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KINGDOM Vol 2018 Issue II

And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord

››Professor of Value Dr. Kevin Storr Texas, USA

The Message

Dr. Pepe Ramnath

Miramar, Florida


Dr. Maurizio Tiezzi


Eric Supen

- Isaiah 11:2

Letter From the Publisher ISSN 2164-148X (Print) ISSN 2164-1501 (Online)

Summer 2018

Dr. Nancy B. Bocalan Philippines/USA

Table of Contents Publisher’s Letter..................................3 Message.................................................4 Kingdom Messengers

Connecting and Uniting His Children Worldwide “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV)

Publisher Nancy B. Bocalan thykingdomcarriers@


Editor and Executive Editor


Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines)


Articles Editor

Italy..................................................9 Kingdom Mindset................................10 Kindgdom Talk....................................15

Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas)

Editorial Board Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas)

Creative Design Julie Rezendes (Florida)

Contributing Writers

Thy Kingdom Carriers

Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Maurizio Tiezzi (Italy) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Israel Ikpeka (Nigeria) Eric Supen (Germany) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Shamron Munroe (Bahamas) Anderick Biddle (Texas) Dr. Pepe Ramnath (Florida) Darrell Wilson (Texas) Dr. Leonard Robinson (PA) Nicole Ivory (NC) Mary Brown-Meadows (SC) Rick Kendall (Florida)

Thy Kingdom Carriers | |

All contents copyright 2016 by TKC, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisers.



Summer ✻ 2018

Publisher’s Letter that has been promised and spoken in the word of God is taking Allplace whether we see it or not. I believe God has been displaying

His will for those who love Him and are called for His glory. It is not by might, nor power, but by His Spirit that all things have been and are still moving and increasing towards the fulfillment of His revelation.

God is after the hearts of men which are made with a “will” of their own. Adam could have willed to go before the Lord for forgiveness when he disobeyed God, but with his own will, decided to cover his guilt and shame. God is still after the heart of man to decide to return to their original position in the King’s Family. He sent His only Son into the world and has returned to earth in the form of the Holy Spirit so that we may continue to live the original life He intended. The Holy Spirit is not an option, as only through Him we will experience Heaven’s Life on earth. The Spirit of the Lord is upon those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord, Savior and Way into the Kingdom of Heaven. His presence gives us authority to occupy until He comes! Let’s occupy by fruitfulness, multiplication and replenishing the earth with His Kingdom!

Blessings to all Nations

Dr. Nancy Bocalan Ambassador of Heaven Philippines/USA



Celebrating Seven Years. Glory be to God!! View the digital magazine online by visiting and you can download the file so you can print it for your copy.

The Message

Environmental Stewardship The first sound to ever enter the environment of earth was the sound of God’s voice when He spoke at the beginning. It was a sound that had the principled power of the first-fruits. It affected the entire lump of matter and anything that got in the way of the frequency and wavelength of His sound. This sound was heard all over the universe and echoed through space, time and matter. This sound made a series of loud banging sounds that stretched out to every corner of creation. It was certainly a big bang sound! This big bang sound somehow met tiny specks of matter that stored energy.

❝ Creation will begin to come into its rightful position whenever the original sound of heaven collides with matter and energy repeatedly.❞

It vibrated through lifeless matter, which possessed potential energy and began to bring forth forms. Creation began to come into place as that original sound continued to collide with matter and energy repeatedly. This collision occurred repeatedly, possibly for millions or billions of years until a perfect universe was formed. The person behind this incredible voice is whom many of us have come to terms with. We have accepted Him as the creator of the heavens and earth and as God. God continued to use His voice to make animals, plants, creeping thing, birds and so many wonderful things on the planet earth. After He had completed making the earth and all non-living and living things, He crowned it with his prized creation called man. To this amazing creature that he called man, He gave an assignment. The assignment was to become a steward of both living and non-living things on the earth. Stewardship of the earth was now the center of God’s universe, for it affected all of God’s creation.

❝ We have been chosen to become Environmental Citizens of the earth He has given to us.❞

Environmental stewardship had been given to man. Man must now capture the wavelength of that sound that came from the voice of God and echo it back to the earth so that it will continually cover the earth with his garden of glory. If we can find way to become a servant to this sound that spoke to the beginnings, we will become greater stewards of God’s earth. ✽

Pepe Ramnath, PhD Miramar, Florida



Summer ✻ 2018

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. - Galatian 5:22

Kingdom Messengers USA

The Spirit Filled Life What would our lives encompass without the Spirit of God? How would we function as Christians if God had left us powerless? We would be operating totally on own resources. We would have no assurance of our salvation. “There would be no presence of Christ living inside of us. His Spirit would not be indwelling us. Nor would we have internal conviction of sin. We would have to transform ourselves into the image of Christ. We could not understand scripture, we would not have a guide to lead and guide us into all truth. We would have no internal comforter; we would be totally on our own, depending on our own efforts. There would be no written revelation of God. No Spirit inspired writers of Scripture.” (Gail Seidel, 2011). We would have to figure out on our own the origin of everything; what would we do with our sin? Our lives would be in total chaos. Just thinking about that is scary. But He did not leave us alone, but gave this promise in John 1416. He promised to give us a Comforter, one who would guide us into all truth, an illuminator of scripture, an agent of conviction; Someone to be in us and with us; the one who would bring glory to the Lord through me, and through you. Isaiah 11: 2 helps us to understand and gain a proper perspective on what moved and motivated the Messiah. When we look at His life as revealed in the Gospels, we recognize that God used Him in amazing ways to minister to the people He came in contact with. Just think how many of us could step into the same situations as Christ did and leave any real long lasting worthy impact. We need to be more like Christ, praying and asking the Father for the same Spirit which rested on The Son of God. “And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD” (Isaiah 11:2). There is no way we could live the Spirit filled life without the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Let’s take a look at some things He does in our lives:

❝ We need to be more like Christ, praying and

asking the Father for the same Spirit which rested on The Son of God. ❞

He is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17), therefore He makes us truthful. He is our Teacher (John 14:26), therefore He gives us knowledge and wisdom. He is our Guide (John 16:13), therefore He leads us in the right path. He glorifies the Lord Jesus (John 16:14), therefore He hides us. He reveals things to come (John 16:13), making us wise concerning God’s future program. He indwells believers and seals them until the day of redemption; this indicates that the Holy Spirit’s presence in the believer is irreversible. He guards and guarantees the salvation of the ones He indwells (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). The Holy Spirit assists believers in prayer (Jude 1:20) and “intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (Romans 8:26–27). As women of God we should depend upon the Spirit of God to effectively lead us closer to intimate fellowship with our Father, and make our lives more fruitful. The Word along with the Spirit of God set our souls on fire for God. Paul said that he may know Him and the power of His resurrection. When we conduct our lives in the Spirit, we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit which is; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law (Galatians 5:22-23.). To minister and empower other women our goal should be conducting our lives in the sphere of the Spirit; by doing so we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. A Spirit-filled woman knows when to speak and when to be quite, a woman full of the spirit of God loves unconditionally as she leads others to become Disciples of Christ. May the same Spirit which rested on our Lord Jesus Christ rest on us as we seek out other women to empower and encourage each one to be all that God has call them to be in and through our Lord Jesus. ✽

Elder Mary Meadows USA



Summer ✻ 2018

Kingdom Messengers Bahamas

You Were Created To Triumph Whom the Son set free is free indeed. We live in a world riddled with crisis and unexpected challenges. Many are gripped with fear and uncertainty; however we continue to give thanks to God because we have the ability to overcome them. We were not created to live defeated lives due to fear, doubt and uncertainty, but to face head on whatever confronts us. We are equipped for this because He who has power and authority, Christ Jesus, our Lord and Saviour lives in us. Christ conquered sin, death, hell and Satan and it is He who we lean and depend on each day to arm us with the arsenal needed to achieve a great victory. Christ Jesus prevailed over difficulties; He defeated the enemy on every level and triumphed. Those who entrusted themselves to Christ will never perish. Christ’s death disarmed and defeated Satan. He no longer has power over us; he is powerless and the lone eternally destructive weapon he possessed has been stripped from him. He has no power to separate us from the love of God unless God gives him permission which is only done for an infinitely wise reason; as Satan’s will does not move without God’s permission. Therefore, any move of Satan is part of God’s overall plan and purpose. God never Sins. He is infinitely holy and mighty, while Satan is evil and is ever under the all-governing wisdom of our all almighty God.

When Satan is allowed to enter our space and strip us, we feel violated and stripped of things due us, things we believe we cannot live without. However, we must keep in mind that the only thing we cannot and should not live without is having an intimate relationship with Christ. We must allow Him to work in and through us so that we can fearlessly and boldly stand against all odds to accomplish his mandate. When we triumph, we not only exit the battle a winner, but more importantly, we exit with much more than we went entered. For those of you who feel that you are living a defeated life, God wants to give you more, recall, you were created to triumph!

and nailed it to the cross. Christ’s death disarmed the stronghold Satan had on us; he is defeated and no longer has power over us. Now that Christ lives in us, we can live a triumphant life. May you focus on winning the battle set before you and not allow discouragement or distractions to dissipate your commitment to winning. May God position you where you are not easily shaken by troubles, trials and tribulations. May you lay down your arrows of pain and distress, and boldly take up your arrows of victory. May God give you the ability to triumph for your good and for his name’s sake that his name may be glorified throughout the earth in Jesus’ name – amen. ✽

Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension set aside the debt that stood against us - Jesus paid it all

Randy Lynden Lundy Author in Nassau Bahamas



Kingdom Messengers Germany

The Reverential and Obedient Fear of the Lord - (Isaiah 11:1-3) Isaiah 11:1-3

was a prophetic declaration that Jesus Christ the Anointed Messiah fulfilled. With regards to our subject matter, the Spirit of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord rested upon Him and governed His life. This governed his attitude of respect towards God and submission to His will; His value for people; His style of leadership and how He influenced culture and discipled people. Hebrews 5:7 says, “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission” (emphasis mine, NIV). He is our perfect example for living in reverent submission to God, so our prayers, petitions, intercessions and ambassadorial calling produce results, influence lives, shape culture and impact nations. We live in an era where political correctness seems to be more important than respecting, having awe or wonder of God, and honoring the Word of God (the Laws that make life work).The fear of man seems to have become more important than the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord. For the sake of pleasing men, or to be politically correct, people are trading life for death, true identity for confused identities, the godly family structure for ungodly and deceptive family structures, godly lifestyles for alternative lifestyles. What used to be abnormal realities are being accepted, tolerated and celebrated. An attitude of respect, a response of reverence and wonder expressed to the Almighty is either frowned upon or considered old-school and obsolete. However, the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord is a fail-safe and safeguard, God has given to mankind. It has the power to protect society from some of the ills impacting it in harmful and destructive ways.

The Fear of the Lord, Protects

When people submit to the Spirit of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord, He protects them from falling prey to the lies, traps, and strategies of Satan. As our Helper, we are empowered to make the right decisions in dire situations that lead to life. No wonder the Bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord empowers people to apply the truth (knowledge) correctly in any area of their lives, and this leads to enjoying and experiencing abundant life. Proverbs 128: 1 and 2 say, “Blessed [happy and sheltered by God’s favor] is everyone who fears the LORD [and worships Him with obedience], Who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments. For you shall eat the fruit of [the labor of] your hands,You will be happy and blessed, and it will be well with you.” (emphasis mine, AMP)

The Fear of the Lord, a Safeguard

The fear of the Lord is a safeguard given to mankind to enjoy and experience abundant life as mankind aligns with God’s Word and lives by it. The fear of the Lord is a safeguard that protects the individual or society from self-destructive values and lifestyles. The Bible says that “The [reverent] fear and worshipful

awe of the LORD includes the hatred of evil…” (emphasis mine, Proverbs 8:13, AMP). We are called to love righteousness and hate iniquity with a promise of joyful exaltation (See Psalms 45:7). And when nations align with God’s righteousness, the experience exaltation (see Prov. 14:34). God‘s good plan for people and nations is to hate evil, live in the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord and be transformed to become Christ-like.

Wise People Live in Awe of God

Wise people have an attitude of respecting, and responding with reverence to their Maker. Joseph, the twelfth son of Jacob in the Old Testament, is a beautiful case study of a wise man who feared the Lord. When tempted by his master’s wife to have sex with him, Joseph refused. His refusal showed he wanted to please the Lord by being obedient to His will and his response showed a man who feared the Lord and hated evil. In Genesis 39:9b Joseph said to Potiphar’s wife, “How then could I do this great evil and sin against God [and your husband]?” (emphasis mine, AMP) Joseph did not only fear the Lord and was obedient to the Laws of God; he was a wise man and a friend of God. Psalms 111:10 says, “The [reverent] fear of the LORD is the beginning (the prerequisite, the absolute essential, the alphabet) of wisdom; A good understanding and a teachable heart are possessed by all those who do the will of the LORD. His praise endures forever” (AMP). Joseph indeed had a good understanding of what it meant to do the will of God because he feared the Lord, and acted wisely by honoring God, Potiphar and his wife, and obeying God’s Word concerning marriage; keeping the marriage bed pure and abstaining from sexual immorality (see Hebrews 13:4).

Friends of God Live in Awe of God

Friends of God are people who fear Him and have a deep and intimate relationship with their heavenly Father. “The fear of God is an attitude of respect, a response of reverence and wonder we express to our heavenly Father. It is the only appropriate response to our Creator and Redeemer (Nelson’s NKJV Study Bible, 1997, note on Psalm 128:1).” Psalms 25:14 say, “The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant” (emphasis mine, ESV). God wants to be our Lord and King as well as our friend because He desires to share His thoughts and life with us. For us to be effective ambassadors of Christ and men and women who influence and change the culture, pursing and living from the fear of God and living in awe of Him should be a priority. King Solomon, one of the wisest kings to have ever lived, gives a good word of advice that applies to everyone. He says, “When all has been heard, the end of the matter is: fear God [worship Him with awe-filled reverence, knowing that He is almighty God] and keep His commandments, for this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, every hidden and secret thing, whether it is good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14, AMP). ✽

Eric N. Supen Author and speaker, Nigeria and Germany



Summer ✻ 2018

Kingdom Messengers Italy

The Fear of YHWH We live in a time of Grace. We, who have received the overflowing grace, that is, the gift of being considered righteous, will rule in life through the one man Yeshua the Messiah. However, we need to be changed and developed in our character to be conformed to King Yeshua, the Messiah. We need to be trained to reign with Him, over the earth, forever and ever. Moreover, we need special and unique abilities, which can enable us to walk in our God given destiny, doing what He says and having His set-apart ways as part of our new Kingdom DNA. Early in human history, God regretted that he had made humankind, because of their wicked and rebellious heart. God’s heart was grieved, and He decided that His Spirit could not keep striving with men, nor live in them anymore. Later in history, a Jewish descendent of David named Yeshua would be born. He would be God’s servant, whom God had chosen; his beloved, with whom God was well pleased and on whom His Spirit would again find rest. The Messiah was characterized as one upon whom “the Spirit of YHWH will rest”. Yes, the Holy Spirit would rest again over a human being, to give him wisdom and understanding, counsel and power, knowledge and fearing of YHWH to carry out His assignment. Yeshua opened again the way! The Holy Spirit would rest on whoever identifies with King Messiah and is ready to live for the sake of His Kingdom and to reign in life (Rom. 5: 17).

Therefore, the Holy Spirit, our personal trainer, is willing to arouse in us: Wisdom, so that we can know HOW to apply Truth in our life, HOW to say things, how to do them, how to think and How to feel according to God’s will. In other words, the Ways of YHWH can become our ways. Understanding, so that our mind can decode Truth. We need a meek mind and a humble spirit for our reasoning to be in line with Heaven. In other words, the Thoughts of YHWH can become our thoughts.

Counsel, so that we can be directed in our conscience to take the healthy path of life. Along the way, we learn to appreciate our potential; we are encouraged and rebuked, warned of dangers and approved for our decisions. Power, so that, expressing our potential, we can overcome our spiritual enemies and be Yeshua’s witnesses, preaching the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven, driving out demons and healing the sick, just as He did. Knowledge, so that we can know WHAT God wants. We can listen to His voice, we can feel His heart, and we can receive the Truth of His Word through our intuition, our inner receiver. Fearing of YHWH, so that we can always prefer to deny ourselves, rather than sinning and be shut out of His Kingdom. The fear of YHWH is the key to all intimacy and communion with the Father. Fearing of God is the core of any good and faithful stewards’ heart. The fearing of YHWH inspired Messiah! Imagine? All that Yeshua did, felt, thought, decided, imagined, remembered as a true man, all was inspired by the fear of YHWH that the Holy Spirit kindled in him. Do we want our whole being and life to be inspired by the Holy Spirit? We have no other choice than to welcome and give room to the fear of YHWH in our heart. Fear can be healthy. It is what God has built in us so that we can be alerted when a danger is at hand. It activates all our potential to avoid that danger and to run or stay into a safe place or position. Thus, the Holy Spirit kindles in us the fear of YHWH so that we can be alerted of the deadly poison of sin and run into the safest place, the place of intimacy with the Father,Yeshua, who is now the Holy of Holies. The gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, power and knowledge are all influenced by how much we fear YHWH. For He is God and without Him we die! ✽

Author Maurizio Tiezzie of Siena, Italy has released his first book in his country and language. Stay tuned for the English Version that is coming to the United States soon!

Maurizio Tiezzi Italy



Kingdom Mindset

Open Eyes 2 Kings 6:15-17 (KJV)

opened and the servant saw that there were more with him than was with the enemy.

And when the servant As I pondered what to write about, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the message he gave me to during our fellowship concerning the Mind of Christ. So I began thinking about how we of the man of God was share can sometimes look at things from the natural instead of the Spiritual seeing life from the soul will and emotions). However, we were not created to live from our soul, the soul was given risen early, and gone (mind, to us to navigate life but we were created spirit to live life from the Spirit. Let’s look at what Paul forth, behold, a host wrote about this revelation: compassed the city both with horses and chariots. Philippians 2:5-6King James Version (KJV) And his servant said unto 5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the him, Alas, my master! how form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: shall we do? What was Paul telling us? He was letting us know that through the new birth we have been 16 And he answered, Fear restored to the mind of God through Christ and that Christ’s mind is now our reality. In the 2 6 account, in the beginning of the chapter you will see many miracles performed by Elisha. not: for they that be with Kings It stands to reason that the servant saw these miracles and the words of the prophet come to us are more than they pass. Though seeing all of this, when the heat was on, he immediately sided with his eyes and that it was hopeless. However the man of God interceded and the servant’s eyes were that be with them. concluded opened. What I am attempting to convey is that we who are now Spirit sons and daughters are 17 longer to live by what we see, but only by what we believe. Life’s situations and circumstances And Elisha prayed, and no will come, but because our minds are renewed to our new identity - the Christ mind, it will cause said, Lord, I pray thee, open us to react, think and speak differently. When we know who we are and whose we are, we will what’s going on inside us, is greater than anything happening on the outside. It is his eyes, that he may see. understand because the Holy Spirit has opened our eyes. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10King James Version (KJV) and he saw: and, behold, 9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered the mountain was full of into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that horses and chariots of love him. 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit fire round about Elisha. searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 15

In this account the enemy came to take out the prophet of God because he kept warning the King of Israel whenever they planned an attack. Therefore they sent out soldiers to capture Elisha and when the servant saw all the chariots, fear immediately gripped him but the man of God prayed that his eyes would be

We don’t have to live like the prophet’s servant; we have something greater than what the servant had. We don’t necessarily need a prophet to pray for us, because we now have the Spirit of God abiding on the inside and it is by His Spirit that we live and move and have our being. We no longer have to view life from survival mode, but we can thrive because we know our identity, purpose and assignment. Our “eyes” are wide open; we can now see! ✽

Anthony Young Kingdom Vision Ministries Intl. Philadelphia



Summer ✻ 2018 to order copies of the book

Leadership and Kingdom Living in Glory Conference June 30 , 2018 - 9am - 4pm Our Church Building JESUS FAITH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES 191 BLISS BRGY. DAANG AMAYA2 TANZA CAVITE

Host: Pastor Lito Grecia

GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Nancy Bocalan International Kingdom Ministries Assembly

what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? 5 You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. 6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: 4

- Psalm 8:4-6

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit... - Ephesians 1:13



the Kingdom Assignment of Jesus Christ Guest Speaker

Dr. Nancy B. Bocalan

Venue: Rotary Center, 2nd Floor Cafe Lucia Sagkahan Street Tacloban City Date: July 7, 2018 - Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Contact Number...09759345664... Pastor Ariel Arce

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6

Kingdom Talk

What in the World is Going On? Are You Paying Attention? Not to long ago I was driving home, and I decided to tune into

NPR radio. The promo said they were going to interview a Christian woman Pastor from a mainstream (major) church. I thought this might be interesting, so I remained tuned in. This Pastor introduces herself and says, “you won’t recognize me as a Pastor if you saw me, I have lots of tattoos, a crew cut, and I drink and cuss like a sailor.” I do not have problems with women, tattoos or hairstyles; but from that point I began to really listen and to wonder, “what in the world is going on!” For 30 minutes she spoke against many of the values Christians hold dear. What Kingdom was she thinking of? She spewed political and social rhetoric, all deeply left, socialistic and humanistic. No Christ, no Christian values, none, just her opinions, woven into political and social dogma. She stated she does not use the bible very much. The stuff she teaches her flock was not church as I know it; it was a new world order devoid of any real Christianity; it was a Humanist religion. I thought of my Pastor’s warnings about the world and 2 Peter 3:17-18; and His grace flowed to me. Not long afterward, I was shopping in Walmart and I overheard a loud conversation from a young lady on her phone that burned my ears. The language she was using was blistering and her girlfriend on the other end was just as bad. They were not angry or fighting, it was their everyday conversation. I was almost knocked off my feet when she asked, “so what time do you want to meet for church Sunday morning?” More grace please! Whose Kingdom are we living in? These two situations were real, but they only scratched the surface of what is going on in the world. Porn, drugs, greed and many acts called sin have been accepted by the secular, humanistic culture we now live in. In case you have not been paying attention, our Judeo/Christian principles are barely holding on by a thread. They have been slowly replaced by secular humanist dogma. Some call it a philosophy, others an ideology; I see it as a religion, where man becomes God. If it feels good do it. No moral compass, no restraint, no objective truth or morality. Which Kingdom do we belong to?

and allowed the worship of Molek. We closed our eyes to build bigger temples, not for worship, but for entertainment and allowed the culture to creep into the church. The church wanted to fit in and be accepted in the culture. We dug a big hole and now its time to climb out and destroy the strongholds we allowed to grow in our society and the church. I believe this is what John the Apostle was trying to tell us in 1 John 4:1-6 when he said, “the antichrist which you may have heard of, and now is, already in the world…” I believe it is time to act and we must begin by having the attitude of the Apostle Paul in Athens. Acts 17:16,”…Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw the city was given over to idols and ❝ Life happens according to Purpose immorality...” and Assignment.❞ Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and keep in mind that we cannot succeed with a divided Kingdom. Man, society and culture should never change wrong to right, remember, God does not change. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. There is only one kingdom that we can support, which is the Kingdom of God, on earth, as it is in heaven! I encourage you, to know your enemy. The bible is the best place to begin. But also know the natural enemy, seeks, searches and digs into what is said about these ideologies, philosophies and religions. Be careful of the source, as many have been coopted like “Wikipedia.” The money trail usually shows the source. The enemy in this case is not all natural! Search the original “Humanist Manifesto 1933” and the subsequent second and third manifestos. They spell out how they are going to defeat our society, institutions and the Church and they have carefully followed their plan. Secular Humanism is exactly what is taught today in our colleges and public schools, where we send our children to learn. Enough said! ✽

The sad part is the church allowed this to happen (not the Real Church, but that’s another message). We gave up our authority for social programs to the government. We turned away from things we believed

Author is Reverend Richard Clark Present Truth Ministries Florida


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