1 minute read
Mr. Anderson
So, I’m supposed to say something inspiring. Congrats on getting through a high school that’s harder than some undergrad programs! Yeah, burnout!! Look, I can talk all day about how you all are our future leaders and innovators but I’m going to give you a little piece of advice before you go off to college. Or to build rocket ships, or cyborgs, or whatever it is TJ kids do after gradua-
Here it is. Here’s the big life altering piece of advice: “R E L A X”. Please, I’m begging you. I know you all were born in the fires of lengthy research projects, molded in all-nighters, and burned into TJ Stars, but there’s more to life. TJ is a bubble. It’s real, but it’s not real life. Real life is outside these walls. I need you to experience it. Join a samba club, shoot a film, explore your passions, talk to people who aren’t like you.
I know some of you may have gone to college because it’s next. It’s just what you do after high school right? It’s just what my family expects of me right? You may not have given real thought about what you want. And why would you? You can’t legally buy a beer, but we want you to make life-altering choices? It’s okay to not know. To not know if you’re on the right path, or if it’s the right major, or if that boy is really the love of your life (he’s not).
Our society teaches us that “hurry,” the dogged pursuit of success, is the panacea to our longing. Get the degree in four years, get the bag as fast as possible. We live in a fast-paced, more, more, more world, and where has it gotten us? High rates of mental-health related trauma, and a whole lot of burned out people. I don’t want to sound like some weird meditation guru, but I do want you all to know the world is more than GPAs, school rankings, and social status. Success is subjective.
So, here’s my challenge to you: Relax. Experience. Be.