Senior Issue 2016

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JUNE 16, 2016

photo courtesy of Will Ryu





photos courtesy of Frank Ding, Amritha Justin, Will Ryu and Andy Zhao layout by Esther Kim

Freshman Flashback pg. 11

Sophomore Flashback pg. 12

Junior Flashback pg. 13

Senior Flashback pg. 16-17

TJ Memories pg. 27


2 voices

Senior campus leaders share parting words Leaving behind a legacy, and living in the moment

Theatre: A growing family for all to see

by Andrew Howard SGA Vice President To the Class of 2016, Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving as a Student Government Officer. For the past three years, this experience has truly been the most meaningful and memorable part of my life. It wasn’t always pretty, but we got the job done. I hope that the initiatives and events of the SGA have touched your life in at least a small way. I certainly did not do this alone. One man could never put together an event with the scale of J-Day, the importance of TJ Mind Matters, or the intensity of the Homework Expectations. Many issues of student advocacy have been the center of our school’s debate for years, and I have come to see my share of both successes and failures. When I took this job, I was scared. It wasn’t the long hours or the responsibility that made me nervous - it was the legacy. I knew that I had to carry on the initiatives and endeavors of my mentors. Yet over time, I realized that my greatest fear was a point of strength; my predecessors gave me some of the best advice I have ever known: “You have to smile, stay calm, and work smarter, not harder. Most of all, endure.” – Anant Das 14’-15’ “Don’t stress too much, everything will work out. Live life, take advantage of your liberty, and never stop pursuing happiness.” – Joey Valery, 13’-14’ To Anant and Joey, I hope I did you proud. Under my tenure, we have expanded charitable donations, intensified the student advocacy guidelines, and worked to improve student events. To my classmates, I hope you had an amazing Jefferson experience, and I hope that no matter where you go, or what you do, you will always have people to guide you along the way. If I may, allow me to leave some parting advice: live in the moment. You will always be working towards the next milestone, but the beauty is in the journey. If all you ever do is look to the future, the only thing you will live to see is your own death (dark, but true). Find solace in your passions, work through your challenges, and the world will be yours.

by Abby Peterson TJ Drama Five directors, four one acts, three musicals, two plays - one family. TJ Drama has been there for me since Freshman year. I was hesitant joining the, then, tiny theatre department - I was the only freshman actress to join the program in 2012. Theatre can seem a little cult-ish to the outside eye, with its endless list of bizarre traditions from “4am philosophy” to “knights of the round pizza”. However, these quirky activities are not what lies at the heart of our program; rather, it’s the welcoming, accepting, and supporting environment which holds us together. From acting on stage to behind the scenes lighting, sound, set construction, makeup, hair, costumes, directing, and pit orchestra, theatre truly has a place where anyone can shine and take part in bringing a production to life. All that it takes to become a part of the TJ Drama family is to show up and pitch in. In the course of four years, this program has been in flux with constantly changing directors and renovations thrown into the mix. When I was a freshman, many referred to the theatre department as “dying”. As I graduate, I can definitely say that that could not be less true. I have witnessed exponential growth of our program, thanks to our new director, Ms. Lowery, who brought the stability and passion necessary for theatre to flourish. One of the greatest lessons I will take with me from TJ Drama is how to accept and thrive through change. Last year’s musical, Fiddler on the Roof, addresses this very topic. The song “Sunrise, Sunset” comes to mind, which compares experiencing change in life to the rising and setting sun. I’ve learned that we can’t get so caught up mourning the fading light that we fail to experience the beauty of the glimmering stars. Change is constant and inevitable. We can’t cling so hard to the past that we fail to live in the moment - to cherish current relationships and experience the sublime miracle of being alive. To the upcoming classes inheriting TJ Drama, I couldn’t be passing the program into more capable, talented, and dedicated hands. Keep the faith and take care of each other.

Fixing flaws and finding what’s right

Helping to make mental wellness a priority for all

photo by Ankit Agrawal

by Milan Bharadwaj SGA President Halfway through my Junior year, while struggling with Physics and other difficult classes, I often pondered why exactly I had chosen to come to TJ. I was never really a fan of STEM, nor was I all that motivated about my studies in general. Coupled with an administration that seemed to care more about rankings than its students, as well as destructive, depression-inducing competition all across the school, TJ didn’t seem like a very good place to be. I wanted desperately to make a change in the very culture of the school and the way that it operated, so I decided to run for the position of SGA President at the end of my Junior year. Armed with nothing but a handful of jokes and a fire mixtape, I ascended the student government ladder in one mighty leap, winning the presidency in a landslide. Prepared to fix everything that I thought was wrong with the school, I realized that the biggest flaws were really what made TJ great. Through interacting with students of all shapes, sizes, and colors, I started to understand what TJ was really all about. While competition pits us against each other, it also brings us together as a community. While overly difficult classes might challenge us, they also make us stronger and more intelligent as individuals. While photo by Esther Kim rankings might cloud our vision, they also guide us to being the best that we can possibly be. When people ask me about TJ, I don’t tell them about the ranks or the tech labs or the awards, I instead tell them about the passionate individuals--cogs in the great engine that is our school, without which nothing else would matter. TJ is the greatest community I’ve ever been a part of, and I’m happy to have been able to lead it for the 2015-16 school year.

Making an impact for years to come by Sahana Ramani Public Forum Debate In Public Forum Debate, there is only one word the judge is looking for - impact. What’s the impact of your argument? What fundamental changes do your words carry? While I initially thought of this word only in the realm of debate, I have realized it is the perfect term to describe the Class of 2016. Over the past four years, I have been inspired by the innovation, brilliance, and relentless spirit our class has embodied. Specifically in Public Forum, our class has broken barriers and proven to a strong force to reckon with. Despite various financial and logistical setbacks, our debaters have time and time again established themselves by qualifying for the most prestigious debate tournaments in the country and placing in top ranks at the national level. Accomplishing photo by Anjali Khanna what has never been seen in TJ history before, the debate team has illustrated the core principal of perseverance. With regards to the National Honor Society and Honor Council, our class has shown that they will not stop after mere brainstorming. They turn their visions into realities, and now, we have started traditions that will impact the school’s academic culture for years to come. I am extraordinarily grateful for the TJ community, supporting ideas and dreams, regardless of how farfetched they may be. While the last four years have had their fair share of difficulties, it has been rewarding to see the results of collaboration and hard work in various arenas. Thank you TJ, for teaching me the importance of persistence and diligence as it relates to creating change. And as we continue surmounting obstacles and exploring the unknown, let’s never settle for simple thought; let’s continue creating an impact through action.

photo by Adithi Ramakrishnan

by Cheryl Mensah TJ Active Minds I am not the expert on “all things mental illness” and I’m not going to pretend to be, but the stigma around mental health disorders is something that has bothered me for a long time. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, only 25 percent of people with mental health issues feel that people are caring and sympathetic toward their struggles. It’s important to realize that mental illness is not rare. One thing that I have learned is that you can never really tell from the outside how much people are going through internally. I have struggled to help and lost many close to me to mental illness, and watched as many of my classmates struggled as well at a lesser degree, spending way too much time comparing themselves to others, and tearing themselves up for things that really just don’t matter in the long run. However, I am proud of the steps we have all taken to address mental wellness in our community. Thank you to all who have shared their stories through TJ Mind Matters and offered support to their peers, and to those who have participated and helped improve the Active Minds campaigns over the past four years. So many students at Jefferson, across all grades and social groups, are passionate about mental health awareness, and I feel that speaking up photo by Adrian Gavrila about these issues has made us a significantly closer and more sympathetic community. While we’re not done yet, I’m optimistic about the progress to be made in the coming years. Class of 2016, as we go our separate ways, I encourage us all to do our best to be there for one another, continue to educate ourselves on how to be more supportive, and strive to prioritize our mental wellbeing. Lastly, remember, regardless of the trials we may face in college and beyond, (if I may quote a great poet) that “we gon’ be alright!”

Remembering the past for the better of the future by James Park Class of 2016 President It’s hard to believe that it’s already been four years since we first sat down on the clean pre-renovation floors of the AudLob to eat lunch with the people that would soon become our future friends, teammates, and romantic interests. Most of us were only a few hours into our TJ careers, and while our friends and family may have told us what to expect, we had no idea about the unpredictable defeats, successes, and dust storms that lied ahead. The next four years after that exciting September day flew by, and as we grew up together we went through changes like never before. Walks to the plaza became drives to restaurants, club elections became presidential primaries, and Sweet Sixteen’s became graduation parties. Now we have finally reached the moment in our lives where we’ll leave photo courtesy of Katherine Du behind everything we’ve become comfortable with and prepare ourselves for yet another uncertain future. I have no doubt that you will all find where you need to be in life, and I am thankful to not only have been given the opportunity to be your class president, but also your classmate. As we move on with our lives, I hope you all look back on our time at TJ as I will and remember how fortunate we were to receive an education behind these trailer walls. No, I won’t say that our experience at TJ was perfect—it was far from it. However, I will say that the supportive environment we experienced thanks to our teachers, counselors, and peers at this school is unmatched and something we should be grateful for. I know we will all find success in our lives, but I hope we will also remember how much this community gave to us by giving to our future communities, where ever they may be.




Graduation How will you remember us, Dr. Glazer? Q: When you think of the Class of 2016, what adjectives come to mind? A: Life savers, community builders, well rounded. Q: What distinguished the Class of 2016 from the classes before it? A: They have looked out for each other in ways that have gone beyond expectations. They have defined what caring is all about. Q: What was your most difficult moment in dealing with the Class of 2016? A: I don’t know if this was the “most” difficult moment, but I found the conversations surrounding Slounge to be very interesting when we didn’t have a center of a building due to construction. I’m so glad we finally had more room elater in the year to spread out. We are filled with rich culture and tradition, and the Slounge will carry on in the Franklin Commons...or will it?! Q: What was your most memorable moment in dealing with the Class of 2016? A: Finishing 2nd place in Just Dance when the seniors opened the Nobel Commons. I had no chance against Adam, but surprisingly my awkward moves eked out a small victory. Actually, graduation and ANGP will be the best memory! Q: What parting words do you have for the Class of 2016 as we graduate? A: Don’t skip twice, and show up for donuts. Actually, I look forward to sharing my parting words at graduation - lots of great achievements and moments have shaped their character. I will miss you! Make sure you come back and visit next year and tell us how you are doing.

photo by Anjali Khanna

Class sponsors reflect about senior class Student speaker offers grad speech excerpts

Ellie O’Reilly photo by Katherine Du photo by Katherine Du

Dr. Jennifer Rosenblum Q: When you think of the Class of 2016, what adjectives come to mind? A: Resilient, dedicated, accomplished, active, resourceful, courageous, fun, funny Q: What distinguished the Class of 2016 from the classes before it? A: They have lost privileges every year that all other classes before them had. Instead of accepting these losses, they found inventive ways to create new experiences/opportunities for themselves. They came to TJ when construction started and will leave TJ before it is complete. They made the best of it. Q: What was your most difficult moment in dealing with the Class of 2016? A: Lock-out. No question. Lots of bugs. No sleep. Q: What was your most memorable moment in dealing with the Class of 2016? A: Watching the transition from squirrely freshman to (nearly) mature adults -- I feel like my kids have all grown up! Fantastic MEX performances/ floats and Homecoming in general, King’s Dominion… Did I mention lock-out? Q: What parting words do you have for the Class of 2016 as we graduate? A: Have confidence in yourselves. You are capable and resourceful. It’s okay to make mistakes. Don’t take yourselves too seriously, sometimes, common sense is all you need.

Dr. Shawn Stickler Q: When you think of the Class of 2016, what adjectives come to mind? A: 2016 – Optimistic, determined, excited Q: What distinguished the Class of 2016 from the classes before it? A: Harder-working, more group-oriented, less ego-centric Q: What was your most difficult moment in dealing with the Class of 2016? A: Dealing with the issue of changing Lock-in to Lock-out Q: What was your most memorable moment in dealing with the Class of 2016? A: Winning the Pep Rally on Homecoming Day Q: What parting words do you have for the Class of 2016 as we graduate? A: Life is too beautiful, too wonderful, too glorious to give up on, so don’t. Ever.

“Being here forced me out of my comfort zone. It forced me to not be the best student in the class, and ask for help. It forced me to speak up and make friends, even when the boys on the baseball team seemed so terrifying. I manage the baseball team, and freshman year I didn’t talk to the players. I sing the national anthem for every home game now, and I truly don’t think I would be able to without the community of students at this school. We are so supportive of each other, from science fairs to band concerts to debate tournaments to poetry recitation competitions.” photos and reporting by Sabria Kazmi

GRADUATION Class of 2016 SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 7 p.m.

Bank Arena VENUE: Eagle George Mason University

Preview: Keynote Speaker This year the Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist of World Bank will be speaking at the senior graduation. Kaushik Basu is a globally known economist who published a new book last year. “An Economist in the Real World: The Art of Policymaking in India” joins fifteen others in the collection of books authored by Basu. Basu started off studying at St. Steph’s College, the University of Delhi, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Now, on top of his positions at World Bank, he is the President of the Human Development and Capabilities Association, as well as a Professor of Economics and a Professor of International Studies at Cornell University. I think it’s safe to say this year the graduating class is privileged to be hearing from someone as accomplished and knowledgeable as he is.




Juliana Bain and Rushi Shah

Most Photogenic

Sophia Moses and Spencer Weiss

Best to Bring Home to Parents

Bradford Case and Anjali Khanna

Sophia Martinese and Gil Osofsky

Most Likely to Win a Pulitzer

Most Likely to be a Movie Star

Calvin Chen and Joyce Duan Andrew Huang and Abby Peterson

Most Spirited

C t t Couple C l Cutest

Patrick Ryan and Holly Frank

Most Conservative photos by Anjali Khanna and Ankit Agrawal




Cheryl Mensah and Gil Osofsky

Sarah Kim and Jeewoo Kim

Best Friends (Female)

NAME and NAME Shohini Gupta and Spencer Weiss

Most Likely to be on Saturday Night Live

Next U.S. Ambassadors

•Ž¥ȹ ˜Â?ÂŠÂ—ÂœÂ˜Â—Ç°Čą Žě›Ž¢ȹ ’žǰȹ •’ȹ ’ĚŠ—Â?Ç°Čą —Â?¢ȹ Â‘ÂŠÂ›Â‹Â˜Â—Â—ÂŽÂŠÂžÇ°Čą Jonah Casebeer, Aaron Ho, Nate Foss, Nathan Riopelle, Rishab Negi

Best Friends (Male)

Shirley Zhan, Andrew Howard, Sahaj Sharda

Most Likely to Dominate Wall St.

Chitra Kokkirala and Jared Nirenberg


Rachel Vasta and Jerry Lu

Night Owls

Â’ÂŒÂ˜Â•ÂŠČą ž‹£Â?Ž•ŠȹŠ—Â?Čą ŠĴȹ ž—

Most Likely to have Hermione’s Time Turner

photos by Anjali Khanna and Ankit Agrawal


6 superlatives

Abby Peterson and Sahaj Sharda

Jake Cui and Bijal Rajput

Most Liberal

Most Likely to Cure Cancer

Nate Foss and Anna Klaussen

Best Eyes Sydney Parks and Jonah Casebeer Ellie O’Reilly and Ricky Hage

Best Laugh Most Likely to Win a Record Deal

Donggyu Kim and Minjoo Kang

Next Picasso Most Stylish Frank Sammartino, Tanmaya Rodda, Rushi Shah

Logs the most Netflix Hours

Ella Deeken and Peter Rohrer

Next Herbal Essences Model

DJ Jayachandran and Reema Patel photos by Ellen Kan and Esther Kim


Cheryl Mensah and Andrew Huang


Maaike Blindenbach and Nick Lemanski

Most Athletic

Social Media Maven

Nicola Kubzdela and Connor Jones

Shreya Bhatia and Connor Jones

Best Smile

Katelyn Etemad and Andy Zhao

Best Photographer


photo courtesy of Ella Deeken

Next B16 Thing

Best Dancer

Andy Zhao and Irene Song Andrew Howard and Sahana Ramani

Master Chef

Most Likely to be President


Stella Yang and Michael Tang

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day: Virginia Sun and Matt Sun Most Changed Since Freshman Year: Cece Xiao and William Randolph Most Likely to Become a Meme: Aly Luckett and Milan Bharadwaj Adrenaline Junkie: Charlie Lertlumprasert and Amir McGettrick Worst Senioritis: Mollie Passacantando

Most Likely to become a Pro-Gamer photos by Anjali Khanna and Ankit Agrawal

8 TJ Media tjTODAY TJ Media senior staff says goodbye


Anjali Khanna Editor-in-Chief

photo courtesy of YOUR MOM

photo by Ankit Agrawal

Esther Kim Editor-in-Chief Kate Deng Design Editor

TECHNIQUES Peng-Peng Liu Editor-in-Chief

Sonia Gupta Editor-in-Chief

Aly Luckett Editor-in-Chief

Valerie Chen Editor-in-Chief

Journalism taught me When I talk about tjTODAY lessons about life

My high school “thing”

by Anjali Khanna Editor-in-Chief In the all-nighter I’m spending finishing the senior issue, I’ve gotten a chance to do some thinking. Perhaps it’s the fact that I’ve been listening to Charlie Puth’s “Nine Track Mind” on repeat for the last two hours, or the fact that pretty much the entire world has gone to sleep already. Either way, it’s got me feeling a bit sentimental. If there’s one thing, one invaluable thing, that tjMedia taught me, it would have to be how to make the most of the situation you’re in and work with what you’ve got. This is a lesson many fullgrown adults still struggle to learn. Though I am ridiculously proud of the issue we produce as a staff every month, I’m always even more prideful about the challenges that we overcome together during the production cycle to make that issue a reality.

by Kate Deng Design Editor In elementary school, it was novels. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with a new story idea and rush to my journal to jot it down. Unfortunately, my attention span was limited and after 30 pages of writing the novel, I found a more interesting topic and began pursuing a new. In middle school, it was short stories. Somehow, the main character’s name was always Natalie -- Natalie the student, Natalie the ice skater, Natalie the everything and anything. For no reason but I suppose I liked the name Natalie. In high school, it was journalism. As a freshman who was scared out of her mind about the imfamous TJ, I felt the pressure to find “my thing.” I tried Model UN, debate, and every other generic club TJ was known for. Yet, I found my passion in a small classroom without the hustle and bustle of a large

Whether we’re working against the clock or our team has got some members out we know how to stay calm, sit ourselves down, and get to work until the job is done; and after nearly four years in the tjTODAY program, I feel as if our staff has seen it all. I’m both excited and overwhelmed at the thought of what the future will hold for all of us as we go off to college and on to bigger and better things, and I know that it’s those skills practiced in the tjTODAY newsroom that will have contributed to our success. Through the nights I caught just a few minutes of sleep, through the deadlines I pushed myself to meet—I can say for certain, it was worth it all.

by Esther Kim Editor-in-Chief Even at this moment of time, I still wonder how this entire story of four years with journalism came about. Perhaps I was looking for a breath of change from my eighth grade self, or maybe I was simply looking for more friends to spend my lunchtime with. Now, looking at the stack of newspapers and newsmagazines piled on one corner of my bookshelf, I finally realize that I was here all along to “talk.” Before writing this, I decided to scroll through my profile on the online website of tjTODAY just to look back on some of the events and ideas I had covered in the past. During the four years, I talked about my continuing love of Hayao Miyazaki’s “My Neighbor Totoro,” the experience I had when I

got my first smartphone at the age of 17, and the continuing ties to my South Korean heritage. When given a blank page to begin an article, I always started by reflecting on myself. I thought of my interests and concerns and sorted through ideas I wanted to talk about. Words and phrases soon followed alongside. Before joining tjTODAY, I never knew that I had so many things to talk about. When I received my first reporter’s notebook, I never knew I would soon fill three of those with almost unrecognizable cursive writings and pencil lead stains. The blank page gave me the freedom to talk. Holding onto a pencil and a piece of paper with my hands, I will continue to tell my stories.

club, but a Songza playlist playing softly in the background while everyone is emerged in a different world on their computer screens. Through journalism, I’ve been able to express myself in a way I never thought possible and gain some work and life experiences not typical of a high schooler, and for that I am truly thankful. I am thankful for my fellow seniors and graduates who helped welcome latecomer Kate into their print staff by showing me the ropes before pushing me into the water. I am thankful for my fellow team leaders this year who never fail to Snapchat me when I’m doing stupid things during class or help me out when I need it. I am thankful for my team members who work so diligently and never fail to make me proud. I am thankful for my adviser, who has been an amazing mentor and role model. And lastly, I am thankful for the students of TJ for supporting tjTODAY and making us feel it’s really all worth it.

“What If” is an answer by TECHNIQUES SENIOR EICs When we first walked into the now-demolished, rodent infested yearbook room freshman year, none of us had any idea how big of an impact the journey we were about to embark on would become--not only to us, but also to our community. A yearbook is a reflection of the school and the people. This year we didn’t just want to focus on the easy aspects of TJ, but also the difficult ones. We didn’t just want to put ourselves on a pedestal or brag about how quirky, smart we are, but, more importantly, highlight the decisions that have brought us to where we are today. A difficult part of our experience was learning and recognizing that we have choices. As TJ students, we often put ourselves in a designated corner. “I’m a Bio kid. You’re a CS kid. He is definitely going into Chem Analysis,” we said as freshmen, when we barely knew these people’s favorite

colors, let alone their “destiny”. But, if you look around TJ, you can really see how many options are available to us. Not only are amazing STEM opportunities available, but also a chance to get involved in drama, music, or even yearbook. Just like us, we hope our fellow seniors have realized how far they have come. Maybe they did a complete 360 on their original plans of what they wanted to do at TJ. Or, maybe they did exactly what they wanted to do. Either way, the choices available were infinite and we sincerely hope that everyone has tried to take advantage of the opportunities TJ has offered and that they do not regret their experience here. Sometimes, it is easy to take for granted all of the available STEM courses we have because they have been an integral part of our high school career, but many of the courses we have are not available at other schools in the county.

Our “What If” blossomed into something we never could’ve imagined at this time last year. From two simple words, we ran with it and produced a yearbook. From the weekends in the summer spent looking at magazine inspiration to the late nights after countless snow days working on proofs before a deadline, we put everything we had into this book. We hope that this book reminds everyone that going to TJ doesn’t mean that we all have to become scientists, or engineers, or doctors, or literally anything academic, as if it absolutely has to be our defining characteristic. We hope to remind everyone that it’s OK to fail. It’s OK not to know. We strive, we succeed, and we create, but we always have to remember that What If is an answer.


Photo by Anjali Khanna

photo by Kate Deng

Teknos Mira Sridharan Editor-in-Chief Sherry Wang Editor-in-Chief

Hasan Ahmad Editor-in-Chief

Sarah Kim Editor-in-Chief

The true Teknos Zeitgeist: Representing Jefferson research by Teknos Seniors For the past four years, the Editorsin-Chief have had the wonderful opportunity to be part of the Teknos family. Since last September, we have spent countless hours doing our utmost to ensure that we can put forth the best and most faithful representation of the research conducted by our student body. Since we are a science journal, here are the numbers: 10 pizzas were consumed in 5 after school meetings, 10 hours were spent working at TJ on that one Friday we had off, and a cumulative 124 hours of editing were put into producing the journal as a whole, along with the unpaid labor of our legion of editors. While it was far from easy, this has, undoubtedly, been one of the most fulfilling endeavors any of us has engaged in. As a part of Teknos, we’ve been given the chance and indeed the responsibility to showcase what makes TJ unique. We want to show, through this publication, why we have been and will continue to be the best in the nation.


TJ Media

This year’s journal includes papers from scientific disciplines ranging from computational modeling to molecular biology. We hope you find the brilliance and dedication of our peers as remarkable as we do. It’s with bittersweet sentiments that we close this chapter in our lives, but we know that we’re leaving Teknos in capable hands. We look forward to seeing how the journal will grow and change in the years to come. We would like to thank Dr. Torbert for accommodating us and our frantic, frazzled scrambling to put the finishing touches on the journal. We would like like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards Ms. Kara Petersen for kicking us into shape and keeping us in line so that we could not only improve the print quality in leaps and bounds, but also smooth out the wrinkles in the process of putting everything together. Finally, we would like to thank our senior and staff editors for their hard work and flexibility in these times that try our souls. We will miss you all, and wish you the best of luck going forth.


Jordan Ganley Editor-in-Chief

Rebecca Linick Managing Editor

Victoria Yang Feature Editor

Esther Kim Communications Editor

Endings, Beginnings, Entropy and Threshold by Threshold Seniors Endings, Beginnings, Entropy and Threshold There were a lot of changes in the way Threshold ran this year. First and foremost, we lost our beloved advisor, Ms. Emily Orser, to the nefarious clutches of New Jersey. In doing so we lost her advice, her knowledge, and most importantly, her quick wit the way her words sliced through our incompetencies. (Not that we made mistakes, ever.) Second, we lost a formidable body of seniors, mostly to Virginia - seniors who, last year, served to make an excellent magazine. We also got booted out to the trailers. Out of our comfortable Cave that was Threshold’s home for years, of the comfortable carpets, the spider and hand decorations dangling from the ceiling, the laptops conveniently accessible just outside the door. In their place, we absorbed two wonderful Humanities teachers, Mrs. Porcelli and Mrs. Glover, and with their help, made this year’s magazine under the theme Entropy. We also absorbed some trailers. Not quite as excellent. A lot of entropy is about change,

and sure. Us seniors are going to face a lot of that. We’re heading off to college, off to our new lives and new homes, new people and new challenges. But we’ll be so much richer for our experiences with TJ’s publications. When we make the move to our new destinations, we will carry us not only the experience from working on Threshold, but also the literary criticisms and mental acumen bestowed upon us by four years of participation. Now, we’ll be the ones turned to when our Hallmates need our help; we’ll be the pariahs of college English classes, already readily equipped with wordly weapons to combat passive voice, double negatives, and awkward poetic phrasing. In the end, it’s not necessarily what we’re leaving behind, or even what we created while we were here. It’s what we carry with us so that we can keep on creating, so that we can keep diffusing our influence. As we leave Threshold behind, we will keep destroying barriers, keep creating and shaping and molding the world around us into a better, more literarily-intelligent place.




UNA BELLA NOTTE From left to right, up to down: Senior Diane Lee looks across the water; the view taken from the ship; senior Jane Choi and junior Tim Cho pose at the cruise; students gather around the highest floor of the cruise; senior Angela Goyal takes a photo; students eat dinner at the boat; students jump to take their prom photo


Prom held on cruise liner “Spirit of Washington” by Angel Kim and Avni Singh Staff writers As the end of the school year approaches, the class of 2016 spent their last Saturday of their Jefferson career on a boat to celebrate prom. The boat, which is part of a cruise line called Spirit of Washington, departed from a pier in Washington, D.C. and covered the Potomac River, offering views of historical landmarks on Washington, D.C.’s waterfront. Spirit of Washington offers breakfast, lunch and dinner cruises, which all last around two and a half to three hours. The PromComm selected a dinner cruise, which has a buffet that includes entrees, salads and desserts. “Unlike most proms where you eat before and then go to the dance, we’re having dinner on the boat in the beginning so we’ll all be eating dinner together,” senior Sydney Parks said. “The groups don’t really have to worry about planning for dinner which makes it more convenient.” Another aspect of prom the committee had to worry a little less about was decorations, though there were certain guidelines and restrictions that had to be met. “There’s more restrictions on decorations because you can’t have anything that’s flammable, and they didn’t want anything like loose confetti,” Parks said. “But the boat is already really pretty so we don’t photos courtesy of Ana Driscoll, Esther Kim, Jennifer Lee, Chelsea Li, Christine Li and Tara Prakash

really have to worry about that.” Apart from restrictions on decorations, there were also restrictions set in place by the boat company itself. “Since the boat already has decorations and DJs we don’t really need to worry about that so much. But we do have to worry about capacity and food allergies and especially safety,” senior Neha Bhargava said. This year, the theme of the prom was inspired by the cruise itself. “The theme is una bella notte, which is italian for a beautiful night,” senior Thuy-Vi Nguyen said. “It’s a subtle italian/venetian theme and was inspired in part because prom is on a ship.” The committee also thought of this theme in order to avoid themes used in the past. “We wanted to invoke a Venetian feel in coordination with the venue and avoid any cliché prom themes,” senior Spencer Weiss said. Despite all the restrictions, members of PromComm are sure that the class of 2016’s prom will be one to remember. “We thought it would be a unique experience. The view from the boat of the Potomac will be stunning and frankly I think it’s pretty cool to be able to say that your prom was on a cruise ship,” Nguyen said.


freshmen flashback




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into the Eke Wokocha slides ale to fin nd gra a splits as Freshman MEX.

y Ro s ita ste’ h Su ama d Andy Zhao dons an ng N an extravagant gh uri cape for his perfo n i d rm S ance in Enge v lish ka iti mo Kr st a bu ite. iN



ck tri Pa the n i d an ose by. Ja i red Niren p b Cu ke a m lo water sam berg examines a e stri riu k p a J an IBET work le collected for ito with Ms. H Ry aud arris. old

Gian whe carlo F e ing ls to h rix atta desi c i gn a s hillcli hes foa nd t ech mber du m clas rs.




Michael Ta ng places his hillclim on the cou ber rs other robot e for competition w ith s.




Peyton Low re Miller collec y and Sydney t water sam a freshman p year IBET fi les on eld trip.


Sop h War ia Ma ring rtine jigsa to s w pu n work e and toge zzle . ther Sara on a

ips r T m a e Str EX 1. IBET M g n i ecom m o H . 2 ech T d n a n 3. Desig limber 4. Hillc ons iti t e p m o c 5. iNite ances form r e p h s i 6. Engl h Periods 7. 8t sh a B l o o Sch o t k c a ut 8. B o g n i g 9. Han ject o r p T E IB 10. the









Photos courtesy of Will Ryu and Christina Wei




; 2. gym the ts n e t in Stud cour the on e; 3. tter clos own t bu to a all d a n i eanu he b mes man r co ds p les t a a d ribb l yea spre fives oteja an uo d choo ong ighT a n att H as the s h ills S ta h atha 1. M lees Gup m ; 4. W 6. A nd N ly i ; a e gy hruv gym Bash 5. D d Em w Huo in th the ; l n t y o t a o ts pose re to in tivit . Ma hao -Sch And pho d ac en dy Z ay; 7 k-to n D c and class th perio Stud e Ba ; 8. A Taban ng J for a igh g th sses l duri pose urin an e g cla 9. Kema lide d r s n i r d fo ater ume ce; s du brea cost naw dan ailer r w t ool wich n do the a sch sand n ru near ing r Stei u out d Kaila ther hang nza e wait nce tog vaga Chu stra a Tech nd d Clela p out at el Shi h


june 16,2016

sophomore flashback



june 18, 2015

junior flashback


r r o i a n

e y u j

photos courtesy of Will Ryu and Christina Wei

Clockwise from right to left: Students dress up during Homecoming Week in order to gain class points; students cheer in the stands when their class is called in order to win points as the most spirited during Homecoming Week; Sophia Moses works with a soldering iron and wires in the lab; Kiran Girish and Amrutha Kadali hang out in the hallways between classes; Stephannie Chen asks Nate Foss to Sadie’s; Sara Warrington is lifted into the air by her partner for a dance routine during a pep rally for Homecoming Week; Kevin Chaplin stares into the crowd during a performance for color guard; Raghav Ramraj presents his research in the gym; Sydney Parks uses equipment in the lab in order to complete her work


senior destinations

june 19, 2014

Harvard University [6] Jake Cui Dhruv Gupta Samuel Hsiang Evelyn Mo Akhil Waghmare Michael Yue

Massachusetts Institute of Technology [13] Allen Cheng Nathan Foss Joanna Gerr Tarun Kamath Hyo Kim Jason Lam Gabriel Margolis Robin Park Srijith Poduval Emilio Sison Virginia Sun Eke Wokocha Stella Yang

California California Institute of Technology [3] Jesse Cai Philip Carr Shuxian Wang Harvey Mudd College [1] Catherine Frank Stanford University [7] Reynaldo Cabansag Andrew Huang Tai Kao-Sowa Nicola Kubzdela Tarun Punnoose Johnson Song Matthew Sun University of California, Berkeley [12] Hasan Ahmad Saroj Chintakrindi Perry Feng Kiran Girish Shohini Gupta Jonathan Lee Rachel Li Sayan Paul Nirmaan Shanker Julian Vallyeason Danny Wang Hitesh Yalamanchili University of California, Los Angeles [1] Douglas Andre

Northeastern University [2] Kritika Singh Wendy Wang

Wellesley College [1] Nadia Mushtaq Williams College (Gap year) [1] Emily Sun Babson College [1] Andrew Blackwell


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [12] Neha Bhargava Jonah Casebeer Joseph Chetupuzha Neil Chiruvella Giancarlo Frix Deepika Gudavalli Isaac Iyengar Arya Jhaveri Connor Jones Aidan San Arnav Simha Ankitha Yanamandra

Arizona State University [1] Gabriela Huckabee

Rhode Island Brown University (3) Richard Gilbert Hage Jaehyun Jeon Cece Ziyi Xiao

University of Delaware [1] Markus Koeniger


University of Miami [1] Aaron Geldert

University of Oklahoma [1] Charles Jeremy Ruiter



University of Chicago [13] Alexander Cintron Ella Deeken Woorin Jang Nikki Kothari Jiazhen Liu James Pan Sahana Ramani Claudia Richoux Jay Ro Pranay Singh Joie Wang Sara Warrington Kevin Xu


University of St Andrews [1] Ria Chakrabarti

University of Michigan (11] Anusha Basana Fudong Fan Krishna Teja Gadde Christopher Trung Minh Hoang Sahith Reddy Sai Malyala John Van-Thanh Nguyen Austin Christopher Riopelle Nathan Alexander Riopelle Peter Joshua Rohrer Patrick John Ryan Arshdeep Singh

University of Massachusetts, Amherst [1] James Woglom


McGill University [1] Amir McGettrick


Northwestern University [1] Jane Choi

University of Southern California [3] Suyon Kim Satvika Kumar Vanya Vojvodic

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [1] Juhoon Lee



Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering [2] Pranay Dubey Ava Lakmazaheri

Carnegie Mellon University (23) Abha Nemi Agrawal Marcus Emilio Alder Abhishek Bhargava Jeffrey Diep Namita Dinesh Dongre Alison Weng-yee Hau Prerana Katiyar Samuel Davin Kim Yeonju Kim Diane Dah-In Lee Hyung Ju Moon Christopher Clifford Morris Shashank Ojha Mark Anthony Prettyman Lisa Yiling Qian Clarissa Sophie Scoggins Anika Sindhwani Jennifer Zhuo-Yun Song Ananya Suri Jade Emily Traiger Michael Caleb You Reed Ru Zhang Jenny Wen Zhu


United States Air Force Academy [1] Edward Zhou

Swarthmore College (3) Katherine Nora Severn Pru Frank Frederick Sammarti Ming Ray Xu

University of Pennsylvania (7 Priya Gupta Andrew Dickson Howard Joslyn Hayoung Jung Min Jae Kwon Sophia Vasiliki Moses Kunal Naik Spencer Ryan Weiss University of Pittsburgh (17) Saaketh Anjutgi Luke Daniel Cannon Haarika S Chalasani Kevin Reese Chaplin

Johns Hopkins University [3] Stephen Dempsey Hongyi Guan Raymond Lemanski University of Maryland, College Park [4] Colin Chen Ghnana Madineni Melissa Pothen Sashank Thupukari


Case Western Reserve University (5) Raghav Ramraj Daniel Rubin Antara Sarkar The Ohio State University (2) Randall Wayne Jones

University of Colorado at Boulder [2] Anya Owsenek Vinay Simlot

Oregon State University [1] Rachel LeeAnn Vasta Reed College [1] Abbigail Lyn Peterson


College of William and Mary (32) Zeal An Michael David Blumenfeld Abhimanyu Chadha Shritika Dahal Samuel Christian Desmarais Sejal Dhawan Katelyn Mariko Etemad


Pennsylvania State Universit University Park (4) Kate Kaiying Deng Augene Park Rohini Sarkhel Syona Satwah

Angela Goyal Ryan David Haynie Chloe K How Matthew Jing Huo Keqian Jiang Sruthi Kodali Niharika Kokkirala Christine Huey-Ting Li Alison Estelle Luckett Alexander Sebastian Lulushi Shreya Mandava Rishab Negi Joo Young Ok Gil Ethan Osofsky Rahul C Patel Reema Bhadresh Patel Saurav Pattanayak Tara Chandra Prakash Suhita Roy Seok Ryu Alessandra Therese Scholle Williams Feng Song Jasper Brendan Treakle Jay K Warrior Kathryn Saylor Zechman

George Mason University (11) Manish Adhikari Brian Chuang Deboshree Pryonondini Das Sharon Mary Jose Annam Rais Khan Christopher William Loftus Risheek Reddy Rajolu Pavan Gunna Reddy Tanvir Singh Sublok Michael Tilghman Vanderlyn Abhilaash Velamati James Madison University (3) Caroline Louise Esmaili Abishek T Ramakrishnan Miryeng Song University of Richmond [1] Virginia Sun University of Virginia (81) Patrick Beck Milan Bharadwaj

Bhavana Channavajjala Karan Paul Chawla Udeyvir Singh Cheema Kenneth Chen Min-Soo Brian Choi Nathan Chuwait Megan Do Anthara Gnanakumar Han Gu Pranav Gulati Sonia Monali Gupta Vikram Freedman Gupta Aaron Ho Joshua Max Holtzman Joyce Xinyi Hong Grace Madeline Huang Disha Jain Deepak Ganesh Jayachan Sruthi Savithri Jayaraman Andrew Yang Jiao Suzanna Lizzy Joseph Amrutha Jayasri Kadali Deborah MinJoo Kang Joseph Frederick Karaki Abhishek Karkar Karl Ernst Keat Anjali Khanna Devin Donggyu Kim Jeewoo Kim Srikar Kosuri Asha Krishnakumar May Thu Kyaw Rashid Efti Lasker Jiyoon Lee Chelsea Eileen Li

senior destinations

june 19, 2014

District of Columbia


Ana Clare Driscoll Leela Manvitha Ekambarapu Roman Gregory Vasquez Kasparian uitt Keaton Sahng-won Lee ino Rebecca Merle Linick Nishita R Muppidi Anjna Nair 7) Justin Tuan-Kiet Nguyen Gayatri Pai Surbhi Patel Revathy Krishna Pillai Sri Raksha Sai Pothapragada Kaushik P Venkatesh


The George Washington University (4) Vivek Batheja Ujwal Boddeti Venkata Sai Jagannad Doodala Shubham Gupta


The University of Alabama in Huntsville [1] Fox Wilson


United States Coast Guard Academy [1] Tristan Oaks Yale University [7] Bradford Case Calvin Chen Valerie Chen Joyce Duan Alexander Hoganson Austin Mills Tiger Zhang

Christine Jin Li Hans Li Eli Daniel Lifland Kevin Samuel Livingstone Michael Stephen Mace Olivia Marie Marcantonio Sophia Alexandra Martinese Katherine Elise McLaughlan Aazrin Haque Mir Bhuvanesh Murali Shirali Nigam Christopher Brian Oliveira Maitri Patel Nikhil Patla George Everett Perry Benjamin Lewis Pioso Nikhil Ramachandran Kavyasri Ravikanti Aneesh B Reddy Michael Benjamin Rodriguez Alexander Berton Rudin Katie Weilu Shen Andrew Chen Shi John Charles Short An Thuy-Dinh Smith Stella Bailey Sotos Mira Sridharan ndran Kaila Rebekah Stein Aneesh Susarla n Anant Raj Tewari Ian Sebastian Tucker Tarun Kumar Vippa Angela Lily Wang Shirley Wang Christina Ran Wei Bernice Regina Wu Rohan Ganesh Yaradi Jackson Lane Zagurski Albert Zeng Alec Xuda Zhang Nova Sierra Zhang William Tiger Zhang David Bo Zhao Jonathan Wenyuan Zheng

North Carolina

Duke University (8) Shreya Bhatia Claire Jie Dong Jay Gupta Shrey Gupta Ray Hui Liu Thuy Vi Hung Nguyen Virginia Grace Pan Kunal N Shroff

Georgetown University (5) Se Hyun Kim Akshat Kumar Seung Ha Lee Kareem Hassan Mohiyuddin Sahaj Sharda

Georgia Institute of Technology [6] Lars Christensen Blake Daniels Matthew Kaufer Rajat Khanna Anna Klaussen Daniel Oh


University of Minnesota, Twin Cities [1] Catherine Im

North Carolina State University (1) Kemal Sefik Taban

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1) Peter James Andringa Sweta S Karlekar

New York Houghton College [1] Joel Peter Goetz

New York University (6) Vivian W Fang Ajay S Iyer Yinglun Ma Bita Ashley Saeedi Lavanya Shukla Shirley Zhan

Tennessee Vanderbilt University (3) Annie Abraham Rhamy Yassine Belayachi Shanmugam Chidambaram

Virginia Commonwealth University (8] Paul Dumitrescu Meredith Taylor Lee Rahul Madala Jessica Khanh Ha Nguyen Bijal Girish Rajput Arth Heminkumar Shah Ravi Om Shankar Rahul Sundararaman Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (35] Eshara Pumali Abeysekera Ahmed Alaa Abouelhagag Devon Monroe Barbour David Edward Pearce Barto Haran Krishan Chithranjan Emily McCann Cleland Matthew William Conway Ankit Nitin Deshmukh Ryan Brink Gottwald Dean Charles Gumas Hayden Richard Hollenbeck Wayne Steven Huynh Matthew William Hwang Sriharsha Sai Jonnavithula Hanshin Lee Charlie Lertlumprasert Andrew Ming-Han Li Vamsi Krishna R Manne Anooshri Maskeri Daniel Alexandre Pim Medas Sydney Grace Miller Calvin M Muramoto Helen Lynn Ngov Rushi Jitendra Patel Lowrey Leigh Peyton Eric Khoa Phan Aditya Ravipati Justin Young Redman Tanmaya Rodda Arya Sivadhanam Jason Tyler Thomas Andrea Q Tse Dhriti Pragya Vij Henry Michael Wang Cynthia Jing Zhuang Washington and Lee University Chantal Iosso


Columbia University (9) Millen Anand Maaike Amelia Blindenbach Arvind Chava Joshua Ryan Learn Alison Wang Li Rohan Pandit William Bolling Randolph Victoria Jinwei Yang Andrew Dachin Jiang Zhao


Bowdoin College [1] Junyoung Hwang Colby College [1] Paula Jaramillo

New Jersey

Cornell University (8) Juliana Maria Bain Matthew Zhang Guo Jeffrey Liu Valentina Michelle Park Lohr Ai Mochida Ellie Jeanne O’Reilly Jeffrey Xia Sophie Bei Zhao

Stevens Institute of Technology Jacob Eldon Brower

Rochester Institute of Technology (4) Joshua David Cotton Jerry Tu Lu Michael Shiliang Tang Arthur Stephane Tisseront

New Hampshire

Syracuse University [1] Sun Lee Stechuk

Dartmouth College (4] Jacob Eugene Gonzalez James Joohyun Park Bill Yu Tang Jason Weng Wei


Rice University (5) Alex Habeen Chang Jia Aileen Kim Jared Ethan Nirenberg Sydney Elizabeth Parks Kevin Joseph Salassi

Princeton University (6) Daniel Kyung Chae Andrew John Charbonneau Ryan Evan Hunter Golant Kevin Changping Lin Kathryn Kailin Wen Olivia Zhenyi Zhang Rutgers University-New Brunswick Mollie Maria Passacantando Jaehee Yang

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (6) Timothy Hannan Cyrus Marc Edward McDonald Hrishikesh Buddhan Nair Vooha Sahithi Putalapattu Sunny Rampuria Animesh Tripathy

Texas A&M University Antonio Sebastian Chan University of Texas, Austin [1] Rushi Sanjay Shah


Indiana University at Bloomington [1] Taejas Srinivasan

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology [2] Jonathan Gannon Purdue University [8] David Hughes Jordan Ganley Katherine Grosch University of Notre Geetika Mahajan Dame [1] Karthik Maiya Fionntan Thinnes Akash Raju Ashwin Sivakumar Phoebe Whitmore Anuraag Yachamaneni


Washington University in St. Louis [2] Cheryl Nicole Mensah Shreya Raavicharla


senior flashback


photos courtesy of Aly Luckett, Ankit Agrawal, Andy Zhao, Christina Wei, Will Ryu, Amritha Justin, Frank Ding


senior flashback


K1LLIN6 IT ONE LAST TIME Page 16, from left to right: Rishab Negi takes Maitri Patel on a magic carpet ride during a prom asking; Sophia Martinese and Debi Das play Ariel and Flounder in Jefferson’s The Little Mermaid; Sahaj Sharda presents to the club members of Young Democrats; Kevin Chaplin maintains his balance as he raises his leg; JR Cabansag puts the finishing touches on his hat for Codi’s Hats; Eke Wokocha performs in the Black Student Union (BSU) I-Nite Act; Minsoo Choi practices during an

orchestra rehearsal;the Namaste Senior Girls perform onstage; Saroj Chintakrindi practices his I-Nite choreography during lunch; the Jefferson football team stands by the sidelines during a game; Neha Bhargava, Helen Ngov and Jaehee Yang practice during an after-school rehearsal for their I-Nite act Page 17, from left to right: The Class of 2016 cheers eagerly at a homecoming pep rally; Allen Cheng, Harsha Jonnavithula and Arya Sivadhanam take photos in the gym wearing their college

shirts; Raghav Ramraj busts a move during his prom asking; Aazrin Mir, Anjali Khanna and Kenny Chen show their spirit through cheer; Steven Li finishes up his prom asking; Dancers move in sync during the final homecoming pep rally; Wills Song, Tai Kao-Sowa and John Nguyen begin a dance routine for a homecoming asking; seniors take pictures in the gymnasium donning college t-shirts; Sydney Parks accepts Rushi Shah’s invitation to prom



Eshara Abeysekera Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Orchestra (9-12) Some dreams stay with you forever, drag you around but bring you back to where you were. Some dreams keep on gettin’ better, gotta keep believin’ if you wanna know for sure. Ahmed Abouelhagag Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University I’m limited edition. I got not other copies. I bet you’s thinking “praise da lawd man d00d” Annie Abraham Vanderbilt University Assistive Tech (9-12) Relay for Life (10-12) Just smile and wave boys... smile and wave Manish Adhikari George Mason University Abha Agrawal Carnegie Mellon University FIRST Robotics (9-12) Science Olympiad (9-12) Future Energy Action Team (10-12) Mischief managed. Hasan Ahmad University of California, Berkeley Rosenblum Red IBET @chat (life) Bench Days Teknos Chemistry Team MSA Fruit is Nature’s candy. Marcus Alder Carnegie Mellon University Zeal An College of William and Mary Japanese (9-12) Theatre tech (10-12) Rejected tjTODAY (11-12) If you need me, you know where to find me. (The dumpster out back) -- Katya Zamolodchikova Millen Anand Columbia University Varsity Golf, Captain (9-12) Environmental Impact Club (10-12) These things happen Peter Andringa University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Varsity Golf (9-12) HackTJ (9-12) Honor Council (11-12) “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” - Woody Allen, on Geosystems Saaketh Anjutgi University of Pittsburgh Baseball Golf FBLA Debate “Dont follow your dreams, follow me on twitter-@ skins4life38” Juliana Bain Cornell University HackTJ (11-12) CLC (10-12) Lacrosse (9-12) Model UN (10-12) In every difficulty is a hidden opportunity.

Devon Barbour Virginia Tech Crew (9-12) TJMC (10-12) Band (9-12) Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars. David Barto Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Book Club (11-12) Bridge Club (9-11) Rotary Interact (11-12) Science and Law Club (9-12) GSA (11) Jazz Ensemble (9-12) German Honor Society (9-12) Exit, pursued by a bear. Anusha Basana University of Michigan “meep meep” -Road Runner Patrick Beck University of Virginia Varsity baseball (10-12) “I love lamp” -Brick Tamlin Rhamy Belayachi Vanderbilt University Consulting Club (9-10) Persian Club (9-11) Building a Better Community (9-11)Hispanic Alliance (1011) Investment Club (9-12) Mistakes fade with time, but you don’t. Milan Bharadwaj University of Virginia TJ Football (9-12) SGA President mmm yeee History Club (9-11) General jigginess (9-12) “I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is.” - Donald J. Trump (Future President, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) Abhishek Bhargava Carnegie Mellon University TJ Tennis (9-12) High school is like a neverending race that you can’t win. - Every TJ student Neha Bhargava University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Shreya Bhatia Duke University Model United Nations (9-12) Sirens (9-12) Show Choir (9-12) Music Med Club (11-12) GIVE (9-12) Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Small, large, circle, square, thin crust, thick crust, stuffed crust, extra toppings... Andrew Blackwell Babson College Manchoir (10-12) Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. - Oscar Wilde Maaike Blindenbach Columbia University TJ soccer (9-12) TJ field hockey (9-12) TJ swimming (9-12) TJ orchestra (9-12) Book Buddies (10-12) “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years” -Abraham Lincoln

Michael Blumenfeld College of William and Mary Tennis If you get long term payments but you need cash now, call J.G. Wentworth: 877-CASHNOW! Reynaldo Cabansag Stanford University Codi’s Hats (10-12) STEMbassadors (10-12) JNHS (12) “Imagination will take you everywhere.” - Albert Einstein Jesse Cai California Institute of Technology SPRINTERZ (life) “I mean I know I’m gon get got, but I’m gon get mine more than I get got though” Marshawn Lynch Luke Cannon University of Pittsburgh Football (9-10) Warlords (11-12) “Still think it’s a joke, your third eye vision is broke” Capital Steez Philip Carr California Institute of Technology Physics Team (9, 11-12) Computer Tech Assistants (11-12) Astronomy Club (9-11) Electronics Club (9-11) “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain Bradford Case Yale University TJMC (9-12) Latin (9-12) ASL (9-12) I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones. -John Cage Jonah Casebeer University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign TJ XC/TnF(9-12) Swing Dance(10-12) Battlecode(11-12) SPRINTERZ(9-life) “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk” - Thomas Edison Abhi Chadha The College of William and Mary Model United Nations (9-12) Lincoln Douglas Debate (10) “You, do not cede to misfortune, but go forth more bravely.” Ria Chakrabarti University of St. Andrews (Scotland) Haarika Chalasani University of Pittsburgh I live for the nights that I can?t remember, with the people that I won’t forget.


Antonio Chan Texas A&M University Habeen Chang Rice University Symphonic Wind Ensemble (9-12)Marching Colonials (9-12) Winter Drumline (9-12) “Mission Accomplished” -George W. Bush Bhavana Channavajjala University of Virginia Dance Team (10-12) Book Buddies (9-12) CounselTEEN (11-12) Namaste (9-11); Officer (12) I came for the dancing.

Andy Charbonneau Princeton University Namaste (9-12) Officer (11-12) TJ Cross Country (9-12) Captain (12) TJ Indoor/Outdoor Track (912) Captain (12) Black Student Union (9-12) Spanish Honor Society (11-12) iNite (9-12) Organizer (11-12) TJ Jazz Band (9-12ish) TJ Manchoir (10-12) Carpe Diem Arvind Chava Columbia University Linguistics Club, Physics Team The wall just got 10 feet taller. Karan Chawla University of Virginia Teknos 10-12 Assistive Technology 10-12. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu Udeyvir Cheema University of Virginia I believe there’s a God above me, I’m just the God of everything else. Calvin Chen Yale University Basketball #ballislife Vlogging! (CCCC on YouTube) Always telling the truth Real eyes realize real lies Colin Chen University of Maryland My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone. Kenneth Chen University of Virginia TJ Cheerleading (10-12) Chinese Honor Society (11-12) Life in Movement (11-12) UAV Club (11-12) “Do or do not, there is no try” -Yoda Valerie Chen Yale University Yearbook (9-12) “Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.” -Mark Twain Allen Cheng Massachussetts Institute of Technology Math Team (9-12) Physics Team (10-12) Lincoln-Douglas Debate (1012) Senior Research Defenser (12) “Don’t wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself.” ? Sara Henderson www/creedthoughts

Shan Chidambaram Vanderbilt University Administrative Study Hall (10-12) Bioengineering Projects for the Future (10-12) Neuroscience Society (9-11) Ball at the Y (11-12) You better get the shot off before the horn sounds. There’s no overtime in life. #MTWC

Saroj Chintakrindi University of California, Berkeley Slacking Off(10-12) Getting Roasted by Chaabra(10) Forgetting My Homework (10-12) Sleeping in Class (11-12) It’s just an isomorphism to the Reimann Conjecture. Haran Chithranjan Virginia Polytechnic Institute Are we human? Or are we dancer? Jane Choi Northwestern University WISE (10-11) Relay for Life (10-12) NHS (11-12) A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are made for. ~William Shedd Jane Choi Northwestern University WISE (10-11) Relay for Life (10-12) NHS (11-12) Rubber Quesadillas (forever) Nathan Chuwait University of Virginia TJ Varsity Golf (9-12) Varsity Golf Captain Once you stop hiding from who you were, you can start finding who you are. Alexander Cintron The University of Chicago Varsity Baseball Varsity Basketball, Project BEST Spanish Honors Society STEMbassadors It’s gonna be Legen, wait for it... Emily Cleland Virginia Polytechnic and State University TJ Orchestra (9-12) I am 100% certain that I am 0% sure of what I am going to do.? - Chris Traeger Matthew Conway Virginia Tech Lacrosse Football Physics in Athletics I am a statistical anomaly Jake Cui Harvard University “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” -The Little Prince, the Fox Shritika Dahal College of William and Mary If the potential profit is happiness, it’s a risk worth taking.


Blake Daniels Georgia Institute of Technology TJSD (10-12) Chemistry Team (11-12) VSA (9-12) Be positive in life and negative on tests.

Debi Das George Mason University TJ Theatre (10-12) Show Choir (10-12) Sirens (11-12), GSA (10-12) I used to be straight-edge, now I’m not even straight. Ella Deeken University of Chicago -Community Service (9-12) -FHS (9-12) -NHS #service (11-12) -BBC (9-10) “Now what?” -Bloat (Finding Nemo) Kate Deng Pennsylvania State University tjTODAY (9-12) Relay for Life (9-12) WISE (10-12) Peer Core (9-12) Rubber Quesadillas (Forever) “When you’re young everything feels like the end of the world. But it’s not; it’s just the beginning.” Ankit Deshmukh Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.” -Winnie the Pooh Samuel Desmarais The College of William & Mary Model UN - 9-12 FCA 9-12 Neuroscience Society 9-12 The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubt. - Bertrand Russell Sejal Dhawan College of William and Mary WISE Holmes tutoring “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”//changed to: “We must be willing to get rid of the life we?ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” - Joseph Campbell Claire Dong Duke University Track and Field (9-12) JNHS (9-12) Relay For Life (9-12) ?The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.? ? Remy, Ratatouille Namita Dongre Carnegie Mellon University IBET #11 (9-four ever) Rotary Interact (9-?????) CEDC (11) TJ Speech (10-12) I’d like to thank my legs, for always supporting me; my arms, who are always by my side and lastly my fingers, I can always count on them.

Jagan Doodala George Washington University Technology Student Association (9-12) Bioengineering Projects for the Future (9-11) Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle. – Plato Ana Driscoll University of Pittsburgh UNICEF (9-12) Tutoring (10-12) Spanish Honor Society (10-12) GIVE (12) “Life itself is a quotation.” -Jorge Luis Borges Joyce Duan Yale University Crew (9-12) “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” - Dr. Seuss Pranay Dubey Olin College of Engineering Del Cerro IBET (9-12) Papertowns (12-12) Woodwell Squad (12) Teknos (11-12) “Everyone you meet knows something you don’t” (Anonymous) Paul Dumitrescu Virginia Commonwealth University Ethics Bowl History Bowl Quizbowl Medical Society “Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do.” -N.H. Kleinbaum, Dead Poets Society Leela Ekambarapu University of Pittsburgh Do what you love, love what you do. Katelyn Etemad College of William and Mary “If you can dream it, you can do it.” - Walt Disney Fudong Fan University of Michigan Young Democrats (12) Hip-Hop Heads (12) Vietnamese Student Association (12) Everybody’s somebody’s everything. Vivian Fang New York University Dance Team (9-12) Duckie (12) These things happen. Perry Feng University of California, Berkeley Varsity Math Team Chess Team Pool me two tangos please. Nate Foss Massachusetts Institute of Technology XC Track Relay For Life Intermediate/Senior Computer Team Battlecode (‘15, ‘16) No fate but what we make

aphorisms Holly Frank Harvey Mudd College SGA (11-12) MUN (10-12) Prototyping (10-12) Softball (11-12) “Promise me that you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” - A.A. Milne Krishna Gadde University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Even though the bar isn’t my son, I’m gonna raise it. Joanna Gerr Massachusetts Institute of Technology Assistive Technology Ethics Bowl Quizbowl i still don’t know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop Anthara Gnanakumar University of Virginia Varsity Tennis (10-12) WISE (10-12) FPS (9-12) “The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.” Ryan Golant Princeton University Quizbowl (9-12) Certamen (9-12) Latin Honor Society (10-12) Science Bowl (12) History Bowl (12) “Let be be finale of seem / The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream” --Wallace Stevens Jacob Gonzalez Dartmouth College TJ Lacrosse (9-12) Hispanic Alliance (9-12) Lost and Found (9-12) ?I hate when I?m on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle? @kanyewest

Charlie Guan Johns Hopkins University SPRINTERZ(life) “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them” – 1984 Deepika Gudavalli University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” --Martin Luther King, Jr. Pranav Gulati University of California, Berkeley PF Debate Rosenblum Red IBET Bench Days @chat(life) To beginnings and endings... and to middles, the unsung heroes

Vikram Gupta University of Virginia Football (9-12) Wrestling (9-12) Physics in Athletics (9-11) Persian Club (9-11) VSA (12) National Honor Society (1112) Save the best for last. Ricky Hage Brown University Guitar Club Cultivators of the Earth Greenhouse Club Future Energy Action Team (FEAT) “If you fall, I’ll be there” – Floor Alison Hau Carnegie Mellon University

Dhruv Gupta Harvard University Public Forum Debate (9-12) Derp City (9-12) Namaste (9-12) STEMbassador (9-12) JUMP Lab (11-12) One Question (12) Only do what you love to do and what you have to do.

Aaron Ho University of Virginia Cross Country (9-12) TJ Hunt (10) Battlecode (11-12) Varsity Clash Team (12) “Tomorrow (n.) A mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation, and achievement is stored.”

Jay Gupta Duke University Biology Society (9-12) Lincoln-Douglas Debate (912) “We can’t change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” -Mozzie (White Collar)

Christopher Hoang University of Michigan Varsity Tennis (11) FRC (10-12) FPS (9-12) VSA(9-12) PF Debate (9-11) MUN (12) Young Democrats (12) “Powwow???”

Priya Gupta University of Pennsylvania Soccer “It always seems impossible until it’s done” -- Nelson Mandela

Angela Goyal College of William and Mary WISE (11-12) Field Hockey (9-12) MBMS (9-12) “We didn’t realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.” ~Winnie the Pooh

Shohini Gupta University of California Berkeley MUN (9-12) Namaste (9-12) Namaste PR Officer (11-12) Graduation Committee (12) After all, we are nothing more or less than what we choose to reveal. - Frank Underwood

Han Gu University of Virginia TJSD(9-12) @(life) Brevity is the soul of wit

Sonia Gupta University of Virginia Yearbook (9-12) Soccer (9-12) Relay for Life (10-12) “I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” Edna Mode, The Incredibles

Matthew Guo Cornell University TJSD (9-12) Relay for Life (9-12) NHS (11-12) Science Olympiad (9-11) Rubber Quesadillas (Forever) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13

Ryan Gottwald Virginia Polytechnic State University “You did what now to who for how many skittles?” -Matthew Kaufer

Katherine Grosch Purdue University There is always time to appreciate Waluigi.


Shrey Gupta Duke University ?The question is: who are you?? ? Rafiki Shubham Gupta The George Washington University Once a Colonial, always a Colonial #GOOOOOCOLONIALS

Ryan Haynie College of William & Mary TJMC, TJDL, Writing Centre, Latin Certamen “Dēsine mēque tuīs íncēndere tēque querélīs” —ÆNEIS IV·CCCLX

Alex Hoganson Yale University TJXCTNF (9-12) BSU (9-12) Excelsior Aerospace (10-12) Nice guys finish last. Joshua Holtzman University of Virginia Crew Jewish Culture Club Bridge Club It’s not too late, we have the rest of our lives. -Satellite (Rise Against) Joyce Hong University of Virginia Relay for Life (10-12) Chemistry Society (12) all the study halls (9-12) There is no such thing as normal. Chloe How The College of William and Mary “I am wrecked, I am overblown. I’m also fed up with the common cold.” Motion City Soundtrack



Andrew Howard The University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business SGA Model UN Lacrosse “It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.” -Machiavelli Andrew Howard The University of Pennsylvania SGA Model UN Lacrosse “It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.” -Machiavelli Samuel Hsiang Harvard College Math Team Computer Team No disclaimers. Andrew Huang Stanford University If it doesn’t make dollas, it doesn’t make cents Grace Huang University of Virginia Relay for Life (9-12) Spanish Honor Society (10-12) Bren Mar Tutoring (11-12) “Just keep swimming.” –Dory David Hughes Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology TJSD (9-12) FRC (10-12) In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ~Robert Frost Matt Huo University of Virginia “I’m with you till the end of the line.” - Steve Rogers Wayne Huynh Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University We’re not here to take part; we’re here to take over. Junyoung Hwang Bowdoin College TJ Latin (9-12) TJ Quiz Bowl (9-10) TJ VMT (9-11) TJ LHS Officer (11-12) Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt

Matthew Hwang Virginia Tech Take off your pants and jacket Chantal Iosso Washington and Lee University Varsity tennis (9-12) French Honor Society (10-12) Art Honor Society (12) La Causerie du Vendredi (10-12) Show Choir and Sirens (12) Shoot for the moon; if you miss, you’ll only burn to a crisp in the atmosphere! And even if you succeed, you’ll asphyxiate in space! Isaac Iyengar University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign FRC (11-12) FPS (10-12) Huynh’s Hunan (12) Mischief managed. ?? Ajay Iyer New York University Crew (9-12) German Honor Society (11-12) Such is life Disha Jain The University of Virginia Yearbook (9-12) Namaste (9-12) STEMbassadors (9-10) Orchestra (9-11) German Honor Society (10-12) “We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled!” Hermione Granger Woorin Jang The University of Chicago “That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be? “ Professor John Keatings, Dead Poets Society (1989) Paula Jaramillo Colby College Deepak Jayachandran University of Virginia Basketball (9-12) Anybody want to have an eating contest?

Sruthi Jayaraman University of Virginia tjTODAY (9-12) WISE (10-12) Technology Student Association (9-12) “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” Jaehyun Jeon Brown University Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22 Kathy Jiang College of William and Mary Girls Learn International (912) Japanese National Honor Society (11-12) Softball (9-11) TJMC (10-12) Winter Drumline (12) Codi’s Hats (10-12) “Change it all but can’t change what we’ve been.” -Atlas Genius “don’t be too much stupid” -surbhi’s mom Andrew Jiao University of Virginia Orchestra 9-12 Investment Club 9-12 FPS 9-11 Chess 9 and 12 Mex music (composer, musician) 11-12 Your mind’s worst enemy is an echo chamber only filled with the voices of whom you agree with. Connor Jones University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Black Student Union (9-12) Manchoir (12) Show Choir (12) Hispanic Alliance (10-12) Urban Dance Movement (1012) Swing Dance Club (9-12) “Sometimes people get real comfortable and forget that they can be replaced.” -Beyonce Harsha Jonnavithula Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University If I’m not the hottest, then hell must’ve froze over.


Sharon Jose George Mason University Mentorship at George Mason University (12) Girls Learn International (911) TJ Freshmen Girls Basketball Team (9) TJ Powerlifting Team (9) French Honors Society (11) Never do today what you can do tomorrow

Suzanna Joseph University of Virginia Red Cross YTF (9-12) ERC (11-12) “Think of the happiest things. It’s the same as having wings.” - Peter Pan Joslyn Jung University of Pennsylvania Varsity Math Team (9-12) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (10-12) IBET Group #11 (9-4eva) “Things never happen the same way twice.” – Aslan Amrutha Kadali University of Virginia Tarun Kamath Massachusetts Institute of Technology Policy Debate (9-11) Biology Olympiad (10-12), Bioinformatics Society (10-12) Relay for Life (11-12) “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be” - Douglas Adams MinJoo Kang University of Virginia Band (11-12), Drama (11-12), FPS (9-12), KCC fan dance (10-12), LIFE (11-12) Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln Tai Kao-Sowa Leland Stanford Junior University TJSD (9-12) TJ Tennis (9-11) Medical Society (9-12) carpe diem Abhishek Karkar University of Virginia Miss me.

Sweta Karlekar University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Club Luminous (10-12) Bioinformatics Society (9-11) Spanish Honor Society (10-12) National Honor Society (1112) Quizbowl (9-10) Team America Rocketry Challenge (9-12) Send-a-Smile (12) RAD (9) Operation Communication (12) Astronomy Club (9-10) HackTJ (10-12) PilotDC (10-12) Future Problem Solvers (11) Drama (11) HackCL (12) One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. ~William Feather Prerana Katiyar Carnegie Mellon University Lincoln-Douglas Debate (1012) Future Problem Solving (9-12) Namaste (9-12) Spanish Honor Society (1012) National Honor Society (11-12) Environmental Impact Club FEAT (10-11) Do, or do not. There is no try. ~Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back Matthew Kaufer Georgia Institute of Technology Paleontology Society (9-12) Dev Club (11-12) Ebola Evaders (11-12) Cornology (12-Life) “Dang Matthew, you’re pretty hairy for a white dude” Rushi Patel Karl Keat University of Virginia Public Forum (10-11) UNICEF (10-12) Rotary Interact (11-12) Spanish Honor Society (11-12) Medical Society (10-11) Digital Arts Studio (11-12) Froshmore (10-12) Quote from man stabbed: ‘What are you gonna do, stab me?’ Anjali Khanna University of Virginia TJ Cheer (9-12) TJ Crew (10-11) tjTODAY (9-12) Lax Burban Babes (12-forever) “there is no easy path from the earth to the stars” - Seneca


Rajat Khanna Georgia Institute of Technology Math Team Computer Team Do what you love and love what you do - Ray Bradbury Devin Kim University of Virginia Tilting (9-12) Lunch (9-12) Le Toucan has arrived.

Jeewoo Kim University Of Virginia Cross Country/Track (9-12) Neuroscience Society (9-12) Relay for Life (9-12) Class Council (12) “Would I rather be feared or loved? Umm...easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. -Michael Scott “ -Jeewoo Kim Jia Kim Rice University humies (10- forever) MEAT (12) KCC (9-12) “I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around and don’t let anybody tell you different.” - Kurt Vonnegut

Chitra Kokkirala College of William and Mary TJ Model UN (9-12) TJ Relay for Life (9-12) TJ Active Minds (11-12) TJ ERC (11-12) TJ Slava (11-12) I just want to live a life I’m gonna remember. One that I can be proud of. One that makes me happy. Srikar Kosuri University of Virginia Public Forum Debate 9-12 Namaste 10-12 Matoot/Nooni 12-12 We are who we are only if we seize the opportunity. Nikki Kothari University of Chicago Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. -Albus Dumbledore Asha Krishnakumar University of Virginia Basketball (9-10) TSA (9-12) NeuroInspire (10-12) Longing rusted seventeen daybreak furnace nine benign homecoming one freight car.

Se Hyun Kim Georgetown University tjTODAY (9-12)

Nicola Kubzdela Stanford University Don’t worry, be happy

Suyon Kim University of Southern California TEKNOS (9-12) XC/Winter Track/Spring Track (9-12) “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today” - Ben Franklin

Akshat Kumar Georgetown University “How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?” - Jaden Smith

Yeonju Kim Carnegie Mellon University Orchestra (9-12) JNHS (11-12) Policy (10-11) Astro club (9-12) Little Sunshine (11 - 12) “It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important”

Minjae Kwon University of Pennsylvania TJ Latin Go Club Certamen NotLikeThis

Yeonju Kim Carnegie Mellon University Orchestra (9-12) JNHS (11-12) Policy (10-11) Astro club (9-12) Little Sunshine (11 -12) “It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important” Anna Klaussen Georgia Institute of Technology Swing Dance Team (11-12) Coding Lady Colonials (1012) TJ Marching Colonials (10-12) TJ Winter Guard (10) French Honor Society (10-12) HackTJ Coordinator (11-12) Student Systems Administrator (9-10) Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. Sruthi Kodali The College of William and Mary happy birthday Markus Koeniger University of Delaware Varsity Crew Did someone say donuts?

Satvika Kumar University of Southern California

May Kyaw Undecided TJ Rotary Interact (9-12) TJ Ethics Bowl (11-12) TJ Science and Law (9-11) All you need in life is love and a cat, and you could even forgo the love. Ava Lakmazaheri Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Science Olympiad (9) VEX Robotics (9-10) Dance (9-12) Research (11-12) Writing Center (12) “It?s a moo point. It?s like a cow?s opinion; it doesn?t matter. It?s moo.” -Joey Tribbiani Jason Lam Massachusetts Institute of Technology TJ Marching Colonials (9, 11-12) TJ Computer Team (9-12) TJ Econ Challenge (11-12) “Don’t bully!!” - @antibullyranger Rashid Lasker University of Virginia Del Cerro IBET (9-12) Cornology (12-Life) “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” Rabindranath Tagore

aphorisms Joshua Learn Columbia University What do you call 8 Hobbits? A Hobbyte. Diane Lee Carnegie Mellon University Orchestra (9-12) Crew (10-12) Rotary (11-12) Focus rocks (12) Finbar Appreciation (12) “We are groot” (Groot, 2014) Jiyoon (Jennifer) Lee University of Virginia Japanese (9-12) Jefferson Society (11-12) Crew (9-10) The only time you should look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. - Louis C.K. Juhoon (Julie) Lee KAIST TJ Drama (9-12) Forensics (9-12) Need to sleep (?-?) Aesthetics first, ease of completion second, and safety third. Keep the faith. Keaton Lee University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Show Choir (10-12) Manchoir (10-12) TJMC (11-12) TJDL (11-12) Drama (11-12) There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full. Henry Kissinger Meredith Lee Virginia Commonwealth University TJ Track and Field(11-12) TJ Orchestra(9,11,12) TJ Choir (11,12) “Because I knew you I have been changed for good.” -Elphaba, Wicked Nick Lemanski Johns Hopkins University Football (9-12) Baseball (9) Basketball (10) ATC Embassador (9-12) First Robotics (12) NHS (12) Football Strategy/Film Study Club (11-12) Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Charlie Lertlumprasert Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University TJSD is love, NHS Galatians 2:20 Alison Li Columbia University “... ...” - Red Chelsea Li University of Virginia Biology Olympiad (9-12) Science Olympiad (9-12) Varsity Soccer (9-12) JNHS (9-12) Mobile Phone Gaming (9-12) YOLOing with Friends (9-12) Shinda Sekai Sensen (10-12) Dating Jason (11-12) I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it...but I believe I will still end up where I belong.

Christine (Jin) Li University of Virginia Policy Debate (10-12) Urban Dance Movement (1012) Symphonic Wind Ensemble (11-12) Froshmore (10-forever) Turn it up! Rachel Li University of California, Berkeley Eli Lifland University of Virginia Running (9-12) Rubik’s Cube (9-12) VCT (12) Don’t whine, don’t complain, don’t make excuses - John Wooden’s dad. Kevin Lin Princeton University Math Team (9-12) Chemistry Society (10-12) Public Forum Debate (9-10) Do you wanna buy a duck? Jeffrey Liu Cornell University Biology Olympiad (9-12) Track and Cross Country (9-12) Policy Debate (9-11) The best presents don’t come in boxes –Hobbes Jiazhen Liu University of Chicago Crew 9-12 Yearbook 9-12 LSP 10-12 You’ve got to be willing to lose everything to gain yourself - Iyanla Vanzant Ray Liu Duke University Physics Team (9-12) Investment Club (9-12) Peer Tutoring (12) Ultimate Frisbee (10-12) Environmental Impact Club (12) Digital Arts Studio (11-12) Latin Cult :) (8-12) Viola (4-12) The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. -Steve Jobs Kevin Livingstone University of Virginia “If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.” -Kobe Bryant Jerry Lu Rochester Institute of Technology Everything happens for a reason, sometimes it just takes longer to figure out why it happened the way it did. Aly Luckett College of William & Mary Yearbook (9-12) Cheerleading (9-12) Men’s Varsity Basketball (12) “This is real, this is me.” -Joe Jonas, Camp Rock Alexander Lulushi College of William and Mary Yinglun Ma New York University Orchestra (9-12) “How can you be lonely? You’ve got yourself, haven’t you? If you ever lose yourself, then you’ll really be lonely...” -Joseph Delaney


Ghnana Madineni University of Maryland College Park Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever. - Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See “don’t be too much stupid” surbhi’s mom Geetika Mahajan Purdue University Red Cross Youth Task Force (9-12) Environmental Resource Club (9-12) Administrative Study Hall (12) Livin like Larry Karthik Maiya Purdue University SPRINTERZ (life) Think of the Progeny Sahith Malyala University of Michigan Chill.Shreya Mandava The College of William and Mary The plural of prius is prii Olivia Marcantonio University of Virginia TJMC, Band, Crew (9-12) “What if eternity is just a room full of spiders?” -Svidrigailov, more or less Sophia Martinese University of Virginia Urban Dance Movement Peer Core Unites TJ Choir TJ Drama National Honor Society Leadership Whatever you do, do it with your whole heart and soul. ~Col3:23 Marc McDonald Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Crew (9-12) Orchestra (9-12) Poi(10-12) I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. -Douglas Adams Amir McGettrick McGill University Mens Varisty Baseball and Basketball It’s crazy how people change @George Katie McLaughlan University of Virginia crew (9-12) red cross YTF (9-12) holy jamalama Cheryl Mensah Washington University in St. Louis Active Minds (9-12) TJMUN (9-12) BSU (9-12) Lacrosse (9-11) Basketball (9) “You ought to spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people.”



Sydney Grace Miller Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Studies Field Hockey (9-12) Track and Field (10, 12) Relay for Life (11) Prototyping (10-12) Boxed Water Is Better Austin Mills Yale University Aazrin Mir University of Virginia Cheerleading (9-12) WISE (9-12) UNICEF (10-12) Rotary Interact (11-12) Turtle Enthusiasts (forever) Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul? -John Keats Evelyn Mo Harvard College Tomorrow’s Women in Science and Technology (1012) Relay for Life (9-12) Latin Honor Society (11-12) AYP(12) Piano (9-12) People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. Kareem Mohiyuddin Georgetown University How can I paint this picture when the colorblind is hanging? Hyung Ju Moon Carnegie Mellon University TJ Latin Cult (9-12) Superantes Perditores Pacis Usque Socii In Perpetuum Sunt Sophia Moses University of Pennsylvania Varsity Swim Team (9-12) Class Council (10-12) Honor Council (10-12) FBLA (11) FIRST Robotics (11-12) If you?re not scared, you?re not taking a chance. And if you?re not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing?? Ted Mosby Nishita Muppidi University of Pittsburgh “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” Dr. Seuss Bhuvanesh Murali

University of Virginia Calvin Muramoto VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University Japanese Culture Club (9-12) Japanese National Honor Society (11-12) Rotary Interact (11-12) Better today than yesterday, better tomorrow than today. Nadia Mushtaq Wellesley College Yearbook, Key Club, Men’s Varsity Basketball “You know me: never complain, never explain” The Dowager Countess on Downton Abbey Kunal Naik University of Pennsylvania Class Council (9-12) Soccer (9-12) @chat (life) Farted on my wallet, call it gas money Anjna Nair University of Pittsburgh Indian Language Association (9-12) UNICEF (9-11) You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. (Eames, Inception) Rishi Nair Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute German Honor Society (9-12) TJ Consulting (9-12) Huynh’s Hunan(12) “Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?” - Spongebob Squarepants Rishab Negi The College of William and Mary Policy Debate Investment Club Cross Country Track and Field FBLA Nothing in moderation. Helen Ngov Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Softball (10-12) “You know life is what we make it and a chance is like a picture, it?d be nice if you just take it.” – Drake

John Nguyen University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Football (9-12) Lacrosse (9-12) Vietnamese Student Association (9-12) SLAVA / Russian Honor Society (11-12) Physics in Athletics (9-11) Urban Dance Movement (911) “Work work work work work” – Rihanna Justin Nguyen The University of Pittsburgh Vietnamese Student Association (9-12) Bren Mar Tutoring (11-12) SLAVA (11-12) TJ Swim and Dive (9-12) National Honor Society (1112) It’s not the grades you make, it’s the hands you shake. Thuy-Vi Nguyen Duke University Biotechnology Club (9-12) French Honor Society (10-12) TJSD (9-12) Humies (10-12) “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men and women to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” -Antoine de SaintExupéry Shirali Nigam University of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Women Interested in Science and Engineering (9-12) Basketball (9) JUMP Lab (11) Namaste (9-12) If you say you’re cooler than me, does that mean I’m hotter than you? Jared Nirenberg Rice University TJ Swim and Dive (9-12) Ocean Bowl (9-12) UNICEF (10-12) Ballroom Dance (11-12) “Fish are friends, not food.” -Bruce from Finding Nemo


Daniel Oh Georgia Institute of Technology TJSD (9-12) TJ Orchestra (9) TJ Crew (9) TJ VMT (10-11) TJ Physics Team (10-11) NHS (11-12) Latin Honor Society (10) Procrastinate. There’s always time to do work later. Shashank Ojha Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Namaste, Relay for Life “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible” ~ Walt Disney Joo Young Ok College of William and Mary FCA (9-12) Chris Oliveira University of Virginia Holmes MS Tutoring (10-12) TJMUN (10-12) Yearbook (11-12) Pal Soc (9-12) “It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.” Ellie O’Reilly Cornell University Sirens (10-12) Show Choir (9-12) TJ Drama (11-12) Baseball Manager (9-12) Do I dare disturb the universe? - TS Eliot

Gil Osofsky College of William and Mary TJ Crew (9-12) Video and PA Morning Announcements (12) You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. - Malcolm S. Forbes. Anya Owsenek University of ColoradoBoulder Greenhouse Club Sysadmins Girl’s Soccer Electronics Cultivators of the Earth Nerd Club 2hr bus ride club Ferocity of a tiger, strength of a horse, grace of a river, grade of a valley, motivation of a housecat.

Gayatri Pai University of Pittsburgh Public Forum Debate (10-11) James Pan University of Chicago Tennis (9-12), Policy Debate (9-12), Investment Club (9-12) Every day gets better with a little fried chicken. Virginia Pan Duke University Environmental Science Club (9-12) Ocean Bowl (9-12) Envirothon (10-12) Environmental Resource Club (10-12) “Go confidently in the directions of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.”- Thoreau Rohan Pandit Columbia University Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional Augene Park Pennsylvania State University It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up. -Vince Lombardi James Park Dartmouth College 2016 Council (9-12) German Honor Society (11-12) Girls soccer (11-12) Sydney Parks Rice University French Honor Society (10-12) Writing Center Tutor (11-12) Bren Mar Tutor (9-12) ERC (10-12) PromComm (12) Self-appointed MEX Director (11-12) Tardy to Geosystems (12) Disrupting Classes with Laughter (9-12) “I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself” Beyoncé Mollie Passacantando Rutgers University Crew (9-12) Paleontology Society (9-12) SCUBA Club (10) Ebola Evaders (11-12) Senioritis is a myth propagated by the liberal media Maitri Patel University of Virginia Be who you wanna be, Barbie Girl.

Congratulations TJ Orchestra Seniors Class of 2016 ! Eshara Abeysekera Maaike Blindenbach Minsoo Choi Emily Cleland Sejal Dhawan Jonathan Gannon

Joel Goetz Andrew Jiao Yeonju Kim Diane Lee Meredith Lee Jerry Lu

Top Row (l to r): Janie Choi Natalie Diaz Ed Fortunato Charlene Franke Luka Jelenak Grace Liu Billie Malès

From: TJHSST Orchestra Boosters

Yinglun Ma Marc McDonald Evelyn Mo Nishita Muppidi Gayatri Pai Abby Peterson

Lowrey Peyton Eric Phan Justin Redman Ananya Suri Michael Tang Andrea Tse

Bottom Row (l to r): Maddie Meyers Kaustubh Rane David Rogers Anna Tsutsui Katherine Yang Helen Zhang


Rahul Patel College of William and Mary Westside Wumbo (9-12) Comedy Club (10-12) MEAT (12) Relay for Life (10-12) “If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius.” - Larry Leissner Reema Patel College of William & Mary “Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two...” Winnie the Pooh

Rushi Patel Virginia Tech “Engineer or Doctor?” - Every Relative I Know Surbhi Patel University of Pittsburgh Westside Wumbo (9-12) Codi’s Hats (11-12) TJ Softball (10-11) Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. -John Lennon, “”don’t be too much stupid” -my mom Nikhil Patla UVA “Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.” Saurav Pattanayak College of William and Mary Quizbowl (10-12) Comedy Club (11-12) German Honor Society (10-12) I saw a bag of potato chips that were labelled family size, which means Batman gets the whole bag to himself. Sayan Paul UC Berkeley Do not dwell on petty details. Felipe Pazos Cornell University Band If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute. George Perry University of Virginia Project BEST TSA the investment club Varsity Tennis Dary. Legendary. Abby Peterson Reed College TJ Drama (9-12) Sirens (10-12) Show Choir (9-12) Orchestra (9-12) I would just like to apologize to those who were unable to graduate with the class of 2016 because they were too distracted by my midriff and consequently failed all of their classes! Lowrey Peyton Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Crew (9-12) Orchestra (9-12) Ballroom Dance Club (9-12) Ocean Bowl (10-11) “You have to be odd to be number one.” -Dr. Seuss Eric Phan Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University “You can catch flies with honey, but you can catch more honeys being fly”

Revathy Pillai University of Pittsburgh A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you’re in deep water. Ben Pioso University of Virginia Build something better. – Boeing Srijith Poduval Massachusetts Institute of Technology Public Forum Debate JUMP Lab Derp City This is home Raksha Pothapragada University of Pittsburgh Technology Student Association (9-12) LD Debate (9-11) MUN (9-10) “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Melissa Pothen University of Maryland, College Park Tara Prakash College of William and Mary STEMbassadors (9-12) Speech (9-12) WISE (9-12) Send-a-Smile (11-12) IBET Group #11 (9-forever) “Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.” - William Plomer Katie Pruitt Swarthmore College Volleyball (9-12) WISE (9-12) Anikatie (10-?) “Sometimes you gotta work a little, so you can ball a lot.” - Tom Haverford, Parks and Recreation Tarun Punnoose Stanford University Excelsior-Aerospace (9-12) Science Olympiad (9-12) Rocketry Club (9-11) Hold the doorVooha Putalapattu Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute “And now, back to this b---that had a lot to say about me the other day [in my interim], [TJ], WHAT’S GOOD?!!” -Nicki Minaj On a more serious note: thank you to my teachers, friends, and most importantly, my family, for putting up with me. I can’t wait to move on to the next stepping stone of my life! Congrats to the class of 2016! “Yay, [us]!” -London Tipton Lisa Qian Carnegie Mellon University Little Sunshine Project (10-12) Art Club (10-12) JV Softball (10-11) Froshmore (10-forever) “Submitted: 11:59 pm” Riya Raavicharla Washington University in St. Louis Risheek Rajolu George Mason University Botball Robotics (9-12) “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.” - George Carlin

aphorisms Bijal Rajput Virginia Commonwealth University “Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.” Captain James T. Kirk Akash Raju Purdue University It’s chill. Nikhil Ramachandran University of Virginia TJ Tennis (9-12) Young, Broke, and Infamous Abishek Ramakrishnan James Madison University Westside Wumbo (9-12) Japanese Culture Club (9-12) Lunch (12) When you look too close, it all goes out of focus, and you miss the big picture. Sahana Ramani University of Chicago Public Forum Debate (9-12) National Honor Society Officer Core (12) E^3 (10-12) Honor Council (11-12) There will be glass ceilings. But it?s glass. And if you can see through it, you can most certainly break through it. -Indra Nooyi Sunny Rampuria Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Bioengineering Projects for the Future (9-12) Relay For Life (12) Medical Society (9-11) Neuroscience Society (9-11) Key Club (10) Reach for the Moon So If You Fall You Land Among The Clouds William Randolph Columbia University TJ Crew Always peep your head through the door before running away Kavyasri Ravikanti University of Virginia Relay for Life (9-12) Girls Varsity Tennis (10-12) WISE (10-12) NHS Officer Corp (12) “Win a no win situation by rewriting the rules.” - Harvey Specter Aditya Ravipati Virginia Polytechnic and State University Bioengineering Projects for the Future (9-12) The Grind (9-12) They say I’m fat. I say I’m a sex symbol. Aneesh Reddy University of Virginia Namaste (9-12) Officer (12) Lincoln-Douglas Debate (912); Officer (12) You have to think anyway, so why not think big? - Trump Justin Redman Virginia Tech “Do the best you can, and don’t take life too serious.” --Will Rogers

Claudia Richoux University of Chicago Crew, 11-12; Sysadmins, 11-12; Peer tutoring, 12 “You aren’t the real Buzz Lightyear!”...?You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.? - Woody and Buzz, Toy Story Austin Riopelle University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) Japan Bowl (10-12) Japanese National Honor Society (10-12) FIRST Robotics Competition (11-12) “Don’t let anyone else tell you what to do with your life.” Nathan Riopelle University of Michigan Cross Country (10-12) Track and Field (10-12) FIRST Robotics (11-12) “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” -Steve Prefontaine Charles (Jay Ha) Ro University of Chicago Astronomy Club (10-12) Digital Arts Studio (11-12) Shakespeare Troupe (10-11) TJ Theatre (10-12) TJ Crew (10) Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Tanmaya Rodda Virginia Tech Codi’s Hats Book Buddies Softball team Manager Westside Wumbo Friday joke enthusiast Koala farts smell like cough drops. ~ Natalie Dee Michael Rodriguez Princeton University Football (9-12) Track and Field (9-12) TJ Latin (9-12) Consulting Club (10-12) SPRINTERZ (life) The early bird gets shot by the hunter first. Peter Rohrer Imperial College of London Paleontology Society (9-12) Excelsior Aerospace (9-12) Ebola Evaders (11-12) Beard Whisperer (12) It’s not a boat.Daniel Rubin Case Western Reserve University We do not remember days, we remember moments. Alexander Rudin University of Virginia TJMC (9-12) TJ Ultimate (9-12) Op Comm (11-12) “Among the many faces of the busy world, may you always remember the path that leads back ... to the important places.” - Forest Woodward Charles Ruiter University of Oklahoma If I had a dollar for every brain I have, I would have one dollar. Patrick Ryan University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Soccer (9-12) O Geetika


Will Ryu College of William & Mary Model United Nations (9-12) TJ Yearbook (10-12) 2016 Class Council (11-12) Jefferson Society (11-12) Humans of TJ (10-12) PC @wsryu_photog Bita Saeedi New York University When is this due? Frank Sammartino Swarthmore College Frank, what are you wearing? Aidan San University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane. - Nikola Tesla Antara Sarkar Case Western Reserve University Women In Science and Engineering (9-12) Mind Body Medicine Society (10-12) “Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.” - Mark Twain Rohini Sarkhel Pennsylvania State University “Great minds think alike” Syona Satwah Pennsylvania State University Varsity Soccer (9-12) “Life is short, and so am I.” -Meghan Klingenberg Ally Scholle College of William and Mary TJ Latin (10-12) TJ Drama (10-12) Trash (11-12) Nerd (0-12) By Cheshu, he is an ass, as in the world: I will verify as much in his beard: be has no more directions in the true disciplines of the wars, look you, of the Roman disciplines, than is a puppy-dog. - Captain Fluellen, Henry V, Shakespeare Claire Scoggins Carnegie Mellon University Urban Dance Movement (912), Coding Lady Colonials (10-12), Model UN (9-11) Love always wins. Arth Shah Virginia Commonwealth University It’s all for the laughs Ravi Shankar Virginia Commonwealth University Manchoir (10-12) TJ Rocketry (9-12) SACHI (9-12) Varsity track and field (10) It makes sense if you don’t think about it Nirmaan Shanker University of California, Berkeley Math Team (9-12) Physics Team (9-12) Rubik’s Cube (9-10) Bioinformatics (10) Chemistry Olympiad (10-12) Face adversity head on. It will bring out talents that you never knew you had in you and otherwise would have lain dormant.



Sahaj Sharda Georgetown University Young Democrats (9-12) PF Debate (9-12) Active Minds (11-12) He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. Katie Shen University of Virginia Japanese National Honor Society (9-12) Urban Dance Movement (912) Relay for Life (9-12) Multiple Elementary School Tutoring Programs (9-12) You don’t have to be anyone but yourself and as long as you believe in yourself, others will too. Andrew Shi University of Virginia Otaku Club Bridge Club Obligatory ?\_(?)_/? Knowing more means having more crap to deal with, you know. ?8man Kunal Shroff Duke University LD Debate 9-12 Ignore the past; Look to the future Arnav Simha University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Any pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself Anika Sindhwani Carnegie Mellon University Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science (GEMS) (10-12) Anikatie (10-?) LAX Burban Babes (12-?) “Always be yourself, because the people that matter don’t mind and the ones that mind don’t matter.” Arshdeep Singh University of Michigan Blessed... Kritika Singh Northeastern University Global Health Initiative (11-12), Varsity Tennis Team (9-12) Namaste (9-12) Varsity Math Team (9-10) Model United Nations (9-11), Bioinformatics (9-10) Bioengineering Projects for the Future (9-10) “I’ve always had a weakness for lost causes once they’re really lost.” - Gone with the Wind Pranay Singh The University of Chicago TJ Hockey (12) Odyssey of the Mind (10) Awesome Association (9-12) If a man does not have sauce then he is lost, but that man can also get lost in the sauce Emilio Sison Massachusetts Institute of Technology TJSD (9-12) Is it okay if I turn this in late? An Smith University of Virginia Softball (9-12) “There is no pressure when you’re making a dream come true” -Neymar Jr

Irene Song James Madison University TJXC+TJTNF (10/9-12) Latin Honor Society ( 9-12) “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” - Eleanor Roosevelt Jennifer Song Carnegie Mellon University Dance Team (9-12) Duckies (12) Red Cross (10-12) Relay for Life (10-12) Forget regret or life is yours to miss. Johnson Song Stanford University Forensic Science Society (1112) Key Club (10-12) Be chill.//edited to-- When you walk the halls see girl you know you wanna flaunt it! Williams Song The College of William & Mary Well met. Stella Sotos University of Virginia Field Hockey (9-12) Lacrosse (9-12) Spanish Honor Society (10-12) “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” -John Muir Mira Sridharan University of Virginia Teknos (9-12) “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”- Vince Lombardi Taejas Srinivasan Indiana University Nah imma stay Kaila Stein University of Virginia Class Council, SGA, and Varsity Soccer I guess that settles it Tanvir Sublok George mason University Namaste (9-12) Investment Club (9-12) JV Soccer (10) FPS (9-10) I can’t wait to graduate just to go back to school in three months. Emily Sun Williams College Ocean Bowl (9 - 12) Book Buddies (9 - 12) Ginny Sun Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mind Body Medicine Society (10-12) Chinese Honor Society (11, 12) Recording Audio for the Disabled (11, 12) Varsity Math Team (9, 10) “Once in awhile something amazing comes along... and here I am” –Tigger

Matthew Sun Stanford University Bioinformatics Society (9-12) Latin Honor Society (10-12) Dev Club (11-12) Speech Team (9-12) Manchoir (9-12) “No idea is above scrutiny, no people are beneath dignity.” Maajid Nawaz Virginia Sun University of Richmond This is a hug from me to you, to let you know I am thinking of you, and although I have nothing to say, you know I have thought of you today. -Winnie the Pooh Rahul Sundararaman Virginia Commonwealth University Basketball (9,10,12) Football (12) Odyssey of the Mind (10) Awesome Association (9,10,11,12) It’s funny how day by day nothing changes. But when you look back everything’s different. Ananya Suri Carnegie Mellon University Namaste (9-12) Key Club (9-12) Orchestra (9, 11, 12) Sirens (10-12) Show Choir (9-12) “If you don’t think, then you shouldn’t talk.” - March Hare, Alice in Wonderland Aneesh Susarla University of Virginia Policy Debate (9-12) Consulting Club (10-12) Latin Honor Society (10-12) If I had the power to turn back time, I would never use it. Because then every moment you go through means absolutely nothing when you can always go back and do it again. Bill Tang Dartmouth TJ Latin (9-12) Senior Research Defensers (12) SSS (12) “The water from the Fountain of Doubt tastes suspiciously like normal water.” Anant Tewari University of Virginia Life is too short to be spending part of it on crutches Jason Thomas Virginia Tech Surviving TJ (9-12) TJ Latin(9-11) Track and Field (9-10) Mobile Phone Gaming (9-12) Shinda Sekai Sensen (10-12) Dating Chelsea (11-12) “I go to seek a Great Perhaps.” - Francois Rabelais Sashank Thupukari University of Maryland, College Park Science Olympiad (9-12), Dev Club (11-12) To infinity and beyond Jade Traiger Carnegie Mellon University And so on.


Jasper Treakle College of William and Mary Life isn’t something that you possess. It’s something that you take part in and witness. Andrea Tse Virginia Tech Ballroom (9-12) Amateur Radio (10-12) Writing Center (11-12) Dance Team (11-12) The best remedy for sadness is to huggle with your Hello Kitty or Pusheen or sushi plush. It works every time. Friends are an option too. Ian Tucker University of Virginia Curricular Band: 9,10,12 Marching Band: 10-12 Assistive Technology: 9-12 Otaku Club: 9-12 Threshold LitMag: 11-12 Japanese Shodo and INITE: 11-12 Writing Center: 12 Remember, just because you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right Julian Vallyeason Brown University Michael Vanderlyn George Mason University German Honor’s Society “Another One” - DJ Khaled Rachel Vasta Oregon State TJ varsity cheer (9-12) swing dance team (9-12) @2016, “you should go and love [yourselves]” - Justin Bieber Abhilaash Velamati George Mason University

Kaushik Venkatesh University of Pittsburgh TJ Lincoln Douglas Debate Team Shh... My foot’s sleeping on the gas, no brake pads, no such thing as last - Lil’ Wayne Dhriti Vij Virginia Tech Crew (9-12) Public Forum (11) Rotary Interact (10-12) Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams (12) Focus Rocks (12) Finbar Appreciation (12) “A real loser is someone who’s so afraid of not winning he doesn’t even try. “ (Little Miss Sunshine, 2006) Tarun Vippa University of Virginia Neuroscience Society (9-11) Medical Society (10-11) I may not be the strongest, I may not be the fastest, but I’ll be damned if I’m not trying my hardest- Anonymous Vanya Vojvodic University of Southern California TJ Volleyball (9-10) NeuroInspire (10-12) WISE (10-12) BigSibs Coordinator (10-12) “Embrace the glorious mess that you are.” -Elizabeth Gilbert Akhil Waghmare Harvard University

Danny Wang University of California: Berkeley Debate(9-12) Economics Challenge(10-12), Tennis(9-12) You Can Sleep When You’re Dead

Henry Wang Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Bren Mar Park Tutoring (1112) “At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.” -Italian Proverb Joie Wang University of Chicago “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t. You’re right.”- Henry Ford Sherry Wang California Institute of Technology Teknos (9-12) Innovations in Concepts of Engineering (9-12) Coding Lady Colonials (1012) “What do you stall for?” -Hamilton Stay bullish. Shirley Wang University of Virginia Tennis (9-12) Japanese National Honor Society (10-12) Relay for Life Committee (10-12) “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 Wendy Wang Northeastern University TJTED (10-11) Learn the art of growing up without losing your inner child. Sara Warrington The University of Chicago Duckies (12) “I used to be indecisive; now I’m not sure.” – Graffiti Jay Warrior William and Mary There is no catharsis. I gain no deeper knowledge about myself, no new understanding can be extracted from my telling. Christina Wei University of Virginia Class Council (10-12) Book Buddies (10-12) Jefferson Society (11-12) CCCC (12) “Life’s too short, so smile while you still have teeth” Jason Wei Dartmouth College Tennis (12) Crew (9-10) Amnesty International (10-12) Chemistry Society (10-12) Chemistry Research (11-12) “Smart is the new sexy.” <- PLEASE USE THIS ONE INSTEAD OF THE OTHER ONE THANK YOU!


Spencer Weiss University of Pennsylvania TJ Student Leadership (9-12) TJMUN (9-12) TJ Football (9-12) But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them. ~J.K. Rowling Kathryn Wen Princeton University dance team (11-12), duckies (12) “ideas are bulletproof” (V for Vendetta) Fox Wilson University of Alabama in Huntsville Student Sysadmins (9-12) When one door closes, choose a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force. James Woglom University of Massachusetts Amherst Student Sysadmins (9-12) TJ Marching Colonials (9-12) TJ Jazz Band (9, 11-12) Yearbook (9-11) PC reBuilders (11-12) “It’s really quite simple. Just make a GUI interface using Visual Basic to track the killer’s IP address.” Bernice Wu University of Virginia Jeffrey Xia Cornell University Debate (9-12) Lunch (9-12) Rubber Quesadillas (forever) “The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.” -Harvey Specter Cece Xiao Brown University Varsity Dance Team (9-12) Girls Lacrosse (9, 10, 12) Swing (10-12) Duckies (12) You gotta just let things happen. Kevin Xu University of Chicago Yearbook (10-12) Spanish Honor Society (10-12) Chemistry Society (10-12) “Focus on me!” -Ariana Grande Ming Ray Xu Swarthmore College TJ Science Olympiad (10-11) TJ Writing Center (11-12) PC Rebuilders’ Club (11-12) TJ Track & Field (10-12) Threshold (12) “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” --William Shakespeare Anuraag Yachamaneni Purdue University StartupTJ FBLA Investment Club Namaste Live for nothing, or die for something

Hitesh Yalamanchili University of California Berkeley Varsity Math Team (9-12) Physics Team (9-12) Computer Teams (9-12) Chemistry Olympiad (10-11) Peer Tutoring (12) Ankitha Yanamandra University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney” – Dory Jaehee Yang Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University TJMC (9-12), TJDL (9-12), LSYO (9-11) Hakuna Matata! Stella Yang Massachusetts Institute of Technology Little Sunshine Project (10-12) Policy Debate (10-12) TJ Latin (9-12) Cross Country (9-12) Shinda Sekai Sensen (10-12) Varsity Clash Team (12) “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt Victoria Yang Columbia University Relay For Life (10-12) Chemistry Society (10-12) WISE (10-12) TjSTAR (10-12) Threshold (9-12) Speech/Debate (9-12) “The quoting of an aphorism, like the angry barking of a dog or the smell of overcooked broccoli, rarely indicates that something helpful is about to happen.? Lemony Snicket Rohan Yaradi Cornell University Young Democrats (9-12) I never sleep, cause sleep is very hard to come by at this school. Michael You Carnegie Mellon University Varsity Math Team (9-12) Science Olympiad (9-12) Orchestra (9,11) TJSD (10-12) “Hey You! That’s right. I’m talking about me.” Michael Yue Harvard University Quizbowl (9-12) Chemistry Team (10-12) French Honor Society (10-11) Physics Team (11-12) “Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand.” Kurt Vonnegut Jackson Zagurski University of Virginia Medical Society (10-12) Teenage Republicans (10-12) Varsity Soccer (10-12) Live your life like you want your name to be engraved on a park bench. Kathryn Zechman William and Mary TJ Field Hockey 9-12 TJ Soccer 9-11 It doesn’t matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop

aphorisms Albert Zeng University of Virginia TJ Golf Good game, well played. Shirley Zhan New York University WISE (9-12) Cross Country (9-12) tjSTAR Committee (10-12) Model UN (9-12) BigSibs (9-12) Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever you were gonna do anyway. Alec Zhang University of Virginia If everything is coming your way, switch lanes--you’re in the wrong one. Nova Zhang University of Virginia Reed Zhang Carnegie Mellon University Tiger Zhang Yale University William Zhang University of Virginia Varsity Math Team (9-12) Chemistry Society (10-12), InvenTeams (12) It’s the unexpected things that make life exciting. Olivia Zhang Princeton University Odyssey of the Mind (10) Awesome Association (9-12) It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy... Let’s go exploring! - Calvin and Hobbes Andy Zhao Columbia University in the City of New York Crew Team (9-12) Yearbook (9-12) ManChoir (11-12) Stembassadors (9-12) If you don’t believe in yourself, believe in the me that believes in you. - Jens Ertman David Zhao University of Virginia TJMC 10-12 Rubik’s Cube 9-12 Holmes Tutoring 9-12 “Moral of the story: texting and driving kills.” ~Jonas Sophie Zhao Cornell University TWIST (9-12) TJ Swim and Dive (9-12) Varsity Math Team (9-11) Chinese Honor Society (11-12) “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” – Mulan Jonathan Zheng University of Virginia Chemistry Society (10-12) Relay for Life (10-12) Book Buddies (10-12) Rotary Interact (11-12) InvenTeams (12) Stay noided.

Edward Zhou United States Air Force Academy Football (9-12) Track & Field (10, 12) Tennis (9-11) Weightlifting (9-12) TV Breaking (9) Battling Administration (9-12) Failing at Scheming (life) Freedon ain’t’ Free, but I’ll pay for as many of you as I can. Jenny Zhu Carnegie Mellon University Future Problem Solving (9-12) WISE (10-12) Chinese Honor Society (10-12) Zhu-min’ and stumblin’ through life Cynthia Zhuang Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University TJSD (forever) Froshmore (10-12) Little Sunshine (10-12) GEMS (11-12) Hey Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!


26 june events tjTODAY tjSTAR celebrates research and discovery Clockwise from upper left corner: Students and parents listen to IBET presentations; freshman Neil Kothari works during a session; junior Brandon Wang listens with fellow students to a guest speaker; senior Will Ryu gives directions to arriving parents; senior Aidan San competes in the gumdrop challenge; guest speaker Dr. Peter Christensen talks about countering threats in cyberspace at the national cyber range.

photos courtesy of YOUR MOM

J-Day embraces Jefferson traditions

Clockwise from upper left corner: Faceperum adistib usanis everibus re nestis est, occae lam landeri busdaes cillaccupta nesti comnis doloritium rem am, essunt maionsed eum entiant as eosa solumquibus mo doluptio conem solla dus, illam ut abori similiqui iliquo quae quam, qui si verferores dolupta quaeruptium consedipid quodiate que voluptatur ab invellam arum ipsum inverit ime volest que pla dolutatur am aligent. Ovit eosseris et aboremod et ute non ent. Gitatiu sciaspe rspedip santem lic photos by Frank Ding and Angel Kim layout by Katherine Du


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