International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) ISSN 2249-6890 Vol.2, Issue 4 Dec 2012 89-97 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,
Department of Production Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology- Extension Centre, Deoghar, India 2
Department of Applied Mathematics Birla Institute of Technology- Mesra, Ranchi, India
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology- Extension Centre, Jaipur, India 4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology- Mesra, Ranchi, India
ABSTRACT Consistently increasing CO2 emission and ozone depletion from CFC’s are serious environmental issues challenging scientific community. The dependence on fossil fuels has to be reduced and alternative environmental friendly options need to be explored. In this aspect, vapor absorption system gives scope of utilizing low grade energy source i.e. solar panel for generating cooling effect which is dominated by high grade energy driven compression technology. The LiBr aqueous solution based absorption cycle consists of four stages: generation, condensation, evaporation and absorption with ideally no moving part. In this paper, a configuration of 2kW capacity LiBr-Water based absorption refrigeration system is presented. The selection of evaporator capacity i.e. 2kW guides the operating conditions of other component in the cycle. Empirical correlations had been used to determine heat transfer rate. Based on these results specification for heat exchangers are established. This configuration serves as a platform to design for manufacturing of such systems.
KEY WORDS: Absorption Cycle, Low Grade Energy, Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, System Configuration INTRODUCTION In a basic absorption cycle, low pressure refrigerant vapor is converted to a liquid phase (solution) at same pressure. This conversion is made possible by the vapor being absorbed by a secondary fluid called absorbent. Absorbent absorbs refrigerant because of the mixing tendency of miscible substances, and an affinity between absorbent and refrigerant molecules. Thermal energy is released during this absorption process and should be transferred to a sink. Among various absorbent and refrigerant pair, LiBr- Water is most promising in chiller application due to high safety, high volatility ratio, high affinity, high stability and high latent heat. The working temperature for this pair should be above 00C, because the refrigerant turns to ice at this temperature. The properties of this pair are vastly documented in literature, in this paper, the properties of LiBr aqueous solutions are referred from the reference [3]. In the cycle shown in figure 1, water vapor evaporate and separates from aqueous LiBr solution in generator, and increases the concentration of LiBr in solution. For this process heat is supplied from external source. At the same pressure, the water vapors from generator are condensed in condenser and this condensed water is throttled to the evaporator at low pressure. Due to reduced pressure, the water change phase and evaporate by taking latent heat of vaporization in the evaporator at chiller temperature and generates the cooling effect. At same pressure, the vapors from evaporator are absorbed by LiBr-aqueous solution supplied form generator having higher concentration of LiBr. The absorption of water vapor reduces the concentration of LiBr in aqueous solution, this solution is then passed to generator
Anil Sharma, Bimal Kumar Mishra, Abhinav Dinesh & Ashok Misra
through pump at higher pressure. A solution heat exchanger is used between absorber and generator to increase the efficiency of system. In this paper, the source of heat in generator is low grade energy i.e. hot water at 900C. This low grade energy can be obtained from solar panel, cooling of automobile engine, hot water release in several industries and other source of waste heat. The cooling water is circulated in absorber to release the heat of absorption at 280C and after exit from absorber at 330C, it is passed in the condenser to change the phase of water from vapor to liquid.
area (m2)
specific heat (J/kg-K)
gravitational acceleration(m/s2)
heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K)
Solution side
thermal conductivity (W/m-K)
mass flow rate (kg/sec)
pressure (Pa)
Heat transfer rate (W)
radius (m)
Reynolds number 4/
Temperature (K)
overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K)
LiBr mass fraction (%)
thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
1 -10
Position as mentioned in figure.
specific film flow rate (kg/m-s)
dynamic viscosity (kg/m-s)
density (kg/m3)
surface tension
diameter (m)
Nusselt Number
Prandtl Number
Grasfhoff Number
kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
Configuration of a 2 kW Capacity Absorption Refrigeration System Driven by Low Grade Energy Source
Figure 1: Flow Diagram
MASS FLOW RATE AND HEAT TRANSFER Assumptions Following assumption had been made to model the system. 1.
Generator and condenser as well as evaporator and absorber are under same pressure.
There are no pressure changes except through the flow restrictors and the pump.
Refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator is saturated pure water.
Liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser is saturated.
Strong solution leaving the generator is boiling.
Weak solution leaving the absorber is saturated.
No liquid carryover from evaporator.
Flow restrictors are adiabatic.
Pump is isentropic.
10. No jacket heat losses.
Anil Sharma, Bimal Kumar Mishra, Abhinav Dinesh & Ashok Misra
Selection of Operating Parameters Table 1: Operating Parameters for Cycle Pressure in generator and condenser
7 kPa
Pressure in absorber and evaporator Saturation temperature in generator Saturation temperature in condensor Saturation temperature in evaporator Solution Temperature in absorber Solution Concentration at 3 Solution Concentration at 5
1 kPa 82.863 0 c 38.199 0 c 6.3150 c 36 0 c 55 % 60%
Mass Flow Rate Calculations for 2kW Capacity Mass flow rate in evaporator (m9) = Load / (Change in enthalpy) = 2 kW / (2514.2-163.4) = 0.0008507742 kg/sec Mass flow rate for weak and strong solution m4 X 0.60 = m3 X 0.55 also, m3 = m4 + m7 m4 = 0.0093585162 kg/sec m3 = 0.01020929 kg/sec m1 = m2 = m3 ;
m4 = m5 = m6 ; and m7 = m8 = m9 = m10
HEAT TRANSFER RATE Heat transfer rate in evaporator is 2 kW, base on this selected parameter heat transfer rate at other components are calculated as follows. At Condenser (Qc) = m7 (h7 – h8) h7 = Enthalpy of super heated steam at 70 0 C and 7 kPa = 2611.98 kJ/kg h8 = Enthalpy of water (saturated liquid) at 7 kPa and 38.199 0C = 163.4 kJ/kg Qc = 2.083188 KW. At Generator (Qg) = m4h4 + m7h7 – m3h3 h4 = Enthalpy of solution at 82 0 C and 60 % Concentration = 196.7447 kJ/kg h3 = Enthalpy of solution at 62 0 C and 55 % concentration.
Configuration of a 2 kW Capacity Absorption Refrigeration System Driven by Low Grade Energy Source
= 139.1669 k J/kg h7 = Enthalpy of super heated steam at 70 0 C and 7 kPa. = 2611.98 k J/kg Qg = 2.727202777 kW At Absorber (Qa) = m6h6 + m10h10 –m1h1 h6 = Enthalpy of solution at 50 0 C and 60 % concentration = 134.9947 k J/kg h10 = Enthalpy of saturated water vapor at 1 kpa and 6.315 0 C. = 2514.4 kJ/kg h1 = Enthalpy of solution at 35 0 C and 55 % concentration. = 83.3824 kJ/kg Qa = 2.657201466kW
EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS Inside Tube Heat Transfer Coefficient (hi) Petukhov-Popov Equation for condenser, generator, evaporator and absorber. In all these heat exchangers water flow inside tube without phase change.
⁄ 1
Here, 1.82 1.64 " , 1 3.4 , 11.7 1.8/ &
) *++ ,-.
Outside Tube Heat Transfer Coefficient (Ho) For Condensor
3 '45 ) '/ 0.725 2 9 67 68 ,/
. :
For Generator & <
0.53 ;
Roshenow Correlation
=4 ∆6? B ⁄C E
=@4 A F D '45 4 '45 4 5
Anil Sharma, Bimal Kumar Mishra, Abhinav Dinesh & Ashok Misra
For Absorber Wilke’s Correlation
)@ 0.029 @ G
@ . <<
Film thickness G I
& J M L K 5
For Evaporator 1
ρ 2 g 3600 2 k l3 3 h o = 1 . 1006 Re −f 1 / 3 l µ l2 Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD)
6P( 6Q( 6P/ 6Q/ 6 6 + R6 P( 6Q( S P/ Q/
Over all Heat Transfer Coefficient (U)
1 , 1 , 1 , I ,/ M U' V I ,/ M W( R2)S ,/ + I ,/ M W/ 1/'/ ( ( ( (
Heat Transfer Rate (Q)
B T C NO6,
CONFIGURATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS Standard dimensions of copper tubes had been selected from manufacturer’s guide. Shell and tube type heat exchangers are been analysed due to their efficiency and ease in manufacturing.
CONDENSOR Table 2: Specifications for Condenser Inner diameter of tube Outer diameter of tube Number of tubes Tube orientation Length of tubes Overall heat transfer coefficient Cooling water in temperature Cooling water out temperature Mass flow rate of refrigerant - water Log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
0.43 inch 0.5 inch 1 (6-tube pass) Horizontal 2m 2467.165 W/m2 oC 330C 370C 0.12477168 kg/sec 14.89
Configuration of a 2 kW Capacity Absorption Refrigeration System Driven by Low Grade Energy Source
GENERATOR Table 3: Specifications for Generator Inner diameter of tube Outer diameter of tube Number of tubes Tube Orientation Length of tubes Overall heat transfer coefficient Heating water in temperature Heating water out temperature Log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
0.545 inch 0.625 inch 1 (twelve tube pass) Horizontal 4.8 m 829.9376 W/m2 oC 900C 840C 13.84
EVAPORATOR Table 4: Specifications for Evaporator Inner diameter of tube Outer diameter of tube Number of tubes Tube orientation Length of tubes Overall heat transfer coefficient Chilling water in temperature Chilling water out temperature Mass flow rate of refrigerant - water Log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
0.315 inch 0.375 inch 1 (8-tube pass) Horizontal 3m 2077.68 W/m2 oC 120C 80C 0.119189511 kg/sec 11
ABSORBER Table 5: Specifications for Absorber Inner diameter of tube Outer diameter of tube Number of tubes Tube orientation Length of tubes Overall heat transfer coefficient Cooling water in temperature Cooling water out temperature Log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
0.545 inch 0.625 inch 1 (12-tube pass) Horizontal 5m 975.9336 W/m2 oC 280C 330C 11.27
CONCLUSIONS Above calculated specification gives a platform to design for manufacturing of a 2 kW absorption system, driven by low grade energy source i.e. solar panel. Shell and tube type heat exchangers are analyzed due to their efficiency and ease in manufacturing. Among the components, absorber dimensions are highest and required further design modifications to make the system more compact. The design procedure used can be applied to scale up the capacity. This paper assists the economic analysis for manufacturing of absorption chillers. The current calculations has used some assumptions which need more analysis i.e. no jacket heat loss. In the analysis of absorber, empirical correlation for outside heat transfer coefficient ignores the fact of simultaneous mass transfer. Other fields of investigation are creating and sustaining vacuum, throttling process and optimum size of pump.
Anil Sharma, Bimal Kumar Mishra, Abhinav Dinesh & Ashok Misra
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