香港視覺藝術家譚倩婷 (Donna Tam) ,作品包括繪畫、燈箱及裝置藝術。譚氏是次展覽的題材靈感來自黑暗中的室內燈光及市區繁忙街道兩旁的霓虹燈。譚氏透過螢光色彩及不同燈光之間各種比例配搭之視覺效果,在繁忙的都市中構建出一個寧謐神秘的空間,藉以突出都市人身處繁華及孤寂之間的矛盾。
Hong Kong Visual Artist Donna Tam presents painting, photographic lightboxes and installation art work. Tam's inspiration to this exhibition comes from her interest in observing neon lights from urban areas and the seeping warm, dim light from behind drawn curtains. Tam creates a tranquil and mysterious atmosphere in a busy, frantic city through integrations and combinations of neon colours and different light sources which highlights the busy yet lonely lifestyle faced by many city dwellers.
Artworks available at BLINK Gallery. Please contact Ms. TK Chan for price list. | +852 5112 9521 |