3 minute read
christina lu, lucas ribeiro, keertana senthilkumar, aarya kumar, eric feng, spencer zheng, miriam antony tjTODAY
“Hi! Can we interview you for tjTODAY?”
It’s a simple question, but one that has marked the beginning of the creative process for so many of our articles. Through the conversations that followed, Jefferson students have given us a gift. You’ve opened a window into your lives, revealed layers of the Jefferson experience that we didn’t even know existed, and given us the honor of sharing that with the community. It hasn’t been easy: this year, tjTODAY had a smaller staff than any in recent history. We’ve often had a single writer handle an entire print article and spread, on top of trying to maintain online coverage. And we haven’t been perfect. Blurry photos have been printed, typos have stood uncorrected, and deadlines have been pushed back repeatedly. Still—we’re incredibly
ms. harris tjMEDIA Advisor
When I was a kid, I moved around every three to four years. As I got older, I followed that pattern. Four years in high school, four years in college. I started my career at Lewis High School, and that’s where I began my adventures in advising.
Like many of you, I was hesitant to come to TJ. To be honest, working at Jefferson had never occurred to me. But I knew some people here, I knew they were looking for a yearbook adviser, and school started over an hour later than it did at Lewis. Back then, before I was a morning person, the late start time sealed the deal. Never in a million years did I expect that I would stay in one place for fifteen years.
I always knew I wanted to be a yearbook adviser, but I didn’t realize that I would find so much joy in advising tjTODAY and TJTV as well. I loved teaching English 9 (shout out to the 1,200+ Take the Floor presentations I’ve watched

sahishnu hanumansetty tjTV
When I was a freshman, I joined TJTV because I was hoping that learning a few skills about broadcast journalism would make me a viral YouTuber.
Now I’m planning on majoring in filmmaking, and I owe all of it to joining TJTV. The people I’ve worked with at TJTV are some of the most hard-working people who genuinely love what they do. It’s because of them that I’m motivated to pursue my dreams. I will miss you all so much.
It has been an honor to capture the spirit of this school through the camera. Through homecoming pep rallies, school events, theater shows, and more, I have learned that there is a lot more to TJ than just STEM. And now a few thank yous to: Ms. Harris for being a great advisor and a good friend over the past four years of my time here at TJ. I’m really fortunate to have met a wonderful and inspiring teacher like you. We’ll miss you so much— TJTV couldn’t have been TJTV without you.
All the alumni before me. You guys have been great role models proud of the work we’ve done this year, from in-depth coverage of integrity at TJ to an editorial on national merit. over the years), but the ever-changing nature of student publications kept me engaged and energized year after year. for me to follow. Thank you for teaching me everything I know about the camera.

To the graduating class: the window you’ve opened through tjTODAY is only the first chapter. The incredible passions, goals, and accomplishments we’ve seen throughout these four years will only grow. and we know the world will be better as you go out into it.
Over the last 20 years - 15 of them here with you - I’ve poured everything I have into being your teacher. It’s been an honor and a pleasure, but as you get older, you’ll come to realize change is good, and while it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to TJ, it’s almost like I’m finally graduating, right along with you.
Carl Chen and Valerie Kovacs, who are way cooler than me and will surely bring broadcast to new heights.
James Huang. I never really knew you, but I know you loved photography. I always think of you when I take pictures. You will always be missed.
From TJTV News, this is Sahishnu Hanumansetty, signing off.