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International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD) ISSN 2249-6866 Vol. 2 Issue 4 Dec - 2012 17-22 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,




Research Scholar, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat, India

Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat, India

ABSTRACT Fly ash is well-known waste of thermal power plant in India. Fly ash is bigger dumps in India, which can be reducing only by reusing in road construction in present infrastructure boom. It is very difficult to find earth resources for road works, therefore use of fly-ash reduce the demands of earth and also reduce the cost of road. In this research experimental investigation is done to analyze suitability of fly ash as alternative filler for anoption of cement in microsurfacing. Microsurfacing is a one of the preventive maintenance technique extensively used, in India.The present paper describes outcomes of experimental investigation of microsurfacing mix obtained by using alternative filler as fly ash as a substitute of OPC. In this experimental investigation breaking time of the emulsion, the cohesion and the abrasion resistance of microsurfacing material with fly ash is examined. The outcomes show that fly ash can be suitable alternative filler for microsurfacing technology as compare to OPC. The use fly ash as alternative filler, make microsurfacing technology cost-effective and environmental friendly. KEYWORDS: Microsurfacing, Fly Ash, OPC

INTRODUCTION Microsurfacing is a mixture of a polymer modified asphalt emulsion, medium to fine graded high quality aggregate, filler, additives, and water [TAC 97]. It is placed using special equipment in layers ranging in thickness from 8 to 10 mm. Microsurfacing can extend service life of the pavement up to 7 to 9 years at a high cost. However despite the price tag, microsurfacing is viewed as a cost effective maintenance treatment as long as the pavement deterioration (roughness and surface distress) are well above minimum thresholds. An additional benefit is that it can help with other pavement surface issues such as rutting or other deficiencies in addition to providing a new riding surface and increased friction. The components are proportioned and blended at the rear end of a microsurfacing paver and distributed on the paver with a heavy duty "spreader box" equipped with augers and adjustable strike-off. The use of microsurfacing is rapidly growing for maintenance of highways, high traffic streets and airports. Some of the Benefits of microsurfacing are given below 1.

Microsurfacingis use as a preventative maintenance treatment.


Microsurfacing at the correct time ina pavement’s life cycle to achieve maximum durability and cost-effectiveness before the pavement has deteriorated structurally.


Microsurfacing be used for routine use in restoring flexible pavements to fill surface ruts and cracks, seal the surface and restore skid resistance.


Microsurfacing in correcting smoothness and friction deficiencies, and stopping raveling and load cracking without an increase in pavement noise levels.


Rajesh S. Gujar & Krupesh A. Chohan


Microsurfacing technology is cost effective and environmental friendly. Microsurfacing is normally specified and designed according toIRC:SP:81-2008 or ISSA recommendations.

In present scenario cement is used as mineral filler in mix design of microsurfacing. It enhance the breaking time of the modified asphalt emulsion and also work as filler.In this paper out comes obtained by substituting OPC by Fly ash generated by thermal power plant is described.

MATERIALS Aggregate The coarse and fine aggregate (Type-II) used in mix design of microsurfacing. The Source of aggregates was Rajeshree Stone Crusher,Sevaliya,Gujarat. The requiredphysicalproperties of the aggregate are in table 1. Table 1: Physical Properties of the Aggregate Test Name Sample Type

Water Absorption

Sand Equivalent Value

Soundness (With Sodium Sulphate Solution)

Stone Aggregate



*Not Required

Test Method

IS 2386 Part 3

IS 2720 Part 37

IS 2386 Part 5

Limit as per IRC: SP: Max. 2 Min. 50 Max. 12 81:2008 The gradation of the aggregate mixture was within the specified limits as determined by IRC:SP:81-2008 for Type II mixture. The actual gradation ofthe aggregate mixtureis asshown in Table 2. Bitumen Emulsion The bitumen emulsion used was a cationic bitumen emulsion modified with latex. The Source of Polymer Modified Emulsion is Tiki Tar Industries (Baroda) Limited Its characteristics, which meet the requirements IRC:SP:812008 specification, are shown in Table 3. Mineral Fillers The mineral fillers used were ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and Fly ash (FA). The composition of The ordinary Portland cement is as shown in Table 4. The fly ash was from a coal-fired electric power generation plant situated in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India and its characteristics and composition are shown in Table 4. Table 2: Gradation of Aggregates (Type II) Type II (4-6 mm )

IS Sieve Size (mm) 6.3 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.600 0.300 0.150 0.075

IRC:SP:81-2008 Limits Percentage (%) Passing Obtained Gradation Higher Limits 100 100 95.5 100 82.7 90 59.3 70 42.3 50 25.6 30 17.1 21 9.2 15

Lower Limits 100 90 65 45 30 18 10 5


Application of Fly Ash as Optional Filler in Microsurfacing

Table 3: Characteristic Properties of Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion Test Name Residue on 600micron IS Sieve (% by mass) Viscosity by Say Bolt Furol Viscometer, at 25o C , in second Coagulation of emulsion at low temperature Storage Ability after 24h , % Particle charge, +ve/-ve

Test Value 0.039

Test Method IS:8887

Limit as perIRC:SP:81:2008 Maximum 0.05



20 – 100 Second






Maximum 2

Positive [+ve]


Positive [+ve]

Test on Residue: 63.5 IS:8887

Minimum 60%

Residue by evaporation, % Penetration at 25oC/100g/5s



40 – 100

Ductility at 27oC, cm



Minimum 50cm

Softening Point, in oC



Minimum 57 oC

Elastic Recovery



Minimum 50%

Solubility in trichloroethylene, %



Minimum 97%

Table 4: a) Composition of Mineral Fillers PARAMETER


Fe2O3+Al2O3+SiO2 Sio2 Reactive Slice MgO SO3 Na2O Cl2 Loss of Ing. CaO Phosphorous (P2O5) Potassium (K2O) PH

% % % % % % % % % % % %

Test Method Standard IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727 IS-1727

Results obtained 76.9 62.3 28.7 1.7 1.2 1.4 0.02 2.9 0.32 0.02 0.05 7.6

Specifications As per IRC:SP: 89-2010 70% Min 35% Min -25 % Max 2.75 % Max -0.05 Max 5 Max --1.5 Max --

Table 4: b) Chemical Composition of Ordinary Portland Cement PARAMETER SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 Reactive Slice MgO SO3 Cl2 Loss of Ing.

UNIT % % % % % % % %

Test Method Standard IS : 4032 IS : 4032 IS : 4032 IS : 4032 IS : 4032 IS : 4032 IS : 4032 IS : 4032

Results Obtained 18.2 4.1 4.6 2.9 1.9 0.04 2.9


Rajesh S. Gujar & Krupesh A. Chohan

Table 4: b) Chemical Composition of Ordinary Portland Cement – Contd. PARAMETER UNIT Test Method Results Standard Obtained % IS : 4032 54.2 CaO % IS : 4032 22.6 2C3A+C4AF % IS : 4032 4.2 C3A % IS : 4032 14.2 C4AF % IS : 4032 2.1 INSOLUBLE RESIDUE % IS : 4032 0.89 Al2O3/ Fe2O3

Mix Design The mix design was performed according toIRC: SP: 81-2008 specifications. Based on the sieve analysis result and others recommended criteria mentioned in IRC: SP: 81-2008 the material should be mixed in the proportions shown in table 5. Table 5: Mix Design of Microsurfacing Mix Material Aggregates Cement Water Polymer Modified Emulsion Additive

Mix Proportions (%) 100 1.5 10-14 as required 13.0 (as required based on climate)

Testing The different mixtures were tested for the determination of Mix Time, Consistency, Cohesion, Wet Stripping, Wet Track Abrasion loss, according to IRC: SP: 81-2008 specifications. The mixing is done at temperature of 350C.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The outcomes obtained from the use of optional fillers in microsurfacing are showed in Table 6. As it can be seen that fly ash gave acceptable results under IRC: SP: 81-2008. Fly Ash which have pozzolanic properties especially in this low gradation (<200µm) showed more interesting results. Fly Ash gives nearly same results as compare with Ordinary Portland Cement in case of different tests like Mix Time, Consistency, Cohesion, Wet Stripping, Wet Track Abrasion loss. Application of fly ash as optional filler gave suitable results which show that it will make microsurfacing technology cost effective. Table 6: Results of Experimental Investigation

153 2.6 14

Limits as per IRC:SP:81-2008 120s Minimum 3cm, Max 12 kg.cm Min

Test Methods [IRC:SP:81-2008] Appendix – 1 Appendix – 3 Appendix - 4



20 kg.cm Min

Appendix - 4

99.5 267.5

99.5 356.7

90 Min 538 g/m2 Max

Appendix – 5 Appendix – 6

Requirement/Test names


Fly Ash

Mix Time (seconds) Consistency (cm) Wet Cohesion, within 30min; (kg.cm) Wet Cohesion, within 60min; (kg.cm) Wet Stripping, Pass% Wet Track Abrasion loss,(one hour soak); g/m2

135 2.4 14

Application of Fly Ash as Optional Filler in Microsurfacing


CONCLUSIONS The use of Microsurfacing in India for preventive maintenance and surface improvement increased during the last few years. OPC is used in microsurfacing as filler for good mixing purposes and adhesion. In this paper fly ash is used as optional fillers in order to replace cement in the production of microsurfacing. The results showed that fly ash as optional fillers can be used in place of cement for producing microsurfacing complying with specifications. The use of Fly ash in microsurafcing results in decreasing of their dump in India.It not only reduce the cost of microsurfacing technology but also improve low environmental profile.




IRC: SP: 81-2008 Tentative Specification for SlurrySeal and Microsurfacing


A.Nikolaides. (2000). The use of fly ash as a substitute of cement in microsurfacing. WasteMaterials in Construction, p234-240.


ASTM D3910-90, Design, Testing and Construction of Slurry Seal, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Vol. 04.03, Road and Paving Material (1996)


International Slurry Surfacing Association, Recommended Performance Guidelines for Microsurfacing, ISSA, A143,, Washington D.C. (1991)


AASHTO M 316-96, Polymer Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt, Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, Part I, Specifications (1998)

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