Thy Kingdom Carriers Nov 2018

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IKMA Philippines Conference May 2019

Kingdom Messengers

Philippines Redentor Du Kenya Fidelis Kutah

›› The Poem Anthony Morris North Carolina USA

The Value Professor Winter 2018

ISSN 2164-148X (Print) ISSN 2164-1501 (Online)

Vol 2018 Issue 2

Dr. Kevin Storr Texas, USA

Table of Contents Publisher’s Letter..................................3 The Message.......................................4-5 Kingdom Messengers

Connecting and Uniting His Children Worldwide “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV)

Publisher Nancy B. Bocalan thykingdomcarriers@


Editor and Executive Editor


Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines)


Articles Editor

Italy..................................................9 Philippines.....................................10 Kenya.............................................11 Global Embassy Network....................12

Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas)

Editorial Board Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas)

Creative Design

Women Empowering Corner................13

Julie Rezendes (Florida)

Ecclesia Assembly................................14

Contributing Writers

Kingdom Evangelism..........................15 Value Professor...................................16

Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Maurizio Tiezzi (Italy) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Israel Ikpeka (Nigeria) Eric Supen (Germany) Dr. Pepe Ramnath (Florida) Dr. Leonard Robinson (PA) Nicole Ivory (NC) Mary Brown-Meadows (SC) Rick Kendall (Florida) Redentor Du (Philippines) Fidelis Kutah (Kenya)

Thy Kingdom Carriers Thy Kingdom Carriers | |

All contents copyright 2016 by TKC, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisers.



✻ 2018

Publisher’s Letter His presence is joy and peace and it is where our Inspirits thrive and prosper. The greatest place anyone

can be at this time is in the presence of God. However, God resides in us in the person of the Holy Spirit, where He is one with us and we are one with Him. We may look up to the high heavens as we worship and acknowledge that He is omnipresent, yet it is most delightful to be in solitude in a closet and experience Him in our hearts. There we have access not bound by time, situation or the limitations of this world. God is much more than within our reach, but is already one in us and with us that we become like Him through Christ who poured His nature into us. What a great privilege to those who love Him to be Kingdom and glory carriers; we are being transformed into who He is. He deserves the glory and honor for such a wonderful God like no other is He. In truth, we are in an unchangeable and unshakeable state in His Kingdom. Let us honor and worship the Lord on the inside of us in spirit and in truth, for we are one in and with Him. May you always find yourselves where He is, for all things are well to those whose eyes are stayed on Him.

Blessings to all Nations

Dr. Nancy Bocalan Ambassador of Heaven Philippines/USA



Celebrating Seven Years. Glory be to God!! View the digital magazine online by visiting and you can download the file so you can print it for your copy.

The Message

The Power of the Family

Destroying the Strongholds that binds the fa mily Mark 10:5-9

(New King James Version)

5 AND JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID TO THEM, “BECAUSE OF THE HARDNESS OF YOUR HEART HE WROTE YOU THIS PRECEPT. 6 BUT FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION, GOD ‘MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.’[A] 7 ‘FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, 8 AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH’;[B] SO THEN THEY ARE NO LONGER TWO, BUT ONE FLESH. 9 THEREFORE WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER, LET NOT MAN SEPARATE.” While marriage is the foundation of the family, the family is the foundation of society. Therefore, the condition of our present society is a result of the family. God is all about family. He created a family of humans just to fellowship with him. God has created and designed a family for relationship with him. Our greatest joy and greatest sorrow comes from family and relationships yet we were designed for relationship. We are really family and relationship “addicts”. Every aspect of our being longs for relationship, friendship, companionship and family, because of the design of God. If the family is a reflection of our society, it means that most of our families are out of order and in chaos. An over-protective or under-protective parent prepares their child to break the laws in their homes, which in turn will train them to break the laws in society. The criminalization of our society starts from the rebellion of our children in our homes. The family holds the strength of our society and the strength of our churches depends on what goes on behind the closed doors of its members. If we want strong churches we have to spend time strengthening and building up



✻ 2018

our families. We have to have more programs in our communities and churches that will build stronger families. We teach our sons and daughters how to respect their teachers, civil servants, Pastors and those in authority by the way we treat our wives and husbands behind closed doors. Our children learn to relate and trust God the Father in the same way they relate and trust their earthly Fathers. Husbands and wives learn to become the same type and kind of husbands and wives in the model they saw from their parents while growing up. The family really controls the world. We spend long hours, days, weeks, months and sometimes even years in preparation and planning for a 30 minutes marriage ceremony. After we say I do, the marriage begins and all the luxuries of its challenges and benefits walk right in. We now approach marriage in the same manner we saw our parents and family did over the years. We approach marriage from the school of our parents. Many of us learned great lessons, but unfortunately we learned some wrong things and it has become standards and cultures in our lives and marriages. With the high divorce rates, failure and family breakdown, where are we heading too as a generation and especially as citizens of the kingdom of heaven living on earth? How are we representing the kingdom of heaven on earth? If we are called to bring heaven on earth and be representatives of God’s kingdom on earth, how are we to display such honor and privilege when our own marriages and families are falling apart, failing and losing the battle? Marriage is not just a good idea, but it is God’s idea. It was God who created marriage and so it is Him who determines and knows best how it works. Let us take a journey into the mind and journal of God to find the pearls of marriage. We are going to attempt to learn his principles, concepts and precepts of how marriage and family really does work over the course of the next two months. Marriage is under attack and the family is in danger of extinction. I believe that God has spoken to me to do this for the development of strong, healthy Families and Marriages. Let’s go to another level together with our families. God is a family God and we are his true families called sons and daughters of God. (John 1:12) We are regularly referred to as children of God in the bible. God is interested in the whole family. A family is made up of sons, daughters that are single, separated, divorced, and married. Many of you have families that are divided and distanced as a result of conflicts, disappointments and discouragements. These unresolved issues seem to be ongoing and hopeless causing feeling of sadness, unhappiness and sometimes terrible feelings of depression and anger. These feelings bring disorder into your life and when you are out of order the entire family is out of order and society feels the effects of it. Some of you have been praying for years and nothing seems to be working to resolve these differences. You have tried talking, reasoning and every method of resolution but nothing seemed to work. This has brought great frustrations, anguish and feelings of hopelessness that overwhelm you. We must realize that whatever God loves the enemy of God will try everything within his power to destroy it. God loves families; therefore it is natural for the enemy to work against your family. Unfortunately our families do not understand the workings of satan and suffer terribly for the lack knowledge. Here are three starters for strengthening your Family

Royal Rulers in Training Ministry

1 Play the word of God in your house daily and especially when your children are asleep. The devil cannot come into the church because of the word of God being preached, this is why you feel so safe and peaceful when you come to church. Jesus said in Hebrews 10:25 “25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

2 Your family will experience greater victory when you attend church regularly. The word of God grows in you and the strongman that has been defeating your family and marriage will be destroyed.The greatest time a family can spend together is in the house of God. I encourage you to travel, go to the movies, go to the parks, have barbecues, have fun together; but DO NOT prioritize these things IN FRONT OF YOUR CHURCH ASSEMBLING TOGETHER AS A FAMILY.

3 It is very important that you spend time together and have fun with

your family but if you start feeling hopelessness, despair and fear, it may be an indication that you are losing the battle in the spirit. You may be already be experiencing feelings of hopelessness, fear or despair while you are among your husband, wife, children and family; this is an indication that your spiritual life is low. Raise it back up to where it should be through pray, fasting, reading the word of God and attending the church of Jesus Christ.

Acts 4:31 “And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Psalms 92:13 “Those that are planted in the HOUSE of the LORD (CHURCH) shall FLOURISH in the courts of our God” We understand that the word of God is our greatest weapon against satan and ignorance in our families. He gave us authority and power over every strongman that holds our family under bondage. Luke 10:17-19 “17Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” 18And He said to them,“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” I would like for you to send in your questions on marriage by e-mail so that we can answer your concerns in our weekly classes and or by e-mail. Let me know a topic that you will like me to discuss on family and marriage. ✽

Please send these questions directly to my private e-mail: Pepe Ramnath, PhD Miramar, Florida

This ministry is a Kingdom-based ministry charged with the responsibility of influencing, impacting, and transforming the world around us. This ministry has a Kingdom culture atmosphere, where we cultivate kingdom mindsets because we are sent to colonize the earth with the Kingdom of Heaven according to Matthew 24:14. The aim is to present the world the full Gospel (Good News) of the Kingdom of God, which is the only way to present them thoroughly furnished according to (II Tim. 3:17). Here is my question. How they will obtain the Kings DNA except the incorruptible seed of the Kingdom be planted in them? This occurs through the kingdom mandate in Matthew 6:33 where we are taught to decode the kingdom and manifest it by living a Kingdom lifestyle, renewing the spirit of our mind (Romans 12:2; Eph. 4:23) and through learning and Understanding. The reason the Kingdom message resonates in our spirit is because our spirits have been programmed for the Kingdom. The what and how to appropriate the Kingdom, is taught line upon line, precept upon precept which assists in our understanding. As Kingdom citizens we will discover that we are a Chosen Generation, Royal Priesthood, a Peculiar People as we learn our identity. This is vitally important, because identity in the kingdom connects us with our purpose and the spiritual gifts connected with your assignment on earth.

Ambassador Odiela Jackson Philadelphia,USA

Kingdom Messengers USA

Unity In The Community The Bible tells us it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell

together in unity! We see from this that God desires for believers to live together in unity. The book of Psalm says it is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, Running down on the edges of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing Life forevermore. Everybody talks about unity, but do we really understand it from God’s perspective? Have you ever thought about what God has to say about unity? Do you know how many times the term “unity” is found in the New Testament? The answer is five times! However, in the Old Testament, the word for “unity” appears close to one thousand times. The Hebrew word for unity is echad and it refers to one-ness in reference to the nature and character of God and to Man’s relationship with God. It’s a built in connection to God; this word can only correctly be applied within a spiritual context, not a physical or earthly context. The Greek word for unity is henotes and while it does mean unity, the meaning is different than the Hebrew echad. The Greek word Henotes means unity of unanimous agreement among others, rather than oneness. Echad has the idea of being organically connected to something (in this case God) and growing together. The result is an unbreakable union that creates wholeness. Do you remember the Biblical definition of holiness? Holiness is wholeness or completeness, also being without defects. Now the problem we face is that there really isn’t an appropriate Greek word for the Hebrew echad. While the Greek word henotes might come close, it doesn’t quite capture the Hebrew principle of echad. Let’s sharpen each other here. In the New Testament, in every instance where unity is called for, it is referring to man’s relationship with God, not with other men. That’s right. The concept of echad is about each individual’s union with God. There is no true unity without God. Unity flows from God to man, not from believer to believer. Whatever unity there is to be between men, must flow through God. Think of God as being like the hub of a spoked wheel. He is the central point to which all believers are connected, and note that the spokes of a hubbed wheel aren’t connected with each other. Any unity that exists between the spokes is because they are connected to the hub or (God).

So let us reason together. The true Biblical concept of unity is not about congregation members having to agree with each other on various issues. Instead, the Biblical concept of echad is about coming into union with mind and person of God. Homothymadón (“of the same passion”) describes people who share “like precious faith,” creating a Godproduced unity between them (2 Pet 1:1, 2). Here they “have the same mind” (the Lord’s thoughts) because each receives the same revelation of His Word.You can see this powerful application of (homothymadón - of the same passion) in Acts 1:14, 2:1, 46, 4:24, 5:12, 8:6. (Wuest Greek Word Studies)

❝ The purpose of unity is that we glorify God.❞

John 17:21 says: That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The purpose of unity is that we glorify God. (Rom. 15:5-6). Unity is the fitting together of different parts in a way that enables us to complement each other, to be more complete, and to show the bigger picture; not that we work together on the same cause or that we totally agree on all issues. (Eph. 2:10-22; Acts 15:5-11). The source of unity comes in accepting one another just as Christ accepted us. (Rom. 5:8-10) In closing, we have an example of unity; it is what we see among the Trinity. (John. 17:11). We have the foundation of unity which is love. This will help us to become more unified as we operate in the community (Colossians 3:12-13). We are called to serve one another, in so doing, we will see the evidence of unity as we live out the one-another commands of Scripture in the community of believers. Unity within the body of believers is God glorifying. Jesus prayed that His people would be one just as He and the Father are one, in order that the world would believe the Father sent Christ. ✽

Elder Mary Meadows USA



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Kingdom Messengers Nigeria

Theme: The Kingdom Community/ One Body/Kingdom Family. A critical look at our theme reveals

three serious components, The Kingdom Community, One Body and the Kingdom Family. A community talks about all the people who live in a particular area or place and in this verse, “The Kingdom Community” indicates people of the Kingdom of God wherever they are found on this planet independent of creed, color, political affiliations and denominational backgrounds. We are ONE BODY and ONE FAMILY, the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans Chapter 12, “... for I say through the grace given me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith, for as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office, so we being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members of another” (Romans 12:3-4). Because of

brethren.” Also, in Acts 2:42-47, “...and they continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and in prayers... and sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men, as every man had

❝ ...for I say through the grace given me, to every man

that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think... ❞

space, I encourage the readers to also read verses 9-21. In the Book of Acts 1:13-14 we read, “...these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his

need.” I want the reader to judge whether the lifestyle of the apostolic believers is the same as our generation. I think that there is a great

difference and believe they cared, whereas, we are selfish. Let us return to the apostolic lifestyle and work not to serve in vain to avoid being told by the King of our Kingdom, Jesus Christ,” get thee behind me for I know you not.” In 1 Corinthians 12:12, 26, “For as the body is one, and hath many members... And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it...” Are you enjoying being alone and careless about other members of the family of the Kingdom of our God? If so, repent now and amend your ways. God bless you all in Jesus name as you return to the apostolic lifestyle. Amen ✽

Randy Lynden Lundy Author in Nassau Bahamas



Kingdom Messengers Germany

God’s Agent of Change: The Church God is building His Church (Ecclesia), and the gates of Hades (the

Powers of the Grave) shall not prevail against it (see Matt. 16:17-19). As God’s agent of change, the Ecclesia is called to make a heavenly sound to silence the voices of deception, destruction, and death, and to act in ways which establishes the Kingdom of God in every sphere of society. Throughout history, God uses a community of people to establish His purpose on earth and over all of His creation. He does this through the Church, which is His body. In every nation, the body of Christ is recognized by denominations or other forms through which it fulfills its part of God’s grand purpose. “The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head” (1 Corinthians 12:12, emphasis mine). As each church fulfills its calling, collectively and in unity, the body of Christ is meant to fulfill God’s purpose for all of life. When each church understands it belongs to the body of Christ, it empowers us to avoid the trap of the enemy to divide. Each church should decide how it can work in unity with other churches to fulfill God’s purpose for its village, town, city or nation. Unity is a powerful Kingdom strategy which empowers the church to be a potent agent of change in society. The Church, which is the Body of Christ, can be a powerful agent of change as each part of the body works with united vision and purpose to accomplish great things.

“The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you” (1 Corinthians 12:21, emphasis mine)! The enemy of our souls knows the power of unity. That is why he tries to divide the body. Irrespective of form, our goal should be to work together to fulfill God’s purpose. This kind of Kingdom mindset eliminates competition, pride, and division in the body. The reality we face globally as the Church of Jesus Christ is that we need each other. No one church can fulfill God’s grand purpose alone. We should consider how to stir up one another to love and to do good works (see Heb. 10:24).

“So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthian 12:25, 26, emphasis mine).

❝ In other words, each church should think of honoring other

parts of the body in love, irrespective of its form or denomination because when one part suffers, all suffer together. ❞ The Bible says we should seek out and operate from the most excellent way (see 1 Corinthians 12:31). The most excellent way is love! In other words, each church should think of honoring other parts of the body in love, irrespective of its form or denomination because when one part suffers, all suffer together. Each part of the body in villages, towns, cities, regions, nations and globally is unique in its makeup and calling to impact its vicinity. “And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself ], (Ephesians 1:22, 23. emphasis mine). It is through His body (the church, Ecclesia) that God wants to express His fullness in all aspects of a village, town, city, region or nation. God wants to exercise His headship, rule, and dominion through His body. As we understand our role in society and effectively carry it out, the Bible says, God will make everything complete and fill everything everywhere with Himself through His body, which is the Church of Jesus Christ. This is the means by which heaven invades and transforms earth! ✽ Eric N. Supen Author and speaker, Nigeria and Germany



✻ 2018

Kingdom Messengers Italy

Why to be Part of the Kingdom Community of Yeshua? We often use the word community without really pondering

on its very deep meaning. The concept of community generally refers to a group of people whose members share common identity, character, values, attitudes, interests and culture. Yeshua the Messiah said that he would build his own community and since then he has been building people belonging to him, founded upon his identity and his very person (Mt. 16, 18). The Messiah, the King of the Jews and the head of the universal church is the only, common identity, character, values, attitudes, interests and culture that each, and all members of his community share. This is why the Community of Yeshua is a Kingdom community. It is distinguished from any other group of people on earth because of the King to which it belongs, whom has the life in itself and in each of its members. The Kingdom community is therefore a royal, set apart people, to which its King offered an everlasting new covenant (Jer. 31: 33-34) to each member and all collectively:

   

A new divine nature, inclined to do good; Intimacy with God at the point of knowing what he likes or dislikes; Forgiveness of wickedness, and Deletion of any sins.

Based on what is granted to, and common among His Kingdom community members, the last instruction that Yeshua left them was to love one another as he has loved his community. In other words, just as the new covenant works on the vertical plane, Yeshua affirms that it also works on the horizontal plane.

In the Kingdom of God: 1. People are inclined to do good to each other, are able to be intimate with one another, dropping off defenses, expectations and offenses, and cannot avoid to forgive wickedness, if any, and however to even delete any transgression against them.

2. The Spirit of God rests upon the community members, God’s words is always in their mouth (as a sign of the fullness of their heart) and generational transfer is granted (Is. 59, 21). 3. All members of God’s people are given singleness of heart and singleness of purpose, so that they fear God forever (Jer. 32, 39); 4. God never turns away from his community, so as to do good to it (Jer. 32,40), and in order to avoid that his community will not leave him, God puts the fear of him in the hearts of the community members. I briefly tried to describe what the Kingdom community of which I am a part. I also wanted to illustrate shortly how this community lives and what is the result of its corporative life. I want again to point out that it is all about God and his goodness and not about us. We can only accept to belong to Him and do what He says. I now want to end by praying that whoever reads these few words may desire to seek first God’s Kingdom and righteousness. If you want to enter the community of Yeshua, know that the Spirit of God will rest upon you and your heart will be full of his instruction; and you will be inclined to do good and have intimacy with God and the other community members. Moreover, your sins will be remembered no more because they will be forgiven, in the same way you will forgive others and not remember their offenses. If instead, you are already a member of this community, but you have been temporarily distracted, keep trusting in the King and His word, for it is true and lasts forever. What is the key to being a part of the kingdom community of Yeshua and keep being part of it? What is the key to generational transfer of faith and citizenship? Fear God and keep fearing him! If we do not fear God, eventually we will leave Him; we will not able to experience mutual love on earth and one day we will have to face his righteous judgment for eternity without an advocate to defend us, nor righteousness to claim.

Do you want to be part of God’s kingdom? ✽

Maurizio Tiezzi Italy



Kingdom Messengers Philippines

Kingdom Community I BELIEVE THE GREATEST MOTIVATION AND DESIRE OF GOD IS FOR HIS OFFSPRING AND PEOPLE TO BE ONE, JUST AS GOD THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT ARE ONE. Today, no matter what nationality, race or color, we all have received the God given abilities in Christ to enter relationship with Him. However, religion and denominations adhering to beliefs and traditions of men have divided seekers of God more than ever. On the other hand, the resurgence in the teaching and preaching of the true and authentic good news or Gospel of the Kingdom of God which has intensified in recent years has brought boldness, comfort and encouragement to His chosen people. The Generals, Ambassadors and Citizens of the Kingdom of God, through the move and inspiration of the Holy Spirit have performed a laudable task by bringing into the open, the right concept of the Kingdom mandate by prioritizing the message of our Creator, Owner and Anointed King.

❝ ...preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God into the whole world as a testimony and witness to all the nations and then the end will come ❞

Indeed the work of the Governor- the Holy Spirit is being manifested clearly and powerfully in our present day and age. The carrying out and implementation of God’s plan and purpose in “preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God into the whole world as a testimony and witness to all the nations and then the end will come” is

advancing more and more, and continues to produce a citizenry of people in every part of the globe. Kingdom Communities are sprouting, after receiving the revelatory knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom message and are functioning as genuine instruments and representatives of God’s hand. The simplicity of the Gospel of Christ, side by side with the intricacies of God’s divine plan for man will definitely come to full fruition according to His pre-ordained season and time. People and the nations who have responded to the call of God even in the midst of trials and tests, will be gathered back as one into our inheritance - the Kingdom of Heaven in Earth. Together, we will dwell, rule and reign as kings in that “delightful place”, with unhindered communion and fellowship with our unchanging God in His unshakeable Kingdom, now and forever. ✽

Author Redentor Du Antipolo, Philippines



✻ 2018

Kingdom Messengers Kenya

Kingdom Thinking NOT Single Thinking Matthew 13:24-33 The purpose of my topic is to share how to establish and build the Kingdom of God; i.e. “How to implement His plan here on earth.”

The word Kingdom means the domain of a king. In Mark 3:24, Jesus said “my Kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now, my Kingdom is not from here.” Because we are in Jesus and He is in us, we also are not of this world. So our thinking must not be like the people of this world, but on a higher level and therefore we must think engage in “Kingdom Thinking.” Usually when a person enters the Kingdom of God by being born again, they have a strong desire to serve God by establishing and building His Kingdom on the earth. As time progresses, many Christians who grow in ministry positions easily forget their original desire to build God’s Kingdom and instead work to build their own kingdoms.The Bible warns us that we should not forget who made us successful and prosperous, Deuteronomy 8:18-19. Why does this happen? When a person initially comes to know Christ, they are humble and very thankful. But as time passes, pride enters their lives and ministry causes them to lose focus. As Jesus grew, His mind or thinking was always Kingdom thinking and not single thinking. He was not thinking about His own ministry, or becoming successful and large; instead He thought about His Father’s Kingdom becoming large and spreading over the earth, John 6:38, Luke 2:49. This is why He commanded us to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth, Matthew 28:18-20. The Kingdom of God is much greater than any other kingdom or emperor which has ever and will ever exist because it encompasses the natural and the supernatural. Also, it encompasses all creation, including those in heaven and on earth, Matthew 6:10, Romans 14:17. Anyone truly born again by the Spirit of God has a new citizenship while still living on this earth. Remember, we have dual citizenship: 1. Citizenship of Heaven, 2. Citizenship of your country, Colossians 3:20. The Kingdom of God is within us, Luke 17:20, therefore we must shun divisions and discord in order for us to effectively establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. How do we establish God’s Kingdom here on earth? We can do it with

Pastor Fidelis Kutah Kenya

the help of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:8. We are the witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we have been mandated to spread it to the uttermost parts of the earth, Matthew 28:18-20. In this portion of scripture, we are given the Kingdom mandate to carry out the divine and great commission. All of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, Romans 8:22 and the word Sons, does not exclude daughters. The Bible calls all the saints “sons of God”. We are not only children of God by being born again, but sons of God by manifestation of power and dominion. So the question is, “are you going to be only a child of God,” child here means spiritually immature, or, “are you going to be a son of God by demonstration of power as you establish the Kingdom of God here on earth just like Jesus?”

❝ We are not only children of God by being born again, but sons of God by manifestation of power and dominion. So the question is, “are you going to be only a child of God,” ❞ Finally brethren, a kingdom or house divided against itself cannot stand, Mark 3:24-25, Luke 11:18. The universal church of Christ must stand together and hold hands. The Kingdom of God is established by standing together, having the same mind and taking on the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Holy Spirit of God, help and guide us. Enlighten our understanding so that we can clearly understand the Word and plan of God for our lives, in Jesus’ name - Amen! ✽

Global Embassy Network

Networking Our Nets People have asked me, “Why do you believe in NETWORKING the

community of God’s Kingdom with such a passion?” Well 20 years ago I stepped out of pastoring a local church and embarked into this pioneering of relational unity in Christ, because I am convinced it is the only way we will reach the world effectively. This was expressed as the heart of God when Jesus said; “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” (John 17:21). The apostle Paul went on to say; “Now you are the Body of Christ (one), and members (parts) in particular.” (1Corinthians 12:27). Global networking is being abused for money in world economies, Hollywood stars network for the current cause, and even corrupted militants (who don’t like each other) network for world takeover, but for some reason, the church-world has had difficulty uniting for the spread of the gospel of God’s Kingdom. In most cases we’ve become subcultures. Uniting forces does not mean we all become one ministry, but we are many distinctive ministries resourcing together in the one Headship of Christ. The local church is vital, but then there is also the regional, national and international Body of Christ that needs to link together to be STRONG! Thinking one ministry, one denomination or one man will reach the world is immaturity, and while God will always raise up specific leaders, the goal or the heart of global visionaries will be to equip and cultivate a worldwide community of interconnected champions. Of course we have to be discerning about who we connect to and stand uncompromisingly on the Constitution of God’s Word, but it is an hour when we absolutely must identify the company of saints we can join hands with outside of our own individual walls. I Corinthians 3:9 puts it perfectly; “For we are laborers TOGETHER with God: we are God’s husbandry (garden), we are God’s building.” Being an independent island is dangerous and while it may grow big in numbers for a time, ultimately it results in being a big isolated target for the enemy to hit. WE MUST LEARN HOW TO WORK OUR NETS together NOW and STOP being the guy who stands alone with a single FISHING POLE called “my ministry”. Even personality driven revivals spotlighting “one man” is no longer going to be the focus, and while there are always lead visionaries that spearhead all that God does, it’s a time of greater maturity for the Body of Christ to activate for Kingdom advance. God never repeats Himself, but He is PRO-forward. Progress, process, promotion, and has made us a united citizenship of PROS that colonize the world with the gospel. After the crucifixion of Jesus, some of His disciples, (thinking their cause was dead), went back to their old profession of fishing, and they fished all night catching nothing. Then suddenly a voice from the seashore called out and said; “Cast your net on the right side of your ship, and you will find the fish” (John 21:6).

When they caught nothing all night, who would’ve thought two feet on the other side of the boat was where the fish were hiding? However, when the INNOVATIVE Word of God is released, the results are IMPACTING. When they realized it was Jesus giving the direction, they were astonished not only at the catch, but that Christ had risen! Peter, (the lead fisherman) had gone back to fishing for fish (the past) while The PLAN of GOD actually LAUNCHED forward! There are three things to glean from this, especially for the times we are in.


Concerning the Kingdom of God, when apparent setbacks come, don’t GO BACK to the former familiar or comfortable place, but let the challenge become a transitional place of LAUNCHING forward into the resurrection of a new level of progress.

2. Your decisions never just affect you, but your choices can influence

those around you who are looking for direction in their time of indecision. When Peter told the disciples that he was going back to fishing, they instantly went with him. Returning to old roots got them old results... no fish. Whether you realize it or not, somebody is following your lead.


When it comes to INNOVATIVE progress, NETWORKING is the only way to handle the results. No one man could handle the boat sinking load alone just as no one man or woman can reach the whole world alone. So it’s a matter of... TRANSITION (innovation), TIMING (to the Word), and TEAMWORK which equals a harvest of TREASURE multiplied! NETWORKING is many WORKING multiple NETS together. One can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand to flight (Deuteronomy 32:30). At the innovative Word of Jesus these men had to abandon their old mindsets of the past and TOGETHER work in one accord to shape their skills into a NEW DIMENSION of networking. Conventional “lone ranger” thinking is the biggest hindrance to INNOVATIVE revelation. The foundation of God is not a camp ground, but a LAUNCHING PAD to the construction of the house, God is cultivating. In this day and hour, I wonder if God is calling out to you to stop working the old side of the boat all by yourself and launch out into discovery of the SIDE that takes you into new paradigms of PROGRESS in sync with others called to compliment your assignment. True Kingdom citizens don’t form clicks or sub-cultural camps, but find ministers, business people and leaders who have their significant and unique assignments but are not intimidated to combine strengths together as a local, regional and global TEAM that WORK NETS which brings an impact felt around the world! ✽ Dr. Rick Kendall Global Embassy Network Florida



✻ 2018

Women Empowering Corner



Ambassador Nicole Ivory The Bridge Ministries, High Point NC


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Ecclesia Assembly

The Art of Dying Put me on a canvas. No! Make me a canvas, so that I can become your latest masterpiece of Death. An art form, not popular not trending or trendy not common. An artform avoided almost at all cost. An artform more beautiful than life itself, more beautiful than Van Gogh’s Mona Lisa, Da Vinci’s Sistine Chapel; and more beautiful and valuable than the entire collection of Rembrandt. But humanities blinded eyes; seeing they see not, the beauty of the finest and divine work of art that can transform lives. The only artform that once seen once realized robs death of its power. Make me a canvas. I willingly give you the brush; I’ve held on to for far too long, painting disaster after disaster trying to create my very own masterpiece of life that only renders Death, Sin, Calamity and Tragedy

I offer myself as your canvas. Let the crimson that you shed when you bled become the primer that blots out the stain that my sinful life edged into the canvas. The brush is yours; and I know that even when the brush strokes of calamity Pain and tragedy hit the canvas of my life you are turning ashes into beauty; working it all out to produce a masterpiece of death that destroys death and renders life. So I take up my cross crucify my flesh die daily and give myself as a living sacrifice; mortifying the deeds of the body. I submit to your rule, I repent and take as my own the mind of Christ. I die to my own ideology, even man’s theology and I die- I die to religion and a religious mentality I die to my own ambitions, my own will and I seek the will of the heavenly King-Jesus

I chose and decree; determine in my mind to make your Kingdom and Righteousness my number one priority My number one pursuit I guard my mind with diligence against the contaminants on the world’s system and I cast down every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge to Christ I refuse to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind I intentionally pray and spend time in prayer I intentionally read and study the word of God and intentionally apply that which is revealed by the spirit in the spirit to my life that I intentionally give away. I intentionally spend time meditating and listening; just basking in his presence, his presence, his transforming presence that turn death into life. The life that I now live in the flesh-dying. The life that is crucified with Christ-dying. The life I give as a canvas, I live by faith-dying. Totally submitted total submitted dead to the world, sin and my flesh-dying; becoming a beautiful masterpiece of death, as I die daily. ✽

ANTHONY MORRIS Awakened to Awaken North Carolina, USA



✻ 2018

Kingdom Evangelism

Kingdom Focused Evangelism When one begins to study Kingdom Focused Evangelism, it

We should have the same mind that Christ had. When we engage the lost it should not be about our reputation, instead about the salvation of the lost. We should be as a servant with a motivation to “serve” Jesus Christ to the lost. Everything we do when engaging the lost in Kingdom Focused Evangelism should be done in a spirit of humility, not arrogance or pride.

Consider Acts 1:8 which reads,“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” God has given us the dunamis power by way of The Holy Ghost, which is the potential to be a witness for Him. The scope of Kingdom Focused Evangelism encompasses those that are close to you in your sphere of influence and extends to the entire world.

Encapsulated within the holy scriptures is a practical example of Kingdom Focused Evangelism practiced by the apostles themselves. They displayed the ideas of making themselves of no reputation, servanthood, and humility. 1 Thessalonians 2:7 says, “But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: 8 So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.”

becomes clear that it is not a choice, it is not an option, and it is not a suggestion. However, in many institutions, and churches around the world, Evangelism is taught as a choice. This is an erroneous view concerning the importance of Evangelism which is the very heart of God. The scriptures plainly speak to and exhibit this infallible truth.

Kingdom focused Evangelism is actually the reason Jesus came to this earth. God’s love for the lost surpasses any other love known to mankind. For mankind to be in a lost state hurts the heart of God more than we can realize. According to the scripture, John 3:16 reads “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The Love that God has for the lost caused him to give. In continuing to support the fact of God’s love for the lost, and His longing to save the lost, Luke 19:10 reads, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” It is undeniably evident that God’s love for the lost is very strong and Kingdom focused Evangelism is at the heart of God. Contained in the scriptures is also a beautiful approach in how we as Kingdom citizens should engage the lost. Philipians Chapter 2 is a very compelling and theological scripture that talks about the “kenosis” or “the pouring out” of Christ. However, my natural proclivity to see the scriptures from the aspect of Kingdom Focused Evangelism plainly gives us a Kingdom strategy to engage the lost. Verse 5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

Paul displayed the love of God while engaging the church at Thessalonica who were at one time lost. He dealt with them as gentle as a nurse would with a child. The apostles not only wanted to give them the gospel, but they wanted to impart their very soul into them. Because Jesus Christ loved the apostles, they wanted to give them the same love they had experienced from Christ.

❝ God loved us to the point He gave, so we

also should be able to give our time, effort, and resources to see the lost saved.❞ In conclusion, Kingdom Focused Evangelism is not a choice or an option that we as Kingdom citizens can choose to do, or not to do, it is a command. God loved us to the point He gave, so we also should be able to give our time, effort, and resources to see the lost saved. We must also be very cognizant to have the mind of Christ as we engage the lost. There should be no place for egotism or high-mindedness in the make-up of the new man which is in Christ Jesus. Let us go forth and be witnesses! LETS GO!!! ✽

Lynva Masselino Lead Pastor at The Kingdom Impact Center Panama City Florida


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Value Professor

Preparing to Present the Kingdom Our world, immediate and at large goes through phases. These

phases encompass entertainment, health, education, philosophies and church emphasis. For example, in regards to entertainment there was a time when western films were in vogue, or disco was the music of choice. Do you recall when the Atkins Diet was all we talked about? Even restaurants had Atkins on their menu. Changes in education and how we approach learning has evolved over the decades as there is always a search for improving the underemphasized, undiscovered and underperforming. In the Church over the centuries we have seen the emphasis adjust from questions on the Deity of Christ, what constitutes the Canon of Scripture, Justification, the Present Day Working of the Holy Spirit, Healing, Prosperity and several other topics. Today in the Church, especially in the non-denominational sector the emphasis is aligning with instruction on the Kingdom. I have listened to countess presentations and read equal amounts of presentations on the Kingdom. Many of these tend to be the regurgitation of material or trivial interpretations of the subject. As a Professor, to introduce the Kingdom, my studies would take on the following form. In presenting this, I am not seeking to provide a treatise of the Kingdom; instead an overview of what I believe to be essential topics which must be explored to properly understand and present the Kingdom. This is not meant to be exhaustive, but instead provide an introductory trail to the Biblical presentation of the Kingdom.

Introduction The Introduction forms the bedrock upon which we construct the Kingdom edifice. The study of the topic Kingdom should include the answer to these questions.

1. Where is the word Kingdom used throughout the Bible? 2. What are the unique classifications of the usage of the word Kingdom in the Bible?

 Are any of the classifications unique to the Old Testament?  Are any of the classifications unique to the New Testament?  Are any of the classifications unique to specific books?  Are any of the classifications unique to specific authors?  Are any of the classifications secular? 16


✻ 2018

 Are any religiously motivated? 3. What is the etymology and definition of the word Kingdom as presented in the Biblical languages, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek? 4. What is the etymology and definition of Kingdom in the language of the student? Compare and contrast these definitions with the definitions in the Biblical language.

5. What is the usage and definition of Kingdom during the era of

the Bible in a non-biblical context? This would involve non-biblical references.

6. What are the comparisons and contrasts of the usage of the word Kingdom using the Bible and non-biblical sources?

7. In tracing the word Kingdom through the Biblical timeline can we detect an evolution in the usage of the term?

8. How old is the Kingdom? Does it have a beginning and or does it end or transition into another order.

From these unique classifications, etymology, comparisons, contrasts, and eras we synthesize a Biblical definition of the Kingdom.

Focus on the Kingdom From the introductory questions and answers we now pick up interpretive information about the Kingdom. The following questions are foundation for the continued formulation of the Kingdom subject.

1. How is the Kingdom Biblically communicated? 2. What are the main Biblical characteristics of the Kingdom? 3. Who are the main proponents of the Kingdom? 4. What uniqueness can be gleaned from their presentations? 5. John the Baptist and the Kingdom 6. Jesus and the Kingdom 7. Paul and the Kingdom 8. The Kingdom in the Gospels

9. The Kingdom in the Gospel of Matthew

2. How do citizen members display their association or affiliation with the Kingdom?

10. The Kingdom in the Parables

3. What is the Kingdom’s expectation of its citizen members?

11. The God of the Kingdom

4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom Citizen’s life?

12. The King of the Kingdom 13. In Kingdom phraseology the New Testament presents the terms Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God. Compare and contrast the two terms.

14. Compare and contrast the Kingdom with the Church? Interpreting the Kingdom is understanding the observations and definition of the Kingdom. To understand is to submit to the same perspective that is observed. This goes beyond rehearsing what is read, seen or taught. It speaks to mindset, purpose and intent. For example, we are we are told there is a Kingdom, however understanding would be knowing why and how that Kingdom exists and functions.

Living the Kingdom

With the information provided in our introduction and focus studies, we can know present a practicum on living the Kingdom. Prior to the practice of the Kingdom we must have knowledge and understanding of its content.

1. How does one become associated or identified with the Kingdom?

5. What are the metrics for effective Kingdom Living? It is from this basis that an efficient Theology of the Kingdom may be presented through which we can tackle issues both complex and simple related to every area of life. Here are a few:

1. What is the Kingdom’s perspective on dealing with irresponsible government?

2. What is the Kingdom’s perspective on dealing with social issues? 3. What is the Kingdom’s perspective on dealing with ethics in science?

To become a citizen of the Kingdom does not require great depth of understanding, however to live and effectively promote the truths, virtues and impact of the Kingdom as determined by its King requires knowledge, understanding, wisdom and ability inherent in the structure of the Kingdom. The presented information may seem daunting at first, however, for those of us who would be teachers, it is a necessary beginning to being impactful and prepared to declare, “The Kingdom of God is at Hand!” ✽

Professor Kevin Storr Pastor, “The Impact Center” Cypress Texas

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Dr. Nancy Bocalan Florida

Apostle Rodney and Norys Balllenger South Carolina



T H E W 2 4:1

Elder Mary Brown-Meadows South Carolina


Pastor Corey Jewell Taylor Alabama


Dr. Pepe Ramnath -







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