is Finally Free Finally Free ‘23 ‘23 is

Maxx often asks me, “do you know how you got here?” He’ll recall how I walked on stage freshman year and won a chance election, or when I applied to become a Sysadmin knowing well that I was, in fact, not the biggest nerd in the school, but still got the position. Over the past four years, we’ve built a community of some of the most intelligent, caring, accomplished, stubborn, loud, and opinionated people I might ever know. We built a family, and I can’t believe it’s almost over.
In the same way that I happened into these positions of power, it’s always felt like there has been a logical next step. TJ’s defined structures made it so easy to pass through unnoticed and unseen, just moving on to the next thing. The thing about our class is that we’ve been
given opportunities time and time again to see past those systems. When we were forced online, we blasted music in Ms. Taylor’s chem class and organized a socially distanced Homecoming. When we were given the freedom of senior year, we took everyone skiing and skipped school. You all have shown what amazing things you can do outside the bounds of the churning grind that we call our education system.
As you all go off to where you’re going, I ask only one thing. Don’t forget your time here. Forget the math test you failed and the senior research project you procrastinated, but don’t forget the people you loved and the family you built. They will see you through.
And hey, thanks for being part of mine.
With love, Rushil.
It’s been a great year. I’ll never forget the heartwarming chants from the crowd after my asking at the end of our final homecoming rally: “That’s my president! That’s my president! That’s my president!”
I want to take this letter as an opportunity to reciprocate all of the love I have received from the class of 2023. Nowhere else in the world could I find a group of people as uplifting, supportive, and talented. You all are amazing.
As we go our separate ways I’d like to make a toast to the class I am so proud to be a part of.
Cheers to the dancers, who, by choreographing and teaching their dances have ingrained a piece of their culture into TJ tradition.
Cheers to the artists, who have embellished our media, beautified our halls and designed our merch! Cheers to the engineers who
built the class floats, theater sets, rockets, and cars and to the sys admins who kept Ion running and the server room from burning to the ground.
Cheers to the passionate: the screamers at rallies who went all out for spirit days. Thank you for electrifying the TJ collective and lifting our spirits with your positivity.
You’re all gifts to the world. Work hard, do great things, but never forget to take a deep breath and have a little fun every once in a while.
This year we have created memories we’ll hold onto forever. We’re the only class to organize a Ski Trip Super Bowl watch party combo, the only class to nearly collapse an entire building during prom, and will always be the class to beat.
Congrats 2023! I’ll miss you.
To the class of 2023, I offer you (life) advice from my fitness journey.
1) Take rest days. On your rest days, rest with purpose and without apology. Today you are a teenager, but before you know it you will be 33 and you will still need your knees. You will also need your head and your heart, so give them rest days too.
2) Set intentions, not goals. Goals focus on outcome and achievement, but intentions are about focus, consistency, and perseverance (which are way more
3) Don’t do it alone. Take a hike with your husband. Play pickle ball with your parents. Schedule a barre class with your best friend from the 3rd grade. Join a co-ed soccer league. Create a community and be active within it.
4) Seek and accept help from others. You will face adversity. You will break your wrist snowboarding. You will need help cooking and cleaning and putting binder clips on your stack of AP Government papers. Take it graciously, and when it’s your turn, give it abundantly.
5) Make peace with modifications. The options available to you today may not always be there for you, and that’s ok. Use free weights instead of the bar. Get your cardio on a stationary bike instead of running. Let go of what doesn’t serve you and embrace what does.
6) Seek struggle. When setting a bike resistance level for spin class my RPM
instructor says “choose a weight that scares you - something you’re not sure you can maintain.” Live this advice - if you’re comfortable, you’re not going to see progress.
7) Do it for you. Don’t do it for the gram, the tok, for anybody or anything else. Comparison is the thief of joy.
8) Practice gratitude. Thank your coaches. Thank the refs, even if you don’t like their calls. Thank your body for showing up.
9) Have confidence. Believe that you can do things and surround yourself with people who agree.
10) Listen to advice given by those with more experience than you (self-serving, I know, but still a good idea). You don’t have to make the choices we made, but at least give us a chance - we were Seniors once, too. Good luck, and see you out there.
- Mrs. Trigobofftion.
So, I’m supposed to say something inspiring. Congrats on getting through a high school that’s harder than some undergrad programs! Yeah, burnout!! Look, I can talk all day about how you all are our future leaders and innovators but I’m going to give you a little piece of advice before you go off to college. Or to build rocket ships, or cyborgs, or whatever it is TJ kids do after gradua-
Here it is. Here’s the big life altering piece of advice: “R E L A X”. Please, I’m begging you. I know you all were born in the fires of lengthy research projects, molded in all-nighters, and burned into TJ Stars, but there’s more to life. TJ is a bubble. It’s real, but it’s not real life. Real life is outside these walls. I need you to experience it. Join a samba club, shoot a film, explore your passions, talk to people who aren’t like you.
I know some of you may have gone to college because it’s next. It’s just what you do after high school right? It’s just what my family expects of me right? You may not have given real thought about what you want. And why would you? You can’t legally buy a beer, but
we want you to make life-altering choices? It’s okay to not know. To not know if you’re on the right path, or if it’s the right major, or if that boy is really the love of your life (he’s not).
Our society teaches us that “hurry,” the dogged pursuit of success, is the panacea to our longing. Get the degree in four years, get the bag as fast as possible. We live in a fast-paced, more, more, more world, and where has it gotten us? High rates of mental-health related trauma, and a whole lot of burned out people. I don’t want to sound like some weird meditation guru, but I do want you all to know the world is more than GPAs, school rankings, and social status. Success is subjective.
So, here’s my challenge to you: Relax. Experience. Be.
“Hi! Can we interview you for tjTODAY?”
It’s a simple question, but one that has marked the beginning of the creative process for so many of our articles. Through the conversations that followed, Jefferson students have given us a gift. You’ve opened a window into your lives, revealed layers of the Jefferson experience that we didn’t even know existed, and given us the honor of
sharing that with the community. It hasn’t been easy: this year, tjTODAY had a smaller staff than any in recent history. We’ve often had a single writer handle an entire print article and spread, on top of trying to maintain online coverage. And we haven’t been perfect. Blurry photos have been printed, typos have stood uncorrected, and deadlines have been pushed back repeatedly. Still—we’re incredibly
When I was a kid, I moved around every three to four years. As I got older, I followed that pattern. Four years in high school, four years in college. I started my career at Lewis High School, and that’s where I began my adventures in advising.
Like many of you, I was hesitant to come to TJ. To be honest, working at Jefferson had never occurred to me. But I knew some people here, I knew they were looking for a yearbook adviser, and school
started over an hour later than it did at Lewis. Back then, before I was a morning person, the late start time sealed the deal. Never in a million years did I expect that I would stay in one place for fifteen years.
I always knew I wanted to be a yearbook adviser, but I didn’t realize that I would find so much joy in advising tjTODAY and TJTV as well. I loved teaching English 9 (shout out to the 1,200+ Take the Floor presentations I’ve watched
When I was a freshman, I joined TJTV because I was hoping that learning a few skills about broadcast journalism would make me a viral YouTuber.
Now I’m planning on majoring in filmmaking, and I owe all of it to joining TJTV. The people I’ve worked with at TJTV are some of the most hard-working people who genuinely love what they do. It’s because of them that I’m motivated to pursue my dreams. I will miss you all so much.
It has been an honor to capture the spirit of this school through
the camera. Through homecoming pep rallies, school events, theater shows, and more, I have learned that there is a lot more to TJ than just STEM. And now a few thank yous to: Ms. Harris for being a great advisor and a good friend over the past four years of my time here at TJ. I’m really fortunate to have met a wonderful and inspiring teacher like you. We’ll miss you so much— TJTV couldn’t have been TJTV without you.
All the alumni before me. You guys have been great role models
proud of the work we’ve done this year, from in-depth coverage of integrity at TJ to an editorial on national merit.
To the graduating class: the window you’ve opened through tjTODAY is only the first chapter. The incredible passions, goals, and accomplishments we’ve seen throughout these four years will only grow. and we know the world will be better as you go out into it.
over the years), but the ever-changing nature of student publications kept me engaged and energized year after year.
Over the last 20 years - 15 of them here with you - I’ve poured everything I have into being your teacher. It’s been an honor and a pleasure, but as you get older, you’ll come to realize change is good, and while it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to TJ, it’s almost like I’m finally graduating, right along with you.
for me to follow. Thank you for teaching me everything I know about the camera.
Carl Chen and Valerie Kovacs, who are way cooler than me and will surely bring broadcast to new heights.
James Huang. I never really knew you, but I know you loved photography. I always think of you when I take pictures. You will always be missed.
From TJTV News, this is Sahishnu Hanumansetty, signing off.
It’s not just the big things. It’s the little things as well that we’ve gotten to see, hear about, and experience in our time at TJ. It’s the interview quotes where we thought, “Hm, is that school appropriate enough for the yearbook?” It’s the sass we’ve heard from the freshmen, especially the four menaces in the corner, that added color to our classroom experience. It’s the complaints when FCPS didn’t cancel school, but LCPS did and now those kids have to find a way to school.
And that’s why TJ is special, so we made location the theme of our yearbook. We come from many different counties, commuting every day to this 398,833 square foot building to spend seven hours and twenty minutes together. In those gruesome hours, we’ve learned
no one here is boring. There’s no room for NPCs in this eccentric school filled with people pushing the boundaries of academic excellence, creativity, and social norms. Every year has been a little different, some were weird, but all had unique experiences that have bonded us together forever.
Thank you to the freshmen that made this yearbook possible, even though most of you never made a deadline. You’re entertaining though, and we look forward to seeing what you make in future years. Thank you to our eighth period staff for asking random people weird questions all year long. Thank you to the students who answered those questions and shared your life stories with strangers. Most importantly, thank you to our advisor, Ms. Harris. She has
been so important in making our award-winning yearbooks what they are and helping to capture the beauty and uniqueness of TJ. After leaving her mark on all of us, she is going out to make it somewhere else. We wish her the best as she embarks on her journey :) (she told us not to say that and remove it from our closing pages, but it’s just oh so fitting). Okay, but for real, it’s been an unforgettable year. The students there are lucky to be gaining such a wonderful, kind and positive person, and we are blessed to have had her for the past 15 years. We will miss you, and don’t you dare forget us because we will never forget you.
XOXO, Your senior editors <3
A threshold is defined as an entryway or starting point, the junction where familiarity ends and a new journey begins. For this reason, Threshold is an apt name to give to TJ’s long-running and only literary magazine — it is here that many students embark on their lifelong connection with the arts. Whether they seek self-discovery of the inner creative within them, or wish for a place to express
themselves freely, there is a home for everyone here.
This year’s theme was “Fortune”, with the sections in the magazine named after a card in the tarot. TJ often feels as if it would benefit from having frequent favorable winds blow within its halls. From student to student, we hope that this edition of Threshold brings all who read it the utmost luck.
It’s an almost surreal feeling
to be at the end of this voyage, especially after having spent the majority of our high school years working on this magazine. We know without a doubt, though, that another adventure lies in wait for us soon — and when the time comes for us to cross that thresh old, we will remember our time together, and how fortunate we are to have been here.
There’s a running joke among the Teknos staff that, despite the 70-ish fascinating pages of research that comprise the journal, no one bothers to read past the front cover. We like to think that everyone is just mesmerized by the stunning art. Really, it’s because no one wants to read 70 pages of scientific jargon — we get it.
It isn’t just Teknos. Throughout our time at TJ, we’ve realized that
science is so often obscured by writing that is technical, dry, and ultimately inaccessible. But this issue shows why a club like Teknos must exist. In a world of sterile scientific writing, Teknos turns a new page, injecting pieces with voice and clarity. The creation of each journal is driven by high schoolers — students with bold perspectives on science communication. With each edition, we trade passive voice
for passion, and APA for ingenuity. As you browse this year’s vol ume, we do hope you’ll spend time admiring the gorgeous cover (shout out to Mulan!). But we also hope you’ll explore the pieces; consider the innovative research, vibrant design, and fresh choices that defined this edition of Teknos — and made it one of the most memorable experiences of our four years here.
elina liu, mira kim, ethan caldwell, elise zhu Thresholdethan caldwell, kenneth do, vivian gao, nurdin hossain, rachel huang, mariska kassi, srishty muthusekaran, maxx yang
Auburn University [1]
Lucas Boles
California Institute of Technology [2]
Miina Anvelt
Ellie Chen
Claremont McKenna College [1]
Riley Cooper
Harvey Mudd College [1]
Luke Wang
Pomona College [1]
Mulan Pan
Stanford University [1]
Mira Kim
University of California, Berkeley [3]
Yashna Hasija
Tanish Jain
Vihaan Mathur
University of California, Los Angeles [1]
Archi Patel
University of California, Santa Barbara [1]
Sungjoon Kim
University of California, Irvine [1]
Samuel Gwon
University of Southern California [3]
Griff Boehnlein
Deccan Maniam
Richa Misra
University of Colorado
Boulder [2]
Rohan Kompella
John Chance McDonald
University of Colorado
Boulder [2]
Rohan Kompella
John Chance McDonald
Yale University [1]
Cyrus Rivers
Georgetown University [8]
Patrick Bai
Ishita Birmani
Emery (Christina) Han
Nabiha Islam
Christina Lu
Katie Merrill
Shriya Muthukumar
Elise Zhu
George Washington University [1]
Michael Owoyemi
University of Delaware [1]
Jonluke O’Cain
University of Central Florida [1]
Dante Valencia
University of Florida [1]
Megan Enochs
Georgia Institute of Technology [3]
Kevin Shan
Raymond Zeng
Eric Zhang
University of Chicago [14]
Nikhil Chintalapati
Clarissa Ding
Winston Gan
Mariska Kassi
Aidan Li
Matthew Li
Kisna Matta
Simar Narula
Sidd Rangavajjula
Lucas Ribeiro
Pi Rogers
Mira Singh
Kaiden Wu
Sherry Yu
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [18]
Abhinav Angirekula
Tianhao Chen
Hyunjae Chung
Hein Htut
Lauren Hyde
Hamzah Jamal
Oviya Jeyaprakash
Sumanth Kalluru
Grace Ko
Harshil Koyyalamudy
Daniel Philipov
Ram Reddy
Andrew Ryu
Kaushik Siruvuri
Raghav Tirumale
Johnathan Tong
Akshay Vellore
Zachary Yashar
George Washington University [1]
Radha Vinayak
Indiana University [1]
Neha Venigalla
Purdue University [17]
Neil Agrawal
Arjun Aneja
Vinay Ayala
Mia Brashear
Patrick Gaucher
Alan Hsu
Aashna Johri
Kritika Kumar
Pranav Kuruba
Ehlaina McCaskill
Supreet Mishra
Kushal Muthamsetty
Rishi Sripathi
Sean Su
Kaia Wright
Davis Zetlan
Qirui Zhou
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology [1]
Erik Winston
Grinnell College [1]
Natalie Nardone
Johns Hopkins University [4]
Suhani Aggarwal
Tarini Basireddy
Sameer Gabbita
Grace Guan
St. John’s College [1]
Rachel Rozsa University of Maryland [29]
Ewan An
Viraj Bala
Tanvi Bhave
Shivank Bhimavarapu
Kevin Chong
Richa Gupta
Sanya Gupta
James Henry
Alan Jiang
Jayant Kammula
Sean Kim
Vishal Kotha
Anurag Kumar
Aarya Kumar
Charu Mehta
Kavyesh Pasham
Sravya Patibandla
Keenan Powell
Rachit Raval
Saloni Shah
Aryamann Singh
Kevin Sridhar
Alexander Tong
Sai Vaka
Anthony va Rheenen
Hemang Vasu
Jonathan Vu
Maxx Yang
Spencer Zheng
Boston University [2]
Varsha Athreya
Krisha Pahwa
Clark University [1]
Eleanor Rowland
Emerson College [1]
Sahishnu Hanumansetty
Harvard University [5]
Alvan Arulandu
Daphne Feigin
Clara Kim
Lyat Melese
Lynn Tao
Massachusetts Institute of Technology [3]
Emma Cox
Isabella Zhu
Lilian Zhu
Northeastern University [1]
Sanjana Anand
Wellesley College [1]
Rebecca Hsieh
Williams College [1]
Liam Carey
University of Massachusetts Amherst [1]
Ayush Antil
Hillsdale College [1]
Hayden Stolzenberg University of Michigan [10]
Nicholas Artiedamarin
Arnav Kadam
Daniel Kim
Teja Koduru
Jerry Mao
Thrisha Sakamuri
Shruti Shah
Shahzad Sohail
Amy Wang
Cindy Yang
Saint Louis University [1]
Charan Sattiraju
Washington University in St. Louis [1]
Nandini Shyamala
Dartmouth College [3]
Irene Ko
Victoria Wang
Edward Zhang
Princeton University [4]
Gabriel Ascoli
Praneeth Bhandaru
Ethan Caldwell
Athan Zhang
Rutgers University [1]
Khushi Garg
Barnard College [1]
Jessica Ye
Columbia University [1]
Audrey Czarnecki
Cornell University [7]
Alison Chavez
Maggie Gao
Becca Jeffries
Nikita Khare
Aryan Rajput
Jerry Sheng
Claire Wang
New York University [8]
Pramodani Arulkumar
Jeffrey Chen
Sahiti Kota
Jordan Lee
Kallie Mehta
Prisha Ray
Anish Susarla
Christal Wang
Stony Brook University [1]
Grant Frederick Basilio
Duke University [6]
Taein Kim
Satvik Matta
Nikhil Pesaladinne
Shashwat Rao
Aditya Vasantharao
Sara Yoon
University of North Caro-
lina at Chapel Hill [7]
Ebenezer Amare
Helen Fu
Jaya Gupta
Gavin Hatalosky
Johanna Lohmus
Prasidha Padmanabhan
Rushil Umaretiya
Case Western Reserve University [6]
Ananya Bandaru
Sara Elanchezhian
Raed Mirza
Ann Shen
Nikhil Vallikat
Christopher Paonessa
Denison University [1]
Estan Rodriguez
Oberlin College and Conservatory [1]
Audrey Bridges
Ohio State University [2]
Ethan Chitturi
Shachi Mahajan
University of Oklahoma [1]
Tim Johanson
Carnegie Mellon University [9]
Eric Feng
Eric Feng
Bryan Hong
Nathaniel Kenschaft
Joshua Lyon
Faraz Mirza
Anjali Pillai
Yuktha Vemula
Jessica Wang
Lafayette College [3]
William Gutiérrez
Ben McDannell
Champe Mitchell
Pennsylvania State University [11]
Tharun Dilliraj
Arjun Gupta
Akhil Krishnan
Jay Rachakonda
Nimesh Rudra
Zorawar Sandhu
Nihal Shah
Ishaan Sharma
Nathan Singhvi
Aaron Thapa
Rohan Zaroo
Temple University [2]
Srishty Muthusekaran
Laasya Ravipati
University of Pennsylvania [5]
Myles Bao
Sauman Das
Anisha Talreja
Angie Zhang
Megan Zhang
University of Pittsburgh [12]
Farouk Boudjemaa
Katelyn Chen
Sreekar Gogineni
Abhay Gopal
Lillani Horcharoen
Aaron Huynh
Tanmai Kalisipudi
Kritika Khati
Tiffany Lee
Jun Hee Lee
Laura Liang
Krisha Pahwa
Jaylen Pilgrim
Brown University [2]
Amit Erraguntla
Sophia Li
Rice University [2]
Achraf Azzaoui
Samuel Turner
Texas A&M University [3]
William Ludwig
Ronel Sahoo
Neel Sharma
University of Texas at Austin [4]
Ayush Das
Mantra Iyer
Arnav Jain
Harsha Ravella
University of Texas at Dallas [1]
Connor Harris
Brigham Young University [1]
Sam Bennion
Middlebury College [1]
Jonathan Buchholz
College of William and Mary [24]
Ihsan Amin
Miriam Antony
Mina Aydin
Leah Connell
Elisabeth Everhart
Lauren Fisher
Hannah Frieden
Igor Golubkov
Naomi Heilen
Rachel Huang
Yulee Kang
Sophia King
Lianhao Li
Jeffery Lin
Mary Loyola-Gomez
Maanasa Schwartzkopf
Lor Ridgway
Keertana Senthilkumar
Priya Shan
Savara Shrivastava
Jawand Singh
Katherine Snelbecker
Dhanbee Suh
Aakash Vittala
George Mason University [5]
Taimoor Babar
Alexandra Funk
Alexia De Costa
Prajakta Gadhamsetty
Ladan Hashi
Shenandoah University [1]
Will Hemmens
University of Mary Washington [1]
Evelyne Breed
University of Virginia [44]
Nithin Avala
Rishik Balerao
Manav Bharath
Karthik Bhargav
Noah Cha
Niharika Chandna
Amy Chen
Isabel Chen
Jessica Chung
Kenneth Do
Vivian Feng
Vivian Gao
Sophia Go
Tanishk Govil
James Greene
Vani Gupta
Nurdin Hossain
Allen Huo
Camila Janada
Albert Kang
Mikhail Kornilov
Brian Lai
Jay Lalwani
Jean Lavigne du Cadet
Derek Li
Michael Li
Elina Liu
Connor McKenzie
Ridhi Pendyala
Cindy Peng
Anika Rekulapelli
Prithvi Seri
Rachael Sim
Austin Song
Suraj Vaddi
Niyathi Vadlapatla
Tommy Williams
Caroline Xu
Brian Xu
Alexander Yao
Sophia Yao
Justin Yoo
Alex Yung
Ethan Zhang
Virginia Commonwealth University [4]
Subrat Poudel
Isha Satapathy
Raheel Shaik
Sparsha Srinivasan
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University [23]
Jerald Barnard
Lise Bejtlich
Ryan Blymiller
Samanvitha Dammalapati
Vivian Denny
Randy Fu
Nidhish Jayapal Mahesh
May Jessica
Daniel Lian
Michael Liang
Jonathan Liu
Colin McLaughlin
Sumanth Moole
Trisha Naidu
Zac Rader
Harini Ramaswamy
Jay Rajurkar
Saina Shibili
Aditi Shukla
Arav Singh
Conan Ugaz
Jay Varakala
Ananya Yarlagadda
University of Washington [2]
Aditya Kompella
Alex Li
University of Wisconsin-Madison [1]
Tyler Richard
Northeastern University
London [1]
Inaayah Khan
Sorbonne Université [1]
Benoy Sen
University of Toronto [2]
Wilson Chen
Elizabeth Li
Suhani Aggarwal
Johns Hopkins University
Neil Agrawal
Purdue University
“No regrets.”
Ebenezer Amare
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Though we will find countless successes in this world, the credit is not ours; These blessings come from God above.”
Ihsan Amin
William & Mary
“To pretend, I actually do the thing: I have therefore only pretended to pretend.” - Jacques Derrida
Ewan An University of Maryland “ ”
Sanjana Anand
Northeastern University
“It’s times like these, wish I had a time machine”
- Sabrina Carpenter
Arjun Aneja
Purdue University
“Be Happy”
Abhinav Angirekula
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“I know I’m not good enough. I never will be. That’s no excuse to stop fighting. No matter how much it scares me.”
- Spider-Man
Ayush Antil
University of Massachusetts Amherst
“I learned how to swim while they stuck in the deep end” - Lone
Miriam Antony
College of William and Mary
“we made it out to the other side” cola by Lana Del Rey
Miina Anvelt
California Institute of Technology
“There is a star inside of everyone waiting for its time to shine. Never give up.”
Nicholas Artiedamarin University of Michigan
Alvan Arulandu
Harvard University
“The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
Pramodani Arulkumar
New York University
“when life gives you lemons eat them with the skin.”
Gabriel Ascoli
Princeton University
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you’re a fool than to open it and remove all doubt” - Mark Twain
Varsha Athreya
Boston University
“Starbucks warmed Chocolate chip cookies are the best. Highly recommend.”
Nithin Avala
University of Virginia
Vinay Ayala Purdue University
“You brought a backpack, I brought my bags packed.”
Mina Aydin
College of William and Mary
“Make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it, you’ve got no reason to be afraid :)” - Taylor Swift
Achraf Azzaoui Rice University
“Crippling caffeine dependence is the only thing I got out of this school”
Taimoor Babar
George Mason University
“’Oh you graduated?’ No, I decided I was finished.” - Ye
Patrick Bai
Georgetown University
“Let the one who is disuse, one who is daughter restore spring with her each appearance from beneath the earth.”
Viraj Bala
University of Maryland
“I get butterflies when I think of myself.”
Rishik Balerao
University of Virginia
“I couldn’t even submit this on time”
Ananya Bandaru
Case Western Reserve University “live...”
Myles Bao
University of Pennsylvania
“go to Vihaan Mathur”
Jerald Barnard
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Growing up is probably the dumbest thing you could do”
Grant Frederick Basilio
Stony Brook University
“We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymoreexcept to make our lives into a work of art.” - Lana Del Rey
Tarini Basireddy
Johns Hopkins University
“I like to set difficult goals for myself; I’ve outlived the queen, now I’ve gotta outlive the king.”
Lise Bejtlich
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Inappropriate! Inappropriate!”
- Dr. Jonathan Osborne
Sam Bennion
Brigham Young University
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”
Praneeth Bhandaru
Princeton University
“You gotta know what it feels like to be sad before you can really appreciate feeling happy.”
Manav Bharath
The University of Virginia
Karthik Bhargav
University of Virginia
“Pressure makes diamonds”
Tanvi Bhave
University of Maryland
Shivank Bhimavarapu
University of Maryland
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
Ishita Birmani
Georgetown University
“stay fun and fresh”
Ryan Blymiller
Virginia Tech
“I ain’t Irish, but my money Dublin’” - BLP Kosher
Griff Boehnlein
University of Southern California
Lucas Boles
Auburn University
“The bird flu? Yeah, they tend to do that.”
Drishika Bose
“You know it’s not the same as it was”
Farouk Boudjemaa
University of Pittsburgh
“If you don’t know which port you’re sailing to, how do you know which wind is favorable?”
Mia Brashear Purdue University
Evelyne Breed University of Mary
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
- Jeremiah 29:11
Audrey Bridges
Oberlin College and Conservatory
“I don’t know how I made it, but I did!”
Jonathan Buchholz
Middlebury College
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”
Ethan Caldwell
Princeton University
“I am so grateful for the friends I made at TJ. Shoutout to TJSD, Threshnos, and my lunchbox thieves–I’ll always keep trading cards of you in my memory. Love to AN,CM,DP,JK,KD,MK,NS,SB,SH,TN…& AR.”
Liam Carey Williams College
“The music is so beautiful/It melts away so quickly/And you’re standing in the silence/Standing in the darkness/Thinking about wishing”
- The Band’s Visit
Noah Cha
University of Virginia
“Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.” 1 Thessalonians 5:26 (ESV)
Niharika Chandna
University of Virginia
“All the possibilities. No limits, just epiphanies”
- Best Day of My Life
Alison Chavez
Cornell University
“enjoy the little things”
Amy Chen
University of Virginia
“Go outside, touch grass!”
Ellie Chen
California Institute of Technology
“How do I know I’m POWERful? I always WORK over TIME.”
Isabel Chen
University of Virginia
“Hannah Montana said nobody’s perfect, but here I am”
Jeffrey Chen New York University
“As long as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth exist, everything will be all right.”
Katelyn Chen
University of Pittsburgh
“i wanna go home”
Tianhao Chen
University of Illinois
“The journey is not solely defined by the milestones reached, but by the wisdom gained, the lessons learned, and the transformations experienced while traversing the path.”
Wilson Chen
University of Toronto
“Signature Ability — Tailwind (1 free, 2 takedown recharge): INSTANTLY propel Jett in the direction she is moving. If Jett is standing still, she will propel forward.”
Nathan Cheng
“Pain is temporary, GPA is forever.”
Nikhil Chintalapati
University of Chicago
Ethan Chitturi
Ohio State University
“thrive in the chaos”
Kevin Chong
“Default Fake A Fake B Rotate Go C Flank Through Garage End A”
Hyunjae Chung
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“even more clueless than when I first entered high school to be honest”
Jessica Chung
University of Virginia
“are you the real part of a complex number scaled by an arbitrary constant W? cause you’ve got W Re(z) (complex rizz)”
Leah Connell College of William and Mary “ka-caio
Riley Cooper Claremont McKenna College
“Whatever happens, please remember all the laughter”
Nadia Costescu
“All’s well as ends better!”
- the Gaffer
Emma Cox
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.“
- Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda
Audrey Czarnecki
Columbia University in the City of New York
“After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here.” - Walt Disney
Samanvitha Dammalapati
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Sometimes life is like this tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.” - Iroh, Avatar: the Last Airbender
Ayush Das University of Texas - Austin
“I’m just doing me, and to me, that’s what got me this far.”
- Lil Uzi Vert
Sauman Das University of Pennsylvania
Alexia De Costa
George Mason University
“Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.”
Vivian Denny
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tharun Dilliraj
Penn State University
Clarissa Ding
University of Chicago
“see you at tjstar in fifteen years”
Kenneth Do University of Virginia
Jorge Duggar
“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
Sara Elanchezhian
Case Western Reserve University
“Worrying means you suffer twice :))”
Megan Enochs
University of Florida
“I hope someday we’ll sit down together and laugh with each other about these days, these days”
Amit Erraguntla Brown University
Elisabeth Everhart
William & Mary
“This was the very first page, not where the storyline ends”
Daphne Feigin
Harvard University
“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” - Winnie the Pooh
Eric Feng
Carnegie Mellon University
“In the wind and ran, all this pain, doesn’t stay. Dry your tears, do not fear, all our hopes will still remain.”
- Translated from手
Eric Feng
Carnegie Mellon University
“As we wrap up this chapter of our lives, remember the friends we made and the lessons we learned. But in case you slept through some of those lessons, remember chat.openai. com”
Vivian Feng University of Virginia
“In the spiritual world, the old physician and the minister—mutual victims as they have been—may, unawares, have found their earthly stock of hatred and antipathy transmuted into golden love.”
Lauren Fisher
College of William and Mary
“I came, I saw, I conquered”
- Pitbull
Hannah Frieden
William & Mary
Helen Fu
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“... it’s going down!”
Randy Fu
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Life is a movie and your the protagonist”
Alexandra Funk
George Mason University
“Students need 6-8 hours of sleep.”
TJ said, “6-8 = -2”
Sameer Gabbita
Johns Hopkins University
Prajakta Gadhamsetty
George Mason University
“I’m delulu and I’ve accepted it”
Winston Gan
University of Chicago
“inconspicuously immerse yourself in the realm of gratification”
Maggie Gao
Cornell University
“When life gives you lemons...”
Vivian Gao
University of Virginia
“Dont cry because its over. Smile because it happened”
Khushi Garg
Rutgers University
“luck is preparation meeting opportunity, so just keep swimming”
- Oprah and Dory
Alyssa Gatesman
“My takeaway from a half-online high school experience is that if you gaslight yourself into thinking you’re super cool and amazing, it just might become reality.”
Patrick Gaucher
Purdue University
“Go to B block”
- Westside Gunn
Sophia Go
University of Virginia
“came for the sports, stayed for the orchestra <3”
Sreekar Gogineni
University of Pittsburgh
“Anybody got food?”
Igor Golubkov
The College of William & Mary
“Blasting music so I never get any work done”
Abhay Gopal
University of Pittsburgh
Tanishk Govil University of Virginia
“GPS said it’s my turn”
James Greene University of Virginia
“Sometimes, you just have to go full monke”
Grace Guan Johns Hopkins University
Arjun Gupta Penn State University
“Move with humility and silence
Never exhale unless it’s to say the word ‘checkmate’”
Jaya Gupta
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“I swear I don’t recognize half of these people”
- Gilmore Girls
Richa Gupta University of Maryland
“When life gives you lemons, throw them at Sally at 30 m/s and calculate the time in seconds it takes for Sally to realize you’re not a good friend”
Sanya Gupta University of Maryland
“outro: graduated”
Vani Gupta University of Virginia
“You’re on your own, kid. Yeah, you can face this”
William Gutiérrez Lafayette College
“Graduation? That’s a big word for Elmo!”
Samuel Gwon
University of California, Irvine
“But no matter how you get there or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place home” - Creed Bratton
Emery Han
Georgetown University
Sahishnu Hanumansetty Emerson College
“ok, so where’s the donut I was promised?”
Connor Harris University of Texas at Dallas
“TJ is like a washing machine and I’m the one who’s stuck.”
Ladan Hashi
George Mason University “...laugh...”
Yashna Hasija Berkeley University of California
“Master has given Dobby a sock. Dobby is free!”
Gavin Hatalosky
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“After 4 long grueling years of school, I can finally move on to 8 long grueling years of school.”
Naomi Heilen College of William and Mary
“I am the one thing in life I can control. I am inimitable. I am an original.”
Will Hemmens
Shenandoah University
“If the girls like bad boys, my GPA makes me a chick magnet”
James Henry University of Maryland
“Kill them with success, bury them with a smile.”
Bryan Hong
Carnegie Mellon University
“Always shake the ketchup bottle before using it.”
Lillani Horcharoen
University of Pittsburgh
“It would be unfair to expect other people to be as remarkable as oneself.”
Nurdin Hossain
University of Virginia
Rebecca Hsieh Wellesley College
“if all else fails, marry rich.”
Alan Hsu Purdue University
“weather is my passion.”
Hein Htut
University of Illinois
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.”
Rachel Huang
William & Mary
“Senioritis is real. Fun times.”
Allen Huo
University of Virginia
Aaron Huynh
University of Pittsburgh
Lauren Hyde
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“when in doubt, just fake it til you make it til you do.”
Nabiha Islam
Georgetown University
“I’m not lazy, I’m just saving my energy for Ramadan.”
Mantra Iyer
University of Texas at Austin
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
Tanish Jain
Berkeley University of California
“Everybody knowing my name now from Coast to Coast” -
Arnav Jain
University of Texas at Austin
“It’s not gambling if you never lose.”
Hamzah Jamal
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Wealth is in the mind, not the pocket. If that’s the case, then I’ve been paid.”
- A$AP Rocky
Camila Janada
University of Virginia
“I run, I fast.”
Nidhish Jayapal Mahesh
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Becca Jeffries
Cornell University
“long story short, i survived.”
Oviya Jeyaprakash
University of Illinois
“Things work out in the end. If it’s not working out right now, then it’s not the end.”
Alan Jiang University of Maryland
“Do your best to do better.”
Tim Johanson
University of Oklahoma
“Go to Sahiti Kota.”
Aashna Johri
Purdue University
“I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave and the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name.”Macklemore
Arnav Kadam
University of Michigan
Tanmai Kalisipudi
University of Pittsburgh
“if you’re already late, might as well grab a donut.”
Sumanth Kalluru
University of Illinois
“Sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze.” - Kevin Gates
Jayant Kammula
University of Maryland
“High school will end someday. Take that as a good thing or a bad thing.”
Albert Kang
University of Virginia
“that’s tuff”
Yulee Kang
College of William and Mary “valid.”
Mariska Kassi
University of Chicago
“It’s been fun! I’m running away from my responsibilities, and it feels great.”
Nathaniel Kenschaft
Carnegie Mellon University
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” - Albert Einstein
Inaayah Khan
Northeastern University London
“I think we are stories, all of us.”
Nikita Khare
Cornell University
“And he wondered if there would ever be a day that came when they wouldn’t have to go through endless distortions just to be understood.”Babel by RF Kuang
Kritika Khati
University of Pittsburgh
“Leaving my legacy as a cougar behind to become a panther.”
Clara Kim
Harvard University
“I’m so stoked, I need a toast”Taylor Swift
Daniel Kim
University of Michigan
“don’t follow your dreams. follow my Instagram @daniely1kim”
Mira Kim
Stanford University
“There is power in being robbed / & still choosing to dance.” — Amanda Gorman, “School’s Out”
Sean Kim University of Maryland
“Guys don’t worry, I’ll transfer back after one year”
Sungjoon Kim
University of California Santa Barbara
“It’ll be okay.”
Taein Kim
Duke University
“Bad decisions make good stories!”
Sophia King
College of William and Mary
“Takin’ less L’s, makin’ more M’s” - 21 Savage
Grace Ko
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“There was another life that I might have had, but I am having this one.”
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Irene Ko
Dartmouth College
“By grace, through faith”
Teja Koduru
University of Michigan
“It is what it is”
Rohan Kompella
University of Colorado Boulder
“Everything’s got to end sometime. Otherwise, nothing would ever get started.” - The Doctor
Aditya Kompella
University of Washington
“I put the monkey in Curious George”
Jonathan Kong
“Sometimes, when I think about the people I’ve left behind, I realize I’m a terrible tour guide”
Mikhail Kornilov
University of Virginia
“I like to move it move it”
- King Julian
Sahiti Kota
New York University
“Go to Sophia Yao”
Vishal Kotha
University of Maryland
“Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
Harshil Koyyalamudy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“My track record so clean, they couldn’t wait to just bash me” - Jack Harlow
Akhil Krishnan
Penn State University
“Life’s a coin flip until you make both sides heads.”
Kritika Kumar Purdue University
“Do it for the plot :)”
Anurag Kumar University of Maryland
“Writing this aphorism is left as an exercise for the reader.”
Aarya Kumar University of Maryland
“Make sure to actually run if you get on the right track.”
Pranav Kuruba
Purdue University “����“����
Brian Lai
University of Virginia
“Time allows us to grow and reflect, to evolve and study our mistakes. It allows us to give ourselves the illusion that we are making progress, when we were perfect right from the start.” - \T/
Jay Lalwani
University of Virginia
“The grass is always greener where the dogs are pooping.”
Jean Lavigne du Cadet University of Virginia “Take it easy.”
Jordan Lee New York University “STAYC girls...”
Jun Hee Lee
University of Pittsburgh
“I carry sticks with my team like this is lacrosse.”
Tiffany Lee
University of Pittsburgh
“It was nice while it lasted.”
Aidan Li
University of Chicago
“It’s not a cheat meal if you’re always bulking.”
Alex Li
University of Washington
“Thank you to my friends who made my TJ experience so unique.”
Derek Li University of Virginia
“I got too silly ��”
Elizabeth Li University of Toronto “>^..^<”
Lianhao Li College of William and Mary “Disreputanception.”
Matthew Li University of Chicago
“The corgi let me down.”
Michael Li
University of Virginia
“It could’ve been worse, but not much.”
Sophia Li Brown University “ <3”
Daniel Lian Virginia Polytechnic Institute
“Call me the BREADmaker because I DOUGHn’t know what I’m doing.”
Michael Liang Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Broke my back carrying.”
Laura Liang University of Pittsburgh
“Cry when you want, and laugh whenever you can.”
Jeffery Lin
William and Mary
“The sun in the sky is red, the sun in my heart is steve bannon.”
Elina Liu
University of Virginia if (elina = tall) { print “true”; }
Jonathan Liu Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Johanna Lohmus University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Senioritis hit me so hard I couldn’t even think of a senior quote.”
Mary Loyola-Gomez College of William & Mary “Until death, it is all life.”
Christina Lu
Georgetown University “yum”
William Ludwig Texas A&M University “N/A”
Joshua Lyon
Carnegie Mellon University
“Problems are opportunities”
Shachi Mahajan
Ohio State University
“can I interest you in a judgemental comment?”
Nicolas Makovnik
“When thunderclouds start pouring down, light a fire they can’t put out, carve your name into those shining stars.”
Deccan Maniam
University of Southern California
“Let’s hanglide out of this loser emporium!” - The Law
Jerry Mao
University of Michigan
“Get off your phone; go to bed.”
Vihaan Mathur
University of California, Berkeley “Go to Tim Johanson.”
Kisna Matta
University of Chicago
Satvik Matta
Duke University
“It’s not bragging if it’s true.”
Jessica May
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ehlaina McCaskill
Purdue University
“The night is young.”
Ben McDannell Lafayette College
“I don’t know.”
John Chance McDonald
University of Colorado Boulder “Imitate Jesus and Socrates.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Connor McKenzie
University of Virginia
“If you can’t convince them, confuse them.”
Colin McLaughlin
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Charu Mehta
University of Maryland, College Park
“That was so fetch.”
Kallie Mehta
New York University
“Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what.” - Michael
ScottLyat Melese Harvard University
“Wait, there’s more…”
Katie Merrill Georgetown University
“Don’t drive like you’re scared of your own car.”
Faraz Mirza
Carnegie Mellon University
“Don’t hesitate to try harder.”
Raed Mirza
Case Western Reserve University
“One day, we shall stand up and our backsides will remain attached to our seats.”
Supreet Mishra Purdue University
“Everybody wanted to know what I would do if I didn’t graduate... I guess we’ll never know.”
Richa Misra University of Southern California
“Where you movin’? I said onto better things.” - Drake
Champe Mitchell
Lafayette College
“CEO of the Champion lifestyle.”
Sumanth Moole
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Kushal Muthamsetty Purdue University
Shriya Muthukumar Georgetown University
Srishty Muthusekaran Temple University
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Bernard
M. BaruchSimar Narula
University of Chicago
“and so, the adventure begins.”
Jonluke O’Cain
University of Delaware
“I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.”
- Bill WattersonMichael Owoyemi
The George Washington University
“I’m the perfect amount of narcissistic; my friends can attest.”
Prasidha Padmanabhan
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“This was the very first page, not where the story line ends.” - Taylor Swift
Krisha Pahwa
University of Pittsburgh and Boston University
“Can we keep my Legos at home?”
Mulan Pan
Pomona College
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” - William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Christopher Paonessa
Case Western Reserve University
Kavyesh Pasham
University of Maryland
“11:20 AM on September 16th, 2022.”
Archi Patel
University of California Los Angeles
Sravya Patibandla
University of Maryland “hi!”
Ridhi Pendyala
University of Virginia
“I’m taking pictures in my mind so I can save them for a rainy day.”
Cindy Peng
University of Virginia
“I’ve never had to use the crying emoji until I came here�� ”
Nikhil Pesaladinne
Jaylen Pilgrim
University of Pittsburgh
Anjali Pillai
Carnegie Mellon University
“In the forest of self-discovery, the path that is hidden and unexplored always has the prettiest flowers.”
Subrat Poudel
Virginia Commonwealth University
Keenan Powell
University of Maryland
“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our Othello bots.”
Jay Rachakonda
Penn State University
“Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.” - Drake
Zac Rader
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
“You work hard, I don’t. We are not the same. I am stupid.”
Aryan Rajput
Cornell University
Jay Rajurkar
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“it’s a parade inside my city yeahhhh.”
Harini Ramaswamy
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Off to capture college life on @rinistarcam.”
Sidd Rangavajjula
University of Chicago
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”
- Sophocles
Shashwat Rao
Duke University
Rachit Raval
University of Maryland
“They didn’t believe in us, But I know God did.” - DJ Khaled
Harsha Ravella
University of Texas at Austin
“You’ve got to enjoy the little things in life, like blowing bubbles.”
Ram Reddy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.”
Anika Rekulapelli
University of Virginia
“Come on! Live a little!” - Ferris Bueller
Lucas Ribeiro
University of Chicago
“What’s the derivative of a webassign? A web-a-cosine.”
Tyler Richard
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“These are the times we’ll hold when our memories fade.” - Eden
Lor Ridgway College of William and Mary
Cyrus Rivers
Yale University
“Jesters do oft prove prophets.”
Estan Rodriguez
Denison University
“That is all we are going to do for now. We are just going to take this bird by bird.” - Anne Lamott
Pi Rogers
University of Chicago
“Every mystery ever solved had been a puzzle from the dawn of the human species right up until someone solved it.”
Eleanor Rowland Clark University
“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees!”
Rachel Rozsa St. John’s College
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi
Nimesh Rudra
Pennsylvania State University
“If me and a grizzly are in a fight, pray for the grizzly.”
Andrew Ryu
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Trisha Naidu
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Natalie Nardone
Grinnell College
“I came for the arts.”
Duke University
Daniel Philipov
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Patience is a virtue, but waiting sucks.”
Laasya Ravipati
Temple University
“It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age.”
- Taylor Swift
Prisha Ray
New York University
“There’s always time for the gym.”
Ronel Sahoo
Texas A&M University
“Don’t be careful, be confident.”
- Tom Cruise
Thrisha Sakamuri
University of Michigan
“no offense but...”
Zorawar Sandhu
Penn State University
Isha Satapathy
Virginia Commonwealth University
“Audentem forsque Venusque iuvat.”
Charan Sattiraju
Saint Louis University
“Get your money up not your funny up.”
Maanasa Schwartzkopf College of William and Mary
Benoy Sen
Sorbonne Université
Keertana Senthilkumar
The College of William and Mary
“We can see the flipside / what comes after this try?”
Prithvi Seri
University of Virginia
Nihal Shah
Penn State University
“thinking is for tomorrow.”
Saloni Shah
University of Maryland
“If my grandmother had wheels, she would’ve been a bike.”
Shruti Shah
University of Michigan
“I’m never gonna look back, no-ooh; these are gonna be the best years of my li-i-i-ife.”
Raheel Shaik
Virginia Commonwealth University
“All in all, we’re just bricks in the wall.”
Kevin Shan
Georgia Institute of Technology
Priya Shan
William & Mary
“everyday above ground is a great day, remember that.” - Pitbull
Ishaan Sharma
Penn State University
“Carpe diem.”
Neel Sharma
Texas A&M University
“The best path did not have to be quick, as long as it was correct.”
Ann Shen
Case Western Reserve University
“One of the worst performances of my career and they never doubted it for a second.” - Ferris Bueller
Jerry Sheng
Cornell University
“High school was fine, it was a walk in the park. Except the park was in flames.”
Saina Shibili
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Nothing kills like a life you didn’t live.”
Savara Shrivastava
William and Mary
“I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.” - Andy Dwyer
Aditi Shukla
Virginia Tech
“Cause there were pages turned.”
Nandini Shyamala
Washington University in St. Louis
Rachael Sim
University of Virginia
“celtics in 7.”
Mira Singh
University of Chicago
“I’ve got some friends, some that I hardly know; But we’ve had some times, I wouldn’t trade for the world.” - Rise Again
Jawand Singh
College of William and Mary “Nothing is better than something.”
Aryamann Singh
University of Maryland
“Call me LeBron cuz I fold to Curry.”
Arav Singh
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“You’re welcome.”
Nathan Singhvi
Penn State University
Kaushik Siruvuri
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“I thought I got over procrastination until I had to pick a senior quote.”
Katherine Snelbecker
William and Mary
“I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser.”
Shahzad Sohail
University of Michigan
“Indeed, with every hardship comes ease.”
Austin Song
University of Virginia
Kevin Sridhar
University of Maryland
“Life can give you everything except failure, you need to seek failure, and only then can you truly live life.”
Sparsha Srinivasan
Virginia Commonwealth University
“It was for the plot.”
Rishi Sripathi
Purdue University
“You just need to believe. You must believe.” - Master Oogway
Hayden Stolzenberg
Hillsdale College
“All roads lead to Rome.”
Sean Su
Purdue University
“The only difference between genius and insanity is that people will eventually recognize genius, although long after marking them insane.”
Dhanbee Suh
College of William and Mary
“It’s really the little things that keep you going. And the bigger things remind you why.”
Anish Susarla
New York University
“It was all part of the plan”
- Reverse Pants Susarla
Anisha Talreja
University of Pennsylvania
Lynn Tao
Harvard University
“I would ask …”
Aaron Thapa
Penn State University
“Want to conjure confidence? Try dying your hair. Works wonders.”
Raghav Tirumale
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well. Maybe the 5 of spades?”
Johnathan Tong
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“it’s joever.”
Alexander Tong
University of Maryland
“Do your best and when it doesn’t seem like it’s enough, let fate do the rest.”
Samuel Turner
Rice University
“This is a world premiere.”
Conan Ugaz
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.”
Rushil Umaretiya
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Who let him cook?’); DROP TABLE senior_quotes;--”
Suraj Vaddi
University of Virginia
Niyathi Vadlapatla
University of Virginia
“Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” - Ms. Frizzle
Sai Vaka
University of Maryland
“Are you some type of gaming god?” - Dr. J to me
Dante Valencia
University of Central Florida
“You know what they say: sticks and stones can damage your vital organs, so always wear body armor.”
Nikhil Vallikat
Case Western Reserve University “go to Myles Bao”
Anthony van Rheenen
University of Maryland
“There are many people out there trying, but they can never stop you from balling, my friend.”
Jay Varakala
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“That’s right, I finally uploaded my consciousness into my gaming setup” - Jetstream Sam
Aditya Vasantharao
Duke University
Hemang Vasu
University of Maryland
Akshay Vellore
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“College better not be harder than this...”
Yuktha Vemula
Carnegie Mellon University
“There’s so much that we did wrong and so much that we did right. All things end, but here we are beginning.”
Neha Venigalla
Indiana University
“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life!”
Radha Vinayak
George Washington University
“We’re almost there & nowhere near it. All that matters is that we’re going!”
- Lorelai GilmoreAakash Vittala
William and Mary
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present.”
Jonathan Vu University of Maryland
“finally finished :)”
Jessica Wang
Carnegie Mellon University
“I wrote a better hour onto the page.” -- Ocean Vuong
Amy Wang University of Michigan
“I came. I slept. I left.”
Claire Wang
Cornell University
“What did the cow say to the other cow?”
Christal Wang
New York University
Victoria Wang
Dartmouth College
“Do it all with love.”
Luke Wang
Harvey Mudd College
“I still have not regained my sanity... or the lunchbox I lost last year.”
Tommy Williams
University of Virginia
“Notice when you’re happy and exclaim or murmur or think to yourself, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’” - Kurt Vonnegut
Erik Winston
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
“RIP to the proto lab’s 16year no ambulance streak.”
Kaia Wright
Purdue University
“There’s nothing we can’t do if we work hard, never sleep, and shirk all other responsibilities in our lives”
- Leslie Knope
Kaiden Wu
University of Chicago
“It’s ok if you’re not feeling so well, at the end of the day, it’s night.”
Caroline Xu
University of Virginia
“life is like a box of chocolates” - nom nom nom
Brian Xu
University of Virginia
“I’ve already forgotten most of freshman year.”
Maxx Yang
University of Maryland
“psst, hey psst, it’s a lot easier to break the rules than you think.”
Cindy Yang
University of Michigan
“the feminine urge to fail every STEM class.”
Alexander Yao
University of Virginia
“The only thing you can change is the present.”
Sophia Yao
University of Virginia
“Go to Nikhil Vallikat.”
Ananya Yarlagadda
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“new beginnings”
- Frank Ocean
Zachary Yashar
University of Illinois
“I finally got my National Merit commencement letter.”
Jessica Ye
Barnard College
“Hold onto the memories, and they’ll hold on to you.”
Emma Ylagan “...LOL”
Justin Yoo
University of Virginia
“God gives the hardest battles to His strongest soldiers, oh and follow @goons_lift.”
Sara Yoon
Duke University
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Sherry Yu
University of Chicago
“The goal is not to be right, it is to be wrong in interesting ways.”
Alex Yung
University of Virginia
“forever yung.”
Rohan Zaroo
Pennsylvania State University
“Life is like a gamble, you’ll never win without risks.”
Raymond Zeng
Georgia Institute of Technology
Davis Zetlan
Purdue University
“3/4 and 6/8 are the same number; covered up by Big Fraction.”
Angie Zhang
University of Pennsylvania
“Après moi, le déluge” - Louis XV
Athan Zhang
Princeton University
“Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live” - Yui Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Edward Zhang
Dartmouth College
“Live without regrets, love your fate.”
Eric Zhang
Georgia Institute of Technology
“Find happiness in yourself.”
Ethan Zhang
University of Virginia “3.”
Megan Zhang
University of Pennsylvania “...but I’m tryna get 你号 码.”
Spencer Zheng
University of Maryland
“When I wrote this, only God and I knew what I was doing. Now, only God knows.”
Qirui Zhou
Purdue University
“It’s always winnable.”
Elise Zhu
Georgetown University
“Like mate, stop procrastinating.”
Isabella Zhu Massachusetts Institute of Technology“Two wrongs don’t make a right...”
Lilian Zhu Massachusetts Institute of Technology“...but two Zhus always do.”
I had an older brother who went here and I was expecting certain things based on his experience, but that obviously turned [out] very different because COVID hit freshman year, and then we went online. For the first time I felt like I didn’t really know what to expect.
Once we got out of COVID in junior year starting we hit the ground running. I really started to trust myself that I could do it, that I could do it through junior year and get through senior year and college, it really made a world of difference. Because I think that doubt was definitely holding me back.
Once I realized that everybody was on their own path, I realized I’m on my own path too. I’m going to now spend my time understanding what I can do to make my impact on this world or make my dreams a reality rather than focusing on how other people are doing that for themselves. When you spend time focusing on yourself rather than comparing with others, you’re able to hone in on your interests and explore things that you really love.
I think graduation signifies this transition into a time of uncertainty and freedom and independence. That’s something that I’m excited for.