Westchester Foundation for Autism ‌ and Related Developmental Delays Invites you to join us for our
Thirteenth Annual Celebration of Hope Gala Sunday, November 11, 2012 1pm - 5:30 pm $85.00 per person Honorees for the evening are: Ardsley School District Gabriela Muzzio and Patricia Werner Eastchester School District Talia Gallardo
* Pleasantville School District*
Susanne Wilson Southern Westchester BOCES Dr. Steven Coleman The Miracle League Stephen Madey
1:00 pm Cocktails and Silent Auction, Followed by Dinner, Dancing and the Presentation of Awards Cash Bar at Dinner Beckwith Pointe 700 Davenport Avenue New Rochelle, New York 10805 WFA is a non-profit 501 Š (3) Organization founded by parents in Autumn 2000, dedicated to improving the Quality of Life of families living with the diagnosis of autism and related developmental delays Through support, social events, education and recreation