many people spend what energy they have trying to maintain independence within their home. Some people have assistants to help with daily tasks. Where do these workers come from? When I meet people in the community and provide referrals or help set up homemaker services, I often ask them what they would have done if Jewish Family Service had not been there to provide assistance. Some whom I ask that of respond, “I’d put an ad in the paper.” Sometimes people tell me they would ask their friends if they know of anyone who might be able to help them. This is a marginally better solution than the first one, but what do they really know of this individual? JFS partners with several agencies in town to provide in-home services for Jewish seniors and to assist with a subsidy. We are also happy to work with an agency with

whom an individual has already engaged. Individuals have the benefit of a wide array of services from Jewish Family Service and from the agency providing in-home care. There is no fee for Jewish Family Service to open or to maintain a case, and most individuals qualify for a subsidy from Jewish Senior Service Supporting Organization which helps pay a portion of their out-of-pocket expenses for the in-home care they receive. It is a win-win situation for any client. JFS can now provide more personalized services including information and referral, advocacy, and support while the home care agencies provide quality services up to 24 hours/day by staff who are bonded, insured, trained and supervised. Agencies also take care of payroll taxes, workers compensation and social security taxes freeing the senior from having to make those payments on behalf of their private worker. JFS is aware that our good name depends upon providing good service, so we strive to ensure that our community members receive the best care possible. Some individuals view the paperwork that is required during the intake interview as a detriment and unnecessary. Every form that must be filled out, signed or explained is utilized to inform and protect the individual and provides a comprehensive assessment for the case manager so that needs can be identified and addressed in the most appropriate manner. Once a case is opened, JFS maintains contact with the individual and the home care agency to monitor and ensure that quality services are being provided and all needs are being met. JFS can also make

referrals to other agencies for additional services such as home-delivered meals and transportation. Our social workers can advocate for you while you are in the hospital or a rehab facility, providing information about insurance coverage and discharge plans. While it may seem easy to hire someone

from a professional-sounding newspaper ad, working with the professionals from Jewish Family Service and our partner agencies provides you with protection and a wide array of services. Contact JFS at 419-8852561 to learn more about our geriatric care coordination service.

This year’s Jewish Disability Awareness Month programs are generously funded by the Harry Lublin Philanthropic Fund of the Toledo Jewish Community Foundation.

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS Household chores too much for you to handle? Need help with personal care or medication setup to stay in your home?

Jewish Family Service has your answer! We are your connection to quality in-home services and personal care providers.* Contact Deb Damschroder, 419-724-0405 or Ruth Franzen, 419-724-0406 *Subsidy available for all who contact Jewish Family Service

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  7

Senior News Senior Adult Center Activities The Senior Center’s annual Super Bowl party with pizza, beer and soft drinks will start at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 2 in the Weinman Community Hall at Pelham Manor. Wear your team’s colors, if you wish. Don’t forget to sign up in the lobby or call the center at 419-531-2119 to make your reservation. Thursday, February 6, the Senior Adult Center van will transport people to Congregation B’nai Israel for lunch at noon and a presentation by author Robert Alper, entitled “Thanks, I Needed That. And Other Stories of the Spirit.” Alper is a rabbi who became a full-time stand-up comic, and he tells warm, touching stories that evoke laughter and tears. Please call the center at 419-531-2119 if you need transportation. A health fair will take place at Pelham Manor on Thursday, February 13 from 10 a.m. until noon. There will be health checks, assessments, healing touch and

many other items of interest for seniors, as well as refreshments. Co-sponsored by Pelham Manor and the Laurels, the program is open to the community. Camp L’chaim Reunion will be held at Pelham on Tuesday, February 18 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. All former campers are invited to take part in the usual fun, including lunch, spa treatments, chair volleyball, entertainment, etc. Please call 419-531-2119 to let us know you will be attending. Tickets and transportation are available for the February 20, 11 a.m. presentation of Peter Boyer’s Ellis Island: The Dream of America, a performance at the Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle. Tickets are $10, and include lunch after the show at a downtown restaurant. Please make your reservation and payment by February 15 by calling the center at 419-531-2119. Seats are limited, and reservations are filling quickly.

Paulette Leizerman-Geierman, daughter of Pelham resident Jean Rich, was a guest at the New Year's Party. Party chairman, Josie Herman, had a lot of help from her committee, Harriette Black, Charon Adams, Elaine Stram, Sheila Shible and Carmen El Amin, who set up and also cleaned up. Joyce and Joe Moran tended bar and helped with all the aspects of the celebration

The New Year's Eve party at Pelham Manor attracted more than 65 residents and guests. Tatyana Belfer waits to enter the beautifully decorated dining area, where a huge spread of sandwiches, salads, desserts and drinks await. The celebrants danced to the music of Herm and Ken Loch and stayed until the ball dropped in Times Square

Seniors delight in Tu B'Shevat Seder

On Tu B'Shevat, local seniors celebrated a "New Year for the Trees," rejoicing in the splendid, abundant gifts of the natural world that give our senses delight and our bodies life. Despite the snow here in Toledo, Tu B'Shevat marks the beginning of spring in Israel; the group honored this renewal of vision and awareness with a delicious seder

Page  8 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News

Winter Camp and a winter break bonus for Gan Izzy Club members Camp Gan Israel’s Winter Camp turned the first of (what became a three-week) vacation from school into something to remember. With the help of two counselors from Toronto, Camp Director Rabbi Shmouel Matusof and 20 kids ages 5 to 11 spent five days creating art and science, as well as taking daily field trips. The underlying theme of the week was learning about Ahavas Yisroel, to love a fellow as you love yourself. The first morning, campers were led by creative geniuses from Build-It-Legos to construct a Lego mini golf course and a cool Marble Drop with a tricky physics challenge at the end that took some clever thinking from everyone. After lunch, they went on a well-deserved afternoon trip to Nickel World. One morning was spent at Hero’s run-

ning around in their massive play area and bounce house rooms. Later in the afternoon, mad scientist Miss Rochelle let the campers in on some water science experiments, and guest artist Gabi Mallin helped everyone make gorgeous Shabbat wall art. Wednesday was PJ Day, and everyone came ready for an all-day slumber party. In the spirit of Ahavas Yisroel, campers made muffins in the morning to give to a friend later. The children entertained each other with a talent show that included piano, singing, dancing and acrobatics and a skit that exemplified Ahavas Yisroel. Everyone enjoyed a yoga class and later jumped into a limo bus to go get slushies in style. They took a detour to the home of Rabbi Yossi and Raizel Shemtov for some popcorn and videos before heading home. Thursday, campers took an all-day trip to

Winter Camp at Hero's during winter break

Sky Zone in Canton, Michigan for another high-energy day on gigantic trampolines with a break for an indoor picnic lunch. The staff at Sky Zone even let the kids use the dodgeball room all by themselves for a while. And what is Camp Gan Israel without a day in the pool? Campers spent a couple of hours swimming in a heated indoor pool

on the last Friday of camp, and we played in the gym before heading back to make challah for Shabbos and hear a story by Rabbi Shemtov during the Shabbat Party. Camp Gan Israel, Winter Camp and the Gan Izzy Club are all made possible by the generosity of the Gary and Andrea Delman Family Foundation.

Making puzzles at Winter Camp

Annabelle Bucko, Carly Nusbaum, Parker Bucko and Aliza Bienenfeld

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  9

National/Local News Tikvah Center advances Jewish education The start of a new year brings a new approach to Jewish education at the Tikvah Center, which offers opportunities to study Jewish thought and history, war and statesmanship, economics and public policy, and social thought with renowned thinkers and public figures. Located in midtown Manhattan, the Center was established by the Tikvah Fund with the purpose of developing future Jewish leaders and promoting Jewish thought. Now in its sixth year and with over 1,000 alumni worldwide, the Tikvah Center is expanding its activities year-round to include new advanced institutes and residential fellowships, as well as other special events (lectures, debates, panels and more). “We’re trying to help educate and form

the men and women who will go on to assume positions of responsibility in the Jewish world, especially in the areas of political, religious and intellectual leadership,” said Eric Cohen, executive director of the Tikvah Fund. Highlights of its 2014 activities include: Advanced Institutes – Tikvah is now accepting applications for its spring and summer 2014 Advanced Institutes. These intensive seminars run anywhere from one to three weeks. Institute participants receive a stipend that will cover living expenses in New York City during their time there, as well as their investment of time. Among the faculty for the 2014 Institutes are Rabbi Meir Soloveichik of Congregation Shearith Israel; William

Galston of the Brookings Institution; Start Up Nation author Dan Senor; and acclaimed novelist Dara Horn. Current offerings include: Liberalism, Conservatism, and the Jews; The Israeli Economy: A Strategy for the Future; The Jewish Idea of God; War and Human Nature; and The Future of the Family. Summer Fellowship in Jewish Though and Citizenship – The Tikvah Fund is also accepting applications for its Summer Fellowship program. The program offers university students and young professionals an opportunity to spend two weeks in New York City learning from some of the greatest teachers of Jewish thought in the world and debating key issues affecting the Jewish future. Each summer fellow

receives a $1,000 stipend. Travel support is provided for international participants. To learn more about the Tikvah Center, or to submit an application, visit www. The Tikvah Fund is a private foundation, created by Zalman C. Bernstein, to support Jewish intellectual life in Israel and the Diaspora. Tikvah aims to elevate the place of Jewish ideas in the study of the great human questions. Tikvah’s hope is that, over the next few decades, the great Jewish learning of the past can be transmitted to a new generation of intellectual leaders, who will think, create, and bring into being another great age of Jewish learning. The chairman of the Tikvah Fund is Roger Hertog, and Eric Cohen is its executive director.

Tu B'Shevat and Temple Tots with Temple Shomer Emunim

Becca Weingarden at the Temple religious school’s Tu B’Shevat Seder

Ilana Miller mixing her juice at the Temple's Tu B’Shevat Seder

Josh Kerper, Meredith Ingle, Max Gray and Kieran Ackerman explore at the sensory table during Temple Tots

Megan and Julia Rhodes share a story during Temple Tots

Friendship Circle volunteers give gifts of love

Morgan Segall with her finished bear

Twenty-two children from The Friendship Circle received snuggly, adorable bears for Hanukkah from their volunteers. The volunteers all came to Build-a-Bear to choose a bear and an outfit based on their special friend’s personality. It took a while, but the teens knew enough about their friends that it wasn’t hard to know their special friend would like. The volunteers stuffed, named and made a “birth certificate” for the bear and, afterward, they delivered them to their friends for Hanukkah. One of the parents of a child with special needs said there were tears in her eyes when the volunteers brought the bear to her son. Not only did her child get a bear, but they were kind enough to bring one for his little brother as well. She was especially moved at

the level of personalization and how the teens knew her son so well that they were able to do something so perfect. A special thank you to the Wainstein and Leslie families for making this event possible.

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Page  10 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo Programs Senior events calendar

FREE books and CDs – Are you getting YOURS? PJ Library® is completely FREE for participating families in the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo region. PJ Library® seeks to engage Jewish families with young children. Each participating child in our community will receive a high-quality Jewish children’s book or CD every month, from age six months through age eight. Each book and CD comes with resources to help families use the selection in their home. The book and music list has been selected by the foremost children’s book experts and includes a wide array of themes related to Jewish holidays, folktales and Jewish family life.


Apples & Honey (ages 6 months to 2 years) When It's Purim by Edie Stoltz Zolkower Bagels & Lox (ages 2 to 3) It's Party Time!: A Purim Story by Jonny Zucker Challah Toast (ages 3 to 4) The Better Than Best Purim by Naomi Howland Dates & Almonds (ages 4 to 5) The Mystery Bear by Leone Adelson Egg Matza (ages 5 to 6) The Magic Pomegranate: A Jewish Folktale by Peninnah Schram Falafel (ages 6 to 7) Barnyard Purim by Kelly Terwilliger Gefilte Fish (ages 7 to 8) Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909 by Michelle Markel Hamantaschen (ages 8 and above) Queen Esther Saves Her People by Rita Golden Gelman To learn more about PJ Library® and to ensure your child receives this wonderful gift, please contact Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0386 or PJ Library® is supported in part by the Gary and Andrea Delman Family Foundation and Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo.

The Senior Adult Programs of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo are supported in part through your campaign dollars and through a generous grant from the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization. All events are part of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and occasionally take place at the various synagogues. Please note registration deadlines for all programs! To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call 419-724-0354 or email

Thursday, February 20 Celebrating Israel 65: “Israel Inside – How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference” (38 minutes) and “Every Tuesday: A Portrait of the New Yorker Cartoonists” (22 minutes) 1 p.m. Sekach Building 6505 Sylvania Avenue “Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference” is a feature-length documentary that explores the positive characteristics of Israeli society from a humanistic, psychological and emotional perspective. This insightful and uplifting documentary sidesteps the usual conversation of politics, conflict and violence and tells the story of the Israeli people, whose resilience has propelled Israel to the forefront of world innovation and progress. Despite daily challenges ranging from limited resources to security needs, Israeli creativity and inventiveness help make the world a better place. Israel has made significant advancements in the fields of science, environment, medicine and technology, and has shared these developments with the rest of the world. The New Yorker is famous for its clever, absurdly off-kilter cartoons. Now you can go behind the scenes and see the drawing studios and Tuesday afternoon lunches with the select group of cartoonists who are forever seeking the perfect fusion of drawing and caption as they ponder inspiration and rejection. Directed by Rachel Loube. Registration is required by Thursday, February 13. Thursday, March 6 Toledo Lucas County Public Library – Nook/Kindle, iPad 1 p.m. Leonard Lounge - Federation Campus 6465 Sylvania Avenue FREE with YOUR Library Card Bring your Kindle, Nook, iPad or e-reader and learn how easy and simple it is to borrow library books, magazines, music and videos for FREE from the comfort of your computer. Please bring your library card. The library will provide a step-by-step guide on how to borrow all media. Please bring along your own device and when registering please let us know which device you will be bringing. If you don’t have an e-reader yet, come and learn how wonderful your public library can be! Registration is requested by Thursday, February 27.

Thursday, March 20 Before You’ve Fallen and Can’t Get Up: How To Stay Safe and Independent 6 p.m. Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Avenue $5 per person “There’s no place like home.” Those words, repeated over and over by Dorothy as part of the magic spell that would return her to her place of family and comfort, were more true than she could, atreage, realedat herhyoung e n o T like home, and tp IS no ize. Truly, eeplace osthere s P e e 14most people remaining a there is something s g a e p aspire P tol achieve onas they age. But how best p i to ensure Trthat this can happen? Caregivers, adult children with older family members and baby boomers – this event is for you; come as a family and come with friends! Our homes are our castles, and castles can be fraught with dangers unless preventative steps are taken. Come and participate in a learning experience that will provide you with information about mobility aids, easy home modifications and how to create a safety network. One hour can truly change your life and arm you with tools to protect that castle and its king and queen for years to come! This event is supported by Jewish Senior Services. Registration and payment are required by Monday, March 10. Thursday, March 27 Peace, Love & Pottery: Passover Masterpiece 1 p.m. Peace, Love & Pottery 6750 Sylvania Avenue (next to Classic Café) $5 per person Join us for afternoon of complete creativity. Make something special for your own Seder, a hostess gift or even start a new traditional piece to be used by family. Dress for a mini mess, have a nosh with us and enjoy a nice afternoon out! Registration and payment required by Thursday, March 20. Thursday, April 10 A Taste of Passover 1 p.m. Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Avenue $5.00 per person Join us for an untraditional Seder. Instead of flipping page-by-page in the Haggadah, we will jump around, learn about new traditions and try new flavors that represent all the various regions of the world and so much more! Registration and payment required by Monday, March 31.

Special Notice: Please note that our trips are open to all seniors and reservations and payment are due at the time of the request to hold your space. We will accept reservations on a first-come basis since space is limited. A wait list will be formed as needed. No confirmations will be mailed; your credit card charge or canceled check will serve as your confirmation. Please fill out an Emergency Contact Form if you will be traveling with us and have not already done so. For questions about a program, please contact René Rusgo at 419-724-0365 or or Mary Lou Whittaker at 419-531-2119 or marylou@ Please note registration deadlines for all programs. To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call 419-724-0354 or email

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  11

... it's not about knowing facts - It's about knowing how to find them. ... it's not about acquiring skills - It's about having the confidence to take risks. ... it's not about fitting in with the culture - It's about taking pride in your own. ... it's not about knowing the formulae that work - It's about relishing the opportunity to think out of the box! A school that weaves rigorous curriculum, nurturing relationships and the warmth of Jewish life into a seamless fabric that fits today's young Jewish families is truly one-of-a-kind.

Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten IS THAT SCHOOL. Fall registration now open! Toddler group Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. -12:30 a.m.

Preschool Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. or full time 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Kindergarten Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Aftercare: 3 - 5:30 p.m.

NEW: PRECARE NOW AVAILABLE FROM 7 - 8:30 A.M. We encourage all new families to come tour and observe in our classrooms. To schedule an appointment or for more information please call Morah Raizel at 419-344-9142 or email

Page  12 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Toledo Board of Jewish Education/Hillel News Students “unearth” their inner artist rainbow!” These expressions help illustrate the meaningful In the Gan Yeladim classrooms, the value art holds as it is intedeveloping artist’s supply box of op- grated in the Gan Yeladim portunity is bottomless. Art education curriculum. Emphasis on the is a non-expiring energy in which the process of these experiences is stirring force behind the brush, crayon, practiced by the teachers and paint and clumps of clay comes from each the outcome celebrated with Kindergarten students visit child’s erupting curiosity and passion for each budding artist. Miss Naudia's Pottery Studio discovery and experimentation. Within Teachers respond with the framework of each artistic experi- affirmation and encourence is a picture of achievement. From agement to what has been exercising fine motor dexterity during the learned or can be learned “scribble stage” and beyond, to boosting through the creative process; Meredith uses puzzle pieces to self confidence and creativity as choices “Hmm, what does purple create a special work of art are made, to testing out hypotheses, the and black make? Let’s find value of the art experience is “unearthed.” out.” “Look what happened As little artists create, they are con- to your colors when you structing meaning and building knowl- blended!” “Orange, like a edge. They ask, “What does purple and pumpkin. How did you do black make?” They exclaim, “Teacher, look that?” “Tell me about your Lila concentrates at my blending!” “I made orange!” “I made rainbow. Would you like me as she works on her to write your clay sculpture words on the paper?” In Gan Ye l a d i m’s Gabe is very art studio as proud of his easel well, expert painting art teachers Miss Colette and Miss RaJune 1. In the meantime, chel provoke Mira and Becca can the student’s inner curi- students continue to reach create secondary colors osity in an environment into their artist supply from the primary Reagan and Abby at work on rich in formal education box where an unlimited colors on their palettes a nature sculpture inspired by as well as provide open- resource of opportunity artist, Andy Goldsworthy ended channels for art awaits them … and the expression. Art terms viewer! and vocabulary such as shape, form, line and texture come alive through Help raise funds for TOLEDO HILLEL by various art mediums. The participating in the KROGER REWARDS program styles of renowned masters are topics for discussion TO USE THE KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: and inspiration, and visits Please register online at from local artists provide the children with interacJasper, Colin and Jacob tive opportunities while • Click on “My Account” and use your • Be sure to have your review nature photographs email address and password to proceed Kroger Plus card observing the process of to the next step. handy. (If you do with photographer, Jeff art in action from a comnot have a Kroger munity artist. • Click on “Edit Kroger Community Plus card, they The culmination of Rewards information” and input your are available at the skills and knowledge Kroger Plus card number. customer service desk at acquired in all areas of any Kroger store location) development during the • Update or confirm your information. artistic process is more • Most of you are new online customers, than meets the eye, and so click on SIGN UP TODAY in the • Enter NPO number 91887 the eye is always in for ‘NewCustomer?’ box a treat upon viewing the • To verify you are enrolled correctly, you • Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account results of the young artist’s will see our name on the right side of by entering zip code, clicking on a your information page. finished work. Every two favorite store, entering your email years, at Gan Yeladim’s Devorah extends address, creating a password, entering in • Do you use your phone number at the “Scribbles and Beyond” her art experiences contact information and agreeing to the register? Call 877-576-7587 to get your art exhibit/fundraiser to the outdoors terms and conditions. Kroger Plus card number. gallery, walls portray the mounting benefits of the Everett and Sylvia • You will then get a message to check • Members must swipe their registered year’s creative process. your email inbox and click on the link paint with colored ice cubes Kroger Plus card or use the phone During this event, stuwithin the body of the email. number that is related to their registered dents and teachers eagerly Kroger Plus card when shopping for share a year of aesthetic each purchase to count. development among other By taking part in this program, you will be saving money and activities with their famiraising money for Toledo Hillel each time you use your card! lies and other guests. This year’s event, “Unearth the Artist,” focuses on reYour personal Kroger Rewards points will not be affected. sponding to the beauty of our Earth through art and Thank you for your support, if you have any questions, is scheduled for Sunday, please call Hillel at 419-724-0377. By Carol Toney

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  13

 Toledo Jewish News has launched

JEWPON a brand new section targeted specifically to you and your business. For just $36/month, we will print your company's coupon in the next issue of the newspaper.



YOUR COUPON HERE Advertise your business while encouraging traffic through your door. All coupons will be printed in a 4" (w) by 2.5" (h) box in black & white.

Please contact Abby Hoicowitz at 419-724-0363 or for more information or to have your company's coupon(s) published in Toledo Jewish News.





Page  14 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News

Senior Theatre trip to Playhouse Square planned Not By Bread Alone

Created and performed by Nalagaat Theater Deaf - Blind Acting Ensemble | Directed by Adina Tal Thursday, March 20 | 7:30 p.m. curtain (70 minutes) Ohio Theatre at Playhouse Square, Cleveland, OH 2:30 p.m. Depart Toledo $45 per person - includes transportation, theater ticket and dinner (limited tickets) Registration and payment required by March 10. Direct from Israel - In Not By Bread Alone, 11 deaf-blind actors take the audience on a magical tour of the districts of their inner world; the world of darkness, silence and bread. As the process of bread making unfolds on stage - the dough is being kneaded, raised and baked "for real" - a unique encounter occurs between actors and audience. Transformative. Moving. Profound. Educational. Unforgettable. These are just a few of the words used to describe this once-in-a-lifetime experience that brings the theatrical and culinary arts together in an unprecedented way.

Mini Mitzvah Day: Winter 2014 A moment in time to make a difference for others! SUPPORTED BY


Sunday, February 23, 2014 / 23 Adar 1 5774 3 – 4:30 p.m. Jewish Federation Campus 6465 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio

PROJECTS Purim cards: Help us bring a smile to our friends near and far. We will decorate cards with a special message for Purim. Our greetings are sure to bring a smile to the faces of Jewish men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces with the support of the Jewish Chaplains Council. Mishloach manot bags: Be a part of an assembly line making mishloach manot bags for our community members at Pelham Manor, Kingston and the Friendly Visitor Program.  “Little Helpers”: Hear a wonderful and inspiring story and then take part in a craft project. For ages 5 and under.  Fleece tie blankets: Bring warmth and comfort to someone else. Get your tie on! Please feel free to bring your own supplies (scissors, fleece 1.5 - 3 yards, and measuring tape) and we will ensure that they are part of our donation to Project Linus.  Sock drive: Donations of new socks for boys and girls, men and women would be greatly appreciated. Our collection will benefit the Jewish Family Service Food Bank and Hannah’s Socks. Pop/soda pull tabs: Simply start your own collection at home of pop/ soda pull tabs and then bring your collection to our giant jar and know that you are helping the Ronald McDonald House. Mini road trip: Drivers will be needed to bring our good deeds to the charitable organization. WHAT TO DO: Projects with a "" require registration; all other events are open. To register, please call 419-724-0354 or email by Monday, February 17 and tell us the following: I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Please make sure to tell us the names of all volunteers, the ages of any children volunteering and the projects you want to join

Mitzvah Day Committee: Jill Kripke, Liz Platsis, Leslie Podolsky and Lauren Sachs


Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  15

Partnership2Gether book sharing Our Holocaust by Amir Gutfreund Sunday, April 6 12:30 p.m. - Leonard Lounge Jewish Federation Campus 6465 Sylvania Avenue

Dear WGH Supporters, This has been a fulfilling year for the American Friends of the Western Galilee Hospital. We have a new Board of Directors, an Executive Director (Alan Engel), a new website ( and we have been actively engaged in connecting with people like you.

JOIN US IN A GROUP SETTING AS WE DISCUSS THE BOOK. Join us, to read and discuss the book Our Holocaust by Amir Gutfreund (who lives in the Galilee) with our English Speakers Book Club from Kibbutz Beit HaEmek. The panel and discussion with the author will be facilitated by Professor Dena Eber of Toledo. Dena is the American chair of the Arts & Community task force. This unique book club experience will take place via Webex, an online program that allows us to connect with anyone, anywhere, any time. Please register by Monday, March 31 to or 419-724-0354.

In recent months, the hospital has treated more than 150 Syrians, wounded as a result of the ongoing Civil War. Men, women and children are being cared for by a superb medical team at the hospital, who believe that they have a humanitarian responsibility to care for everyone, regardless of religion, nationality or politics. Earlier this year, when an 8-year-old Ethiopian child was mauled by a wild hyena leaving him with grave injuries, the hospital was asked to help, and brought the child with his father to the hospital for emergency surgery and follow-up treatment. Finding themselves in a foreign country with no resources and not speaking Hebrew, Abdulrazak and his father were cared for by the hospital and their staff, not only with medical treatment, but hospitality and compassion. Because of your generosity in supporting the hospital’s humanitarian effort, the boy and his father have since safely returned to Ethiopia. For this, we thank YOU!

Teen2Teen learns about Jewish Toledo In mid-January, Stan Odesky met with local Teen2Teen participants. He shared the History of Jewish Toledo publication that was created by our community in 2006, asking the teens what they knew about their grandparents and

Dahlia Zack, Ella Musher-Eizenman, Alexa Levison, Emmie Brody, Nathan Podolsky, Ben Yaffe, Avi Levison and Josh Brody

their businesses. The teens enjoyed looking through the publication, seeing pictures of their family members as young children and young adults, and learning more about leadership and the commitment that so many made to grow and establish Jewish Toledo. The Teen2Teen program includes teen participants from Toledo and the greater Youngstown, Ohio area, as well as our Partnership Region in Israel, specifically the Sulam Tsor School in Akko. Teen2Teen programming is designed to show similarities and differences between Israeli and American teens’ culture and lifestyle.

Because of the generosity of a donor, the hospital can now provide a free Child Development Screening program in five Jewish and Muslim communities throughout the Western Galilee. It provides parents and professionals the necessary tools to better screen and work with developmentally-delayed children, where early detection, support and therapy can make all the difference. Caring for the citizens of the Western Galilee is the mission of the Hospital. More than 600,000 citizens are provided with care on a regular basis and the Hospital is expanding at a rate never seen before. Now YOU can be part of history through your support! Make your gift today, and let your voice be heard. Your support will: • Enhance the quality of life for people of the Western Galilee • Help create an Oncology Garden adjacent to the new Oncology Center, where cancer patients can find peace and build their personal strength to carry them through recovery • Enable us to finish a Pediatric Playground, which will bring joy to children who are being treated at the WGH. • Help build a new HEART CENTER OF EXCELLENCE which will enable advanced cardiac treatment not available elsewhere in the Western Galilee. The future is in your hands. Please consider making your gift today.

Emmie Brody, Alexa Levison, Dahlia Zack, Ella Musher-Eizenman, Nathan Podolsky, Josh Brody, Ben Yaffe and Avi Levison

• Donations can be sent to the American Friends of the Western Galilee Hospital, via Executive Director Alan Engel at 4802 Bilandon Rd. Louisville, KY 40241. • They can also be quickly and easily made on our website, at • If you’re considering making a donation to take advantage of the IRA Charitable Rollover, contact us for additional details at 502-419-8815 or Sincerely, Zoe Riekes, Board President Alan S. Engel, Executive Director

Stan Odesky speaks to the teens

Page  16 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Temple Shomer Emunim

Congregation B'nai Israel

Religious School

Purim Spiel

Despite the winter weather, we managed to accomplish a lot in the few days of religious school in January. Our kitah hay class (fifth grade) is still working diligently on their Penny Wars tzedekah project, collecting money for Jewish Family Service. Please help them with this important project by sending in change with your students weekly. Every penny helps. Our kitah daled (third-fourth grades) baked cookies and had a bake sale to benefit Jewish Family service. They initiated this project all on their own! The eighth and ninth grade girls still enjoy getting together with Temple Shomer Emunim on a monthly basis for an amazing Rosh Hodesh program. Our B’nai Mitzvah class book club has been great, thanks to Marcia Kaplan for facilitating the joint program with Temple Shomer Emunim. The students meet and discuss The Four Perfect Pebbles. Everyone enjoys dancing and singing with Nick Thanasiu weekly, especially our Torah Tot students. The Community Disability Awareness program is February 2 at Congregation B’nai Israel; the younger students will have a program at Temple Shomer Emunim. February religious school calendar Sunday, February 2: Religious school and Jewish Disabilities Awareness Program Wednesday, February 5 Sunday, February 9 Wednesday, February 12 Wednesday, February 19 Sunday, February 23: Religious school open house Wednesday, February 26

Signs of Spring: The snow melting … The birds singing … and THE PURIM SPIEL Yes, everyone, despite the weather, spring is on the way, and so is Hakuna Megillah A Disney Purim Spiel We are looking for singers, actors, dancers, kosher hams and all-around goofs who are ready to have fun and tell the story of Purim yet again, in an all-new, locally created spiel. Want to participate? Email Meira@accesstoledo. com, and we will add you to the list and contact you with more info. Deena, Sophie and Meira Zucker 3Z Productions

Cantor Lichterman Offering Classes

Gabbai Training Monday, February 24 at 6 p.m. Come to B’nai Israel and learn how to become a Gabbai. This one-hour class will give you the techniques necessary to serve as a special participant in torah services. Haftorah Chanting Have you always wanted to learn how to chant Haftorah? Hazzan Lichterman will be teaching a class. Contact the office at 419-517-8400 for details and to let us know you are interested.

Upcoming Programs Join us for Shabbat, February 1 Rabbi Jason Miller from Detroit returns to lead services

FAMILY SHABBAT SERVICE Saturday, February 15 Bring your family and enjoy a very lively, participatory, inspiring Shabbat service. SHABBAT-LUCK Friday, February 21 6:45 p.m. We invite you to participate in our inaugural Shabbat potluck dinner. Several members of our shul have volunteered to serve as hosts and open their homes for the first dinner. Your host will provide a vegetarian main dish and contact you regarding what you can bring (i.e. challah, a vegetarian side dish, dessert). If you already know whose home you would like to be assigned for the dinner, please let us know. Stay tuned for more details. Saturday, February 1 Cantor Ivor Lichterman will be a Scholar-in-Residence at Bet Shalom Synagogue in Tucson, Arizona. He will also present a concert that evening. Sisterhood Book Club Tuesday, February 25 11 a.m., B’nai Israel library (no evening session) The Book Club will be reviewing two books: Russ & Daughters: Reflections and Recipes from the House that Herring Built, by Mark Russ Federman; and Messages from my Father: A Memoir, by Calvin Trillin Stop by for an engaging discussion and a cup of coffee with the group.


Synagogue Organized Afternoon Program Join Hazzan Lichterman for a discussion of Jewish current events B'nai Israel library Wednesdays 1-2 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME No charge

Visit our newly updated website: for complete and current information on programs For more information about the programs at Congregation B'nai Israel please call 419-517-8401

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  17

Congregation Etz Chayim 2013-14 Adult Education Series

“Modern Guidance for the Perplexed: Contemporary Issues, Jewish Answers” The Adult Education Committee of Congregation Etz Chayim has planned what promises to be an exciting public lecture series of presentations entitled, “Modern Guidance for the Perplexed: Contemporary Issues, Jewish Answers.” This is an eight-session series, on the first Thursday evening of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the shul. Four sessions will be presented by congregants who are experts in their fields, and four sessions will be presented by Rabbi Bienenfeld. Topics will focus on a variety of issues that present the Jewish perspective on provocative problems

in contemporary society. We hope that you can attend what promises to be a diverse set of intellectually stimulating presentations. This series is open to the community. There is no charge for the series. Session #5 (Thursday, February 6, 7 p.m.) Dr. Hy Kisin will discuss the topic, "From Guilt and Shame to Blame and Name: The Jewish Mother's Vindication!" Session #6 (Thursday, March 6, 7 p.m.) Rabbi Bienenfeld will discuss the topic, “American Jews: Secular Law as Religious Obligation.”

Ohr Chadash Religious School Ohr Chadash Religious School collected socks during the Hanukkah party in December. Students and adults donated 91 pairs of socks and 14 undergarments, which were donated to the “Hannah’s Socks” project. Ohr Chadash and Etz Chayim can be VERY PROUD! Many activities have been planned during January and February. Students celebrated Tu B’Shevat with a very special Tu B’Shevat seder and activities during class in January. Nicole Stein and Aliza Bienenfeld are the first two Ohr Chadash consecration students. Our special ceremony and program is planned for February 23. An Ohr Chadash Shabbat on February 22 will honor the Bienenfeld and Stein families. Ohr Chadash students are having a great time working on a Purimspiel. Special plans are being made for Purim in March.

Chabad House

Ohr Chadash Adult Classes Due to scheduling conflicts, the only Ohr Chadash adult class in February is Sunday, February 23 10 a.m. “We Use Only the Oldest Ingredients!”: The Mitzvah of Yoshon Grain”

Fireside Chat

The next Fireside Chat with Rabbi Bienenfeld will be held on Saturday, February 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Tobi Kipling. The Rabbi’s topic will be “Moneychangers on the Temple Mount: Theological Responses to Impropriety.” There is an article that goes along with this topic which can be viewed at: You may also call the synagogue office at 419-473-2401 to request a copy.

Men's Club

Everyone (men and women) is invited to the Men’s Club first Super Bowl Party on Sunday, February 2 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a delicious deli dinner served as well as chili, plus all the trimmings and dessert. The cost is $15 per person. RSVP to the synagogue office at 419-473-2401. Mark your calendars for the Men’s Club annual Kishka Dinner on Wednesday, April 2. The guest speaker is the newly elected mayor of Toledo, D. Michael Collins. More information will be forthcoming.

Ohr Chadash Calendar of Classes Sunday classes February 2: Jewish Awareness February 9: Class February 16: Class February 23: Class/Consecration Tuesday/Thursday classes February 4 & 6: Class February 11 &13: Class February 18 & 20: Class February 25 & 27: Class

Sisterhood News

A special thank you once again to all those who participated in this year’s Sisterhood Donor. Through your generous contributions, we have exceeded our financial goal. We will be able to assist the shul in its daily operation and purchase needed items when necessary. Our sincere thanks to everyone for your continued support of our Sisterhood. It is time once again to begin planning for Purim and Shalach Manos Bags from Sisterhood. Purim is Saturday evening, March 15 and Sunday, March 16. Letters with additional information will be been sent out in the middle of February. Please fill out the form and send it in by March 3 so you won’t miss being included in this wonderful project. Pickup dates for Shalach Manos bags are: Thursday, March 13 from 4 to 6 p.m.; Friday, March 14 from 9 a.m. to noon; Saturday, March 15 following Saturday evening services and the reading of the Megillah; and Sunday, March 16, 9 a.m. to noon. Postcards will be sent out as a reminder that there is a bag waiting for you at the synagogue. If you will be unable to pick up your Shalach Manos bag, please call Kathryn Gallon at 419-841-8226.

Book Club

The next Book Club will feature The Immortal Life of Henretta Lachs, by Rebecca Skloot. The review will take place in the synagogue library on Monday, February 10. Dessert will be served at 1 p.m., and the review will begin at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is invited.

Eppes Essen

Our next Eppes Essen Cooking demonstration will be Wednesday, February 19 at 3:30 p.m. in the synagogue. Eliana Friedman will be preparing her famous and delicious Pineapple Sticky Rice. The cost is $5 per person. RSVP to the synagogue office at 419-473-2401.

Page  18 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Organizations Hadassah Submitted by Hindea Markowicz

In America, February is marked by two dates, Groundhog Day on February 2 and Presidents’ Day on February 17. On Groundhog Day, we attempt to forecast the future. On Presidents’ Day, we pay homage to our past leaders, George Washington, the father of our country, and Abraham Lincoln, who maintained the unity of America during the great Civil War. One holiday predicts tomorrow and the other pays tribute to yesterday. Both are lessons on how to confront the present. Like the groundhog, we don’t control nature, but we have mastery over what we do on this Earth and what we do has consequences for both the environment and the people who inhabit this planet. Presidents’ Day isn’t about mattress sales. It’s a reminder that these heroic figures secured independence and freedom for all of us, and it is our responsibility to treasure that freedom by involving ourselves in the duties and obligations of citizenship. Nation building is an ongoing job … it has no retirement age. This month, we read Parshat Terumah when Moses, under G-d’s guidance and direction requires the entire Jewish people to bring gifts, donations for the building of the Sanctuary. This was Judaism’s first fundraising campaign. Undoubtedly, there were a few wealthy Jews who could have contributed all of the funds and even have had the sanctuary named for their family. Yet, G-d specifically tells Moses that he doesn’t want funding only from major donors. G-d insists on participation by the entire Jewish people. The donations of the people of Israel were to be a gauge of their future commitment to nation building. It was an education tool in the desert to teach men and women that

freedom requires active participants, not passive observers. Hadassah understands the lesson. We never call our gifts tzedakah. We call them terumah, “donations,” because we were ensuring our future and our children’s future by developing the Jewish homeland. Unlike the passive groundhog that is regulated by nature as he scurries back into his hole, we take control of our future by reclaiming and rebuilding the land with forests, parks and harbors. Although Israeli citizens are directly responsible for the organization and supervision of their liberties and democratic institutions, we in the Diaspora contribute our terumah so that we too have a portion of ownership of Israel’s present and tomorrow. If on February 2 the groundhog predicts a longer winter or an early spring, it is no matter. Hadassah will continue to work with the prediction that our toil and labor will bring a year of fulfillment. Life Membership Campaign Hadassah – Lock in for Life In honor of its Centennial Year, Hadassah continues to offer Life Membership and Associate enrollment for $212. The strength and support of Hadassah’s members and donors sustain the extraordinary work of Hadassah. As an incentive to enroll new Life Members, National will give internal Fundraising Goal Credit to the units for each new Life member and Associate enrolled. A very special welcome to the more than 50,000 women, men and children who showed their support for the extraordinary work of Hadassah by becoming new Life members and Associates. Our collective strength will continue to make a difference in the United States, Israel and around the world for the next 100 years.

Let’s continue to enroll women and men in Hadassah and Lock in for Life. Become a Member. Be a Supporter Hadassah – Lock in for Life. Member-Get-A-Member Campaign DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT If every Hadassah member enrolled a new member, imagine the IMPACT DOUBLE YOUR VOICE in your community DOUBLE OUR INFLUENCE in Washington DOUBLE THE SCOPE of medical research in Israel DOUBLE HADASSAH’S IMPACT in the world Gift a Life Membership for $212 and receive a multigenerational pin. Offer valid January-December 31, 2014. Hadassah Contributions and Mah Jongg Cards Hadassah is always grateful for the many contributions it receives throughout the year from members and friends. Beautiful cards and certificates are sent to acknowledge the donor’s gift and the donation is listed in the Hadassah bulletin. To make a donation or send a tribute card, contact Selma Master at 419-841-4936 and/or Yvette Levin at 419-536-1703. Jan Weaver is still taking orders for the 2013 Mah Jongg cards. The standard card is $8; the large card is $9. Send your payment to Jan at 7541 Hollow Creek Dr., Toledo, OH 43617 or call her at 419-340-9819. Change of Address Calling all members: if you have a change of address, please contact SP at 841-4311 or

ORT New forum connects ORT teachers to quality practices A new program to help ORT educators exploit the opportunities afforded by World ORT’s global presence is due to be launched soon. The first meeting of the World ORT Educators’ Forum will bring 31 senior educators and school principals from 15 countries to ORT House in London to design and map out strategies for the program, which will start in earnest in 2015. “The aim is to improve knowledge and skills in dealing with management and organizational – as well as pedagogic – issues, to nurture the next generation of educational leadership for ORT around the world,” said the Head of World ORT’s Education Department, Daniel Tysman. “We also want to foster a greater sense of working together within the ORT network.” The Forum joins World ORT’s Hatter, Moshinsky and Wingate Seminars and its Naomi Prawer Kadar International Seminar for Digital Technology in Jewish Education as a way in which the organization creates opportunities for educators to meet and not only

share their experiences, but develop collegial relationships so that they will learn from each other on an ongoing basis. According to World ORT, the value of its international network has never been greater. Andreas Schleicher, Deputy Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD’s Secretary General, has noted that recent years of economic crisis “has brought home the urgency of equipping more people with better skills to collaborate, compete and connect in ways that drive our economies forward, foster employment and reduce social inequality”.

Mr. Schleicher made his comment in his analysis of the latest of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s triennial PISA tests, which examine the competencies of more than half-a-million 15-year-olds in reading, math and science in 65 countries and economies. “The PISA report shows that many of the issues facing schools today are often the same, regardless of which continent they’re on or their country’s level of economic development,” said Mr. Tysman. “As a global organization, World ORT’s approach is to encourage schools not to look only upwards to their respective ministries

of education, but to look outwards, to see what best practices are employed by other schools in the ORT network.” “The inaugural World ORT Educators’ Forum will discuss our experiences and opinions on topics including the potential impact of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), institutional self-assessment tools, new approaches to the professional development of staff, improving inclusive education and strategic management of transformational change.” Through its professional development seminars, World ORT demonstrates its commitment to the notion expressed by Mr. Schleicher that “nowhere does the quality of a school system exceed the quality of its teachers”. Mr. Tysman added, “The most important factor driving the improvement of schools is the quality of teachers. The evidence shows that investing in professional development of existing staff will eventually give the same rewards as recruiting the most qualified individuals. So, our aim is to retain our good teachers and help them to bring out their greatness.”

Na’amat Movement of working women and volunteers NA' AMAT is the largest women's organization in Israel working for the improvement of the status of women. The organization represents some 800,000 women – Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Druze and Circassian – in every strata, throughout the country. NA’ AMAT provides: • Day care for 25,000 children, infants through preschoolers • 16 vocational high schools, 2 agricultural boarding high schools, 20 vocational training classes in the Arab Druze sectors

• 26 legal aid bureaus for women • 5 centers for the treatment of domestic violence • Legislative lobbying • Fighting for social improvement and the advancement of women • Working for the inclusion and promotion of women in decision-making positions in the political, economic and social spheres • Helping single-parent families • Maintaining 200 clubs and 60 community centers

• Study groups and workshops for parents and families, community leadership workshops, and groups for soldiers about to be discharged • Promoting contact and understanding between residents of development towns, kibbutzim, moshavim and Arab villages; and working for the promotion of community awareness • Assisting in the social integration of new immigrants Support NA' AMAT ISRAEL by joining NA' AMAT USA!

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  19

S'machot/Special Interest S'machot Hayley and Justin Baumhower are pleased to welcome Mason Bruce Baumhower (7 lbs., 19.5 inches), born on December 29 at 7:59 a.m. Proud grandparents are Lynn Nusbaum, Geoff Flaum and Kim & Bruce Baumhower. Proud greatgrandmother is Jackie Nusbaum. Judy Weinberg has retired from the Toledo Museum of Art. "It was the right time to be able to have time for family, friends and myself," she said. "It has been a wonderful career, and it was a very hard decision to make." Jennifer Zaurov, daughter of Irina and Gregory Zaurov, was the only student from Ottawa Hills High School and one of only three students in the greater Toledo area to be recognized by the United States Achievement Academy as a National Leadership Merit award winner for 2012-2013.

Dr. Corey Russell, podiatric surgeon with Foot and Ankle Physicians and Surgeons, has been named upcoming president of the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association (OHFAMA). Currently 1st Vice President of the OHFAMA, Dr. Russell and his business partner run five offices in the Toledo area that comprise more than 600 podiatrists.

Have something to kvell about? Send us your wedding, engagement, graduation, baby, job or other news for consideration in Toledo Jewish News today! Submit your simcha to Abby Hoicowitz at 419-724-0363 or

B'nai Mitzvah


e Honor Our B'nai Mitzvah

Joseph Thomas Golding will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, February 15 at Temple Shomer Emunim. Joey is the son of proud parents Cami and Andy Golding and the big brother of Benny, Sammy and Sophie. His grandparents include Thomas & Maria Buzzi of Akron and Sanford (z"l) and Joanne Golding (z"l) of Toledo. Joey is a seventh grade honor student at Timberstone Junior High. He runs on the cross-country team and plays the French horn in the band. He enjoys playing rec basketball and spending time with his many friends. Joey spends a good portion of his summers at Camp Walden in Northern Michigan. He has also been involved with the Friendship Circle of Toledo. Joey and his family are looking forward to spending this simcha with family and friends. Madison Smith will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, March 1 at Congregation B’nai Israel. Madison is the daughter of Steven (Michelle) Smith and Andrea (Chris) Sons, sister to Haley, and granddaughter to London and Debra Mitchell, Tracy and Linda Clark and the late Howard and Betty Smith. Madison attended the Hebrew Academy through the fourth grade and is currently in the seventh grade at Timberstone Junior High in Sylvania where she is an honor student. Madison has a love for all animals, and she especially enjoys riding horses. She enjoys sketching and arts and crafts in her spare time. For her Mitzvah project, Madison is collecting board games and children’s activities to be donated to Ebeid Hospice in Sylvania, Ohio. Madison is looking forward to celebrating her Bat Mitzvah with family and friends.

A Jewish perspective of The Beatles By Joel Benjamin Just as Judaism is an ethical and spiritual lighthouse, so too were The Beatles. Most religions have their roots in spiritual awakening. The Beatles had a powerful appeal to a generation in calling forth a spiritual bonding. They sought out wonder, meaning and innocence in their lives and music. Similar to Judaism, the religious allure of The Beatles was a vital factor in allowing the group to endure. They were spiritual apostles that evangelized a kind of gospel that resonated with tens, if not hundreds of millions of people, across a broad spectrum of the planet. Their own personal search for a meaningful spirituality was a major part of their attraction. Joining the “Beatle religion” was nothing more than a matter of "belonging to the community" of people like us, who enjoyed their music and definitively agreed with the idea, tone, focus and message. They preached a fantastic gospel, and through music, not lectures and shiurim. Just as many secular Jews benefit from belonging to the Jewish community without going all the way into it, a large global community became part of the "Beatle community” by listening to their songs and loving what they stood for and to follow their incredible lives. They inspired us and left us in awe of them, as does the most orthodox Jew for Hashem. With no formal rituals, the gospel according to The Beatles is a story of spiritual and personal exploration. The central concern of their simple message was their unfolding philosophy, which always pivoted on freedom of one type or another – political and spiritual. The human problem, in their eyes, was one of limitations and constraint. We can't reach our full potential if we are inhibited. In the same way, the Jewish idea suggests that we need to free ourselves from the limitation and entrapment of our physical world – at least once a week on Shabbat – to free our soul and our bodies from the trappings of the physical world. This weekly, time-honored Jewish practice of "freeing ourselves of we could embark on a more spiritual path" is exactly what The Beatles projected to the world. Theological parallels between Judaism and The Beatles The Beatles were present in our world for exactly seven years from August 1962 when Ringo joined the group until August 1969 when they completed the recording of Abbey Road. Exactly seven years – to the very month. Seven is a key number in Judaism. God created the world in seven days. It also represents spiritual perfection and fullness or completion. The “Sabbath” meant that at least one day out of seven would be reserved for “spiritual” matters – to enable a working person to have one day of the week devoted exclusively to the soul. The Sabbath year, also called the sabbatical year or sheviit, is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Land of Israel. The Beatles recorded 12 studio albums. Twelve is a perfect number, also signifying perfection in anything to do with rules. There are 12 divisions of heaven called the Mazzaroth, which God uses for signs and seasons. Hence, the 12 symbols of the Zodiac. Another way The Beatles and the Jews are linked is that it is believed that direction of music

changed on Thursday June 1, 1967 when the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album was released. Seventy-two hours later on Monday June 5, 1967, the Six Day war broke out. Just as Sgt. Pepper’s changed music and popular culture, so too did The Six Day War change Israel and Diaspora Jewry, as well as much of the global economic and geopolitical affairs. These two major events occurred in the span of just 72 hours, which is four times 18, with 18 being the number for life. The Beatles legacy was about community and repairing the world The deeper meaning of The Beatle legacy is based on an authentic, basic Jewish concept of belonging to a community. The Beatles personified the concept of "unity,” which predates the coming together or joining a community. They personified the Hegelian idea that the whole is worth more than the separate parts, and society should become closer together. How Jewish is that? What's more Jewish than community? With Jews, a similar type of "unity" is expressed as individuals become "unified" and a "perfect whole" when they join the Jewish community in events or spirit. Where would Jewish civilization be without the concept of community? That is exactly what was at the core of The Beatle's message. The Beatles were a "unified community" of four. They were also the major focus/component of the community of Beatle fans/lovers who came together in a community to celebrate their music and message. With The Beatles, all you have to do is listen to one of their songs and acknowledge their message, and you are a member of their community. All that a Jew has to do to "belong" to the community is to sing along in synagogue or break bread with other Jews. The various Jewish customs and liturgy provides the exact same function that songs do for members of the Beatles community: to unify the community. Although the function of community in the world of The Beatles may be more superficial and less demanding than a Jew's responsibility towards the community, the concept is the same. The Beatles' legacy was predicated on them carrying out "Tikkun Olam" The phrase, "Tikkun Olam," signifies that, as man shares a partnership with God, humanity is instructed to take the steps towards improving the state of the world and helping others, which simultaneously brings more honor to God's sovereignty. There is no doubt that The Beatles reached the masses with a message of love, peace and personal fulfillment and happiness. They were taking the first step in implementing Tikkun Olam, to elucidate the realization that there is a problem with the way man is acting in the world and that it must be corrected. The Beatles historical legacy certainly provided the backdrop for a “spiritual renewal” in the last half of the 20th century. Were they given seven years to help us to spiritually, free ourselves? A former Israeli business and economics journalist, Joel Benjamin is the author of two research studies on the musical and historical legacy of The Beatles ( To arrange for him to lecture in your community during his 2014 Lecture Tour, contact him at or through his website,

Page  20 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Local News

The Kindness of Truth Submitted by Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld, Congregation Etz Chayim The world rests upon three things: Torah, worship and bestowing kindness (Avot 1:2). The importance of performing chesed – acts of kindness – in Judaism is axiomatic. It is kindness that develops a caring, warm and successful society, and it is kindness that develops our personalities in the image of G-d himself. Yet, while chesed remains the hallmark of the Jewish community, one particular form of chesed – indeed, the most important form of chesed – goes classically unnoticed, sometimes even unfulfilled. I speak specifically of the kindness bestowed upon a fellow Jew after his or her

death – caring for the departed’s body with the greatest dignity, in accordance with Jewish law and tradition. It is upon this form kindness that the Sages placed the honorific, “Chesed shel Emet,” or, “Kindness of Truth.” While every act of kindness ought to be performed with only pure, sincere intentions, it is the act of caring for another after his or her death that is most clearly done without any ulterior motives. There is quite clearly no way for the individual to ever repay the favor; it is done out of pure, true chesed – to do for the person what he or she cannot. In every Jewish community, the task of this “Kindness of Truth” is carried out by a “Chevra Kadisha,” or, “Sacred Society” of volunteers who can be called upon to care

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for the needs of the departed, caring for and cleansing the body in a manner prescribed by Jewish law and tradition, known as the “tahara,” or “purification.” While the Toledo Jewish community boasts both a male and female Chevra Kadisha, we are in need of new volunteers and of providing present members with appropriate continuing education. We are now taking significant steps towards addressing these critical issues. On Sunday, March 30, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Rabbi Elchanan Zohn to our community, a world-renowned and highly sought after expert of Jewish legal issues of post mortem care and performance of tahara. Rabbi Zohn travels to Jewish communities around the world teaching and lecturing on these topics in the interest of developing greater awareness of this most important “Kindness of Truth.” Our primary interest in Rabbi Zohn’s visit is twofold: firstly, to provided a muchneeded and often requested inservice for the current members of the Chevra Kadisha, and secondly, to demystify the process of the tahara for those members of our community who might consider volunteering for the Chevra Kadisha, but would like to better understand the process before making that commitment. Those who do not fall into either category are, of course, welcome and encouraged to attend the program for a lucid understanding of what is involved in a tahara, as presented by a master teacher and true expert. Rabbi Zohn’s visit will primarily feature a three-hour workshop elucidating the tahara process, and addressing any specific questions participants – both members and non-members of the Chevra Kadisha – may

have. As an additional showing of gratitude to those who currently serve on the Chevra Kadisha, a dinner for its members will be held in the evening at Etz Chayim, with Rabbi Zohn being featured once again as the keynote speaker. The entire program, including the evening’s dinner honoring the members of the Chevra Kadisha, is being graciously and generously underwritten by Inge Horowitz, through the Dr. Philip and Inge Horowitz Fund of the Toledo Jewish Foundation, in memory of her beloved Phil. It is fitting that this should be memorializing Phil for to him the human body was the sacred vessel that held the soul. The study and practice of medicine was not merely a technical and academic pursuit. It was a sanctified calling to touch the physical being who was blessed to be in the spiritual image of the Creator. And when the surgeries and medications were no longer of avail, the physical remains deserved the same reverence and respect given in life. It is our hope that this program will generate new interest in this most important act of chesed and begin to acknowledge the efforts of our dedicated Chevra Kadisha. May we go, as a community, from strength to strength. Program will be held on Sunday, March 30 Workshop: 2 – 5 p.m., Sekach Building, Federation Campus. All are welcome. Dinner: 7 p.m., Congregation Etz Chayim. Dinner honoring current Chevra Kaddish members

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Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  21

Calendar/Local News 

February 2014




Adar 5774







Note: All dates, times and locations are subject to change. Call 419-885-4461 for more information.


Seniors: Community: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Robert Alper 92|Y broadcast: Amy

Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month: Kids on the Block Puppets 10 a.m. Temple Shomer Emunim Seniors: Super Bowl party 6:30 p.m. | Pelham Manor

Chua and Jed Rubenfeld 7 p.m. Temple Shomer Emunim

Noon Congregation B'nai Israel

Community: Seniors: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Annual JewishHealth Fair

Maimonides Society: Reception 8 p.m. | Off campus Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month: Community Reads 10:45 a.m. | Sekach Bldg

10 a.m. | Pelham Manor Women: Glass blowing event 6 p.m. Gathered Art Gallery

Christian-Muslim Dialogue 7 p.m. UT-Ingman Room

Sunday's-a-fun Seniors: Seniors: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Camp L'Chaim reunion Day/Kids Klub: A portrait of The New 10 a.m. | Pelham Manor

Babies, Bibs & More: PJ Bedtime Story Time 6:30 p.m. Jewish Federation Campus

Community: Mini Mitzvah Day 3 p.m. Jewish Federation Campus

Yorker cartoonists 1 p.m. Sekach Building

Walleye game 6 p.m. Huntington Center

Pomegranate 23 24 25 26 27 28 Society: Pomegranate Ruby Soiree 7 p.m. Harold Jaffe Jewelers

Vodka L'Chaim party warms up winter In early January, Congregation B'nai Israel hosted a wonderful evening of vodka martini tastings, dancing, Zumba/Russian belly dance instruction with Kaitlin McConocha and music by DJ Joel Marcovitch (pictured right). Andy Golding, Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo President, was the emcee; over 100 community members relaxed and celebrated while enojying a delicious dinner catered by Chef Jeff Sherman and desserts provided by Chef Howard Rosenbaum.

Page  22 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

Department of Jewish Programs Toledo's young families enjoy potluck dinner Last month, several of Jewish Toledo's young families got together on a sunny Sunday evening to enjoy a delicious potluck dinner that was light on mood, heavy on fun. The event, which was for families with children ages zero to eight

Mindy, Estella and Shawn Kairis

years old, was provided by the Department of Jewish Programs. For more information on upcoming DJP events, stay tuned to Toledo Jewish News or contact Sherry Majewski at 419-724-0386 or

Madelyn and Hallie Freed

Jacob Payne and Max Rhodes

Allie and Estie Berns

Jeff Green and Ross Barr

Madison and Amy Corman

Max Rhodes, Eli Barr, Gabe Green and Ellery Freed

Tamara and Avi Green

Emma, Sophia, Miriam, Jacob, Rafi and Gabe

Local/International News

Toledo Jewish News • February 2014 • Page  23

Hazzan leads mission through South African roots By Abby Hoicowitz Staff Editor/Reporter Congregation B’nai Israel’s Hazzan Ivor Lichterman guided 23 people on a twoweek mission to his home country of South Africa in November. The group – including 21 Toledo-area congregants of B’nai Israel, Temple Shomer Emunim and Congregation Etz Chayim as well as Hazzan Lichterman’s New York-based son, Ari, and daughter-inlaw, Haley – journeyed through a number of sites that resonated not only culturally, but historically, to provide a rich background on the country and its roots with the Toledo cantor. Born in Cape Town, South Africa, Hazzan Lichterman learned at a very young age to appreciate the strength and dynamic sounds of Judaism. His grandfather (z”l), a businessman and semi-professional cantor, would daven and sing on the holidays and donate all the earnings to charity. Ivor’s father, Cantor Jakub Lichterman (z”l), taught him to sing solos and duets, placing him on the Cape Town synagogue’s platform to display his talents as a soloist choirboy. Jakub was the last cantor at Nozyk Synagogue in Warsaw Poland, the only remaining synagogue of Warsaw. “In my 20 years in Arizona as a cantor, I always wanted to do one of these tours [to South Africa], but it never worked out,” he said. With the help of [B’nai Israel congregants and local travel agents] Lee and Gail Kwait, Hazzan Lichterman was able to organize the mission. The tour began with a visit to Herzlia Jewish Day School in Cape Town, where the cantor was a student from grades 1 through 12. In a population of approximately 16,000 Jews, the school’s 1,900 students has nearly doubled in size in recent years despite a vastly shrinking Jewish community. The group also went to the South African Jewish Museum, located in the Great Synagogue, the first shul ever built in South Africa. And at Kruger National Park, one of the first game parks in the world, the group took part in a safari in which they saw the Big Five game animals: lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo and rhinoceroses. Toledoan Luann Garber said, “The animals we saw on safari in their natural habitat were spectacular. The fact that we saw the “Big Five"

Stellenbosch Synagogue in the winery area near Cape Town where the Toledo group recited Kaddish for Bill Garber, who had Yartzeit on the day the group visited

was most unusual.” Hazzan Lichterman invited the group to celebrate Shabbat with his 91-year-old mother, Miriam Lichterman, who continues to live in the country. Together, they enjoyed a kosher feast, danced around tables and sang Zemirot (Jewish hymns). They davened in Mrs. Lichterman’s own synagogue, where she has been active for decades. “It was wonderful and festive to celebrate Shabbat in a place as distant as South Africa, more than 8,000 miles from Toledo,” Hazzan Lichterman said. “My late father’s synagogue is closed and functions as an antique furniture building today.” He noted that the building has been declared a historical structure, and its striking art deco exterior remains intact. During their recent visit, the group “went into the furniture store to walk around, and we saw where the bimah used to be. It still looks like a shul on the inside. It’s kind of eerie and somewhat sad; as my group was picturing what it was like in the 50s and 60s, it brought back memories to me of where my father was cantor for 36 years. It is such an integral part of Jewish history in Cape Town.” The mission took place less than a month before the death of former South African president, Nelson Mandela, and the congregants took time to trace much of the remarkable leader’s footsteps. They visited his home in Johannesburg; Robben Island, where he was incarcerated for most of his 24 years in prison; and the Cape Town City Hall where Mandela first spoke upon becoming a free man. As one of the founders of the Cape Town Holocaust Centre, Miriam Lichterman had worked with Mandela at the facility, which was originally opened by the former president. “It was fortuitous that we were there at a time when his death was imminent,” Hazzan Lichterman noted. “We learned a lot from studying and experiencing people and places so deeply affected by racism and segregation. Jews are so sensitive to and experienced with that.” “It was amazing that we visited South Africa just prior to the death of Nelson Mandela,” added Luann Garber. “I was able to better appreciate the positive impact he had on the people of South Africa and his legacy of peaceful authority. Learning the history of South Africa from our tour guide was most

The late Nelson Mandela's former cell at Robben Island, where he spent more than half of his 24 years in prison

The Toledo group on Table Mountain overlooking Cape Town Front row: Leon Williams, Hazzan Ivor Lichterman, Haley Lichterman, Ari Lichterman, Susan Kaufman, Gail Kwait and Leah Connor; Second row: Judy Weinberg, Selma Master, Miriam Lichterman, Diane Treuhaft, Steve Kaufman and Lee Kwait; Third row: Andi Lublin, David Weinberg, Leonard Thal, Dave Treuhaft, Joanne Rubin, Ellie Williams and Doris Steinberg; Back row: Jeff Lublin, Bill Garber, Buzz Steinberg and Luann Garber

Lee and Gail Kwait, Doris and Buzz Steinberg and Judy and David Weinberg at a wine and cheese tasting at Fairview, one of South Africa's premier wineries near Paarl, Cape Town interesting along with the story of her change of attitude about Apartheid, having been raised in a home with a father involved in the white minority government. It was both exciting and comforting to travel amongst a group from our very own Jewish community.” Mrs. Garber was one of several members of

the Toledo group that continued their travels to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. She noted, “The beauty of the falls was overwhelming.” According to Hazzan Lichterman, he has been approached by many congregants who are eager for him to lead other congregational trips overseas in the near future.

Page  24 • February 2014 • Toledo Jewish News

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